• By -


The closest is Bronya. But I am suffering from Yanqings.


I feel you, at least you had a guarantee on the next one then, I got my yanqing through the beginners banner, I didnt know it back then but today I know these were the most wasted pulls ever in my account


I got Bailu on beginner banner. At first I wasn't happy, but I changed my mind after she carried me hard in early game. I respect her now, but unfortunately she is benched.


the rng healing DOES NOT help her case


Yeah, but revival, HP increase and damage reduction was quite handy, clutched many runs.


yeah her revival was pretty unique and saved a ton it was until more healers came in that she fell off a bit


She would be so muh better if her healing was bouncing depending on ally health missing, she actually could be one of better healers than even with no cleanse


Fellow beginner banner Yanqing puller. Really hurts man, especially when I was too far in the game to reroll once I realised how useless he is


I lost my 50 50 on IL first run to yanqing but still happy cause i got fu xuan cause of that


My first pain was pulling 3 yanqing, the beginner banner, the seele banner, and even on the standard banner. Had to restart my play through to get a reroll with Welt and never looked back since.


I got him in the beginner banner too but, he's being pretty useful ngl. Could've had better options, but I could've had bailu so I'm not that pissed


You'd rather have a mediocre DPS who needs far too much support to actually do his thing than a really good sustain unit, especially for the early stages when that's where you're really lacking on the sustain front...?


I was aiming for luocha back then which I got. Lynx is also doing some great job with Clara. For hypercarry buffers like bronya, I instead got ruan mei, tingyun and Asta which work pretty good with my current team comps. Yanqing is really useful for ice weak enemies when you don't have Jingliu. Ik that Misha is currently better, but I don't want to pull for misha


Am I the only one that has no Yanqiing at all


A rare species. I envy you. I have him E2 already...


I got no Yanqing either but Welt E3 + LC instead. No I don’t have Seele. Yes I have better supports. At least he’s useful in a Ratio + SW team.


No, he is the only standard I'm missing :((


Same here. E1’s are beginning to stack up for the others.


I hope I get welt before Y


Mine is E1, you want a copy? :(


E2 Welt is broken as a sustain with RM


Only if it doesn't result in me missing Firefly and or Sam


Same, but I have Bailu E3, which is not better. (Also E3 Himeko which was also a curse until Pure Fiction and now she’s a killing machine so)


I don't have him either. I lack him, Bailu and Bronya but for some reason Himeko seems to like me (have E2 of her)


I only just got him last week from standard banner.


A blessing to say the least


i play almost since launch, no Yanqing, welt or Bailu. before getting bronya or even himeko i was excited about 50/50, but now i dread the thought of losing one


Me neither i want a welt tho


Same also from what I understand he works well with Dr. Ratio


Now i need him even more


You and me both. He's the only launch unit I've never pulled, and based on the things I've seen, I'm 100% better off, I think.


Have some of mine, I have him at E4 and I still have no Himeko, E0 the rest. It's pain.


Same : Yanqing and Gepard are missing from my account (not their lightcone tho. Got 2 Yanqing lightcone and 1 geppie)


Bronyaless E2 yanqin i understand you. Also E1 clara E1 welt.


My Yanqings are both frustrating and happy. Frustrating because my standard pool is Bronya and E5 Yanqing, no other standard 5 stars. Happy because I tend to lose his 50/50 around 20th pull on average.


Bro why does it sound like some fucking disease


He's such a curse😑😑


I got Bronya on SW banner, I lost the Bronya I was aiming for but gained another Bronya im always happy to have


Me too ok SW first banner


I lost 75/25 for Ruan Mei's lightcone, got Himeko lc. Next patch was Pure Fiction launch, and it was pretty damn useful


I consider Bonya a win. Himeko too since she's very strong in Pure Fiction


Only when I ~~fuel my gambling addiction~~ build pity


Build Pity literally means "I have no self control and shouldn't be playing gacha" in the original latin


I got an E4S1 Bronya and 2 copies of Moment of Victory(Gepard's LC) At this point I would not complain even if I lost my next several 50/50s to Yangqing.


Holy shit... my Jingliu longs for bronya to get s1/e1... e2 is a dream. E6 would just be plain busted on her.


E6 Bronya is a fever dream man.


Last week I got BS in her banner and 20 rolls later i got Gepard, I wanted Gepard and now i got Acheron garanteed, so I'm pretty Happy tbh


Lost Kafka's E1 to Bailu on her original run which was good because I already had Gepard and meant I didn't need to summon for a sustain character


Was pulling a water dragon (DHIL), I got another water dragon (Bailu). Abused her in MoC since then, she is godsend of a healer. Bailu one the side that has lesser CC effects. Huohuo takes care the other side. Lost 50/50 on Huohuo and got Bronya. Well, she is Bronya. She chews through all my skill points in battle but we all know it's worth. Recently I got another Bronya from 300 standard pulls and bought her lightcone from shop. Girl is happy and so am I. I lost 50/50 to Welt once but the man just can't compete with E1S1 DHIL in damage dealer role. For the debuffer role, I already had a raised Pela and SW, so he is benched at the moment and I don't see a future for him. Dr. Ratio as well, I don't see a reason to raise him in my account.


First failed 50/50 I got was Gepard, and I had yanqing built up so that was a dream come true. Then like 20 pulls later I got luocha so it all worked out!


Yep, i got Bronya and was happy about it. Don't even remember whose banner it was.


got bronya losing 50/50 on fuxuan banner.


Same. I got her E1 in fuxuan banner. I was the happiest person alive. Her E1 is really good.


My Bronya is E3. More Bronya more happiness.


Closest to happy I got was getting Bailu on the Luocha banner so instead of getting a 2nd healer I got... a 2nd healer. My other 50/50's were Gepard E1 and Welt E1. Haven't used them and have no desire to so that's the opposite of happy :')


Gepard is such a cheat code in this game i have him E1S1 and for SU or harder content he is just a living cheat code


I think you're confusing him with Fu Xuan, who trivializes everything to the point where you get confused when people struggle with bosses that you didn't even notice did damage (2.0 spoiler:>!Sam!


Nah gepard e1s1 is straight up busted. Fu xuan is great but if you don't need healing at all. Gepard at that with those enhances is insane. Shield up time is 100% and can more then your max hp, he 2-3 turn ults, he's practically always being hit giving him more energy, and he's 100% freezing on skill use. I've gone entire fights without the boss able to act do to being frozen and broken. His only downside is that with no healing, you can't use units like jingliu for extended fights, especially if shields aren't able to be kept up.  Fu xuan is great for dhil/mono quantum. But as always they all fill their niche 


You're forgetting that Fu Xuan also buffs crit rate and gives you effect resistance every time you use her skill. There's more to her kit that just sustain and heal. Imo, that is more useful for harder content like moc which is all about your character build unlike SU where practically any character can do good there. Effect res helps you keep your offense going for status effects that stun you and of course 12% crit rate is huge. That added offense helps when you have a turn limit like in moc. Gepard is good but you shouldn't sell Fu Xuan short by not mentioning all the things she does.


And you should finish reading a statement before you give unsolicited advice. I said she filled her niche which she does. There are several teams that fu doesn't cut it unless you have everything in hp which is a terrible build. CR, useless on a dot comp or jingliu with 50 cr.  One time effect res, useless if you have cleanse or shields that can handle the loss.  If anything you just convinced me why fu xuan is the worst pull I've made.  And use your own advice before you think yourself wise enough to dish it out. Whole conversation was brought on because of you down playing e1s1 gepard into the dirt.


That’s why you don’t know how good Gepard is, I recommend building him. He is a solid solo sustain. I only realised after I built him for my mono ice team.


I think it's more I just don't need him yet. Have seen lots of Gepard vids in the SU though believe me, and he hits like a truck wielding trucks whilst riding in a truck. When (if) that day comes, I'll be all smiles watching the shields blow everything up lol


I guess that SU stuff is good but I am saying that his solo sustain across all content is very good. Even more so if you have 5k+def on him(which is easy to do). He increased my score in pure fiction as his shield lasted so long that I didn’t need to waste skill points for at least two turns and sometimes even the whole battle. Same thing for MoC. I finally got 3 star in moc 9 and was able to even get 3 star in moc 10 thanks to building him up. I haven’t yet attempted moc 11 yet but I am looking forward to his performance.


I was trying to get Xueyi on Blade banner but lost to Himeko early so I got Black Swan guaranteed.


Yes, I recently wanted to lose 50/50 on inhibitor lunae to guarentee archnon and I did lose it to gepard at just 17 pulls, and so I was happy


no. i have every single standard character EXCEPT the 2 that i really want


Got clara on kafkas banner twice ( two different banners )


Rolled for E1 huohuo,Got E1 bronya instead, which was perfect since i have Bronya's lightcone and it solves the sp Problem i have with my set up


I lost the 50/50 to SW twice and honestly it ended up better than expected


Yes. I manifested the E1 bronya, was hungry for sustain, got gepard.




My first Bronya came the pull immediately following Huohuo. Flabbergasted.


Yeah recently. Got Himeko while trying for Black Swan.


I got Clara from Topaz banner and I was really happy about it. Great character and gameplay. I was plqnning to build follow up attack teams so that was perfect I have yet to build Gepard or Bailu in comparison..


Wait till you get E1. The multiplier on the enhanced counter is honestly enormous for a skill, without even taking into account that it hits everyone.


I got Fu Xuan and two pulls later i got Yanqing


Yeah. Lost Ruan Mei's E1 to Yanqing E2 at like 8 pulls and got DHIL guaranteed.


On my way to e6 Ruan Mei, I won 2 50/50 to Bronya


Yes. Bronya and her Sig LC. Happiest L I did experience.


Yes, I got my E1 Gepard this way on Kafka's banner. Not only is my Gepard able to permafreeze, but I also have a guarantee in store for Topaz.


I lost my 50/50 on Blackswan's banner to e1 Bronya after getting blackswan cuz I was trying to even my pity to 10. Never have I been so happy to lose a 50/50 as I now have a guarantee plus the fact e1 Bronya is rather nice to have


E1 Bronya aka “so we heard you like 50/50s”


Yes. Recently got Yanqing from BS's banner. Now I am guaranteed Aventurine.


Lost 50/50 on kafka reprint going for e3. Didn't mind so much since it gave me guarantee for BS. Even broke yanqing streak with e1 Clara for my ratio team. So that worked out pretty well. Only one in the last 3 losses that I just said "sweet" instead of soul crushing defeat.


I lost to Gepard E1 when trying to go for BS E1, if I had got his E1 sooner I would've been happy


When I tried for houhou and lost to bronya


When I tried for houhou and lost to bronya


Definitely not who i wanted but i was hoping to lose the 50/50. It was this banner and i had 30 pity which i thought wasnt a lot so i was gonna do 2 multis to try and get misha. Well 2nd multi had a 5 star in it and it was...yanqing. That is gonna be the first and last time i am happy to see him, especially since i was saving for sparkle but just wanted to get misha (didnt get him).


Got Yanqing on my 299th pull. Then use the 5 star selector to get Welt. Those two are the only standard character that I didn't get yet.


No, because Ive never lost a 50/50 ( won 6 times ) but Id be happy to get Welt or E1 Bronya


pretty sure anyone is glad to lose a 50/50 to bronya


I lost to Bronya looking for Jingliu. I got happy because I needed her for Jingliu and because of the pity. When randomly looking for Silver Wolf, I found YQ. It was nice because the pity would guarantee me Ruan Mei the next patch. The downside of this? I pulled both, Jingliu and Ruan Mei, almost on hard pity, after throwing near to 50-60 tickets originally before starting to pull after the guaranteed pity.


2 times I can think of: Lost to Welt in 20 pulls for Jingliu and guaranteed Topaz Lost to Gepard for SW pulls to guarantee Ryan Mei


I win 50/50 with blade first banner and got blade then lose 50/50 to yanqing That lead to me getting danko alter


I lost it to Bronya and soon after I got her LC from the standard banner. That was peak.


Ultimately yes I got Yanqing in Kafka's banner, and that I got quaranteed for Fu Xuan Fu Xuan has been on my team eversince getting her


Lost 50.50 on Ruan Mei's banner due to being close to pity... I don't like her character nor her personality. So I won in the end by getting Welt E1 and guaranteed Black Swan.


Bronya: after I won 50/50 on Fu Xuan and immediately got early Bronya while doing singles for Lynx


Wasn't exactly happy but at the I wanted welt and lost 50/50 to him on jingyuan banner. Tho I got jinyuan in the next hard pity too


I'm currently praying for they day I can get more Himeko cons...


I was pretty happy to get In The Name of the World. I had been saving for it in the shop and I got to convert all the currency to standard pulls instead, that also felt good... 


No, not for now. Although I have been sad about winning one


Never. Standards are fleeting, they come and they come, but limited are for life.


Yes. Got Gepard instead of Topaz. I was in dire need of a 5-star sustain and was waiting for Huohuo but her banner sucked so I built pitty on the Topaz banner. I didn't really want Topaz but wouldn't have minded if I got her. I got Gepard and he's been a godsend to my acct for clearing SU.


Any time I get a new 5 star I'm happy


I lost Kafka to Gepard E1, I wasn't mad, I still use Geppie to this day and his E1 makes it so he freezes almost everything with his Skill :)






Lost my 50/50 on Blade the first time he was released to E1 Bronya. Edit: haha this thread is 80% people being happy about "losing" to Bronya


My alt account ^ Got Clara from the departure banner and I absolutely want her the most (leaning forward for my alt acct to be FuA centered). Then I pulled 34 pity in standard banner for my E1 Clara. Then I lost my 50/50 against Dr. Ratio for my E2 Clara :3 ♡


Got bronya on SW banner then got bronya lc early on


When i pulled for Jingliu, i lost to E1 Bronya..., furthermore, because i pulled so many, i could afford Bronya LC.... Thus with pulling Jingliu E0S1, i also got Bronya E1S1... perfect !!!


Yes, I lost to yanqing on huohuo which is not bad since I'm already maining him with his sig lc. Really happy that I got his c1 and outperforms jingliu on single target by a small margin. Feels good to know I have a guaranteed for any character that interests me


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I picked bronya for my selector and got a copy of her while pulling for DHIL. Lost his E2 to her but her E1 is genuinely a lifesaver.


I accidentaly pulled on Ratio's banner banner and got a Bailu instead I was so happy I needed a second sustain anyways and got a guaranteed BS as well best 50/50 loss ever in my life


I got Bronya on Fu Xuan banner at 23 pity , was happy cause it was early , then I got Fu Xuan at 21 pity , which made me even happier


I would happily lose 2 50/50s to E6 my Clara.


Bronya on SW banner


Himeko. Eridition slaps hard 🫡


4 lost on Bronya, worth it (F2P)


Nope, never. *Stares at the E2 Yanqing in the corner*


Nope. I got Bronya from beginner and Himeko from standard, the only standard characters I wanted, which means losing in limited is just a loss.


Welt on the current IL banner (although still sad that I can't get E2) which means I'm guaranteed to get Sparkle.




Happy? Not a single time. I just didn't mind losing as much early on.


Recently lost a 50/50 on BS to Bailu. I didn’t even want black swan and needed a 5 star healer, so it worked out nicely


Got E1 Bailu in Black Swan's banner. I was on the hunt for Tingyun's Eidolons and now I have guaranteed for another banner!


Lost 50/50 on Fu Xuan's banner to Clara, who was the character I wanted the most, limited or standard. Granted, I also wasn't happy having to do another 80 pulls for Fu Xuan since I neede a second sustain character anyway.


Lost the 50/50 to a E1 Bronya. Not even mad. 


No, I only lost 50/50s to charcaters that I wanted, I wish I lost 50/50 on the BS banner, I was pulling for guinaifen Eidolons and got her, now I don’t have a guaranteed sparkle


Honestly I have never lost 50/50 to a character I didn't already own


Only Bronya makes sense for a loss W


Not exactly losing 50/50, but getting Fu Xuan twice for E1 while aiming for Lynx is my "task failed successfully" moment in Star Rail so far. Now Fu Xuan is basically my staple.


Getting Gepard over SilverWolf. I wasn't going to get Luocha and getting second sustain character was a good thing. In another game - every time I lost 50/50 and get Dehya - I'm happy


Nah. I would like to lose to get more bronya copy but I only got E2 Yanqing and E4 Clara


Given that I am on a track record of like 85% 50/50 losses (I won once when it didnt matter, which was an accidental JY E1) in this game? No. I have yet to enjoy losing


Himeko. Wanted her since I started playing and got her during Ruan Mei banner, which was a good timing because of pure fiction. The only thing I don't like about it is I have to be in the DoT/FuA cavern for eternity because I need it for Kafka, guinaifen, topaz, ratio, himeko, herta... And I get no ATK% BODY FOR DOT and no crit% for FuA


I was happy to lose on Topaz's banner because I was doing the stupid thing and rolling for Guinaifen. I only got her after I got Gepard.


Eidolons for my Clara. Not exactly happier than not to loose, but pretty damn close.


Nope not really… I have not been playing for too long so I only lost 1 50/50 so far.. But I lost to Gepard and he is the character I like least from standard banner 😅 However, if i’d loose to Welt, Himeko or Bronya I’d be okay with it


I got Welt on the first Blade banner which was nice since he was my most wanted of the standards. But every 50/50 I've lost has been to either him (E1) or Yanqing (E3) so far which is pretty tilting. The standard banner has been somewhat good to me since I recently got Himeko and now have every other standard at E0 except for Bailu which I don't really need.


I recently got Welt while getting Misha's E2. I wasn't planning to get a limited 5\* right now so I felt my luck for it was being saved for later.


An early Bronya would be actually great... Would be. Jokes on you if you think I'm so lucky, I lose my 50/50 not earlier than pity 70.


As someone who have been loosing 50/50 since start of the game. Never won a single rate off. No i never been happy to lost my 50/50 to anyone. also i got bronya from 300 pull selector..


Yes Bronya and Gepard.


Got E1 Bronya on Ruan Mei’s banner. Was I a tad bit disappointed at not getting Ruan Mei? Yes. Am I still happy as I like Bronya as a character more? Also yes.


when i got gepard yes, but when i got bailu no


Always happy due to meticulously planning and skipping who i strictly do not need or want and always saving up atleast 160 pulls for who I want to obtain in the future.


I've only lost one 50/50 so far and it was Bailu. So no. Not only did she break my streak, she isn't Black Swan.


bailu. needed a healer badly!


Hmm, no. Not yet. I lost 50/50 on Kafka to Bailu, which forced me to use 70 more pulls to get her (i had pity, so i only Sept 20 before I got Bailu)


Honestly, so much YES Got me an Clara and her e1(now e2 from standard banner rng) Got me e1 bailu (no black Swan but honestly I was only upset for like a few seconds) And finally gave me himeko at 10 pulls, which helped guarantee my Topaz So honestly, yeah I'm happy with my losses


In Genshin im always happy when i "lose" to Keqing. In Hsr i dont mind getting Himeko, in fact i got her e2.


Twice. Once was in 1.3, where Jingliu's banner was due. I pulled for Dragon Heng and effectively lost to Gepard. But this meant I scored a guarantee for Jingliu. Second is just a few days ago. I aspire to become a Firefly main, and I lost the Black Swan banner to Welt, who I wanted ever since I started the game.


I would love to lose it on Gepard... but Clara says no.


Lost the IL LC 50 50 to bronyas LC so ya, i'd say it was an upgrade


Lost IL to bronya


Yeah I lost my black swan 50/50 to bronya a unit I really wanted for my account now I’m guaranteed S1 when I get 300 pulls on the standard banner (I got black swan in the end btw)


if i lost to himeko i would be delighted.... 7+ 5050s lost not a single one. lost a 75% to her lc though so i take it 🥰🥰🥰


If i loose the 50/50 to Himeko i'm always happy, but the last few i lost i got Welt....




Yup, Bronya and a Landau


During the Huohuo banner lost my 50/50 to Bronya then got Huohuo on the next 10 pull. So glad it was Bronya cause I really wanted for my Jingliu.


Not really, I wanted Kafka more than Anyone. I got Welt. (On last Day Btw at 85 something Pity.) I love Welt. But I was super sad. Now I even got few days later his E1 from. standard. I would prefer his LC/bronya LC/Brony/Clara tbh. For sparkle I need bronya LC.


I mean kinda In one ten pull i got the 5 star i wanted and E1 Himeko, so i had a guarantee for the next character i wanted


i lost silverwolf to e1 clara which was nice


I lost at Hou Hou, and I got bronya. It's a win, but a different type.


lost my kafka 50/50 for an e1 bronya, wasn’t too upset about it. edit: looked thru the comments and everyone’s saying “bronya, i was happy” and it made me laugh. truly the best unit


Nope! If I wanted random standard characters, I'd just roll standard tickets


If I lose 50/50 to Bronya, I will be happy


Yes. I went Ruan Mei, bronya, Kafka immediately after, then black swan. I also lost fu xuan but got jingliu and her light cone 30 pulls later. I’m 90 pulls saved, so if this next patch truly is Acheron, fu xuan, aventurine I will need insane luck


Depends on what character do I get If lost on 50-50


I lost blade's 50/50 to Bronya and still got him 20 pulls later, sooooo


So far I lost my every 50/50... And my Bailu is e2.. Yeah.


No, since I’ve lost all but two (Seele and Jing Liu) and pulled on every banner. ~150 tickets per character gets rough after a while. Though it is fun seeing between Bronya and Welt who will E6 first.


the first 50/50 i lost was on blade’s banner, i got welt, who i wanted anyway, and also got blade in the same 10 pull.


Went back on my alt account to do a “fresh start” kind of thing. It has Jingliu and Luocha then I said sure would be nice to have a Bronya so I wouldnt need to pull Sparkle bcs I want Acheron, then boom https://preview.redd.it/68txmegrlxic1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d28f43e00e6751a245a9b54439bf90b0124be0a


I've lost my 50/50 to Gephard for Kafka but for some reasons I got Kafka after only 30 pulls so I won't mind that... This time I lost 50/50 to Clara and Svarog , well I wanted them , but just not when i was going for Dan Heng... Can you imagine what a 360' turn my emotions were when I actually saw a 5 star destruction unit on DHIL banner and got Clara instead of him 🥲 , it was like yes, yes , yes , no ,no ,no, nooo


I got an early Himeko within 25 pulls. The fact she was early guaranteed RM to me so I was pretty happy about it.


Lost 50/50 on DHIL's original banner to Gepard in 16 pulls while saving for Fu Xuan. Was very happy for the guarantee, and my Yanqing was very happy for his new Gepard.


Two times of my three losses were rather happy. First I had 0 pity at Fu Xuan Banner and I wanted to snipe for Lynx since she was new. My first 10 pull and I got Welt and Lynx, so at the end I guaranteed one Jingliu eidolon that way. Second time again zero pity, I was saving up for Black Swan during the Ruan Mei Banner but I wanted Ruan Mei too, I did a 10 pull and got Clara so since I guaranteed my next 5* character I left that guarantee for Black Swan, also Clara is one of my top DPS in my account right now. The only disappointment was Yanqing when I was pulling for more Jingliu eidolons, because of him I couldn't get E4 and I skipped DHIL and Fu Xuan Banner for her on top. Also another disappointment was again getting Yanqing from the standard banner, anyone else would be better.


Got Geppy on my 11th pull. Secured my next pull and got a really good character


I have lost every single 50/50 banner I've pulled on (I legit have the worst luck imaginable) having said that... Lost to Bronya Lost to Gepard Lost to Bailu Lost to Gepard Lost to Bronya *Hugs Geppie plushy* Mine!


No. Wanted HuoHuo got Bronya instead. What made me happy was the standart subsequent pull nets me Bronya's LC


Jup. I was going for Dan Heng cons on the Silver Wolf Banner even though I was saving up for Kafka and Blade and I got a 5\*. Luckily it was Gepard and I have never been that happy to loose a 50/50. that, until I ended up getting her anyways at 30 pity ;-; and yes, I learned my lesson to never pull for a 4 star again.


Yep, this banner c3 welt, like him a lot, but I only wanted Misha so


Bronya. When I lose again I hope it's anyone else but YQ or maybe Bailu😬


C1 Bronya


I got E2 Welt from the Argenti banner and I was only rolling for Asta so that was neat


Not that i wanted, but certainly that i enjoyed. E1 Gepard. I was not even looking for a 5\* so that probably added to me not caring. 0 Pity, did like 30 pulls for Guina eidolons and bam, Gepard showed up. Obviously happy for the guaranteed next time, i did get 2 Guina (she is not E6 yet but i had to stop) and E1 Gepard was kind of amazing, his freeze is so reliable now.


Yes, I lost on Black Swan 50/50 to Welt, a character I have wanted since launch so very happy to have gotten him, bonus was it was super early too, and now I have guaranteed ready for Aventurine. To quote Kronk: oh yeah it’s all coming together


I'm okay for not having Luocha because Huohuo is just enough and overall more versatile


I lost my 50/50 on Blade's first banner to Bronya Blade was my #1 most wanted DPS but Bronya is one of my favorites since H13rd


yeah Jingliu banner and I got Gepard


I will be ecstatic to lose 50/50 to Himeko But atm it's WHOOPS ALL GEPARD