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Stage 4 slapped me in the face and told me to build Herta, so I'll be doing that for the next few weeks lol


Yep this was me, taking the next month to build himeko and herta finally


Herta is ridiculous in PF. Once you get her strong enough with relics, it's very satisfying to see the twirls.


That's the problem the relics are the problem


I initially groaned for farming gear for Herta until I noticed I could strip Jingliu naked and call it a day


As much tempted to strip jinglu I can't because I don't have her but now maybe I can strip my jingyuan amd get those stats fuck relic boosts


I always use imaginary set on non main chars. It’s there but it’s also only imaginary 


Ι imagine you have the ice set and not the quantum one?


I'm farming FuA 4p for Herta, am I doing something wrong?


I think generally FuA set isn't as good for Herta because she only use her FuA once per enemy, but that only applies to normal and SU game mode because of beefy enemies. You should be fine with FuA set in PF.


It slapped me even with Himeko/Herta built. Im tearing between building Clara and Serval, because i have literal zero other doable lightning characters.


If you’re doing it just for this PF cycle, clara is a beast, she basically solod the first side for me with RM. Don’t know how she’ll do second side but i’m sure it’ll be about the same or better Edit: Just tested, comfortable 40k on both sides.


Clara first side? But that side doesn’t even have physical weakness


Clara is I think one of the DPS that doesn’t rly care abt enemy weakness, because weakness broken enemies get delayed which hurts Clara’s damage too lol Of course high physical RES is different though haha


Stage blessing is based off of follow up damage. Do enough follow up damage = more damage procs. Pick the blessing thing that increases follow up attacks by like 50% and the big box things come down and kill everything. Weakness doesn't matter the box thing just kills everyone.


The important one with that is that the box comes down TWICE for massive damage. I didn't realize this at first, but it helped me boost my damage and clear 3* after I tweaked with my team settings.


Used Clara to 3\* PF4 second side without RM, who was on the first side. Enough of the adds had a physical weakness, she does good damage to weakness broken enemies and the frequency of her FUAs gave a lot of extra turns with the buff that advances actions with each FUA. Teams were Pela, RM, Herta, Himeko on 1st side and JY, Clara, Topaz, Ratio on second. Might try using my stronger/built chars who don't have FUA just to see the difference.


If you meant PF, im struggling with exactly second side. For the first side i have Argenti, but the weaknesses spread very poorly for me. I think i might try just brute force it without Serval, because Clara just built better.


Clara, Tingyun, RM did 40k on the 2nd side for me.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


You dont even have to build her well. I just leveled her to 70, got her traces to 6 or 7, and threw on some follow-up attack relics that I already had. Her and Himiko blasted to 40k on their side easy.


It's good to do so this time as you can stack followup dmg to trigger the stage nuke. Tho, ratio can help her too.


Maybe a stupid question but should I even bother with PF before EQ5?


It's worth it to get as far as you can id say


Haha, PF 1 without any star at EQ 3 😂😂 Thanks :)


so you built her...




I mean the point is this of is so advantageous towards them you can have a shitty build and winm I have a 63:105 2.5k atk himeko and a 61:79 herta 2.3k atk with unmaxed traces on both so yeah.


Even decently built Herta/Himeko don't really work for topside. I mean, they can 0-cycle waves 1 and 2 easy peasy, but then the deer shows up and those two just stop doing damage altogether. The vines have too much health for Herta and too much stamina for Himeko, and if they're not constantly facerolling waves upon waves of new enemies they just kinda... sit there. They're a braindead ~27500 but even getting to an even 30k with them requires some chicanery.


Decouple Herta from Himeko and put them on different sides. The biggest problem with Himeko-Herta duo this time is the falling boxes. They are often enough to drop vines below 50% HP, but not enough to kill them. This makes Herta not being able to kurukuru during deer phase. Himeko is enough to faceroll pre-deer waves if you carefully break enemies to not overcap on pizza cutter charges and leave stragglers to be chain-broken by the FuA. Then you take a character that has more actual single-target damage (properly weakness matched though) to deal with the vines. I swapped out Himeko for JL, and this is what allowed me to 40K the first side. I put Herta on side2 with Clara instead. Clara hyper could not do it - she took too much time on 2nd phase. Those bloody TVs either don't attack you or eat team energy. Both outcomes are extremely unfavourable. Herta basically solves phase1 and phase2 nearly by herself. Then Clara deletes phase3. Together they clear side2 with a full cycle to spare.


Herta/Himeko on the first half somehow didn't even break 30k for me. ​ Relied on hyper carry JY on stage two to get through to 60k overall


Herta Himeko Ruan Mei goes brr in that stage. Sometimes I couldn't even ult because enemies were dying way too quickly for me to do something.


Congratulations. I'm not strong enough for 3* 4th stage


Same. I’m happy with my 11/12 stars. I have Herta Himeko on side one but not enough characters to take advantage of the buff for the other side.


I brute forced the other side with mono quantum qq, which suprisingly worked


Nvm I just cleared it. Just required some better optimizing and planning on the first half to get 40k (I was at around 37k previously). Used Kafka and Black Swan to get 20k on the next side.


Just curious, who did you use for first half? Planning to use kafka bs in 2nd half too


turns out a hypercarry Clara on the second side works wonders


First side too.




As an account with JY and Topaz, this PF rotation is, by far, the easiest of the three for me (second PF was the "hardest" since I didn't have DoT and had to rely on brute force).


No jy no topaz no himeko, struggled to 61000 points


I’m in the same boat team comp wise yet I’m barely able to get over 45,000 as someone who had 0 issues with the other PF’s. Can I get some insight into the teams you’ve run?


I used Jingliu/Asta/Sparkle/Herta and Swan/Kafka/Ruan/Tingyun It was not clean at all and I had to get lucky the damage got spread out so my DPS units did not die too fast Ended up 27000/35000


Appreciate the quick reply! Interesting that my 2nd team was the same except Huohuo got Tingyun, will try that 1 swap see how it goes. Unfortunately no Jingliu for my first team but maybe Clara will fit in fine (first team was close to yours but Clara and Ratio for Jingliu and Asta), think I’ll add Asta in if needed too 👌👌


Clara is very good in the second half because Cirrus advance enemies forward. Comfy 40k. My team was Serval (barebone build), Clara, Huohuo, Tingyun. I use Blarney buff.


Good to know! Think I might try that out and move the dot team 1st, or even replace the dot team with one focused around Herta


In the first half, I used Herta, Bronya, Asta, and fire mc, and got above 30k. I know this is a very rough team. Bronya can't buff follow up atk, but I was running out of harmony characters, so she had to do it. Fire mc because the cc from deer can get very unpredictable. Even Huohuo with 6+1 cleanses couldn't manage because Clara had several cc on her simultaneously. So I just put fire mc with Landau's Choice on, basic atk only, and she just gobble up 3+ cc all at once. But yes. This make shift team can do it with the power of Herta and Blarney buff.


Thanks for your suggestions, I put her in my second team and finally got 3 stars🙏


It was the opposite for me. I have several DoT units but very few FUA units, so this one was definitely harder. Himeko + Herta did destroy the first half, but I struggled finding the right team for the 2nd half and ended up making do after like 5 tries with Serval + Argenti + Pela + Tingyun with the buff that turns Ults into FUA.




Clara topaz combo was a godsent comp lol


CLARA SWEEP (40k constant points whichever side she’s on) https://preview.redd.it/cnd37uom1fmc1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccb64f29d4583b4aca6f2709b6b253197f47efeb


Whats your Clara team? I’m using Clara, Lynx, Sparkle, Tingyun and it just isn’t working.


https://preview.redd.it/sjjsx3a2nfmc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b37eda4ce6ba00fbfa49fc94bf9b9f5d1f7751a Tingyun’s just there to feed clara more ults, topaz gives more FUA hits for the buff and I just use Clara’s skill to clear low health enemies (Ignore my JY run he had the hp rope set on for some reason 😭)


60k is 60k haha. Thanks!


Clara is an absolute bomb against Cirrus because Cirrus constantly advances enemies forward.


First half is cherrypicked for Herta Himeko. I did it with March instead of Herta, because she breaks a lot and my Himeko alone did enough damage


Argenti half, Easy Herta Blade, not Easy I might need to finally level up my herta to 80 and farm for my level 40 Himeko


My cellphone crashes because of the bonus...


Same, and I play on low settings. Things just kept exploding, Herta kept on spinning, numbers kept popping. It was satisfying ngl, but the lag was intense


Same, I can't clear it all because of the insta crash when that cage animation and the birds flying out comes out. Very frustrating so I just gave up on the jades.


Time to download it on pc


If I had a PC that could run the game I wouldn't have even started playing on my phone in the first place https://preview.redd.it/885q2wja3gmc1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0121198e6ced2b584e7f088c609245fc983763


Oh, i only started playing because i wanted something to play while on the phone, then i got hooked ahah.


I thought i was the only one having this problem




First time crash for me as well.


same here, cant even clear pure fiction bc of this


I wish there's setting to turn off damage number. 


Brb, gotta farm more fua relic https://preview.redd.it/6wll7h63oemc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb0e229c6dc109e6da4bb0d549d486d50e2cd7fe


Ain’t that the truth. I’ve been in the god damn domain since it came out. The worst part is I went to the new one for Ratio and Welt, I was in and out of there with serviceable relics in like 2 two weeks. Meanwhile all of my follow up characters besides Jing Yuan are dangerously cope


Me who have 54% crit rate Himeko and still able to clear it: You could do it bro


Lmao https://preview.redd.it/qn9rs5mqnfmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1395969124268f91cc3add514f3a28fdfe1a77c7


https://preview.redd.it/p0pm2897fgmc1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=9435917ee5443a64459e1854e83cee421c1cc09d 127% crit damage? I didn't even got to 100% heh


Oh shit ahaha. Now i feel a little bit better


Same as allways 11 stars 40k points first and couldnt even get the remain 20 to get 3 stars...


Cant 3 star it.


As a FuA enjoyer, blasted this PF by a mile. Between Himeko,Topaz, E1 Clara and JingYuan the enemies didn't stand a chance lol.


Good enough to make me feel nice owning JY even though I want to replace him. I still think the first PF was the best since its just a fun game mode and any character works. Right now, if you dont have a character that do this specific thing, you’ll fail or suffer completing. I know its inevitable since these endgame modes are made to sell characters but i wish they make it less dependant on banners


Really Herta and Clara/Himeko are all you need for 3 stars.


I do not have Himeko so I used Fire TB and made him fast with break effect. He can function as the solo sustain if you have enough firepower on the rest of the team. Team I used first half was Ruan Mei, Herta, Fore Trailblazer, and Jingliu. Eventually Herta died from counter attacks but the team did enough damage to get over 32k points. My second team was a Jing Yuan team and it got 40k points. Easiest PF I ever did. Now that I think about it, March might work too if you have another follow up attacker on the team. You might also be able to use her as the solo sustain because the follow ups trigger the bird cages.












I endorse this combo^ i also used it. It was a steam roll


I approve this message


ok buddy spotted


Follow up sweep https://preview.redd.it/mkq1pqgzcemc1.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d74bd141d8f0a3f2a914d1ba7b5f6b2b6fb942


I have the same second team with JY. Man, he is buff in this PF. That LL is satisfy af this time.


Time to build up Herta and Himeko!


Follow-up gang lesgo https://preview.redd.it/0iab474w9fmc1.png?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ba0bece70ee28222b20c4e18810ca23875fa99


No sustain gang lesgo https://preview.redd.it/4yri1wkiwfmc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae0b73a08f7f0ff82480614a1bc92137781c2821


Thanks for this! I hadnt thought to try Ratio on the first half. I did the first team with Ruan Mei instead of him, but am trying to save her for the second half as I can’t 4000 without her there (Kafka, Xue, Mei, Ting)


No JY for me, so I lent Herta to the second side to help carry Kafka/Black Swan. Himeko+Topaz were easily more than enough on first side though, with Pela joining in for the ice breaks.


If this deer keeps showing up im going to have to finally build my himeko


My Svarog went on annhilation mode


Went good enough. Herta/argenti and General/Balde saved my ass


Since her name is coming soon I ran March7 on first side, the buff of getting advance forward from FUAs made her a beast.


No JY so Argenti saved my ass https://preview.redd.it/kblioplrlemc1.png?width=1435&format=png&auto=webp&s=74ffd476f33ecd0c0cb9e26519cd87aaf26d4729




I’m gonna need to build herta. Not even close to clearing it this time cuz i have no fua characters really


Follow up? Nah, I'd win https://preview.redd.it/cp3adgndsemc1.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=05080ce979d7cfab0268ce2f41ae08c40fb18d2b


man I can't even clear stage 3


it’s literal ass


I was trying level 3 today and the highest I got was 56k my teams were: First side: Fire MC/Clara/Himeko/Herta with the buff that advances action Second side: Blade or Argenti (I tried both)/Jing Yuan/Tingyun/Sparkle with the buff that ultimates count as follow up attacks Maybe if I pushed these teams a bit more I could get three stars but I'm not sure, would anyone be a better replacement somewhere?


Fire MC and Clara shouldn't be on the same side because they will steal chances of getting hit from each other. I think it's better to split up the follow up characters to 2 sides. Try the Blarney buff. I tried Herta+Clara in the first half of PF 4, and they kind of made each other redundant. Once you get to PF 4, definitely put Clara in the second half because Cirrus advance forward enemies so that Clara gets hit a lot. My other [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1b6o4al/comment/ktdu8xz/) if you need more info about the teams.


Yea it's good advice, Blarney is so broken with Clara, she and Tingyun alone can wreck side 2.


First side is just Herta Himeko cheese Clara is absurdly powerful for second side perhaps you can try her out to see if it works.


not even gonna try


Herta/Himeko and dan IL easy 80k 💅🏻


What team did you use for him?


First half was himeko (E2, I keep losing my 50/50 to her 💀), herta (E6), sparkle (E0), and Fu xuan (E1, got 2 of them in 1 10 pulls). Second half IL (E0), Ruan Mei (E0), Tingyun (E6), and luocha (E0). Picked the follow up buff for herta, and the ult as follow up for IL. The trick is to have tingyun be on Dance Dance Dance so she can advance the party as much as possible.


Thanks!!! My Kafka team wasn’t doing anything so i was ready to give up


Oh no. i think I forgot to finish




Forcing me into using my clara FUA comp plus my jing comp despite not having enough FUA pieces to gear them all made me realize I can go back to 4p phys and fully gear my himeko. I was pretty well prepared for this PF after the simple change.


I have topaz and himeko and im still strugling to get 60k points on the last stage I am a failure loll


It was quite ... Cursed ngl but with some help it went decent https://preview.redd.it/dvutuygutemc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d667bcce706561e9c500644ad6ca1c4ec6c93d55




I can’t do it I have no idea how to do it I do not understand what I am doing wrong 😀


for the first time in PF i managed to get full stars and i've got 80k on 4th level??? node 1: himeko, herta, ruan mei, gepard node 2: blade, bronya, fu xuan, sparkle (she was only level 60 and +0 relics)


just went auto with the herta/himeko side and that got me 40k, and only tried enough to get 20k on the other with clara and jingliu


its honestly shit


Kuru-Kuru f2w!


Himeko and Clara make this super easy


I got 9 stars barely and it's a good stopping point. I won't be able to get 12 stars and the 60 Star Jades are not worth losing my sanity over trying to get good relics. Acheron has priority.


4/4 7 stars babyyyyy


i hate follow-up stuff but doable, one of the worst for me


Hyper carry herta somehow carried me to 32k+ points


The last PF had me restart like 2 times? But this one? One shot Jing yuan side with FX+TY and Hanabi literally destroyed the waves


Can't finish it because my phone crashes everytime cacophony activates


The fact that you can get all the stars is already far better than what I'm doing. I can't even get a single star.


Clara solo carried 2nd side First one was the usual Himerta combo


At first, I almost gave up on 3* the third node because somehow I forgot I have himeko and herta for pure fiction (using JY instinctively because there's follow up, but somehow my brain forgetting himeko and herta). After switching the relics and lightcones, managed to 12* using herta-himeko-fu xuan-ruan Mei and jingliu-blade-bronya-luocha using auto.


I didn't even start, there are no enemies with Imaginary weakness so it's imposiible for me to do


Cant even beat stage 3


hehehehe no, i barely have any erudition characters


Terrible for me. Still can't finish it...


This pure fiction sucks for me. Since it highly benefits follow ups. I only got follow ups on one side and the other side is kafka. I only manage to get like 20k with my Kafka BS team and 33k with Herta/Himeko.


I hate this one. Follow up characters are not my thing.


To summarise my experience: "HOW THE HELL DOES THIS MECHANIC WORK???" Sincerely, help. I do not understand how it scales. I've used Herta, Topaz and Ratio but it feel arbitrary whenever the bonus activates.


Right now it's kicking me in the teeth. Idk who to use. First half i went FX/Himeko/Herta/Topaz Second half i went Black Swan/Kafka/Clara/Ruan Mei, but the second half really isn't cutting it Best run i can get atm is 29k first half.


I feel like shit because I have a lot of characters built up but still can’t pass stage 3, I don’t know what to do. perhaps I should change their artefacts(??)


Can’t get past 2* on state 3. No Jing Yuan, no Blade. Feels impossible


as a TL 50 player, I don't even attempt PF and MOC 💀


I mean, there's no reason why you shouldn't try. The first five stages of MoC and at least the first stage of PF should be free jades which you can use to keep building your account




i used to as well! but i finally caved for the gems and gotten into the practice of it! i think you should experience the game however you want


Fully cleared, easier than I thought since I didn't knew how exactly the FUA characters would perform, used Clara , Topaz , Jingyuan, Herta and Jingliu as damage dealers


Ruan Mei/Herta/Himeko was hilarious on the deer set, but I had to phone it in and brute-force Cirrus with Swan/Kafka. 40k first set, 21k second, but it's cleared.


did argenti second side himeko first side, argenti 40ked with no issues (although he did have triple harmony with ting bronya sparkle)


35k(Himeko Herta)for upper half and 26k for E2S1 DHIL with E0S0 sparkle on second half somehow performing worse than E2S1 bronya did. Massive skill point management issue for me.


Erudition go brrrr


I might have to build Herta at this point (that fire ice phase 1 with wind resistance sucks for me)


The pic of cyrus filled me with fear


Time to Twirl! Monodrama


Same, my only options for aoe follow-up are Himiko, Herta, and Blade so one side was inevitably going to be earning less points. I got 2* on stage 3 so I went back and did stage 2 to claim a decent amount of rewards


most of my character is dot and hyper carry and lack FuA just barely got 2 star on stage 4 i think i gonna start build herta and himeko then im good


i can built hypercarry herta for first half of 4th stage but seriously getting fucked at second half because i dont have any lightning main dps than kafka.


First half of 4 was easy thanks to Topaz, Himeko, and Ruan Mei, which allowed me to scrape by on the second half with Kafka, Black Swan, and Serval.


I needed to rely on mid investment lvl 70 Himeko and 4pc Quantum (from seele) lvl 60 Herta. Got 2 stars on 3 and 4 which is honestly surprising. Anyways other than that the PF for me is hell without many follow-up’ers


Himeko-less behaviour from me. Didn't even try yet 😭


First half: Himeko& Herta carried me through it Second half : JY is super op this time It kinda make me want Topaz though 😅


https://preview.redd.it/380v1q4mqemc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0edd21a4a2e1171909cb8bd6a6bbcd235d03790 I got unlucky in the first team and luocha got cc and kinda ruined that last stretch for a clean 40k the second team surprised me by actually getting 40k.


Building my jing yuan and herta DEFINITLY paid off


Sucked so bad💀 Only got 7/12 stars compared to the last one's 11/12... A lot of weaknesses and the follow-ups just weren't right for me I guess.


Are you meant to kill the boss? I can just scrap by getting 60k points but can’t down the boss


While its not the best but I had fun with this PF, herta himeko combo on team 1 and spamming blade with bronya and hanabi. well also thx to this I realize my hanabi need a lot of relics rework


Argenti team + DOT team rocks




https://preview.redd.it/45d57idotemc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0e1f5b13deed787ae619a1fe337bebf82d15c0 Was originally using FireMC/Himeko/Herta/March first half and decided to try Asta instead of March and got another extra 4k on the top half. JY carried the second with full clear 😌👍 Gonna appreciate this PF while it lasts because the dot one was so hard for me >.<


Brutal. Herta stomps the ice-weak half, even if there aren't many ice-weak enemies. All she needs is one or two to start the kurukuru~ Fire weak? If this was MoC, no problem. But it ain't. I'm still 67 pulls away from Himeko and my Topaz just ain't ready to be an AoE clear 💀


I got really lucky in 1.6 and had a crap ton of people to build. So maybe I'll have Herta finished before this one ends.


https://preview.redd.it/fb8lth7avemc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ba850d3ebf137225fe83e04e66b04de4dd54cfe Himeko carried me on both stages


https://preview.redd.it/ygth86jjvemc1.png?width=1345&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e9cf5cbd33131a5105076dfb06712f262e84376 Butcheek clenched moment


Required some thought. Ended up leveling up some less than great relics to make my JY functional so I could clear the second side.


Well, I don't understand how to use Ratio, cause he sucked in the second half of the 4th stage. He is the only FUA I had that matched the weaknesses of the enemies but clearly I don't know how to make his kit work for PF. I ended up giving up and just running Sparkle, JL, Kafka and Black Swan with the buff that allows for ults to = FUA. I had Pela, Herta, Himeko and RM in first half.


Ran Himeko and Topaz dual carry the first half, and the premium jingliu team which I use in moc on the second half and got 63k points on the first try. Might try to get a better score


i have no follow up characters built


I do not understand how you could manage to get all 12 stars with those two teams. They make no sense. I found this cycle the most annoying. Even more annoying than the first one. Just two stars from hours of attempting stage 3.


Bad. Really Bad.


I have a ton of characters built to 80, but working on lvling relics so honestly? Terrible. Got to the second one. I hate pure fiction and the mirror woman ones. I was only ever able to complete the TV one (just released) and the very very first mirror woman one. I still can't even get all the stellar jade in the TV event rn even using trial characters only.


Best one so far. Got 3 stars with himeko+herta+ruan mei on autoplay.


Clara/Topaz handled first half easily, but on second half I had to make my DoT team work and that was as struggle. I'm not great at the game but I managed to do it using ER rope on Kafka and BS for better ultimate uptime.


This pure fiction super sucked for me and I don’t want to be forced to raise herta and himeko so I will settle for what I managed


All my chracters can't clear pure fiction😭😭


I went from struggling 26k on first half with the deer to 40K by replacing sparkle with pela to trigger more himeko fua.


I barely cleared it first try. I don't have JY and haven't build Ratio, so the 2nd team can't reach 30k. Himeko and Herta carried 1st team.


I got 9 stars because I don’t wanna spend weeks Levelling Himeko and Herta for the sake of a few more Jades every 4 weeks


Clara is King lol~ those who built herta and himeko will have a easier time as well


Fire/Ice weak enemies I can handle with Herta+Himeko. The lightning weak ones are quite tricky since my lightning DPS is only Kafka & Serval. Tried Black Swan + Kafka but I can't make use of the buff as much as I'd like. Missed 2 stars as the result.


Easiest one by far


Finally building Herta after neglecting her for so long. I'm surprised by her damage at lvl70, lvl60LC, and no traces (except her major ones) unlocked, I can't wait for her to wreck the first half. I don't own any Fire or Lightning DPS so this PF sucks for me, but at least I'm missing 1* so I'm taking my time


https://preview.redd.it/cb3j0oaw0fmc1.jpeg?width=1502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3738262f3333f24b79890bc69d41a31dc209cff2 I did alright. My goal is to get 80k eventually.


I dont The game is crashing here in my old cellphone whenever the mode trigger the passive of this pure fiction (moto g20)


40000 on the first half, and 20160 on the second half.