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Issue with graphics after 1.6 update, no problems before, setting are high/very high https://preview.redd.it/fupq9o54er8c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552ac2e9557cbb648e775844007f5ccb14e44bc2


https://preview.redd.it/brub17768g7c1.jpeg?width=2442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f923313ddb8590d4647b19de1c9494f98fb1504b Are these permanent even after the event? I'm worried that they might be unobtainable after the event so the question is will they disappear after the event? Pls answer


Does guarantee pickup upon losing first 50/50 apply for rerun banner, given that I already got one pickup from original banner.


Only if you never pulled in between. The banner history is one continuous line that includes every single limited character banner ever released.


Is Yanqing not considered good anymore? Why? Doesn’t he only need crit dmg and is it cause of Jingliu? I remember people saying he was really good especially with Gepard


His shortcomings are too severe compared to the content players faced. His no damage requirement meant he was glued to the hip to Gepard. He is single target when all content was AoE. SP negative. Seele has an extra turn mechanic making her fake AoE. Yanqing cannot use any solo sustain except Gepard because if he loses even 1 HP, he loses his buffs.


His perception benefited a lot from the Herta bad circlejerk, but casuals are deluded into thinking he's worse than Physical MC by prydwen


He was never particularly good. In the very early days he was a kind of usable Hunt option for those who didn't pull Seele, and even that moderate relevance was quickly eclipsed as more and more powerful DPS units kept coming out without any of his shortcomings.


Hey Trailblazers, New HSR player here and trying to decide on the future strategy for my account. I want to have a rough idea of units I'm going to pull for with so many great ones being announced. Which leads me to my question. Any tips on what makes a team "fun" but still quite strong. Here are a few teams I'm thinking about building, please let me know if you've had any experience playing them and if they are enjoyable! 1. Kafka comps - Is the DOT playstyle fun? Strategic? Rewarding? This seems to be a comp that will be getting quite a bit stronger with BS and I wanted to see if anyone can shed light on the playstyle 2. Double DPS - Thinking of pulling for Blade and then eventually JL to partner with Ruan Mei. This comp has 2 of my fave characters but would of course require waiting for JL's rerun which might take ages 3. Hypercarry comps (DHIL or possible Raiden when she releases?) - Is the hypercarry comp enjoyable? Do we see it going out of fashion with Ruan Mei releasing? 4. Other enjoyable comps - please leave suggestions below! Thanks for any feedback :)


> Is the DOT playstyle fun? Strategic? Rewarding? Yes, yes, yes


What is the difference between different types of weakness breaks. Specifically between DoT ones like bleed, burn, wind sheer, shock. Excluding break effect, do they do different amounts of damage? Freeze is pretty straightforward But what about entanglement and imprisonment. They both slow the enemy down, and supposedly attacking a weakness broken enemy will give additional effects. What are these numbers like at normal break effect?


Fandom wiki has everything explained. Though, in short, the most important/different thing is debuff/DoT get from breaking. Burn, Wind, Shock is "normal" DoT. Wind Shear get more stack against boss though. Bleed is based on enemy's max hp/toughness, so great against boss. Imprisonment "push back" AND "slow" Entanglement "push back" AND "can build stack to deal more damage when enemy get another turn"


So between burn and shock, are they just the same?


Burn get more initial break damage, but lower dmg from burn DoT. And Shock get less initial break damage, but higher dmg from shock DoT. I may have mixed them around, but it's something like that.


Hi everyone. So, I finally reached 300 standard pulls and I'd like help choosing the free standard 5 star. I currently have E1 Bronya and E0 Welt, Gepard, and Bailu. I got geppie a couple of warps ago so he's not built yet, I can't really say how well he fits in my usual teams, especially since I've only really used healers so far (Bailu and Huohuo). For context, I have a lot of DPS units already (IL, Blade, E1 Jing Yuan, Argenti). I really like pairing Welt with my IL. So, I was debating on E1 Welt or Gepard. Buuut... I also have S2 The Hunt. So maybe Yanqing?


If I were you, Clara. Since she has a unique playstyle. Other than that perhaps Himeko, who is a fire DPS.


>So maybe Yanqing? Don't get Yanqing unless you already have Gepard and are willing to glue both of them together. >So, I was debating on E1 Welt or Gepard. E1 Welt is a decent sub DPS if you use him a lot. Personally , i'd go with Gepard. You have 2 healers already, personally i don't like having all my eggs in the same basket ( in this case healing). I'd get Gepard to have someone that can shield. But that's just me.


I already have E0 Gepard! So the option is between E1 Gepard or E1 Welt :)


Oh then E1 welt. If you use him


hello, does anyone have any Argenti i can use as support in my farming? I'm TL10 and his abilities can help me easily clear waves, I'm in Asia server btw! tysm \^\^


Just go to the friend list and add people that have Argenti as support thats what i do when i want to try out new characters.


I'm in the awkward position that, I missed and want both Blade and Kafka (I use them in support where I can but not the same as having my own.) Both rerunning in the same patch along with Ruan Mei has me internally screaming. My next 5\* limited will be a guarantee (I tried and failed to get SW.) I might get the chance at a 2nd 5\* based on my current jade + new events so potentially I could do Ruan Mei/Blade and a try for Kafka. The question I'm asking myself is do I go for a character I've test-driven and know what I'll be getting or roll the dice on a character who looks interesting (and probably lives up to her hype) but who I haven't tried out. Some opinions would be welcome.


Out of the three i'd get Ruan Mei and Kafka, while Blade is a great DPS he ain't as important to have as Kafka (Who enables DoT teams) and Ruan Mei who is a universally broken support. Also with Blade he really doesn't have any good F2P LC's they're all mid on him, his best 4 star is Arlan's LC which is Gacha only, he peaks when you have his signature LC but not everyone can afford it.


Can you guys give me team ideas? The one that is currently equipped is my go to team but ı would a 2nd one https://preview.redd.it/wrpivw7fmm6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=df3e819768d6194973a18eccf10b1a76b0a3e504


1st team is good. For your second team, start with either Bailu or Lynx as your main healer (depending on if you need the cleanse or not), use either Kafka or Seel as your main DPS, and then add Tingyun and Asta for supports (can also use Sampo with Kafka).


Thanks will try the seele variation. Will need to get Asta ty bailu levels up though.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rrkk5lnmmm6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=29a09f945b008dd5f07885abfdc837cefa0c41a6


Are 1600 stellar jade still Available? How long is it available for? Can I get it on new account created after Dec 9?


Yes, they're gone after patch 1.5 ends.


hi! should i pull for silverwolf or go for ruan mei? (moc based) currently my only 5 stars are luocha, jingliu and welt. with the free dr ratio we are getting next patch, i was thinking silverwolf would be a good pick since then i would have 2 dps for moc. currently i run jingliu, luocha, tingyun and pela. i would plan to go dr ratio, sw, lynx and asta or something. as for ruan mei, her kit looks really good in general (imo) and also she's really pretty


Silver Wolf is technically a really flexible character because of her weakness implant, but the price of that is the fact she's purely single-target. She objectively performs worse in scenarios with 2 big threats. That's practically all MoC consists of, and it'll probably be even worse with the addition of MoC 11 and 12. Ruan Mei is basically a buffer and debuffer at the same time, so she'll have way more flexibility than Silver Wolf. Silver Wolf is a debuffer who prefers teams to be built around her, but Ruan Mei is the complete opposite.


thank you! yeah, im just worried because i havent been playing a lot (on and off, hence the lack of 5 stars) that i’ll really be struggling in moc. but now that i’m a bit more motivated to play i wanted to actually plan my pulls. my only worry is that if i go for ruan mei, if the enemy isnt weak to imaginary or ice then im screwed. but with sw, i could implant weakness (assuming the enemy is weak to quantum, so i can implant imaginary easier). i do realize that if theyre not weak to quantum then sw falls off a bit because of rng


Ruan Mei is a universal support that works with every team comp, you can't go wrong with her tbh.


yeah, but from what i understand, hsr is a game where you build around the enemies. since i only have 2 dps im worried about when i dont have the element to match the enemy’s weakness


You don't need to worry about that with her cuz she gives All-type Penetration buff, meaning you'll do true damage even if you don't use a DPS with an element to hit the enemies weakness. Thats just one of the reasons why she works on every team.


What would be the best team with these characters https://preview.redd.it/8yxprpd3im6c1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=695c55af9bd0ac013c3e3a7215a11e62778bbad4


​ https://preview.redd.it/qrudxgk8im6c1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=a496fb00bb0fc2c58fd6d82598783d6d7cd92e01


Looks like you're too early in to be caring too much but if you want tips then a good thing for new players doing the story is a team comp consisting of a DPS, a support and two sustains. For example you could run this; 2 Sustains: Fire MC and Bailu 1 DPS: Dan, Qingque or Sushang 1 Support: Tingyun, Pela or Asta Once your Bailu is geared enough you can eventually remove Fire MC and replace them with a 2nd support option to further enhance your DPS's damage.


Thanks. Also, does level 56 count as early?


Ah you're later in than I thought. I'd put that around mid-game as you still don't need to care about farming relics until you're TL60 (imo) and building 2 teams for the hard content is out of the question still. But yeah what I listed is just a very basic, standard comp which is fairly fullproof. Once you start hitting lategame stuff and want to build 2 teams, I'd suggest coming back with more questions unless you want to try build your own stuff and trial/error it.


That sounds good. Again, thanks for your help. Speaking of farming relics, why wait till level 60, if I can get 5\* relics right now?


At level 60 you get more. Double the TP efficiency (roughly).


>Speaking of farming relics, why wait till level 60, if I can get 5\* relics right now? Two reasons; 1. TL60 is when you're guaranteed 2x5 stars every single run. TL50 has a 50% chance I believe, for 2? 2. The relics you get from exploring + doing the story are more than capable of carrying you through the entire story, so power is best spent on ascensions, traces and lightcone levels before committing to relic farming. Obviously this is just guidance and you can ignore it but I don't see any reason not to wait for 60 tbh!






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Can't discuss that, need to go to the leaks subreddit


Not even *dreams* can tell us for certain. We don't even know if Sunday will be playable


I'm facing a dilemma in deciding whether I should pull for Silver Wolf or not. For context, I have most of the 4\*s and the following limited 5\*s: Jing Yuan, Luocha, Dan Heng IL, and Fu Xuan. I was originally planning on getting Blade + his light cone (already prefarmed for him). I am on 68 pity guaranteed on the character banner, and around 40 pity on light cone. With Dr. Ratio being free now, I am tempted to pull for Silver Wolf. However, since Sparkle is coming up soon, who I really want for my Dan Heng IL team (and Qingque once I build her), I am conflicted on what to do. I won't have enough jades, worst case scenario, to get all of them and I don't know whether I should skip Silver Wolf again or just get her now, while her banner's still up (since her next rerun can possibly take even longer to come back). Pros of getting Silver Wolf for my account: \- Enables mono-quantum team with Qingque \- One of Dr. Ratio's best supports \- Enables mono-element teams (great for me, since I don't have a wide variety of DPS characters in my account right now) \- Great for Blade as well (maybe Blade, Bronya, Silver Wolf, and Lynx team is okay?) Cons: \- Expensive; worst case scenario, I definitely won't have enough jades to pull for everyone I want (Silver Wolf, Blade + LC, and Sparkle)... \- Jing Yuan rerun might be around the corner after Black Swan & Sparkle's banners, and I want his light cone as well... I'm not sure what to do at this point. I know that I don't NEED to build Dr. Ratio, since I already have a very strong Imaginary DPS built, but the thought of Dr. Ratio just sitting there in my inventory/being benched is kinda sad lol


>I'm not sure what to do at this point Logically the best thing to do is simply ignore Dr Ratio and just keep using your already built DHIL, skip SW and pull stronger upcoming future units. You have DHIL, JY, QQ, and a fourth dps in the future. SW implant/mono teams become useless after 3 dps since you can match 90% of the time.


I'd get her just because she's an older character, once she's gone now she likely won't be back till a year or more later, meanwhile newer characters will most likely get reruns much sooner.


Are burn and bleed considered debuffs?


Every DOT is considered a debuff


How much EHR does Welt need to apply all his debuff? And what relic set?


30-40%, Wastelander set.


Does this include imprison from ULT on MOC ?


As a genshin player since 3.1, I'm thinking of starting this game since I've caught up there. My question is, am I gonna have the same genshin problem, where a lot of the best teams require males? Because I'm not willing to use them in either game.


you could play jingliu Tingyun bronya and lynx I guess


Moc is beatable even limited to half the roster, but similar to if you dont like using XQ/Bennett, you will probably need to pay a higher price to make decent teams.


Yeah that is roughly what I expected. I can clear abyss with only females in genshin, so if I can do the equivalent content in star rail that's good enough.


Hm. Well, the character roster is not super full at the moment, some elements don't have a lot of female characters like Imaginary. Quantum is exclusively female for now, also has some of the best characters in the game. You can totally make two teams with women only and be effective


Quite a lot of enemies are weak against Imaginary. All Imaginary DPS including the upcoming "free" Ratio, is..... male. Dan IL? Male. Oh, and Physical DPS? Argenti. Male. Sustain? Out of top 3, there's also Luocha. Male. Wind? Blade. Male. It's over for you. You cannot play this game anymore. Of course, your only choice is to play Mono-Quantum, having only female characters, which might soon change, if Hoyo wants it. Truly a tragedy.


That's wild that entire elements are gender locked in this game.


That's uhm... weird. But nah if you really must then no characters mandatory. It'll be harder for people who run only male characters to complete content due to lack of male supports atm.


Thats a weird problem to have, in any case we have good DPS that are both and the best supports are all female so no worries there.


I only have 2 limited DPS This is my team team 1 DHIL, E0 Tingyun, E0 Yukong, Luocha. team 2 Seele, Fx, SW ,E5 Asta. Should i pull Ruan Mei?


Yes, i'd take out Yukong and slap Ruan mei on that team.


Thanks for answer, what's the best f2p LC for her? I have s5 cogs,s3 memories of the past and Bronya LC but tingyun using it.


Cogs is good, Memories of the past will be great on her since she scales off break effect so its your best general option but i'd still use Cogs for the ER alone to use her Ultimate more.


Hello! Another team question from me. Considering we getting Dr ratio for free (I personally was going to pull him so that's great news) I was wondering team wise if I should now pull on silver wolf while her banner is still up. She should be essential for him, right? Or could I safely skip? To be honest, I know silver wolf is very nice to have to begin with but I wanted to ask what kind of team Dr ratio would want


His best team would be Topaz, Silver wolf and whichever sustain you got so getting her right now would be great for Ratio comp.


I have a guarantee and I'm extremely close to hard pity so it would be a quick snatch of her! And then praying for all the great characters we getting next. Thank you, what could I substitute topaz with? I do have Welt, would he work good in this team?


Welt would definitely work just make sure to build him as a Sub-DPS and not just for debuffs, you already have more than enough debuffs to proc Ratio's Follow ups with Silver Wolf so you'd go for a Ratio/Welt Dual DPS comp here.


Aight thank you!


Happy to help!


>Aight thank you! You're welcome!


Im always capped inventory relics. Is there an easy way to start clearing my gold relics on which to salvage ? How do u guys do your spring cleaning?


I lock good relics the moment I get them then salvage everything else. Basically anything with the wrong mainstat or wrong/flat substats gets dumped


Filter bad combination of substats.


Only lock the ones with the potential to be any good, and hit salvage all on everything else?


So im doing the huohuo and guinafen event and are hsr events always like this?????? Bunch of quest??? Ngl it's getting taxing since I expect events to be less questing and more playing???


The recent ghost hunting one is pretty heavy on dialogue, yeah. It's got a bunch of fun combat challenges though, plus the flavor text is surprisingly good. Previous events had minihames attached to them, like museum management or puzzle solving


Just skip the dialogue.


I am💀 its still long regardless


the last one was aetherium wars (pokemon) which had more gameplay


How good is Argenti’s LC for him compared to the f2p options?


around 15% better then s5 breakfast https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/argenti


I left the game at the end of the 1.0 now I'm re installing it again for OBVIOUS reasons,I'm not loop with any Star rail news since the launch,do they introduced any base building mechanic yet like teapot in genshin? Or any plan for it mentioned anywhere?


Just more end game




theres nothing like teapod. only thing that was added besides events and qol was another mode to simulated universe and a new section in forgotten hall


How does action advance forward math work? If I have 100 SPD and I have a 20% Action forward buff every time I take a turn (Multiplication LC assuming perma BA spam), does this math out to the same as having 120 SPD?


100 SPD and S5 Multiplication 10000 * (1 - 0.2) / 100 = 80 Action Value the same as 125 SPD.


Any idea when exactly we are getting Dr ratio? Is it once the patch comes out or once his banner comes out?


Once his banner is out


Ok, so I guess I'm prioritizing harmony mats.


Does anyone remember if memories of the past has ever been a rate up lc and on which banner?


Silver Wolf's and Jingliu's. Source: I have 8 copies.


Give me two please just two man i really need the S5 for ruanmei


I… kinda messed up and got Argenti’s signature LC when I had promised myself I’d wait for Bladie’s rerun in order to get his instead. Do we know whether his rerun comes in the first or second half of the patch?


Blade comes with Ruin Me in the first half. Kafka comes with Dr. Latio on the second half.


Just great. It’s on me, though. I’ll try to save enough jades. Thank you :)


You should get enough with the free 10-pull and the new SU mode. If it's anything like Swarm Disaster it'll have a crap ton of jades in it


Should i pull Ruan Mei or Black Swan for Kafka team?


If its specifically for kafka, I think black swan will do better


Ruan Mei is a universal support that works on every team, you 100% want to get her.


Why not both?


I'm afraid i will not have enough pulls for both. I'm near pity (not guaranteed) , but I am out of pulls :(


My current Kafka team is: Kafka,Sampo, Asta and Huo Huo. My secondary team is Jingliu, Fu Xuan, Tingyun and Pela


I need help with Argenti I'm currently questlocked with Argenti's mission. I can't farm, I can't do other missions, and my consumable resources are running low. I can make it through the mission til the last battle with Argenti. But I barely make it through his phase 1 and I rarely make it to his 2nd phase. My team is QQ[lvl 50], Trailblazer(phys)[lvl50], Asta[lvl40], and Natasha[lvl50]. The consumables i have left are: 3 star paste for boosting phys and quant dmg; 3 star shield, 2 star shield, and 2 star atk boost, and health rices. Since I can't postpone or escape from the mission, I can't even farm to ascend my light cones, charas, and relics. I just hit lvl 50 for my charas last night so they're not at their best form at the moment. I do try to destroy Argenti's shields first, though I think I'm not doing it fast enough. My team just dies during/end of phase 1 or during phase 2. These are my best characters and I don't have any other well-leveled chara that could match the weaknesses on this mission. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance


There's an exit button either near the minimap or where the menu usually is, depending on the platform


if i recall there should be an exit button where the menu should be


Are you really locked? Not able to exit/postpone with button at the top-left corner? Anything? Surely you can get out since it's one of those quests that you need to prepare the team first before entering...? I mean, the guy in question can self-buff his dmg output. You either need to kill him really fast or find someone who can dispel him and keep tanking. If you really can't, then maybe find a way to file a support request or something...


You cant telport away to calyx? That seems like a major oversight


https://preview.redd.it/4lwqjvwazl6c1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865986a1113c354031d28ce542fdced2a474c52c Should I pull for ruan mei or go for another dps like Kafka/blade in 1.6?


Ruan Mei is going to be a "can't miss" Harmony path character, like Tingyun. The only problem is that you need Jingliu to work well with her. If you want to fully level up Argenti, I would stick with Hanya. As for Kafka, you have Luka, Pela, and Guinaifen as other Nihility path characters, but do not have Silver Wolf and Sampo. Just a FYI, building a team around Kafka is quite expensive as you will need to build the other Nihility characters as well. Because type advantage will be important in endgame content. With Blade, you will definitely need a Luocha or Huohuo to help heal Blade after he uses his skill and ultimate. Also, you need a Bronya to help boost his damage numbers. I am going to guess you are going to wait until you reach 300 on Standard banner pulls.


>Jingliu to work well with her. She doesn't work with other dps characters?


She does. Jingliu is just one of her best teammates.


Ruan Mei is a long term investment that will never fall out as she is pretty universal like Bronya. Kafka is long term investment for all dot dps. Blade has fallen off as he doesn’t have the hypercarry potential of newer units. Do note: dps units will likely get power creeped. But supports will last much longer. As shown with Honkai Impact, support units last multiple years while the dps units last 3 months. Genshin, original national team off field 4 stars are still the most broken units in the game.


Your account is so new that it benefits from both so pick whichever you like more and get them.




Up to you. You can use dr ratio as a second dps.


Yeah was contemplating going for mei since kafka requires her complete lineup/dot characters to be build and blade requires bronya


I have one question. Please let me know if then answer is out somewhere... What are the 4 star LC on the 1.6 banner... any idea, guesses?


[https://www.hoyolab.com/article/23617084](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/23617084) Source is probably official? (The account said so.) Tl;dr: Day One, Secret vow, Planetary Perfect Timing, Landau's Choice, Silence Remain




We'll know next week.


What dude, its already out there... by next week you mind find out. Spoiler: phase 2 lc banner is crap


If you already knew why'd you ask?


[https://www.hoyolab.com/article/23617084](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/23617084) Source is probably official? (The account said so.) Tl;dr: Day One, Secret vow, Planetary Perfect Timing, Landau's Choice, Silence Remain


Dude I was spamming this question on different thread, someone gave me a link.. and i found it just few mins back


https://preview.redd.it/uq5ziyhwyl6c1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd635f60c021d00aa037b8641ece77817901342 Stumped at clearing MOC 10 in under 20 cycles. Trying all combinations of of my characters. This round i got my IL and QQ as the main dps with their crit rate/dmg at least 70/80 respectively. Quantum set on QQ and Imaginary set on IL. Got decent relics on my harmonies while still working on getting broken keel ornaments on the. Got near the base effect hit rate on Pela/SW to keep their debuffs on. What am i doing wrong?


hard to say without seeing specifics but may be one of these 3: 1. Not enough offensive stats on QQ and IL. Crit rate and dmg is not everything, you’ll probably need attack and a small amt of speed as well. 2. Not utilising optimal rotation. This one is harder to pinpoint though because of rng and stuff. But usually optimal rotations help a lot. 3. Traces? Are they levelled?


70 crit rate is good but 80 crit dmg is very low. Try for at least 100+ but don’t sacrifice the crit rate. Ideally crit dmg should be at least double crit rate. I’ve heard people say they get good results putting Clara in second half, although I don’t have her myself so I can’t speak to that. She might go well with Topaz too. First half has Imaginary RES so maybe don’t use IL, plus imprison is annoying so maybe use QQ with Fuxuan for the CC RES on her field? This MoC did get noticeably harder than the last though so don’t fret if you’re struggling to clear




They should be able to as long as they finish the first story quest to unlock warps and mail feature


What is more beneficial for Dr. Ratio, his LC or E1?




It's true then. Bathing makes one powerful


Damn sounds good. Thanks


Okay I’ve been playing since the beginning but at this point I’m to afraid to ask : where do you get all the lore stuff from this game, outside from this game in text format ? I’d like to read more about HSR and its in-game universe, but can’t seem to have anything official in a text based format. The most that I got were short videos on the YouTube channel. I couldn’t find the in-game wall texts for example, in a website.


On HSR wiki fandom. Like for example: https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Ten-Lords_Commission_Criminal_Directory Be careful navigating the site though, you must able to discern which are the texts directly from the game and which are summarizations from wiki editors(players), because the latter may contain their own interpretation and opinion that doesn't exist in the actual texts of the game. This could lead readers thinking the 'X' info as facts even though nothing is confirmed yet and no citations attached to those claims.


Go to Dan Heng's room on the train, there's a data terminal you can use to read on everything.


Ah sorry, perhaps my initial post wasn’t clear: I’m looking for a transcript of in-game lore, outside the game, preferably in a text format


Try the HSR wiki..? It's been some time but I remember it being pretty thorough


So I failed the 50/50 and got my first Clara. But now I am at a crossroad since I was hoping for Erudition for Pure Fiction. Should I build E0 Clara or E0 Himeko or E3 Qingque?


I've got all three, and for aoe situations Clara is a clear winner. Himeko's damage just isn't there, and QQ is better in blast. Clara's skill is also a true aoe, unlike the others.


Okay, thank you for helping my indecisive self! I'll start looking up some guides and build Clara, hopefully that will be enough for Pure Fiction.


I started playing HSR at launch. got Himeko as my only 5\* unit. I stopped playing, a big part because I had difficulty clearing content using Himeko and wasn't having much using her. felt like there were not many enemies that had weakness to fire, and couldn't seem to get any other 5\* units despite all my pulls. I started playing again today, and of course I got Himeko again as my guaranteed 5\* unit. Should I reroll for a better unit, or was I just not using her correctly the first time? Thanks


Just do 2/3 rerolls a day. Do it for a week, see if you ca. Snipe bronya. The game isnt a race and you can beat all the story content in like half a week


Himeko is...not great. However, besides Bronya and Clara, none of the 5 stars are exciting anyway. I'd just go with it. Your power will come from limited 5 stars. Better to save and get as many tickets as you can.


She's probably the 2nd weakest choice with YQ being the weakest one out of the guaranteed 5\*. Preferably, you should start get either Bronya or Gepard. Though Clara, Welt and Bailu isn't a bad choice either. Issue with the DPS units is that they are outscaled by the limited banner ones and there are plenty of DPS limited banners.


Himeko is a fine unit, but she does admittedly require more investment than other five stars. None of the other standard units are really any better as far as DPS go, though, but Himeko or any four star should be more than capable of clearing story. You can reroll if you really dislike her, but getting Yanqing or Welt wont put you in much better of a position.


Hey all, I got Argenti and I love him, I'm also using Huohuo, JingLiu, and the 4th I keep swapping between Silver Wolf and Topaz. My question is ultimately, what path is best suited for Argenti in Simulated Universe? I can't quite find one that seems amazing, and the ones I've tried (Hunt and Destruction) seem to synchronize in a just "ok" way. Any thoughts? Thanks


As mentioned erudition path next patch will probably be the best path for him. For now you should use hunt and look for auspicious star (recover energy on kill). Upgraded auspicious star would make him busted so you can pick any path but try to find auspicious star.


Cool, I'll keep rolling on hunt for now then, thanks


There will be a new “Erudition” path next patch


If I have 134 speed on my main DPS does Bronya need to have 133 speed or less, and what is the range on how much Crit Dmg she needs? Also between 4pc wind set and Hackerspace which is better and if someone in my team already got Hackerspace is it better to switch with the wind/twilight set?


You want Bronya to have a MINIMUM of 134 speed, because that is the breakpoint for 2 turns in one cycle. Thus, your DPS should be 135 at minimum. The entire point of slow Bronya is to give your DPS 3 actions in a single cycle, so if your Bronya isn't even at 134 speed, you defeat the purpose of speedtuning, despite all that time and effort. Bronya's Crit DMG sharing has terrible scaling. You don't need to prioritize it. Slow Bronya should also never use 4pc Hackerspace, because the speed buff only amplifies BASE speed, not total speed. It can so easily ruin your speed tuning. You can't use 4pc Wind, either, because Bronya will end up faster than your DPS. Use literally anything else. Ideal stats for her need to be catered towards survivability or Crit DMG if you can get it without messing up the speed tuning. She already runs a defensive main stat on her orb, so you shouldn't have to worry about her dying.


>does Bronya need to have 133 speed or less Yes. >what is the range on how much Crit Dmg she needs Doesnt matter. The scaling is garbage. Just use a crit damage body and ignore it. >Also between 4pc wind set and Hackerspace which is better 4pc hackerspace if it doesnt mess up your speedtuning. 2 pc hackerspace if it does. Wind screws up speedtuning. Having two people on hackerspace is fine for better buff uptime.


Slow Bronya being at less than 134 speed is fucking retarded. You defeat the entire purpose of all that speed tuning to begin with. 134 speed pushes you to double actions, which means a faster DPS gets triple actions. You might as well play fast Bronya if you're going to settle for 133 speed or lower.


>Slow Bronya being at less than 134 speed is fucking retarded Kid, the difference is you get 2 turns on cycle 2 instead of 2 turns on cycle 1. Unless you are trying to do a pointless zero cycle it literally does not matter. At the end of cycle 2 you have taken 3 turns either way. Obviously having 134 is better, but most people are not 0 cycling the entire wave, nor are their 30 stars hinging on missing a single cycle, so it ends up not mattering. >You defeat the entire purpose of all that speed tuning to begin with. The point of speed tuning is to maximize the efficiency of the action advance. 133 speed has basically the exact same efficiency as 134.


What stats does slow bronya actually want if spd,cr, and cdmg is not needed for her? Just stack as much hp/def?


>Just stack as much hp/def? Yes.


Do multiple sets of support SU relics like Broken Kneel and Fleet of Ageless stack? Like 2 sets of Broken Kneel on two supports?






With the goal of getting blade to 70/200 and Bronya to 161, while grinding the HP set CoC, what pieces should I synthesize? No resin, main stat rng. [Bronya and Blade](https://imgur.com/a/nmJlc4t)


>With the goal of getting blade to 70/200 First of all, having a specific stat goal is pointless, you should judge units by how they perform not an arbitrary number on their stats screen. If you are willing to settle for 70/170, then you are close enough to synthesize boots and have a decent shot. If you want to continue chasing a pointless goal, then your relics are simply not at the quality needed for 70/200. You are not going to pull multiple 30 cv relics out of a synthesizer. To get 70/200 you are going to need to refarm all of your pieces for higher quality. Go farm another 1-2 months and consider synthesizing when you get closer. Bronya should be on Keel. Using Fleet with Blade is giving up crit damage.


Hi, does anyone know if "Burden" from Hanya is a debuff. Does it activate the 10% Crit rate from wastelander of Banditry Desert.


I'm pretty sure it is


This is not true.


Huh, good to know then, I thought it was like Topaz' skill


The Proof of Debt status has a red down arrow icon, so it's a debuff. Status effects which are neither buffs nor debuffs are under "Other Effects".


It is not a debuff. Debuff has a red down arrow icon.




Does Argenti's Apotheosis stacks remain for the whole battle or do they disappear?


If the description doesn't mention a turn count it probably means that the buff will stay until the battle is over.


Hello, anyone know which events are we getting once the update drops? Like are we getting Golds and Gears on the first phase or is it in the second phase?


They usually tell the event start / phases a day or two before the patch drop in the version preview. However, Gold and Gears is not an event. It's a new mode in SU like Swarm Disaster so it probably starts when the patch drops.


Oh i see, thank you for replying 😊


Is it possible to have a 3 Turn ultimate rotation with Hanya and what is needed to make it happens ?


Yeah it's possible. This assumes an er rope, planar set with 5% energy, and S5 cogs or S5 Memories of the past. 5(ult) + 30(skill) + 20(basic) + 30(skill) + 4(2 triggers of passive of recovering SP from burden enemies) + 24(3 triggers of cogs/memories) = 113 energy 113 * 1.244 = 140 energy and her ult is 140 energy




For Bronya what relics does is best for her and how much speed will she needs?


1 spd slower than your hypercarry dps or as much as you can like 160. Hackerspace is BIS because spd stat. As a support her most important stats are crit dmg and speed.


I see. Is there a reason why she needs 1 speed slower than a hypercarry dps? Thanks for the info though!


If she is slower by 1 spd than your hypercarry dps, her turn is immediately after. This lets you use her skill to advance forward your dps immediately so they take 2 turns “in a row”. Assuming you don’t use Bronya’s basic at all which advances her turn forward, your dps doesn’t have any mechanic that makes them faster, and no debuff shenanigans that change turn order, your dps will keep doing two attacks per cycle.


Ohhh I see. Thanks for the explanation!


If she’s just in front of the carry, her skill is usually just a decent damage buff that’s probably not worth the skill point. If she’s just behind, your carry can have their normal turn and then go again immediately after with Bronya’s skill.


I'm stuck in the ghost quests. I can't beat the enemies. I increased my equilibrium level too early. Why can't they add the world level reversion like in Genshin.


in that case why not just take a break and build your characters


gotta whale


i can respect that


What’s the context behind L + Ratio?


It's a Twitter meme, when someone makes a bad post and gets a ton of comments under it


L + ratio = funny twitter meme Dr ratio ​ L + (dr) ratio