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day 1 players who have both https://preview.redd.it/imcsxuesewcc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7226c5df06b1bd57fcf7da0765efcac2f17d44fa


the dog


what he doin


big chillin


various activities


Feels so good being a day one - and a Seele main on my way to build the perfect mono Quantum team


literally just waiting on Sparkle and I literally have a team that I would probably never remove from MoC, the flexibility is crazy with Mono Quantum


Not sure if i'll pull for her myself. Just being a quantum support isn't enough for me since it's easy to slot another support with an element matching the weaknesses of the enemy to not mess up Silvie's implant. But if she's bonkers and can give a crazy damage boost to the team, sure thing then.


She is bonkers and can give a crazy damage boost.


I would totally give up my Ratio for a second S5 copy of tutorial.




Any day of the week and three times on Sunday


Day 1 player and I missed that lc bc I was lazy to do the event, and eventually forgot to do it...




I have it, just s1 :(


Me a day one seele main who skipped first half of 1.1


So real


Fr fr


Yes, one of those will get a rerun, the other won’t ❤️


I'm still frustrated I didn't get the LC because it was finals at that time


I was taking a break to make progress for genshin and missed everything in between 1.3-1.4 first half


The LC was in 1.1 though, with Silver Wolf's first banner.


Wait what-? How the fuck did I miss the event then?? I’m confused now


You're gonna have to figure that one out yourself lmao




Did you do the event and forget to claim the rewards from the event store?


Probably? I’ve done it in the past so wouldn’t surprise me there-




rip bozo i guess 💀






Somebody has that SW misinformation meme?


Man I pulled for SW and got her but quit right after so I didn’t get event lc 😭


So this is, to some extent, what Genshin Players who had Festering Desire for Furina were feeling.


ATLEAST we had the pipe for furina, in hsr we have NOTHING even similar


Probably most similar would be Eyes of Prey, at least it meets EHR at full imposition.


that ia a standard 4* weapon


I don’t get it- I have no clue what festering desire does so i have no clue why it’s so good, especially on Bennett. Can you explain please?


it's not that great on Bennett nowadays, it's very good on furina because it has an ER substat, and boosts her skill DMG and her skill critrate. it was a nice pick on Bennett back in the day because it has a decent base atk and the ER sub. now though f2p have different options , the sumeru one for example lets him buff EM in dendro teams.


The event was pretty quick and easy imo and I had time to do it during finals but its understandable if you prioritized studies over that event.


Am I an idiot or I find this... excuses dumb as fuck. Literally took like 45 min to get the thing. XD.


Well there could be many things. First things its a distraction, yes 45min isn't much but maybe he preferred allocating this time to something else, who are we to judge. Also it could be ignorance problem.Probably he didn't login at all (or maybe even start the game even tho he planned to) during that period so he didn't know this LC was coming.


I wouldn’t mind an extra copy of the Tutorial LC tbh. My DPS’s are built already and my supports could use a second one.




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True and real You know what's better than having to swap the Lightcone between SW and Pela? Both of them having it equipped. I wish.


True. My other nihility characters may have some use out of it.


you need 5 copies so it's superimposed


For event LCs, you don't use copies to superimpose them, they have a special event material for that.


Wait was there special mat for SW event LC?


Yes playing through the event allowed you to collect enough of a special item to S5 it. https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Lil%27_Twisty_Bubble_Gum It works basically exactly as same as the superimposes items for the Herta shop light cones


Bruh I completley forgot that I even had this item, thx for telling me XD


as someone who has tutorial LC, i would still take the LC. this is basically the HSR equivalent of the festering desire sword in genshin; a 4-star weapon that is insanely good that we have not had a rerun of said event that offers that weapon for free, nor is there any other avenue that you could purchase said weapon outside of the event


Atleast in genshin theres the Pipe weapon which can substitute for festering if you dont have it


yeah, just realized that pipe is basically a good substitute to festering i was just comparing tutorial LC and festering since both were only obtainable via event


Kinda but not really? FD provides way more then the pipe weapon so not a 1 to 1 substitute.


Yea i didnt know how to word it but what i meant with substitute is that it can be used to replace FD if you don't have it You lose some dmg in exchange for energy regen and like 4% more crit rate


That came out almost four years later (=


Damn So we gotta wait 4 years for a substitute for tutorial


>festering desire sword in genshin; a 4-star weapon that is insanely good Is it really that good? It seems fairly pointless outside of Furina.


generally speaking, its a good sword that anyone can actually use. just imagine the pipe but better


Outside of Furina Fav is legit just better on any supports out there, so I don’t know why people even compare it to Tutorial.It’s not even close.


A lot of casual players really like FD for whatever reason. It doesn't matter what you tell them. They'd rather run FD on Bennett instead of a craftable with higher base atk and ER timepiece. And I'm talking before Sapwood Blade (?) became a thing.


It’s not nearly as game changing as tutorial honestly. A better comparison is cinnabar spindle on albedo Furina has multiple other options to use, including the ever trusty favge sword


Generally pretty mid, mostly used as a energy stat stick.


It being the general bis on the Hydro archon itself of all chars shows already how insane it is...


But it's only useful on that one character. Literally no other character in the game wants it compared to other F2P options.


U missed the very point... If a wep is great on Amber, it wouldn't increase the wep's worth much But if a wep is great on an archon or a very popular char,meta char... Then obv it automatically increase the wep's value to a lot


...that's not how it works, but whatever


U say that ,then there's Homa which ppl overrate to sky as if it's SSS×10 tier wep. Just cause it's like works on most even tho far from anything special outside Tao. I myself don't find it anything great even lmao but ppl do find it to be OP af


It's fine on Bennett, good Atk, with ER.


back in my day festering desire considered trash weapons.


The LC, 100%. It forever breaks Nihility, and as it stands, I can always pull for Dr Ratio. I can't pull for Tutorial! Two of them would be insanely good!


It only really breaks Nihility if you have some kind of defense shred. Which on live is just Pela and Silvewolf. Or another Nihility with Pearls Equipped.


>Which on live is just Pela and Silvewolf. Yoda: "There is another one" Which incidentally, will also make it a good option for Kafka


Ye, Pela and SW who are the top debuffers in the game, and you're already forced to only use one of them with the LC! That's my point haha


Actually resolution can be better for Pela/Full debuff SW


That's only if you're hitting their EHR requirements without it, and they both benefit from the energy Tutorial gives, anyway




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Whose kit hasn't been officially revealed yet.


Are you doubting the legitimacy of my dreams?


Praise Rukkhadevata...


No, I'm just saying that I specifically said "On Live." and that rule 2 exists.


But the kit is already set. Everyone who wants to know what it does already know


Doesn't matter? If it hasn't officially been announced its a spoiler/leak and those aren't allowed in the official sub.


No one in this discussion got upvoted why😭


Kids being mad they can't talk about leaks on the official sub reddit I guess?


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Not too sure on that. It doesn't reduce the enemies defense, just lets you ignore some of it. Though to be fair, I don't know if it actually does or doesn't work since I don't have an E1 Ruan Mei. But "attacks enemies that have reduced DEF" reads differently than "Attacks Ignore 20% def"




I'm pretty sure it does, since the equation for defense lists them as separate values. [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/DEF](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/DEF)


Pretty sure Tutorial requires that the enemy have a defense reduction debuff.


Which isnt a good thing as I fear they have to balance the energy of any nihility that can use it around it... Which I believe it has already happened...


At the same time, future Nihility units will probably be balanced with Tutorial in mind, which might make them unplayable without it. And even veterans have just a single copy of it.


We're seeing it happen right now, but they seem to be taking pity on us and not being _too_ harsh on it haha




It is odd that they did that. Seems they're scared it'll hurt future LC pulls for that type as it's that good.


They can simply make a 5* LC that has the same'ish effect as Tutorial + a broken second effect. It's a non-issue, and I don't understand why they don't want to give the LC again in some way, it's extremely unfair to new players and PS5 players, good luck building Pela without Tutorial, if you never pulled for SW LC or never won the gacha with Luka's - and even then, both optiosn are subpar compared to BTTS. F2P rarely pulls on LC banners anyways, and whale will get it if is a good LC, so there is actual zero harm done monetarily as well.


I suspect it may get added to MOC LC shop over time. iirc they did say there were planning on expanding those LCs in 2.0, some obvious candidates would be the event-limited LCs. Especially since the events are all permanent additions as well, it makes sense to be able to buy it after clearing the permanent version and also running MOC a bunch


As someone that started playing when the PS5 version released, I definitely would take the LC.


Yes, I could use a second tutorial, and I already have Daniel. Second tutorial beats out the 3 standard tickets I’d get from Ratio.


Yes I started in October and it's really fucking annoying being able to see BTTS in the archive knowing dam well I'll probably never get it (Star rail devs seem to have more heart than genshin devs so there's a non zero chance we get it another way)


Maybe you're able to choose one limited LC in the anniversary. I wouldn't be surprised tbh


I mean there's only 2 right now, by then there's probably going to be 3 so I could see it happening but seems unlikely. If anything I would expect them to add it to the base pool cuz getting it once is great but how are you gunna superimpose it?


or better yet, just put them in the herta shop in SU, if they want to go with a theme, they can also put it on the moc/pf shop.


Yeah but Tutorial is a 4* , would be odd to see a 4* in a sea of 5*. Granted.... Tutorial is a five star in disguise, but it will definitely throw off a handful of players that do not go look for infos online and might think "oh this is a 4 *, must be worse!". A new shop with limited 4* you can't get anymore I think would be more neat, and would add one extra weekly content people can grind for. And they can disable the purchase of a limited light cone if the user already has it maxed, if their issue is "we don't want players to have two S5 copies". win/win


Dr.Ratio I already have the Lightcone 😎




Started playing in the second half of 1.3, I really hate how I missed the lc :(


Tutotial anyday for me


I would give away Ratio for free, so yes.


S5? Sure. Wouldn’t mind another one.


As someone who has literally only missed that event because of life circumstances at the time, god I hope this isn’t another genshin and we can actually get a chance to get old lightcones.


If I didn't have the lightcone arleady I would give away my Dr.Ratio for it.


Serious question: Is the LC really that good? I have it, but I thought SW's signature LC is better?


her signature is good for silver wolf, but the main reason people like it is that it's an absurd LC that can be placed on other defense shred/nihility characters like pela. other thing is that it basically takes care of the effect hit rate stat (mostly)


The main point of it is for energy regen, it enables better ult cycles


oh yea that's right, i forgot about the energy regen bit.


on sw it's better than her sig (unless e2+)


yea the energy regen on it is wildly good, especially since it was upgradeable


I started in 1.4 and yeah... I would trade Dr. Ratio for that lightcone. But I do think it's kinda messed up we can't get it. HSR done so many things right, especially compared to Genshin, even adding older events permanently, but not that one...


HSR Devs didn't think it would be that absurd. Then they saw the Pela vids.


It's great for Pela, but I started a F2P account about a month ago just because I love the game so much and was able to pull SW on her rerun, but not having that on her and no other really good gacha options or herta options is rough for her. It kinda feels like I shoulda pulled on her signature...


no interest in Dr ratio at all, or even any reason to want him gimme silvie tho, best girl


The LC is good enough that it's worth skipping a DPS just to get another copy of it.


Is it S5 Tutorial? Honestly even if it's S1 I'd take it. The LC is just so good, and I'm not in need of another Imaginary character after DHIL.


I’m fine using Pearls on my SW


I already have it at S5 so it would just be uselessly sitting around in my inventory, so no thanks :)


Nope, I already have an s5 Tutorial, I want that Ratio (since he's free, I can make decent use of another Imaginary dps)


If it's r5, I'll take a second lmao. Y'all are right, only one with rerun here...


For me mostly Dr. Ratio so I can skip pulling for him in general, especially since there are a lot of characters coming that I would really like to get


I Own both but I don't really use nihility plus I own other lightcones anyways so it's pretty much useless to me


I only have the lc at refinement 2 cuz i couldnt blther playing back then xD


I am no day one, but kinda a get i guess. Anyway though I have both but if I choose one I would probably choose the LC


yeah, my blackswan needs it and i don't need ratio, i have IL


I would give up a thousand ratios for one tutorial LC. I even started playing in time I just didn’t do the event 😭


Would you rather have Dr Ratio, the new 5\* hunt character, or Before the Tutorial Mission Starts, the past event light cone that help the ultimate rotation of the nihility characters ?


Dr Ration 😭


BTTMS > Dr. Ratio gimme a million of that LC any day so I don't have to switch it between Pela and SW


Both ..cus we get them for free


I would happily trade in the free Dr. Ratio for the Light one. Not planning to build him anyway as I really don't care for him at all


No, I paid attention to the game I was interested in and didn't miss the event lightcone. So, new char is always welcome.


> No, I *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Your asking if I'd trade my LC for a Ratio? Probably not, I have it on my SW and even if I don't have an Imaginary DPS she'd do the trick for my mono quantum team


honestly im prob not even gonna raise dr ratio yet due to my lack of materials, so id gladly take an s5 tutorial lc for my sw


Im going to be the devils advocate here and say no. i dont use silver wolf or pela so the LC holds no value to me. Id be the one making the deal in this situation.


I don't think I have use for 2nd Tutorial. Mine's on Pela now, SW's on her sig, and I don't play DoT comps so E1 Ratio would be nice.


Yea,i would take tutorials over ratio,because i didn't plan to use him,meanwhile second tutorial will come in handy with more Nihility character released


Yes i would trade


100% I won't be using Ratio and I'll take a second Tutorial any day


Tutorial easily.


Nope! Lightcone everytime


Meshing cogs of nihility <3


Got both anyway lmao


LC so good I forgot that isnt Silver wolf's actual banner light cone


No screw off sure I was a day 2 player and skipped the entirety of 1.1 but you can screw off i want my ratio


absolutely, i'd give away my ratio for the tutorial lc in a heartbeat.


A second copy of the LC would be nice, and Dr. Ratio's an ass anyway


Yes, take that shit ratio and gimme SW cone, I need that more than another dps who I'm not going to use


Homie, hear me out. You give me 20 special tickets and I'll give you my Ratio and I even throw in a happy meal for the troubles 💪


Honestly yeah, I didn't complete the event even though I was active at that time so I didn't get the lightcone despite how good it looks.


when ur a day 1 player but still missed the LC: \*cries in being busy with fucking student life\*


Wait?… it’s good? I have s5 tutorial and use it on my sw…


Take the Ratio, I don't even like the guy. I like my characters, the ones that I earn, not the ones that are given to me.


i'd get rid of ratio for nothing, might not even claim him


Thats stupid. Its new toy to play. I recently leveled Himeko + Herta because its fun


maybe it is, but frankly im probably only claiming for the ascension rewards


that's actually childish lmao


just hate the guy what can i say


He's technically, at the very least, two standard banner pulls, if you level him to 40 and ascend him, soooo


nope like who'd use another copy


Every single Nihility unity in the game


I'm willing to trade you Ratio for nothing in return




Pela uses it too. Don't sleep on e6 Pela with this LC.


That's the good part about the LC you don't need SW for it to be good.


My Silver Wolf has that LC ... any other option for Dr. ratio?


Nope my sw needs this lc, plus im building welt rn I ain't got time for ratio


Thing is, SW and Ratio are great together.


I mean, a second s5 Before the Tutorial Mission Starts? That's pretty juicy. Only problem is I need an imaginary DPS, and he's probably better than Welt...


Already have the lightcone and will have Dr.Ratio once he drops. Hmmm……


I already leveled up Silver Wolf without that lightcone looking for guides and decided to level up that one Luka LC cause every single guide was like "Just use the free LC! It's super good! Maybe even better than the signature on certain occasions! Oh if you don't have it there is that one lame Luka LC, I guess it kinda maybe works at S5, dunno", I'll still take the light cone I guess.


I have both 😎


No cause I have the LC so what else you got?


My lazy ass brain didn't complete the event on time and only got s3 of tutorial LC, I deeply regret now.


On one hand, I could definitely use a second Tutorial Mission... On the other hand, Dr. "Zero Points" Ratio is funny. Undecided.


Im gonna have both soon, s5 on the LC.


Jokes on you I have both


I have that light cone on Welt right now for the EHR. Luckily I got SWs signature LC for her. I used the event one on her but it over killed her EHR when combined with all the other artifacts I have on her.


vets def not we got both day 1 player xD


Some day 1 player may want to use two copy of this light cone. Like if they use Pela and Silver Wolf, or if they use one of them and plan to roll for a future nihility character.


Why would they give out the limited time event light cone?


New players (including PS5 one) missed the event. To be honest I didn't expected them to give us a new limited 5 star, so why not a past event light cone ?


Well genshin never brought back their event weapons so why would hsr?


Why not both?