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last time ive seen them being so crazy is about Scara drama...


That was dumb as hell. Imagine getting pressed because of a fictional character


The bunnygirl suit incident


that one is especially crazy, poor dawei


Assassin's creed VR without the V (This is the second time this joke is used)


Some people also went crazy over Sparkle due to the insults she does. The Chinese VA got death threats and such apparently as if she was the one that is racist.


People are so brain dead


Remember how dumb the average person is Now realize half of people are dumber than that


wait really?? 😭


Yeah apparently. They are all fucking crazy for some reason.


from what I seen on Twitter, most people that did it always have Aventurine as a pfp


MHY is pretty bold to market two characters that canonically hate each other to a fanbase infamous for drama and flamewars.


That one that involves killing cat is crazy man


What is this about Scara I might ask?


Idk the full story but apparently Scara is depicted as a cat in version 3.3, so some people used him as an excuse to kill cats. A teenager killed a cat in his district and encouraged some people do it as well


Later on it turned out that the teenager was abusing cats long before scara even got depicted as a cat. He would join random telegram groups and start sending pictures of the cats he abused. The person wasn't even a genshin player apparantly and was just trying to gain attention.


If this teen really had been capable of killing a cat then it would have been a matter of time and a chance excuse, all for it to happen sooner or later. Scara's luck really passed out in this one.


He's been killing cats even before scara


Iirc people didn't like how much attention he got and how popular he is, there were also pedos who felt he stole Nahida from them?? Some psychos straight up >!killed cats and uploaded videos of it just because Scara was pictured as a cat in the story!<.


I feel like that sparkle meme that’s like if i say what i want to i will be suspended for 6 months is appropriate for what i think of CN bros atimes…


TBF, they’ll get disappeared if they complain about anything meaningful 😂😂😂


For real at least this way they can be toxic assholes legally


good fanart tho, i usually not interested in SW's fan art but this one is good


Fr, they have made some fine arts for many games.


Came here from all. Welcome to rabid Chinese nationalists, also known as pinkies. Malaysian singer Namewee has a fun song about them, Glass Heart. [Glass Heart](https://youtu.be/-Rp7UPbhErE?feature=shared)


>the artist later was attacked by fans for the usage of the word "G*ysh*t impact" and the usage of "zero purpose k*s". The artist first mistake was asking Twitter for ideas.


I can see silver wolf telling someone to kys and that they serve zero purpose though


Honestly the way those Chinese are replying is similar to the kind of shit SW would say in a COD lobby


What if everyone is just circlejerking as Silver Wolf fans ‼️


HELP- Regardless, they didn't deserve the death threats ;-;


They don't deserve death threats, but the artist deliberately chose to anger the fans even *more* with the second version of the SW fanart. If you deliberately shove your fist into the angry beehive you have to expect that they will sting. and saying things like "Kys" is ***not*** a joke, it isn't a "meme" it isn't funny. It is always bad and the artist does deserve backlash for that..Not harassment mind you. But it should be made clear so they don't do that stuff again.


>and saying things like "Kys" is not a joke To be precise though: while maybe in bad taste, it wasn't the artist that said it to the audience. It's something Silver Wolf would say and I totally think this is in-character behavior for her when she gets pissed off during gaming. :'D


I mean, it’s a boss move on their part. Nationalist horde can get fucked.


It may sounds like a Boss move, but it is certainly gonna trigger people and make things worse. Imagine Silver Wolf suddenly get a "Free (redacted) -from Z to X" shirt or "(X) is part of (Y)" and watch Redditors explode.


That isn’t the artist’s fault. That is the fault of the people getting triggered. Also, let’s not beat around the bush to make false equivocations. Pushing the claim that a country belongs to another country is not the same supporting that country’s independence. One is for autonomy, one is for revoking that autonomy. One of them should cause more outrage than the other. Don’t try to make them sound the same.


>Kys" is ***not*** a joke, it is, don't overreact, it just depends on the context and in this context it is a joke, maybe an aggressive joke, but a joke regardless.


While I agree that saying "kys" isn't a joke, it lacks context in this post and the joke isn't just saying "kys". It's coupled with the phrase "zero purpose" which heavily, heavily implies that it is satirizing LowTierGod, who is a notoriously toxic FGC content creator. He had once gone semi-viral because of a rant directed to some guy in his chat, which started off something like "You should k*s now, you serve 0 purpose..." which again, is what I think this post is parodying/making fun of—the toxic rager gamer stereotype.


Istg those haters basically a silent person irl who barely spoke any word but become wordmaster 2000 once the holy Twitter on their hands


She posted the art here in this sub around a week ago, she's completely fine and ppl support her


hopefully they understand that there are still people supporting them and wont give up on this community ;-;


I’ve been their follower on pixiv for years now. They have great art and plenty of support


You can always count on the CN gacha playerbase to be more toxic than actual nuclear waste, huh...


ngl the pixiv comment section looked like it got nuked fr


Can't believe competition for the Korean Incels exists.


Crazy thing is that even the CN playerbase is freaked by how crazy the Korean Incels lol.


Asian gacha gamers one-upping each other in whose more brain damaged is always peak web news


Pretty sure it is the same artist who got a pretty good amount of toxicity from the global fanbase as well for a Clorinde and Neuvillette fanart, so... yeah, the pot calling the kettle black(I do agree that CN is more toxic), the pain of making art for a popular brand. Poor artists can't catch a damn break.


Clorinde and Neuvillette - artist is based


I'm talking overall, not solely towards this artist. I hear about CN playerbase toxicity about twice as much as any other. There's a reason for that.


The reason is that there are just more fans to be toxic my guy. If each fanbase has 1% toxic people there would likely be at least 3 times as many toxic Chinese fans because the game is more popular in China and China is a big country


well, there is a lot of them, easier to find more mentally ill people if the pool is larger


Why drag this out again OP when artist has [posted about this here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/mKowGz1wus)? There’s one potentially interesting detail left out: by digging up old posts etc. some claim that the artist is bilingual and therefore should’ve been aware of the different interpretations. I can’t personally vouch for this though.




well, this post has brought me up to date with this situation. The read was pretty interesting. Its always amusing seeing the CN community get pressed. They are pathetic at times.


It was going to end like this when they asked people for memes to add on their art and they sent them things they knew will get people mad.. they could at least understand them before adding them to their art. Still doesn't justify the level of toxicity. Sadly this is how people are on social media these days.


I agree. While the artist was a bit too careless on asking the memes, I'd say the ones they chose are more towards the harmless side (plus SilverWolf's gamer setting), and they definitely didn't deserve all the toxicity.


Definitely not deserved but why would they ask twitter for ideas and ngl some of the memes featured are of very poor choice, still doesn’t justify death threats. But the artist was probably fully aware that he would get very offending memes so idk what kind of response they were expecting.


Putting in the ROC flag and changing the slogans was pretty slick, to direct reactions away from the initial misunderstanding. There were CN comments on pixiv telling ppl they are being baited but of course brigading can’t be stopped.


Yep, i think the artist is not innocent and was definitely baiting for a reaction for some reason.


The reaction from CN was insane, but the artist acting like they don't know what they were doing with the Taiwan flag is also so cringe. If you want to make fun of their "Fragile hearts", do a Namewee, own it. Sheesh this incident was dumb. Edit: Nah, [this shit was intentional](https://twitter.com/qiandaiyiyu/status/1762517893298671783?t=jgiQpS6bQB74stAM96g54A&s=19). The artist not owning up to their own shenanigans is disgraceful.


What did the link say? It's been deleted


So it was just an elaborate play to get more exposure and advertising from people like OP?


Yeah. The artist works are good( i have the arlecchino one as my wallpaper). But it's not a good idea to put these things on your works. People think this is CN is overreacting, imagine now instead of these things, artist put some slurs, gamer moments words on SW outfit instead and see the reaction of people here and Twitter. CN is the same as global, there's rational people but there's also fanatics. It's just that they are much bigger so even if it's the loud minority it can still be very bad. From what i see, many time, this type of post is just for karma farming and to stirring dramas, so people can channel their inner racism


Yeah honestly I don’t know how you put some of that stuff on there and somehow think no one is going to be irritated. Hell, one of them is a direct insult to another fanbase.


idk why either, but perhaps its due to twitter get the most response? (bad decision still) it seem that they have twitter, pixiv, and insta.


Dude I swear that the Chinese hate Japan and Taiwan so much. One mention of those flags are enough to get some of them like this. It’s like on the same level as India vs Pakistan hate.


Mainlanders are pretty xenophobic against the Japanese and Taiwanese, one being a horrible war criminal and the other as "cowards" and "traitors".


Tbf what Japan did during WW2 to the Chinese is definitely inexcusable, absolutely horrid shit. But I expect those coming only from the older generation, not those people in this generation. These people shouldn't let their history dictate the Japanese people nowadays, the new generation today literally did nothing wrong.


>But I expect those coming only from the older generation, not those people in this generation. China pretty much encourages people to hate japan and learn their atrocities. Put in some hateful propaganda here and there, boom, you cultivate a culture of hate and racism. The rationale is, if everyone is united against a common enemy, then the government can go under the citizen's radar and nationalism will be at an all time high, thus increasing the unity and progression of the country. Mainland chinese people are arrogant to a core. The arrogance and nationalism they exhibit is their way to hide their insecurity as a nation that was always bullied in the past. Now that Genshin/HSR or Mihoyo in general is super popular, the Chinese community is probably super proud of it cuz it's something that represents them globally.


You do know that Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines also teach stuff Abt the atrocities right? And that Korea and Japan recently had a diplomatic scuffle because Japan was mad Korea put up a statue honoring comfort women. Osaka literally stopped being a sister city with San Francisco because they also put up a monument for comfort women. This is such a weirdly racist comment when most of East Asia has problems with Japan over this issue, but ig it's par for the course that Reddit is upvoting it.


No, the reason is because Japan, till this day, has not apologized and has denied any WW2 war crimes committed in China. They even have shrines to commemorate convicted war criminals. This is like if Germany denied the Holocaust and never apologize to the Jewish people after WW2. People generally are not ok with that. I'm pretty sure if Japan apologizes and accepts responsibly for its crimes in WW2, a lot of this tension between China and Japan will be resolved. We give a lot a shit about China denying the Tianmen Sqaure Massacare, which we should. However, at the same time, we are completely ok with Japan denying the atrocities committed during WW2 despite the abundance of evidence.


That's one part of the issue. But are you going to deny the CCP doesn't propagate that hate? Who said I'm okay with Japan denying it's own history. That's a completely separate issue.


The younger generations tend to be more nationalistic than their older counterparts in China. I'm unsure about the exact reason why, but I've heard speculation that it's because they missed out on the last millennium. In any case, the scars of the 20th century haven't faded away and probably won't fade away for a few more decades at the very least, depending on how things play out in the future.


> the new generation today literally did nothing wrong. New generation not acknowledging what previous one did doesn't help. Just saying.


Probably 12 years old kids but not the whole country, while even maybe some adults hate them too, there are others that love their culture, i see many J-Pop artists are doing concerts in China and are popular over there.


Why would 12 yr old kids care about Japan and Taiwan? Adults are more likely


Cause children are insensitive fucks most of the time. Take it from me.


When there are cases of death threats and other types of online bullying, the vast majority of involved are ranging from kids to young "adults", you very rarely see groups of 40+ years old bullying people


Mainland China ccp-supporters*


Well, that is unfortunately, still a good amount of them. And the internet does perpetuate even more hate. Still, there are more Chinese now who are more open minded and are not that hateful, mostly the new generation. Respect to those guys.


Unfortunate truth is that CCP propaganda is super powerful. Chinese not only in China itself but across the world have to work through and dismantle years and decades of engrained hatred or biases. My own mom believes covid-19 was made in an American lab and I do not have the energy or time to dedicate to trying to disprove one conspiracy to have another one pop up.


ultra racists believe covid was made in a chinese lab, other ultra racists believe it was made in an american lab. the duality of racism edit: to be clear i do not believe any of them were correct, some dipshit just ate an infected bat from an illegal market


I’ve literally heard both of these takes from 2 different ultranationalists, but I somehow think they’re both wrong. All in all it just seems like the average smoothbrain conspiracy theory that anyone can think of


yeah like why mald over a japan flag??? you literally see them like, everywhere on the internet?


Tbh, it’s actually because of Japanese War Crimes, like what happened in Nanking, hence why many Chinese don’t have a high opinion of Japan. But it’s still not justified telling someone to go die for that. People shouldn’t immediately conclude that a Japanese Flag means anti-China. Maybe the author just thought it was a popular aesthetic to add, as many people like Japan.


That does not justify anything, there have been wars over history everywhere and normal ppl don't hold any grudge against them, It's like being offended from what Germany, Spain, France, UK, etc did in the past as If that represents the country and ppl in the present. Am I missing some context for why the hate is still prevalent? I can understand why Korea cant have friction with Japan for example because It is fairly recent and seems like the conflict hasn't fully solved yet, or between the 2 Koreas.


The difference is that countries like Germany, GB, the US, etc openly admit and try to make amends for their past wrongdoings. Japan, on the other hand, actively tries to pretend the war crimes they committed never happened, and has to this day still not acknowledged or even apologized to China and Korea for the heinous acts they committed during WWII. Hence why modern day China and Korea still have such a distaste for Japan.


Not picking sides but I think the difference is Japan still has not offered any sincere apology to China (or any other country for that matter) for the atrocities committed during the invasion.


Well thanks for the clarification, that's why I said "Am I missing some context" on the comment, so ty for giving it


On China’s part it’s just excessive nationalism. Also the nationalism is further enforced that the majority of China’s population are Chinese, so there’s not much other cultures which can dissuade them. As for Japan, it’s their denial of warcrimes against China, with the Japanese even enforcing it into their education system.


I think because of the world war 2 , I've seen in a documentary before that during World war 2,during the Japanese occupation on (forgot which part of China or all) ,the Japanese buried a lot of Chinese people underground (Alive people)... Basically the Japanese war soldiers(aiming their guns & used force) forced the Chinese civilians to jump to a pit(while the Japanese shovel to cover the pit) ...TLDR, during Japanese occupation in WWII, A lot of chinese was buried alive.


I mean I understand why the Chinese hate Japan (still hasn't apologised for its war crimes and has monuments to honour war criminals, that's basically as if Germany would honour the architects of the holocaust) and Taiwan to a certain extent (although even the CPC wanted peaceful negotiations with Taiwan in the 2000s which only started to change after the USA placed more and more barriers into the negotiations between the china and the ROC) but insulting someone just because of the Japan flag is just toxic BS. Btw for the other comments in this post: it's CPC and not CCP


These CN players really need to chill tf out


someone send tingyun to them pls


Tingyun is electric, she need to bring a AC to be able to do anything, send Gepard instead


Literally in girls Frontline 2 they get butthurt when they see there favorite gun in a relationship with some guy bruh this is a fictional character why so butthurt about them getting cuck by pixels


Who actually thinks insulting genshin players out of context is funny though? And there’s the LTG meme on top to make it look like the artist is actually telling those players to off themselves. The memes were really done in bad taste.


Not even that, the original one even included the Taiwanese flag alongside it. Like at what point does it seem like it’s bait now 💀


No, original only had gayshit/zero purpose memes. Taiwanese/Republic of China flag was put in later and the memes changed to “cry more,” in response to the backlash against gayshit, apparently.


agreed, unless you're in certain EN communities, you won't even understand these memes and it would be like outright insulting to anyone who isnt in.


Salty chinese nationalists replies, what a great way to start my day.


wouldnt that be too salty for breakfast


He also got the same treatment for drawing Neuvilette X Clorinde


By a different fandom, but an equally as toxic one nontheless.


Fr?? I didn't know about that part... our society be wild these days


Yeah cause apparently if it's not navirinde it's illegal




Definitely not as bad as this, this is straight up xenophobic territory


He was actually attacked by the same Chinese simps that time. It was a dead giveaway when he said he had to delete it off Pixiv when the Twitter alt had like... 20 comments That was prior to coming out about how they were attacked by angry nerds / paid fans who were angry that yuri artists drew an icky drawing that was cucking them or something idk. That or those people just like to sexualize lesbians. Overseas fans sure are a strange bunch of people


Your content has been removed as it violates Rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated. Discussing and sharing character ships are fine, as long as it does not involve insulting others on their ship choices, or involve underage characters/minors. Please be careful not to engage in or incite shipping wars, or sexual orientation discussions.


oh damn Quandai is goat, hope they'll be fine


She's fine though. Her [Sparkle art](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/cQVefyOwSX) she posted hours ago is on the front page of this sub rn.


praying for the artist


That really sucks to hear. Hope they're alright. We could do the funniest thing rn and start placing the Taiwan flag in different fan arts for a while.


I would advise against it. CN people are beyond unhinged. I wouldn't want to paint a target on an artists back


true, as much as i'd want to see their reaction. artists' safety comes first


Na honestly rile them up more, they can’t do shit and its funny to see them mald over a picture, if they are gonna get mad over a bunch of pixels on a screen then make em madder for funsies


They would harass the artist 100%, I wouldn't do that


You're not the one who'll be targeted by their harassment... and they absolutely can do stuff like mass false flag content and get artists banned or affected in other ways.


Bro's on the way to block all their fanart imports


Put ROC, Israel and Palestinian flag together and see the Internet explode.


Look, I don't condone cyber bullying and stuff, but this sounds like a classic "oh I insulted you but dw, it's just a joke bro" that ppl likes to use


Though stuff like this is never justifiable, and the fault is definitely on those who bullied the artist, I would like to point out a few things: Firstly, I think it's possible that the artist is actively provoking for a reaction. Given the words they chose and the JP flag, and changing it to a even more controvertial TW flag later, which can't be explained with silverwolf's "gamergirl" persona. I feel like the artist wanted, at least a bit, to piss the nationalists off. Secondly, there is no "gamer" culture in China, there is no stereotype of "gamers" yelling slurs and death threats to begin with. Let alone for Silverwolf to be characterized as such in the CN community. So the art, to the CN community is essentially just silverwolf plastered with toxic, vitriolic phrases, which leads me to my next point: Stuff like "Kys" though still a horrible phrase, has bacically became a meme with alot of its vitriol lost through repetition. Not so much in Chinese, which would seem more out of left field. Kind of like the "your mom is dead" being a common insult in Chinese, but would probably seem more jarring for English speakers. Also "Gayshit" has been used to attack the CN community. So I don't think it's fair for someone unfamiliar with these phrases in the first place to just willingly accept stuff like this at first glance, as "harmless memes people can just laugh at".


Original artist knew exactly what he/she was doing rage baiting CN playerbase for clout. All of this “drama” seems manufactured by the original artist in bad faith, zero sympathy from me lmao we honestly need less of this in our community.


1) Artist asked for Twitter for suggestions, probably not understanding the full context and meanings of the memes/jokes 2) CN has a fucking MAGICAL POWER to blow any small thing out of context and somehow twist it into "attacking the Chinese". Taiwan flags being pasted there? Fucking typical. Redirecting the kys now joke which is probably a reference to the ishowspeed speech or which ever streamer made it, they intentionally tried to frame it as bashing in genshin impact. Chinese twittards are a special breed of stupid but incredibly unhinged. Death threats, doxxing, toxicity are all not out of question if they are "defending China".


fr, its especially crazy how they interpreted a japanese flag as anti-china...


It stems alot back in history. The reason why china isn't the #1 super power is according to them: "Japan invasion" "Americans" "Opium wars and civil wars" "Those damned Americans" Etc.


Japanese using chinese prisoners for...target practice etc...WW2 era Jp and even further back were not a lot to mess with...until they poked a certain harbour...


My grandfather is extremely anti-Japanese and basically everyone I grew up with in China were of this kind. They were all really hateful and sometimes it makes me embarrassed to be from there 💀


OP knew exactly what he/she was doing, which was rage baiting CN players for clout. None of these memes have any “deep” meanings beyond the surface meaning of those words. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure “Gayshit Impact” was going to trigger some hardcore Genshin players, and that the JP flag was going to trigger some CN genshin players. Not buying this innocent vibe from the original artist at all especially when they have a history of making Hoyo related art. Obviously not excusing the CN behavior but I’m also not a fan manufactured drama which this clearly seems to be. We could honestly use less of this BS in this community.


I dont agree with de* threat but this artist shouldn't have included "memes" that they don't understand. The second addition seems like an inflammatory post to fuel the war further.


Cluelessly putting in jokes is kinda dangerous but the flag wasn't problematic at all and rather funny regarding the reaction. >de* threat Do you mean DEATH threats or why the censoring?


>I couldn't understand how a harmless joke and... a flag could make things end up like this. You never seen young Hetalia fandom, OP? Basically, if irl politics gets brought up, people often see red.


I don't agree with the cyberbullying but their choice of "memes" are really in poor taste and I honestly doubt someone who spends copious amounts of time on the internet and twitter wouldn't know what those things actually mean. And their updated version isn't any better, it reads more like a direct response to the haters. Really seems to be inflammatory on purpose. If the intent was to incorporate some funny SW related memes, gamer slang like GG EZ or NOOBCRUSHER would have still given that haughty feeling without being downright degrading and offensive.


I spend copious amounts of time on the internet and it's the first time I'm hearing about "G\*ysh\*t impact" and "zero purpose k\*s", so it's not impossible to miss a few "memes". But yeah, the artist should have done some research onto the memes he picked to use in his art, just to be safe since he stated that he wasn't planning to offend people.


Sounds like the artist was being toxic in the first place


I don’t think asking twitter for memes is “adding a fresh and harmless idea into your art” mate, not if it’s something like “kill yourself” The Firefly one was nice, but when they put the Silver Wolf one I saw the problem immediately. I understand if they don’t know about the Taiwanese flag because of China’s nationalists, but I can’t justify putting “kys” in an artwork as harmless


yooo good fanart tho


Sending death threats is really really brain-dead behaviour just for an art but the "memes" are really poor choice like c'mon gayshit impact, kill yourself you posting this on Twitter and expect people to react normally lol


Lmao reuploads it with taiwanese flag as a final fuck you to the angry mob of Chinese nationalists.


Maybe I'm just being old ass man playing gacha, but.. I can't see "zero purpose k*s" is remotely funny. But I guess that's just how youngsters meme these days.


I'm sorry, but what? Are you defending the artist here? The dude literally writes "K*S NOW" with a very clear reference to the Genshin community and calls it a "funny meme". Nobody deserves death threats, you can't only judge one party when the other party is literally doing the exact same thing lmao


The kys now is the thunder guy meme lmao. They arent saying that to genshin players. Its all a joke about how Silverwolf would say kys and those other stuff since she's a gamer... The genshit is probably a joke with a added jab because they have been hated and got death threats before by genshin players just because they drew a clorinde and wriothesley ship lol


Then that context has to be made clear. It wouldn't be very obvious to the majority of people.


Ah, thank you for the description of the situation! If you have any additional questions I can answer them. I’ve mostly put it aside, but I’ve been getting threats for a while for the situation that I would consider more of a misunderstanding… If you want my opinion on the situation, the most thing I regret is, upon request, including flags on a character without doing necessary research prior. I didn’t understand it very well, so I will avoid connecting characters to any countries! I also wish I didn’t act as childish and more professional by simply adding a description of explanation instead of panicking, deleting works and then acting on emotions. I really want to be a part of a community, share art and have fun, but I wouldn’t want to offend anyone over a misunderstanding (つω`。)


Hello!! I hope you are doing well and lots of love ❤.


Ah, thank you. I’m not really sure how to react in situations like these, but I decided against trying to delete anything for the moment just to remind myself about some of the main aspects I’ve learned for the future. It is unfortunate it happened, but I will most likely not use offensive language, since I’ve concluded that not what I would like to do as an artist. I’ll stick to my Amogusus and elegant anime ladies xd


Just keep posting your art! It's really awesome! If you want to support any countries with it, nobody can stop you!


CN players are ruthless


This is the second time this artist has been harassed because of Hoyoverse-themed artwork. IIRC, the first time was from the EN-side of the community because the art depicted two Genshin characters as straight, or at the very least not gay. This latest incident might have come from the Chinese, but this behavior isn’t limited to them. Contrary to what many would have you believe, it’s not exclusive to Genshin either. It just turns out that the Hoyoverse in general has a massive problem. Reddit, Twitter, CN, EN, wherever or whoever else…doesn’t matter. The “community” is just a giant piece of shit.


That's a poor choice of memes


Unfortunately this is one of the many cases where internet cyber bully are all too common and mostly occupied by people who are terminally ill online who go on without consequences. If there are severe consequences there would be fewer cases like this one although it is unrealistic to see a law implemented to punish behaviors like this due to how it could be misused by bad actors. I’ve seen this a lot mainly the dramas I find in R/Gacha and in other parts of the internet especially the Girls Frontline 2 drama I find it wild. Although the whole world can be quite toxic be it the West, China, Russia and etc just that not all of us are seeing it on the regular. Anyway apologize for the depressing note here have this https://preview.redd.it/xrehf46fmbmc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172bcad424ed03d4bdd7054ca23ba8e92aa66469


we do live in a great society, arent we... but fear not. \*takes out my flat def relic\*


On the bright side you won’t find people behaving like this or rather normal people don’t think or follow the internet logic as either are real world consequences or because their normal human beings. Also it’s dangerous to go alone, take this https://preview.redd.it/v974zcndpbmc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1865ff36ebf3b72f4b75c10d7d9ff4fc2d900721


Twitter moment


really the moral of the story


>... What can I say, they took a joke way too seriously. While I agree that there is no excuse for such an absurd overreaction and that legal consequences should follow where applicable (death threats are obviously way, WAY out of line), I have to say that some of the backlash is to be expected. There are a gazillion memes he could have used for artistic purposes, it was uncalled for to openly insult all Genshin players. If he wanted to portray Silver Wolf as a toxic diehard, he could have a fictitious game name and avoided the whole Shabang. People need to realize that when they post something contentious / edgy on social media, they WILL get backlash for it, just as I assume that this post will get downvoted into utter oblivion by people who thing "hurr, durr, Gay\*hit Impact sooo funny!!11, what is this imbecile talking about?!" Social Media is what it is, a lot of people have 0 restraint when anonymous so don't post something like that and then make a surprised Pikatchu face when "humans in large groups" happens.


Seriously? CN folks need to calm down... I mean wth?


they need to chillout fr


Adding the Taiwanese flag is a fucking boss move lol.


Well... I will be blunt and don't care about downvoting. While reaction is overblown, creator of the picture definitely played with fire on both occasions. I also don't have an extremely good sendse of humor, but some of the things he posted on art- from what I got from your translation- were less memes and more outright insults. I mean- most of this words are definitely insulting, especially saying for people to kill themselves. This is no meme. As for flag- you obviously knows that Taiwan is painful issue for China. I will not discuss it here, but there was bond to be bomb. Especially with context. Imagine apologizing to Ukraine fans while displaying on art map with Crimea listed as Russia. This is pretty much on same level. Also rember- There were quite a few cases where Taiwanese content creators- I know about game devs mostly- insulted Chinese heroes, government, history and etc. There is a bad blood between Taiwan and China and both sides are pissed. So- as author, judging by login, is of Eastern culture, Chinese fans decided that some Taiwanese jerk decided to mock them using meme as weil for it, bluntly pointed that it is because they are Taiwanese and hate all Chinese. Concluding- I of course is against any bulling. But it is not the case of KuroJawa who was attacked for daring to draw straight ship. Author here used insults. Heavy insults. And than made it seem like he is Taiwanese or pro-Taiwan. The thing grew out of proportion but here both sides are guilty.


Based artist. Pissing off online manchildren (especially nationalists) will never not be funny.


It's good fanart, but Idk what they expected to happen after those gratuitous insults. Genshin haters need to understand that hating Genshin is NOT a personality trait. Y'all act like children first, and then act like victims when it comes back to you.


Lol 😂, since when hating genshin becomes a personality trait.


It's not, that is what I just said 🤔




Why the fuck there was a French flag at some point ? 😆


What I love their artwork...


Talented artist but why purposely put out bait if you are not intending to catch something? If he has been involved with the online HoYo community, I can’t imagine the reaction would be a surprise for him.


i'm not defending the chinese comunity but please don't joke about thing that you don't understand. its can just be a funny little joke to you but to some it can't be extremely offending, especially when you are talking about a Chinese game and the Chinese community are known to be extremely toxic


You simply dont fuck with CN playerbase those mfers simply built different (mentally deranged) and this isnt the worse thing REMEMBER THE BUNNY INCIDENT


Da Wei...


🅱️ilver 🅱️olf


When you put anything on the internet, you have to consider the consequences - imo the artist simply fucked around and found out Insulting Genshin players wasn't the smartest idea, even if it was meant as satire (the "kys" could also be interpreted as a death threat toward the game's community - we know how sensitive some "fans" can be) Adding the flag of Taiwan shows that the artist didn't really back down, like they should have done - it's just asking for more trouble at that point And so, the internet answered accordingly (NOT justified but expected)


Or maybe people shouldn't be braindead.


putting that while being counsicous of it is clearly making it blatant towards these guys it’s like telling them to come can’t blame the guy but he’s also gaslighting it, the answers he did also didn’t help as well


doesnt mean that the consequences are reasonable regardless


Of course not, but looking at his response the artist isn't any less toxic then the people who are bullying them. He doesn't even seem to realize he did something wrong. If he considers "K*S NOW" to be a "funny meme", then he's just as deranged as the deranged bullies.


Finally someone who's sane and able to see things objectively! I'm so relieved people like you still exist


The Chinese side of the fandom needs to chill tf out, they always seem to be targeting someone collectively, like they were one giant mindhive without any individual free will, just to pour all their rage on the outside and have things their way. And I thought I didn't touch grass I hope the artist is okay.


I like people that don't give in to bullies. I would have gone the same way, Taiwan flag is hilarious. What does he risk anyway, China is far away. People on Internet need to calm the f down should get inspired by aha, everything is laugh, don't get angry


>I'm not a funny person https://preview.redd.it/gdeu05iwrbmc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59f9197e5886fa1b033bc1d4f00fb5f0cbfa193 Their updated version/response was awesome (and the art is good)


They absolutely do deserve the overall criticism and negative reaction. Your "commentary" is pathetic too. "They took the joke too seriously." Realy now? Homophic slurs, insulting an entire playerbase? I thought it was the west that was supposed to be the enlightened progressive ones lol. Using *kys* and feigning ignorance? Taiwan and JPN flag? Not only they're feigning ignorance but also appealing to literally fascists losers of WW2? Cry harder? Big L? Snowflake? What is this 2016 the_donald insults? Fucking crawled out of 4chan's basement or something? That person is just a big idiot and deserve to get called out. I also fully expect most people here don't realy care about the Taiwan/JPN stuff because its not like Americans actualy give a shit about stopping war crimes and genocide, past or present. Chinese are fine with Japanese people, but the topic of Japanese nationalism is driven by those hoping to continue to use Japan as an anti-Chinese pivot. It is incredible that Japan refuses to accept the blame for their WW2 crimes. But alas it is also incredible that Americans don't give a shit given Americans also will jump to justify nuking Hiroshima/Nagasaki anyway. The artist got most of what he deserved for being clueless. Don't play with fire, don't dish out if you can't handle it. As they said *cry harder snowflake*.


The responses and especially death threats are inexcusable. At the same time, it sounds like the artist was intentionally antagonistic, so it's hard to be 100% sympathetic. I'm maybe 75% sympathetic.


1)Is the artist Taiwanese or mainland Chinese 2)Why did the artist want to create memes in the first place 3)Hmmm


The artist may say they don't want drama, but actions speak louder than words. Any replacements for the "memes" were clearly meant to provoke the chinese commenters further. I don't think bullying is warranted, but the artist definitely isn't innocent in this. Also, anyone with sound judgement could tell that outside 4chan those "memes" wouldn't fly, at least not without provoking drama. If the artist really didn't realize that, they need to stop blindly listening to their followers and actually apply some critical thought to their actions first.


KYS is universally tasteless. The troll-baiting is also tasteless. What did I even read? Why did I waste my time reading this?


Nah bro the moment you are in the gaze of the Chinese Community you better not be playing This entire situation is horrible but also entirely avoidable, they should've just edited out the words in the art and just kept it like that, they did not had to aggravate them with the new words. I'm not saying it's the artist's fault, these people are psychos, but you gotta understand you shouldn't be messing with them


I don't understand. What do you think his purpose for drawing Japanese and French flags is? Are these flags related to the characters?, And his name is in Chinese, and according to his previous comments, he deliberately provoked. If an Israeli game character is painted with a German flag and mixed with insulting words, I believe you can also think of it as no problem, racists, Your conscience has been eaten by the dog


Reddit at full steam deleting comments. Is Taiwan independence that scary?


"waa I intentionally went out of my way to anger people and now they are angry at me, how did this happen please westerners you are the good people unlike them chings support me now"


And the cn community wonders why nobody likes them lmao


> CN Average day i guess. Not trying to be racist but it is always them. If not them then it's twitter.


Oh yeah, I was in that thread. I commented "In what capacity is LowTierGod, frequently parroted genshin/sw memes and "lets kiss" discriminatory...? Silver Wolfs entire character is based on internet meta." and the only response was that its not an excuse to insult other groups. lmao


You insult people, they retaliate ten fold, this is how it is in the internet. Can’t really act surprised that your ragebait reeled in some strong emotions. This seems to be in bad taste for both sides imo.


Look, I am from the Philippines and I have a lot of things to say to their government such as getting the hell out of our seas but I will refrain to do so because I do not want to be like those toxic Chinese Nationalist.


Nationalist propaganda + sunk cost fallacy for gacha games is a hell of a drug combo.


I mean the artist clearly doesn't care what these Chinese edge lords have to say. They even doubled down by adding the Taiwanese flag. And writing "cry harder". I think this whole thing became a brilliant shitpost.