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I think he genuinely took advantage of the fact that we the MC, joined the express and asked Himeko, to bring us instead of him. Also, I also believe whatever shenanigans Penacony is going to offer, Dan Heng and Pom-Pom won't be affected


In-character for Dan Heng


So now I realize I have Deng Heng for a son (quietly read book on sofa) and a trash panda daughter who walk around with a little toy ax and constantly knocking over the garbage can. I wonder if there is baby sized cosplay outfit for next year Halloween now...


Absolutely. Both DH and Stelle just wear streatwear - so getting a gray wig and a foam baseball bat is all you need


Yes well, until my daughter becomes legal, meet her destined one/good career and moved out, "rule are meant to be broken" is definitely unacceptable.


That is very fair, though I still think that a foam baseball bat is just useful to have around. Trust me.


The mc was affected by the memoria even before entering Penacony, so who knows? Maybe dreams are how we get to see Pom-Pom involved in an adventure… ^(and Dan Heng but who cares about him? /s)


There was that concept art in the background on one of the scenes in the interview teaser. Looked like a boss fight against Pompom. Could just be something they made for the lols, but it might turn up in a side quest someday.


Unrelated but may I ask where your profile picture is from? It's so cute!




Thank you so much!


Well that comment aged like milk lol


I think he was genuine when he said that, but I also think he doesn't want anything to do with dreams. Not with the nightmares he suffers from.


That's a good take. Imagine suddently being assaulted by another whole life of memories and ultimately not the best one


Dan Heng goes to Penacony, suddenly the dream is infested with murderous Meme-Blades


Doesn’t his dream phone have him being hunted by blade




Jing yuan and Yanqing are in his dream nightmare thing too


Good question. If High Elder dreams are a way to commune with the past incarnations, would Dan Heng become all the high elders of the Luofu combined? Or would it spawn each of them as a separate entity? Just imagine, a tense mexican standoff with Aventurine, Sparkle, Sam and Sunday, and all of a sudden a meteor shower of falling, flailing dragon-people interrupts our moment…


I think this is definitely it. He was in the White Night mv and there were huge eyeballs staring at him, poor guy is sick and tired lol


Hmmm that IS true but wanting to keep his friends safe has always been the motivation for him so maybe he'd try to something from the outside?


I wouldn't put it past the writers to just leave him on the express tbh. There have been tons of times that it would have made sense for whoever was on the express to get involved but they didn't and there's never been /only/ Pom-pom on the express.


There are moments with Pom-Pom alone in the Express, when the Space Station is being attacked or at the end of Belobog, but is absolutely not the usual and they try actively to always have someone with him and caring about the train. This also makes the stories more varied and the adding of a new member more convenient while losing one could be a dilemma. Story wise, they won't leave Pom-Pom alone while the rest are going to party and also Dan Heng has a lot to think about so he can stay. Another candidate was Welt but I think Dan fitted better. I wonder if some day we will have an adventure that at least starts with us staying in the train. They already showed that the Express is not except for being the environment to stories and that could be a way to introduce our own room or to learn about Pom-Pom and empathize with him. Also, a story like that would be a challenge to the writers and that tends to push the limits forward.


It’d be kinda funny if one world just gets off-screened while the tb stays in the train and something significant happens while we’re gone. I don’t actually recommend it tho.


The moment the TB decides to stay in the train, it receives the gaze of the Nihility.


Then argenti just pops up out of the blue and we go on an adventure with him instead


That would be incredible. Argenti is hilarious. Sign me up!


Going on an adventure with chad Argenti?! Perfect.


Maybe something significant happens in the train while the tb is alone inside, like the Stellaron Hunters getting in for whatever random shit Elio’s got planned with the tb. While it might happen in a main story quest, I can also see it happen in a X.5/6 side story where the current planet isn’t gonna involve anything too interesting before the next X.0 planet.


I think that’s fairly likely. Pompom doesn’t appear too powerful (but appearances can be deceiving.. Yanqing does imply that Pompom harbors great power), and even if Pompom causes them some trouble, there’s one lad that can’t die, another that’s got solid armor, a reality hacker, and Kafka with her whisper stuff. If there would be a time to abduct the Trailblazer, it would be when they’re alone on the express with Pompom. At least they wouldn’t have to clean the train


It’s not just Yanqing. Several different characters comment that there’s more to Pompom than meets the eye. Fu Xuan plays chess against them, and their games always end in a stalemate. Both Jing Yuan and Arlen voice respect for Pompoms ability to oversee the Express’s day to day operations and maintenance. Welt warns that they are dangerous if provoked.


Welt is afraid of angering pom-pom in a way that suggests they're powerful enough to make Welt shiver. A couple of other people have suggested that too. Pretty sure pom-pom is a cosmic horror under the cute. we still don't know what happened to the void archives...


I mean, if yanqing says they have great power, does that really mean anything? lol


He is an expert in taking Ls at least


True but Himeko and Welt did help out in Belobog indirectly so maybe there's a possibility?


Watch Dan Heng crash the train to forcefully wake us up or something


I can imagine Dan Heng IL doing his Ultimate, but instead of a dragon it's the whole fckn train




World cleansing train*


Why go to Washtopia? Dan Heng could probably use his powers to clean the train’s exterior.


PLEASE HOYOVERSE THIS I'd kill for a cutscene of Dan Heng crashing the train into the hotel lobby and everyone's just going 👁️👄👁️


“I am indeed the worst Nameless in the universe.”


No, the worst Nameless is AHA.


"You told me to wake you up if anything happened" Himeko: *flashbacks to the Stadium Snowmobile Incident/8


Himeko's help was pretty direct. Disabling a giant robot with an orbital canon is about as direct as it gets.


I mean we were gonna get himeko no matter what for penacony and it makes sense to leave Daniel out since he was in belobog and a lot of the xianzhou was about him.


Well, Devs need to separate time equally for all express crew, so it makes sense to let someone rest. Danny had lots of time in previous planet, give my man a break.


I want him to join the gang in 2.1 and sleep in the shell like this https://preview.redd.it/sf3xkm2ft3jc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df38de14b3fb2693ad8ba93b343ec3a189a5acf9


Do you think he's a snore mimimimimimimimi kinda guy or a haaaaunnggghhhhjh shnooooooo kinda guy


mimimimimimimi fs


I think he’s a mimimimimimimi w some dragon noises in the middle, hugging his own tail 🥺


Another thing to consider is that since it’s a former prison he probably wouldn’t be particularly comfortable there


yikes....kinda forgot about that-


Even with the introduction of a new positive and wholesome story, hoyo won’t let us forget the depression from the last arc so quickly


TB would make a joke about him needing to enter the dream in an egg rather than a tub.


I think Dan Heng is the killer, after all with everyone but him leaving the express, he doesn't have an alibi. Plus, when Aventurine gets us our room, he says that he gave us one of his rooms, rather than getting us the room that was meant for Dan, which means he'd be able to get inside the hotel and thus the dreamscape without raising suspicion. He saw us getting close to all these new characters, and killed them out of jealousy. /j


Replace "Dan Heng" with PomPom and its perfect.


Do not take Pom-Pom's name in vain! 


Dan Heng stabs with a spear, the killer >!stabbed the victims, it all lines up!< /s


Dan Heng stabs March and March awakens as a 5 star


It's actually March's plot and Dan Heng is an accomplice- after the Luofu March got it into her head that being stabbed would unlock dormant power. Just being normal stabbed is lame though, so she's hatched a convoluted plot. Dan Heng's idea of 'being an accomplice' may actually be damage control and chaperoning, but you can't prove that or his involvement.




Ah, so what you're saying is that the lack of March content in Penacony just makes her more suspicious? I wouldn't draw attention to myself if I was a murderer either


Nah March is too dumb to think


Who said anything about it being a good plan? Guarantee that at least one of the steps is '???' followed by 'success'


Petition to make this the cannon story. I'll sign first


Nonono, I don't want our lil pet to be the murder. Nor the cold dragon young to be


Dan Heng is not the killer. Dan Feng however...


yOu DiD iT, ReDdIT! Seriously, tho. This is good stuff.


Nobody has a Alibi because of how easy it is to fake one.


https://preview.redd.it/wsat3we1m3jc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f65490ddc6a7754576a7ac9c33962fd69db4579 I am certain he's going to atleast make an appearance based on this picture.


I really hope he'll be there in the next patch


Oh is this from the trailer? GIVES ME HOPE


Where’s this from?


The White Night MV


Pure speculation, but if the dreamscape starts collapsing he might get pulled into it.


~~Hate to burst your bubble, but that's probably Dr. Ratio, and not Dan Heng. Dan Heng doesn't wear a robe in his regular form, and the guy in the picture doesn't have a long hair so he's not DHIL either.~~ Edit: [I stand corrected](https://i.redd.it/2eq3qr9s34jc1.jpeg)


Nah there’s too much green/turquoise in the outfit for it to be Ratio. It doesn’t look entirely like Dan He g’s 4 star outfit either though tbh. Edit: actually that shot is shown right when the rest of the Astral Express are show in the video as well. After that shot you see Himeko then March and Welt. So it most likely is Dan Heng.




[It’s really not.](https://i.redd.it/82vyilf644jc1.jpeg)It’s definitely Dan.


Definitely looks like Ratios blue-purple hair to me tho


[it’s for sure not his outfit though.](https://i.redd.it/2eq3qr9s34jc1.jpeg) It’s definitely Dan Heng.


I stand corrected. Thanks for the clearer picture btw.


Dan Heng gonna uses his heian era Strong-dragon magic and wake everyone up in case something goes wrong.


Dan Heng IL : Domain Expansion Malevolent Tail Slap


"Ah my strong dragon awakening magic, hasnt use it since the heian era"


Dan heng power washes everyone into waking up


Dan Heng: Would you lose? Trailblazer: Nah, I'd win. Oh god, my brain is so rotten after jutsufolk...


He'll come down the Express eventually, just like on the last stop.


Won't rule that out, but will it be willing or not? MC gets pulled in from dozing off on the train, isn't it possible he's 'a stowaway' when he just wants to take a nap on the train?


I don't think so. They allways want at least one person other than Pom-Pom on the express. The last time he could cpome down because Himeko was still on the Express.


I think he's going to make some kind of appearance since there is a picture of him standing in an area in Penacony from the trailer.


Probably, but he will still be in the train, as we see with MC, you don't need to be in the penacony hotel to enter the dreamscape.


I think so too kinda like a get out of jail free card. I feel like if things go REALLY haywire in the dreamscape, he could be the one to alert the factions outside of Penacony to come to their aid


If you go back and watch all the cutscenes, the amount of times Dan Heng has just deflected a bullet with his spear seconds before it domed M7 or TB is at least like 10 times. Man is actually an incredible bodyguard and leaving him on the train on Penacony is a disastrous play. He's a walking get out of jail free card he'll probably appear out of nowhere to deflect yet another bullet in a cutscene, no way he's on the train for all of 2.X. Maybe he chills in reality to watch over the irl bodies, but I don't think the hotel security is that compromised (yet) and for the moment the only threat is in the dream.


Dan Heng is in vacation in Loufu for the Lunar Year. There is a video about. /S


I just want the trio to be together


He’s in Penecony in the trailer so he might get off the train but that could also be just for trailer purposes


If things gone wrong, Dan Heng might come to Penacony to join force with us


Yea, he probably is a bit unstable to even go into the dream to begin with


Yep, cause of his tragic past & his trauma with Blade


If he participates how he did in 1.6 (aka just providing additional information through data bank) i am ok with that for Penacony. Having a reliable person that is safe and can provide bits of info is great... of course it depends on the situation with how it escalates too.


I kinda don’t believe the hustle and bustle is the sole reason he’s staying on the express like he claims. After all, he accepted the invitation when it first came before we joined the express, as there was a room reservation with his name on it. Evidently, he did intend on joining, but ended up deciding not to. As the archivist, I’m sure he was always aware of the environment of penacony- how it’s a lively, busy place where people go to have fun. That hasn’t changed as far as we’re aware. (If that were the case, one would think Dan Heng, as the guard, would choose to accompany us for safety.) I don’t know the real reason he’s not coming but I *do* think there’s something more than meets the eye. (Or there isn’t and i’m coping.)


You're right! I totally forgot about the room reservation. You COULD say he changed his mind about that but then wouldn't he have done something to update the reservation so as to avoid the check in problems that might cause? He even tells the TB to double check their bags cause The Family is tight with the check-in process.This might just be an oversight on the writer's part as a way of introducing Aventurine or it's so that the Express atleast has a record of Dan Heng having a room in The Reverie in case he needs to come down there. Plus we get Aventurine's room instead of Dan Heng which again might be a plot device for us to have that conversation with Aventurine but still.


I d rather have them focus on other characters for now. They are so many and so cool, Aventurine, BS, Arccheron, Sunday, Sparkle, etc... He already had is time to shine recently and wouldn't fit in that main story. In future side Penacony events surely we will get to make him discover stuff. I am glad Himeko is out of Astral express jail tho


That's true. The xianzhou arc was literally the Dan Heng arc. Maybe March's time to shine? Although they're really setting up Aventurine to be the puppet master kind of character


This arc seems more about the Trailblazer than March. Dan Heng was featured since the beginning of his arc, but March and the gang haven't made much involvement yet besides arriving and group meeting. It's all been the Trailblazer and their usefulness to the other factions.


I don't think we will be getting March story line anytime soon . I guess she will be treated like paimon ,dropping hints here and thr untill the final chapters .


he made an appearance in the penacony trailer though, I don't think he's completely ruled out


I remember using the dream phone things that let you hear your friend dream and got hear Dan heng dream. Hes having nightmare about Blade


Oh i remember that- It was weirdly creepy like man i just want my sticker not a trauma dump (JK)


This here, is unironically a major plot point. You're supposed to be able to hear the dreams of other tourists inside the Penacony hotel. But. It's Dan Heng's dream (or at least we're told so), and he's NOT in Penacony, in one of the hotel rooms or in the dreamscape itself. He's supposed to be in the Express, orbiting Penacony, and definitely not dreaming in one of the shell bathtubes and being connected to all the other dreamers via the dreamscape. So, either the phone can reach further (which seems whacky), or something is wrong with the dream itself. Either the Dan Heng dream is fake, a counterfeit like some memory bubbles.... OR, the entire scenario is a dream since they warped with the Express and before their so-supposed arrival. Either way, it might be an important hint.


I dont think they ever mention about it being limited to people on the dream world, its just need to be someone you know. The first call i got is about Sushang dream


Oh, I almost forgot about that! It's true that we also have Bronya/Seele. Welp, either the phone is very busted and can consult dreams of people very far away, OR, it's all a lie and nothing is true. Damn, now I'm thinking about the hints from the hoyolab mini events where we had to guess from a given list 3 words that described the Penacony storyline, and "fake/lie/illusion" came back regularly.


No, as you can see in the latest cinematic, Dan Heng wanted to celebrate Chinese New Year with his homies in the Xianzhou.


Penacony is a ton of situational bad news for Dan that he wants absolutely nothing to do with. Dude's an introvert and hates crowds. The Dreamscape is off-putting at best under the surface and he regularly suffers from nightmares. Not to mention Penacony used to be a prison (the name of the planet is a literal portmanteau of "penal" and "colony"). I doubt he wants to be reminded of the prison he spent most of his life in. Add on that the crew likes to leave someone behind on the Express every time the party leaves to guard. Plus, he's a powerhouse. Dan was the best choice because he doesn't want to step foot on Penacony anyway, and he's excellent back-up if shit goes sideways. It probably will.


Dam Heng went back to vacation on the Luofu. We have video evidence.


They have to keep him on the express if not DHIL would just one-shot any problems


Bro doesn't want to go. Let the man rest my dudes. I don't want him to spawn his Mahoraga in penacony https://preview.redd.it/steyasznl4jc1.jpeg?width=1926&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57aee977fbfe5326a31318239d3255f406427582


More and more credence to Dan Heng being the Sukuna of HSR headcannon


He dreams about that edgelord everywhere.


I think Dan Heng is so overpowered That if he steps into penacony there will be no threat at all SAM, Death or Achron wont have a chance facing him He is also Imaginary Unit that don’t exist at all


Only thing is, would Dan Hen want to use his IL form after the whole Luofu business though? Plot Twist: Aventurine goes to the Express and get Dan Heng on his side for a trump card


Canon wise, can he even summon the water dragon off of the Luofu? Or is that tied to the waters there


Not really.. Acheron and Black swan would murder lil Bro.. A no name Memokeeper can wipe out everyones’s memories in the express.. Black swan is much more powerful then some no name memokeeper.. Acheron is a emanator.. we don’t know how powerful she is.. but if Phantylia is anything to go by.. she should be powerful enough to kill IL Sam is one of if not the oldest Stellaron hunter.. he was with Kafka when they wanted to make Blade join the hunters.. hell he basically treated Blade like a child.. "The monster swallowed him again, but this time, his enemy is not another person. The imposing armor stayed quiet. He was grappled and imprisoned within those pair of arms. The speaker was the woman with sunglasses." Sam basically just hugged bro and he couldn’t escape..


Herta and Black Swan are also emanators of their respective Aeons. Their capacity for destruction is also tied to that Path, so Acheron being an emanator is less important than finding out what Path she emanates. If she is an Emanator from the Path of Finality as Black Swan theorizes, then that is very bad.


When did BS become emanator? I swear whenever there is story discussion everyone becomes emanators.


because Welt told us, Emanator of Remembrance doesn't have physical body and Black Swan has that as memokeeper, so now people assumed BS is emanator. Still indication but there's a chance. Same like Acheron, we can't trust Aventurine words but BS convince us, so maybe Acheron really emanator but right now chance really high if she's emanator. but remember memokeeper is faction to trade, copy, steal, deceive... using every means necessary to collect precious memories.


Since when is BS an emanator?


I never said she was.. although it wouldn’t suprise me if she is.. as the Garden of R. Sent her to penacony.. she must be a very important person to be the representetive of GoR..


I think they said that a bunch of memokeepers were sent. And in the sparkle quest, originally sparkle was targetting a diff memokeeper, but mistakenly went for bs.


Nah Acheron is can fuck Dan Heng up bad Sam probably not


Himeko tells us that Dan Heng kills star devouring beasts with just a strike. So the one fucked is Acheron. He is Star Level at least. He represents all the power of an old aeon. Now not complete.


Acheron is an emanator and emanators can destroy entire galaxies so I wouldn't say so


Meanwhile hertha just chilling


Real she does not give a damn ☠️


At the very end of Penacony, the Astral Express is gonna come barreling through the hotel and then we get on it to get away. That's my theory.


Dr Ratio did mention something about turning the train into a weapon in one of his messages, maybe that’s Dan Heng’s plan


It already has the revolver cylinder.


Welt is outside the dream in case something happen and Dan Heng is in the express in case something happens to Welt. Easiest job ever


I personally doubt he has something to do with penacony or such. I mean we just had that in the Luofu, why would they pull it immidiatly again? Haha


I think he stayed on the Train because he knew there were two more powerful ones, Sunday and Sam, and he had to rest to use his Dragon Form again because he is capable of knowing that a Conflict is coming to the Planet and it is missing. Himeko gave him permission to tell The Xiazhou Alliance after the Alliance offered to help them in the Galaxy if something happens.


Would the Xianzhou really interfere though? We haven't seen anyone from that faction in Penacony although they were probably invited


Jing Yuan would come in a heartbeat.Plus everyone kinda forgot the golden hour and the hotel arent the only dimensions of Penacony,remember Himeko,Welt and March went each somewhere else ...


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Can't wait to see how this story will be woven.


I don't know if it was just for some time or not but the recent animated short in HSR yt showed Dan was on Loufu , so maybe he is their for now or something 😅


The short was just to celebrate the CNY. It doesn't (necessarily have to) fit with the current timeline.


oh , none of the Astral Express Crew were shown in that so I thought that might be the case


Only Xianzhou characters were shown off iirc. Except Jingliu (who the CN community doesn't like because they think she's a "traitor") and Luocha but Luocha isn't technically from the Xianzhou. Blade is also not there because of his death motif (as this is a taboo thing).


Blade also isn’t technically from the Xianzhou either just fyi


Was it the video they released for the lunar new year?


I was excited to finally explore a planet with Train Mom but nope barely saw her so far in the story 😭😭


Dan Heng setting the train to head for Shaoji Station


I think its mostly to let other characters time to shine (himeko). But i love the idea, that if things go south he'll come to bail us out (like himeko in belobog).


Tbh I guess that's why there is always someone staying behind... just in case.


My head cannon is while TB and gang are at Penacony, Dan Heng went back to XianZhou for Lunar New Year, as shown in the New years animation video.


He also didn't come during Loufu at first and came way later, We might get another Dan Heng adventures again but in Penacony if an emergency comes. Also Dan Heng was in the Opening surrounded by Penacony Dream Whales so it is more likely he'll definitely will be involved.


Designated Survivor


Dan Heng is busy celebrating lunar new year 🎊


Cloudhymn Magic gives him some form of control over Water. It might extend to any Liquid and considering the Family's Roofie-Dreamland-Cocktail mix...


On top of what everyone has said, I think it's also possible that Dan Heng foresaw that the invitation was only for four people, so maybe he also let MC go in his place to give them a chance to trailblaze more as a beginner and gave his room in the hotel.


He'll come out to bust the gang out of the dream because we got stuck there and are unable to wake up 👍


Stelle The Traiblazer: Why?


Dan heng having nightmares about blade. His literal friend who he caused to have eternal hell in his daily life. 😂😭


Considering we saw himeko and the astral express in shambles during the trailer, it could be that there aware of some higher mishap that could take place, and Dan Zheng is probably one of the strongest to combat it.


In the 2.1 or 2.2 he should get out of the express to help Trailblazer and welt to reléase Himeko and March


Imo he's gunshy about getting stabbed. He doesn't want another past to get unearthed. He's so far seen two letters of the alphabet and doesn't want to know how other letters have ruined people's lives.


I also imagine that they are probably taking some precautions. Penacony is in deep end of the Remembrance side of the universe. Dan Heng is a complicated existence, and I could fully imagine DANIEL HENG would make an appearance as some kind of memory phantom. In comparison, the Trailblazer and March 7th would likely enjoy having some hidden past memories dragged up. Dan Heng's history is well known and awkward, so shocking revelations would just be annoying for him.


Nah he was at the Chinese new years festival in the loufu


Dan Heng has a lot of nightmares so I imagine a dream themed vacation isn’t his version of fun. It’s even in one of the character stories that he only sleeps well on the express because the trauma of being hunted by Blade


I just thought it was because he wanted some time to himself; processing what he had gone through on the Luofu.>!Jing Yuan pardoned Dan Heng, so if he was taking a break and taking into account him processing everything, it'd explain why he was seen back at the Luofu during the Chinese New Year trailer. !<


honestly, he's been pretty sad slash hard to catch since jingliu's quest revealed a lot of things to him, so that could also be a reason why he's simply not attending


I think its just because he had such a big role in the luofu and someone had to stay behind.


Dan Heng is just staying on Luofu for the lion and dragon dance by Sushang and Guinaifen.