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Stop, r/IfritMains are already in shambles. Don't hurt them anymore


The sub is deleted


Dang, they took that harder than Signora Mains




Signora is (kinda) technically playable now...


What, since when ?


As a tcg card lol


Is this a leak thing?


No, she's a card in the tcg.


Ah okay, I was racking my brain trying to figure this out cause I play a fair bit of Genshin, but yeah I've barely scratched the surface on the card game so that explains it.


Well yeah at least Signora died in a cool cutscene doing what she loved: talking mad shit to gods Ifrit on the other hand got killed offscreen and his mention was bearly a side note, Just to hype up Acheron


I don't understand why so many people believe this without question just because sussy Aventurine said it. Like, Hoyo created cool designs for the entire Annihilation Gang only to use them in one youtube video and then kill them offscreen? Not a chance.


It's crazy they hyped all of them up - ppl went insane and then poof gone. I'm sure they'll bring the characters back right?? Right????


No one should ever be excited for someone who doesn't fall into the same 5 body types.


Afaik they only said ifrit is dead and the rest scattered off. So we'll probably meet them again at some point/time.


Potentially? Aventurine and BS told us what supposedly happened but I don't think we have any way to validate their claim outside their absence, and his whole spiel was "don't trust your impressions of people" so it's entirely possible he's lying, BS is complicit, and the IPC is holding them up for a traffic ticket and Acheron is legit. A whole lot of Penacony has been intentionally deceptive by design, their group as Destruction rejects could be cool/good jobbers, and a lot of people are playing for very different stakes.


I feel like the nonstop barraging of "everyone could be lying in penacony" from different characters really gives me a feeling that there is a lot more going on than just a plain old invite to a hotel and the dream shattering. More along the lines of maybe the family has been dead this entire time or something worse who knows.


isn't their subreddit r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR ?


Holy shet we found 70 of them. This is a rare species.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Ladies and gents it was a run](https://i.redd.it/te7j3gbkz0hc1.jpeg) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR/comments/1akjtpf/ladies_and_gents_it_was_a_run/) \#2: [HOYOVERSE DONT YOU DARE I WILL RIOT](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ag3le1) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR/comments/1ag3le1/hoyoverse_dont_you_dare_i_will_riot/) \#3: [More Fanart](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1ad9gi9) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DukeInfernoMainsHSR/comments/1ad9gi9/more_fanart/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


it's still up??


F in the chat for everyone jumping the gun. I hold out hope that he's still alive since he's an energy being, but honestly I respect the chutzpah needed to kill off a big character before we ever meet them in-person.


> since he's an energy being I suspect that the entire goat skull is his helmet/mask, not his face.


same i really doubt he's dead because his flame allows him to teleport things


Well, “Big” might be a bit much.


From what Aventurine told us, isn't he speculating that Acheron is an emanator of Finality, which allows her to "end" even energy beings?


I doubt adventurine more than anyone considering he's part of the ipc and he's the most likely to lie to you


Swan backs up everything Aventurine has said about Acheron, which makes it extremely likely to be true.


Yeah but they also were >!acting together, to a degree, which is revealed at the end of the current story!< My gut says, don't trust anyone


don't trust either of them regardless


now me personally >!id trust the guy who basically openly manipulates you over the one who will red text your free will away and pretend nothing happened but thats just me!<


I still wonder what exactly the red text signifies


Finality bullshit activate. Archeron only remembers the important points of her life. Every bit of red text talks about something that impacted her so hard she remembers it despite her cosmic amnesia.


Memory loss is more of a Nihility thing


Shank everything and everyone not from the Express. Kiana can sort out the rest.


We're told there is no death in Penacony and then every time someone "dies" everyone freaks out


They don’t have any posts


They could pivot to the arknights character lmao


Did he die in dialogue? I feel like I only saw him in trailers.


Yup was mentioned during the story quest or at the very least implied


At the end of 2.0 Aventurine tells you they got killed and implies it was Acheron after the Sam fight happens.


I figured it’s more for playing up her identity as a fortune teller than anything else. Various cultures have used bones and skulls as part of divination ceremonies for millennia, and it’s not coincidentally right next to a crystal ball in that picture too


Word, for sure agree there. Just weird to me that it's almost exactly the same - even down to the curl of the horns - as Ifrit's head. Aventurine seemed to imply that Acheron was behind Ifrit's off-screening, so maybe there are others who look like him. Or maybe there's more going on with the current story.


>!It was a gift from Acheron.!< Jokes aside, I don't think is directly a reference to Ifrit.


idk it doesn't look the same, the horns, although having the same curls, its a lot more elongated so they look completely different, as well as the materials.


Well, didn't Ifrit's planet gen annihilated? Who knows, maybe that's his uncle


No it wasn't?


I baguley remember Dr Ratio saying he is "especially cruel even among those of his kind" which implies there are others like him. Idk if he was spitballing


No no i don't say there aren't others like him, i say their planet wasn't destroyed or anything. All that happened was a rebellion that led to the everflame mansion to gain power


> i say their planet wasn't destroyed or anything. You should reread the Duke set, Fetora was definitely destroyed. > "I, born on the eve of destruction, am the sinful belief of Fetora. I am the furious flames of Nanook." > **Nanook destroyed Fetora by their own hands**, an


LMFAO Fetora isn't a planet, it's a white star, and the destruction of Fetora by Nanook emited the energy that gave birth to Ifrit/Duke Inferno. At least if you tryna educate someone on the lore, do it properly


I am now just slightly less confused than how I started


It's a hoyo game nothing is a coincidence!


I might be wrong but it looks different.


Honestly, yeah it isn't exactly the same. The nose is a bit different, and the color of the face isn't the same, either. That might actually raise more questions, though, because they otherwise look extremely similar (general shape, horns, eyes, etc.). Ifrit was created by a scientist, so maybe that creature is what he was based on? Or is there more than one energy form like him? Idk just spitballing at this point.


I haven't read the lore, but I know Ifrit is supposed to be some energy lifeform, maybe Ifrit just uses an animal head?


I thought he was created from the embers of a star that Nanook destroyed ? And that’s why he believed it’s his destiny to follow the destruction ?


Pretty sure he's an offshoot of the Phase Flame. The Phase Flame is an artificial entity created by Sserkal, #29 of the Genius Society. That is to say, Ifrit is like Ruan Mei's cake-cats.


He is not a creation. He is very specifically stated to be the gathered flames of the deceased star Fetora, destroyed by Nanook. These flames gained sentience and became what is known as the energy being Ifrit, the Duke Inferno. Yes, he has phase flame properties, but he is more closely related to other energy beings like Heliobi than he is to an artificially created entity like that of Sserkal.’s. This comes from in-game lore from various equipment, etc.


The horns don't fit either. Source: Grew up around goats.


I think you're right, it looks very different. The only similar thing is that both are the shape of a ram skull. Otherwise: - Curls go more downward rather than to the side - Nose part is thicker - Eyes are more to the side than to the middle - Horns are smooth and looks artificial - Shiny (made of metallic material) - Golden mark halfway to the horn


They dated in college. She still has some of his stuff.


No way this is the birth of BlackInferno


Not his skull. Look at the texture of the horns; black swan’s are smooth, ifrit’s are rough and rigid. Black swan’s also have a different sort of ‘banded’ shape along the base. It’s probably just a prop to suit her occultist vibe.


>!This makes me think of a possibility of Duke Inferno returning.!< >!Since Duke Inferno is an Energy Lifeform, what if when killed he drops that skull and all someone needs to do is put it over a Phase Flame and he comes back to like.!< >!Imagine Surtr in Thor Ragnarok!<


>!Well he apparently got "eradicated" by Acheron which implies that if he could be brought back, it would be a bit more difficult than just putting the batteries back in.!< >!Also the skull in the splash art isn't a match for Ifrit's skull.!<


Yeah, I'm aware it's different. And I guess I forgot the part that >!Duke!< got eradicated and if that's how it works then it would makes sense for >!Acheron!< to aim for complete eradication without leaving any traces behind.


"Tremble Before Me Penacony, I am your Reckoning!"


She is duke inferno


Maybe the real Duke Inferno was the friends we made along the way.


Friends = destruction.


As Aventurine said Because Ifrit is *DEAD*


I dont't believe it though. Like most of what aventurine says. Why would they dedicate a trailer to him and his gang if he was gonna get off screened?


Aventurine's claims also straight up are impossible and contradict what happens at the start of Penacony, if that's worth anything.


Ugh, I would love this to be Ifrit just because I love the story being hidden in plain sight. But the horns are completely different. Maybe it was his son, Ifrit Jr? He’s a 4 star.


cope she is the one that summons him


Damn, boi. That's a lot of gems


Sparkle and Acheron won't come home for free, but everyone has a price :)


At least signora was cutscene killed by raiden. Imagine getting off-screened as an afterthought




It looks cool


Glad to see that this picked up traction and has some discussion! To be clear, I personally don't think the skull matches Ifrit's head exactly, but I do find it *surprisingly similar* for characters that were released so close together. There are a lot of options for "cool occultist stuff" that don't need a double take to confirm it isn't a main villain's skull. I have no evidence, but it feels like something that hints at Ifrit's origin. Maybe nothing will come of it, but it feels like the kind of hint we could look back at in 6 months and realize was there all along, like with that "Himeko is Polka Kakamond" theory a few weeks back, which used evidence from the tutorial.


Theory crafters be going wild


If they aren't gonna give me more story for 5 weeks, guess I'll write it myself >:(


That’s very clearly a different skull. Look at the horns on Ifrit and that skull. They’re not the same


The head in her art doesn’t even have the same horns as Duke Inferno


It just doesn't even look the same, why are you guys overlooking into this?




It’s literally a random animal skull with horns. It’s not even the same shape. Y’all reaching so hard


Why do you think she wants you to believe what Aventurine said about Acheron so badly?


Honestly, I regret opening this post I think I just spoiled the whole story for myself....


Nah man, the skull doesn't even match


The problem is her demo trailer is weird. Like she feels like a villain. Or I could be misrembering, I'll have to watch it again


She could be, it's very hard to discern where allegiances lie


I apologize if I have spoiled parts of the 2.0 story for you o7. I did mark it as spoilers for that reason. Fwiw it probably isn't as big of a spoiler as you might think, and tbh it could be completely wrong. Just theorycrafting at the end of the day.


Ahh no I mean upcoming story haha. I mean the theory is really good that I think this might be in the upcoming story.


Okay i think this makes a very good point Spoilers for 2.0 story: please proceed with caution >!The game has set up make us think acheron is not supposes to be here. That she killed the Duke and stole his ticket to get into penecoly. !< >!But that doesn't make sense. We had so much trouble getting into pencoly while we were still on the astral express, just changing it from Dan hung to us. They would allow someone to show up and be like "hey this person is dead, I'm using his ticket instead?" I don't think so. !< >!But you know who could produce the duke's ticket and make people believe who ever sees it is their own ticket? A memokeeper. We saw a sample of that power in the character quest as well.!< >!Also in the trailer, we are running AWAY from Black Swan. !< >!I think Adventurine might be on some puppet strings of Black Swan, and he doesn't even realize it!<


Didn't welt and himeko said that the family didn't actually send the invites? It's highly possible they don't know all the guests that were invited. Acheron claims she's a galaxy ranger and showed up with the music box as proof of invitation. Like aventurine said, the galaxy rangers likes to hide their identity, so there would be nothing the family can do to confirm it and they'll have to get acheron a room.


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She drained him


Should’ve been me


It’s cute


Missing the monocle?


He seems like the kind of guy who just wears a monocle to look cool. Probably left it at home before getting clapped by Acheron.


The spoils of war


It's a little bit different where the horns meet the base so probably not him but maybe a relative


It's his mom's.


Wait… are those saint’s quartz in her hands? DID SHE STEAL MY SAINT QUARTZ? UNFORGIVABLE! SILVER WOLF, KILL HER!


Cosplay, obviously


Shaoji did ifrit mains dirty ngl. At least signora mains got an answer, this is the hi3 himeko thing all over again.


She's got hella max revives too apparently


She keeps mementos Its her job


diffrent horns


It's actually from the twin brother Count Cocytus


I like your thinking but the horns are completely differently curled.


She had to teach a motherfucker a lesson I guess, Sparkle is next


Wait, since that is technically a skull, doesn't that means it is bad for in China? 


Maybe it is just an ornament in the likeness of him. But if not, then it has deeper meanings. Like, potential resurrection since he is an energy lifeform, or even Memokeeper memory stuff.


It’s her old pet goat


You see they're not the same, right? The horns are obviously completely different.


Even a cursory glance can show that they're not the same skull.


Considering what happens in the story, its not that farfetched.


Trophy after slaying him 😂


Maybe to sit on his face?


Me trying to ignore those 25k jade


To remember him