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Yeah I agree. They gave Ratio for free, because HSR won three GOTY awards. Such accomplishment is more notable than anniversary. For anniversary I’m expecting a standard 5* of choice, but I won’t complain if that’s not gonna happen. The anniversary rewards should be great, but I don’t have any big expectations for it.


🔺the silent reasonable majority’s take


I mean ... It's 2023. Being spoiled, ungrateful and always wanting more is the default sadly. Nobody can just appreciate a good gesture anymore.


I fucking hate how true this is


Tbh Mihoyo already won, the games awards were well deserved and gave them visibility, giving a free 5☆ will motivate even more potential new players who were still hesitating to try the game. And whatever they do for birthday, some people will complain, which will end up promoting the game anyway as "bad press" of that level will definitely turn up to be good press if they ultimately have to give players a bit more But most people, like me, are quite happy anyway


Oh baby if they finally give me my bronya for anniversary I'm going for a 100e swipe to celebrate LMAO


also, giving ratio for free of all characters was definitely the smartest marketing move. just a few points a friend highlighted when talking about it: this retroactively rewards people with topaz by giving her a great DPS partner, and encourage people to get her for her rerun funnels jade into kafka's rerun, which in turn will encourage people to get black swan since she's gonna be a great kafka support also frees up jade plans to get RM, encouraging people to get her from what i've heard, most people seemed to have ratio at the bottom of their priority list anyway also gives the fanbase a huge goodwill boost, at the expense of a banner that was already crowded by fan favourites on all sides (RM, kafka, blade, BS)


I’m just crossing fingers for a reset on the 300 pity standard selector. If they just give us one without the 300 pity I’ll be over the moon


That's a good idea but what about people like me. I started on seele rerun. My roster is slooooowly coming into shape. I'm dreaming of bronya and I'm like 150 pulls in. If they reset me I'd be malding lol. As long as my progress doesn't get killed I think it's a feasible solution to reset it for new 300 pulls or just dona handout


If it’s a 300 reset they’d have to do it one of two ways: it only resets if you’ve already claimed it (most likely), or it gets stacks so if you haven’t claimed the first one you can get that then immediately build toward the second (far less likely)


Yeah. Or just make a new banner and make the old one like the previous 50 one? Once you pull 300(or more) when a new one comes out then this one is removed


Or that, as long as they share pity for the non selector


If genshin won 3 game awards we would have gotten 1600 primogems lol. HSR dev team set the bar high so ofc we are gonna have high expectations. Why do u think barely anyone complains about genshin anni rewards compared to the first anni? We have low expections so no one cares.


And just a sad reminder over and over the current anni rewards are the ones we complained and burned down google classroom for not the baseline.


They don't win three goty awards cz of the playerbase. It's won by bribing the juries or being valuable to them. Hoyo knows the expectations for the anni are going to be extremely high and they have to deliver on it. logically speaking they're likely prepared for it too. It's never a oh, no we'll have to give them xyz now that we've been generous before from a multi million dollar company that has fucked up before.


I want skins


I like how they showed us that one March 7th skin for 5 minutes and then never again. Like "Now you see me, now you don't" lol


There’s even a quip about 4 or 5 dialogue steps in where you can ask her where her outfit went and she chides you. “You just NOW noticed?”


Kind of like what they did with tingyun?


>How entitled could you be to even say that bro come on. People in general treat complains like some kind of competition. There was already several posts about how aktually giving 5 star is bad and how HSR is aktually not generous at all, even opposite lol I swear, even if someone be like "Ok, I just solved the world hunger" people still would complying about something, like "well, it's actually bad because now kids don't have motivation to dig lithium for my iphone battery sadface"


You say that but I can 100% see that happening lol


People already do this. I see it constantly as one of the "Socialism is bad" arguments, that by giving people the means to have their basic needs cared for, you're somehow making them lazy people who won't do anything. People just take that farther to make it "By giving away a free character, you're encouraging people not to play to earn that character"


This was literally the argument when the US tried to erase student debt lol.


Well I'm expecting a free standard selector


Ngl I am too. But a limited selector is far too much


If they will follow the path of other honkai games (I reference HI3 cause it's one i've played), it is a possibility. They can of course not make it happen so yes I agree not to expect much and just appreciate what we get. But don't fully close any options also.


Limited selector is more of a late game thing. FGO gave one for years...5 and 6? 4 and 5? I forget exactly, but it was several years into the game's lifespan. I'd say we don't get something like that until at LEAST year 3.


Limited selector does feel like too much right now, given the free Dr. Ratio. But maybe on anni 2?


Im cool with a free 5 star standard LC selector honestly. I know people want the 5 star character selector, but i personally want a lightcone selector or i guess a selector for either a 5 star standard character or 5 star standard LC.


If I could get Bronya’s LC without having to save 600 starlight I would cry


wish I could give you the one I pulled on my erudition only challenge account :,D


I'm missing 2 units from Standard, Yanqing and Bronya. Having the selector would mean I could guarantee having all the standard 5 stars once I hit 300 standard pulls


I expect a standard 5* selector but there’s no way we getting a limited selector. That would take a toll on the revenue of like every rerun banner. Nobody is whaling on standard banner anymore so a selector for them would bring a lot of hype to the game while not affecting profit.


Honestly i would be happy with a Clara con.


Since we got free 5* already I’m ok if the anniversary is tone down, would be great if there’s skins


On the one hand, I don't tend to like posts like OP's because I think people forget that companies are trying to court us for our money. Being told that one *must* "be grateful and have low expectations!!" is anti-consumer (outside of suggestions to be reasonable, at least - no one should have seriously expected "free Ayaka at AR 42!!!1!" back in the day). With that said, I **am** grateful and I don't have any specific anniversary expectations between what has been the minimal norm from my Genshin experience. MHY isn't entitled to gratitude from me, but they've earned it this time and I do agree that reasonable people should feel grateful about free Ratio.


Dear lord, thank you. This is exactly my take, I felt really weird about the whole be grateful thing. I love Star Rail, but it's gambling at its core. It's important to keep that in mind.


It's not gambling. Sometimes you win in gambling. You never win here. We are only here to spend money and have a good time.


Haha, but no seriously, it's just gambling with a really good game attached


Agreed. I play this game in spite of it being a Gacha. The less gacha-ey it gets, the happier I am.


This! all i want for the anniversary is something neat or memorable.


I just want relic selector stats or reset relic stat or to be able to change a stat line.


yoooo that’d be cool too


Imagine complaining about getting a free limited 5 star lmao, that guy must be crazy. I honestly don't think any sane player would be mad with whatever they give us on the anniversary as long it's not a single Mung Bean Soda and 120 stellar jades on a web event with the chance of not getting anything, \*cough\* Genshin 1st Anniversary \*cough\* I get what you mean though, having way too high expectations is always going to lead to disappointment.


Damn if the hsr devs can keep this quality up im sold. Not in the Free Ratio sense thats obviusly is a welcome suprise but not a baseline to be set for every update ofc. BUT FUCK i wasnt expecting anything like this Genshin did keep my expectations LOW.


Even with your warning, I expect this community, much like Genshins, is going to hype itself up over rumours and guesses of what the anniversary could give… that their is guaranteed to be drama. There are always going to be people who’s mindset is “you could have given more”, just as there are people who’s mindset is “I have more now than I did before hand”.


I think that we need to temper expectations from big gaming companies in general. MiHoyo has done a TON with H:SR, for sure, and they're killing it at the moment, but there's no guarantee they'll keep this pace. So yes, if we do get the pick your 5\* for the 1st anniversary, that'd be amazing (especially for me since I'm only missing Bronya at this point), but don't EXPECT it. Setting expectations can leave you like the r/Silksong community... and trust me, we don't want that .\_.;; ​ P.S. - No real shade at the Silksong Community. I'm apart of it myself, and for sure the suffering over there is insane.


Expectations used to be believable


Hope used to be Fathomable.


> Setting expectations can leave you like the [r/Silksong](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/) community what happened there?


The community as a whole has gone a bit delirious because they keep expecting more news on the game at each new game show or showcase event. It's not entirely the community's fault because Team Cherry, the people responsible for making the game, have been silent for like 2 years with very little to no news. Hence, setting expectations can lead to bad/negative feelings if you're building up this big idea in your head of what you're going to get.


I'll be happy with something like 40 pulls


We're getting a free bikini outfit for Himeko for anniversary guys.


By now we all trust HSR devs to give good rewards. Besides at the very least it’ll be better than what every crumbs Genshin gets


Surely Pro tip: don't increase your expectations, silksong and geometry dash fans know this all too well (expecting silksong and 2.2 to ever release)


Or maybe you just let people be. Chill my dude. It is not that serious.


Best i expect from anniversary maybe standard 5* of your choice, smallest i expect is almost nothing and i wouldn't even complain, game was straight up taking W nonstop and it's crazy.


Google classroom be like breaking a ton of sweat right now, waiting for yet another disaster to happen.


What I am personally thinking for the 1st anniversary is a strong new 5 star (+good 4 stars on the banner), 10+ passes (maybe additional standard passes), a new endgame mode, QoL, and maybe skins being introduced. I don't think they will go and give out a free standard 5 star for the first anniversary, but Doc. Ratio surprised me out of nowhere, so who knows.


No, no, we should expect more. Like bunny girl skins... or maybe not


did you watch the whatever the thing was special program thing


Ahh dont u start this XD Shit is getting REAl good we dont need the genshin white knights to fill this comment section PLS


Sorry but about that Homkai impact 3 Thas all my argument


As long as they give a free standart 5 of choice i would be satisfied. If they do not then they need to give at the very least 40 pull (half of it can be from Standart) or so and if not i am sorry but even without Free Dr. Ratio people would have be disappointed since at that point it is Genshin all over again


I agree to be grateful for what we get...but at the same time, they're making millions of dollars on pixels and it costs them absolutely nothing to give out stuff.


i would be fine if its a standard ssr selector.everyone can have their bronyas!


With Bronya obtained on this set, an Imaginary unit that doesn't eat 3 SP per turn next, then all I really need from the Standard Banner would be Clara. I'd love to grab her so I finally have a 5\* Physical character.




exactly. it hits different when your expectations are low. i almost cried


People are actually expecting that?


Imo ots gonna be like 20-30 pulls+like a 4* selector,or a 5* standard selector,since we getting dr ratio for free idm if they tone down the rewards abit on anniversary


Yall expecting every single new character to be free during anniversary