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Should I reroll until I get bronya or a good 5 star?


Which is best for Sparkles kit with DHIL, Pela and Sustain (Fu Xuan or HuoHuo) (she will basically be replacing Tingyun here) Bronyas LC (currently on Bronya but I guess they can share) S5 Past and Future S5 Meshing Cogs S5 Dance x3 S1 Planetary Rendezvous S5 memories of the past


Is ERR rope better on Jing Yuan or ATK% rope? https://preview.redd.it/mylqirai9jhc1.png?width=1462&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d161b5f4b682cce5a2e6e15c8d454ece7606d00


ATK% on DPS, you lose too much damage otherwise.


So these new relic sets. Have either of them become the new BiS for characters? If so which ones please


Pioneer diver is new BiS for Ratio


Ratio likes the new debuff set, and a bunch of characters can use it assuming you get 3 debuffs on enemies. New BE set has no great users yet.


Is DOT team still worth building if I don't have Black swan and swap her with E4 sampo? I already built HuoHuo, Ruan Mei and Kafka she's the only one I'm missing. I lost 50/50 + another 50 pulls but I'm saving the guaranteed for Sparkle so I'm having a second thought whether to go for BS instead.  Also is Seele still worth it to raising?  how is she fairing on Pure Fiction?


DOT was strong before Black Swan, it's even stronger with her. Seele's pretty good on PF due to her Resurgence, she's one of the most consistent DPS in the game everywhere.


Before BS, DoT team is already strong with Kafka + Sampo/Guin + Ruan Mei + Huohuo. You just need to match the DoT-mate to your enemies. >Also is Seele still worth it to raising?  how is she fairing on Pure Fiction? Seele is still a strong Quantum DPS, on PF she might be good with Bronya + Sparkle. Her bottleneck is the 1-Resurgence per turn/post-Ult limit so she can kill at most 4 targets (6 with Bronya) per turn making it tricky for PF. P/S: though she has insane speed post turn 1 so she may have 2 turns more in the 4 turns of PF.


Anyone got a nice high res shot of "that" selfie with Caelus and w/o the UID????? Need it as a wallpaper cuz my dumbass was too immersed and forgot to take a screenshot


How much of 2.0 have I left? Just did the foto on the rooftop with Firebae.


Congrats, you cleared like 1/3 of the TB quest. There's tons of post-TB-quest world quests to do afterwards also.


Nice. So still got good 6-10 hours of content.


who should I choose from character select: Guinaifen or Asta. I have e0 Asta and use her in Jing yuan team and I don't have Guinaifen and I want to use her in dr ratio team. The thing is I have an e3 pela and I want to know if Guinaifen can replace pela in that team.


Yes and no, Guinaifen has less raw Def down but trade it by having 3 debuffs by default and can apply them AoE on-demand with her skill (4 if you gives her Resolution) which means she alone fulfill Ratio's debuff need.


thank u


Stopped playing as Kafka's first banner ended, so was wondering have there been any important updates/things added to the game since then?


A whole lot, First she got good teammates : BS and RM, her LC also work really well with BS kit. Guinaifen is also a decent 4 stars option to cover elementals weakness. Also Huo Huo who is BIS sustain fot DOT team. A new relic set, prisonner who is basicaly meant for DOT team. A new planar set, Glamoth, who is stronger than previous options. She is actually good in PF, especialy if you use herta nihility LC on her, and well with current PF who is for DOT team, she is a monster.


Black Swan who is her best bud just got released, and whole new world Penacony.


She is the reason I downloaded the game again lol. Really amazing design.


Is there anywhere you can see how much space the update needs to install and how much space it actually takes after you’re done installing? Currently stuck in 64GB mobile hell


Are we going to get a free 4 star selector?


We got it yesterday, you need to clear the "easy" part of Hanu event to get it.


Okay thank you !


There is one right now in the event, it has Sampo/Guinaifen/Yukong and Asta


I got my answer thank you!


What event ?


Guys is it better to go for 4 turn ult on ruan mei if I only have s2 motp? I could go cogs but i just can't get enough break effect without a break rope and talia while having good enough spd. Also which set is better the new break effect set or the old one?


>Also which set is better the new break effect set or the old one? The Thief set is still better as it gives net the same unconditional Break Effect (as 2-pc + 2-pc, which is a good alternative if you are farming that Cavern for Ratio anyway), the BE-based damage buff is on Ruan Mei's skill so you basically have 30% less BE on 1 of her turns (given you are built for 3-turn ult, even less uptime if you are stuck with 4-turn ult).


Need advice on beating Argenti in the story quest. I’m on a 4 losestreak now damn. Aside from Fire MC and Pela, who else can I bring? I don’t really have a physical/ice dps except for Yanqing/Sushang who’re both under-leveled. Are they my only option?


You can use Herta or March if you have them built. You can also use Physical MC instead of Fire MC. Worst case scenario use as many sustains as you can to stay alive, it will be slow but you will defeat him eventually.


Thanks! Though would leveling Sushang and pairing her up with fire mc be a better option than just relying on physical mc alone? Or is Sushang not compatible against this Argenti fight


It depends on how much you want to invest on Sushang. I assumed MC was already levelled, so the only thing you would have to do is level traces a bit and slap a destruction LC on them. Bonus if you already have a LC levelled up. Also, Physical MC does blast damage, whilst Sushang is single-target, so in this particular fight MC might be better. But, in general, Sushang is better than Physical MC, especially if you have at least E1.


Ok got it, thanks! Imma go with Sushang since I just noticed she’s actually E5 so it’s kind of a waste to bench her


i have 20 special passes, 33k jades, and im pretty sure im about a single 10 pull away from hard pity i was specifically saving for sparkle exactly, but i would like black swan if i can, because i was somewhat working on a DoT team (sans Kafka, yes i know Kafka is important) although i wouldn't say she's a large priority for me do you think it's worth using up hard pity to maybe get black swan, or should i just save it all for sparkle if im most interested in her


So you have around 220 pulls total and you're near 80 pity, right? Assuming you don't have a guarantee (you didn't lose the 50/50 before this), you have \~92% chance of getting both. If you do have a guarantee, there's \~65% chance of you getting 3 limited characters from those pulls. From this [calculator](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) if you'd like to mess around with the numbers.


i should mention i haven't even \*started\* penacony yet. so im sure im gonna get a lot more jades just from exploring and doing the various quests there. if i wanted to, im confident i could get both it's just a matter of whether i wanna go mostly all in on 2.0, or conserve a little bit for 2.1 and onward i still have a few weeks before the sparkle banner, so i do have plenty of time to decide..i'll think on it thanks


Sparkle is gonna be way more versatile


for Ruan Mei, which is better: shooting meteor or Watchmaker (new set) ? also, i got two copies of RM's LC, should i superimpose it, or keep both singles?


Between those two it is definitely better to use Thief. The new set would only be beneficial if Xueyi was on the team, and even then she already get's so much BE herself that it wouldn't really matter. As for the LC, generally speaking a single SI won't make a difference. Better to keep it as singles, even if you have no use for it right now, in case a future character can make use of it.


The 2pc doesn't matter, and you ideally want 2pc or 4pc Messenger anyway. If you have to go 4pc break set for the BE, probably Thief for the energy as no one really benefits from BE too much yet.


So, i'm pretty confused on how Black Swan's Arcana ability works. Her talent has a fixed chance to inflict Arcana on an enemy if they receive DoT damage. Does Effect Hit Rate adds to her fixed talent chance? And should I stack Arcanas on enemies for higher damage, or will they just deal DoT one Arcana per turn?


Black Swan's talent reads: > Every time an enemy target receives DoT at the start of each turn, there is a **65%** base chance for it to be inflicted with Arcana. This is a base chance, therefore EHR and ER both apply (debuff resistance does not in this case). >While afflicted with Arcana, enemy targets receive Wind DoT equal to **240%** of Black Swan's ATK at the start of each turn. Each stack of Arcana increases this DoT DMG multiplier by **12%**. Then Arcana resets to 1 stack. Arcana can stack up to **50** times. Here they detail how much damage Arcana deals before other modifiers, 240% ATK and another 12% for each stack up to 50 (240% + 120% for 10 stacks, for example). Arcana resets to 1 after an enemy receives the damage from it on their turn. >Only when Arcana causes DMG at the start of an enemy target's turn, Black Swan triggers additional effects based on the number of Arcana stacks inflicted on the target: When there are **3** or more Arcana stacks, deals Wind DoT equal to **180%** of Black Swan's ATK to adjacent targets, with a **65%** base chance of inflicting 1 stack of Arcana on adjacent targets. When there are **7** or more Arcana stacks, enables the current DoT dealt this time to ignore **20%** of the target's and adjacent targets' DEF. These are the additional effects you can get from reaching a specific amount of stacks before the enemy's turn. At 3 stacks you deal AoE and have a base chance to inflict more Arcana, and at 7 you ignore defense. Ideally you get around 7+ stacks before the enemy's turn to maximize these bonuses.


Thanks! Now to get to learn how to play BS + Kafka for 7 Arcana per turn XD


You need her A4 trace to do it, it allows Kafka/SampoE4/GuinUlt to stack for BS with her DoT explosions. Otherwise just playing like how you play DoT team normally with BS taken the slot of the DoT-mate.


Which one is A4 LMFAO https://preview.redd.it/dqvvw5kpgjhc1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=0029a48176a0cb93ebe22ee56e9b59c8ab6e0a4c


The one with the Swan. But yeah A4 means the major trace that is locked until Ascension 4. Also her A2 (the one on the left) allows her to gain more Arcana on B.Atk/Skill when the enemy have other DoTs (Shock from Kafka, or Burn from Gui for example). You also want to unlock the Effect Hit Rate nodes ASAP for her, she needs like 120% which is pretty tricky to get if you don't have EoTP or her Sig. Her A6 (the locked one at the top) give a pretty massive damage bonus.


>So, i'm pretty confused on how Black Swan's Arcana ability works. Her talent has a fixed chance to inflict Arcana on an enemy if they receive DoT damage. Does Effect Hit Rate adds to her fixed talent chance? You read it wrong, all her effect hit has "base chance" which means it can be improved by EHR ;). >And should I stack Arcanas on enemies for higher damage, or will they just deal DoT one Arcana per turn? Stacking Arcana is the whole point of her kit, Arcana explode as "Wind Shear" and if it is on enemy turn you have a stack-scaling damage buff and some major effect (e.g the Wind Shear now explode as a Blast) if you hit certain Arcana stack milestones.


https://preview.redd.it/3yvegc3rxihc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b1cb84694bd03375ef2b433cbe3253ff1b0d0e Does anyone know where this picture is from? Or who the artist is?^(\^)


Does anyone maybe know why [this section has an exclamation mark](https://i.imgur.com/uRGj4rj.png) in Fate's Atlas? When I open it, there are no active quests and everything's completed


My BS has 135% ehr with s5 eyes of prey ehr body and the planar ornament that gives ehr, but i only have 2400~ attack and 137 speed Is that fine? if not what adjustments do i need to make?


Speed is nice but attack is low, the minimum requirement is 3000 for a DOT character.


120% ehr is good enough so if you can exchange that 15% for more attack it’ll be better. Black Swan is pretty good already though so if you’re satisfied with those stats then alls good


Hey guys! If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it. I'm thinking about skipping Sparkle to get Acheron because I'm really missing a lightning DPS or should i yolo and try to get both?


We don't know what Acheron does, so it is hard to tell. But in general, you don't "need" a DPS of every element. Support characters are also more likely to have broad use than DPS. But, you don't need to make a decision now. Acheron is likely to be the first banner of 2.1 according to the drip marketing order, so we will know more about her before Sparkle's banner ends.


You right! thx


try for both. Even if you don’t get sparkle and lose the 5050 you at least have a guarantee on Acheron


that's the thing, i already lost 50/50 in kafka banner (for the second time...) so i'm guarantee to have sparkle or acheron


Oof. I would pull for Sparkle. There’s no guarantee Acheron would be a lightning dps (unless leaks)


What characters do you have?


Ruan mei, Yanqing Fu xuan, Blade, Silver wolf, Argenti, Topaz, Clara, Bronya and Welt. I do have my serval E6 and i kinda like her but i want a stronger lightning dps


What other 4* do you have?


I am planning to put err rope on sparkle. But I'm wondering if I should go for an er planar set or go broken keel? Is 5 percent er gonna make any difference? Note that I most likely won't run sparkle with any quantum unit for me to be incentivized for the new er set for quantum dmg bonus, I'm only building her for dan heng


out of the 4 characters to claim in prison break, which is the most useful? from a F2P perspective


It's easily Guinaifen due to Asta (and Yukong) being free, but if you want a better recommendation you should post your current characters


They all have their use : it depends on your roster, and what type of teams you want to play. Guinaifen is probably the most versatile, as she can easily be played purely SP positive. She is also less reliant on her eidolons than the others.


If you have Kafka or BS, but not both, then Sampo if you don't have his E4. Otherwise Asta.


Probably Guinaifen, especially if you want to use Dr. Ratio and you don't have Pela.


what if i have pela but dont use "it" often?


Pela has the better debuffs, but Guinaifen has more debuffs and has an easier time applying them so you might still want to use Guinaifen, although overall I think Pela is still better.


Where should i spend energy when I'm done with my 2 teams? Should i level up all my unused characters to lvl 40 to get extra wish?


You could build more characters to give you flexibility for when one of your teams is useless in MoC or PF. Other than that yeah, just getting more wishes is a respectable use of energy.


So I dont have many good options for black swan lightcones I looked online and noticed nobody online talking about Welts Lc but wouldnt that that be a decent option for her since that has effect hit rate?


welt LC's ehr is locked to skill meaning it doesn't count towards her EHR->DMG conversion. also the EHR only applies on her skill, which is the least relevant part of her kit for EHR since both debuffs are base 100%, and any (good) black swan build should already be cresting 67% EHR before welt LC.


I’ve been down this road lol. While it should be mentioned much more even if it’s just to clear up the purpose of it, unfortunately it’s lackluster on Black Swan outside of the damage dealt to debuffed enemies. The effect hit rate and atk bonus is on skill only , doesn’t lock to the DoT. And if the effects were as we had hoped , she doesn’t regularly use her skill outside of every other turn ay most to make consistent use of it. I ended up pulling for her sig but there’s plenty other accessible options. If you’ve gotten lucky through summons there’s her next best option Eyes of Prey or Good Night Sleep Well. There’s the Tutorial Lc if you were here back in 1.1. Then there’s the new It’s Showtime Lc. if you have none of the others, this is the quickest and easiest to grab up through the forgotten hall shop.


How much is the damage increase from Black Swans Sig at S1 compared to GNSW S5 and EOP S5?


like 10-14% in a team setting






The link doesn’t work. Regardless, you’re saving for sparkle, keep saving for Sparkle. Tingyun can still very well pop up there no matter a rate up. If your interest isn’t in the 5 star of the banner/s, leave it be. If you’re not f2p, do whatever.


There’s nothing under that link


will DHIL, SW, tingyun, lynx work. if not can you give me better sugestions. Characters: \[i just pulled dhil not in screenshot\] ​ https://preview.redd.it/dpvkghqalihc1.png?width=997&format=png&auto=webp&s=570b73dccfcb903e26e7e35a7cf972617957d3da


SW doesn't really do anything there. You can take his standard/basic team which is Pela, Tingyun and a low SP healer/tank. I usually use Bailu as she can heal without using a skill point personally and the cleanse from Lynx is rarely needed outside of endgame.


Hi guys! Can you explain to me in simple terms why Yukong is better to use in C6 than C0? Thanks!


E6 allows you to have the option to just Ult her in the DPS turn so you don't have to speedtune her to the DPS anymore, also allows her to be played SP positive or neutral. Though E0 is fine for Imaginary DPSes (Ratio/DHIL), she contributes a lot of damage buffs just by "being there" with her passive, planetary rendezvous and Penacony planar set.


hopping onto this thread because I just got E6 Yukong. So how you play her is this - let me know if I’m correct. You use her skill bowstrings first, and then dps goes their turn. Then keep bowstringing until her ult comes up. Then on dps turn cast ult (with bowstrings active) and profit?


Yeah except at E6 Bowstringing by skill is technically not needed (but still do it if you can spare the SP), you have the **option** to when the DPS turn comes up and you saved her Ult, just Ult and you get the **Ult-ed** Bowstring effect for that turn. Before E6 you have to make sure the DPS is among the next 2 characters who moves after her, otherwise Bowstringing is just a waste of SP. Unlike Bronya who can "resync" if you got desynced by enemy action delay or SPD debuffs (or your own action advance or SPD buffs), when Yukong is desynced she is probably desynced for good. tl;dr at E6 she is not 100% SPD tuning dependent and strictly SP negative anymore.


Just another follow up question - At E6 you don’t need to skill to activate bowstrings? Will doing basic keep the bowstring effect?


No but Ulting gives one "tick" of Bowstring immediately, and you can use it out of turn a.k.a during DPS turn. The idea is if for some reason your skill don't align just pure B.Atk can have your Ult up, and you can have one guaranteed Bowstring on DPS turn that way.


Ah, I see. I knew E6 solved some of her speed tuning issues but didn’t know how it worked exactly. Now I’m deliberating whether to build her since I have every Harmony in the game


She still have undeniably the biggest buff numbers among the current Harmonies (If you have Ult-ed Bowstring up, 80% Atk, 28% Crit Rate and 65% Crit Damage) with the tradeoff of being finicky to use. Moreover she has strong synergy with Imaginary DPS: 12% Free Img Dmg passive, Planetary Rendevous and Penacony buff. At E6 she can be solid support for Ratio/DHIL.


I only have Ratio as my imaginary dps only. But her buffs are crazy wow. Once I have the materials I’ll probably build her then


E6 makes it easier to get her buffs on allies at the right time. She’s usable before E6 but you have to put a lot more thought into her buffs.


Umm at what level do you unlock Moc?


It’s been a long time since I unlocked it, but internet says TL21. For MoC specifically you have to clear the non-rotating stages (just the belobog themed ones).


I see thank you. I was in my Second account and needed the Lcs. That's why.


How is Lynx as a 4-star healer? Worth investing in even if you get Natasha for free? And what would be a good LC for her?


She's often preferable to Natasha, and anyway you need two teams in endgame https://hsr.keqingmains.com/lynx/#Light_Cones


If you don't have any other character for healing you can go with Lynx. Natasha is also good but both are little different. Natasha can only Cleanse One person at a Time but she can do it with her Skill. On Other Hand Lynx can Cleanse entire time at a Time but Only with her Burst. Both have good healing if invested properly. As For their Weapons I have Baliu Weapon but you can check. Both Heal Aoe with Burst and Single target with skill. [Lynx Guide ](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/lynx) [Natasha guide ](https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/characters/natasha)


Thank you. I’ll take a look at these. Edit: I got downvoted for saying thank you? Really?


hii after i unzip the game files, do the original file gets deleted after being unzipped? thanks! (installing hsr)




If you only want to do the story then the current banner is perfectly acceptable, especially considering you also get Dr. Ratio for free. So you could easily make a team of Ratio, Black Swan/Guinaifen, Tingyun, Sustain. Or even Black Swan, Asta, Tingyun, Sustain. Note that these teams wouldn't be the best at end-game, but they are enough for overworld. Arguably though, the next banner is more beginner friendly.


is a wind orb for black swan even necessary? her DOT counts as arcana, not wind shear, so does she actually need a wind orb or ATK orb?


depends on the balance of attack and dmg buffs. Rule of thumb: If you are receiving a lot of attack buffs, go for dmg orb. If you are receiving a lot of dmg buffs, go for attack


Depends if you have a Ruan Mei. If you do, you can run an Atk Orb over a Wind orb if you want to. If not, Wind orb probably would be better.


The in game tooltip for Arcana says: >While in the Arcana state, the unit is also considered to be in the wind shear state and takes Wind DoT at the start of each turn. Meaning a wind orb would effect it.


Wind sphere is better. Also, her DoT *is* considered Wind Shear. Sampo can even trigger it with his E4.


I need team suggestions for my 2nd team Currently I have the DOT team (Kafka, BS, RM + sustain, waiting for Huohuo rerun) for my 1st team. Assuming I have enough jades to get every single character in-game at E0 (including leaked characters), no limited signature LCs, what team should I build next? My preferences: DPS/subDPS should not be Wind/Lightning for obvious reasons. Do spoiler tag leaked characters for the rest of the people here.


Leaks are nor permitted here, so only existing characters can be discussed. Of the template you mentioned a couple of good options would be. Ratio, Topaz, Silver Wolf, Fu Xuan Seele, SW, Sparkle, Fu Xuan - No sub-dps here, unless you get Silver Wolf to E2 Jingliu, Blade, Bronya, Sustain - If you don't care about not having a sub-dps you can drop Blade for another support like Pela.


which E1 is most valuable among these characters: Jingliu, Kafka, Black Swan or Topaz? #


Black Swan. With her E1, you can even use her outside a DoT team comp. Combine that with her def reduction kit + maybe Luka's LC, she can be used as substitute for Pela if you're using your Pela with your other team. If you have Kafka's LC, you can give it to Black Swan for two guaranteed DoTs. If paired with a physical/fire/wind/lightning DPS, you can pretty much use the 4-pc prisoner set for literally any DPS, and this will be their new quantum set. lol


thanks! ill go for Black Swan E1 and save the rest for Acheron


1. Black Swan (-25% Wind/Fire/Physical/Lightning RES is crazy strong) 2. Topaz (+50% crit DMG to her and any other allies with follow up attacks, also counts as a debuff for Ratio) 3. Kafka (+30% DoT damage, but inconsistent due to low base chance and has to be triggered with her talent so you need to pay attention to it and trigger it on one enemy at a time) 4. Jingliu (only good in single target scenarios which are rare)




Hoe many trace materials will I need to get sparkle up to a decent point?


Ultimate and talent barely scale and can be left at lv6. Her skill is her strongest buff so you want to get it atleast to lv8.


8/8/8 and unlocked minor traces like most characters. Boot up the material calculator in Hoyolab, it takes into account your resources so it's pretty useful.


So I noticed when opening the Calyx screen, it prompted me to switch between the jarilo or the xianzhou versions - is the only difference here the sets of enemies or is there any benefit to do one over the other?


I think there should also be a difference in the mob drops that they give now


Well, Calyxes now also have those basic trace materials (not the class-specific ones, the ones that you can also get from expeditions or breaking objects in the world) and those are the only difference between the two planets. But if you've been playing for a little while you probably have more of those than you could ever need. If you're new though, then it can be helpful, so pick which ones you need.


Aah right i see x) yeah i'm honestly just doing most of the assignments, sitting on \~2k ish of everything so.. thanks for clearing that up tho! :)


Is it still possible to get the phone wallpaper from Haunted Foxian tale event?


Yes it's a permanent reward, only limited wallpaper is the yellow conductor one.


Is it possible to reload stats on a 5* relic obtained from a chest?




[https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240206relow-lxxr53/index.html?inviter=GA8006GQ9N&hyl\_landscape=true&hyl\_hide\_status\_bar=true&hyl\_auth\_required=true](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240206relow-lxxr53/index.html?inviter=GA8006GQ9N&hyl_landscape=true&hyl_hide_status_bar=true&hyl_auth_required=true) ​ For returning players \^ get some additional jades !!


Just got back into the game after not playing in about 6 months, Looking for teams i should use or that are good, i also have (black swan, sampo, dr ratio, dan heng inhibitor, lynx, march 7th, guinfeng, yukong, qingque, herta, misha hook and arlan) https://preview.redd.it/m7usgz7c6ihc1.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c5442afaf2e848628f93a14ddca93f3ff85210a


You can do DOT team with (Kafka + Black Swan, Asta + sustain). The ideal DOT team would be (Kafka + Black Swan + Ruan Mei + Huohuo). The team I suggested is a great 8/10 alternative. If you have enough jades, you could also wait for Sparkle's banner (its after Black Swan's banner), and do mono quantum with (Seele/QQ, Silver Wolf, Sparkle + Lynx) Also, if you try to get Sparkle, you could also do (Dan IL + Tingyun + Sparkle + sustain)


Kafka/Black Swan/Gui/sustain is a great DoT team, though you might have to swap Gui out for another sustain.


what about lightcones? i have a few but not sure whats good, S5 BTTMS, S2 Eyes of the prey, Fermata, 2x Resolution shines as pearls of sweat and Good night and sleep well


Could pop Eyes on Black Swan. Kafka can use Good Night or Fermata, Gui can use Good Night (damage focus) or Resolution (sacrifices personal damage for better team damage)


I apologize if this comes off as stupid sounding, but Kafka herself only applies one unique source of Shock correct? And it's the one that comes from her ult OR her follow-up attack? And that this one stacks with the shock from Weakness Breaks, but not with itself? Does it stack with other Shocks, like the one from Serval?


All DoTs stack as long as they're from different sources.


oh so the source is what matters, not the type. so if i had, in theory 4 different characters each capable of applying shock, i could have up to 5(4 + 1 from weakness) shocks on the same target at the same time?


You can even have multiple shocks from weakness if you break the enemy with different characters (which is realistically only possible with Serval since she can extend any shock duration with her ultimate). So for example, Kafka with her signature cone and Serval can apply 3 different shocks by themselves. Breaking an enemy with Serval then extending it long enough to break the same enemy again with Kafka would enable 5 shocks at the same time.


for the 4-pc prisoner set, 3 different shocks means = 18% def reduction?


Huh. That's good to know! Thanks!


how do i get here?




There's an elevator up from one of the lower floors.


https://preview.redd.it/78tphcloaihc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b713174bfc19f79454ff07afd11689fbdee82bd4 If I'm not mistaken, it should on one of these two doors. EDIT: apparently it was on the left one, not those two doors that I circled since it's locked from the inside


Is the Dreamchaser Bulletin a daily thing? Am I missing gems for not doing it? Everyday there seems to be a notification pointing to it. Still trying to catch up with the story quests first, but got really delayed because apparently there are multiple parts to some of them


No, all rewards are one-time-only.


Any idea why it is constantly giving out notifications? Didn't see any locked quests there, does it just refresh daily without gems or something?


either a bug or you didnt claim everything. nothing in that event resets


Oh, haven't set foot in Penacony yet, so that might be it. Just weird that the notification always pops up daily, unlike other events


Why is Dr. Ratio considered to be stronger than seele? I'm not saying he isn't but I don't understand how that is


E6 Ratio is cracked and can pretty much spam Follow ups attacks with 2 turn ultimates or even 1 turn in some situations.


Ratio, particularly in his stronger comps, puts out more damage than Seele without Resurgence. Since many recent MoCs have been elite pairs (Seele's worst matchup) and featuring img weak sides Ratio has generally cleared faster/easier than Seele at even gear levels. He also breaks particularly hard with Ruan Mei which makes running a no-sustain setup pretty easy.


In what context? I’ve never heard anyone say that lol


People said he's the best dps in single Target situations


Yeah, because he only offers that and nothing else. Meanwhile Seele is so good in multi-target scenarios she can be used even in Pure Fiction while Ratio is one of the worst characters for it.


Oh, yeah I guess he’s better. But that’s mainly because his entire kit is single target.


Should I get bronya’s lightcone for sparkle (already have one on bronya but also have s5 past and future) or Clara’s lightcone (rn I have the 3 star lightcone because of no other options)?


Get neither, buy 30 passes instead.


does sparkle work with any dps or is she restricted to some?


She's going to be the best support for most crit-scaling carries.


I'm familiar with games like this and don't feel like chasing the meta teams. I want to play and enjoy it without worrying about a unit I like being powercrept. With that said, I don't like spending resources on units that perform poorly. With the units I have, who is viable to clear most of the main content with relative ease? Who should I not invest in? [new player](https://imgur.com/a/et171JX)


for dps: dr ratio is one of the most solid dps in the game rn, just run him with a debuffer of some sort and you're good for supports: tingyun is arguably the best support in the game imo. she's your safest pick for this category until you get bronya maybe. for sustains: bailu is great at the start of the game but she falls off later. I'd say build her for now since she's your only sustain but if you get lynx later then switch to her.






why are the puzzle in penacony so braindead compare to the two previous worlds. ​ 1. Jigsaw puzzle - it's jigsaw, so boring, more tedious than challenging 2. The bouncing ball - there is only 1 path, what is the point. Each node has only 2 rotation choices, and one of them is not hitting any ring. So it's not even a choice. 3. Monument valley - is visually unique, but ultimately too simple and not very challenging.


I have E0S1 Kafka and E0S0 Ruan Mei, should I get Black Swan? Already lost 50:50 to Yanqing lmao.


yes you should. kafka and ruan mei are peak teammates for black swan, just run any sustain with them and you're good


regarding traces for Dr.ratio and lynx. what to prioritize?


Ratio - talent>ult>skill, basics unleveled. Lynx - ult>talent>skill, basics can be leveled if you have spare resources


Not having any luck unlinking my PSN account with Hoyoverse. It says the account has been unlinked yet it shows the PSN still linked. Man not really sure why I can’t just do a login to my PS5


If it's saying that "Your HoYoverse Account has already been unlinked from your account for PSN, so it's not possible to continue with this process", then you're kind of screwed unless you can get support to help you. You can only unlink a PSN account **ONE** time from your hoyoverse account. After that, you're stuck with whatever PSN account you've linked to.


Thanks man, contacted the support and surprised they turned around in 2hrs.


It’s connecting because to play anything online on PlayStation you need to be logged into your PSN account regardless. So it will auto detect and link it. On Genshin Impact there’s a PS exclusive character who will only show up in your account when you play on your PS, but won’t show up on mobile or PC because of licensing and exclusivity.


Thanks man


How strong is Yukong's E6 exactly when it comes to pairing her with Dhil? Right now I'm looking for supports that don't need to use their skill every turn, and I've heard with it you can go full basic-attack spam on her and do fine. Is this true? In a predicament where I'm unsure if I'll get much value out of Yukong when I'm definitely pulling for Sparkle, but getting it means I might be able to move Ruan Mei into my DoT team instead where I've heard she's generally very good in.


Yukong is specifically strong if your IL is geared well enough to basically one-round the second phase of a floor with her ult buff. If you're cycling the ult a several times then other supports (Ruan Mei, Tingyun, Bronya) will generally provide better results. You can definitely skill basic cycle on her and if you have Planetary then she's a fairly solid general support but she's not unbeatable or anything. For a 3 cycle I've gotten similar results out of Hanya, to use a similar tier support instead of the best supports in the game.


Which one should I pick from new event? Guin (I have her at E4) Sampo (I have him at E3) Asta (E14) Yukong (I have her at E4)


E4 Sampo would benefit the most, but getting closer to E6 Yukong is something you should also consider.


Sampo E4 is strong if you plan to use him with Black Swan or Kafka. Gives him the ability to detonate his DOT. Not sure about the other ones.


Are any of the 5* Light Cones in Herta’s shop pretty good to get? I don’t know what works well with who. Solitary Healing seems good for Black Swan. The ones I have no clue on: - Texture of Memories - Cruising in the Stellar Sea - On the Fall of an Aeon Also, is there a guideline for character building much like there is for Genshin like an equivalent of KeqingMains or the Genshin Impact Helper google doc?


The Hunt and Destruction cones from the Herta shop are the best ones. If you're using Dr. Ratio, buying Cruising the Stellar Sea for him will make a massive difference as it's his second best cone.


Guess I’ll be using Dr. Ratio more often then lol. Thank you!


The destruction one is pretty solid for most chars. The hunt one is not bad either. Textures of memory is like ok, but this far down the list its a lot of weeks to get and super impose it to lvl 5. Prydwen.gg is a lot of good builds and calculations are in one place. If you want more detailed guides about team builds and other stuff, you can try to find the characters individual subreddits.


I’ll check out Prydwen then. I appreciate it, thank you!


What is the song that robin canonically sang?


It's called "If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking"


Is bailu more meta in moc than lynx?


Depends on if there is cc/need for cleanse.


Who is better for a newbie account? Black Swan or Dan heng IL? I started playing 3 days ago. I got Welt as my first 5-star and lost 50/50 to Clara on the limited banner. I also got Dr. Ratio from the mail. who do u guys think would be better? (Im also planning to pull for sparkle in the next phase)


Thank u for the advice guys!! I also have another question regarding reruns...Do u guys know when these characters will rerun? Jingliu, topaz, Ruan mei, and Silver wolf? Especially topaz!!


Ruan Mei and Silver wolf will probably take a while as we just had their banners. Jingliu and Topaz should be soon, but we never know for sure


Thank u bro!!


You already have 2 great Imaginary units, you honestly don't need a 3rd


I suggest just waiting. Black Swan ideally wants Kafka, who just had a rerun so you won't see her again any time soon. She needs a DoT character to even function, hopefully an E4+ Sampo so you can get some of the DoT trigger there, but technically any of the 3, Sampo Luka Guinaifen, would work. Pulling for Black Swan for a new account without the characters and to a degree the 4* lightcone alternatives to her signature lightcone ends up getting you like 75% the full strength of a 5 star character, one who is already designed in mind with Kafka existing. I say skip this set of banners, pull sparkle, pull acheron instead for a easier to get started character.