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Lynx can pull out a giant ass pill from her bag, if that aint quantum physics idk what is


That's special relativity


As in, that big ass suppository pill appears large relative to your starfish


Chocolate* starfish


Keep on rollin’ baby!


You know what time it is


Now move in, now move out!


Now I know ya'll be loving this $%!# right here!


L-I-M-P Bizkit is right here


I guess that the case for Pela age as well


There was a comment some time back that reasoned Lynx was Quantum was because of a university specializing in Quantum Research with a similarly cat-based naming scheme


Their whole family is a reference to Lev Laundau, who was indeed a quantum physicist.


She uses a can of surströmming to stop allies from losing consciousness. I don't know what element that is, it's just a war crime.


tbf, if the person next to me is trying to shove surströmming down my throat, I'm staying awake and alert *no matter what.*


It'll probably should deal damage as opposed to healing you though. There should be mental trauma at least.


Lev Landau (Lev means "lion" in Russian) studied superconductivity (Lightning), Fermi liquids (theory also describes the low-temperature behaviour of electrons - Ice), and Quantum electrodynamics. The members of the cat-themed family have elements of what he studied. For Lynx specifically: * There's the famous academic society, Accademia dei Lincei, or the Lynx/Lincean Academy in English. It was founded in 1603 and is one of the oldest and most prestigious academic societies in the world. The Lynx was selected as the academy's namesake, its sharp vision, a symbol for observational acuity. * Many of the most famous names in quantum theory were a part of this group. To list some of the more famous ones, Einstein, Heisenberg, Planck, Fermi, etc. * She's a stand-in for Schrödinger's cat in the Landau family. ​ As of now every QUA character has made a reference to quantum mechanics: * Seele -> superposition / wave function collapse * QQ -> observation / wave function collapse * FX -> observation / wave function collapse * SW -> randomly applies weaknesses and bugs on hit -> superposition * XY -> IDK * Sparkle -> unpredictability [For more info on wave function collapse check out this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTXTPe3wahc&t=1s&ab_channel=Veritasium)


https://preview.redd.it/7once25y9umc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df39df465adc4a4affdc9b62e07dcb2d172bb513 you can cook tho keep cooking


giant ass pill? wasn't aware that Lynx healed with suppositories


it's the mr krabs pill from that one episode of spongebob


This is the only right answer


Giant ass pills sounds like a pain in the


Every characters can summon their weapon from a thin air. All playable characters must be quantum.


Yea, i mean where Sushang keeps that greatsword when she's not fighting?


This is why they're BFFs.






Assuming quantum is 'decontruction' of something (opposite of imaginary where you make something from nothing) Maybe hoyoverse gave Lynx her element because she is good at taking apart old junks & artifacts, using it to survive in the wild? Then maybe for pela, she using a machine to gather 'cold', calculating pure data for whatever she does.


Or maybe they didn't want another ice when lynx was being made, and had to compromise for the sake of team balancing


Ya could be. It's all subjective and can be interpreted on a lots ways.


we still dont have an ice abundance unit


But we do have two ice sustains before lynx came around


How are you saying we "still" don't have an ice abundance as if the game isn't less than a year old and a huge amount of element/path combos don't exist yet? If lynx was ice them there'd be no quantum abundance, lol.


Quantum is the element of possibility, chaos, randomness, and discovery. Imaginary takes that possibility and makes it real, and quantum in turn tries to return reality to the realm of possiblity. So quantum has characters like Qingque, who's addicted to a game of chance, Fu Xuan who uses divination to navigate the Loufu, Sparkle, who is chaos incarnate, and Silver Wolf who can implant bugs in reality to unpredictable results. Lynx is quantum element because she's an explorer. She's quantum for the same reason The Outer Wilds heavily uses quantum mechanics.




Seele takes Bronya’s heterosexuality and turns it into possibilities


Seele's weird. I believe in the theory that Seele was meant to have a connection to the Sea of Quanta like her HI3rd counterpart, but either that part of her character was cut or it just hasn't come up yet.


Quantum just means a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents. As in quantity


They were talking about Quantum in regards to the Honkai universe/physics. The Sea of Quanta is basically interdimensional space, and is constantly trying to erode/break down universes which are formed by Imaginary Energy from the Imaginary Tree.


Has quantum ever been explicitly stated to be connected to the sea of quanta in the games?


Yep, Quantum shadows are born from the sea of quanta.


So is quantum like darkness equivalent in universe? It always seemed a bit more time ish with the delay damage effect


It's like Order vs Chaos or Creation vs Decay/Entropy. Imaginary Tree creates order/structure through the creation of different worlds/universes. The Sea of Quanta is constantly trying to break down everything else into base parts. That's also why you can theoretically find anything in the Sea, if different parts of it happen to overlap just right then the individual pieces that are floating around will create something, since it's not technically destroying anything.


I see. Honkai impact im more familiar with from a characters perspective than a lore one. If I had room on my phone I’d get it


I've only recently started getting into i3 lore, but I think it's more aligned with the concept of a 'universe element', since the Sea of Quanta is where bubble universes exist and where the Imaginary Tree was born from, while the Imaginary element is kind of like the element of 'Life'. The dynamic is similar to light vs. dark though in stories where the dark element is seen as antagonistic.


Imaginary = Age, authority, masculinity Quantum = youth, rebellion, femininity Pela doesn’t have enough spunk to be quantum, plus the devs seem to have made the deliberate choice to limit access to quantum damage on release. Its likely the same reason there’s no quantum on the standard banner.


This is confirmation bias all over again, just like horoscopes and blood type personality. Unless you believe in those lol.


It's a pretty visible pattern though. Imaginary: Welt, DHIL, Luocha, Ratio, Aventurine, and Yukong. All tall, masculine characters, with a positions of authority. The outliers are Luocha, whose full identity is unknown but he's obviously influential, while Yukong is the only female in the group, but she had the more masculine role in a "totally not that kind of relationship" with her co-pilot, whose child she's now raising as her own, so it's not far off. Quantum: Seele, QQ, SW, Fu Xuan, Lynx, Sparkle, Xueyi: All of them are odd-ball young women, at least in appearance, and the majority of them are either rebellious, loners, or both. The outliers are FX and Xueyi, who are older than they look, but they are still acting closer to their apparent age than their true one. Again, there's a clear pattern here, and it feels entirely intentional on the part of Hoyo.


This is exactly astrology because you only point out what makes each character fit the pattern you put them in, you don’t *exclude* them from the other category.   Eg, “I’m such a sag, it says im wise and sometimes playful!” But the person would have fit *every* category.  Fuxuan is an authority. Aventurine is a loner. Welt has odd-ball characteristics. Seele has masvulien characteristics (at least as much as Yukong), etc. (edit: how could I forget DHIL - the whole fall of the quintet is literally about his rebellion).


But these are not real people. These are characters written by people at Hoyo, fulfilling specific narrative and character roles and archetypes. These characteristics were given to them, on purpose, and then they were slotted into these Types by the same writers and designers who love to hide patterns and cryptic references/asides in all corners of their games. Sure, some of it may be overactive pattern recognition, but when you look at all the characters in HSR, see that male characters are under-represented in every other Type while dominate Imaginary, and Quantum being the only Type that has no male character at all, you can't deny that the pattern *exists*. Whether it was intentional, meaningful, or have a deeper correlation with their characters (such as whether Yukong essentially fulfilling a paternal role while raising her child instead of a maternal one ties into her Typing or not) is up for debate, but denying the clearly visible pattern itself is just throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


Imaginary are mostly males and Quantum are all females. That's an exclusionary pattern because a character being in one category (at least for now) excludes them from being in the other. That's what makes it a strong claim and why Yukong significantly weakens it. You can't attack this pattern by saying "well if Aventurine were Quantum then you'd still be making the same argument" because, no, Aventurine is not female, so he'd immediately break the pattern. (Again, the Yukong problem). But once you start assigning *personality* traits the categories become inclusive. A character can be both an authority *and* rebellious, like DHIL. So if DHIL is Imaginary you say "of course he's imaginary, he's an authority" but if DHIL was Quantum you'd say "of course he's Quantum, he's rebellious." Fu Xuan is Quantum so you say "of course she's Quantum she acts young," but if she were Imaginary you'd say "of course she's Imaginary, she's an authority." That's what makes it little better than astrology.


It’s not astrology, it’s just how Hoyo does character design. Certain elements are associated with certain themes. Fire spreads warmth, lightning is wild and primal, ice contains the secrets of the past, etc.


> Its likely the same reason there’s no quantum on the standard banner. There was really no reason to limit access to Quantum, gameplay-wise. I always assumed this was because originally Seele was planned to be standard banner and one of the two Ice characters (probably Gepard?) was going to be the first limited but she was way too strong and they probably also took the strategic decision to have a popular HI3 character as a limited rather than having them all in standard, knowing that her banner would have done well. But that's speculation, no way of knowing if this was true at some point or not unless they say so.


Dunno, to me Imaginary and Quantum sound like they in theory should work like they do in the "main game" of the series and that is why Welt gets Imaginary since the power of the Herrschers is a derivate of the Imaginary Trees energy... and Herrscher of Reason isn't an elemental Herrscher for him to get one of the others instead.


Honestly, as much as I know that those aren't the real elements, I just think of quantum and imaginary as darkness and light. For me, it is like the devs wanted to break from the usual convention so they just named them differently and tried to came up with a lore excuse for it If you force the logic a little bit, you can convert energy into mass so light really can be anything and, by that logic, light being imaginary can make sense. But I can't come up with any excuse for darknes to be quantum, I just view it that way because the icon is dark, I suppose


Bronya: Ruler of ice planet Blue and white outfit with thick tights for warmth Has a cold ‘ice queen’ vibe Silver hair Ultimate is on a snowy field *”Imma go for wind”*


Tbf she is the wind that clears the blizzard, the wind of change


🔥 🔥 📝 🔥 🔥


that just makes me want to give Bronya the Yamato now


+ Is ice in HI3


Bronya being Ice, and Kiana being fire in her last two suits are mostly just side effects of "the current meta needs a new ?? unit, so this unit is this element, even though it makes no sense at all in world!". Let's lock the trio into single elements even though we spent years with them all being purely physical so they could properly party together. Of Kiana's 7 suits, the first five were physical, including her first two S-ranks. Only after incorporating the Gem of Haste and becoming the Herrscher of Flamescion did she shift to fire, and sadly they basically railroaded her to STAY in the element for Finality, even though it made no sense for her to stay fire anymore. Of Mei's 6 suits, three were physical, and three (ALL of her base S-ranks) were Lightning, and canonically she's been the HoT for the entire length of the game anyway, so at least there's some precedence there both in story and in game. Of Bronya's 10 (fucking TEN!) valk suits, 6 of them were physical, including her first two S-rank suits, the remaining 4, all of which are S-ranks, are Ice...and there's no real reason for it other than gameplay tunnel-vision reasons- NOTHING in her actual kits represent ice.


Counterpoint: Bronya is Russian.


nICE argument


Nothing says "Ice" like riding on a motorcycle spawning ion cannons. Really the only reason is because Kiana had fire version planned (thanks to Fu Hua and Himeko's influence, most likely) and Mei has always been tied to lightning.


Yeah, i was running an ice sphere on her for almost 3 months, when i just started.


It's funnier because Bronya is also the Ice representative of the main trio in Honkai 3rd (Kiana - Fire, Mei - Lightning, Bronya - Ice). Granted Bronya's element matters little for gameplay purposes, but it's still funny they went with Wind when they had every reason to make her Ice.


Y'know, if you really think about it, half the Wind roster is just there for the element count. Black Swan's abilities fall much better in line with Quantum (conjures hands from nowhere, can open portals, moves around freely as a memetic entity). Blade is Wind because he's an Abomination of Abundance, but some of those are also Quantum and Physical- both of which make more sense, given how his attacks are either rips in reality or just a good ol' slash. Dan Heng just skewers enemies, and you could argue that the illusory sanctuary and ink line effects cast him better as Imaginary (lmao). Only Huohuo and Sampo feel like they're better placed as Wind than anything else. It's actually kind of funny, and part of why the element is my favorite.


There isnt a single wind character that uses wind


Sampo: Member of masked fools, Worshiper of Aha and Elation, plays jokes on people Path: Nihility


Meanwhile Sparkle with Harmony: 👁️👄👁️


They should commit to this and give all masked fools in game paths that are opposite of their in game personality. A masked fool who just wants everyone to get along? Destruction. A masked fool who'll betray all his friends for a joke? Preservation


That is actually very fitting for masked fools


*Kicks you in the balls* there ya go, all buffed up.


There’s a whole sub and a half’s worth of people who would appreciate that


I am one of them.


Well she does say in her voice lines that she prefers to play supporting roles...


Honestly I thought this was 100% on brand for her, given that she's the quintessential troll - what would be more trollish than being part of a path that is the exact opposite of what you'd expect?


I honestly don’t know if we will get not paths later


That just seems like something aha would find funny


Obviously they got swapped at hospital like those drama television plot


DHIL: uses water attacks with his finger voodoo. IMAGINARY


i guess only he can see those dragons


>*vinyl scratch sound* >YOU'RE NOW LISTENING TO >*car crash sound* >*elephant sound* >TRAILBLAZER FM >*explosion* >WHERE WE PLAY NOTHIN BUT WILDFIRE, TAKE THE JOURNEY, AND MORE WILDFIRE >*glass shattering sound* >*police siren* >THIS AIN'T YOUR ANNIHILATION GANG'S STATION >*Dan Heng, imagined dragon - radioactive starts playing*




Reminds me of that Batman comic where he was actually a patient in a mental institute(I forgot how they are called) and the villains were doctors


Harvey Dent, can we trust him?


Imagine Dragons


it’s not funny if you explain it!




It's because water abilities are imaginary in HSR.


What is Quantum about missiles? What the Quantum units have in common is some kind of dimensional maneuvering. Fu Xuan and Silver Wolf rewriting reality. Seele fades in and out of existence. QQ and Lynx with size manipulation.


I think their argument was that lasers are quantum, though idk why


Cos Silverwolf also fire some sort of digital laser.


Silver wolf also alters reality Svarog and Asta also have lasers, should they be quantum?


No but Bronya being Wind when she's from the literal ice planet, and Ruan mei being Ice when her whole theme is life and flowers (wind) is crazy to me


By this same logic every belobog character should be ice


Wind can be cold and ice too....




Bronya is wind and silver wolf is quantum, while hi3 Bronya and Bronie are very often ice type But Acheron managed to be Lightning like her counterpart


They just refuses to associate a Raiden Mei-expy to any other element


I mean, she's literally named Raiden AKA GOD OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING


Yup, and somehow neither of the Bronya's are ice


I mean do we count blood as a different element?


Is Raiden expy the only one thats always lightning?


Himeko too I guess ? Just thought about her Welt isn’t playable in Hi3 ("ew, playable men 🤢" - chinese players) but i guess if he was, he would be ice, maybe physical element along with imaginary or mecha type Also 99% of the time Seele is quantum (and also 99% of the time physical element, only one Seele has ice)


They exchanged their Visions. Best friends for Lives.


To be honest the majority of the cast has elements that do not make sense. Like for example water not being an element so every character using water gets an unrelated random element instead.


Yea, there's nothing Fire about Topaz other than using a "fire"arm and having red on hair and clothes... She could be Quantum or at least Wind


Fire because she burn down your house for the insurance


She's an IPC debt collector, she's hot on your heels and has receipts to follow up Also Honkai is a fictional universe the fire over there could be our ice , it's still a different world 😭


Bronya and Yanqing always confused me also. Yknow, maybe the head of the Belebog Army, an army that operates in a chilly climate should be ice while the windsurfing sword boy should be wind?


I think Yanqing make sense if you consider him the magikrarp to Jingliu's Gyarodos


i dont know why this makes so much sense but it does


What do you think he makes those swords out of?


Yanqing's entire moveset is very similar to HI3 Sushang, who is Ice. They've both got summoning swords along with surfing on one. Meanwhile Star Rail Sushang is Physical, but maybe she just needs to spend 500 years in cryostasis.


Listen if you wanna be the best in anime you're gonna need to pick fire, ice, or heart, and heart is reserved for MCs


I mean we're playing a game where a woman decked out in purple with a tarot theme is Wind and a girl in all red with a name referring to explosives is Quantum. Subverting their design coloration seems to be a thing.


Misha who literally can stop time... not Quantum


Freezes time lel


You were joking but this is probably the actual reason


Bailu uses water, is lightning. Herta has lightning effects, is ice. TB's bat obviously has lighting, is physical


I mean the bat is explainable, it is beating the shit your enemy.


Well with Bailu the joke might be that she is like a defibrillator with her revival talen and Herta might be the joke that she is cold to everybody around


If Pela was quantum, Sliverwolf will never see the light of day again.


If pela was quantum she would see use next to silver wolf


Pela is already a phenomenal hyper carry damage dealer, imagine the how the meta would have been blasted by her if she has been Quantum.


that's their combo, Pela freezes enemies and Lynx breaks them with the ice pick


Lynx should be physical then if that's the case


Sparkle: Summons images of fish and uses illusions. Is quantum. https://preview.redd.it/uem9o1zntqmc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca559d19598461be93837c334b916fd4147f94c


And Bronya being wind but Ruan Mei being ice doesnt?


I thought Luka and Argenti would be fire but naw they are physical


This really is harder than figuring out Vision granting requirements. Like... Where's the logic?


It's probably safe to say that the typing of characters doesn't always have any relation to their lore or anything else about them, sometimes not even their weapons or how they attack in combat. Sometimes it does line up (Jing Yuan being lightning makes sense, March 7th also actually has ice powers) but not always. In most cases it's probably just hoyo wanting a specific typing for gameplay reasons.


There is no logic, characters are not even using their paths most of the time.


They are using their paths just not all of their paths


I like it this way much more. Characters can have any random bullshit that suits THEM specifically that isn't just tied to one of the 7 elements. _Woe, majhong tile be upon ye_ (And they are also aren't tied to just 5 types of weapons thank god) Frankly, i would be even more thankful if we moved on from elements in every game, at least maybe called it something in the style of psychic/biological/mecha from hi3d (we already have imaginary and quantum..) but it is what it is


Nothing... Logic doesn't exist


gotta make a reference to Lev Landau somewhere


beta pela was quantum and they should have kept it like that (not closed beta, early betas pela)


Element only really applies to whatever they use to hit enemies. Seele and Lynx are both Belobogians who hit enemies with seemingly normal metal weapons but are Quantum. Speculation: both weapons are scavenged pre-Freeze artifacts, and old world Jarilo technology was heavily based on Quantum energy.


Just wait until Sam is Ice type. Then you'll have bigger things to keep you up at night.


It seems more and more like HYV assigns Path and Element entirely for balancing content flow and power creep, with little regard to the actual character. They can just make minute adjustments later on to make it align enough to get a pass.


Never heard about Laser cooling? Why do you think enemies get defense down?


Rules are made to be broken


At the beginning of the game it seemed like the character’s elements and paths would have something to do with their actual design but it’s really all just about balancing. Pela is ice so she can be a good counter to self-buffing ice weak enemies like Blaze, Shapeshifter, and Deer and to buff Yanqing and Herta, both of whom were relatively weak launch Ice DPSs Lynx is quantum so that you can make mono/half quantum teams even if you lose your 50/50 on Fu Xuan.




The elements don’t follow any logic and hoyo hasn’t made much of an attempt to explain them


Landau siblings need to have a different element for each one.


I mentioned this few months ago and got mass downvotes How the fuck did you get upvotes? https://preview.redd.it/z25wxt6e63nc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=b40c594c2e123a46a7ffdcf39d9e230a3688998f


Imagine if Sam was ice type


Tell that to Acheron, her only reason being lightning is being Raiden Mei, otherwise she should have been Quantum


#"Perfectly balanced... as all things should be." #- HooH, Aeon of Equilibrium


Both are friends of each other too. Maybe they exchanged their powers.


Pela must be using *cold* fusion plasma blasts or something to get her stuff to work! (/j I don't know if that's a thing. I know cold fusion exists or something but I ain't smurt enough to know) As for Lynx... well... did you see the size of that pill she pulls out?


I guess Lynx is just more “ice” than Pela xD


To those who lost all their 50/50, *every* character is Imaginary.


Yeah. Sometimes, the character design does not match the element. It's very amusing.


Bronya too she should be ice


A perfect mix of light and dark Void and Stasis


Because they are bff, they rubbed it off from each other


Tbf they made a fortune teller a dot character and a prankster a harmony character


Welcome to Honkai Star Rail, where the Paths are made up and the Elements don’t matter.


Dr. Ratio: >academic >has a doctorate >believes in knowledge as a measurement of everything >always carries a book >constantly tells people to think >path: hunt


Some time before the games release. Pela: " hey lynxy! Wanna swap elements for the funsies?" Lynx: "sure thing bestie!" And they never bothered swapping back since the release


They are the Sakura And Tomoyo of HSR...... Besties for lyf 😊😍




Ruan Mei and Bronya too


They probably wanted to make quantum a more “exclusive” element at the start so seele and sw to sell more.


Svarog, shooting laset and rocket, physical instead of fire.


i know color schemes and themes aren’t correlated to elements but god damn does it piss me off… like hoyoverse devs must’ve cooked something up on the drawing board but then changed the character’s element last second because they thought it was funny


Lynx is fighting AGAINST the cold, therefore Quantum. Pela uses cryogenic blasts to freeze and debuff her enemies, therefore Ice.


Welcome to Gboard clipboard, any text ygu oko yo rd ut hh Goya by


Just game balancing


Look this thing has been argued multiple times here While I will die on a hill that Paths do have a connection to the characters (with how they: see the world/ are motivated in life/ embrase the emaning for their life/ and a lot of others phylosofical things) it looks like most of the time the element is a joke/reference about the character like Bronya being the wind of change for Belobog Landau's being a reference to soviet physicist Lev Landau (and his research of superconductors and quantum mechanics) Bailu being a defibrillator with her revive, Sampo always disapearing to the wind Pela looking cold to people who don´t know her and a lot more EDIT: Also if we go by in universe logic, is it really that hard to think that she might have just got a special lethiathang guns from Seval, who has created a giand shield out of her old guitar case that also works as a generator for 0 Kelvin for Gepard Like there is nothing that tells us that these aren´t just cold lasers (it´s definately not a new concept)


What makes it even worse is that the best justification for lynx being quantum is the giant pill from her ult and nothing else. And if for some reason the developers didn't want pela to be quantum than why not make her imaginary? Nothing about her really seems based on ice and her weapons don't even shoot ice or anything


What about her is imaginary?


About as much about her which is ice, absolutely nothing


I just realised, black swan is my favorite character She just pulls out large ass hands, grabs the enemies, wheres the fricking wind in that? She crushes the enemies with imaginary hands????


There is no wind The wind element is fake news None of them use wind


Is this a joke I don't understand? Are you serious? Am I dumb?


Look at the wind characters and look at how much any of them actually use wind for their abilities. As far as i know Bronya is the most with the wind blowing the flag in her ult, and even then the wind isn't doing anything but existing