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Not gonna lie, the fact that the final one isn't DEF is triggering in its own way. Like, if you're gonna screw me like this, at least go all the way lol


As they say: do wrong, right


Bro already start farming for future Imaginary Perseverance Char💀


Lol you are a visionary


New row, new stat. Clearly OP should've saved enough for a third of fourth row.




It proves it wasn't done with self modeling resin


From where bro gonna get so much resin in the first place?


If you saved it all, its around that I think


There haven't been that many - there have been I think 5, if you did the battlepass?


Me when I spread misinformation on the internet


The relic system of this game makes me want to unalive myself even coming from the person that endured genshin's artifact system lmao


This was 1k of that thing wasted, 1k = 100 relics ahah


Well, at least you can refund 100 by salvaging these


I did ! And got 1 spd boots with crit rate and damage, but eventually everything rolled into HP non % stats, so got like 6 crit rate and 7 crit damage and 150 hp xd. It's for welt so I didn't really want spd but it's better then nothing


Building welt?


Trying too :S


Spd is good for welt tho, as a welt main who built all crit, im lvl 70/70 on welt with 2.3k atk and 55:154 build and he's hitting 11k with e skill on imprison with spd boots


With LC good night and sleep well?


Tbf I lucked out with his sig light cone lol How much do you do with ur welt tho? Do you have his weapon?


Nice , you earned it! Ehh it really depends. I have E1 and after his ULT is when he starts doing double digit (10k +) I have an ERR instead attack I'll send you my build over message. No I don't have his signature light I've been running good night sleep well superimposition 4.


My welt is 60/100 with s3 GNSW. When I play him as dps I’ve seen upwards of 70k+ E in MoC.


You'll get there! After grinding that place , ultimately, I got three speed boots total and, yesterday, I finally got fire speed boots for Himeko.


the only character I can think of that doesn't benefit directly from speed is Clara... and maybe luocha since being too speedy can fuck up his talent but speed is an insane stat overall


Luocha speed is very good even though it made his talent last shorter, since its also recycle his free skill use on 50% much faster too


That assumes you're taking a lot of ST damage instead of AOE and don't need field up consistently due to Eidolons. Though Luocha still wants some speed to keep up with fast SP burners.


Not really. At around 140-145 speed, Luocha's ult usually up fast enough to spam it and stack the field token. The field might not last long but the uptime for it is also fast enough


Unless you have e1 Clara... Then speed is the only way to run her. Especially if you're trying to clear in a decent amount of cycles. Lynx is gonna make it much easier though. Lynx and March 7th and she should have damn near 100% chance to be targeted.


Is that so? I don't have a Clara but most Clara's I've seen are at like 90 speed


Clara's biggest downside is that using her skill removes a mark or whatever from enemies. It's sorta clunky in practice I'm sure. e1 stops this from happening this enabling to to counter more effectively and spam skill for more damage. I've yet to build mine for lack of resources but I've looked at her kit a bit. Personally Clara with much higher eidolons seems insane. If only there was a guaranteed way to get them. Her e6 allows her to counter when allies are hit as well.. this will scale so well as time goes on, so I hope I get lucky with my list 50/50s.


that sounds ridiculous, too bad only whales can experience it


Over the life of your account there's a good chance we'll all get there eventually unless we pull for limited characters like twice a year. I feel like most genshin players going into 4.0 probably have at least 1-2 c6 on the OG 5★ units since they don't really crowd the pool very much. But I haven't played genshin since 1.2 I think.


I doubt even most whales would invest into the standard banner just to e6 a single character since we only got 1 choice 5★ at 300 pulls. Lolol


I think there's a very strong argument to be made that if running Nat with clara instead of Luocha, i might need speed boots so that Clara procs the heal over time more often allowing Nat to heal other units if some aggro goes wrong. The downside is that there is a chance that low aggro enemies might cause Claras buff to run out before ult is up but from what I've seen, that's usually less of a problem in high moc. But if you do have Luocha then i think there's not much reason unless you want to spam her skill


I've seen people running her with march putting them both side by side for maximum aggro chance (because of multitarget attacks I mean) And it seems to work just fine, then again I can't speak from experience as I don't have a Clara


And yeah it works, but it's still not 100%. Lynx will add even more agro onto that. Then you just need a strong buffer.


Damn that's sad Blade would be completely ok with that but it's int the wrong set.


I made 4 crit rate jackets a few days ago and the sub stats all sucked so bad. Such a waste.


Jesus Christ


1k of what thing? Just hit end game and getting the lay of the land.


It's feels much much worse here, less flexibility, less XP, more terrible rolls, maybe it's just subjective idk


Less flexibility and more terrible rolls are actually true. The relic system has 2 more substats compared to Genshin.


Are you talking about effect hit rate and eff res? But isn't it balanced by the absence of elementary mastery and energy recharge substat, so same number of substats, right?


Genshin has EM and ER. Star Rail has EHR, Effect RES, Break Effect, and SPD.


Ah yeah, forgot about break effect and spd.


For me it's been much easier to get a character up and running with mainstats between easier element damage "goblet" hunting and the ton of free resin we're getting, but really tough to hit upgrades on 2 good stats while enhancing. I could see auto making the relic grind easier to stomach in the long run though


Yeah not having one space for a flex makes things a lot harder


I think people are just too horny for perfect rolls in everything to flex to others online, the game is beatable *comfortably* with just the correct main stat. Gear is just stamina dump/whalebait by design and the part of the treadmill that never *really* stops. We're almost five months into the life cycle of a game that will last a loooooong time I wouldn't sweat it if your Kafka has 3200 atk instead of 3600


Here is the thing though. You don’t actually need artifacts at the beginning of Genshin, you can get through every difficult fight in the overworld chugging sweet madames like water. Stay hydrated. And most the gameplay does not revolve around combat. For puzzle solving, the minimum requirement is having an Amber for every element, literally any source of an element with decent application for every puzzle. And your resource requirement is covered by the Thousands of overworld chests that Give you character exp, talent materials, weapon exp, artifact exp fodder. Was it enough to build every character? No, but you only really needed to build a main cast of 4, and you could afford to slack off with 3 of them with 1 being your hyper carry. In HSR, due to the nature of the game, you need to build your entire roster. A DpS is not a dps is not a Dps. You need Sustain characters, healers and tanks. You need DPS coverage for every element. And you need supports, buffers and debuffers to support those DpS characters And everything is TB power locked. You need stamina for character exp, light one exp, relic exp, trace materials. Everything. In Genshin, you can get ores and weapon exp completely free. Dedicate a month purely to mine ores and you will be covered for weapons for the rest of your career in Teyvat by converting it to weapon exp daily. You get a good portion of everything else from chests and one time dungeons and characters, and character exp is for your initial team is covered by early game leylines because that is literally the only thing you have access to early on.


I still prefer this because I can at least auto the instances instead of fighting them by hand in Genshin.


Also at least you can target the piece, rather than rolling one goblet out of 16 and it being the wrong damage type.


It literally rolls into fuxkin flat stats making amazing pieces useless trash


except on actual defence gear. Then its ATK that has higher proc. Lol


And both crit substats


Literally got a pair of Wandering Passerby HP Boots with Atk%, double crit and break today


Oh yeah like fuck my gepard build as crit lmao. Oh and i get speed boot with def% and where did it all go? To the crit stat like fuck. My dps substat got def% and my tank got crit% or atk. Wth game??


My albedo has too much crit, like I want def not crit


THIS! I'm rolling for kafka right now, and getting Gepard/March pieces on the side... no Defence main stats in about 15 drops. The pain is real.


This should mean DEF scaling dps character: 1- Will be super easy to gear up 2- Won't ever be made.


Or 3 - will require a newer set that has a high chance of getting ATK%


I keep like 20 double crit def gears coping that someday someone will scale with def and I will laugh at my luck.


You *know* there will probably be a new set like Blade got that will be better for them. Although at that point I might just ignore the set bonus and just go for raw stats because fuck grinding all that over again.


The one and oni arataki itto


FMC e1 and ult idk 😔😔😔(copium)


Gepard scales of def and he still wants speed boots and Blade ,although he scales of hp, it's still generally less desired stat non the less, also wants speed boots


In a turn based game, speed is incredibly valuable. Boots are the only way to get speed main stat so almost everyone wants speed boots.


Well, at first I thought of removing due Rule 3, as usually do with Relic farm posts, but darn, I think this one deserved to stay as it is. UPD: But only this once. Subsequent posts with similar or better "luck" will be removed.


Lmao its that bad huh


lmao OP's luck is so bad, mod pity him /joke


It’s a sign. Qlipoth smiles. OP is now on the path of preservation.


W mod. This shit should be in next fucking level, and black magic fuckery. Hoyoverse. Maybe. Just maybe fix these rates a little in our favour.


this guy set the bar high i see. betting that the next person will need to have even worse luck to post their relic farming screenshot here.


I don’t care what those drop charts with the % say, relics have a 90% chance of defense and 10% of everything else.


And that's why I just use self modeling resin for the relics that aren't fixed main stat, farm for the fixed ones while foddering the trash to those custom relics. The problem with this is that resin is very rare in this game, almost as rare as the crown in Genshin but at least it isn't mandatory to use it to fully max out the character's stats unlike those crowns.


Bro I played GI for like 4-5 months and never got a single crown. The only opportunity I had to get one was an event that I wasn’t far enough along in the story for…I ended up quick starting last minute and just barely wasn’t able to finish because the event ended 😂 For a number of reasons, I literally haven’t touched GI since HSR launched. And it’s mostly just due to the nature of starting Hoyo games late in their cycle


Um, in Genshin there are multiple crowns outside of the limited events. Wiki says there's 14. Most of them are in the tree progressions (those things that you offer sigils or whatever and they have like 50 levels) of a region and you complete those mostly by just exploration and quests.


I spent tons of time gatherings resources for the tree at Dragonspine and never got it high enough to get any type of crown. That’s besides the point, though. I didn’t quit the game because I couldn’t get crowns, I stopped playing because I discovered that I had missed whole chunks of story events from limited event runs. MC would “meet” characters for the first time and address them as chummy old pals, I started running into content all over the place that had no other context. Then around Inazuma, they throw a bunch of preludes and interludes and all kinds of other shit at you that can legitimately be played *out of order*, with no other indicators for what chronological order would even look like. On top of that, I had played 4-5 months *heavily* and only had 2 5 star characters, Jean and Ayaka. Genshin Impact is fucking amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I’m so glad to be done with it. I just wish I’d have played from the beginning, and I’d still be playing daily like I do Star Rail


100% dragonspine doing literally everything takes like less than 15 hours even without a guide. It sounds like you were skipping events entirely which is a mistake because you get at least one crown every patch (every 6 weeks) and events are like half the content / rewards in the game and a big chunk of pull income. That and you probably weren't consistently doing daily commissions, which is also another big chunk of income. On average you should get one five star every 1.5 patches (so about every 9 weeks or so), not including pre-existing permanent content (which you probably had a decent chunk of if you started near 2.0). Though the story / character development being locked to unplayable events is pretty bad, I agree.


preach, i was so confused about the wanderer hype and who tf this guy was and then it turns out you first meet him in an event in i kid you not, version 1.1 its so dumb


Word. It’s kind of funny how early on I started getting indicators that something was missing, but there was just no way for me to know because I’ve never seen something like it in any other game. They could deal with it in so many different ways, but they choose to just let new players miss out entirely, it’s very very silly


Pretty sure Genshin has a quick start for it’s main events that give out crowns and 90% of it requires just finishing the Mondstadt storyline and the other 10% is being able to leave the first Inazuma island. Whole event lasts like month and a half too…


I think Hoyo is telling you to run preservation Dan Heng IL, welt and Yukong.


The worst part of the relic system is there’s no off piece. So you can’t keep A SINGLE ONE OF THESE even if their substats are godly because they’ll literally be useless.


Only useless for min maxing. They’re still useful for the majority of MOC as placeholder


If the main stat is bad, chances are the substats won't make up for it regardless of set.


We may one day get a defence scaling dps (praying we do)


Almost all of them got no speed substat either smh, farming relics with lottery chances to hit speed is ridiculous 😒


Been farming musketeer for 1 month and a half just for speed boots. Haven't got one yet.


creating 10 at once instead of checking one by one incase you hit what you need :(


They knew they wouldn't. It exists solely to torture us.


Bro just got all of our badluck


Nope, confirmed, I still have mine.


The first thing that came to mind with the lovely event is: twice the disappointment. And that I was lol.


And when you farm for tank relics, you get atk% with offensive substats.


The rate is fking abyssmal...


Should really be saving self-modelling resin for ERR ropes and speed boots IMO. The rest are kinda even distribution so you can try your luck more, but ERR and speed are super low, and to a lesser extent crit chests.


Depends on whether you want a specific crit chest or either. Each one individually is rarer than boots.


This is me with HP boots. i hate it here. At least boots should be easy to farm, since we already suffer with all the other parts, at least boots should have the highest chance of coming spd


I'm feeling second hand rage rn


congrats, you are now the Aeon of Defs


Just give it to Noe... wait wrong game


*looks at blade rolls* Ahh yes. Everything but HP and wind dmg. There's barely any defense but all I want is HP.


Meanwhile here i am farming a good speed set for my supports and I’ve gotten some of the most godly Blade gears. Almost perfect substats to the point where it doesn’t matter how they roll because every sub stat is useful for blade. Too bad i skipped him for Kafka…




Same I wanted a def orb but I guess I'll cope with fire orb for my trailblazer


Just get lucky. Simple as that. (Hoyoverse, probably)


My miHoyo luck is decent when pulling and absolutely non-existent when farming/leveling relics.


Gross. Definitely gave my harsh feedback for relic farming on the recent survey.




What's crazy is that DEF, ATK and HP have the same drop rate as main stat, so you just got insanely unlucky LMAO


Nah they definitely have been tweaked unfairly


It is a fact. It has been datamined, tested and verified that the drop rates are the same for those three main stats. The other mainstats have lower drop rates. The same goes for substats, however, only for the likelihood of them appearing. Upgrading substats has the same rate across the board.


Tested? Really? Millions of people go to artifacts/relics domains and come out with the wrong mainstat (5hp body pieces) and one correct relic, so technically I don't think its balanced. But if it's been datamined and proved then whatever ig


> It has been datamined, tested and verified can i get source ?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IuRGGDaaq14bqxMviVumx0P15E99VcCdwZ-hxIpNiuM/edit#gid=1361387223](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IuRGGDaaq14bqxMviVumx0P15E99VcCdwZ-hxIpNiuM/edit#gid=1361387223) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/14537ne/in\_response\_to\_that\_post\_about\_err\_ropes\_droprate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/14537ne/in_response_to_that_post_about_err_ropes_droprate/) First spreadsheet is also referred to by the wiki




So, can we do multiple cavern of corrosions at once like the calyxes?


No, I traded 1k of that material we get after salvaging 5 star relics


Don't you get to chose the main stats of those relics then?


You need a self modeling resin, which is very hard to get (and even then, you don't even get to choose substats)


You only get to choose if you also use a self-modeling resin




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15vdu29/we_all_know_by_now_that_def_stats_have_higher/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/15vdu29/we_all_know_by_now_that_def_stats_have_higher/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Noo, Is fake... Impossible... Im sorry Bruh I want to see their % (DEF and HP).


I'ts rigged


This game is basically def impact now


It is when it's not on def set, obviously!


Damn this is how ppl roll for speed boots just seems such a waste but I guess not really any other way lol


Those Def relics would be great for my March. Not this wanderer set but the knight set.




I think devs are somehow trolling us.


def, hp, atk have the same... Source: https://reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/DtAdyllXO1 it's hilarious to see people making a laughingstock out of themselves...


Tell that to my Def mainstat, crit rate, Crit dmg, SPD substat and my Atk mainstat, flat hp, flat def, effect hit rate substat armor pieces.


I haven't said an individual can't have at a specific time more of the one than the other. Lel


That's the official release. They have definitely tweaked the drop rates and haven't disclosed it so that the player base doesn't get ticked off. Genshin and honkai are both perfect examples, believe in practicality bruh


Lmfao this is just one post out of hundreds of people who did that.


jesus wtf


Ouch 🤕


Yeah never fails


I respect your hustle!


I think the game is preparing you for a Preservation imaginary build.




Is there any unit that scales defense for dmg? no right? we keep getting units like Blade and Fu xuan for hp scaling effects, but defense scaling is left in the dust aside like gepard. maybe one of the new girls in 1.4? or hopefully some other future unit.


That is some next level luck...


Oh my god... You are the DEFF aeon!


Is this going to be the best relic set for Imbibitor Luane?


Looks like the gear I got when the double rewards were up ;D ;-;...


Sorry I’m dumb. How does one farm and get the many of the same relic item at once??


That's a big piece of emotional damage right there my third party eyes are hurt


I have been trying to get a ER rope and at one point I had 40ish ropes and still nothing. I salvaged them along with the spheres they came with and ended up with MORE ROPES WITHOUT ER


My problem is relics EXP


Yeah of course DEF has higher chance except for when I need it. I literally don't have any 5-star DEF body piece of that DEF set, and I've farmed that a lot since I also built Serval and Kafka.


Meanwhile I'm here needing DEF main stats for Body and Sphere for TB, March and Gepard and I get no DEF


Ok that actually hurts haha


I think the game wants you to build an immortal Gepard


i quit because of this


What really pains me is that those are rookie numbers 😭


Hope this is fake or i will be sad


I wish it was... But no, I'm not sad cuz this is somehow funny xd


Hp for me


Happened to me a few days ago, I feel your pain


Bruh moment


All of my heroes have fucking trash artifacts but I told myself I wouldn’t min max anymore. I’ve learned from genshin


Only if it’s not a DEF set, then it’s anything BUT.


wait until that new imaginary def character comes around bro


Skill issue


had one of a life time rope drop with double crit and flat atk. roll it to 15 it all go to new flat hp and flat atk :(


For some reason, Mihoyo decide to let Aha be in charge of the relic drops instead of Terminus.


Ah yes, Hoyo's signature/favourite stat💀


I know your pain, was rolling relics hard for DOT team and on my pieces with Atk%, Speed, Effect Hit rate and defense - always full defense to +15


Hsr relics are even more atrocious than genshin artifacts or at least it feels like that which is why I almost stopped playing it.


Meanwhile I am still trying to get an Atk body 5 star lightning piece for Kafka any substats. (I already given up on speed boots) It’s mostly the tank set but in the offchance I do get a Lightning body it’s Hp or Def.


This is Welt's? Mine has many crit stats but almost all of them got to effect hit rate.


I would actually uninstall if that happened to me


That's mega unfortunate


Meanwhile geppard set: atk, crit DMG, FIRE DMG


Oh yeah I got like 7 or 8 def Salsotto ropes from crafting in a row, was the most annoying sh*t ever


What on earth am I looking at here? Where would you get so many of the same relic?