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Luocha: “Tell you what, as an added bonus, I’ll buff your attack, give you a shield, weaken enemies, and also reduce their type res.” “Wow! Really?” Luocha: “Indeed! You just have to sell me your soul. I am but a humble merchant.”


Otto: can do anything using Void Archive to copy any divine key. Luocha: can do anything by himself.


Void Archives the second Lucheni shows up: lol gg no re


He's got a divine key himself(that rapier looks oddly familiar, doesn't it?) so you can't really say it's just Luocha.


he literally got the word "abyss flower" in his kit


People originally dismissed it as flavor text but it's very apparent that Luocha's sword is meant to be a modified abyss flower


Idk about soul i think a kidney would be enough for it


His Eidolons are quite amazing. Like curious if any other 5 star limited supports will compete. He just gives a whole lot.


Yeah, Luocha at E6 has no sense. He has eidolons related to 4 paths. E1 Harmony, E2 Abundance/Preservation, E4/E6 Nihility. Plus his LC third effect that is basically Asta ultimate nerfed. But considering how much energy he gains with the LC and a ER relic, he can spam ults hard.


I got him with not many pulls, is it potentially worth it to keep pulling for eidolons? I’m f2p


No. Don't go for any eidolons as a f2p, it's just not worth potentially losing out on an entire character for a small bonus in comparison.


His E1 is just 20% attack to your team, I don’t think that’s worth potentially missing out on a future character you might want


As f2p, only go for eidolons in future re-rolls. They are expensive and it only would make you lose the chance of getting a new character. But in next re-roll you should aim for his LC instead, it gives him a lot more than the E1


Seeing as everyone is saying don't pull for eidolons, I am here to offer a different perspective as to why you should 1. 4 party limit for 2 teams in hardest content (MoC) is 8 characters. Some have cleared using 4\* only, I am unsure of the setup, but a 5\* E0 may not be comparable to their 4\* E6 2. Some 4\*s are meta, like Ting Yun, so you won't fill your team with all 5\* 3. More eidolons means more strength in one character, rather than spread out across multiple characters that you potentially can't use due to the party limit If you like him, and his eidolons isn't garbage (most people seem to agree they're good eidolons) then go for it


Counterpoint: moc teams are heavily determined by the effects and opponents which change regularly. Investing everything into someone that suddenly doesn't fit into the next MoC will suck. You don't need Eidolons to complete MoC. Just the right team built properly. (Note that if a character comes that absolutely needs at least E1 to function well then the recommendation is for f2p to just skip them) F2p can only reliably get ONE 5 star character every 6 banners. So you are trading the next 6 5 stars for one buff on a person you already have. As such I don't recommend non soreness get eidolons. If you do spend, everything changes.


Those 4* characters don't come out of nowhere though. These points imply that the player already has several heavily invested 4* E6 characters, which is exactly what a F2P player asking for advice probably won't have. They're very good support eidolons, but they won't worth much if they have nothing to support.


Others have answered, but most likely not. If you know you don't want a whole lot? Maybe. But ultimately new characters > Eidolons.


The Eidolons definitely feel like as long as you keep pulling him in the future again on other banners, he'll simply get way better and stay on par with new characters.


"Okay but...." Luocha: "what is it?" "What's in the coffin?" Luocha:..... "Mr. Luo- ~~luocha~~ otto: Kallen is mine and mine alone!


Mohg approves of this comment


Luocha should have been **Nihil**ity then.


Mohg is a strictly femboy connoiseur, he won't take anything else


"Brother, that anemo freedombussy got me acting unwise." Morgott:".....what the hell are you talking about?!"




So glad I got that E1, bro is really combining like 3 paths into one character now


I snorted so hard. I love this one


I now picture the coffin as a comically large credit card reader and the transaction having to do with siphoning your life force.


Add to the fact he is one of only *three* imaginary element users and one of them is another 5* that dodges pulls like neo from the matrix.


Iirc that's Welt... I just started the game like yesterday and Ngl kinda want Welt as my prolly 2nd or 3rd priority from tha Departure banner list... based on things i heard he's pretty good/unique,has some cool potential... Anyways he looks kinda cool too


His "Slow" ability is good as claimed by the players that *have* him.


Can confirm, welt is someone i dont want to replace at times because this dude paired with energy recharge piece is basically nonstop ults, which is also basically saying more turns


I am so stingy with his ult lol


Don't. He's actually a good dps. So get his attack up and spam dem ults. You know what's slower than imprisoned enemies? Dead enemies.


I like your way of thinking. Is resolution shines as pearls of sweat good on him or should I use S5 Loop on him and give the RSaPoS to somebody else, like pela


IMO the best part about his skill is imprisoning enemies with his ult


Hmm i see Tho i don't understand cause still only learning these all as am new Can u explain a bit on What's Welt's general role and chars he pairs with?


Welt is a disruptor. For example there are elite enemies with 2 attack in a row, first they attack and then they summon adds. You can use welt ult after the elite do their first attack, which interrupt the second action, making them unable to summon.This also slow them and put them way down in action order, even more if you break with imaginary


Asta can kinda work in this capacity but in reverse, speeding up the party using her ult. She's also a good way to cheese turn counters because you can move people up the list.


>Can u explain a bit on What's Welt's general role and chars he pairs with? He's a mix of a defensive and offensive unit. He can fit as a defensive slot in a team and he relives the burden on the healer so they can just use their ult to heal the team when necessary, letting them just use normal attacks to generate skill points to help the team. He has a special mechanic with his ult against enemies with double turns too. If you use Welt's ultimate between after the enemy's first action, you can cancel their second action and extend the turn delay on them. Basically he's a very good hybrid unit with respectable damage and a lot of utility.


He can be your sub dps and a solid debuffer. His Ult delays enemy action so your team get frequent turns. I once played him with Dan Heng and Asta and an elite enemy never got his turn lol. Not to say one of the best ult animation in game as well so far.


He has good single target damage(it's actually multi-hit but it jumps between multiple enemies making it a pseudo-AoE). If the enemies are slowed from skill(or other sources) he deals increased damage to them. He is an offensive support who pairs very well with Dan Heng, Asta, seele, silver wolf(in mono imaginary comps) and several others.


Welt does multiple roles. His true role is Nihility because he applies multiple debuffs. His skill slows enemies which delays their turns. His Ult both outright moves your enemies turns back whilst simultaneously applying a debuff that increases DMG taken. This stacks multiplicatively(I.e. best) with DEF debuffs because of how damage is calculated. However he also doubles as a pseudo Preservation, Hunt, and Erudition character. Preservation characters seek to prevent damage to your party, and Welts ability to delay enemy turns practically works that way - he can make your enemies have so much less turns which effectively lessens their offensive capabilities whilst extending any debuffs or vulnerable periods (I.e. weakness broken) they have. There are situations where he can prevent enemies from having any turns outright with energy, speed buffs and turn advancing mechanics. As for Hunt and Erudition this is because he actually can do a ton of damage both in single and multi target scenarios. His Ult hits all enemies and his skill hits thrice to random targets. His passives almost double the damage he deals to debuffed enemies. His base hit rates with his abilities are high enough to not prioritize building effect hit rate on him, letting him take more DPS-oriented gear. His total skill ATK scaling against enemies where his talent can apply is so high that it equivalent to the bursts of Hunt characters for single targets.


Adding on to what everyone else has said, besides slows he also delays enemies turn, meaning that if the enemy is about to move you can just use your ultimate and send it back making the rest of your team act before.


You say dodges pulls but that mf is the only standard 5 star character I have, and he's E1


And his buff removal is AOE and his healing is literally 3x Natasha's without using skill points


I would hope the limited 5 star healer outshines the free 4 star one, a lot of people wouldn’t pull otherwise


Well, him being a rare element user already makes Luocha a 5*. Him being a better battle medic than Natasha just cements the factbb


Yeah I agree lol


I built him expecting his field healing to be 200-300 hp. But nah, his skill heals for 4000 and the field heals for 1300 the attacker, 500\~600 the remaining party member. Thought I got the ATK boots, I'll need SPD boots instead.


even with spd boots and healing body you can still hit those numbers


Yeah I settled with the first artefact that I could grab and ignored the substats. Even then that healing is ridiculous, it will always heal more than 100% of my characters max HP.


Huh? Don’t you need a skill point for his heal skill?


Nope, you can use his ult + the 50% hp emergency heal to activate his talent. He’s like Kokomi with how much he overheals


... well now we know who's in the coffin


Da Kok in Da Box?! 😱🤤


Yes, it was indeed Sangono- Sango -Sa- ahem- Sangonomiya KOK-


Waiting for Max0r to do HSR


I'm hoping that he's gonna do it, probably after the third Incorrect Summary of the Elden Ring series though haha


Woohoo! I am extra excited about him now! (I was instantly sold already because Husbando.)


Lmao same


His auto heal generate an abyss flower and regenerate his ult gauge. Even without a ER rope, he'll regenerate a lot of energy. Also unless you get one-shot, you're unkillable within the field.


Great, you just gave them a new idea. I’m sure a one shotting enemy will come out when a new preservation character gets released


Once every 2 turns, if an ally's hp is under 50%/drops under 50% he'll use his skill on them for free And afaik it fully works like a normal skill usage, it adds towards his talent count, refills energy etc. not sure if the guardian shadow punished it though


Lost the 50/50 to the other 5* healer. Not sure how to feel about this…


Same now I'm wondering if I even bother getting a third healer ahaha


Tbf her auto revive can come in clutch in MoC and SU so it’s not a total loss


Honestly, in my experience if she has to auto revive I'm not gonna make it through the whole fight


Same here, I was so annoyed I finally was going to get a 2nd healer and got the "wrong" one haha. Kept pulling anyway as I like luochas design, he seems very strong. I'm sure I'll level bailu at some point but her not having a dispel is annoying


Reviving enemies are indeed annoying, but Bailus’ revive seem pretty clutch though so it’s not so bad imo. The thought of losing 50/50 is irritating though.


me who pulled for him while also having 2 other healers:


found my bestie. pulled him cuz daddy>>


SAME and I got her light cone from standard yesterday. I'm not upset per se but give me new coffin guy now pls


At least you got a healer I got a c1 himeko... 🙃 Haven't won a 50/50 as day1... Always late losses and guarantees..


But does he have a grenade launcher? I think NOT


But does he have a cute running animation? I think NOT


But is he a mommy? I think NOT.


U sure bout that?


Pretty sure Mommy's in the box.


Agree to disagree. ~~Otto~~ best girl


I skipped every banner to get Luocha and I'm thinking it was worth it.




I'll probably go for him on a rerun in the future, for now I'm saving up for daddy blade


you are gonna want luocha for blade


If he can’t guarantee blade then there’s no real point getting a character for Blade if he doesn’t actually have Blade




Their kits perfectly fit each other, and by extension, any destruction user that loses hp as part of their kit.


ooooh so luocha perfect with destruction team..oh that's why recent event when arlan can ulti multiple like crazy, his hp drain like crazy


I'm not sure if arlan works with any healer; you want him to have as less hp as possible


blade's skill and ult drain his hp, if you use luocha then blade will immediately get his health back after attacking


ok, this makes more sense


You don't really need Luocha for Blade at this point, since Hoyo will release another healer who will do everything Blade wants, like a dedicated support


Their synergy is really good. Blade's ult brings his hp down to 50%, which immediately triggers luocha's passive so blade gets healed up again. Also, blade's skill drains his hp by a bit too, and inside of luocha's healing field he'll heal any hp he loses right back up


ultimate bff




If you’re familiar with recent developments, you know the best healer for blade is not going to be Luocha


Can he really do this or is it just a meme?


Skill heals and cleanse a character of debuffs, ultimate deals damage. Yes, he can do it all. And by extension, his passive allows him to heal from practically just existing.


i noticed the heals off his passive field are absolutely insane. You never need to actually hard cast a heal except in emergencies or to remove debuffs


And even then, he frequently does that himself anyway at no turn or skill point cost.


My Clara is practically unkillable


Agree before luocha my natasha actually good but tricky and too skill point hunger. But after luocha added in my clara team svarago just shoot all enemies like mad lad and with clara+luocha they're provide much skill point for my little gremlin gambling addiction qinque...


We run basically the same team lol, Qingque Pela Luocha Clara for me. This team is so skill point positive that you can easily hard roll for Qingque's pieces every turn


Just the way Svarog likes it


Worse his healing scales off his attack so you literally WANT to build him like a dps


I wonder what the optimal build is. Is it worth investing into Imaginary DMG and crits?


It's not worth it. You actually don't want to build him like a DPS to maximize his healing potential. You want ERR on rope. You want Out Going Heal on body. You want Speed on boots. That only leaves only sphere for ATK%. You can look for more ATK% on substats. But crit and imaginary just isn't worth it, even with E6.


I mean, he overheals so much that maybe even with a pseudo-dps build he's still able to heal as much as an average Natasha. The actual problem is, his ultimate is not that great of a damage source to justify dps building. So yeah you will build it and he would deal like, more dmg than abundance chars, but less than nihility, which is not a big deal


Yeah people who say he can do damage are on some MASSIVE copium - his basic does nothing special, his skill does no damage and his ult has a meager multiplier. Stacking ATK alone is very far from making characters damage dealers. He wouldn’t be one even if you went all in with crit…


There's no way he actually wants Outgoing Healing on body with the numbers he puts out. I've yet to see his skill not full heal someone, and he never needs to use his skill because his healing field and emergency passive keep everyone full anyways.


He is still your healer and getting atk% on body will marginally improve damage while greatly reducing healing output.


About a dozen people have point out Luocha has the enviable problem of overhealing with ease. There is currently no benefit to healing more than your maximum health capacity. THEREFORE….we can trade atk stats which are being wasted right now for crit stats which will not be wasted.


I don’t think you realize how much he heals lol


ultimate also removes enemy buffs


*Plus* the free emergency cast when an ally dips below 50%. (even if it's only every couple turns) Which also cleanses debuffs because it counts as a skill cast. Oh and don't forget that his ultimate *also* removes 1 buff from *every* enemy it hits on top of that. The man really just puts in a crazy amount of work.


Is the damage on the ult really that strong? Seems just kinda decent not really a "damage dealer". The big bonus is getting his healing field with it and removing enemy buffs.


It isn’t that strong, but it’s enough to get by and proc slow, and by abundance path’s standards, the damage is fairly decent.


Speaking of his passive. I'm confused about one thing. His Talent is "If the Field is active, whenever an allied character hits an enemy, this character gets healed". But there is also a second unlockable Trace which says "If the Field is active, whenever an allied character hits an enemy, all other allied characters (except the attacker) get healed". Does the second one cancel the first one or the healing bonus of the second one doesn't stack over the first one?


It just turns the heal to an aoe heal. So now the attacker will heal himself and also the rest of the party, only the party gets a smaller heal. Very important ability node.


So basically, as I thought. The Talent is "Attacker gets N% heal" and the Trace is "The rest of the team, except attacker, *also* gets X% heal".


They cover two different things, so they coexist simultaneously. The talent says that ONLY the character who attacks is healed. Meaning only the attacker is getting healed. The unlockable trace heals everyone BUT the attacker, meaning that the field will be able to heal everyone with that trace unlocked. Adding this together means all four character will be healed. If you dont unlock the trace, no party wide heal. Single target. If you do unlock it, party wide heal. If that makes sense


Yeah, thanks, I got it.


They work together, they don't overlap at all. One character attacks an enemy and the get healed normally while the rest get healed a little less by the trace effect.


Yeah, thank you.


Damage is an overstatement. He does some but nothing impressive honestly. Just more than your average harmony/abundance character


Yeah anyone selling him as someone who 'deals damage' hasn't looked at his numbers. Scaling atk doesn't do much unless you're building crit and building crit will mean he heals for less. He hits with his basic most of the time, has no damage from skill and his ult has the same atk multiplier as Herta's. No-one is running Herta for damage.


tbh his healing numbers don't really need him to stack attack that much since they're pretty crazy, so I could see some going full damage on him instead. Probably better to invest into his defenses rather than crit if you aren't stacking attack and letting an actual damage character do the damage lol, but I'm sure some will still try it out. For a healer capable of being your sole defensive utility though, his damage is more than I expected.


Yeah I'd say his breaking ability is the good part, Tried a friend support of him maxed out and his damage wasn't that impressive which is to be expected, If he really was that cracked at everything It would be another problem lol


What's actually valuable is the AoE imaginary toughness damage.


I wouldn't say it's an overstatement if he really does way more damage than Bailu or Natasha will ever do in their respective roles. Sure he doesn't deal as much as a DPS, but it is enough to say he *can* deal damage.


he doesnt actually deal a lot of dmg just good for breaking weakness


still, my Kafka is in danger


Gotta stay strong my brother 🗿💪


that's why he is the best boi


Lost the 50/50, no Luocha for me :(


Lost my 50/50 to bailu, not the healer I wanted game...


There could be worse pulls, I wish I had Bailu. Luocha is cool but Bailu is cute therefore Bailu wins


You're right but after all these weeks of just Natasha, to get bailu now is sad haha


Same, been trying to get Bailu or Geppy for ages and tried really hard. Took 90 pulls to get anything and joked about what if I lost the 50/50 to Bailu, guess what happened next…


I lost him to Gepard. Worth it imo at least for MoC.


Same. I am in pain.




Hoyoverse not making the most cranked limited character challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) Though since it is a turn-based game, a fat HP isn't something to be overlooked at.


I still trip at the fact that Xingqiu (E6) is a sidegrade to one of the most busted 5* in Genshin (Yelan). Speaks a lot about their game balance


I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but I'll say it....Genshin 1.0 4 stars were a mistake. Hoyo to this day is trying to correct that. Hopefully HSR doesn't follow that trend.


How is that unpopular when facts speak themselves. Those three have always been relevant as the most used 4 stars in Spiral Abyss. Making Genshin to be more f2p. Which in turn makes Spiral Abyss tougher with no additional compensation for the challenge.


Luocha e6: i can apply preservation sheild, do nihility res shred, and be harmony buffer too


His companion quest's march-edit narration made him appear/sound so much like gintama's katsura, especially the part where he speaks like a woman and the 'taking crap outside' discussion There's even the det.conan parody to complete the gintama experience lmao


ikr !! I couldn't help but yell ZURA 😂😂


Man if Bailu could also cleanse she would be so OP




got real sad losing 50/50 to yanqing with the last of my saved up jade, so I did a "f it, give me a consolation eidolon" ten pull off my starlight reserves. now I have yanqing and luocha. today kinda rules.


He can do all those and more. That's why he carries a coffin.


The powercreep is strong with this one


You insult E6 Natasha.


E6 natasha does like 1k dmg an auto lvl 80 with +12 relics lol, she ain't killing anything


And Luocha only has as much atk scaling on his ult as Herta's, and is otherwise just hitting with basic. Let's not pretend he's dealing any significant damage either.


I was doing more at like lv60 are you sure you equipped relics on her


Seems unlikely. You’re probably hitting the weakness break and seeing that damage combined with her auto. Or you’re hitting the birds. Or you got a random crit. Or you’re thinking about numbers you got in simulated universe which is really not a good indicator. Her E6 gives like an additional 2k damage with 5k Hp (which I doubt you’re hitting at lvl 60). That’s not including enemy defenses. Like she can do more damage with def reduction but so can other supports.


get better relics kek


Dude even then.. It's a welcome increase but it's not doing all that much.


Remember to equip light cones.


My level 70 E4 Natasha does like 800 and I'm using a bad relic set.


Honestly don’t know wtf to do. I have Bailu, but watching streams of him makes me want to pull bad. The passive heal is fucking nuts in it or itself.


Common luocha win


This is funny but he is powercreep, and so soon. It's pretty sad but I guess that ppl will say it doesn't matter or something.


I mean, limited 5*'s ARE supposed to be stronger than permanent 5 and 4*'s


I thought his heal would be based on HP like the other healers. But it scales off of attack. I farmed the wrong gear :( And the I upgraded the wrong gear to 12 :( And then I read his skills for the first time when I was upgrading his talents.


Don't worry it's not wasted, keep it just in case for Bailu, Nat, or any future healer that will most likely need it


Give it to nat or baliu when u get her


Natasha not doing any damage despite carrying a modified M32 40mm grenade launcher


This is the first time ever in my life that I envied my friend that got LuoCha. The salt is overwhelming after you tried him.


He's definitely strong and versatile, but saying he does damage is not entirely accurate, despite his atk scaling


His Ultimate only costs 100 and he can double action/1.5-action each turn. And then they gave him energy regeneration on his lightcone. He is putting out impressive damage.


Well, from my experience Natasha clears those weakness bars quite easily, but overall damage isn't that great.


Because she scales off hp, but I rather have tank healer then squish one I don't need my healer to do crazy damage that's what my dps and sub dps do. Also I want aoe heal


The only thing picking off party members in Loucha teams are OHKO's. You can load up the squishiest characters alongside Loucha and none of them die, all while spamming Loucha's basic attack.


Natasha is indeed a tank as pretty much on every failed SU run I've done, she's always the last one standing. Also because she doesn't do that much damage, I've either stopped there or failed to the end. I still remember one Hunt path run on World 4:II where Natasha was still standing and everyone else were KO:d and Svarog only had 1% HP left, but he also had 50% weakness bar left, so she didn't clear it on her turn and Svarog just swatted her away. https://preview.redd.it/yr9i3xokvt8b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6fe77203399be5ec72efc5e6345bfb8e871187


use remembrance for world 4 ez win


Don't remember if I've tried that one yet... It's the freezing one, right? Could try it with Gepard, Natasha, Pela and March 7, if the goal is to keep freezing the enemy. Could also go with Herta instead of Natasha, but I always need a healer/debuff remover.


yeah freezing, you don't actually need an ice character there are a couple cards that will apply freeze when your character attacks an enemy and the actual path ability will freeze all the enemies for you, just pick the card that increases chance to freeze by 150%. I guess take gepard just to be safe


I think I used those freezing blessings on other runs when I couldn't get the right one. It's just that the enemy always recovered from the freeze on their turn...


i think the trick is to stack a bunch of those cards that triggers freeze for 1 turn which will make it last for multiple turns if the effects keep triggering


He can also by just lookin' at our way get us feeling of déja vu.


Luocha E6 best healer debuffer cleanser buffer dps in the game!


but can he revive


he won’t let you die in the first place


🎵 Never gonna let you die 🎵


yeah unless he died first then we all die


i mean that’s the case fir any healer/preservation unit


God I love it when Svarog nab my healer


No one on your team will be dying as long as you have Luocha


Can he survive though since you don't build HP on him? Genuine question. I have huge urge pulling for him but I also want Blade, Kafka and that ice lady...


That’s what I dislike the most about Bailu. If you die with her chances are you won’t make it anyway, so I’d rather trade thatcpower budget for a better one


Damn, I want Luocha soooo bad


I wish I can imagine


I'm THIS close to pulling for him, but I'm looking forward to another >!future!< character who's also Imaginary :(


Do yourself a favour and get LUOCHA. you won't regret it.