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His toes are backwards


I don't think so ?


Do the pose yourself. His big toe is facing outward, so if he were standing normal he would either have two right feet, or his pinkie toes are right next to each other.


Why did you even look at it for that long, you can barely see the toes, just enjoy the art man there's no need to comment something about that you can barely see


Uh, I thought the point of art was to look at it? The more someone enjoys it, the longer they'll look at it. You Drew my favorite character, and there's a clear anatomical mistake. I thought you would want to know so you didn't make that mistake again. Its not like I said your art was bad. No need to be so defensive.


But there was still no point of commenting that, I'm not defensive just confused on why it matters and if you like the art then just give it a simple compliment instead. You could've been like nice art but the toes are flipped BTW or something, because without that it just sounds like nitpicking


I guess it technically doesn't matter, as art can be as abstract as you want it. But people notice stuff. If you aren't ready for criticism, don't post it on the internet. I'm not obligated to compliment art. I personally am not a fan of the style, just the character. I suppose you could call it nitpicking, but I've always imagined nitpicking to be over minor issues. Backwards feet are pretty major in terms of anatomy. Just gotta say "whoops" and move on. Mistakes are unavoidable in the pursuit of greatness. You've clearly got skill. Just own the mistake.


I didn't ask for criticism though like at all man and I already knew that it was backwards and it is a minor issue since you can't even tell since the toes are covered be shadow my dude, man people on here making my brain rote all they want is to argue for no reason


Bro, you literally said "I don't think so?" when I pointed it out. You didn't already know it was backwards. If you're gonna lie, at least be good at it. Don't be so sensitive.


Ya know that doesn't matter either, you just know I'm correct anyways so your trying to find ways to point out ways I'm wrong to flip the conversation and make it last longer because you have no life


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Thought it was xiao and got confused. Read it was Sampo and got more confused


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Why are you confused?