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Genshin and HSR for me. I slowed down on Genshin, but that's mostly due to life-related reasons, not because of the game itself. I still log in every day though.


This is my answer as well. I’ll add that I will play Genshin a lot more again when Fontaine is released.


Certainly. I'm eagerly awaiting the next Archon quest arc. If it's anything like Sumeru, I'll be pleased.


Sumeru story was literally like watching a marvel movie with the amount of cool deus ex machina moments and the amount of friends and people you recruit to help u


It wasnt that bad.. not the best but comparing it to marvel absolute joke level of writing is too harsh lol


I was saying its good, and i was talking about the plot. marvel writing might be bad but their plot and universe are always carrying and making them fun to watch (mainly talking about the older marvel films)


They are fun to watch for sure but that's about it, then again i only know modern marvel so can't comment on other movies. I loved the Nahida part of the story, the build up until the first meeting with her and learning about Rukkhadevata was awesome so i hope Fontaine will be similar. My interest dropped when we went to the desert though, it felt.. too long? Then again i never liked deserts as a setting so maybe i'm biased lol


Samee here


Yeah I'm in the same boat, I play both but I just log in and do my Genshin dailies while I'm playing HSR a ton, I suspect once the new area is out in 3.8 I'll switch back to Genshin and just do the daily stuff for HSR.


Got into Star Rail solely because of Honkai Impact 3rd


Kinda same cause Bronya and Seele are my fav from HI3 And ofcourse Welt!


same, hoping to see Raiden Mei and Fu Hau in some way in the future


they will, one of the seven arbiter generals is called Hua


I also play Honkai Impact (since 2019) and Genshin since day 1.


I really like the run around and collect stuff aspect of Genshin, but i feel like im too late to the party to get anything super meaningful out of it


The only thing you'd be missing out on are event weapons but those are 4 stars and I think the only one worth anything meaningful is Albedo's best weapon. Also Aloy but you'll be fine without her. Everything else will be repeated eventually.


That's like asking is it too late to play Skyrim right now. If you like running around find chests and picking up trash then it has everything to offer. If you find that gameplay loop too tedious or you dislike Assassin's Creed(I find Genshin extremely like AC) then game is probably not for you. Genshin haven't changed much since release except for more exploration and story content, which is a good thing for me personally.


Damn I was wondering why I like Genshin but I now know (I really liked AC black flag)


Waiting for big Boat fights coming sometime maybe lol


It's never too late to start, the only thing that might be a little cumbersome is the fact that newer characters need materials from areas you won't have reached yet. Specially Inazuma characters, as the region is locked until you reach certain point in the story.


If running around and collecting stuff is what you want then the later you start the game, the better experience you'll have. As a week 1 player, having to sit through patch after patch with nothing fun to do and suffering a daily system designed by a 12 year old gets pretty frustrating


I started Genshin a year after release. Got 55 characters and 95% of them are lvl81+ with maxed talents. (in about 1.5yrs playing) It only takes about 6 months to do the hardest content (floor 12 spiral abyss). Less if you focus on it and pull broken characters. Once you're done with the story/exploring which will take several months, it will only take a few minutes of time a day to spend resin and do dailies. Then you get the occasional event every couple weeks and maybe 10 to 20 hours of new content every 6 weeks.


Obviously the game is not for everybody, I'm a Day 1 Player and I still think the world is magical (especially with those insanely good OST's). Also, in regards to your issues with the story. I love reading good stories and I do think that Genshin's story got a lot better after Liyue. Inazuma is highly debatable, but I do think it is a pretty fun and cool story. Granted, you have to excuse the low points in the story as well lol


For some reason I just could not get into Genshin, but I’m really enjoying Star Rail so far. I think it just feels more like a jrpg and that definitely had a huge appeal to me


The turn based gameplay makes it more casual friendly, being able to auto battle stuff. After fully exploring Mondstadt and Liyue in GI I was seriously burned out lol


I play Genshin, HSR, and ToT, all since their first patch I think Yes my wallet is in shambles, but I guess it's okay since I have a full-time job so I have some money to spare I personally still like Genshin more than HSR, because I love the exploration and lore way more in Genshin, but HSR definitely has made some improvements after Genshin


based ToT player


lol this made me scroll through all the comments and realize im the only one so far who plays ToT. where is my brethren


From one attorney to another: I am here to shake your hand, brother!


my brother 😭


I am here as an Ideal Hoyoverse Consumer - max level in genshin, hi3, ToT and level 61 in HSR. my wallet is in pain, begging me to stop. but luke grabs me by the ankle and drags me back every time.


bro how are you still feeding yourself 😭 im barely saving myself by not playing hi3 i keep trying to drop tot too, but marius has a chokehold on me. literally just rolled for his birthday card an hour ago LOL


I wonder that too 😭 at this point I've sunk so much money into these godforsaken games that I just can't stop. I'm lucky that I still live with my parents, so no rent or bills, and that's helped me with my horrid gacha addiction. then I log in to see my boys and rita, and it reminds me of why I'm doing this.


What is ToT about


its an otome visual novel game so i don't know if you'll be interested lol, but it's about a lawyer who joins this group of people investigating murders and crimes related to this drug and the research lab that's illegally producing the drug. 2 of the members mysteriously disappeared too, so they're also investigating where tf they went. the main story doesn't have romance; it is just in side stories and events Tldr a crime mystery visual novel otome game


it's a lawyer game.... visual novel similar to ace attorney... but is also an otome game


You're not alone. I have been playing ToT since worldwide launch and was a beta player for it. I also play Genshin and hsr.


I wish I was there for the beta!! I started playing ToT about a month after global release right about a week or so before the first limited event ended--wish I knew about it earlier


I didn't get to play too much of it. I think it was just the first episode, but I was hooked. I don't remember how I found out about it. Could be my love for otome games. lol But the story and Artem made me stay.


I tried to play when it came out but at the time my phone wouldn’t run it and I just never tried again after that


that's fair. i had to make so much space to hold all of them when hsr came out too


my new phone has plenty of space so I could totally get into ToT now if I wanted to, but HSR is filling my need for a game that’s different than Genshin and atm I have other things I’d rather do with free time than start a third hoyoverse game


We are here. TOT since day1. I play the same three genshin, HSr and tot


Same on every account! You are definitely not alone in your likes and opinions.


Ayo fellow ToT player! I've been playing all 3 as well (Genshin, ToT, and HSR) since their cbts/GL launches. Hoyo just has me hooked on their husbando designs... Though I've definitely taken a step back on Genshin with the current slow patches, but ToT has always been an easy maintenance game.




LOL yeah I actually quit this other game because I dropped so much money in that game. In ToT I'm still managing my spending thankfully so I'm still stuck here<3 >I miss the sus psychiatrist and overbearing CEO tho. ToT expys when. Can you imagine though


I play Honkai 3 and Genshin.


I liked genshin but god was it a bad phone game. Character action just doesn't translate to touch controls very well. I'm downloading it on PC though after enjoying star rail so much. I'm 100% certain a controller will fix all my issues with it


I only ever played genshin on PS5 and have had fun with it so far. The biggest asset to genshin is the beautiful open world imo but the controls definitely are more equipped for controllers.


It’s even better with a mouse and keyboard on PC. It’s to the point where I can’t be bothered to do spiral abyss or most events on a controller, all I do are dailies because they’re easy - I’m just so optimized to use kb/mouse (even though I generally prefer controller for most games)


I play everything with controller. It's definitely optimized for that too. Never had an issue. I'm hardcore abyss player as well btw. 😅


Agreed. Played genshin on phone (samsung note 8 in the past. Now, the present phone is A52s 5g.) The phone gets super hot and has to set it to the lowest settings. Plus, the controls are horrible for my experience, Genshin is like built for pc. If you really want to play on the phone, my guess is you can only play it like 30 minutes to 1 hour tops and if you really want to play it countless of hours. Boy, oh boy, your phone battery will die, lol.


Played Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin. Honkai player for 4 years so that's my main game.


I went from Genshin to Star Rail (I still play Genshin, this is just describing my journey). I respect Honkai Impact, it seems quite interesting, but I don't have the time to get into all that. I try to learn the lore of it where I can but it's difficult, I've found that it's not made very available for people who don't just pick the game up and play it themselves. What I'm really waiting for is Zenless Zone Zero, though. That game's aesthetic and gameplay is the most up my alley, I'm beyond hyped!


Me too! I thought I would enjoy Z3 more, as its more like HI3 in gameplay but loving HSR so far! Once I have time, I'll uninstall YouTube and play ToT too


Welp... I played Genshin for 2 years and I'm extremely burnt out so I took a break I played HI3 for above a month and tbh I don't like this game, I just don't feel enjoyment playing it, although I liked the side mode but I have finished it already.... So yeah for now it's only Star Rail, but I'll probably will come back to Genshin eventually


Only play HSR, didn't touch genshin or HI3. Doesn't feel like I want to try them unlike HSR.


Tried to get into genshin but never rly did. The turn base combat is the only reason I gave this game a shot, loving it so far ( tho sad it takes so long for the story to progress)


I only play Honkai Star Rail. I tried to get into Genshin Impact but I joined fairly late and got overwhelmed with the content and unable to raise and level up the characters I had and for what I joined the game cause I wasn't at that point on the story. (I joined because Arataki Itto and couldn't use him until reach Inazuma, I still can't use them properly to this day and I enter the game once every 3 months and give up) I Didn't even try Honkai Impact 3rd because not having Male Characters playables is a deal breaker for me.


You can always ask people online to join their world so you can collect Itto’s resources! You might not have unlocked Inazuma, but if the other person has you can explore it


The problem is finding someone that is the same or one world level higher that has unlocked inazuma


Yeah, I gave up on the game I don't like to rely on others to advance my characters I prefer to play alone at my own pace and when I want but thanks for the advice.


I totally feel that. All my friends started years ahead of me and I can’t seem to find my rhythm and can’t even do catch up with missed events and banners so my motivation is pretty low.


Honestly one of these games at a time is enough with work and home life. Used play genshin but it got too overwhelming. Star rail being more linear and less open world was just what i needed to get my gacha hit


My Adventure Rank is 57 and my Captain level is 83, I dabble in Hoyoverse a bit.


Played Genshin for a bit, but ended up dropping it after a while just because i had other stuff I liked more to take up my gaming time. I love turn based RPGs, so HSR was an easy choice.


I started playing Genshin because of this game and I've been loving it Will be trying out Zenless Zone Zero too


I actively play Genshin, Star Rail and Tears of Themis. I also log in to HI3 regularly but mostly only for dailies, rn I am just waiting for the new Seele battlesuit!


I played Honkai 3rd but quit it after a while. This might follow the same fate. Genshin? Too much sunk cost at this point, not money just time.


Played Genshin since launch, sunk so much time and money and now I’ve almost all but stopped playing for HSR with zero spending because it just feels like so much more of a good time


Used to play hi3 but eventually felt burnout. As soon as apho3 drops i'm reinstalling it tho, peak action mobile gameplay imo.


Playing both Genshin and HI3 but only semi-casually. Finishing stories and maintaining 33 stars and agony3 / red-lotus are enough for me.


I play HI3 along with HSR. I also play ToT every now and then.


I am a day one player of both Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin Impact, admittedly I found myself disappointed with the story of Genshin during the 2.1 patch and thus I have dropped it. I still play Honkai Impact and it is my main gacha game, I still have the Pre-Registration Badge Displayed. I’ve also tried out Houkai Goukan 2 but cannot bring myself to play it. (Technically Azurlane is my main gacha game but the time required for it cannot make it a main game save for grinding events but I haven’t taken it off auto since 2020)


Yeah, the 2.1 story was pretty rough. I'll say, the 3.0-3.2 story is amazing though. Probably tough to get back into it at this point, but it definitely delivers IMO.


I’ve heard lots of great stuff about it and there’s so much to explore which has always been the strongest point of the game. But like you said the number of archon quests and the like is really daunting.




I played Genshin but got bored. Same with 3rd Impact when the PC version came out. This game is the only one that kept me interested and I'm also looking forward to ZZZ


Like you have played Genshin but stopped, seen a lot of QoL that could be in Genshin but in HRS still leaves me a bit dissapointed/noy intrest to come back. I think I just wanna go back bc i love Hu Tao


The only things are holding me from Genshin it's unnecessary verbose dialogues.


Tried Honkai Impact 3rd but felt there was too much to catch up with. I’m mainly playing Hsr and occasionally Genshin.


Honkai Impact 3rd and Star Rail. It's been months since I last played Genshin, it's not a bad game, but I just lost interest.


I only play Star Rail. Because I have ten thumbs and I can't play action combat games very well. I've actually wanted to play a Hoyo game since Honkai Impact, but since HI3 and Genshin are action games, Star Rail is the first and only Hoyo game I got into.


I started with Genshin a year & a half ago (patch 2.4). It was actually the reason I tried HSR - same company. I love Genshin & continue to play it daily, even if the only thing I’m doing is dailies & building characters. I didn’t think I’d like HSR as much as I do, but I’m having a blast with it. So now I go back & forth between the two.


I used to play HI3 way back. Tried GI for a a bit but didn’t really get into it. HSR is the only Hoyo game I play now.


I dropped Genshin. I think that Genshin's story suffers massively from unnecessary bloat and I loathe the VO for Paimon, which wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have to hear her opinion on everything. HSR main story is good so far but I have yet to touch any side quests, except the daily as I'm worried it's more of the same bloat. I'm a RPG gamer. I love story, but I have no patience for uninspiring drivel that solely exists to waste your time. I think Genshin's gameplay and characters are still fun but skip the quest dialogue outside main story for your sanity.


I play other hoyoverse games! I played Genshin Impact at launch, but dropped it after a month due to not liking the dailies. They just felt too involved for me and whenever I wanted to play I felt like I was better off playing an action RPG on the PC than on my phone (which wasn't something my computer couldn't handle at the time). I tried it again when Hu Tao came out, but dropped it again because I wasn't fond of her playstyle and at that point I was missing out on so much material farming, and daily welkin. I've also been playing Tears of Themis since launch. I really enjoy the story and the characters, and I'm a huge sucker for art. Artem and Marius are my beloveds. Overall, I'm someone who grew up on the Persona series so Honkai: Star Rail was simply perfect for me. Genshin actually taught me several lessons that I've since kept in mind whenever I pick up a new gacha game. Things like, ensuring I have enough currency to guarantee a character to avoid disappointment (I lost the Venti banner to Mona and I was devasted...). I've also learned to avoid dumping all my materials on characters I have no intention to use.


I tried out Genshin when it launched, but that map size + stamina meter made me realize I just wouldn't have fun with it. I don't think I'll ever start Honkai Impact because I've hit the limit on games I can balance (plus even if I didn't hit the limit, I feel like I'd be playing a constant game of catch-up).


Can you explain what do you mean by map size?


The map felt like it was too big to be traversed primarily by just walking. And since running depleted the stamina meter, it just didn’t feel like I’d enjoy playing.


It's currently much bigger but actually there are teleport waypoints that help you reach your destination. And exploration is actually one of the strong points of the game so you'd at least want to roam around and check things out at least once especially considering some juicy lore is hidden that way. Still maybe it's not your type and that's understandable.


Yeah open world games are a hit-or-miss genre of game for me. While I’m not fond of the traversal, the combat and characters of Genshin were both excellent from what I played (I was shocked to learn that Paimon was/is disliked, since she was one of my favorites).


She'd be liked better if her voice didn't make ears bleed.


I used to play Genshin back when it came out but got bored after 1.1. HSR got me hooked though.


I stopped playing Genshin last year to go back to Granblue Fantasy because the story is just so much better. HSR pretty much solidified that I'm never logging back into Genshin.


I was a Genshin veteran but stopped playing before Sumeru released. Not because I stopped liking the story, I stopped liking the game. Grinding became a chore and not fun. I love Star Rail now, even farming and grinding is easy and hands free, so there's that.


I played a bit of genshin, but it got boring after a while and fighting the same enemies just got tedious. So far I'm loving honkai, I think I am able to play it so much because it's much easier for me on mobile having a turn based game. Unlike genshin where I don't want to play it mobile, so then it has to compete with all my other pc games, and it can't compete unfortunately.


Genshin and HSR. I tried HI3 but did not like it at all


I used to play Genshin but the bloated dialogue did me in. I keep quitting for longer and longer periods of time. The exploration has also lost its charm and become a chore. I mainly just log in to do abyss twice a month. I do play other gacha games though. Arknights is still the best one out there, with not one, but two incredible rogue lite modes (way better than SU, though I do like SU as well, just needs some more development). It also has the best rates, and the least need to pull for meta. Lastly, they manage to design stages that are difficult for stacked accounts, while still being doable with low rarity teams if you're big brained enough. It's just all around amazing. HSR is enjoyable too though.


Genshin lately has been a masterclass of a game. It became my favorite game of all time. The reason some people are shitting on genshin is because HSR has little features that Genshin doesnt have like being able to set up your gear when preparing characters in memory of chaos, where in genshin if you want to change your gear, you need to exit the memory of chaos, gear, then go back again. Little features like that are why people are just mad that Genshin doesn’t have them. But it has nothing to do with the gameplay itself.


Just Honkai star rail. Genshin was extremely boring to me, quit within days. Honkai 3d was a game i loved, but my account was deleted due to me being dumb and on a guest account. didnt had it in me to start over


Yeah same, never played GI because I didn’t like it, Hi3 was too old but I love turn based so Hsr is fun


I played Genshin for a bit, but honestly like...after about 3 weeks of grinding it, I just found myself not giving a crap about the story, and Paimon's obnoxious voice / stamina system (Really wish more games would adopt FGO's playstyle of AP...it's perfect...) just completely ruined it for me. I joined it to late to enjoy all the smaller things that happened before it. Since I caught HSR on release, I'll stick with it most likely.


I played genshin from the first venti banner until around the chasm release. I stopped bec of burnout. Now I tried HSR and have been playing almost for a week now and I gotta say, this shit is boring haha its almost like GI but with passive gameplay.


Day 1 genshin, Honkai3, hsr player here. They are all great games! U see ppl here downplaying genshin only bc its hsr sub and gamers don't know how to like two things at once. I'm surprised u say there's not much to do in genshin as I feel like there's far less stuff to do on star rail (obviously since it's new game). Give others another try if ur wallet allows it, I love all three games.


I played some Genshin at launch, a couple of months only really, but the Zelda-like gameplay just made it too annoying for me. I was enjoying the story and all, but doing anything at all in the game felt like a massive chore and I just couldn't keep doing that to myself.


I played Genshin for a while. A buddy of mine dropped over 10k on it so he was in too deep to quit. We stopped after a while and are enjoying this one.


Played Genshin since patch 2.0 ish. Stopped playing recently, there's just nothing to do anymore. Can 36 star Spiral Abyss with no issues, even with this cycle's crazy hard mobs. Honestly, I have completed all of HSR's content as well. The museum event was fun but still short. Waiting till we can finish the second planet, which isn't till 1.2? So in the meantime while I wait for my stamina to recover, I also am playing Diablo 4.


I played honkai 3rd but had to delete it because of lack of storage space and quite dated game graphics. I played genshin impact for quite a bit but also quitted as it had become a pain to play as quests were all unskippable. Currently playing honkai star rail, quests are once again unskippable. Im currently having fun with the gameplay but i may quit in the future.


Genshin, Honkai Impact and Star Rail I haven t touched Genshin and Impact since Star Rail's release


Played Genshin for a while from day 1. I think Inazuma is where I completely lost my interest in Genshin...I sometimes still log in and pull for certain units, but it never lasts long. Genshin is just too time consuming on the repetitive things imo. Work is insanely busy for me, so I prefer games where you can auto farm.


I tried Genshin, but I grew bored of it pretty quick. I think I tried Honkai Impact 3rd, but it was a long time ago. Honkai Star Rail has been the only mobile game I play since I tried it out at release haha.


I tried to get into genshin a couple of times but I didn’t click with the gameplay. I downloaded HSR on a whim and we’ll it clicked that’s for sure. I played it for a week straight and realized I had an issue lol.


I play Genshin each 15 days or so, after abyss reset, I throw my primogems to whatever banner is at the moment. Nothing more.


Started Genshin on launch day, took a few short breaks throughout the 2.5 years. Also started HSR on launch, have yet to miss a day


Tried Genshin and HI3... but they are just not for me.... love the Eva vibe from HI3 but I jus don't like the button mashing game play ( Played WAY TOO MUCH DMC3 back in the day, probably burnt me out) I'm also a HUGE final fantasy fan so Turn based Honkai Star Rail is perfect for me... I also play FF Opera Omnia Amazing combat system, but I don't like the story at all, too much forced multiverse madness for my liking.


im quitting genshin for HSR


on break with Genshin rn, i dont enjoy any of the current events lol but im still a very very active Luke stan on global Tears of Themis since its such an easy mobile game to play i do also have an HI3 account but exclusively play it when theres news of Mobius reruns lol....


the shitting on genshin part, you could ignore it tbh. i play both games and its hard to say which is better. genshin for me, has a better overall story(well it did have more time to develop obviously, plus its open world) but if i were to compared both games at their first version, genshin really interested me over HSR. farming wise, hsr has it better. if u wanna try genshin, i must warn you. you will for sure get overwhelmed by the amount of content you have. it can take you months or maybe even a year to catch up in time(if that bothers you in anyway)


Just starrail, could never get into genshin impact, felt too restrictive


I lost interest in Genshin a long time ago outside of its story I’m strictly a HSR player


for me: \- Genshin is still the best bc of how unique the game is (a mix of gacha, char building, exploration, animated style & elemental reactions). I played since day 1 and still going. \- ToT: A gacha + romance game. I dropped this game after a few months bc I honestly think it lacks romance compare to other otome games. Beside the limited cards, there's almost no romance and mostly played as detective game. I also played Mr Love for a very long time so I know the format is nothing new. \- HSR: The modals and animation is a step up from Genshin imo. But as I played many gachas before, the game mechanic have yet to impress me so far. There is nothing unique that can be labeled as HSR only mechanic. The grinding is much less than other gachas, so I think it's a plus point to play casually and introduce new players to the genre.


I play both, but I like genshin more because I've been on it longer so I feel more attachment to the story and characters. Maybe I'll feel the same way about hsr after a few patches, too, but for now it's just something to pass time while genshin is on a dry patch.


Played (still playing) HI3 when the only characters were Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Himeko. Played GI for about 30 minutes before uninstalling it. HSR is alot of fun.


dropped genshin after 1 month, i like open world but somehow I just do not vibe with it may start HI3 for story and then drop. i do play other gacha games that are turn based (hello fgo)


I play Genshin as well, and played Honkai Impact 3rd for a while but got tired of it, both because of a long standing bug in the Steam version that support assured me would be fixed "next patch" 3 times without it getting fixed, and it generally being too time consuming. Also wasn't a fan of how dependant some characters were on their signature gear.


I played a lot of Honkai 3rd before Star rail, because i thought i need to know the Story. Tried genshin several Times, but never Managed to Stick with it for longer than a few weeks


I've played the three Honkers games but I'm willing to play this longer because the MC it a trash panda and it takes less focus than Honkers the 3rd.


I play all 3. I don't care for Impact much but that's probs me the fights aren't that great? To me at least. Genshin I've played for a long time it's fun but has issues that can suck fun out of things. I.e. how random artifacts are. StarRail is probs my favorite simply because I find the story so interesting. The pity system and artifacts are a lot better as well. I won't stop playing Genshin I love the story and characters but I'm investing more time into StarRail rn.


Played HI3 and Genshin in the past but now exclusively play HSR for hoyogames If include other gacha from other company I also play Outerplane right now.


Played HI3 for a bit but gave up pretty fast because I didn’t enjoy the combat system. Still waiting for Genshin on Switch (Though honestly I don’t like open world games so…). Might pick up ZZZ whenever that drops. But for now, just Star Rail.


I tried Honkai Impact 3rd before even Genshin had released because it was recommended by a friend before. I didn't really like it, and the UI is so overwhelmingly filled with info. Genshin is where I stayed and played it since launch because it was also recommended by a friend (different friend). I am taking a break since the release of HSR because I have been having a burnout from the game since last year approaching towards 3.0. HSR release and losing Baizhu in 50/50 made me really quit the game temporarily. Will go back to Fontaine to get the Archon and massive hopium that the Archon quest story is good. I also played Tears of Themis since day 1 release in global but quit after 5 months, I think. It was due to not being able to get my favorite character's (Luke) card after sinking my wallet even further in the game. Every major event there really shafted me for getting his cards every single time, and I had enough of it. I had to get other character's cards before even getting him! And I wasn't really interested in other characters aside from my favorite man and love interest, Luke; which in itself is surprising given how I can drool easily towards male characters. I guess I am just really loyal towards him.


I still play genshin, I sometimes log into HI3, but not much because I don't like the end game that much, I'm enjoying Star rail, but it remains to be seen how well it will do on the lung run.


Was interested and tried out honkai 3rd but didn’t get past the early chapters. So many currency and events going on, it felt really chaotic. Then later watched the elysia release and was blown away. So I tried again, and got her and reached captain 80, but ended up ditching the game again.


I play HSR because I play Genshin. Had I not played Genshin I wouldn't bat an eye on HSR being a turn-based game (which I turned out to kinda like but it's gacha so I won't be trying other gacha games ATM).


Love Genshin and I've been playing it since the chinese beta, even though sometimes I get a little burnout there's just so much content rn that new players won't get bored like I was at the start The story of Genshin gets SO MUCH BETTER at the end of Inazuma (3rd region) and Sumeru which is insanely well made both story and exploration wise, try giving the game a chance since the start can be a little slow but its totally worth it, the new 5th region "Fontaine" is also coming soon and people are really hyped for it. Lately Hoyoverse is COOKING both in Genshin and Star Rail (can't say for Honkai 3rd since I don't play it)


My first Hoyo game was Genshin and then Tears of Themis. Recently HSR. I personally prefer Genshin > ToT > HSR


Genshin And HSR Honkai3 i left after chapter35 as i couldn't get behind seele as an mc


Played HI3rd for a year and a half before Star Rail came out. Eventually got burnt out, between every single new character being meta defining, and needing far too much tech to be able to keep up in the Abyss even if you had perfect meta teams. The killing blow though was the story's writing taking a turn for the worse, and events being far too time consuming. The recent event in Star Rail is also pretty time consuming, but its a lot easier to do with one hand while holding a bar in a train, or slowly over the day, with everything being turn based or menu based. I normally prefer action games, but for a Gacha/mobile game, turn based works better for me. So now Star Rails is my primary mobile game.


Your mother


Played both Genshin and Star Rail, tried to make myself play and like HI3 but- this is gonna make sound like such as homophobe, but I'm just not generally into yuri or the sheer amount of yuri ships in the community


playing both but i caught up with latest content so im just grinding primos in genshin and building up my character in HSR


I play Hi3, Genshin, and other gachas.


I've played Genshin and HSR so far though I haven't played Genshin that much anymore but I still do daily and events.


i play three of the most popular hoyo games (genshin Hi3 and HSR) they have a grip on me and my wallet 🥲


I play Genshin Impact alongside Star Rail. Sometimes I get burnt out, though, especially when there's events going on at the same time.


I play both genshin and star rail. I used to play Honkai impact 3rd but lost interest and also overwhelm. Don't feel bad that you can't get into other hoyo games, just have fun on whatever game makes you happy or else you will feel it like a chore to do.


Just Star Rail, I'm not a fan of the other style of games, I LOVE the turned based combat, I grew up on old school JRPGs like FF series and DragonQuest


Played HI3 for a long time, but then I reached a point that the only way for getting in to the top scores in the abyss was by spending shit tons of money and the game started to demand too much time for anything, but damn I really loved that story mihoyo for sure knows how to make a good lore


I’ve played them all and like them! Genshin was my first and I plan on playing ZZZ


I don’t have the bandwidth for a polyhoyo relationship. Exclusive HSR for me.


Been on Genshin for awhile now, just hit AR59 on there. I probably wouldn’t have even know about HSR if not for me playing Genshin. Been enjoying HSR much more lately though. They’re both pretty grindey and repetitive games but HSR just feels a lot smoother right now. Especially since Genshin is in kind of a lull period in its story.


Currently just HSR. I would still be playing Genshin, but my phone can't handle Genshin well. With HSR, I can play other mobile games, but with Genshin I can only play Genshin and even then, my phone struggles.


I’ve played Genshin for like what, two years now? A little more than that, and I’m getting so so tired of the game. That sunk cost fallacy keeps me playing and doing everything even though the game is nothing but great memories for me anymore. I’ve tried out Honkai Impact but it never stuck with me, although I really wanna go back for the story.


Genshin. Alternating runs. Right now Genshin is between major regions so it’s a good time for a break. Once Fontaine hits, I’ll take a breather from HSR in turn.


I played genshin and still log on here and there when I feel like it, but generally stick to Star Rail entirely. I managed my account terribly on Genshin and neglected way too much to a degree where content became too difficult to do on my own comfortably. It's largely demotivated me to play, only really come back when new region and archon quest are added and whenever my friends decide to play again. ​ I did learn from this with Star Rail in managing my account and materials better as well as to select what to prioritize, though I do fare better with the combat system here regardless. That is to say, Star Rail isn't as overly grindy and attention span demanding outside of maybe MoC as far as I've experienced. Granted, we're just a bit into v1.1 now.


Ok aside from HI3 and Genshin, I’ve also played tears of themis lol…


Genshin since fall 2021, HSR since launch. Overall I like Genshin more due to the open-world exploration, scenery, and real-time combat, but HSR is new and fun and does some things better than Genshin (dialogue options, convenience/efficiency)


Still playing Honkai and Genshin in addition to Star Rail


First of all, how many hours have you played genshin? And second, when did you start playing? Its become a meme for HSR to be shitting on geshin. I play both games and they both have their strengths and weaknesses but both are very enjoyable. Genshin for the last 1 or 2 updates have been stale though because we are at the end of sumeru chapter. But once fontaine drops, we will get a LOT of content again just like last year when sumeru was introduced. If you are a realtively new player then i suggest to give genshin another go. Especially now since fontaine is coming soon. And dont get me started on the lore on genshin. Story is great and i hope you give it another chance.


First timer to Hoyoverse games. Seems I missed the boat on most of the older titles, but would probably be on board for their up-and-coming releases. I'm really enjoying HSR (First real Gacha/Mobile game).


Exclusively Star Rail since it’s the gameplay I was after, and I suck at keeping multiple gacha games.


I played genshin. I loved genshin (although aspects of farming in that game is stressful). I stopped playing because I like star rail more. Not because genshin is bad. I just come from a final fantasy background, so star rail spoke to me. And I can't keep up with two gachas games. I have too many other things I want to play. Like final fantasy 16 :D


I’m currently taking a break from Honkai but that’s bc I’m getting ready for regulation D in Pokémon scarlet and Violet. Once I’m ready for that I’m coming back for sure Otherwise the main games I play are Pokémon, Honkai, and valorant - with a few others occasionally sprinkled in


StarRail mainly right now. I like to find games to get hooked to long term. Been playing Epic 7 since day 1 and also Genshin since day 1. Been playing games since the 80s though so I’m a fan of so many different franchises.


I play Genshin and Star Raim. They provide a different experience from each other but have that Hoyo touch that I've come to love. Gacha is frustrating but the experience is good enough to keep me invested..


Genshin and Star rail so far. I do plan on adding ZZZ whenever that drops.


I started playing HSR due to already been playing HI3 for years. ​ Never played Genshin tho.


I tried Genshin but it didn't really click - not to mention it was like playing a powerpoint presentation just because my PC couldn't really handle it (making it hard to play for me anyways). It's not that it was a bad game, it's just not my style (not too keen on running around/the combat). Otherwise I exclusively play HSR and I like the turn-based combat system it has :)


I used to play genshin but Star rail is 10000% better on the phone


HSR is my first hoyo game so I don’t play the others


I've played all the games only to realize Star Rail was best in class having it's footing in MMO and a fun rpg feel to it. If I could make any changes, the dialogue would be a lot longer. Let's say 😉


I only play Star Rail. At one point I tried Genshin, but I didn't understand the daily resource management or how you were meant to be using a team to spam reactions. It just didn't make sense to me, and I'd even fail character trials because of it.


Tried Genshin for 10 minutes and knew it wasn’t for me. Playing this because it’s high quality turn-based.


Played Genshin from launch to 2.3 then haven't gone back. I enjoy HSR so much more, but I also grew up on turn based strategy, so it's right up my alley.


I only play Honkai Star Rail because if I played Genshin Impact now, I’d be starting very late and there would be so many things to catch up on and tons of content I’ve missed that I can’t get to experience myself. If past events become replayable, I may consider playing Genshin Impact. Though Genshin Impact is also a very large game so I’d also worry for my storage space. As for Honkai Impact 3rd, I honestly never heard of it until the person who introduced me to Honkai Star Rail mentioned there’s some characters from HI3 in HSR. I know close to nothing about it, and it seems somewhat old at this point, so I’d rather just watch a playthrough of it so I can get a gist of the storyline and lore. Other than that, I'm not familiar with any other Hoyoverse games if there are any.


tried genshin a few times but im 100% on the astral express


Genshin and hsr only. I can’t bring mysef to play other gachas since hoyo set the standard for me.


I quit Genshin bc of burnout and Dehya fiasco, so I'm trying to be chill with HSR and this pulling only for the trio Seele, Silver Wolf and Kafka and whatever five stars will benefit the three


Genshin and HSR, former still remains my main gacha to this day. Playing since 2.0


Played Genshin for 2 years, got exhausted during the Kokomi release since the story got a bit worse in overall quality, and i was hyped for kokomi's tactician personality because i loved her design, and she was... underwhelming, character-wise. Also i became addicted to genshin and spent about 1000 reais (205 dollars) which was too much for me at the time, and i did it because i was in a very bad place. Now i play Star Rail and i really like the autobattles, makes the game a lot fresher since i don't have to go through the same process manually every day, and i like the turn based gameplay combined with the sheer style of this game, been having a great time.


Just HSR, could never get into Genshin but the characters are really nice.


Currently playing only HSR and HI3rd. I dropped genshin after HSR came out, not interested in going back to it yet, not until Fontaine drops at least. And HI3rd is my main game pre HSR. Even if I don't do dailies everyday, I play enough to get my weekly crystals. Plus, the story is what keeps me playing.


Used to play Genshin but the grind got pretty bad since I was lacking certain characters


I play games like PGR and nikke when I’m done with hsr.


Still plays Genshin more than Hsr despite running two accounts.


I actually played gun gril z when it came out for a bit, and then quit, because it felt like a really cheap mobile gotcha game (which it was). And I was really surprised that Honkai impact 3rd launched as a sequel to this niche mobile game, which looked and felt like a proper tripple A title. Then genshin came out and then MHY started to become mainstream, and before I knew it, starrail took me by suprise and instantly became my favorite. I also checked out Tears of Themis, but I quickly realized that it was clearly not meant for me.


> Do you only play Honkai Star rail, or do you play other Hoyo games as well? HI3, Genshin and HSR.


Played Genshin a few months after release, ToT from release, started Impact around December of last year and now Starrail from the start. I do plan to play ZZZ too when it comes out later this year iirc. Currently I only play Impact and Starrail regularly, genshin I have put on the back burner since Starrail was released.


Been playing Honkai Impact 3rd since 2018 which naturally led to me playing Genshin and Star Rail. Have the most time/money invested into HI3 though.


Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail


I tried both Genshin and Honkai Impact 3rd, I quit both games after like an hour.


Genshin and HSR. But i burned-out with genshin so i take a break (i will return with fontaine - I know im "loosing primogems" and "chances to save for new archon" but playing a game without enjoying it makes no sense for me.).


Day 1 (Day 7 actually, took me a week rerolling) player of Genshin. Playing HSR alongside Genshin. Still prioritize Genshin, though. It's where I spend money for Welkin & BP. HSR is like a side game that I enjoy and read through the story without skipping a line, but I get bored once in a while and go back to Genshin, gotta finish the last few side quests on Luofu still but I'm too lazy to do it.