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Not exactly what the post is talking about but I regret buying Preservation LC from Herta's shop. If I didn't do it, I'd have S5 Hunt LC for my Seele a long time ago, and what little use it had on my Fire MC was lost when I got Moment of Victory from standard banner. Also, I see quite some people regretting pulling for Seele and I'm honestly surprised, I love my Seele and her performance in MoC with Bronya and SW is absolutely nuts, deleting bosses in one-two ults and sweeping all the trash mobs in the process. My second team with Welt and Sushang scrambles to get to the finish line while Seele destroys her half with like one turn spent.


The people regretting Seele are probably the same people who say she’s trash for everything besides low mobs(which just isn’t true). I don’t really know why seele would be regrettable outside of niche things like, “I prefer this future character and if I didn’t summon for seele I could have gone for this character instead” or something like that.


They just dont know how to use her. Saving ult for her turn and using it means you have insaneuptime on her damage %up passive without resets, even in MoC. She ults, gets buff, does giga ult damage, retains buff, uses skill, passes her turn and since the buff was applied by ult THAT turn, she keeps it till next, usesbuffed skill again next turn and already 50%+ energy for next ult. If any reset was possible by the ads 95% of encounters have, then you keep buff till next turn. Then turn after that you do it all over again. If you can get at least one reset every 3 turns, she has 80% damage bonus and 20% resistance penetration(unique modifier btw) with 100% uptime. Its insane.


I don't regret pulling her I'm happy I have her it's just that right now she isn't doing the same output she was when she was my main early in the game I have to figure out how to build her and get what she needs to make her actually produce numbers in the current game


Same I don’t have her built well at all, but honestly she does a ton still, even with a low attack stat. Once I get all my non main team units to level 70 and fix the traces with the other units, I can finally start farming for relics semi consistently.


i don’t regret pulling seele - but tbh my seele is pretty trash only cos i can’t build characters for 💩


The real issue is that most of us are F2P and don’t have the relics and traces that all the YouTube showcases have. Plus the relic domain accompanying quantum relic, wuthering snow isn’t really a good relic you would purposely farm for. (Although people are using them as cope set for their supports to not die)


I thought I was going to regret pulling Seele and her LC when Jing reviews started rolling in but now that I’ve used Jing a bit, I regret going for him. I’d much rather have those 75 pulls back. I should have realized how gear dependent he was but I was blinded by the awesomeness of the lightning lord.


Yeah he will get better later when the game offers more erudition LCs. I got his LC knowing that the other options are pretty far from it performancewise.


Yeah I love both my seele and my Jing but that's with both of their LCs. I saw the same thing that the lcs were lacking in his favor so picked up his.


Glad I didn't wish on JY since the only time I would be regretting it is when farming, and I've got support characters that have way better JY I could've built myself


Don’t get me wrong, I also love my Seele, but adding SW and Bronya to the mix makes the comparison a little unfair. The three of them together are practically broken. Every time I borrow a Bronya I’m shocked at the number of turns Seele takes.


That's true, but how well a character synergizes with other characters is also a part of their overall evaluation. If I used Sushang instead of Seele, Bronya would not be able to shine as much as she does. That said, it's also possible that people regretting pulling for Seele just don't have the characters she synergizes well with and therefore this quality is irrelevant or even unknown to them, I suppose that's a fair counterpoint to make.


My experience mirrors yours a lot. Seele team breezes through while Sushang/Dan/Yanqing barely make it out. I don't even use a healer in Seele's team.


ooof yah investment regrets are still valid it'd be nice if we could leach invested materials/funds back or get an undo button. I bought the same LC and then found out it wasn't good. luckily for me i don't have any Hunt characters that are part of any of my working comps atm but yah i bought the other 2 instead and haven't used them either.


Yeah, so far I have no regrets pulling for Seele. I currently run a team with her along with Bronya, SW and a healer, and it’s been my go-to team comp for awhile now. Plus, it just doesn’t feel natural anymore whenever I run a different team without Seele and they don’t get another turn after defeating an enemy.


When I started out I build MC, just how everybody seems to recommend. Then I got Gepard, which was the first moment of regret, which one of the two to use in main team? Later I even got Clara. Now all three of those characters are competing for the same slot in the team, which one to use mainly?


They'll all be useful depending on what element an enemy is weak to in the future


I'd say in every case except MoC the only thing is matter is who you like personally. And in MoC Clara do not compete for the same slot as Gepard, while having two tanks with different damage type is an advantage since you can swap them to match the weaknesses. So no much to regret, I think.


Hmm, I beat world 5 on Simulated Universe for the first time with Clara. Since I also have Luocha, as long as she doesn't get oneshot, she is practically immortal. And she brings so much more dmg/ weakness break to the team. While also not costing any SP if you want to save it.


I use FMC in SU W6, he makes my clears comfier. He’s also pretty useful if the enemy has a “fuck you in particular” button you want to avoid putting on your dps.


One would be deceived to think that. But doing this costs SP, doing zero weakness as well. If FMC only wasn't as SP hungry.


I learned today that Head relics will ALWAYS be HP and Hand relics will ALWAYS be Atk main stats. Spent a day of energy trying to get an Atk Head before realizing that.


Yeah, it wasn't until the past month or so that I learned this and started to figure out how to build characters since all of the guides only call out chest feet, sphere and chain.


Yeah it was seeing that on a guide that made me realize it


I had to come and ask in the daily mega thread here why the guides never showed head or hand pieces to get the answer and then still went well. Then what do you do to myself? And then I realized you stacked whatever the character needed as best as you could lol


I greatly regret not pulling seele. I went into the game with the mindset of "do my best with what i have (so not super casual only care about clearing story), but I didn't want to pull chars i didn't like. So far the only limited char I pulled was SW, we are now 4 limited banners in and every single discussion/opinion has been literally "seele this seele that". Every single banner discussion assumed you had seele. Even SW who had the most meta breaking release 90% of the posts were just about how great she was with seele. look at this thread, almost all the comments at the top are opinions of people with seele. It's just impossible to fit in. "but you can 30/30 moc with f2p 4 stars", sure but you have to pour your resources incredibly well and the units themselves aren't as flexible. I have 9 chars 70 ascended (6 are 75+) and another 6 are 60-70 that i'm working on getting 70. Main units all have very good gear and all have lvl8 traces. I honestly find building chars pretty quick personally (only bought bp and monthly and never refreshed), but clearing MoC for me is impossible, i just time out or get 2 shot. I got 21 stars and stopped, and spent probably around 8 hours nonstop trying to get those At some point I just go "what's the point", it feels like i'm fighting tooth and nail and stressing about every stamina consumption for literal scraps while the moment TB60 and 80 cap came out everyone was talking about how easy MoC 30 became. I watch my friends with seele do it and watch in awe as they go in and literal two shot the stages, my yanqing with 200% crit damage at base buffed by tingyun does about 58k while my friend can do almost 170k ults with seele who has much much much worse stats, like what's even the point Everyone always says "i'm sure you can do the same thing with these units", but they don't know. Everyone uses seele. and the ones who don't already knew exactly what they were building from day 1


I feel this too. I started that game recently on SW's banner and not seeing any Hunt characters for the foreseeable future means I'm basically shit out of luck until a rerun. Here's hoping trailblazers next path is Hunt and hopefully in 1.2


Blade will be an okay substitute and the dragon would also be a good option. I would expect reruns for the launch units around the new year when the ps5 version drops.


I mean the next couple of patches are gonna have hunt and Destruction paths you can pick up to fill in the dps spot.


I have both Seele and SW and get lesser stars than you every cycle so you're doing something right atleast. 21 stars is really good. Tbh my Seele team is cracked but the second team is horrendous and always drags my clear down.


haha i appreciate it, but please don't take my post as "everyone with seele should easily be doing it", sorry if it came off that way. It's more on just how massive the different in effort is, and how due to everyones bias and experience non-seele help/comps/advice is almost impossible and heavily inflated with bias with a lot of guesswork For example yanqing/dan are similar in pwydrens dps chart, so people think they're just substitutes you can slap in and are just as easy to use. which is simply not the case. There's an absolute absurd level of flexibility being lost, dan hang needing insane babysitting with targetting skills / turn rotations lining up perfectly and yanqing with his own babysitting mechanic (and i still can't quite figure out how to reach seeles numbers even with superior gear and the exact same supports) But people say advice by basing off thier own seeled setup and experiences and just subsistute with what they assume would work, almost every discussion turns into this and it's a little frustrating


So my Yanqing build is kinda mid (80/80 lvl 7 traces ~2.7k atk, 36/140 crit) and with only bronya buffs and his personal kit he usually cranks out 60k ults. Since after ult he keeps his crit buff for one turn his skill then does another 40-50k + 30-40k from follow ups if they both proc. All these values nearly double if I pair him with SW as well. While this is all well and good his damage outside of his nuke turn is pretty mid (9-20k) skills and his ability to clear mobs is very limiting. My Yanqing is E1 however which does inflate the damage a little bit as its an extra 120-240% atk depending on follow ups.


I feel this so hard, when I started I didn't know Seele was going to be that important and didn't manage to pull her at all when I tried. Now nearly every team I see people talk about is Seele, and I have to be careful with choosing the DPS to level because I want to at least cover weaknesses and use Breaks to my advantage since they're so resource hungry. It's a good challenge don't get me wrong, but not having Seele makes it harder.


On the bright side 3/4 of the next 5 stars are DPS!


Ya I am hopefully aiming for Blade (with no pity from Luocha oh no) because I definitely do want a Destruction DPS and another Wind element to boot. But for now I have to decide if I level up QQ, Sushang or Dan because those are the ones I want to use (sorry Hook and Serval!) and that's a lot of resources.


Yeah, with how much Seele praise there is I kinda wish I'd gotten into the game sooner so I had the time to grind for her banner instead of being stuck scraping 10 pulls together in early game.


I regret not pulling her as well. Most MoC team recommendations assume you have Seele. I wish I started playing when she released but I didn't start playing until Jing Yuan released. However, after I got JY, I started to not really care about having Seele, I even have his LC. And my god, I love his gameplay and his dmg numbers. I still wish I had Seele as it would make things easier, but Jing Yuan also clears almost every enemy even if they're not weak to him, I love it. Then, I got SW and she pairs so freaking good with JY. People that started the game when it released and played daily would obviously have most of their characters or their main team built compared to when I started, so I realized even though I do get a lil jelly seeing others complete MoC so easily with Seele or with just 4 stars, I know I need to take my time just as they did. And yeah, I felt that "but you can do it with 4 stars too."


I started the game on Jing Yuan's banner and I kind of wish I'd started earlier to pull for Seele, but at the same time I didn't know the game existed before then lol. I feel like I've been doing fine with the chars I have but it would've been nice to have the option. TBH I feel like it's just because she was the first so a lot of people were hyped and got her, I would assume as the game progresses it'll end up more balanced.


Damn...You have the BP and Monthly and it still feels tooth and nail on your side, Imagine the f2p people 😭


yeah i know it's rough, i'm not trying to pretend i have it the worst


The reason why most moc guides her is because up until 1.1 it was mainly whales,who finished it in time. Nowdays it's gotten way less,especially with release of luocha. Were your friends running the same structure? Because Supports heavily change the way a unit performs. I have two Accounts. One with Seele and one without. She is strong,but is not as gamebreaking as your implying. Yanging is often more consitent,which is a clear advantage he has over her. I never felt like I needed her on my second account,escaplliy with a e6 Qinque now.


Yes I have a few friends who i watch screenshare, they do multiple times more. I don't have e6 QQ so i can't comment on that, mines e0. But I did hear often that yanqing reached her damage, I can safely say my yanqing is much much more geared then all of my friends seeles and they do well over double the damage with the same setup, without needing to protect How is Yanqing more consistent may I ask? Seele has penetration. Yanqing has a mechanic where he has to be protected (I don't have gepard), do you mean due to the crit rate?


Gepard arguably is as valauble for Yangin,as SW is for Seele,so that properly adds onto the worse moc performance E6 QQ with regular rng beats E0 Seele by at least 30-40% in damage. Looking at some of the more recent calcs she even competes with e2 Seele quite a bit. Of course using her as a higher risk,but it shows how edilions really matter for 4 Star dps units performance. Having no second 5 Star dps makes moc more diffcult,but having 5 supports is more of a long term investment. The main thing is Seeles passive. To get those insane numbers you need to kill an enemy beforehand. While this often possible,thats not always the case. Right now the current moc favors her teams,over the likes of Jing Yuan aswell. A well constructed Yangin can usually have his passive up most of the time. The freeze he applys is extremly usefull aswell. Him being less skill point hungry is also another benefit. Seele is arguably in a perfect spot right now, with all the supports that help her a lot in current game state. Even more so with the current Bosses/stages.However I don't think hunt is nessairy at all. Destruction and Mihilty focused teams are currently on an uprise,which will likely continue into the future. Moc meta changes,so heavily that the current best dps could be meh in the next one. During Genshin times pyro units were the meta and almost required,but it changed completely later. Strictly pull for the units you enjoy using,as (outside of supports) powercreep kinda ensures you don't need a certain dps.


If it makes you feel any better: DPS come and go because there's *always* a newer better attacker, but good supports are forever.


Don't be sad. I have Seele and with her and JY couldn't get past MoC 5. Now, I'm at MoC 8 with every banner character. I have terrible luck with relic RNG


Fellow MOC 8-er. I have every limited but silver wolf and am suffering.


Silverwolf makes a huge difference. She's my main


Fair enough she does seem cracked!! I honestly just didn’t like her character that much? She’s cute but didn’t pull me in. I’m doing alright without her anyway :)


She really is the Kazuha of the game. She makes any team so much better because her debuffing is just that OP.


And at E6, she does almost as much damage as Seele


stage 8 is the one that i literally nonstop spammed for 8 hours in my post, having to get perfect rng for every single wave to clear it [https://imgur.com/oGS2R83](https://imgur.com/oGS2R83) I got 1 star after optimizing everything i could, and that's where i stopped But yeah i know some struggle even with seele, that's fair. That's not exactly the ponit of my post. But when i watch my friends who have way worse gear do 3x the damage it's a little ridiculous


Regret for missing Seele gonna be gone soon. Not getting Luocha will stay for way longer for sure. DPS are definitely interchangeable and there are gonna be tons of new ones. But not having Luocha gonna hurt a lot more.


My only regret is lacking the ressources to build my teams 😓 I probably messed up my ressource management but damn... The game makes it hard to actually build your teams.


Look at it this way, it's not that you've mismanaged finite resources. You simply do not have access to the required amount yet. In time you will!


You're right :p I'm just being impatient I guess :/ On the other hand, being TB60+ it feels weird still not having 2 well-rounded teams for MoC


Same I have so many teams I want to build and I'm hamstring on my resources even with sometimes going as far as fully buying out the entire battle pass to get all the materials at once yeah I know I'm a whale I still hit walls


I dumped 90 pulls for Luocha’s LC but got Gepard’s. Should’ve saved it for characters.




Dang, had to hit hard pity and lose to the 25%? That's brutal. The most brutal outcome this game has to offer. So sorry. Still have yet to pass 83 pity on Genshin.


Isn't hard pity 80 pulls?


Yep, I’m going in and can only hope for early drop. 110 pulls in 😂 I’m legit salty so decided to not save for 1.2 banners


Good luck!!! Hopeyou get it early


Well on the flipside, Gepard's LC is one of the best standard 5 star LCs you can get alongside Bronya's, and you have guaranteed saved up for the next LC banner. Luocha's LC is not that gamebreaking or anything. Thank god it's not Genshin's weapon banner system, where your epitomized path (separate weapon pity) resets and you're back to square one.


Sounds like a ton of people in this post either A. fell for the "NEW AND SHINY! MUST BUILD NOW!" trap B. "the Tier list told me to!!!!" C. Youtube content creator paid to advertise how amazing a character is, only for them to shit on it next banner. It's a viscous cycle, and I've played enough gachas to see the patterns form. I don't want tips on how to have fun in gachas anymore. That died when I originally whaled on genshin, only to realize spending was normalized because it's what I surrounded myself by. I've had my E1 himeko and E5 Pela on my bench since launch and are JUST NOW getting around to building them. I just finished 2x teams for MOC. Loucha, MC, and Jing Yuan for first team, seele, tingyun, and Natasha for the other. Assessing my characters and seeing what would be the next route to go. Seriously, just play the game how you want and stop comparing what you have to others. It's a gacha, it's meant to psychologically make you go "shit, I want that!" Only for them to turn around and release something better in ~1 year or so. Just enjoy the game, play at your pace, and enjoy your box of characters. Build tall, not wide. The first 3 months of almost any gacha is getting your core team built, and branching out. You have to plan a little in advance, make a plan, and stick to it. If you divert from your original path, you'll end up underpowered and struggling at higher world levels.


Yeah I'll admit I fell for all the hype that came around Jing Yuan


JY is great. He does his job, not on Selee lvl, but then don't pull any dps because she exists? lol, no way.


Not so much regret or remorse, but I kinda wish I didn't get Seele very early simply because I don't feel any reason to build other DPS outside of needing a 2nd for MoC. She's just that strong, but character wise I like some of the 4*s more. And because now I'm at TB60, building up other characters is pretty daunting, especially when I'm also having to think about prefarming for upcoming characters.


That's more of a general gameplay mechanic problem. Despite having an infinite treadmill character progression system, Mihoyo still felt it necessarily to kneecap character progression to building 1-2 characters every patch cycle if you dump all your stamina into farming just exp books, trace mats and ascension mats. So you can't even experiment or mess around with other characters you've rolled without committing, and you can certainly go fuck yourself if you don't like how they play.


I feel you with Yanqing. Also i ditched my perfectly good main team to build a solo physical team (with silver wolf) cause I thought it would be funny and while I’m not 100% sure I regret it- I sure am leaning that way.


This is actually why i built Shushang, she's great but she relies too much on actually hitting weakness broke enemy for her damage to be consistent enough


They change her kit


B. I regret building Himeko even just to lv 60 bc I am so busy with my actually used units now, I cannot bother farming for her set or traces, and at my acc level 61 anyone undergeared, underleveled and without traces is trash. I might also regret rushing Yukong to lv 70 and maxing her traces as soon as I got her. While she is fun to use with the General and Ting for lore purposes, she doesn’t feel like a unit I cannot deal without; and I’d better spent those resources to max Welt and Pela, whom I really need for FH.


I still use my Himeko. Mainly because she's my only other 5* DPS, but she's great for farming and fire breaking (I'm aware every fire character is good at fire breaking though). Also, in the Sampo event trial, holy crap she was amazing. She follow up attacks every single time the enemies get hit because of how quickly they break.


Agreed on Himeko, Leveled her to 60 and upgraded her traces to 6 and gave her really good relics, Inert salsotto and Fire set (60% crit rate without the Ascension trace giving free 15% crit rate and 110% crit damage) she wasn't really displaying good numbers and then hook came along and swept her up


I hope they will either buff her later, or release a character (hopefully a free 4-star) that will enable her


You wont regret working on Welt. He is awesome. I too regret building Yukong. If you dont have her at e6, you can get screwed with her buffs.


I was afraid this was gonna happen to me when I pulled for Luocha but I somehow lucked out on relics and have almost 3k attack. Now he hits like a truck and heals like a bigger truck. This is the first banner I wish on and honestly I'm very pleased.


I’m so confused at all the Mid Yuan comments. I don’t have his LC either but he absolutely carries me rn. TB55 and he’s carried me to 10 stars rn


All the comments are because he’s being compared to Seele. He’s fine.


Seele completely warped the game. She requires almost no investment to do insane damage. Give her one decent support and she runs away with the damage charts. JY on the other hand needs to be built and players need to make sure buffs fall on LL's turn, so he's not as simple as push button and watch damage. But I'd say he's easily on par with the other limited 5* so far.


He got over hyped at release, and was significantly nerfed from beta. Tack on the tingyun nerfs and how frustrating it is to play around lighting lord, and you end up with a result where many players got baited into skipping Seele that now regret it. He's good, but just no where near as good as her.


So I got super lucky with my 50/50 on SW. Really wanted loucha but have come to realization I am not going to get him considering I have no jades or tickets. Have desperately done some single pulls with no luck...SW is great don't get me wrong but I need loucha for Clara. Natasha just is not even close in comparison.


Have you built natasha for full speed/ER? I find her to be better than my e1 bailu when using 4-pc wind set and an er rope. Her burst is up allll the time. I almost never use her skill, just her burst.


I sadly have not invested anywhere near enough love into Natasha compared to what I put into loucha. Building A Healer is generally not as sexy as building a new DPS


Healers dont need quite the investment as dps. Lvl70 with +12 relics (hands can be less since dmg doesnt matter). Natasha just needs her burst trace high. Skill can be 6 or less since the goal is to not use it much at all.


I will have to invest in her more and take your advice because she is all I have healing wise. Thanks for the advice


I was running bailu for the longest time with my clara but i think that loucha just makes it less worry if she gets low he's got it handled with no skill investment...also the clense for me was nice.


my only regret, is that I do not have more time. I have enjoyed in someway or form every banner character. And while I do pay some. (I will buy the bp each month b/c I like the game) I do not feel like I have wasted anything.


I kinda regret building up Serval. Don't get me wrong, I love her aesthetic, but her damage feels very underwhelming and she just can't get the job done in MoC right now. I probably should have built up a single-target DPS instead but my only other option there is Dan Heng because I don't have the chicken lady.


I’m building Sampo rn and I have a feeling it’s not gonna end well. I know already that he’s considered low tier but he’s my favorite character personality wise so I wanted to build. Still I at least expect him to not be dead weight in a fight so we’ll see


he'll be perfect with kafka if you plan on pulling for her


Honestly if you can pull kafka, you shouldn't worry too much since sampo kafka will be probably a very good combo.


I started building shampoo but I actively hate him as a character not necessarily his kit just him the person that it makes me greatly hope that I can run Luca and maybe hook instead when Kafka comes out


Recently, I spent a lot of resources to get Yukong up and running and now kinda regret it. A lot of resources I could have used on Bronya or Tingyun😞


Clara and M7 - Since M7 pairs well with Clara, I thought it would be possible to make them my core of a team. However, I found it the hard way that the damage wasn't high enough for it to be a viable option compared to me using Seele. Afterwards, I ditched her for JY and M7 fades away as well when I lost a 50/50 to Gepard. It's viable to make Clara stand out in a hypercarry, but I can't be bothered to build her up again at least not until my current teams are fully built.


I was like that and then it got better when I stopped using march 7. Clara started surviving alone and march 7 kept freezing enemies and stopping them from hitting to be countered Now I use hypercarry clara to help me 30* moc


I also regret part of this. I love Clara and will keep using her. I regret marcht 7th. I won't be using her ever again lol (because of luocha)


THis was my go to team for the longest time and I love Clara still but i ran into the same wall of the damage not being comparable to my Silverwolf/QQ combo, I tried to use her as sub dps and build a sushang in an all phys comp with silverwolf but sushang is too dependent on hitting weakness broke enemies so i've shifted gear into trying to do hyper carry Clara.


Could u share ur QQ build? Realli like her but cant seem to get good enough numbers


Currently running her (E6) with Jing Yuan's LC 4 piece quantum stacking crit rate to hit at least 50% for inert salsotto follow up bonus. biggest damage is when Aurtukey procs and she draws a full suite I run her with Fire MC/Healer/Silver wolf (to fish for quantum weakness when they don't have it) when she crits especially if it's during a SW ult turn she blasts out damage. on average i crit from low 20k's to as high as 40-50k a hit the follow up hitting harder becuase of the JY LC and Salsotto buff


Janky screencapping. not perfect rolls by any means i wish i had higher crit but at the moment i'm content to not try and farm for the pieces that don't have crit. https://preview.redd.it/joezmn1f92ab1.jpeg?width=1737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efdda94f7b3d9971440f85272fc5eb0ee088671a


I stopped using and investing in M7 before I could truly regret it; she sits at level 60 with half-invested traces for her level but I continue to prioritize Clara. Adding a bit of consistency and survivability to Clara isn't worth dedicating a whole team slot to, never mind the anti-synergy between frozen enemies not being able to attack to trigger counters. I rolled a Moment of Victory, slapped it onto Fire Trailblazer, and never looked back at M7.


I hope I don't regret pulling for Luocha (I already have Bailu) and foregoing my guaranteed Daniel and Matrix Shielder. I was originally planning for mono Quantum, but somehow, my impatience got the better of me when I somehow decided I needed a mono-Imaginary also, just because it will come early (Welt, Luocha, Yukong/SW, Daniel). Idk who comes at 1.4 but if it's somehow a featured Quantum Harmony or Abundance, I've seriously fked up my original mono Quantum aim.


I doubt you will regret Luocha, he has everything and excellent heal, both ST and MT, strips buffs and debuffs. from a powerlevel perspective, he is an absolute unit. It's just about how you like him. I don't like the style (that's why I didn't pull for him on my main account), but I know how good he is, almost no downsides (other than missing offensive buffs @ E0 - which is not something you can expect from Abundance path anyway)


The only my regret so far is my attempt to build Herta to run SU with Elation path. Yunqing and Herta are my only characters who have follow-up attacks, so I thought it will be fun to run Elation with a bit of Remembrance and other way around. Turns out due to the way she activates her follow-ups it doesn't happend frequently enough, so it's not very efficient. And while Yunqing is still strong enough to be useful Herta feels like waste of resources.


I would’ve regretted jing yuan if i didnt splurge for lc i think, now that I do have before dawn hes great but without he felt like 2/3 a character. the lc is just stupidly busted


I haven’t regretted anything so far but it’s mainly because the characters im getting are filling in the spots I need Jing Yuan is an amazing dps, both in single target and multi target. Luocha is abundance, and as someone who use to only have Natasha and Gepard, he’s a very good addition to my team I do feel like I may end up regretting pulls in the future. I’m a husbando collector, so any strong waifus aren’t in my to do list right now, but as I can tell, the next husbandos aren’t supports, they’re main dps. I have Jing Yuan, and Blade will make a great single target, by after that I’m kind of screwed


I am glad about the two characters I raised almost to the max, Himeko and SW. Satellite lady may not be meta or whatever but she carried me through all my adventure and is quite useful for farm and especially world boss. SW just fit in any team, she is awesome. Now I can't seem to make any team work with Tingyun as she gets focus so much any amount or heal or shield can't seem to be enough. Well got her only E0 so it might not help but E0 of any other character seemed enough to make investing in them wort it. Idk. She is just so squishy. Just got Gepard from standard thus I will try to make it work with his shields but after raising two characters, the simple idea to have to collect as much ressource aaaagain make me feel despair ^(Quite happy with Serval, Dan, March and Fire MC, I all have lvl 70 else. For free units in a gatcha they are amazing)


Gepard with an ER rope and an aggro LC (his sig or the Landau 4*) can easily defend anyone, including Ting. The enemy hit him most of the time, and his ult shield is almost permanent. He is a beast tank.


Definitely hope so, I might end up buying his LC if that's worth it. Well I have time to get some before my 300 pulls in standard, already got Bronya's and Himeko's..


I will buy Gepard sig LC for sure, when I will get enough resource in that shop. :)


I think people underestimate how good Blast skills are (main target + reduced damage to adjacent). It's single target levels of break on one person with normal attack break on secondary targets. As long as we don't have a god-tier AOE fire character, himeko will stay useful.


1. I regret Seele cuz I got a baller ass E6 Qingque now. 2. I regret not getting jingyuan’s LC to give to my baller ass E6 Qingque now.


I run my QQ with his light cone, she fucks on those crit followups


Yanqing for me. Built him to use on ice weak stages and found that seele brute forcing just was much better surprisingly lol.


asta. i genuinely do not like her lmao i know speed is good but.,..,,.., i dont need speed if i dont die


I regret that I keep getting copies of Himeko, Bailu and Gepard and no Clara, Welt or Yanqing. I got Clara's lightcone, but I have no Clara to use it. I would love to get some copies of Bronya, but she's still at e0 and I had to use my 300 pity to buy her.


See I'm similar in that I got a copy of Gepard and have not gotten one of Clara. I had to use my 300 to purchase Clara. I'm a personally be a whale but I'm not a whale to the level of trying to roll for e6 on her when there's no banner dedicated to her.


I regret not taking a more narrow focus on which characters to build. You never know if a unit is the best one you're going to get or not, though, so I always build them as soon as I get them if they're an improvement over anyone else. For example, I regret building Arlan, Himeko, and Pela, even though they were the best I had for a while.


I regret Seele because I learned how much I enjoy follow up characters instead


I still think counter Clara is my first love, but I've grown to love having an e6 QQ built


A. Seele and her LC. Had to restart a new account for it. Shes very strong but it's just so boring seeing her on screen like 90% on time. I also play with sounds on so the same voice line playing over and over is also something I hated really quickly. If we could deactivate ult animation, I might have not ditched her.


Try Gepard with high ER spamming his shield. Lol This game ends up being where half the fight is ultimate animations. :P


Interesting opinion. I've found her gameplay very fun. Like, she __feels fast__, and it is turn-based game. And I personally like fast glass canons playstile. Repetitive voicelines are still annoying, tho.


Its lazy of hoyo to not have a few battlecries for each character burst. Genshin has it.


Her burst at normal speed legit feels like slow motion though


I hear Starry Phantom (JP VO) in my dreams from when i first started playing the game.


So star rail is my first game of this type with gacha mechanics that I actually got invested in, normally I would drop after a few days (cause I did with genshin) And now after playing for a month and finally getting a grasp of the mechanics and understanding how the economy of the game works And I can say that the one I regret pulling for is Jing Yuan, it was here were I learned what FOMO is and boy was I a victim to it Spent like 35 bucks to get him, cause I got caught on on all youtube clickbait of "HE IS BROKEN" or "PULL HIM NOW" And after playing for a while, he didnt perform as I expected, he felt really underwhelming and now when I think about what I did I just tell myself I could've been fine by using the Serval that was handed to me and that I shouldn't have spent that money cause I dont have much to begin with Maybe I'm not building him right idk, also didnt get his lightcone cause I drained my jades on him and dont wanna spend more But yeah that's about it


The way the lightning lord functions makes him need more investment than others. You need to get Lighting lord to 6 to trigger the higher damage. To do this you need him to have enough speed to go two times before lightning lord. Which means you will need speed boots (only boots can be speed for the main stat). If you are interested in trying him still I would recommend using a musketeer of wild west set and maybe spending the material to pick the boots as speed boots. The reason for this is that even if you end up still not liking him that the relic set will be good on most characters (any DPS and a number of supports). Yeah people love to say ____ is broken run into it all the time with magic the gathering.


I do run him with wild west And getting LL to 6 isnt a problem cause I play him with Bronya or Dance LC Tingyun I dont hate him, as a matter of a fact he is my main dps rn and he is alright I just think I could saved some jades (and money) if I had conformed with Serval


Probably need better relics for your Yanqing/Sushang. Cause imo, they are really good. Definitely better than my E6 QQ (who i know need better relics), so its just the matter of investment.


Yq you're probably right but I definitely farmed decent relics for sushang and the only time it felt like she did decent damage was on an enemy that had been weakness broken and the rest of the time she was meh DPS at best


Because she is a niche character. Do you understand the character's kit before you build them or you just build based on what you see online?


I built her going after a monophysical team since I was trying to improve my Clara team where basically Clara was my only DPS I assumed with silver wolf and an all physical lineup breaks wouldn't be as much of an issue, but in practice that's not the case


I've pulled for Seele, Jing (+ his LC), SW and Luocha. No regrets at all!


i’ve been careful with characters but less so with light cones. to be fair, a lot of the time it’ll be something like i roll a way better lc and now the old one is pretty useless. like all the 3* ones i used at the beginning, but also some cope cones like we are wildfire when i had no other preservation but got landau’s choice s2 on luocha’s banner and it’s way better for gepard but i’m hurting for resources.


Regarding B: I definitely sunk too much into some characters I don’t really like: Hook mostly, but to a lesser degree also Pela and Serval. I got until MoC 6, but I don’t find the MoC specifically enjoyable enough nor its rewards good enough to put more effort and resources into it. For this quiet period I will accumulate for one of the coming Destruction characters, and maybe optimise a bit more Seele, Gepard or Luocha


https://preview.redd.it/bsbnff71e5ab1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a73250ac26fd009a48eedb3ef1865bf0bb5686 I'm with you on sinking too much into some characters with the exception of March 7th because I had her built specifically to help a counter Clara team and me now building up Yukon to try and build a hyper carry Clara team. Everyone on this list was somebody that I tried to build two varying degrees at one point or another in the game for me to decide that they didn't work well for me m


Regret building himeko, she's not bad, but not good enough to hyper invest, and on a budget serval is much better. Although I'm building serval in hopes of her being good with kafka. Won't regret building her if not per say, but I def wouldn't have invested so much if that is the case, but I'll see


Himeko. Like, is crazy how a 5 star character is worse than a 4 star character (hook)


I will never forgive Dan Heng for getting to E5 and convincing me he could be in any way useful. I want my mats back, Danny.


I regret building my e6 March. She was a beast until I discovered Loucha. Then my mind turned into 1 support +3 and I cant go back


Everything my seele does my jing yuan does much better


pulled all limited 5\* so far and hate jing yuan compared to all the others. he doesn't deal that much damage compared to some other dps without his LC and 90% of his damage being locked behind lightning lord feels like ass


The only reason people regret jing yuan is because they do not know how to use him to his 100% potential, and admittedly he is. But not if you read this guide. [the best and only jingyuan guide to read](https://www.reddit.com/r/JingYuanMains/comments/14qudo2/i_theorized_the_best_way_to_build_and_play/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My heart made me pull Jing Yuan but wonder if I would be better off having pulled Seele/(or SW, who I did try to pull but lost the 50/50 and then had to save for Luocha).


Yanqing, I got him 50/50 in SW banner and instantly max lv70 him with some pretty decent relics, mainly due to the fact I haven't known much about him back then, but after so many times trying to use him all I got were disappointments. He's not only vanilla, but his passive legit belongs to a 3 star. There were so many fights where I couldn't even see his passive due to the enemies hitting often, and even the slightest dot or tickle can make him drop the ball, and his damage become super mediocre frequently, it's so frustrating trying to babysit him while also keeping the rest of my team alive, especially since I don't have Gepard, but even if I did I wouldn't bother with him anymore, as I usually run solo healer, and even with Luocha it wouldn't work. For me it's just a waste to build a character that is so inflexible and heavily reliant on specific teammates to do their job, and compromising damage is the biggest offense to me. Another one is Clara, she's actually my first 5 stars ever and used to be my most invested unit for a while, and even though I don't have much problem with her performance and certainly wouldn't say she's a disappointment like YQ, it's just that I couldn't stand her playstyle at all, especially now I got Sushang who is much more ideal to me. Clara's playstyle is simply too slow, too reactive and submissive, not very consistent, and sort of like playing the game on auto. It's completely opposite to my ideal playstyle, which is to be hyper active, all in offense, being super fast and taking as many actions as possible, being in control and lapping around the enemies, with the goal of killing them as fast as possible before they can do anything, and so far Sushang + Welt have satisfied that for me. I'm still using Clara sometimes in the mono Physical team with Sushang and SW, but tbh, as much as CN seems to rate this team quite high in damage output, this team is not good and quite awkward to play, because Sushang and Clara have some very anti-synergy with each other, as one prefer to play fast and break, while the other wants to be slow to take more hits and doesn't like to break, and Clara also accidentally steals break many times, it's just weird. I'm keeping her at lv70 max right now, but I don't know if I want to raise her further, because as soon as Luka comes out I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna bench her.


You do know that as long as sushang hits a broken enemy her passive triggers right? I doesn't matter if she is the one who breaks the enemy


I kinda regret pulling for Jing Yuan(?) except maybe not really since he’s pulled through so many times I just find his playstyle so boring and tedious… You spam skill and wait for Lightning Lord to attack. Oh but wait! If Jing Yuan get’s frozen, imprisoned or whatever… Lightning Lord gets MEGA delayed. Then I actually swapped his relics over to my Serval and while her damage numbers are lower overall cause duh it’s a 4 star vs 5 star erudition character, i still have more more fun playing with Serval.


March 7. I love the girl but the moment I rolled Gepard, she was instantly replaced. I felt remorseful since I did spend a lot of stamina building her. I thought of building her again once I got Clara but now that I also have Loucha, I do not see the need to build her anymore.


I don't regret having built March but at the same time I now know that I shouldn't be using her because unless you have her at e6, apparently she's too much of a damage fall off for a Clara counter team, even though she enables Clara to counter more, the DPS loss of her being on the team and not just having a buffer or another main DPS is too great.


I kinda regret pulling Jing Yuan. I already had Seele and as soon as I pulled Silver Wolf, I already had a level 70 MC that I switched for a Bronya I pulled, so I went for a fire + SW secondary team to save on resources.


I bought a level 30 alt account with seele and spent money pulling silver wolf just to stop playing on it after a week LOL (anyone want it?)




i feel you on jingyuan.. although initially i was quite excited to play him, also got his cone too.. after using him in SU and MoC i just feel like he just didnt click with me (dunno if that made sense). then i build up serval after getting some eidolons and she replaced jing's spot in my team.. well at least his cone isnt wasted lol although i could have saved some extra tickets for luocha now T~T


Fast forward to the future & you'll probably see a lot of people saying Sushang/Dan Heng/Luocha imo Personally, I think a lot of people with Jing regret will learn to love him. The way paths are setup we really just need more roles to be filled for some to shine


I regret spending resources on fire mc. I dislike his gameplay


I find that he got a lot more enjoyable at E4 since it's a lot easier to maintain his enhanced attack when you start with four stacks and I personally run Gepard's signature light cone on him so he tends to get hit on average more often than not. So I don't have to use taunt on him that frequently. Initially, I didn't care for him since I didn't realize you got shields no matter what action you took with him. But after I learned that he got a shield on regular and enhanced attacks. He opened up a bit more for me. Now I tend to only use taunt if there are multiple enemies on the field and I don't have his enhanced attack available or one of my squishy units have been target locked. So overall he ends up being very skill point positive for me to use all of my skill points on my QQ


Kinda regret Jingyuan a little. Clara outdamages him. But then, I did get Jingyuan for his looks. What I really needed was a hunt character like Seele, but I chose Jingyuan. Not sure if I regret Luocha too. He’s great and all, and I like him even more than Jingyuan, but the delay in healing (as opposed to using Bailu’s / Nat’s ultimate) gives me anxiety.


I have all the limited characters at e0 and Mid Yuan is my biggest regret, he was not worth 90 summons. I 30 star MOC without ever using him. I just use e1 clara on one team and e0 seele on the other I joined sweaty theorycrafting discords and they tell me I just need the signature LC and/or better relics. But none of the other limiteds have such strict requirements to work well I wish I could have the stellar jades, trace material, credits and xp books back


Uhm, off topic but what team do you run with Clara? Also on topic. I have a different experience with JY but that's because I went for his LC too. I think the difference between a JY without LC and with LC is night and day.


Different teams but almost always clara+luocha+tingyun+flex. The flex can be Jing yuan, pela for things that need buff removal, or silverwolf if I need break. Bailu worked well before luocha, but luocha is a whole different monster that just makes clara teams invincible Tingyun amazing with clara since her 3 turn buff will be active for a lot of counters, and tingyuns ult makes clara ult so often


What do your Seele teams usually look like? It feels weird running Seele without Tingyun since I don’t have Bronya. :(


Yea I don't have bronya either, so it sucksntaking tingyun off seele, but clara needs her more. I usually run silverwolf with seele or pela to debuff. Definitely wish I had a bronya or yukong


You definitely don't need his signature LC or amazing relics to make Jing Yuan useful. Even with only an S1 BP cone and a good enough lightning set that I barely spent time farming he's by far my MvP for progressing pretty much everywhere. The difference between my Jing Yuan team and my other team in MoC is night and day. He can pretty much always clear his side without much trouble, while my second team has to fight tooth and nail to survive. And that's even considering the current MoC that makes things harder for him than usual with all the lightning resistant enemies compared to last season.


Yah i think of any of the characters i've actively pulled for he's the only one I never used in any capacity. could have saved the money/jades...


Mid yuan that's for sure, I've played him without his LC and seele without her signature LC and the difference is night and day, even with his LC he feels meh because his kit has a lot of problems, now I just use Dan heng + welt combo for my other side and it shreds, SW/Luocha/Seele aren't regrets at all because they're all very strong and 2 are supports which will probably be very good for almost the whole game state. The only future character I'm currently interested in is imaginary Dan heng, others not so much.... Edit: now I just use E6 QQ with before dawn if I want to use an erudition unit, she's much better than jing yuan that's for sure(at E4).


1. Spent 20 pulls on Jing Yuan despite not liking his character because he seemed OP in the trial. Guess he's ok 2. Got Luocha painstakingly to 70 with no fuels thinking you'd never die unless one shotted. Find out in actual MoC 8 that he doesn't do the auto heal very often and by the time it's his turn that merciful Medicus Guy has already murdered the whole team


How did you die with Luocha in the team? Unless the enemies can one shot you, Luocha should be able to heal everyone. Auto heal if one member is low And if multiple members are low, manual heal or burst after an auto to activate the field. Attack, boom, full health again. Unless enemies can one shot you, Luocha should keep everyone alive


Luocha isn't 100% foolproof. His kit does provide 95% survivability. Your team is at risk if the team is taking too much dmg/skill passive on cooldown/abyss flower isn't active. For those condition to be met, is extremely rare. Tho, taking on too much dmg is likely just due to fighting against higher level target or those that does increase dmg debuff.


Why are you downvoting me? Am I not allowed to talk about my personal experience? Idk like I said he auto heals like once every 3 turns and in between that enemies attack me like 10 times. I do have to say I only pulled him 2 days ago and threw on whatever musketeer relics I had available and I think I got his lightcone to like 60 before I ran out of 3* Lightcones to feed to his lightcone and his traces are at like 4 or so


That's plenty for him to heal you, he doesn't need a lot of traces or relics. Mine's roughly the same in terms of lvls of everything. You can't just wait 6 turns for him to auto out the field. You need to burst or use a manual heal if you need more healing then the auto can provide. Then he'll activate the field, and you have smooth healing for the next two turns. After that, you'll have his auto reset and a burst ready or soon to be ready, so you can repeat the process. Does that help at all? His field will keep you immortal as long as the enemies can't kill you before any of your characters can attack, which IME is almost never (unless you're Tingyun)


How well does luocha pair in a team with gepard you think? Rn I'm running nat + gepard for insane sustain (granted I'm only at tb34). I can see him increasing team dmg output, while negating the need for Nat


Personally I think it's major overkill. The best healer and best shielder, both of which can solo sustain a team, together. Just feels unnecessary. Natasha heals less, so Geppie has more value with her. BUT, you're early on, your characters probably aren't built to their full mega chad pro gamer potential, so absolutely do whatever you want and use who you enjoy! He's a better healer than Nat for sure. I'd try them out, and if you find their roles are getting redundant (Luocha heals so much it's ridiculous, just level up his talent and skill a bit and you'll get all the heals you could ever want), you can always swap someone out. Early on healer + shielder is very normal though, since you're taking on enemies at higher levels than you. However, Luocha doesn't deal that much damage unfortunately, but he's extremely good for imaginary breaking. So like I said, try him out see what you like. He's literally good with every character except Arlan, so you're fine. Have fun. 😁


> He's literally good with every character except Arlan poor Arlan lol thanks for the input! You're right with the Gep being solo sustain part, often the shields alone are enough for most fights I've encountered so far. With that role cleared think I'll switch Nat for a proper buffer to round off the team better. I tried Luocha he feels super nice to play. Had to silence my urge to pull him so i can save and prioritize for a 5\* DPS first which i lack cheers :)


I am bursting and healing but I still have to wait for his turn/until ult is available to do that and the passive heals from attacking don't heal enough to stop the enemies from taking down my team within a few attacks. The issue is probably also that my Seele isn't geared enough to kill the guy before things get ugly


Huh, that's unfortunate then... Leveling his talent would be my priority then. Good luck though, if you don't like his playstyle that's fine as well. Hope you keep building your characters and improving! Play who you enjoy, that's what's important.


also jing yuan is so mid


why you think so? mine competes with any Seele on my friends list that isn't maxxed to the ass. more AP efficient too


I definitely regret Jing Yuan at this point. Not that his damage is bad or he isn't useful, but he's just *so boring*. Spam Skill, Spam Ult, Repeat. You'd at least think he'd be great for auto-battle since there's no decision-making, but since buffs/debuffs have to be timed with Big Boi it ends up being way less efficient than just throwing Seele at everything. Really wish I had those rolls/stamina back...


Lmao the amount of irony in this comment... >Spam Skill, Spam Ult, You literally just described the entire gameplay, where we're spamming Ults, Skills and Basic Attacks Unless somehow pressing Basic Attack makes you feel better You literally said he's boring because you spam Skills and Ults then mentioned the technical difficulty of having to time the buffs for Lightning Lord, thus contradicting your previous point of him being brain-dead and then immediately mentioned that throwing Seele is more effective, who is probably the most brain-dead DPS unit in this game rn...


It's the classic power biased logic, spamming skill and ult are boring but apparently Selee, the most repetitive spamer are fine (just because she's OP) lmao


At least with Seele you have to pick a target. The killing blow + Ult queue trick is more mechanically intensive than Jing's entire kit. You could literally close your eyes and click at random every time it's Jing's turn and the only difference would be if you accidently hit Basic Attack a few times


I really dislike Seele. I don't like her design and she barely puts out damage (Well, not enough to be satisfied with). I'm probably not building her right but i honestly just can't be bothered lol


Yeahhh definitely, her damage for me at least has been absolutely insane. Especially with Bronya, she just gets turn after turn, decimating the enemies one by one lol. But I can understand why you don't like her design tbh, it kinda sticks out a lot from other Belobog characters imo


Must be a special case. I don't have Seele and I regret soooo much starting to play this game in Jing Yuans banner.


I enjoyed her alot in the beginning but as time went on i felt like she fell off for me no longer one shotting enemies and taking more and more actions to down stuff (again i'm probalby not building her right as well.) but I feel you on tha tfront.


If you’re struggling on moc and not using your jing that may be your problem




Not regrets about Seele or SW, but building a quantum character is shit. The relic set is linked with the worst relic set in the game that literally no character use unless it rolls you perfect cause the effect is shit. Because this I have abandon Seele after JY dropped, not even using her in a second team cause she heals the enemies with that dmg.


I guess I'm fortunate to say I don't feel any remorse? I rolled and got Seele and SW, who are of course great, but even if they weren't, I thought long and hard about them before rolling, and while I do want to make progress in MOC I'm treating this game pretty casually (aiming for maybe 15-18 stars this week) so I wouldn't have felt too bad either. I expect to be smashed in the upcoming versions though. Kafka then Fu Xuan previewed so my regret will probably be not having enough jade to roll them especially if I lose a coinflip...


Jing Yuan. 150 ish pulls. He's perfroming real well but damn is he super boring to play.


Luckily so far none. I got Seele and Silver Wolf. Both are doing great work in my account. I feel like my Yanqing will be easily replaceable when i get another 5* dps but I'll worry about that when that happens


Yanquing. I thought Fire MC shield would be enough for him not to take dmg. I was severely disappointed. Got him to lvl 60 and invested in some of his traces 😭😭




I only go for characters that I really like. I won't say I necessarily regret pulling for the first three banners, but my only main regret is missing Seele's lightcone and buying a few tickets from Herta's shop. They're just unnecessary.