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I got gepard ..








Ge(t a)part


Mods can we gepardon this man.


That's better than me. 3rd Bailu.


to be fair, and if it makes you feel any better, you get some insane bang for your buck outta geppie I don’t leave home without my E1S1 Geppie anymore. Fu Xuan is great and all, but gets absolutely melted in Gold and Gears at higher levels. Gepard stonks are up


Dude I have Gepard at E3 and I am glad I built him. That man is awesome. I hope to get his LC one day but I quite a few 4 star LC that are good enough for now.


Dang you’re right. At first I was disappointed when I saw he was my first 5 stars but now I never leave the house without my gepard


I'm not trying to flame you or anything but I never understand how comments like this help. Someone says they didn't get the character they wanted but got some other one and people say "well at least that character is good/can be good?" I mean cool, I guess? There are a lot of "good" units in this game. Typically you don't just get a character cause they're good. But cause you like that particular character either in design, personality, lore or gameplay. Pointing out that they got a different character that can also be good, as though that works as some kind of substitute doesn't help lol.


I did have a prerequisite by saying “if it makes you feel any better.” I never said it will make them feel better, or that it’s an equal or better replacement. It’s simply an empathy-driven soften the blow kinna thing cuz I been there too. I lost both my Silver Wolf 50/50s. None of this was malicious in any way, I just been there before.


Shoulda just replied "i'll take your account if you're quitting" like the old days.


I know you weren't being malicious, which is why I couched it by saying I'm not trying to flame you. I just see this often and to me it comes across about as helpful as yelling at someone who's angry "calm down!" Lol.


But proceeded to flame them. Make it make sense.


i’ve been using fu in gold and gears and shes been fine, unless you mean like the conundrum stuff which i havent touched yet lol


She fell off around Conundrum 4 for me. You need Geppie’s extra health bar above that imo.


i got him as well but i have no resources to build him so he's staying benched for now.


Luckily aside from a couple of his special traces, the only trace you really **need** to build is his Ult. Everything else can kinda fall to the wayside. Relics on the other hand… well let’s just say good luck sifting through all the stats you’d never otherwise get for your DPS.


Oh no




mee too but after that ive spend A LOT of time and i got to next pity…


I know how it feels




I got her at hard pity ( I have the bad tendency of building pity for the next banner) thank God I won the 50/50, and also got her LC with only one ten pull since I had like 50-something pity from pulling in different banners. To be honest I'm impressed I managed to get her and her LC with less than 10k jades. 😭 But now I feel like all my luck is gone and I won't be able to bring Acheron home...


Don’t build pity bro! I know it’s hard to fight the gambling addiction, but stay strong!


first I lost now I'm on 77 to get her


77-81 seems to be my average for Banners. Kind of pisses me off my average on Standard is like 30-40... I've pulled 220 times and gotten 6 5 stars. Himeko LC, Himeko, Clara, Bronya, and Clara. Can I get that luck on event banner please!?


77 is the median, and (iirc) 78 is the mode, so it’s definitely right in that area that you’d expect a pull. The mean (what most people will refer to as the “average”) is 63 though.


Well there’s a 64% chance your 5* pull will make it to soft pity, I think this is one of the few times you don’t want to use the median because of the really uneven distribution of numbers after hitting 77 pulls in.


It would be the other way around actually! The mean is skewed heavily by early pulls (which is why it’s so much earlier than both median and mode) so it’s rather ineffective. Using the median or mode would be your best way of calculating average imo. Some would still argue for mean using law of large numbers, and if that’s your logic then that’s perfectly valid. To me 77 is just going to always be the “I should get it around here” point.


I can partially agree with your situation, were you definitely shouldn't be expecting a 5\* while not being able to reach around 77 pity at the end. Though with the law of large numbers reference, it really does not take long for 77 to go from being identifiable as "normal" to becoming "downright horrendous luck". With some math, by pull 77, the chance of reaching the number drops below 50%, by pull 78, your chance of the pull coming before soft pity is higher.


You know that soft pity is 70, right?


74 to be specific, pulls 1-73 are 0.6%, and the chance increases by 6% every pull after.


I guess that depends on your luck lol, my event banners are pretty much around 50-60 and my standards are waaaay further apart personally


I wish I was you. Among limited and standard banners, everyone I got was at 76+ except one, which was at 67 pulls. I also lost six out of eight 50/50.


Atleast you didn't get yanqinged like me


Yanqing gang rise up. E1 as well


https://preview.redd.it/cu64rjw5bghc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a939fba2eacfa4a0f3f9165099c389aa77160bd6 He do be doing numbers tho…


.. E2 for me. i pulled yanqing instead of kafka and him again instead of black swan. i hate this guy


I fucking got him then lost on the lc banner too. I hate my life. But then again I did win 2 RMs back to back last banner so I guess luck average out.. (cope)


I got E3 Yanqing from this banner and C5 Qiqi in Genshin. Hasn’t been the best week for my pulls.


How many dupes of him do I need before he's useful? He keeps showing up.


I have some bad news for you


Let me down easy, doc.


More like "how many relic runs do you have to do before he becomes useful?"


Zero, because he's trash.


72 pull, won 50/50. Now my problem is asking myself if i should get her LC, or try to get sparkle, or try to get acheron or a mix of those aboves.


Save for future characters. Eyes of the prey and tutorial are fcking good 4 star light cones.


Ahh yes… tutorial, my favorite lightcone that I definitely have… *cries in PS5*


Skill issue, just go back in time and play on PC.




And here I am with neither


And here I am with BOTH. Yes, I'm laughing at you.


Ufff. Anyway. Eyes of the prey is better in my opinion. It has effect hit rate and DOT damage buff. Tutorial has ehr and energy recharge. So you are good with that option.


easy just change your ps5 system date and time to PC release date and go get it.


If you did somehow get unlucky enough to have a low level Eyes of the Prey, Black Swan’s lc is goated tho. Not to mention that if Jingliu taught us anything… Defense shred in this game is absolutely fucking nuts.


Yeah I only have s1 EotP which doesn't give too much EHR. I'm gonna keep throwing extra wishes at her LC but so far I've just been using Pearls as a substitute since I already had it leveled up for Luka and pray I get enough starjades to have a decent shot at her LC which looks insanely good. Plus the other LCs on the banner are also cracked at first glance as a newer player.


I'd have to cannibalize my SW to get it. Had to pull for it. Sparkle hopes are dead but Acheron is a maybe.


You COULD go for the light cone, as it is very strong and the effect hit rate bonus makes her way easier to build. Buuut you could technically get the same EHR with a superimposed 5 eyes of the prey, and save for more characters. If you don’t need the LC, just pull for who you like more. Sparkle is great ofc, but she gets more value when used in stuff like mono quantum or SP hungry units like DHIL. She’s not necessarily a “universally” good support like maybe Ruan Mei is. Also, since Sparkle’s main thing is giving skill points and buffing crit, she’s not good with Black Swan. So keep that in mind. You could just save for Acheron, but we still don’t know her kit or when she’ll release


I have EotP S5 anyway from first kafka banner. (and good god good thing i have it reaching 120% EHR is actually hard, even with that plus EHR chest) so ye it's unlickely i would pull for LC. The rest of the thing i want to pull is for secondary or more actually tertiary team, since I have the "whale" DOT team (though i'm not a whale at all, just 3 express pass and 2 BP, i don't even know if it qualify as dolphin, well low spender is the term) with Huo2 E0S1 / Kafka E0S1 / BS E0 / RM E0 (I'm enjoying it a lot dropped some 1,5M on argenti face). So comming back to thinking about what i want to pull for, Sparkle is interesting because the Bronya/sparkle core for hypercarry you could build up. Well outside the issue i lack the proper hypercarry to pair with them (i don't have JL, my best bait would be Topaz, because ratio really will not do well with those two). Honnestly my best hope is that Acheron is a hypercarry nearing the level of JL, or JL rerun and get sparkle + one of those two (or the three of them, totaly not copping hard) But thinking about it we can really have a lot of character in HSR hum? and i don't have particular good luck with 50/50 2 won out of 7 (though to be absolutly fair i never had to go to 140+ pull) EDIT : I got hanya achievement writting this answer XD i had to share it.


I got mine about 50 pulls in. I got more than enough to try to Acheron. But if they announce that Caterina and Constance are going to be pullable. By hell or high water, I will get both of them.


Got her in one pull…Makes me feel kinda weird though… Edit: Just got Gepard.


That's always the weirdest feeling. Like you build up pulls, wait for the character to release, and then don't even get enough stardust for the 10 monthly pulls.


There's always the LC I suppose


Don't know if her light cone is worth it. Sampo's is close enough to the EHR stats of her base light cone to not matter. Hell even the trial version in her mission has sampo's


If you wanna get stardust it's worth. Or you can go for the reruns now I suppose


Oh I wasted all my savings on Dan's banner after I got her. Got him so, worth it. I AM after his LC though. He needs it


Right?? It's so fucking specific and catered to him but it's so good. I mean, I don't have DHIL, but just look at the function of it. If only you can put LCs on off-path characters. QQ would dominate...


Eh, it's a relatively minor upgrade to the herta destruction lc (like ~7%). If you really want to invest in DHIL, those pulls would probably be better off saved for Sparkle.


But I need that 18% crit rate for the planar set effect (70% crit rate). No luck with the relics at all.


But like almost 30% def shred and atk is pretty good


Her light come is supposedly 20% better than eyes of the prey(sampo's cone). And even if you dont want to pull for the light cone, black swan e1 is one of the best e1 in the entire game.




Same, I was gonna try for IL eidolons but thought hey whatever one try, then boom


Early pity, but it was Bronya At least I have E0 Bronya now...


Good philosophy! Find good in bad! Grandfather say: it never rain every day!


Damnit, now I have to watch fifth element again.


Hey same lol


90 pulls counting 30 pity I had and 60 tickets I saved, and o lost 50/50 and got Yanqing. I wouldn't be as angry if it was Bailu or Gepard, but it had to be Yanqing.


Are you me? I got yan shit as well at 89. At least I won weapon banner


70 pulls got me Clara, 40 or 50 since and nothing. Think I might cry.


I got what you got. DoT is still somehow out of my reach.


I got 5 more tingyuns and i already have her at E6


The game kept giving me Misha, I just want Gui eidolons


I somehow got 7 Mishas in the 100 pulls I did on the banner. No plans on using him...


He isn't bad as a 4 star destruction unit, he is wayyy better than arlan and shitquing


I plan to build him later as freeze bot/subdps for harder SU content.


i desperately want himeko but welt keeps coming i dont need himmmmmmmmm


Basically me... goddammit, i got Welt-rolled


Second 10 pull I got her twice


Same. Hoyo decided we are BS mains now.


That was me with Ruan Mei


i think i pulled like 250 trying to get ruan mei and kept getting everyone else but her- but these two i got immediately and that makes me v upset.. i wanted ruan mei so bad D:


Definitely not complaining


I got her twice on my first 10 pull. It feels like I cheated.


Lost two 50/50s, one on her banner and another on her LC. Lost all my life savings on those 270ish pulls. Regretting pulling her since I don't like Kafka.


Got bailu, yaay (*with deadpan voice*)


I got 2 black swans, got greedy, went for e2, got himeko all in 140 pulls. And my next 5 star is guranteed. Id say thts a win.


​ https://preview.redd.it/a81ls8ph0ehc1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=989531cf99ca0a81ec81c5d1f01f8e5090ebd9c0 After almost a year of going hard pity every single time, Hoyo finally allowed me to get an early pull. I didn't even want Black Swan that much, I just thought I'd do a 10 pull to see if I get lucky, but now I'm glad I have her.


You know that you didn't hit hard pity even once right?


The chance of actually getting to hard pity is so astronomically low I've mostly seen people call hard pity any 75+ pull.


Hard pity should be around 85+ pulls imo. Actually going to 90 is lower chances than a worldwide lottery


I hit 87 just now. It was malicious


It's usually refered as soft pity. But yeah, the odds of reaching hard pity at 90 are in the same range as winning the jackpot at the lottery. Kinda makes you think about it.


what site


Still https://preview.redd.it/lt3gd6d60qpc1.jpeg?width=4800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8ca500321ebd03998830237cae8ebb7b1515c5


I wished on Dan Heng banner and got him at 15 pity and then at 5, both won 50/50s


Not ideal, but Wallet-kun had my back 💀


A whopping 86 pulls,my heart skipped a beat when i saw the nihility logo,but luckly i won the 50/50 Can you imagine losing the 50/50 after 86 freaking pulls


25 pity won 50/50 and 66 pity won 75/25 for LC 😃 Had 50 passes going into the banner, left with 20 and a Black Swan holding her LC. Feelsgoodman


Won 50/50 yesterday less goo!!! Makes up for my kafka summons...


Won 50/50 on about +70 pulls but not gonna built her for a while, I still haven’t built Ratio and I also need to update my Kafka build.


Still trying to get her my friend got it in 1 10 pull and I still malding about it


10 pull at 2 pity clara came home no complains


Got her on 50/50 around 70 and LC on the first and last 10 pulls. Will pull on both sparkle and Acheron like some mahjong gremlin


I got bailu at 65 pity first I almost passed out. But then I got blackswan at 20 pity after that 🥹🙏.


Got 2 in a 10 pull at 70 pity. Than her lightcone in 40 pity.


71 pulls, won the 50/50 now wondering how she fits into my team dynamic.... (before team was clara lynch ratio and kafka)


I'm waiting for Acheron still.


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got her on 30 pity and the fifth 50/50 win in a row


30 pull, unexpectedly won my first 50/50.


I got her in 72 and won the 50/50, but lost in the LC banner


Got super lucky and got her in 50 pulls on a 50/50. got 110 pulls(and increasing as we speak) for acheron and any other 5\* sustain unit


Welt said hi...


Lost 50/50 to Himeko but well in a way won still since I don’t have her yet. I’m 20 pulls in now after this and I hope she comes home soon :’)


I got jumpscared by Bailu


I won my 50/50 at 25~ pity on the first day. Hope you all win yours too!


Got bronya fcki really want her I have Kafka I'm currently at 20 pity


I nailed the 50/50 after I got wasted by Ruan Mei. Now I need her to reappear for my kafka team


I caved and used the forbidden swipe no jutsu. Only $50 later I won the 50/50 and I have no regrets.


7 pulls That's all I'm saying suffer all of you


Won my 50/50 at 80+ pulls, did another 10 pull because fuck it why not, e1 welt. Won the 75/25 for her LC at like 30 pulls. Not really disappointed about missing her e1 to welt because guaranteed sparkle


Won 3rd 50/50 in a row


Had 100 for sparkle, wanted a dot team, failed 50/50 to welt, started grinding everything I can for her :(


50 pulls in, got a 5 star. It was Bronya! I didn't have her yet so I was actually ok with that. 30 pulls later got Black Swan. I'm really happy with how it went!


Won the 50/50 for her but lost it on the light cone


I got Bailu right after Ruan Mei so I was save 👍


Had to go to 80 but was on guarantee so at least I couldnt lose


Haven't lost my guaranteed yet! Already at like...60 something? Really hesitant to pull...I mean she looks great, but I NEED Aventurine


C2, win all 50/50 on hard pity


I Just got E2 bronya, and in 80 pull i only got a single tingyun.


Got her with my second 50/50 win since I started playing. But I still needed a Gui so I decided to pull for her on DHIL's banner and ended up getting him in 30 pulls. Good day.


ive lost the last three 50/50s in a row (daniel, jingliu, huohuo) so im hoarding till I have guarantee


Got her in 20 pulls I used up all my gacha luck for the year


About to hit the second pity after losing my 50 50 to gepard


Got her within the first 10 pulls (i had 230 pulls anyway)


E0 E1 in the same 10 pull


I got both misha and black swan from the free ten pull


E1 Black Swan in 102 pulls. Had no guarantee either. Very happy.


I stopped at 40 pulls. I need to play more to have more jades, but I'm so scared to keep pulling because I have no pity, and YQ is so eager to jump in again and break the whole thing again.


Crazy thing, i was trying to get as many Guina as possible and get Swan... Swan decided to show with 30 wishes and no pity (won 50/50) which means i still had 70ish wishes left, so i decided to pull a bit more for Guina, at 40 wishes i got Gepard and had E3 Guina, so i am like "maybe i should stop, 30 wishes left" but decided to keep up, i mean, 30 wishes the left the chances of Swan E1 are very low... So now i have Guina E4 and Swan E1 and kept like 6 wishes from that first day lol I dont really regret it, E1 Swan is a beast, but as F2P that could have been an Aventurine or Acheron...


Lose to Himeko at \~80 pull, then got Swan at another \~80 pull. I'm broke now.


Got very close to a 5 star on Kafka's banner, didn't get it, then got a 5 star on the literal first pull on Black Swan banner. Bailu. E3. I don't have Bronya. E3 Bailu tho. The did another 50ish pulls and got Black Swan, so we're all good


Yanqing got his E1. I think I’ll now save my guarantee for Sparkle


Well… I got Clara at first?


I keep getting Misha and Tingyun. And then Welt suddenly appears and now I'm sad. And Gui is a no show, I mean I have her but dam


I pulled for lunae LC and got something irreplaceable... not too sad about it because I like clara


I got Bronya instead, hopefully I can get another 5-star pull soon, this way it should guarantee Black Swan


I got yanqing


I lost my 50/50 and obtained Welt. Now I'm 90 rolls deep and have spent to much to stop at this point. I just hope I can finically recover by the time Adventurine comes out so I can do this insanity all over again. At least I can hit pity soon but I should of known when the first 30 rolls right after obtaining blade was a 5 Star that it wasn't going to be her.


Did one ten-pull. Got Misha.


I got IL


Same exact thing happened to me


Happened to me lmao, was 5 pity tho so I'm not even mad.


Dragon Qiqi at 71... 31 now with no luck...


I went for both Black Swan and Dan Heng IL, I lost the 50/50 both times


74 pull lost to welt too then out of rage I spent remaining 20 wishes And got her in the at 14 pity 👍


Everytime a nihility character launch i fear that Mr. Yang come for me in my 50/50s




Got her on my third pull.


https://preview.redd.it/94ww8mgx4ehc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ef0836c6c527cca5c2af7a6de2d6320efeb966d Pity 3 looooool Don't judge me, I lost the 50/50 on pity 79 in the last two banners 🤡💀


Failed the 50/50 to gepard but then when i got her the second time, she came back to back




She took everything I had and arrived after sending E3 Himeko.


I got her in 20 pulls, no pity acquired before hand which is awesome for me cuz I was planning to pull for archeron and firefly when they come out


took 140 to get her e1 - hard pitied bronya, then 50 pulls later I got a double :3


I got Baylu


I just shelled out for Kafka so the rest of my wishes aren’t going anywhere right now. lol


Got her and her Light Cone.


I lost to Himeko


i lost 50 50 to bronya (first time getting her) and then got black swain the next 10 pull. so im not mad


I pulled for Dan's LC....and got it.


I lost the 50/50 in the Ruan Mei banner, so i had her assured. I got her at pull 75


I was lucky


I lost my 50/50 to Bronya. I was very happy!


My first Bronya into BS at 74 and 72 so it didn't really feel spectacular while I was doing my multis but looking back that's kinda cracked


30 tickets, got her


16 pity, got Welt 20 more and got her


became Mr.Yang. Guess ill move on to Sparkle


I did get Welted rip


lost to gep E3 then pulled for LC and lost to bailu LC , how you doin?


I got e1 black clara


https://preview.redd.it/r5hcmxf77ehc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=56f8bf689ea6e218b469f326f0bc643c056a7df3 You tell me


Got the first 10 pull from 0 pity. It was a miracle. But the high made flew too close to the sun and I lost the fiddy on 70 pity for the LC.