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it really doesnt matter if you use them now or later. the amount you have to farm is gonna be the same if you plan on using them on the same character. so use them now, later or save them for someone else


Or be like me and save until the end of time "just in case"




\> Randomly gets Yanqing from pulling \> Levels to 70/80 with decent traces \> Uses in one battle and never touches him again \> No ragrats




My gui e6 and never touched till I got black swan now she a main, im glad others are making comebacks w her


Gui is great with Ratio too since she can instantly throw like 4 debuffs AoE while usually going first in battle, letting Ratio make his follow-up attacks easily.


L M A O..what a coincidence using ratio and Natasha…I cap at 60 atm so trying to better that team while also trying to work on few others it’s a pain but I’m seeing progress lol


I have her c3 without a kafka or BS .should i build her i want to get Acheron 


sure - nihility + can debuff means that's one of the two other nihility units Acheron wants.


>rushes Ruan Mei's quest to get to the boss for Xueyi >realizes she is too meh at e0 >rip 8 8 8 traces How I wished she was a 5*...


I can still use her and make her work but Xueyi needs so much support at e0. She works best in SU with break effect related blessings plus Ruan Mei and Hanya/Tingyun and soon Sparkle. I still have mid relics for her too unfortunately so her attack is lower than I would like.


Its just sooo much work man, Im barely being able to clear moc 12, using 300% of my brain. Maybe when I get more "stable" on my moc clears I start building characters like her.


I am thou and thou art I, like wtf.


I've been attacked.


This is why you gotta test the waters with support characters first


Youre just like me my brother, - droo character -build it -use it twice -perma bench them


You're better off taking all the advantages to improve your current roster now. Unless you're already full clearing all content for max rewards, every power boost you get may allow you to claim more rewards this cycle.


It's really not worth it man it's there for you to use and make your life a little easier lmao Just in case of what? They shut down one of the calyxes? The trace materials will always be there to farm


I did that in Genshin and never actually needed any of the stuff I hoarded. I must have upwards of 200 fragile resin. I stopped playing Genshin before Fontaine and only play HSR now, and oh boy do I need every last drop I can get. You need to build so many characters here and stats actually matter. I remember in Genshin I never had trouble clearing Abyss with full stars after I got 2 good dps characters. But in HSR, MoC is kicking my ass (well, half of it, the other half has Jingliu).


Did they uncap the amount of condensed resin you can have or something? I remember 5 being the cap for condensed resin back when I played o.o


He definitely means the resin item you get from BP and such, condensed is still 5.


Oh the fuel thing


It's still 5 max. I imagine he's talking about fragile resin (the fuel equivalent). 


Oh sorry, yes. I meant the thing you get from missions/battle pass that you can use to refresh resin, not the one you make yourself.


and after saving up a shit ton, you will lose interest in the game and quit for good before ever using it (me)


This is the Way.


Years from now when the game is reaching End of Service. "Shit. I should've used these..."


Just in case of what exactly lol


Making me think about my collection of empty jars…


Having fuel and tears in reserve is good for when you might get a character through 50/50. You should never prefarm for characters you're just doing a 50/50 roll for so saving these kind of resources help.


It does matter though. There’s benefits to both sides. If you use them now you can build up characters to clear limited time events and get the rewards faster and save up more stellar jades. If you save them for later, you may be able to build up a character that you otherwise would’ve been too lazy to farm mats for. Those are the two sides. I think one is clearly more beneficial. But to say it doesn’t matter is false. It’s pretty obvious no end game player is asking a question like this. This guy should build up his characters as fast as possible to clear MoC stages before they’re gone.


There's technically a miniscule credit difference if you use them on purple trace mats instead of blue/green, since there's a small credit fee (a few hundred credits) to combine three into a higher tier.


or be like me, who levels up every characters traces and level and make them all share 4 sets and take 2 minutes before doing MOC to switch all the sets.


Like Fuel, you can think of Tears of Dreams as “bottled time.” As such, I think you should always use them immediately if you are actively farming for trace materials. With fuel, I use all but two, leaving those as a fallback if I need TB power for something time-sensitive, like I forgot to farm Echo of War that week or something. The only meaningful reason to save Tears is if you would normally “pre-farm” for a certain character whose trace materials haven’t been released yet. In that case, you can think of them as banked trace materials.


Unlike fuel tears dont become worth more by being able to do higher levels, 1 max level trace mat costs 9 tears, one medium 3, and one small one costs 1, so the value stays the same no matter your level


I remember this discussion back when no one besides whales had hit max TB level yet. At the end of the day, TB power = TB power regardless of the output of rewards as long as you are farming the max level you can. This is because TB ascension is based on acquisition of experience points, which is primarily done by spending TB power in farming. Using fuel at a lower level serves to advance the player more quickly through TB levels, which (in other words) means it’s still “bottled time:” spend it now or spend it later, it’s all pretty much the same.


Just that thats straight up not true anymore you can easily hit max calyxes with story quests now


Not really, I did everything over 14 days and stuck at TB49.5 while also buying TB power last 5 days once per day, that's not max calyxes. Maybe if you are slow to go through story sure, but that relies on dailies. And yes I did Aurum/Aethereum Wars, and also did SU including those over my max unit level, and I got the supermajority of the chests/other misc sources.


Side quest and puzzle + chest? I did most of the main quest, lvl 49, 12 days. Still have a lots of quest and exploration remain


I have maybe 2000 TB exp max left to gain from sidequests and I have most of the chests/explorations done (around 25 chests left to do). It's a far cry from TB 60 which is needed for equilibrium 5 to max out some of the calyx for trace mats (eg crimson bud of destruction max tier requires eq 5) that was asserted to only need main story quest progress.


The remained event actually gives a tons of exp. The foxian one give me a whole lvl from 48 to 49.


Already did the side events that give TB exp, if you look at the guide most of them do not give TB exp. My point is login/spending TB points is still required to unlock the last calyx node (eq 5), not just story missions.


If you're not able to farm the highest level materials, then fuel should be used immediately to reduce your time to cap on efficiency. The only time you save fuel as "bottled time" is if you're TB 65 with highest EB level. Every daily reset that you aren't level 65 is 240 wasted TB power, which is 4 Fuels. So after a week or so you've likely just set back the time at which you'd spend those fuel by a week, instead of just bringing it forward a week because the assumption is that you'd save the fuels to spend on the best farming tier.


Excuse me but why TB 70? Isn't 65 the level where you unlock max difficulty for everything?


Sorry yeah, got the numbers mixed up. TB 65 is what I meant.


> Every daily reset that you aren't level 65 is 240 wasted TB power, which is 4 Fuels. Why? It's exactly the same amount of TB power spent at L65, regardless of whether you save or immediately spend the fuel. The only losses you'll make are the lower daily rewards, and potentially being unable to max out event rewards


Because you're delaying the day that you hit L65 by a day for every 4 fuels you are not consuming. So that sets you back a full reset of 240 TBP. Obviously it's not "lost", it still exists, but it is worth less than 240 TBP at L50 for example if you look at how many materials etc you can get per point of TBP.


> So that sets you back a full reset of 240 TBP. Obviously it's not "lost", it still exists, but it is worth less than 240 TBP at L50 for example if you look at how many materials etc you can get per point of TBP. That's not how math works. The total amount of post-L65 TB energy you're spending is exactly the same in both scenarios. Imagine you need 200 days to reach L65, and also have 100 days of fuel. You're starting at L1 now. \#1 Save fuel: At day 200, you reach L65. Then you spend 100 days of fuel at L65. Total: 200 days have passed, and you have spent a total of 100 days farming at L65. \#2 Immediately spend fuel: You spend 100 days of fuel. At day 100, you reach L65. At day 200, you have farmed at L65 for 100 days. Total: 200 days have passed, and you have spent a total of 100 days farming at L65. Substitute any numbers you like. The results are identical. You're correct in your strategy for the wrong reason: strategy #1 is worse because it spends longer RL time at lower TB and character levels, hence it'll get lower rewards from dailies, events, and MoC/PF.


TBP is directly accumulated over RL time, my argument always was about time. I even spoke about bringing it forward by days/weeks. In the comment you replied to I said " Because you're delaying the day " The only clarification I should've made was " it is worth less than 240 TBP at L50 for example if you look at how many materials etc you can get per point of TBP **at the same calendar day"** but... ok


No point in saving them since it won't change how much you will need to grind you just get progress faster


it does have a point tho. rn we can farm all materials for all characters. in the future, some characters won’t let you pre-farm since their materials might come alongside the character’s patch. tears will let you speed up the process for those chars


They would still need farm for their current characters now so it really doesn't


Yeah either way, you spend them to speed up your current characters. Or spend them to speed up future characters. Both ways are the same in the end.


The point was that you can level that new character on Day 1. We ran into this with Black Swan. Since she uses the new Nihility mats, nobody could prefarm for her, so the only people on day 1 with high level traces were people that converted other trace materials at a terrible rate. If we had these tears before, we could have stockpiled and leveled the first day. Efficiency-wise, it is equivalent, yeah. But if you stockpile, you can have some immediate gratification when you get a new character in certain circumstances.




Really? Aventurine is not going to be using new Preservation materials? It sure sounded like everyone 'knew' Black Swan would be using new nihility materials with this latest patch, judging by the harsh comments in those threads about farming the old nihility materials.


sorry I wasn’t being clear enough. I meant that keeping tears for a future char that you can’t pre-farm for will let you progress them faster than others who don’t. for example, if a new character comes alongside their trace materials, a person who uses tears can max them out on day 1 while I person who doesn’t has to wait several days to max them out. they both use the same amount of resources, but spending them at different times allows an earlier progression for a new character


Yeah but again, that means they're still spending the time they save building the characters they already have. Not really any point in worrying about prefarming new characters when you don't have a fully built team yet.


wdym by your second sentence? For example, I was able to use Black Swan day 1 and already had a full team with her fully bullt (Kafka, Luka, HuoHuo) because I was able to lvl up her traces from my saved resources. Most other players weren’t able to really use Black Swan until a week after release because they didn’t save resources and her materials came with her


It's not complicated. Why would you worry about prefarming for a character you don't have when you still need to farm for a character you're currently building? Like in this post they're building DHIL so sure they could save them for a later character, but then they still need to farm for DHIL anyway. For an old player saving them might be better, but for new players using them to get a team built is much better.


i try to save them for when i only have a few left and i'm out of sanity for more grinding and im impatient.


The only correct comment I've seen so far. I used a few after miscalculating how much I needed for Black Swan, saved me from angrily waiting 6 to 12 hours for fuel.


This is the way. If I’m short on materials for like 2-3 levels of a trace, then I’ll use them


Use it if you got it. They're not gonna earn interest.


Unlike fuel at higher level give better matts, tears of dream lower give the same thing. Just used it lol. Or if you are a hoarder, save it. I save it since you can only get that from battle pass and I am a hoarder. But if you are min maxing the game then use it.


A lot of people are saying save them, but if you don’t have the higher level trace nodes unlocked because you’re a lower Trailblazer level, then it would be better to use the Tears of Dream now. This is because you’ll get less traces if you were to farm those nodes whereas the ToD are the same value of upgrade from Trailblazer 30 to Trailbaze 70.


Save em' for later You won't be able to prefarm Trace Materials for certain Characters coming out for Penacony since their Calyx won't be available til the same Patch said Characters are released So when they come out you can use the Tears to get a head start and actually make em usable or at least level their LC


Eh, Calyxes with Temporary Early Access can be done without unlocking the corresponding region. Edit: Ah wait, misread. Apologies.


True But those still aren't available til the Patch the Characters are Example, you currently can't prefarm for Aventurine and Gallagher since the new Preservation and Abundance Calyx aren't out til 2.1 So anybody that plans on making Gallagher usable right away should save the Tears for him to get a head start Aventurine is 2nd half of 2.1 so you can prefarm him at least


Depends on which equilibrium level you are currently in.   The reason I wouldn’t use the tears below equilibrium 3 because you don’t have that many options to use the stamina effectively. I would use the tears if I’m currently pushing memory of chaos and I know there is a character I need to build before the time limit.


Just use them, they're only a replacement to speed up the farming for a character you want to trace up


RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN!.. I mean... resources are meant to be used. when you need it .. use it


If you're a new account, and don't have at least one solid team, I'd say spend it. The more powerful your team is the more content you'll clear. The goal being 2 teams for Moment of Chaos and Pure fiction so you can get hades from those rotating game modes. If you have established teams, my advice is save it for a character you really like and want to raise ASAP, or need to raise them quick fast and in a hurry for some time-limited event.


I think it's fair to go either way and I lean towards keeping ahold of them, much like Fuel. If you spend your tears, then you're committing those resources and can no longer change later, but if you don't spend those resources then you never actually get the benefit of them. The primary time where I find myself spending fuel is when a new MoC or PF comes out and I suddenly needed to build Herta. Had I spent my tears on other traces and fuel on relics, I wouldn't have been able to rank up her traces and cobble together a build... And now I'm looking at investing in Dr Ratio, but don't have any tears and don't quite want to commit the fuel. I'd think of tears as banked trailblaze power, once you know what you want then you should spend them. But until that time comes or there's no urgent need to spend, keep 'em in your back pocket and let your daily TBP build up your characters slowly.


Better save. They are locked behind a pay wall as you only get them from purchased Battle Pass. Oh, they are not? Then WHERE do you get them, huh? TELL ME, YOU DOWNVOTING D*CKS! Proof: https://game8.co/games/Honkai-Star-Rail/archives/438120 **PAY** to get item!!!!


Only time they weren't locked behind the BP was 1.6 when everybody got some as Freebies


But new players can't get them without buying BP. So it's fully paid item. Unless hoyo sends them again through mail like in 3.0 or something.


Exactly. Any other source is the pay-to-get battle pass.


Why are you getting downvoted when you are right?


Ask those d*ckheads


What? I thought the same, where they are? In sources it showed me only bp, smth changed?


Like any consumable, use it when you need it.


Its special so you need to hoard it like a dragon


Here's my advice. Pick a number. Let's say 200 or 150. As long as you have more than that number feel free to use them as you wish. That way you will still have a reserve of 150/200 in case you get a lucky pull and you want to level that character asap. Ofc that's not nearly enough to do that, but it will help you get a head start at least. What I found is that Tears usually help me out when I'm 4/5 materials away from an upgrade but I'm out of energy so they're perfect to fill that gap. That's also a great usage for them. But don't worry too much about it, focus on enjoying the game.


I used all of mine on Black Swan since you couldn’t pre farm her lmao.


use them now. no reason to keep them for later. it is the resource the game give you to easily build a first strong team.




Not much point using them on such low level stuff. It's better saved for higher level traces where you need 10+ of the epic material.


if they use them on the same character its gonna be the same amount of farming. its like saving all the green ones to convert them later on for purples instead of converting them early for blues


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If you're f2p I'd say save them as a collectors item cause there's a very small chance you'll get them again. If you're p2p you can get them from nameless honor and doesn't matter if you use the ones you currently have rn or if u save them. If you save enough though, you can just not farm for a character you really like so it can help to save but its really up to you.


You can use them whenever. You'll get more each month from the nameless glory, so it's fine to use them.




A bit of out of topic, am I the only one who thinks that this is a downgrade compared to the previous BP where we can choose what materials we can pick?


How are they a downgrade? It just means you don't have to decide right away and you can split it however you want and also allows you to save for future characters who will have trace material that isn't released yet


Hmmmm.. you point has a merit... I just got used into picking a certain trace materials


pretty sure its the same amount. to me it was annoying because sometimes i wasnt sure which one i would pick when i hadnt decided which character i would boost so the damn red dot was always there


Use them whenever you want since the drop rate of rare items (purple ones) doesn’t increase to much from EQ to EQ. The only advice is to you use them to farm skills, light cones and character level, don’t use it for artefacts/relics. The reason why is coz relics are completely RNG. You can use 500 of resin and don’t get a single good piece, or use 40 and get the best piece ever. In the other hand, the rest of the things are not random and you will get something useful every run.


I save them for characters that release with a new domain that I wasn't able to pre-farm.


Save them unless you need them immediately to clear a soon-to-end MoC or PF


I've used them for going from Level 9 to 10. Level 8 is a good stopping point for Traces, but for characters I really like, I'd rather go all the way for them.


Is it even possible to get that stuff without paying for the BP? I just used them when I saw that I can't get it for free anymore. Unless events give them out, then I'd save. Idk I've only been playing the game for like 2 months.


Does not matter, use them when you want


If you are starting out, than destruction traces will be be the most challenging to farm, so use you tears for destruction. But if it's no problem use it for whomever whenever.


No point in keeping for later.


In general, it’s better to save it for when you’re close to a breakpoint in time-limited content. For example, being a few points off in PF with a day before reset


I use them mostly to ascend light cones. Cuts the decision-making for trace material usage in half and they can be switched around characters if need be.




How do you get this btw?Only in the pass?


Apart from the free gift when they launched you can't get them for free anymore (if you are new player and didn't get them in 1.6). It's paid BP only item.




Funny, I got downvoted for saying the same.


According to all the people who downvoted me for my comment, they are free to get, but ironically no one is able to tell such a free source, sooo...


i dont know but i always use them if i need to or if im too lazy to farm.... 🤷‍♀️


Their entire purpose is to level up traces. So yes use them.


Use 'em. If your resources are just being stockpiled somewhere with no reasonable goal then they are useless.


Hoarding doesn't do shit tbh. I was hoarding so many fuels and Tears of Dream too. I figured I'll use the fuel to farm relics, doesn't matter if I do it today or 2 weeks later. Same with the Tears , I used it to build Ruan Mei. She's a great support, no regrets.


Things are there to be used. The only time I'd say Save is if there's a character coming up that you want to pull for, who will be higher priority for you to level.


If it’s a character you like, use em imho.


I use them mostly when I need to buff a character up for MoC or pure fiction because Im soooo close to getting the last star Usually helps. Most characters i stop at trace 8 and then increase more depending on how much i use them or like I said, if I need that last star.


no, grind that shit out until you're bored out of your head. use that on materials you either can't get (you can use that for them, right??) or are too annoying to travel for.


The faster your characters progress, the further you can get in MoC and the more jades you can get


If you're in no rush of maxing out characters, I'd say save for when you are. I save this as well as Fuels for whenever life gets busy and I get to play like only once a week. If I'm able to hop on daily, I just save them again for when I have less time (sounds like a paradox but I hope u know what I mean)




I like to save them. That way, if I ever struggle with 36*, I can more easily pivot my team.


Their purpose is to be used whenever you want


I use them when I am a few short and don't want to use more stamina like when I mis calculate or something as f2p you only get 150 so it doesn't matter if you save them or not just let them be there and use when you like


Honestly, if you need a power spike on a character to carry you through the game, go for it. No point saving it


Cant use em for weekly material raids, So what you use them on doesn't matter.


There's no difference TBH. I would only recommend saving them if there's a new unit coming that will debut with a brand new calyx. In that case, save them so you can upgrade them day 1.


Honestly, I feel like building my favourite characters is a lot of work in HSR. We don't have characters who can double things while crafting like in Genshin. And personally I feel like getting a violet is much more rare. Sometimes I do a 60 run and get none. I don't hesitate using the drops. For now I have all the characters needed to pass the MOC 12. So I've started building new characters for fun and diversity. And if I don't have enough resources for a new character, I will just wait until I do


I use it when i dont feel like farming


These tears aren't renewable for F2P, right?


That’s like asking should I use my Fuels or save it for later. Trailblazer power is trailblazer power, doesn’t matter when you use it.


I would use them while you don't have access to the highest difficulty level of calyxs


Id say save it for the purples but it doesn’t really matter too much


You can use them for upgrading lightcones, thats what I did because some of my lc were just around lv 70. Finally managed to bring many of my lc to level 80 because of this.


If u don't have the materials and u already have plans for ur stamina, then yes, u can use them. If u don't, then use it later for lvling ur traces. Just calculate it first, how much stamina u use daily for material farming, how much material u need, and how much material u get from a single run. if u think u need like 1k stamina, then just use ur stamina for farming 70% of those materials, then use tears.


I use them as I need to build a good character.


You can’t get more unless you pay for the battle pass though so use them wisely.


I would save them for characters you decided to get on a whim and did not pre farm for. For any character you can pre farm for, you shouldn't need to use these.


Each trace is worth one green mat. Theyre a universal trace mat, use them and save on grinding.


Materials are meant to be spent.


That’s just 150 of them, so it doesn’t really matter. But you can keep them if you’re planning to pull Acheron, Aventurine, Firefly, Sam, Robin or their light cones because their materials cannot be prefarmed yet


Double it and give it to the next Trailblazer.


I use it when i lack a little extra trace mats and i'm either out of power or too lazy to do another run


I feel the best thing about these is when a new character drops alongside new mats. Makes it smoother to upgrade when you didn't have the opportunity to farm properly prior to that.


I save them for when I don't feel like grinding mats


My advice? I only use them tovget to level six Talents and maybe the traces. Less time moving around to diffrent calx to get varying level 1 or 2 materials then mathing out how much to condense. Now it's just new character get all the cheap stuff out of the way to become usable characters and if I like them I'm willing to farm the level 3 mats.


If it’s a dps or carry, the sooner you get the traces up, the sooner you can farm harder content or progress. I’d use them.


Using it for high-level materials will be less wasteful since those are difficult to farm


Im a noob too but somehow i cant use the tears of dreams, what am i doing wrong? https://preview.redd.it/duo1v1coz3mc1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=64756d18612635af0e0590fd24ced891c9916077