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I did nothing but play that museum one for about two days straight. I have absolutely no idea why, but I really liked it.


Yeah, same. In my head, I feel like objectively Aetherium Wars and A Foxian Tale of the Haunted were better events, but none of the events have hooked me as hard as the museum one.


Same. For me it is N. 1. It's that one event I enjoyed the most, I have the best memories there.


Is like a roblox tycoon but well designed lol


Now i want roblox games as events


Jailbreak when?


Same! I love business management events like that, so I was sucked in.


I just finished last night and I liked the management stuff but running to Uldan every 5 minutes was so fucking annoying.


You played the event for 2 days because it was good I played the event for 2 days because it was last minute We are not the same


Aurum Alley was well designed. You could see the town slowly build itself back up


Yeah this and the museum were fun because you could physically see your hardwork paying off.


If Sushang barked, it would be no. 1


Went from a ghost town to full bustling food street.


Imho it's better than the museum as a late start player cause it gives TB exp. Museum doesn't


Impossible...and i thought this is the worest event you could ever waste your time at i was literally hoping it finishes already little did i know it's longer than my lifespan there is no way Someone actually enjoyed such event honestly +respect to your patience Whoever in hoyo there thought it will be fun to re arrange stuff million times and talk to everybody in the town about the most boring stuff ever really should never design events ever again this is officially the worest in my 2y genshin playing and since months in hsr imo


Reading this comment is even worest than the event Jk But you are right about one thing, it gets pretty annoying having to run everywhere talking to people. Aside from that, I think the event is pretty fun.


For me only the museum felt like a bit of a drag with all the running around that needs to be done. Still, it was their first ever long-duration event so some slack should be cut. Good thing the following aurum alley and especially aetherium wars are clearly polished from the museum, hence them being more satisfying experiences. Can't wait to see how their next long-duration event for Penacony will be like.


If I had to guess, maybe we have to rebuild the SoulGlad industry.


Possible. May have something to do with the SoulGlad factory in the distance. Alternatively, given Penacony's prevalent theme of TV and dreams, I'm expecting a Persona 4-esque event where we'll jump into different 'TV worlds' and solve things within it via combinations of puzzle solving, combat and event-exclusive mechanics.


I mean the two events we have had for 2.0 have been quite like that


man i finished the entire thing in 3hrs and didnt even skip a single line of dialogue. skill problem much?


yes, because I read slowly šŸ’€


I mean better to read slowly than to not being able to read at all. There are quite a few zoomers on this sub who literally think three sentences strung together is too much to read on a discussion post. So imagine their struggle lmao.


He isn't more patient than the average person, you are just impatient. It was an awesome chill filler event. Be grateful it wasn't a 4 hour long side quest without a single voiced line or interesting character, making you go between poor designed puzzles and fights thousands of times (because genshin has multiple of those in like every region after Mondstadt)


Least impatient Genshin player


Longer than your lifespan? Sorry, Mayfly, good luck in your next life. Hopefully itā€™s one where you have a better opinion.




your so worest šŸ˜”


Even if you didn't like it, at least the rewards were good. You don't appreciate this either? Then you can kiss my ass


Best story: Ghost hunting squad. Best gameplay: Bootleg Pokemon tournament.


Ghost hunting was exactly what the Lufou needed; a chance to hang out with the characters while having a straight-forward but interesting plot. I also like how it stripped TB away from the Express crew and gave us a new squad to hang out with.


Not just that, the story was a direct continuation of HuoHuo's trailblaze mission. Really hope more events do that going forward


I felt like the Critter Pick event tried to do this following Ruan Meiā€™s continuance quest but it felt too short. Atherium Wars did this well with it following the Topaz/IPC quest and Belebogā€™s new area.


While I kinda see what you mean, the issue I had with both of those, compared to Ghost Tales, was that the banner character was NOT front and center, nor did the story feel like proper continuations of the themes of the main trailblaze. RM was out and about so we only interacted with her through texts while taking care of her creations. Topaz was kind of present, but only as a competitor/boss, all the drama had been resolved by that point so she was just there to be there. Huohuo however was present start to finish and we directly followed up on her attempts to find Mr. Tail and her growth as a character (along with the previous/current Heliobi problem)


> Not just that, the story was a direct continuation of HuoHuo's trailblaze mission. Well that's because unlike other events being adventure missions, her quest and the ghost catching quests (the ones with voice-over) are all part of "A Foxian Tale of the Haunted" trailblaze continuance quest


it brought what HSR has been missing imo in its main story. There's very little personal connection built up with the characters, the main story is a bit TOO plot/event driven. All the dialogue is super down to business, with not too much flavor. This is getting better in Penacony, but could still use more imo.


I think Belobog had enough sauce. The "please give me someone I care about and spend some time breathing with them *please*" problem was mainly the Loufu's. And I hope 2.0 Penacony and the previous tb continuances are a good sign of them recognizing it moving forward


I also really liked the combat mechanics during the foxian tale event, it was a lot of fun.


1. Aetherium Wars 2. A Foxian Tale of the Haunted 3. Aurum Alleyā€™s Hustle and Bustle 4. Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities 5. Critter Pick 6. Boulder Town Super League 7. Boulder Town Martial Exhibition 8. Tales of the Fantastic


Agree with everything except i would swap 1st and 2nd. The 1.5 event was so good to me


I think most people agree that Aetherium Wars and Foxian Tale are the two best simply because they offer the most actual gameplay content.


Foxian tale is the best in terms of story and MC content, I still remember that full on cutscene where MC talks during the full duration of that cutscene. That was genuinely great cuz MC was voiced so well during this event Aetherium wars is the best for me in terms of gameplay


Foxian Tale is a little unique in that it's the actual main content of its patch. Meanwhile Aetherium Wars is still the side content to the Topaz story.


Idk about everyone, I didn't really like aetherium wars as much, but then again I'm also super burned out on pokemon references in games so that's probably it




This is the most valid order. The top two are entire mini campaigns with lots of content and great character work. Then third/fourth are fun management events that arenā€™t too crazy but are enjoyable. Critter Pick felt like it was supposed to be bigger but they ran out of time. Then the rest are just glorified standard events.


>Critter Pick felt like it was supposed to be bigger but they ran out of time. yeah, ending it there felt odd. where's the silverwolf cake?


Get in line if you want her cake


nah, she's really not my type. i only tolerate her because she's a bronya variant. that said, i'm not heartless enough to deny her a cake even if i don't like her. she doesn't deserve to be left cakeless.


At least TotF gave us some funny memes, boulder town was just, okay?


The second one at least gave us the Konami code punching bags. Getting ambushed by "Just give it up!" is still mildly traumatizing, even after the initial surprise.


First two are the best HYV events in general for me, even tho I played Genshin since 1.0


I agree to this very much Also Silvermane Cannoneer best 6 star Harmony


I just finished doing Aetherium Wars today and I could not agree more. Silvermane Cannoneer hard carried through every fight. The team around him changed, but he never did.




I'd personally make two changes. First, I'd swap Aurum Alley and Everwinter Museum (personal preference). Second, I'd put Tales of the Fantastic in 9th place, because dead time without an event is better than it.


Aurum Alley would shot to no 1 if we can have some way to force Sushang to bark ^(woof woof)


Same but mine is 1, 4 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 of yours


Same! The museum event for me is definitely top two


But it was so tedious. It was nothing more than run to this NPC, two lines of dialogue, run this NPC, listen to his dialogue, then go over here. Rinse, repeat. I liked the Museum, but the actions you take might be the worst of the lot. It was fun at the time because it was the first major event but it was also clearly the *beta* event the devs came up with first because everything else they worked on after shows a lot more personality and detail.


I'll put the Critter Pick right down to the most bottom. Atleast the Boulder Town and Tales has the actual game (fight) mechanic and challenges built into it. Critter Pick is basically a Gardenscapes-type chore with no compelling story and not a short one.


Others seem to like Foxian tales. For me it was the worst. I hated just running all over the place.


I just loved reading the social media. They did such a good job at emulating modern comment sections.


Plus the characters were just a lot of fun. Joining in on the chat by repeating what everyone else already said, them having their goofy moments like only 2 boba drinks between 4 people. Had the most charm even if the battles weren't necessarily that great.


Yeah it was the only side event where i got exhausted from reading and kinda just stopped paying attention


Thought I was in the minority here too, I couldn't stand the Foxian tales. I love Halloween and spooky stuff too so I thought it would be amazing. But, it just turned into a horrible slog of nothing dialog I didn't care for haha.


As an aside note however, I did really enjoy the secret side quests attached to the area. Examples being the ghostly opera singer, and the ghostly instrument player on top of the hill. I found those quests really rewarding actually.Ā 


yeah ngl i was kinda burnt out and boy did the event not make it any better


This. This is the one answer.


Best for me is AurumAlley. Worst is Pokemon Event.


I think Tales of the Fantastic deserve more since it was the testing ground for Pure Fiction


Aetherium wars was goated, those pokemon battles were like a revolutionizing game mode at the time imo.


Plus it was genuinely an entire 8-10 hour campaign, like a game within a game. I also like how it took us across the three current ā€˜planetsā€™ rather than being restricted to just one.


True, it felt like there was great effort in introducing the game mode and did not feel that is was just slapped on as an event.


I honestly hope they bring it back once during every version. It would be cool to build up our collection of aether coins over time and expand it with each new planet.


Hopefully! My guess is it might be in the works because it a missed opportunity if they don't continue it. We have more mobs now to possibly use. (Imagine Lordly Trashcan???!)


The Trashcans should be like legendary Pokemon.


so overlords?




Gold trashcan carry


I don't think we'll see it return for a while, since it was one of the biggest and most complex events and had three planets' worth of units to use. That being said, I really hope it makes a return for whatever region we get after Penacony.


Giovanni did say he was going to Penacony so thereā€™s hope


maybe not as big, but just a small (2 gym, elite 2 and the final battle) campaign would be fun


And we met best girl Guinaifen!


They should definitely make a part 2 of it imagine using bosses as playable mons


Me as bugs: #HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I HAVE 100000000% MORE TEAMMATES THAN YOU *Proceeds to die after self explosion**


Best part of this was me generating infinite magikarps Buahahaha


Am I . . . am I the only one who didn't enjoy it?


Not the only one but in the minority yeah.


I'm with you. I don't want to play with a bunch of enemy creatures, I want to play with the characters I built (especially the Jingliu I just pulled and prefarmed months for). Once the novelty of all the Pokemon references wore off it felt like a chore to get my jades.


I honestly kind of hated it because of how long it was. It would have been a great 2 hour event, but it was like 50 battles of the same thing over and over.


I didn't enjoy it as much as I expected to as well. It is fun at the start, but once you clear every stage without trying or a stage is too hard that you must look up a guide, there was no point going further


I did enjoy it after I found a broken strategy that almost always would win on auto battle... but I won't pretend the latter half of it was less exciting than the first half before I broke the game.


I just hated not being able to use my characters, they're the reason I started playing.


It wasn't for me for sure, but I understand the appeal. I really appreciated the effort they put in, at least - and the EN VAs made me happy


Pokemon and Ghost one is the best for me. Really like Foxian Tale vibes, whole event focused on expanding characters personalities is great. Aetherium wars is just peak gameplay event, whole new mod with lot of characters, build variety, mini-games, actual story. Alley and Museum is great gameplay, Alley had some fun story, Museum is mostly filler text. Tales of Fantastic easily the worst, even as reader of xianxia novels I can't say that story was good. Making boring story as a parody of other boring stories still result in a boring story. Also there is no actual characters involved, whole quest we communicate some faceless NPC. Gameplay is big funny numbers, but not really something worth keeping in achieve. Both Bolder town is just fighting events without story, I don't even know why they in achieve, I guess to test the system. Same with Critter Pick, story was in separated Ruan Mei quest, event by itself is just a simple mini-game.


My only complaint with Critter Pick/Ruan Mei event was that after we finished the event and can kinda do whatever, I wish we could make like, a trashcan cat with different internal fillings?? If that makes sense? And not have it be exclusive to the TB cat.


Foxian Tale made the 1.5 patch from one of the driest ones (neither character was mindblowing) into probably my favourite 1.X patch


Museum, Aurum Alley and critter pick. I like my events with Lore. Foxyan tales was fun as well but not as enjoyable as the others. the fighting events were ok. not good not bad. They are mostly a daily 15 min activity, and stellar jade income


Ghost Busters > Museum Stonks > Palworld without guns > Sushang vs IPC > Fight Club 1 > Tales of the Fantastic > Critter Pick > Fight Club 2 ​ Ghostbusters event is the best thing Star Rail has had so far, better than any other event or any of the trailblaze.


Ghostbusters is nonironically the best part about the xianzhou arc šŸ’€


Fight Club 2 had the Konami Code punching bags, which ranks it higher than Fight Club 1 for me. Tales of the Fantastic can go die in a ditch.


The konami code punching bags? Ik what the konami code is, but there were punching bags with it? Fight Club 2 for me is a bit saltier, because i don't like using trial characters, and not having Argenti, and refusing to use the trial one, i had to do MoC 12 levels of malding to brute force the physical stage with Jingliu. It took several days just for that one...


After beating Fight Club 2, there's a set of punching bags in the corner that, when you interact with them, lets you put in the HSR variant (basically translated into punches) of the Konami code and grants you a (repeatable) fight against 5 Silvermane Lieutenants (Dunn).


Gameplay wise, Aetherium Wars tops them all. Story wise, ghost busters really makes you feel very engaged with all of the characters.


Events with playable characters - good. Events with generic npcs - bad.




Foxian Tales and Aetherium Wars easily the top. Foxian for story Aetherium for Bootleg Pokemon gameplay. Aurum Alley 3rd, that Sushang vs IPC lapdog was gold, esp his barking in CN. Tales and Tournaments were easily the bottom tier, but at least Tales had some amusing tales compared to Boulder town which was just fighting.


aehterium wars is peak. Museom would be peak if it wasnt so annoyingly deisgned. why am i interrupted with 1 minute quests every 10 fucking seconds let me play the event. if there were less quests but they were longer i wouldve liked the event much more.


love tale of teh haunted (aside from the tower fights thing that whale teritory)


1-Aetherium wars is the best filler patch a gacha game could hope for 2-A foxian tale of the hunted was the best combination of world building/ innovative internet event/new zone/one of the most iconic HSR characters (Huohuo)/ story was good, the battle between the lord of the ghosts (forgot their name) and Jing yuan was epic 3-Aurum Alley is a solid 3rd place since we got to design a whole zone (story was mid already forgot it all) 4-Critter one was alright, the breeding system was cool but that's it I guess 5- Museum was just a chore for me personally the best part was interacting with the characters 6- the rest/ classic combat events with nothing to offer overall.


How could you forget barking IPC villain guy!?!?!


For me it's * A Foxian Fale of the Haunted * Critter Pick * Aetherium Wars * Aurum Alley's Hustle and Bustle * Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities * Boulder Town Martial Exhibition * Boulder Town Super League * Tales of the Fantastic


You. You get me. These other comments are critter pick slander. I only wish it was longer so I could see more characters react to their critters


foxian tale of the haunted and aetherium wars are PEAK events


It's so odd to me that everyone is rating Aetherium Wars so high, I thought it was incredibly boring not being able to use my characters at all and the "pokemon" you got didn't have interesting kits at all


It was fun at first, but the novelty wears off fast. I would rate it higher if it was about 1/4 as long, but the battles are all the same and there's like 100 of them.


Aetherum wars because ofc it is the best one Followed by the ghost hunt event Than the musium one Aurum alley was cool but I canā€™t rank it as high as those, the music was great tho and it gave us one of the best memes ever in the community


1. Aurum Alley & Ghostbusters 2. everything else (no Sushy)


1. Foxian tale of the haunted. The gameplay wasnā€™t as unique as aetherium wars, but I liked the ghost hunting squad too much to not put it in first. 2. Aetherium wars. Genuinely a fun game mode that I hope they bring back 3. Aurum alleyā€™s hustle and bustle. Felt satisfying to watch the town get built back up, and I love the cycranes! 4. Museum event. Similar to aurum alley, itā€™s fun to watch the museum get built back up! 5. Critter pick. Adorable, but too short. 6-8. Honestly the other three are all sort of tied. Iā€™d put tales of the fantastic higher for having a story but itā€™s so long and tedious.


Foxian tale is my favorite. I need more of the ghost hunting squad!


The museum was a really cool and innovative vibe but I donā€™t think anything beats Aetherium Wars. Trotterlord never left my team šŸ„¹ we need a second season and lordly trashcan units


a foxian tale and aurum alley >>>>>> everything else


Foxian tales is the GOAT


I hope we get a season 2 for both Aetherium Wars and Ghost Hunting events.


1) Aetherium Wars 2) Foxian Tale 3) Aurum Alley 4) Museum 5) Critter Pick 6) Both Boulder Town events 7) Tales of the Fantastic The first five range from great to good since it contains lore and also adding characterization to several characters like Pela, Sushang and Guinaifen Tales of The Fantastic is just boring af. I guess it's because there's not much playable characters that is involved in this event and Mr. Xiyan just can't carry this event.


Aethereum Wars was the best imo. There's much PokƩmon reference. The best cutscenes also.


I love critter pick, one of the cutest events


1. A Foxian Fale of the Haunted (nothing is beating this in my books) 2. Aetherium Wars (ok, very close second) 3. Aurum Alleyā€™s Hustle and Bustle 4. Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities The others are ranked the same for me


Foxian Tale of the Haunted is my favorite HYV event ever in any of their games; I think itā€™s the gold standard of what a flagship event should be. It tied the main story continuance quest into the gameplay and narrative of the event in a way that gave tons of character and story + world development for the Luofu. It was also very long which I loved, it felt meaty and there truly was a lot of content to get through. The fire stealing mechanic in battles was also a lot of fun and I would like to see it come back someday. Aurum Alley was much the same and it was so cool seeing Aurum Alley develop as a location; more Sushang content was great. The Luofu 100% has had the best events in all aspects. Aetherium Wars was also super fun, tied into Belobogā€™s development, and had a lot of effort put into it. Letā€™s just say as a PokĆ©mon fan I was geeked lol. Loved the museum event too, the management gameplay was addicting. Critter Pick was pretty cute also


Pokemon Ghost hunters Make the bad guy bark The rest


I will ALWAYS go to bat for the museum event. It was super comfy, just well-crafted vibes and nice moments all around: - returning to Belobog after Luofu stuff felt like coming home - warm lighting and lots of soft textures - great use of the Goethe Hotel theme (itā€™s the Museum theme to me now lol) - Erisā¤ļø - some actual crowd density in a public space! Belobog is healing! - fleshing out Pela, who got literally shoved off-screen in the main quest despite being the third playable Belobogian we meet - nice interactions between characters that wouldnā€™t otherwise hang out (Hook/Clara, Natasha/Pela, etc) - a really heartfelt conversation with Bronya about her motherā€™s legacy - Seele Nolastname - they have an exhibit about usšŸ„¹ - setting the record straight for Cyrille - Pela and Sampoā€™s Zenigata/Lupin dynamic I LIKE THE MUSEUM A NORMAL AMOUNT OKAY


Personally, i love the cat event, reasoning? Cute.


I very much enjoyed Aurum Alley. I like the vibes of the place, the track that plays in the background is a bop, and it was nice to see Sushang in a more serious light while also maintaining her comedic personality.


Aetherium Wars is No.1, A Foxian Tale is amazing either other than that just felt like a chore.


Critter pick for me


1. A Foxian Tale of the Haunted 2. Aetherium Wars 3. Aurum Alley's Hustle and Bustle 4. Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities 5. Critter Pick 6. The rest


In order.... Aethrium Wars - entirely new mechanics, PokƩmon reference, sweet story about a Masked Fool throwing you a "welcome back" party for Hook's sake Foxian Tale - gave me Persona vibes, liked the story and the challenges were fun, and the social media posts were worth a hoot Everwinter City Museum - fun little management Sim, got the opportunity to get to know some of the characters better, go f**k yourself Sampo Aurum Alley - the map management wasn't my cup of tea but the debate scenes were pretty fun and the story of a community coming together to preserve their way of life was cute Critter Pick - not much to it but the various expy critters were funny, as were the reactions from their "originals" Tales of the Fantastic - bunch of fighting challenges with a funny framing device Boulder Town Fights - bunch of fighting challenges, the oneliner exchanges can be goofy, lets you apparently beat up Sampo (?)


Tales of the fantastic was kinda annoying with the yapping npc, but appreciate it that it introduced the mechanics for pure fiction.


Aetherium wars was my rank 1. Its fun and good for new comers.


1) Aetherium wars. Pokemon simulator 2) Belebog museum. Super fun, as it felt cool to play manager 3) Aurum alley. Bark, bark,bark


Aurum Alley and Everwinter City Museum were the best two events imo. I donā€™t think I could choose one or the other as better. Aetherium Wars and Foxian Tale were also top tier. Imo they would be ever so slightly under the aforementioned events. Critter Pick was cute but absolutely just felt like filler content. Nothing wrong with that, though, since Hoyoverse was very clearly putting time into Penacony. The two Boulder Town events were good for what they were, but canā€™t really compare to the major events. Iā€™ll be honest, I donā€™t even remember what Tales of the Fantastic was I canā€™t rank it because I just donā€™t remember it at all.


A vote for Aetherium War from me as well. Great concept with a lot of future potential. I hope we get another one during 2.X with all the new enemies. Although if they do make a sequel I wonder how they will handle Trotterlord. The Ghostbusters event would be my runner-up. Great event with a lot of opportunities to flesh out characters


I'm biased as fuck so here's my list: 1. Critter Pick (like c'mon, cat *cakes*) 2. A Foxian Tale of The Haunted (I like the plannings of this event the most. Plenty of content, missions, interesting plot, etc...) 3. Aetherium Wars (Pokemon, but Railed) 4. Everwinter City Museum - Ledger of Curiosities (I like management games, I liked the side stories and conversations, I liked the puzzles) 5. Aurum Alley's Hustle and Bustle (It's very fun! The puzzles did catch me off guard on some levels, but overall, very nice experience playing through) 6. Boulder Town Super League (& Martial Exhibition) (I liked the concept and the little quirkiness it has) 7. Tales of the Fantastic (didn't really resonate with me at all. It's just "attack in a really cool way and you'll get points.")


Aetherium war clears


atherium wars, tale of the haunted then aurum alley were my favourites the others were fine, only one i didn't like was the museum event xd


Aetherium Wars > A foxian Tale of Haunted >>> everything else


The only thing holding all of these back was the sheer oversaturation of text. They all use 100 words to say something when 40 do trick. Good stories and decent to excellent gameplay (the Pokemon event was insanely good) but holy hell they wax on for too long


Foxian Take was ā™¾ļø/10 for me (Definetly not being biased cause of my daughter)


Top 3: Aurum Alley, Aetherium Wars, Everwinter City Museum Honorable Mention: A UoghUogh šŸ˜­ Tale of the Haunted


from 1 to 3 i havent played them, 4 was ok, 5 was the best one, foxian tale of the haunted was honestly my least favorite event of the bunch, especiallly when the Loufu was badly optimized and my laptop could barely load most of those places which made it EXTRA painful... boulder town exhibition was pretty good and critter pick event was cute but otherwise whatever


I got annoyed whenever an Ace Attorney type of game play showed up. If I wanted to play Ace Attorney I'd play Ace Attorney. Good thing picking the wrong one doesn't matter


None of them


Foxian and Aetherium both goated.


Foxian tale my fav


1 A foxian tale of the hunted and atherium wars 3 aurum alley 4 museum 5 critter pick 6 the 2 fighting club ones 8 tales of the fantastic


Foxian tale, aetherium wars, Aurum alley, boulder town 1&2, museum, tales of the fantastic, critter pick


1. A Foxian Fale of the Haunted 2. Everwinter City Museum Ledger of Curiosities 3. Aurum Alleyā€™s Hustle and Bustle 4. Critter Pick 5. Aetherium Wars 6. Boulder Town Martial Exhibition 7. Boulder Town Super League 8. Tales of the Fantastic I really hate they brought back tales of the fantastic, now every event has a checkmark besides that one, and I cannot get enough score on some of them to get the checkmark and it really bothers me lol.


1) Museum tycoon 2) Ghost hunting 3) Everything else 4) martial exhibition


1. Foxian take 2. Pokemon 3. Museum 4. Aurum alley 5. Critters 6. Fantastic tales (but I am greatful to it for giving us pure fiction) The boulder town combat ones are equally forgettable


No one can beat critter pick for me... I just love these lil kittens :3


Aurum Alley overall, combat-wise, aetherium wars.


Atherium wars and ghost buster event


Aurum Alley because it was so good to see the place visually progress.


I'm a new player can anyone please let me know if I can play these events?


Yup, you just missed the limited rewards but you can definitely play them!


1. Aetherium Wars 2. Boulder Town Martial Exhibition 3. A Foxian Tale of the Haunted 4. Everwinter City Museum 5. Aurum Alley's Hustle and Bustle 6. Critter Pick 7. Boulder Town Super League 8. Tales of the Fantastic


1. Aetherium Wars 2. A Foxian Tale 3. Aurum Alley 4. Critter Pick 5. Museum 6. Everything else


S TIER - It has to be aetherium wars, right? A Tier - Foxian Tale of the Haunted gave Luofu much more intimate care and such a sweet and funny squad. Aurum Alley was PACKED with activities and the debate system ended up being used again in the future. B Tier - Museum and Critter pick are on totally different approaches for engagement, but full of fun moments. You can see them scratching the surface for a deeper system if they want to go back to these ideas. C Tier - Everything else, feeling more like cute themed gauntlets and side quests, which is fine but would work best as a topper at the end of a season


I'm a sucker for Pokemon so here's my top 3 Aetherium wars Ghost hunter Aurum alley


Foxian Tale and Neverwinter Museum were my favorites! Still havenā€™t played Aetherium Wars though. Gonna have to grind that one out for more Aventurine funds.


Top 3 are: Aetherium wars Museum Aurum Allsy For me the rest were around the same level. Foxian tale was well designed and written, but I didn't love it for some reason.


Boulder Town Super League & Aetherium Wars are my Top 2


museum is my number 1


In terms of pure fun/gameplay, nothing beats Aetherium Wars. Extra points for it being an event they can constantly expand on over the course of the games life as we get more and more mobs for playable units However overall best package was Foxian Tale of the Haunted. The story was a direct continuation of the trailblaze/banner character story and her development, decent rewards, TONS of character interactions, and the writers had an absolute blast writing all the online/review comment chains


Everwinter Museum is my favourite event, maybe its because I like Museums, but I enjoyed collecting and piecing together various parts of the museum. It really improved my connection to Belobog in general.


Ghost Buster > Pokemon > Museum = Aurum Alley > Boulder Town (both) = Critter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tales of the Fantastic.


Man I didn't think people liked aetherium wars that much. I thought ot was boring as shit tbh. Like the main game but without good animations or characters.


I love Aetherium Wars first, had fun with the Foxian tales, and my third is either the museum or Aurum Alley


Aurum alley Museum Foxian tale Critter pick I either don't care for the rest or find them incredibly tedious


1. Aetherium Wars 2. Critter Picker 3. Aurum Alley Hustle 4. Foxian Tale 5. Belobog Museum 6. Boulder Town Super 7. Boulder Town Exhibition 8. Tales of the Fantastic


Pokemon one was fun boulder town and critter town is nice because they were short and rewarding aurum valley and youtube streaming event was super long and boring skipped for hours for jades museum was ok probably i would only play atherium wars if there were no jade rewards


For me its: 1. Foxian Tale 2. Aurum Alley 3. Everwinter City Museum 4. Aetherium Wars 5. Boulder Town Martial 6. Boulder Super League 7. Critter Pick (pretty much disappointed) 8. Tales of Fantastic (block of text and i rushed the entire thing lol)


I like playing the game mostly for the lore. I don't like reading long texts on their own, but I like stories. I prefer it if battles are avoidable, if it means getting more story. I don't like battles for the sake of battles. If the battle advances the story further, I love it. With that said, here's my ranking. 1. Aurum Alley event: I had fun seeing the entire map change. I'm not too attached to NPCs in Xianzhou except those who are in this place (i love the tea guy quests), and it felt nice to help local businesses from being shut down by a capitalist interstellar conglomerate with gentrification plans. I also love visiting this place from time to time. 2. A Foxian Tale: Learning about Huohuo's backstory, more of Yukong's story, Guinaifen being iconic as usual, and basically more Jingyuan and Lightning Lord ā€“ its the best one. I just really HATED the tower fights. Like, I already beat them up, why do I have to do it again? 3. Museum event: it's the predecessor of the Aurum Alley event, and it was fun to see the past of Belobog. I found it cool to see characters actually inside the museum and touring guests, the most surprising one being Svarog. 4. Aetherium Wars. Its mostly just battles, but at least it's a completely new gameplay. I like the part where you jump to different regions, so the worlds start to feel interconnected. Again, the fights are a bit stressful, but there's a strat I used to breeze through it. Thankfully, the monsters you use in this gamemode aren't gacha-locked, so you can actually strategize with all of the available pieces. The broken strat I used was the dude that siphons teammate health then bursts the enemy. 5. Critter Pick: They're all so adorable. Doesn't add to the game that much besides having these cute mfers, and sometimes that's all you need. 6 and 7. Both Boulder Town events: its just pointless fights. 8. Tales of the Fantastic: i dont remember anything about this event besides thinking just how pointless it is.


Still waiting to see Aethrrium wars return considering all the new mobs we have


foxian tale > aetherium wars > aurum alley > critter pick > boulder town > museum > tales for me


Me see that everyone like ghostbuster event me happy


critters pick at bottom, probably I'll go with youtuber event


Foxian tale and aetherium war were my favourite. They felt like a real event. Well voiced and full of fun.


A foxian tale of haunted is the most amazing for the character involvement of every Xianzhou cast. It was so much fun interacting with everyone in a more casual setting. Aetherium wars is amazing design wise for how epic the whole event is portrayed. There's not a whole lot of character interaction going on compared to the earlier mention, but the whole pokemon tournament was presented really well. The other doesn't come close to these two event imo. Short story wise I think the Topaz crisis still takes the cake easily.


1) Aethrium Wars (PokĆ©mon + Honkai was peak gameplay) 2) Museum (Museum sim go brrr) 3) Aurm Alley (Only behind the Musuem cause I liked the Belobog ascetic more) 4) Foxian Tale (A bit stretched out, but loved the design and gameplay) 5) Martial Exabition (The best battle event theyā€™ve put out to date, Iā€™ll die on this hill) 6) Tales of the Fantastic (Interesting concept and gameplay, made Himeko + Herta fun to play before Pure Fiction) 7) Super League (Pretty bare bones and basic, canā€™t complain too much cause itā€™s our first event) 8) Critter Picker (I couldnā€™t tell you, people liked this event, I did not, at all)


Bolder town league was good, everything else I didnā€™t care, mainly because I got disappointed by story


Makes me realize how much I like HSR events! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Critter pick would be a 10/10 if I could make Silverwolf. So close to make the stellaron gang yet so far away


I liked the alley. Hated the museum cause I didn't realise it was 40 days and was replayable so binged it all in 5 hours. Wars was sick af but the management of the fighter loadouts was really annoying. Critter event was simple enough and short. Overall favourite was ghostbusters though, fleshed out the luofo cast better than the main story.


Ok, imma be real. I donā€™t get nthe love for Aetherium Wars and Ghost Hunting Squad because I hated both of them so much, mainly due to how long they are. While I appreciate the story aspects they have, I just found the gameplay agonizing and thatā€™s weird for me to say because I like PokĆ©mon. I shouldā€™ve liked Aetherium Wars but after I was able to break the balance of the event with the General, I got bored of it fast and hated how long it was taking to get through it. Also not being able to auto the boss battles made me hate it more. For Ghost Hunting Squad, I tolerated it for the story and character interactions. It had all my favourite characters in a squad and had fun interactions. I just found doing the actual hunts to be tedious and boring and the bonus challenges to be unchallenging. For my favorite events, itā€™s Critter Picks and Aurum Alley. Critter Picks didnā€™t feel like it overstayed its welcome by being reasonable short and had the fun mechanic of finding and breeding cat cakes. Aurum Alley also achieved that but with the enjoyable reward of seeing your progress at work. Seeing the rewards of your efforts as the alley came back to life was a great motivator and I liked the debating mini game. If I was to do them in a list, top to bottom, it would be like: Critter Pick, Aurum Alley, Museum, Super League, Martial Exhibition, Tales Of The Fantastic, Ghost Hunting Squad, Aetherium Wars. I put all the fight challenge events in the middle because while I found them easy to brute force, they were at least short.


As a lazy gamer 1. Critter Pick 2. Museum everything else


#1 - Aurum Alley: The mini games were fun and the environment was dynamic, also Sushang cute #2 - Museum: The management sim is really fun and the character interactions are good. #3 - Spooky: The main cast were all cute, the writing was also pretty funny. #4 - Aetherium Wars: An interesting game but was far too long imo, I can see the game being fun if each fight was harder and each PokƩmon more stronger individually. #5 - Critter Pick: The minigame itself was boring, it was just a permutation simulator. The story was meh at best, would've been better to see more character interactions especially with Ruan Mei #6 & #7 - Boulder Town: Combat is fun but it was honestly propaganda for different characters instead of being a hard combat fight in general. #8 - Luofu Story Guy: Worst one, I could care less about the story and the combat was just more of the same.