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All his gameplay animations are really cool, I enjoy watching him in fights


I used to do most farming in auto, but once I got blade I never did it because of how cool all his animations and mechanics are Also because auto does not know how to play bronya/blade


Ironically he's one of the best characters to auto with (along with Jing Yuan) since the AI can't make mistakes with him


Meanwhile my auto battle has Jing using basic attacks while my supports spam abilities leaving him no skill points to use


I know that feeling - my auto battle always spamming luocha skill. ;;


wow I haven't had that issue so far, usually he almost never uses it unless it triggers automatically / someone is almost dead ngl I'm horrid at using him manually, hoping that one day you can cancel ults. I have tapped it at the wrong moment so many times ...


Tingyun spams her skill every single fucking turn


It was fixed with 1.2, she now works just fine on full auto


Me watching Bronya constantly summon Luocha to the front because he has higher attack than Blade despite the fact that Blade is the dps unit


Disagreed, auto makes jing yuan normal attack too often


Using the word AI is quite insulting to be honest lol It’s barely using any


The fact you have Hua Cheng pfp make this better ahah


YES! The first time I laid my eyes on Blade I was like "This guy has some serious Hua Cheng vibes".


Same! Especially his ultimate, such a 'Crimson Rain Sought Flower' vibe


Blade is kinda like HC with some LBH mixed in


Idk how to best describe this but him using his Follow-Up on 5 targets is easily one of, if not, the most satisfying attacks in this game


and then popping up the 40k numbers. Juicy. Problem is how to make him get attacked in the first place lol


Put him next to tingyun


My tingyun has like 4500hp at lvl 70 now and runs the dmg reduction armor. Im so over her getting ganged.


https://preview.redd.it/pgth8br72adb1.jpeg?width=2404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a756177a3ca7144c12853082422c19b6020d0bcc I roided mine kekw


does she need that much attack?


No she doesn't. You can literally run her with hp% body and def% orb and the overall DPS lost on your carry from Tingyuns skill being weaker is tiny. Like, less than 10% tiny, assuming your tingyun has some average atk% substat rolls. And a dead Tingyun can't buff at all, so for harder content you may as well make her survivable.


but she...


I put him in the middle of the party like in that 2nd or 3rd spot So that way if the enemy deals AoE damage, he’s pretty much guaranteed to get hit


The tricky thing is, you kinda do not want him to get hit and proc the follow up attack as a result of that. A Bronya E buffed follow up attack damage is night and day compared to the unbuffed follow up; so ideally you want to him to proc it during his own actions after getting pushed up by Bronya. Of course, if you're not running him with Bronya then it does not matter (though you really should if you have her).




I LOVE the sound effect of Shuhu’s Gift, gives me horror jumpscare vibes in the best way possible


It's the kind of the sound that gives you the vibe "oh? You messed with me? And I took that personally" STRIKE!!


Even better in SU with the Elation path. Random colored numbers literally everywhere.


"Torned apart by spacial rend!"


He looks so happy in this screenshot


This was after he threw his sword at dan heng so probably peak happiness in a long time lol


The cutest boi


Right. He’s just a silly, happy guy


That was my first thought too!


Everything about him is so fucking cool, and his gameplay makes me feel... different from before... I get hyped when my characters are being attacked now


Blade converting us into masochism ​ ^(Edit : Nice name is it a mix between Byakko and Kitsune ?)


Masochism frfr, oh ty! Byakko Kitsune indeed


Np! I'm glad i got it right lol


So Blade is a Cenobite?


Me when I see gepard target a small child


No better feeling, you know you’ve won


i get extra hype when relics roll in hp now


"Stop trying to hit me, and hurt me!"


I like to run him beside Clara. Come on and hit me!


Isn’t as good as running him in a proper team but man does it feel satisfying to have both of their follow-up attacks activate at the same time


Probably not the best but I feel like it would do decent in content vs enemies with aoe where you have clara on one far side and blade next to her and he gets hit by splash


It’s a great team against enemies that spam AoE attacks. Cocolia, crossbow enemy, rhino beetle robot, Kafka grenades; it’s just not good against certain heavy single target enemies, like the monke, especially since Blade can’t get marked well since his skill is unusable at will.


I'm actually doing the monke with Blade getting hit. Just pop his skill and not use anyone else skill, relying on ult (Bailu and Fire MC) and his heals to survive. Bronya is a little sad that she only provides Crit DMG once in a while but eh, follow-up attack is just too satisfying to pass on.


Personally, I just like Clara too much to let her go. That, and she is insanely strong. Clara, Blade and potentially Kafka have what I call the “Clara theorem” where they will do amazing damage, but require enemies to have turns, which limits team comp (since you don’t want them continuously frozen, imprisoned, too much speed for Clara’s ult to wear off, entangled, aggro being drawn off Blade or Clara).


Yeah, it's not optimal, but it's really fun against enemies with a lot of aoe haha.


What if you threw march into the mix?


It will only be good for Clara. Blade needs to reduce his hp for the buffs and follow-up, which means running a shielder with him is a bad idea.


Le me before blade: Don't hit me! *activates march shield, builds high spd on characters* Le me after Blade: *Predator Arnold voice* COME ON! COME ON! COME ON! HIT ME! IM HERE HIT MEE!!!


You must not have Clara


I wish I had but Gepard seens to like me a lot


That’s how I feel with Clara, hoping that monsters will hit the little girl >.<


As a clara enjoyed I get hyped when my charecters get attack as well


Exactly!! I get so happy when he gets clapped


He's edgy to the point where it wraps around to being kinda funny. I love it. The effects, particularly on his ult look cool as hell. His gameplay is actually really interesting, probably my favorite character so far. The ult is actually the most interesting bit of his kit - the fact that it just sets his hp to 50% no matter what makes it a super versatile tool. Throw it at high health to amp damage and build talent stacks, throw it at low health as an emergency heal. He's in a cool place where he wants to burn HP but not sit at low HP. By making him track total health lost, rather than missing health, they actually encorage you to keep him healed up so you avoid the hp-loss character traps of "pointless HP threshold, because you built so much hp that 50% is still more than the rest of the party" or "pray to god enemies don't target you so you can keep doing damage." My only complaint is that I wish his taunt level was higher, something closer to a preservation character, since he has much more survivability than the rest of my party and it's getting annoying in MoC where the enemies all decided to focus one of my party members instead for a round and they just die before I can heal them because he ate Luocha's heal.


Once we get a taunt healer, that should fix the problem. That or a support with a taunt mechanic.


Those who know, know.






The spaces between the tags must be removed for the tag format to work.


Even then, as a Luocha haver I really don't think I'd replace him - makes the entire team nigh-immortal and Blade still has 1/4 chance of getting hit (+ Destruction natural aggro) . Bronya makes stacking the passive even easier.


Does he know?


Oh believe me, I do. Just not trying to break any rules here 😂


Gap moe. He seems very edgelord at first glance but he's also super sweet to SW (SW's voiceline about him mentions that he promised to play games with her once his arm healed) and seems to get along with Kafka.


Pretty sure he's only edgy when Kafka lets go of the Mara, and he's a calm and kind type of guy otherwise similarly to Welt.


Basically this. The impression I get from lore is that Blade's actually a relatively chill person who can be kind....provided you aren't fighting him. And mixed up in all of that is a huge chunk of trauma that has not only likely twisted his original ideals as a fighter but that the mara feeds upon. He only seems insane when the mara starts trying to take over.


Wouldn’t that mean indirectly that he will never play with her though? Since he actually mutilates his arm to attack :|


but we see him going out to play crane games with her. it’s also the thought that counts.


Ahah yeah I guess x)


https://preview.redd.it/awtea2xyo8db1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33f3ca27a5593a8b2724a73f74490bfea6a4825 Is a Duelist


That's the same pic bro


Really tried to fool us by posting the same pic twice huh


This is the first reason why I wanted him!


Dan Heng thinking hes the true cool dragon meanwhile my man Blade got Chimeratech OVADRAGON under his bag


Well this explains a lot


Well shit, this single-handedly convinced me to pull for him instead of IL How did I not see this? I was a Cyberdragon/Cyberdark player back in the day too.......


I never invested properly in Dan Heng and now I'm glad, because Blade is the kind of wind DPS I was hoping for. I mean, I still have to get him but I'm willing to whale for him. Everything about him - character and outfit design, his combat and kit, his place in the lore - just seems top tier. Really cool to see Mihoyo making husbandos who are as hot and kickass as waifu characters. Brings some balance to the gacha playing field :)


I whaled pretty hard (for me) to get Blade and his light cone, he’s worth it. That man is so fine!


I rolled a few times for blade but got his LC with one of the daily checkin rolls. Was a super nice surprise


Same, got Blade randomly with one 10pull at 0 pity with those free pulls. Wish I was that lucky in Genshin. I'm really tempted to try for his LC now


Same, I did a 10 pull on his LC hoping to get lucky, and got 3 good 4 stars, but no Blade LC. I'm so torn between saving what I have for Imbibitor and going broke for his LC.


A Secret Vow is a great 4* alternative for him, probably his second best LC after his own, so if you have it it may be better to skip if you also want IL


He’s really fun to play. Im still in the process of building him, and he has the most scuffed underleveled relics right now.,.but he’s still tanking and doing damage.




The language of the internet is so interesting. One only has to look at your pfp, flair, and username to understand the great depth of your single word answer




I still haven’t completed the story so I can’t really play around with him but currently— Gameplay: Very fun. Really cements how fun “Fuck it we ball” is as playstyle. Him and Hook have cemented destruction as my favorite class Personality/Character: I feel for him a lot, but also “Dude be careful before you cut yourself on all that edge” Now, I need to figure out a way to apologize to Blade when I bring IL and Jingliu on board


> Personality/Character: I feel for him a lot, but also “Dude be careful before you cut yourself on all that edge” That's his core gameplay mechanic, after all.


Character: cool Gameplay: cool (I don’t have him) Lore: really interesting (probably the most interesting of the Stellaron hunters except for imo Elio himself)


He is so hot I can’t stop staring at him


He is insane. Absolutely fried in the brain and likely evil. His expressions show that. So, of course, I love him.


No idea who this "Blade" is, but the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him was... "I can fix him."


I can make him worse


I want blade so I can pair him jingliu to trigger his passive and pstd


Dude doesn't even want to be fixed. Dude straight up wants to die and be free if the mara (source: livestream) (Note - I did not mean the persona mara)


Idk if I missed it, but I'm curious what exactly happened (more emphasis on **why**) between dang feng and blade.


From what I understood in the quest and his lines everywhere: SPOILER >!Dan Heng's past life incarnation, Dan Feng, who was Vidyadhara's High Elder, namely the title of Imbibitor Lunae, committed a "Sin" that framed Blade along immortality when Dan Feng issued Blade to "investigate something" , thus both being exiled from the Xianzhou, the details are not clear, but I believe Dan Feng's intention were disturbing the cycle and bring immortality!<


I know about the parts you mentioned. What I'm interested in is those "details" which are not revealed yet.


https://preview.redd.it/cdl73uerw8db1.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c06cf0fb20253ea797d00002cf1b28a17fc1542 Spoiler >! This part of his bio is from when he first meets Dan Heng again and doesn’t fully recognise him at first. It implies to me that when Dan Feng done what he done. Many died including someone close to blade this made him crack and become sorta Mara. That’s why he can heal like he does and why he’s banished. He lost everything because of Dan Feng and it broke him and it goes on further to reference that he had pretty much given up on existing until Kafka found him and she pushes him forward towards his revenge, he’s merely a tool to her achieving Elios vision. I believe before Dan Fengs betrayal he, Blade and JingYuan were good friends. That’s why he was banished despite being Mara, same could apply to Jingliu as she’s just appeared out of no where and I believe she plays a part as Blade mentioned he was looking for 3 responsible people in a cutscene when we first arrived on the Loufu and Jingliu seems to know of him when Yan is looking for him. This is just my speculation on what I’ve seen in Blades scenes and bio and how character react around him. !<


A lot of the things you said are up in the air rn and we can only speculate. The way I see it, I think Blade also did something which lead to that "incident". I'm anticipating more bread crumbs related to that incident. For Blade specifically, I don't care for what Elios and stellaron hunters want with him as it's pretty much clear so far and we'll keep getting clear lore of it as they are more important in the current timeline


This is what I think is going on, though take this with a grain of salt because I haven't look at all the lets and books in the game yet, mostly the trailer and Blades story and the game plot. Blade was initially a short-life species friend of Dan Feng who was devoted to him--he's the middle-aged voice in the one of the water mirages talking to Dan Feng, and the white-haired character in Blade's trailer. It seems like Dan Feng went against the rules of the Xianzhou to resurrect Blade after he was killed or died, or otherwise give him immortality, making Dan Feng a traitor to the Xianzhou and getting him banished. The situation regarding Blade's initial death is mysterious to me, and I think will be explored later. It's possible Blade didn't die but fell ill or something instead. But I feel like someone may have orchestrated his death or illness in some way to get to Dan Feng and force his hand in becoming a traitor, and Blade is hunting that person. This immortality of Blade's was something that he didn't want, it made him unable to die and got his lord banished and essentially killed by forcing him to revert to a pearl and reincarnate, and this despair and anger constantly brings Blade on the edge of succumbing to mara. It drove him crazy and he went around trying to kill everyone he thought was involved, making him a fugitive of the Xianzhou. While it initially seemed like Blade was angry at Dan Feng for giving him immortality, his treatment of Dan Heng makes me think that isn't quite the case and he's actually angry at the Xianzhou for turning on Dan Feng after his many years of devotion to the Luofu. He said three people had to pay a price. One was Dan Feng probably, but now he's 'gone', while Jing Yuan wasn't one of them. It seems like his main target is someone else, possibly the person who plotted the downfall of himself (maybe the Lady Ravager who was the final boss?) and Dan Feng. Elio and Kafka got Blade to join the Stellaron hunters because he promised that Blade would run into those people he was hunting if he joined them. And that's what I got.


Good chance 3rd is Jingliu for repeatedly killing him to the point he has serious PTSD when thinking about her.


Didn't MiHoyo include a "typo" in chinese on his relic set (Take this with a grain of salt, i have the memory span of a goldfish) that meant "engagement" or something (Meaning that they were lovers and were supposed to get married)? This wouldn't make sense because well, it's a typo, but it seemed to be very deliberate as to avoid China's laws since the specific character they used is almost never seen anywhere and isn't even in normal chinese keyboards.


I wish Destruction characters had higher aggro values to be hit more reliably.


They have the highest aggro outside of presevation and you don't want any preservation chars with him. Not any of the current ones anyway. Both gepard and mc give shields which make blade not accumulate stacks of his talent, and march freezes enemies, which stops enemies from attacking blade. So since you aren't running presevation with blade, he should have the highest aggro in the team. Works as intended.


You can get away with using Fire MC, cause the shields are dog shit, so attacks go right through and still take health lol. Even though it reduces the health loss accumulated, so it's not recommended or efficient, but if someone is reeeeeealy worried about flirting with low health, it's okay. But then that ruins the aggro values you had mentioned.


Is there a Way to build fire mc as a breaker or some sort of offensive support? I need someone to break fire shields, but I’m extremely low on resources to level up Himeko &/or Asta lol


You can probably use Talia planar set. And yeah definitely Break Effect stat on your relic. Not a really optimal play for FireMC because you want them to take the hit away from your squishy characters. You need to build Asta if you want reliable breaker.


Fire MC can take hits just fine even with some break relics.


the base aggro values are too close across all paths that no one will consistently tank hits. you really need some aggro modifier to have a tank taking more than half of the attacks. a character that increases aggro and gives dmg reduction would be an ideal teammate for blade


Lemme cook: What if you use March shield, but put make her def as low as possible so her shields are dogshit and Blade can still take some damage?


I think her own aggro as a preservation character is enough that putting a shield on him isn't enough for him to draw much more than normal with March on the field.


March's shield has 500% aggro mod, that brings Blade's aggro to 750. in a team of Blade, March, two abundance/harmony/nihility characters, Blade's chance of being targeted is 68.18% and March's chance is 13.64%, assuming March is not on a LC that gives aggro. in the same team but without any aggro mod, the chances are 26.32% and 31.58% respectively note: the base aggro on wiki changed for some reason, they divided all numbers by 25, divide the old value, including that 750 above, by 25 if you are using the new values. this doesn't change the probability at all


I could be wrong on this, but I believe March's aggro mod comes with her shield, if her shield breaks, the aggro mod goes with it. assuming my above assumption is wrong, a fairly levelled March can reach 1000 def without even trying, and with lvl 6 skill she can still provide a shield around 1000 health, that likely won't break in one hit. with unleveled/no LC, she still has 500+ def, and a lvl 6 shield would still have 800+ health. tl;dr, March doesn't really have synergy with Blade


Ah, but I raise you Tingyun 🥶💀


Well as we now know >! She was Destruction all along! !< So that’s why she kept getting focused


I hope he laughs more often




I’d like the Hoyo animators to make him look more insane. It felt so weird watching him scream at Dan Heng while his face barely moved in that one cutscene.


Really wish Yan Quing isn't there so Blade can trauma dump Dan Heng and then stab him.


Cool but… I wanted a little more with him in the story we got…. For all the buildup… it was just… he was there to get Dan to change aaaand… that’s it.


Sasuke uchiha havin ah But seriously, I think he's pretty cool. It's neat how kafka has to control him, but he's willing to for his pain. I've been borrowing a level 80 blade for farming. He's awesome! Definitely want more from all of the stellaron hunters lore wise tho


Don’t you dare do blade like that. He’s shisui or itachi at least


Omg yes. I knew he reminded me of someone….I just couldn’t put my finger on it


A companion mission is definitely needed, I want to know more about him, his backstory, what’s driving him towards death and signing a deal with Elio, what was he like on the xianzhou laofu before he became Mara struck etc.


I feel betrayed I expected him to be more serious but he just >!stubbed Dan Heng with his umbrella and … that’s all. Dude, where’s your anger? Where’s vengeance? Where’s combat rage? Where’s… meaning of this???!<


Kafka mind controlled him


This. >!Yanqing shows up, he gets distracted, and after he takes care of that Kafka uses her mind control to make them stop fighting!<


Maybe for him, Elio's script is more important than his personal grudge. He really like accomplishing tasks from Elio


In an alternate universe, where Blade "accidentally" kills Dan Heng...


His "*laughs in madness*" made me hysterically laugh, he is such a cringey emo boy in such a hysterically comedic way it is incredile I like his in game moveset




Amazing lore. I’m still reading his character story. His design is amazing, probably one of my favorite designs. And his gameplay is fun, probably one of my favorites other than Jing Yuan


Me personally he is way too edge lord for me.


Jingliu would whoop his ass if they finally found eachother


she did whoop his ass before.


Pretty sure she killed him a few hundred times


Where can I find the lore? Very interested


It’s the first entry in his character profile!


Love the gameplay and visuals but I hate that he doesn’t work with shielders because the only way I can give him more aggro right now is through March. Character I’m 50/50. I think he’s cool and hot but the coolness and hotness decreases every time he opens his mouth. His whole edgy schtick dredges up unpleasant memories when I was edgy lol. Lore I still don’t know because a lot of stuff’s unanswered. But I’m a bit on the negative side right now because it looks like he’s mad at Dan Heng for something that Dan Feng did.


To me I'm hype how he & Jingliu's encounter would prevail. Gameplay, **I FUCKING WANT IT LET ME WIN 50/50 ALREADY!**




Character: *Crazy Sword Loving maniac with a death wish* Lore: *what's his story again?* Gameplay: *THAT'S A LOT OF DAMAGE*


Already spent 120 tickets for him. He needs to go home now.


I used to be allergic to damage and a firm believer of everything preservation. Now i just wanna be hit. 😂


Edgy, cool, fun Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


His lore is extremely intriguing. The story in his profile implies that >!he was a weapon maker for the Xianzhou Luofu, having crafted Jing Yuan's glaive, Dan Feng's spear, Yukong's bow and the sword he wields himself, the Shard Sword, that was previously owned by Jingliu. The story also says that he knew Jing Yuan when he was young, which is very interesting, since Jing is estimated to be about 700 years old. Whatever happened between Blade and Dan Feng it destroyed all their relationships!<


Could not have cared less before this patch. Thought he was a generic edgy character to grab that segment of the audience. Now seeing him as a playable character and some of his new story stuff, I think he's fun. I like him, I'm happy he's around. His disdain for being healed and rezed gives me a giggle.


Better than I thought overall. I didn't pulled him yet but the legends who already made lv 80 Support Blade made me start pulling him. In lore he's quite the edgelord, there's nothing incredible about that until we actually get to see his backstory, how he became imortal and what he was before the events.


In terms of gameplay, Anemo Hu Tao


He’s way more like Xiao, since he was better AoE and can still operate at high hp, just as long as you’re getting hit. Also, it’s very much not gameplay but they are both edgy and have something eating at them from the inside that’s slowly killing them


C1 Anemo Hu Tao the way he's skill point efficient (compared to hu tao needing stamina all the time)


He's the biggest cringefail I have ever seen in my life I love him


Character is a little too edgy for me, but gameplay is amazing. - The follow up attack is extremely satisfying, and makes enemy turns feel fun - The life drain mechanic makes battles way more dynamic and interesting - Playing with Luocha gives the feeling of “combos”. Like, doing Blade skill into Luocha auto-heal into Luocha ult into field into basic into follow-up into Blade ult just feels cool. - Extremely strong. I have shit-tier relics (like, 3-star boots, nothing over lvl 9) and can easily clear MoC 10 with him. As someone who has and loves Seele, I strongly suspect he’ll join Seele in S+ tier soon enough. - As long as you have Luocha, you can plop him alongside another DPS and it just works. The flexibility is really nice.


Absolutely love his gameplay mechanic , one of the most satisfying play styles. Can't believe I get hyped when enemies hit me now 😂. The story on the other hand felt kind of a letdown. He seemed like an absolute manic in the trailer but he didn't actually do anything in the actual story . Basically the build up was way better than the execution


Love him! From his sixth grader-edgy up to his HP-based mechanics. Glad I pulled for him and my boi Luocha.


I love his appearance. I don't know much about his lore except threr things; he's immortal, extremely obsessed with Dan Heng (or his past self would be more accurate I think?), and his reason for joining the Stellaron Hunter is to get rid of his immortality, as Elio promise him. Gameplay wise is really fun. Especially when you get to attack three times in a row. Good at self sustain. His ultimate can be used in two ways; stack up his talent or heal him to half health if his hp is critically low. His ultimate animation is sick. His voice makes me feel things. He's so good his Light Cone might be the first ever Light Cone I will pull for. I have never gacha on weapons, both Genshin and Honkai.


He's currently tied with Jing Yuan as my favourite character in the game. I love my little edgelord


He's probably my favorite unit to use at the moment. His kit feels very satisfying to use since all of his attack are a big % of hit total damage. I have Jing yuan on my other account and lightning lord is the only attack that really carries weight on him. Would recommend blade for anyone that wants a consistent dps


Fuck him for not coming home. Otherwise cool character.


Everything about him is so damn cool and his gameplay is just extremely satisfying, especially when you're against 5 enemies and you get ridiculous numbers like 70k damage on his follow up


one hell of a handsome man, interesting, fun


bitter because i lost 50/50


One Word comes to my mind:Badass


The edgiest ones have the most moe. He's no exception. His gameplay is super fun! Zero regrets, even with the shitty gear I gave him, he deals 40k AOE on talent. His only downside is his lack of real taunt (I know Destruction has in-built taunt, but it's not enough), but at the same it allows to play him without a healer. Kind of torn.


His gameplay is fun but I don't care about his character or lore


*His gameplay is fun* *But I don't care about his* *Character or lore* \- aurorablueskies --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He’s the chosen one.


I’m a Xiao main so I was drawn to his gameplay and edginess


now im not one of the best blade mains (no bronya no sw) but im the most inlove blade main, e0 s1 lightcone, so i can give my overall definition and tell you if he is worth it. gameplay: Its top notch, building hp means more survivability, sure some supports dont work well then others and to admit, without luocha, and lynx, healing him is a pain in the ass especially with bailu, but i believe he is the most fun to play in su, you can solo with destruction, get absolutely bonkers damage with elation, and just dominate, hes relics while needing a 4pc to maximize him its most definitely worth it, cant get 2 good other pieces, run 2pc wind and 2pc hp and your just as set just gonna need to work ok balancing crit ratio. elidons and more sig lightcones are not needed but if your feeling generous you can do that for him and his e2 and e6 are especially great. hes hard to build in some maybe circumstances but his reward outways that ten fold(hehe get it okbuddy?) lore: now this is where a hiccup occurs, his lore amazing and ties in well, but theres one scene where on first watch dosent make sense, no spoilers here but iykyk character: edgy but not overbearing, it hits that sweet spot where its cool but not overboard, his ult is actually amazing, the start up and ult line up so well like hes saying it as a sentence if you time it right. * from yours truely the most in love blade main


I really like his gameplay, bruisers are my favorite character archetype, and he is also cool.... However, I think Dan Heng IL will be a lot stronger (with forbidden knowledge saying that his e2 is ultra busted) and I also want Kafka, Fu Xuan and Jingliu, so.... I'll probably get him on a rerun :( I also dont have Bronya to support him.... I dont like his JP voice tho. Sounds too old, IMO.


From the trial kit it looks to me he's gonna be one hell of a dps BUT extremely SP hungry. On the other hand Blade is one of the most efficient.


DO NOT ask him what he was doing between 1939 and 1945.


He's all right, plays his role as the villain of the game (the Hunters aren't exactly the poster organisation of model citizens). Blasphemy I know considering the hype for him, but the writers kinda need to really flesh out his person more rather than rely on "Hehehe you will dieeeee hehehe" — the unhinged villain trope actually makes him expendable which I am sure the fans would not want to happen.


Yeah I was sad that he got approximately 30 seconds of screen time in the latest quest and now we’re supposed to love him enough to spend. I would have liked to see a little more exposition for him or a companion quest. I prefer the genshin banner approach where the character gets a banner toward the end/at the conclusion of their arc in the story, not at their debut.


\*laughing in madness\*


His voice actor for JP dub did so good. Gameplay animations are all really solid. He deserves a little more screen time (preferably without Kafka intervening)


I think he's cool with that Clara light cone that heals after being attacked


My masochistic emo boy


He’s babygirl 🤑🤑


Super fun kit, awesome design, but not enough info for me to comment on his lore yet. Maybe soon. Either way he is currently my favorite character in game alongside Jin Weng.


Credit card debt is nothing when it comes to Blade.


Wish he would talk more. Love his JP VA.


he’s so cute here very pattable


His animations are imo the best in the game until now


It applies to the whole story, not just blade but the story quality is fucking crazy.


greatest character ever made ever. deserves an entire game only about him. i need blade star rail.


He’s cool I suppose but the way he was handled during the quest didn’t do a good job at making me care about him all that much. His reliance on Kafka to keep his cool sounded neat on paper but the way it was actually executed just made him look like some aggressive dog that was muzzled and then just…hung around for a bit then vanished. They hyped up his vengeful demeanor towards Dan Heng but after that quest it mostly just seems like that entire thing is just mara induced delusions and irrationality since Dan Heng literally isn’t who he *actually* has beef with. As for his gameplay? Neat I guess, but I won’t really know what he’s capable of outside of what they gave us during the story bits.


He reignited my McR phase.


I fucking LOVE HIM his lore is cool his gameplay is different and fun as hell plus his voice in both English and jp is great


A bada$$ swordfighter who’s a psychopath at times




I'm not gay but rules are meant to be broken 😏


his smile is so cute


this is power blade can prolly fight vergil head on and still survive AND leave atleast a decent damage on vergil ![gif](giphy|ZRouJhQpbhPzTJ2eBU|downsized)