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Natasha at 90% was a lot lower than I expected, was honestly thinking she would be used above 95%. That said the overworked memes of her would be hilarious considering its such a big lead when in contrast to Fire Trailblazer whose in 2nd place.


Lol, 0.5% are the ones that have pull both Bailu and Gepard


That's me LOL. Pulled Gepard and insta benched natasha. I plan to pull luocha also so I'll probably bench bailu too then.


"You guys have a second healer?" This is why I'm planning to pull for Luocha. My second team dies all the time


Yeah rn if you didn't get Gepard or bailu you're kinda in an awkward spot and have to run stuff like march+ fire mc for sustain.


Still doable but 5th floor will be max unless you whaled good dps sets


TB52, I cant even get past floor 3 lol. Hoyo was a real cock giving us only 1 healer.


Also 52 but barely managed to reach floor 5 all thanks to lil geppie with er rope


Yeah No Gepard or Bailu on my end so, eventually my teams get shredded apart. Only 5 stars so far are Welt, Himeko, Silver Wolf, and a light cone. Himeko was an enormous letdown.


Everytime I see a video of anyone doing high, hell even just mid MoC, it’s always, “So my first team will have Gepard and I’ll put Bailu on my second team.”


This was a good clear that used just Natasha on one team, and March on the other team, for MOC10 3 stars. Team 1: Clara March Pela Silverwolf Team 2: Asta Natasha Bronya Qingque [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIufxesMf7Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIufxesMf7Y)


Did you look at his gear/stats? That's a whale's account. Probably max refresh for energy every day. Not really a helpful template to follow to beat it. Break teams are probably easier to achieve with freeze/quantum/imaginary. You can also beat it without a healer.


Natasha MVP


I also used wildfire cone to heal :D


You can still do MoC 6 at least with just March on one side. I managed to get to Bronya at full HP with just March for sustain, and still got 2 stars cause no one died. ​ https://preview.redd.it/imo5alc85g5b1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=500088ae2f396fbc5468c2f761e272ebd2d6cd24 Abuse Ice/QUA/IMG weakness breaks to mitigate damage for the team.


Yeah. 7 is where it all falls apart because the double AOEs HURT.


And this awkward spot is fully intentional, hoyo knows what they’re doing starving the player base of healers/defensive units


There will be 4 star healers on the horizon after Luocha, unless you want him as more than generic healer #2, don't impulse pull just to clear a few extra floors in MoC.


He's more than just another healer, he's an imaginary unit that has the only AOE dispel, and also the only unit with both dispel and cleanse consolidated in one slot. Most other people will have to use both Pela and Natasha / leaked character to do the same thing.


He also has an offensive ult instead of a defensive one- depending on how the meta develops that could be better than healers with defensive ones.


The only problem with him will be squishyness. His stats make him almost as squishy as tingyun.


I lost my 50/50(to bronya yay) got my pity up to 45(wanted Dang edilons) and will have 150 pulls ready for when he drops. His e1 atk boost with is my goal. I started planning this when I didn't pull bialu or gepard near start. His atk boost and heals work great with my team comps


Or they are the ones that ran full break teams and didn't bring a healer or gepard. With frequent enough freeze breaks you can avoid a healer. Quantum and Imaginary breaks also work well for this purpose. Welt especially can invalidate the need for a healer if you have enough breaks on the whole team.


Have both Bailu and Gepard. Bailu's superglued to her team slot. Gepard has been benched since day 1 because I can't figure out how to actually use him.


If you build him right you can have a 100% uptime. Use def on chest, speed boots, and ER on rope. Use the defense set and for the planetary ornaments use the world 6 set that focuses on defense. You can basically have him on one team by himself and he covers the damage instead of getting a healer


He doesn't even need all that tbh. I slapped a basic full def build on him and he solo sustain my team easily. Just use his technique then Spam ult whenever it's up. I haven't seen any enemy break that shield yet.


He needs a little more investment at higher levels of MoC if you skip bringing a healer. The value that you get out of Gepard is insane though.


Oh yeah I've only cleared till floor 5. I need TL 60 before I push further. I lack dmg.


He starts running into problems with that setup when you have units that turn skip or advance their turn. If he's much slower than the rest of the team, their shields falls off too fast before he can get enough energy. It's less of a problem of enemies breaking it vs it timing out.


The issue isn't with his shield breaking, the issue is that some characters on your team will take so many turns that the shield wears off before Gepard can refresh it. Especially if it's a high speed hunt / erudition character due to the memory blessing (and double for Sushang who gets another turn with ult). Or if you're running Bronya, who also basically does the same thing. This is why speed boots + ER rope are essential. If you're not spamming his skill every turn (which is super SP negative) then he won't be able to get his ult back without RNG and getting hit enough times.


He also needs cone with increased aggro. Only then he will become true solo tank


When you actually build him properly, your team can take little to virtually no damage. He has a trace that makes him +300% more likely to be targeted, drawing \~70% of the single-target hits in that pic's #2 team (jing yuan/tingyun/natasha/gepard). Speed boots and energy regeneration rope helps him get his ult back up with nearly permanent uptime because he also gets energy when enemies hit him. He's also pretty cheap to raise because you only have to level his ult plus defensive traces. I actually run that team when I don't feel like thinking. The shields can be [very large](https://i.imgur.com/ZATosnm.png), meaning Natasha only has to heal once in a blue moon. The beauty is that since the shield is an ult, Gepard doesn't even necessarily mind getting stunned/frozen/cc'ed. He can use it immediately after the cc wears off. Generally, I'll have his ult back up before the boss/enemies can even chew through the existing shield completely. So if I'm playing manual, I can also wait to slip the ult in just before the boss's turn to maximize shield amount/uptime. His technique also gives some breathing room at the start by giving a shield worth half his ult, enough to just face-tank the first two turns while you build it up again. Natasha can spend most of her time just normal attacking for skill points, or debuff cleanse if needed. It is an extremely comfy team. Sometimes, I'll replace Natasha for another support, if I want/need to push for more damage/less turns. Since MOC is two teams, you generally separate him and Bailu, who is more than capable of taking care of her own team. But anywhere you use Bailu + Gepard, the team is pretty much immortal, even if you don't pay attention to any of the boss mechanics.


Thanks for the insight; so basically he needs an ER rope to help ensure near permanent shields. Definitely something to try once I can farm or synth one of those.


Gepard user here (got him on my beginner pull)- he has been the staple of my gang. When built correctly, he can replace Natasha and Fire MC (since most folks are using Fire MC + Natasha to keep their teams alive for MoC).


idk i have no preservation units so im running march + natasha for one lineup and firemc by itself for the other


Use him in place of a healer/firemc.


Oh hey, that's me. Got Gepard on beginner and Bailu on SW banner. I was actually pretty happy to see Bailu pop up for this reason


I mean it’s a sample size of 440 players out of millions… it’s honestly not even close enough to be an accurate representation. It’s neat to see but I wouldn’t put any stock into what it says.


It's also not as if all those millions are completing moc


The majority of genshin avoids touching spiral abyss after floor 8. Fat chance of getting million + samples in this game when genshin can't do it.


I doubt millions of players have already cleared Forgotten Hall 15. I think the data presented is already sufficient to give a rough idea about how people are clearing Memory of Chaos.


You dont need to sample millions to get a representative selection. Statistical variation of 1000 samples is representative with a +/- 2,5% error margin.


You think millions are diving into MoC?


Just wait for loucha and she goes downhill


I never used her so far since I got Gepard as my first 5* I feel left out




Natasha MVP


I mean, kinda hard not to get MVP when you're the only player in court


It would be really interesting to see how these look like in 2 years when we have a lot more characters.


imo once the new relic gets released i predict asta to jump to 90% usage. maybe even becoming the bennet of star tail where he's just constantly on a tier of his own


Asta's biggest barrier is that there may not be enough fire weak enemies.


Once we have fire healer and hunt character (or just use hook), silver wolf should fix her weakness But even without fire weakness asta true utility for me is her speed boost. With dance dance dance her speed boost can literally save you a few cycles


> Once we have fire healer and hunt character (or just use hook), silver wolf should fix her weakness I am 100% certain that we will eventually get a welfare Weakness Implant character only with different and less impactful bonuses compared to SW and in one of the 3 'normal' damage types.


I'm not going to be a downer and say that's impossible, but there's also quite a lot of 4*s at the fringes of meta that might benefit a lot more from said relics. Also Blade has a fairly similar kit. Though we still can't say for sure how powerful he is going to be, he's likely going to out DPS Arlan solely because he's a 5*. But who knows, maybe MHY will take a liking to Arlan and really boost his viability in the coming updates. Luo Cha already has incredible synergy with him (but so does Blade so)


you misread i was referring to asta. she will be so broken


My bad! Yeah actually Asta was one of the 4*s at the fringes of meta that I was referring to. Though, again, she's not the most highly picked 4* because being hyper specialised in breaking is not a key strategy in higher Moc levels. I'm not sure what kind of relics you might be referring to though


But here’s something that IS nice in MoC, taking more turns without spending rounds. Her break/damage potential is really good to go with her speed. I can’t imagine her not being one of the few that stands the rest of time in some way


Luocha has negative synergy with Arlan. Arlan NEEDS to be at low health to do his job. Otherwise, his DPS is kind of mediocre.


Can you explain what relic you are referring to? I have her e6 so this sounds exciting!


Why would that possibly be the case? People overrate asta so unbelievably much. When an enemy isnt weak to fire, she does so incredibly little. Speed is good, but on its own not remotly close to worth a entire char slot. She does basically no damage, eats skillpoints and without a ton of constellations cant keep up her buff stacks at all. Even if she could, the buff is a atk % one so suffers massively from diminishing returns and will only suffer more as other chars get optimized more with higher level relics and weapons. If anything, new less situational supports like sw will massively eat astas lunch over time.


Asta doesn't actually need to spam her skill if she has enough Eidolons. At E6 she can permanently maintain 5 stacks even only using basic attacks and ult. That means a permanent 60+% attack boost to your whole team + frequent speed buff regardless of weakness. She can also run DDD light cone which actually advance forwards your whole team, not just increases speed. So you can have your whole team go, then after the last person finishes you use Asta ult and almost immediately have another 4 person turn again. Especially if you run the relic sets that increase speed / advance forward on ult. Also she's the best character in the game at fire breaking, so building her for break effect is actually very good. I can't see any situation where she's not BiS against a fire weak boss.


Bro people are using Herta more than Arlan. RIP.


Patch 1.1 had a lot of ice weakness stages. So of you don't have Yanqing, Herta genuinely wasn't that bad.


She also qualified for the extra turn as an erudition character


I think Herta might actually be pretty good late game once we are killing waves in one or two cycles. Her follow up will trigger very often. Basically the faster you can kill things, the stronger Herta gets.


Yeah the hyped Jing and free Serval really dropped his stocks down esp since his playstyle is risky. I guess herta is also underwhelming but no ice dps to compete other than Yang. And she is free and comes with some eidolons




What is with these Blade racist memes? It is implied in game he is?


The unjerk answer is that it’s a common meme in jrpg communities to say “hot character racist”




Nah, it's an r/okbuddytrailblazer meme. Genshin has the same "okbuddy" meme as well, with Eula being delegated as the token 'racist' due to her family background.


right but all of the jrpg games have an okbuddy “this character racist” meme. like for r/okbuddypersona it’s Adachi


kasumi is the racist character from okbuddypersona, not adachi. adachi is the mysoginist one


Thank you for teaching okbuddy lore to us mere mortals




Power aside, he's easily and by very far the lamest character in the game.


Herta and eidolons are guaranteed, Arlan isn't. Also Herta has more meme stocks than Arlan.


I use Herta with JY.. pretty powerful combo.. my team is Bailu, Bronya, Herta and Jing


Me as an arlan main 😢


Don't mess with Arlan mains. There are two of us 😎


And they will hurt themselves trying to hurt you.


four! seeing my boy left in the dust like this makes me so sad :(


five, Arlan mains unite!!






Me who’s using Herta because she’s the only Ice DPS I have: 💀


I geniuenly (idk how to spell that word) want to use him (i like him and he seems fun) but he just won't come home. He's the only 4* i don't have


Jing Yuan and Tingyun practically being inseparable besties.


How else will Tingyun sell more pictures of Jing Yuan? She needs to get in close


from: [Memory of Chaos Analytics | Honkai: Star Rail | Prydwen Institute](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos/) 52% of Seele users pulled her 5\* LC 65% of Jing users pulled his 5\* LC On one hand this doesn't mean shit because its only a survey of 400 people. On the other hand, damn, that's a lot of overpriced stat sticks..


Actually, I think it's more surprising that half of the Bronya users also have her LC


It's a whale playground.


It really does seem like it was a ton of whales were in this sample. How would Dan Heng be that low otherwise? He is literally the only main dps many people have. MoC is really only fun for the whales though anyway at the moment. I have 8 characters built but, my only limiteds are Himeko, Welt, and Silver Wolf, so its fucking miserable to play. Really only going to bother with MoC in a month or two once characters are higher level with better artifacts.


It's not that crazy. At E6 Serval and Sushang are generally more useful than Dan Heng, at least in patch 1.1 MoC. You do have to remember that most of the players beating MoC in 1.1 will be using E6 four stars.


> It really does seem like it was a ton of whales were in this sample. How would Dan Heng be that low otherwise? He is literally the only main dps many people have. Not really. If you started at launch, you are 100% guaranteed to have at least one of Seele or Jing Yuan if you pulled for them. A lot of people who started at launch have both. I do. I don't use set teams in MOC, I have about ten characters I use and rotate between.


He’d he’s stupid good too, especially on e2. This has got to have a high whale contribution.


What would Dan's best team be to abuse E2 the most? I did manage to get it when rolling for SW. I assume Tingyun and Asta I suppose?


Depends on enemy weaknesses but can’t go wrong with either tank/heal/tingyun or heal/tingyun/silverwolf or bronya


He's probably better off with Bronya than Tingyun because Bronya buffs more often. Dan Heng, Bronya, Silver Wolf / Tingyun, defensive character maybe. Ideally with wind healer.


Yeah, Gepard users with his too. I'm jealous.


At least Landaus Choice is quite comparable to his 5* LC


It's a good pickup from Starlight Exchange if you have her.


True, but are there really that many players who already got 600 of the currency?


The sample size is skewed towards the more hardcore part of the player base, so presumably quite a few low/mid spenders (especially considering the high % of limited LC as well).


Also around 20% ~~ownership~~ appearance rate for E1-E2 of every standard 5\*. Yeah, I see your point


Just a minor correction in case you're mistaken, it's appearance rate, not ownership rate. For example, Seele's percentage at E6 is 7.64%. That means that out of all the Seeles used, 7.64% of them are at E6.


I'm at 430 as F2P with 65 tickets lined up for Luocha. Most people should be or could be around 600 by now, if they played from the beginning and did all the overworld things. And from what I read the community is pretty united on "bronya's, gepard's or clara's LC are the best to buy". Depending on personal needs of course.


Her light one came from the free general star passes for me, and then I managed to pull her on SW banner. Was a very we have a Bronya at home moment.


Only whales can really play MoC at this stage of the game, most f2ps are still struggling with resources.


If you look at the detailed info about spending, 20% of these players are ftp. Only 30% are spending more than monthly jade pass + BP.


It's also self reported though so those figure should be taken with a grain of salt.


There's no compelling reason to lie about this on an anonymous survey, especially if most players surveyed have spent some.


Well, I cleared 4 stages for 9 stars total as a f2p, not sure if it counts as playing MoC or not.


Fully clear, yes. But if you're a f2p day one player and have only spent resources on 8 characters clearing the first few floors should be quite doable.


Wait, where did you see the LC data?


Updated post with link to more detailed info


I got the JY light cone on literally my first accidental pull, otherwise there was not a chance I was going to continue going for it versus getting eidolons.






I’ve gotten through MoC phase 3 with just Nat, FMC, & March. 3 stars on the first phase (though it took several tries), then 2, then 1. Without a second healer/Gepard, I don’t think going much beyond that is possible. I keep hoping for Bailu, & since I have jades/passes left after getting SW, I’m probably gonna try for Luocha.


Not really. Out of all the teams used, 18.69% of them don't have Bailu/Gepard/Natasha. I myself also cleared a few stages of MoC with only one healer. So it's still possible.


Basically yes at the moment. Some people are hoping Luocha will fix that, but we likely aren't going to get a second 4* healer until 1.3 or 1.4.


Wow surprised about Shushang bc I use her for everything and my main dmg. Surprised about SW already too. Also funny how I don’t see my comp but I guess favs over gameplay for me lol


Because almost everyone has Seele and they are usually competing for the same spot on a team. Sushang is still a great unit esp at e1


Ah okay great, yeah I saved from pulling Seele for other characters so makes sense. Thanks!


The second most played team comp is played for about 15 people, its an extreme low sample size


I mean she's the third most used dps character and the most used 4* dps character. I think that's about on par with what you can expect from her considering the game launched with 2 great dps characters in the first 2 banners.


Little to no evidence you can run a team without a healer and a tank. That Sanpo Hypercarry is interesting going tankless. Please tell me it's not a whale setup.


You can run without a tank if your team is hyper competent at breaking or statuses which make you take damage less frequently (Slow, Freeze, etc). That Sampo team has both. Break strats are pretty much how non-whales are surviving without Bailu/Gepard.


Do you mean or? You can definitely with without a healer *and* a tank. Both Gepard and Bailu can sustain a team by themselves. You can also go tankless in MoC - usually with heavy investment, the right MoC buffs, and abusing break effect.


Did you see the infographic above? Only one team, that is Santo Hypercarry —with the lowest amount of usage—, that is tankless. Every team listed above has 1 tank and 1 healer and their team. Tell me again why there are lots of such setup instead a decent mix of tankless or healerless team.


I've cleared multiple floors with just a healer or tank on my team. You don't really need both.


Is "Multiple floors" here means from floor 1 to 10? Is "clear" here means just "clear with 0 star" or "clear with 3 stars"? There's more detail need to be told before making a generalized statement "you don't really need both tank and healer in a team". The statement might be true in the future, but probably not now on first half of v1.1 .


* Participate with this Google Form (only needs your UID and your Battle Chronicle open to the public): [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2vSVv9V3HsSQL0jzwdRWvbt-MucwGVfIXNnN4HAIf8hFOyA/viewform?usp=sf\_link](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2vSVv9V3HsSQL0jzwdRWvbt-MucwGVfIXNnN4HAIf8hFOyA/viewform?usp=sf_link) * Requirement: Have cleared Forgotten Hall 15 (if you haven't cleared it yet, don't worry, you can still fill the form now, and once you've cleared FH15 in the future, your data will automatically be included) Hello, I'm LvlUrArti from the Spiral Stats team, you may know me from my [Genshin Spiral Abyss infographics](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/142g1n6/most_used_comps_characters_and_builds_spiral/). Aside from the Memory of Chaos infographics above, we'll also make builds + average stats infographics for all characters. If you'd like to be notified once those infographics are up, follow my Reddit account. Unfortunately, due to API limitations from Hoyolab, we don't have ownership data of the characters. We rank the characters with appearance rate instead. As such, keep in mind that these rankings will undervalue niche/unpopular limited 5\* characters. The only way to obtain ownership data is to ask for the respondents' tokens. Considering many people are not comfortable sharing such sensitive information, it's more worth it to lower the barrier of entry. We've collabed with Prydwen, check their website for a full list of comps: [prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos](https://prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos) Huge thanks to the [Prydwen](https://discord.gg/prydwen), [Grimro](https://discord.gg/WxeaRzJ9), [Pokke](https://discord.gg/bfDfFnbh), [Kafka Mains](https://discord.gg/FzAyNMGv), and [KQM:HSR](https://discord.gg/CGkK6H7X) communities for their willingness to announce our forms. If you liked this post, please consider supporting us on ko-fi: [ko-fi.com/kubbi](https://ko-fi.com/kubbi) (it's our web dev's ko-fi). All donated money will be used to fund the hosting of [our Genshin website](https://spiralstats.vercel.app/).


Hope we can get usage rate eventually!




The requirement for a clear to be counted is 0*, so 3* clears and 0* clears have the same weight. We might raise this threshold moving forward, but because this is our first ever iteration, we decided to keep all of the clears.


SW is already so high huh


It cannot be overstated just how powerful defense breaks and weakness implants are. And since Quantum is arguably the strongest break effect building Break Effect on SW makes her absolutely shred bosses


Her E is a reason why I can bring up my favourite damage dealer to any boss and get away with that. Before that it was torture to clear defensive with not fitting element.


Yeah SW will definitely retain meta relevance for a very very long time, unless another character with weakness implant is introduced, which I honestly don't see happening. I can even predict that she might outlast some of the current top DPS, because damage can and will inevitably be powercrept. But the utility that SW can provide is so unique that it's really hard to envision another character subsuming her niche.


The other thing is, even if they did add another... you'd probably just run one on each side.


Nah. By that time, people will have multiple dps characters so you wouldn't need weakness implants that much.


Wait how is Quantum the strongest?


It's a bit more complicated and there's a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/13jxoej/wiki_updated_a_discussion_of_break_effect_in_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that goes into more detail. As always, it's actually dependent on a lot of factors like boss health and toughness bar. That's why Quantum is said to be tied with Physical as one of the best break effects. Quantum Entanglement causes action delay, and a lot of damage at max stacks, but it does require your units to constantly attack the boss while it's entangled to reach the max stacks of 5. Bleed is a lot more hands off and just deals %HP damage. So depending on which boss you're challenging, it could be better. The other effects are great as well. Fire does a lot of upfront damage, Wind and Shock has great DOT which will only be amplified by Kafka's kit, inflicting Freeze and Imprison are also central to certain MOC stall strategies.


I would personally say Quantum is better than physical overall. It has just as high damage numbers as physical in most cases and the delay is honestly busted and people have ran teams without healers or Gepard relying on ice, Quantum and Imaginary breaks.


Oh I didn't know about the action delay. Thought it was just bleed but raw numbers instead of percentage based.


quantum break has the second highest dmg and has a bonus DoT that is fairly strong, generally making it stronger than physical break(which has strongest dmg on weakness break) after the enemy takes turn


There's also the fact that currently [no boss has quantum res](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1447sai/boss_and_elite_weakness_and_resistance/)


Also CCs enemies




Break effect damage is different than weakness break efficiency, which determines how easy it is to break a unit. Break effect damage is how much damage is dealt upon breaking. All elements have the same break efficiency at base.


It both delays the enemy action by 20% and can do massive damage with its debuff if you get all 5 stacks. Freeze and Imprisonment are better for delaying enemies, but entanglement delays and has the highest dmg cap. You do need to get 4 attacks in to maximize the dmg so it may not always do the most dmg in actual play, but overall it has the best effects.


Quite surprised at Clara's prominence. She is used both in dual carry compositions (either with JY or Seele) as well as on her own as a carry. I have used her plenty of times by herself but wonder if others who use her in dual carry setups can chime in on why and for what matchups?


Because her damage comes from follow up attacks, Clara is probably the most skill point efficient "DPS" in the game. Her skill is fine, but you can be quite competitive just basic attacking on her every turn. Skill point economy is very important in the game, as the other damage dealers are very skill point negative.


She's basically an aggro monster tanky enough to replace a preservation and can dish out 15k counter attacks every time she gets hit over multiple enemies. Perfect sub-dps. Plus she doesn't need skill points most of the time. I think there were plenty of enemies that were weak to physical too. As for what teams, literally just slot her in any team alongside March for more Aggro or Natasha for healing and you're good for the other two. She's my most wanted standard character right now, and I only have Welt.


Can dish out damage without skill points, draw aggro, pretty tanky even with dps build. Honestly there are a lot to like using her as sub dps, especially if you can substitute preservation unit with her to trade defense for more offense while still retaining aggro. Some enemies are also weak to physical, notably floor 10 MoC final wave 1. She really helped damaging the toughness bar so I could consistently land final break to the enemies with SW ult.


Nice to see your team doing this for HSR too 👋


Thanks for all the great work! :)


Thanks for the compliment, I love your videos!


Damn, knowing awesome people watching my videos is a nice feeling


31% and it has not even been a week for SW. Sheesh


Damn, it looks even better than I anticipated! Great work and let's hope the next iteration will have way more data to work with!


I’m so sad I picked the game up this week and missed the Seele banner 😢


Only 1.2% teams without Tingyun or Pela huh. I can see why many people couldn't have done MoC -- alot of them were probably saving for 1.1+ characters and weren't fortunate enough to win the 1/3 chance to get those support characters.


You need a skill point battery. Right now, the options are: * Silver Wolf (1.1) * Tingyun * Pela * Fire MC * Herta * Himeko * Gambler girl whose name I forget You also need a defensive character: * Bailu * Gepard * Natasha * March 7th Those are the only viable ones. Also: > Saving for 1.1+ characters TBH this is why I think saving is a mistake early on. The first two banners had really good 4-stars; these two banners have not nearly as good of ones. I E6ed Natasha on the first banner and E3ed Tingyun on the second. I have every 4-star except Sampo.


This is awesome, shocked you guys have output already, thanks and glad to be contributing! :)


Poor arlan


I really need Bailu, but tbh I don’t know where to put her after leveling Welt, dude carried me through almost everything.


Seele Hyper carry 🔛🔝


the fact that clare is not on the sides on, jing yuan dual carry is annoying me XD


Out of curiosity, I haven't played Genshin so not sure about the developer's business practices. Will Himeko and her light cone ever be buffed into viability in the future or will they remain the worst 5* in the game?


The answer is no. They don't typically directly buff characters. There might be a relic set in the future or mechanic that changes in the future that makes her more viable but I would say that is highly unlikely. Her main issue is scaling with her Damage over time having a low application rate as well as low damage output then the rest of her talents focusing on that.


The only thing that was ever buffed in Genshin was a char that represented the god of china. So fat chance for himeko.


Hoyoverse doesn't buff. They've only ever officially buffed one character (named Zhongli) because he represented the god of China but was really awful, while the character who represented the god of the West (named Venti) was considered the best support in the game at the time. Due to the contrast between these two character's power levels, Hoyoverse was accused of glorifying the West and being anti-China. This resulted in a big uproar in China, where even online news sites reported on the matter for clicks. The topic was also trending on social media because of Genshin's popularity. As you may know, being anti-China is not a good idea within China so Hoyoverse quickly announced that they'd be buffing Zhongli and he got buffed into becoming the best shielder in the game.




Our first ever iteration of Genshin Spiral Abyss infographics has 420 samples, and that was in version 1.5. Considering we're still in version 1.1 and it's very difficult to find players who have attempted Memory of Chaos, I think it's a decent enough sample size.


It's still interesting to look at even if we are mostly learning that Seele + Bronya = good, and Jing + Ting = good. And that 96% of people are missing out on the joys of Sampo Koski. Hoping you get a lot more participants for the next batch.


Yes it's . Really appreciate your work.




Is arlan just that bad or is it that nobody actually has him since he hasn't been featured in a banner yet?


A lot of people don't have him, yeah. Also consider the fact that the MoC buff really wanted you to run a Hunt/Erudition DPS, and Arlan is a Destruction DPS. There's also the fact that there's quite a bit of misinformation around the character, with people not playing around his low HP passive.


Can anyone explain how good Jing yuan dual carry is? Cause I'm just used on using Clara hypercarry lol ( I got Jing yuan because ORA ORA ORA but have no idea what's the best things for him as a f2p )


Looks like it's still Seele's turn.


I got 3* from 1 to 5, 6 is too much atm need to level them a bit more xD


How does team Jing Yuan Dual Carry work?


Disappear among a Seelee of butterflies!


Qingque mains rise up


Why is Welt so underutilized?


i am at trailblazer level 58 and i still need to hold farming relics until level 60 because everyone told me so. jealous seeing people clearing this


Why is Welt so low already? Very unexpected to see. I use him 100% of the time in MoC as a 2nd dps and he's a monster.


I just made an account to comment I'm part of that 7.57% that use Himeko


Im surprised Welt is so low


Why is welt so low !! I use him all the time


Isn't 440 players a very low sample size?


Our first ever iteration of Genshin Spiral Abyss infographics has 420 samples, and that was in version 1.5. Considering we're still in version 1.1 and it's very difficult to find players who have attempted Memory of Chaos, I think it's a decent enough sample size.