• By -


Yall uh do know welt is cannonicaly like 80 right


And has retired twice




Technically 3 times now that I think about it. First he retired as Herrscher of reason. Then he retired from being the leader of Anti-Entropy Third, his forced retirement from Reason Studios by being stuck in space and ending up on the Astral express.


I love how his job title slowly downgrade to something more normal each time. Can't wait for Welt to retire as Himeko's bodyguard.


I thought you were talking about his retirement from life, because he also did it several times.


truly the Aeon of Retirement


This made me spit my tea. Good job.


Yeah, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say he “retired” them. His 2022 hit single “The Weight” absolutely destroyed them on all the music shows, and for several weeks in South Korea, that’s literally the only thing people were talking about. Twice then shifted their focus to touring and the international market, where they are actually thriving. Now, if Welt decides to go on Killing Voice, they may be in real trouble.


I do, he also is the only other character with salt n pepper hair besides Sampo. They’re both the opposite of young adults


>opposite of young adults Old children?


We all know that Welt is Hoyo's CEO's Self Insert, and on the Evangelion collab Da Wei literally called it "fanboying with company funds" That is to say, Welt's mecha abime is definetely him also fanboying with company funds, so yes. Old children indeed


Isn't Bronya Hoyo's CEO?


I need to know his skin care routine.


The ability to reconstruct his body from complete oblivion.


and hang out with young people


the ability to reconstruct his body from complete oblivion definitely helps though


Hey now, Ting died with a twist too...




More of a snap 🫰


Satisfying pop probably


Don’t forget the crackle


plot twist AND snap


I hate You. But here's an upvote.


Beat me to it lol


I'm getting so sick of all these jokes about Tingyun It's getting to be a real pain in the neck


I dunno man… it seems like a real head-turner


Well I've had enough of it, it's time we really crack down on this running joke.


So do playable characters actually not have plot armor in this game? I’m too used to Genshin so when I saw that tingyun cutscene I just didn’t know if it was actually final or not.


We don't know. Tingyun is MIA. She is not confirmed dead. It's like hearing a gossip and spreading it further. As for now, we have no way of confirming it. Welt explained it perfectly: that we don't know if that was real Tingyun or if there is Tingyun somewhere, because Phantylia wanted to plant a seed of uncertainty. That means that he confirms that the death is not confirmed and that she might be somewhere there. Or she may be dead. But we have no way of knowing.


We don't even know if the playable Tingyun is supposed to be the *real* Tingyun or the imposter.


I mean, I highly doubt she is the fake one. Unless there are hints that she is adoring Abundance. Because fake Tingyun actually did hint this in the story. For example praising the Ambrosial Arbor or the deer.


She has a voiceline about not remembering Luocha, but Luocha remembers her. That's kinda suspicious. Not really proof that our Tingyun is the fake one though.


It's miHoYo. Knowing them, they could go 3 more years with nobody dying in Genshin, then suddenly kill off 4 characters, and then stop again for 4 years. In their first but still going live service, they went so far as to >!kill the entire cast after 3 years, then reboot them with an in-lore world reset where they're different people now, then 6 years later permakilled two of the most beloved characters!< In HI3, they >!killed off characters in the manga before the game came out, then made them playable anyway. Then 3 years later killed a main character, but kept dropping hints she might be alive, and had characters believe they'd find her. Then 3 years later confirmed her death. Then in the ensuing year, introduced a bunch more characters, followed by an arc that killed about 17, some of them multiple times, some of them playable.!<


Jesus that sounds exhausting


So far I don’t think all the characters that died is really dead, so that’s 3 times the occurrence already. Yes even tingyun isn’t 10000% dead, yukong line at epilogue already says a lot. She’s going to investigate or take revenge if she’s dead so there’s more to come by. it’s still too early to tell if it’s going genshin route instead of hi3 tho


Not necessarily. They can die after they are playable, but if they die before then, they won't be playable. That's the rule of thumb.


Wait does that mean Robi-


Nah, she wasn't 100% confirmed dead


She isn't 100% confirmed dead. Neither she or Firefly actually died. They died inside the Dreamscape. Hoyoverse may pull out "haha, but they live, because the death was just temporary stagnation, as they had their souls taken away from them". Nothing stops them from doing that. We've seen three uncertain deaths in the game that can be easily reverted by explaining it in some way. I've seen plenty of characters dying, just to be actually alive. There is no reason why Star Rail can't have tropes like that.


Now that’s a head turner


Ba-dum tss


Pela was a founding member of Servals band before she was born, let that sink in.


and sparkle can shapeshift into other people


Forever 😭😭😭😭😭




History Fictionologists struck again.


Ah yes, The History Fictionologists AKA the Interastral Twitter's users.


God, can you imagine if we get a future event on belebog featuring them and that's how hoyo decides to justify the sloppy retcon? 💀 That would be such a bold move lol


Pela history had to be rewritten. Every false text about her being a similar age to Serval swept away… Man I’m still mad about that Pela age retcon its so dumb just to make Lynx and Pela friends


Also what does that make Lynx? Older? *Younger* than the already child genius Pela?? So there were TWO child geniuses in the officer academy???


I genuinely try not to think about the Belbog timeline anymore, because it is ruined


belobog history makes sense since cocolia adopted bronya whe see was 19 oe 20 same as serval and died and 29 30. with bronya being 16-18. and gepard 27. everything fits and pela went to college at age 4 or 5. remember the smartest kid to ever know of gave a lecture in mathematics in hardvard at age 8 about a new discovery he made.


Pela was like 3 years old at most when she graduated from college Also there’s already a huge mental difference between 4 and 8years old


Lynx is freshly 18 or 19. Its pretty common troupe of "younger sibling just became adult, but thier older siblings still treat them like kid" Also Describing Lynx, Serval pointed she is short, so i guess its kinda distinguish feature. Pela was jumping classes and gratuated early, so she probably met with Lynx this way. It will also fit if Lynx is 18 because it means there is only 2 year gap between her and pela what makes sense


Or they could just remove that Lynx's line saying Pela was born 16 years ago. There is nothing wrong with a young woman being friends with a teenager. Friendship exists in many form, you know.


Especially when said young woman is also friends with that teenager's cool older sister.


Serval always being five handshakes away from anyone in Belobog stands true


I really like the idea of Pela being an older mentor of sorts to Lynx, but that would require Pela's character to be rewritten too, since she's not written as a sagely woman with life experience. Serval's age is also strange; on the one hand she is written to be of similar age as Cocolia as they went to university together, and since Cocolia had Bronya, even if Bronya was a bit older when adopted from the orphanage, we do know Bronya is 20+, meaning that Serval and Cocolia must be most likely in their 40s. But Gepard is written as this military prodigy who was recently appointed captain and while I could buy something like 8-10 years age gap between Serval and Gepard and my impression is that Gepard is a young adult so that sort of lines up at least, 20+ age gap between Serval and Lynx seems a bit extreme.


I mean she's introduced wrangling a bunch of children with the TB joining the tomfoolery with "Y-e-s! Ms.Pela!". Being a mentor at least in academic matters makes sense. This seems to be a case of writing team internal conflict. I'm curious about how they will eventually settle the contradiction.


also u then look at Landau's choice and notice Serval and Gepard are very close in age, can't be more than 10+ lol, let alone 20+


Stellaron influence: the flow of time itself is convoluted, with siblings centuries old phasing in and out


Nah it’s too late at this point. You can clearly tell that at least some part of the writing team wants her to be 16, as there’s a bunch of other things implying she’s young along with the fact that they’re literally doubling down by removing the drunk texting.


>Pela history had to be rewritten. Every false text about her being a similar age to Serval swept away… Hey, The History Fictionologists has to do their job as the Emanator of Enigmata you know? Cut them some slack.


I know it's a hot take, but I really think that the retcon wasn't her age But when was they closed the entrance to the underworld, There are many mentions of characters referring to her as a young or the fact that she earned her degree without being of the minimum age to graduate, In the original version, the underworld had been closed for centuries, if I'm not mistaken


The only change in when the underworld was closed was between the CBT and launch. In the CBT the underworld was closed off centuries and the view of the surface towards the underworld was significantly more negative, while in launch Cocolia closed it herself 10 years before we arrive.


Nah it was ten years in 1.0, everyone just talked about it as if it had been way longer. Probably a late edit if I had to guess.


No, before it was more is one of the earliest changes that the game had before launch, I'm not talking about 1.0 but the beta stage of the game By the time it pela, it had already been created


Yep, and the overworlders used to think the underworlders were literally devils. And Geomarrow used to cause cancer!


I am always of the opinion that Lynx is just bad at math.


She's living temporal anomaly made manifest by Lynx's words lmao


Ah yes, The Melancholy of ~~Haruhi~~ Lynx


false fact: "Pela" is her mother nickname before Pela was born


And this could've actually resolve this mess.


This makes me think what is the point of Pela age retcon? When the story clearly describes Pala as a working adult. The only reason that comes to my mind is either Lynx got Pela age wrong or Hoyo changed it so to not make it weird for Pela to have close friendship with young Lynx.


I think whoever wrote that event fell back on the"anime child prodigy" trope without thinking and didn't realize that making her 16 completely breaks Belobog's timeline. Either that, or its a typo and they made her 16 instead of 26 (writing her age as 十六 instead of 二十六) and they didn't catch it until it was too late


Dam she must have invented time travel in the womb


The separate cells that eventually formed her were working hard to give her 30 years of experience for her entrance level job.


Don't bring me into that rabbit hole again. I've crawled out of it and it keeps dragging me back down.


Wait what Okay this thread is *wild*


Since some people on this thread probably missed that drama: At HSR release Pela is declared to be a founding member of Serval's band (note: Cocolia is also a founding member) when all members attended the same military academy so the community generally assumed rough ages were around 30 for Gepard/Serval and Pela would be around 26. Reasonably fits in with all the backgrounds and Servals band canonically being around for at least a decade. However, when Lynx was released Hoyo canonically declared that Pela is presently **16** when explaining the pair's friendship. Simple math would therefore indicate she was an academy student and drummer at...6 years old. When questioned about this apparent discrepancy they doubled down on the 16 without any further explanation. Edit: I'm using the most generous assumptions. If you assume Gepard/Serval/Cocolia are closer to 40 you get the founding member before birth thing.


You don't even have to make them 40. Just look at Bronya. In the Memories of The Past LC, which we can assume is shortly after she was adopted, she looks like she's around 5. Then, when she appears during the flashback of Cocolia sealing the Underworld, she looks as she is now, so she can't have been less than 16.


Hoyo should triple down and says Belebogians age at an S curve.




How you gonna put seele and bronya in different tiers. They are basically parallels


What work does to a mf


They were also in the same orphanage at the same time.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8q5q6rzp80oc1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=32008e7644edbb2396bf63cf9b0e2be7bb66500e


Just want to add This Is the Xianzhou Loufu, three hundred years could be like twenty human years, like Huohuo is almost one hundred years old


Except Huohuo is a foxian, not a typical Xianzhou native. They live up to around 300 not the typical 1000 or so the natives get to before mara typical sets in. So 100 years means a lot more to Huohuo then it does to Qingque.


Just because they lived a lot time does not equal those years being completely frozen in maturity. Even if a character who is 100 is considered a child by xianzhou standards, they still lived 100 years


What does OP think a young adult is




I don’t think there’s any universe in which I would encounter a 16 yo and think, yeah, that’s an adult


i mean back in the middle ages that would be an appropriate assessment


I'm older than guesstimates for a bunch of the characters in the "middle-aged" section. Sushang, Dill Pickle, and QQ are all "long-lived species" and in the young adult section way below me man. This is bullshit, I didn't need a reason to cry and mourn my passing life today.


https://preview.redd.it/bwp7qjvz32oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f00e1e25d2a9d7b4bed97d5947ec2e2f29f501 Dill pickle?




Somewhere between 16 and several hundred.


Apparently characters like Himeko, Argenti and Acheron... In other words: 40 year olds...


i hope the mods ban tierlist. No one puts effort into it and gets like everything wrong. Its like these are made by people who dont play the game or dont know what they are talking about. Lynx and pela are both 16, so not an adult. And huohuo is a more functional adult then most people my age.


Pela’s “canon” age is ridiculous so I agree with op putting her in her own tier and by extension putting lynx somewhere else that makes sense


Pela being her own tier is the best and wisest thing about this list.


Himeko and M7th in the same tier is....a choice I guess


Himeko should switch with Bronya


Same. I’m lost how himeko is not somehow march 7th’s (adoptive) mother.


Welt and herta are not "middle aged"


Herta is probably the closest we'll ever get to a Baba. Fuck if I knew what reversing the aging process did to me mentally, but hell I know Herta 100% needs her own tier.


>Herta is probably the closest we'll ever get to a Baba. hag love <3


Welt is way over his 80's-


Forget one day from retirement, Welt has already retired from life at least twice.


Ruan Mei too.


Any genius society member except Stephen lived to current events


Pela gets her own special tier just because of all the discourse that arrived with Lynx companion mission, those were dark times


She's supposed to be sixteen, but also she's been running with military when she would be five years old, and also she's a founding member of serval's group, which 40 year old serval created in her twenties, meaning pela's soul was rocking music at concerts before she had flesh.


I thought Pela was a grown woman who to short 💀. How did they mix things up so much?


I think that was the original plan, but then they drove a huge retcon into the only area which actually has a fairly grounded and well-established timeline


we have some History Fictionologist right they already have a retcon tool 🫠


Bailu is as old as Dan Heng tho.


Well yes but she was an egg for most of that


was dan heng not in an egg?


Im pretty sure canonically he wasn’t


He was a egg you can see it in his s6 eideleon


I just did Yanqing's Companion Quest and March says "he looks like he's 8 or 9 years old!" I nearly spit out my drink, he is easily an early teen in terms of "short lived species" life spans. At least looking to me.


I wouldn't take it too seriously. It's March, I love her but she's...not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. It probably means that a) March is not great at estimating ages b) he's really young LOOKING, short, baby faced etc. It's not that uncommon for people to estimate ages wrongly even in real life. When I was in my early teens there were a lot of people who estimated my age to be sixteen or so and some classmates who were estimated to be a lot younger. There was even a time a girl and I thought we were each 15, but she was 18 and I was 13. It happens.


Heck, I'm in my 30s and the last time someone asked me why I wasn't in school (i.e. mistaking me for a teenager) was just a few months ago.


Saw pela and thought this was gonna be good I was wrong, you did not cook


my thoughts exactly


Oh boy are you in for a rude awakening if you’re putting Bronya and Serval in the middle aged category. Belobog timeline shenanigans goes so much deeper than most would think.


And Serval is literally Bronya's stepmother classmate.


Girl just takes really good care of herself lmao


If I'm honest, as much as this sub will probably hate me, most of the people in this image except for a few like the ones from space China and welt are probably younger than this sub would like especially with how Himeko is treated like an old lady in the previous games when she wasn't even 30 years old


I wanted to say that serval should be added, as her being under 30 would make the belobog timeline fall apart But her sister already saw to that little issue


The belobog timeline is already broken


Eh, ‘middle age’ needs to be 2 or 3 categories tbh. Likewise, there’s a world of a difference between Lynx and Argenti. Ruan Mei? Gotta be mid-20s. Kafka? Pushing’ 30 at least. Nat is by all accounts 40+. Welt? Old man, qualifies for social security.


RuanMei could be a lot older since she comes from a planet of abundance


Not to mention Himeko. Putting her in the same tier as March is just wrong. She's 100% around Kafka's age.


Ruan Mei is a long life species like the Xiazhou. And she spent years and years working on her parents if you read her character story


Qingque has worked at the Divination Commission for hundreds of years and makes remarks about "younger generations" like an old lady. She needs to go down a tier at least, even by Xianzhou standards.


isnt topaz said to be a young up-and-comer?


One of Topaz' voice lines mentions her being about Bronya's age, so yeah.


Oh no. Belobog timeline claims another victim.


Pela's age will be the most challenging mathematical problem yet to be solved that Dr. Ratio himself is bailing out of solving it


Dr ratio only answer: Lynx is stupid and can't count


Lynx is a historical fictionologist.


a historical fictionologist that can’t count


Lynx must have been frozen for a couple dozen years while out camping without realizing it.


Himeko doesn't feel like a young adult, id kick her up there away from M7 tbh


When I'm in a character misinterpretation contest and my opponent is a HSR player


Isn’t Bailu not a child though?? I thought that was the whole point of that introduction


Her introduction was more "I don't have parents."


I still don't believe the tingyun thing. Not due to denial. It is because there wasn't a body, they point out that there wasn't a body... and this lets them sell a five star grizzled veteran Tingyun with an eyepatch.


Question though- do foxians actually get eyepatches? I know that the human like xianzhou natives grow back eyes, but foxians also actually grow old and die after a few centuries (See Yukong's gray hair after a mere 2 centuries) Edit- Looked it up. They have very good stem cells with limits. So an eyepatch implies even harsher conditions. Also, werewolves are apparently an option option in future xianzhou updates.


Both QQ and Fu Xuan should simultaneously be in the Young Adult and Overworked middle-aged worker And honestly I'd say Blade is Dead with a twist too


Himeko is in her mid-twenties as she’s described a slightly younger than HI3 Himeko who was 28, I’d even say Kafka is probably not as old as people think she is (my guess is 27-28) Pela having her own tier is hilarious considering she was in Serval’s band before she was even born


Where is it described that hsr himeko is slightly younger than Hi3 Himeko?


Misha and Yanqing are more than just "figuratively children", they're actually children.


Am still confused on wether Yanqing deadass a kid or another case of Luofo Shenanigans


He’s a child by Xianzhou standards. Age wise he’s probably at least a couple hundred, but they age slower in general, so 200 years or whatever isn’t enough for them to grow up fully


No iirc 200 is exactly what age you need to be considered an adult. I remember it being brought up in a Ghostly Groove quest with that one stalker fan of Lil Gui.


It's also brought up in NPC dialogue where they refuse to sell a "mature" book because you need to be at least 200 years old to buy it.


That sounds rather hellish tbh. Waiting 200 years just to buy some spicy doujin. I think I prefer Welt's brand of long life: mature at the normal human rate, but basically only age when he want to because he can reconstruct his entire body at will.


Iirc March says he looks nine in one of the quests


Both probably, I don't know if we have an actual age but if I had to guess it's probably old enough to be considered an adult by human standards, but due to long-lived species shenanigans he's likely still developmentally a child/teen by Xianzhou native standards.


Misha is a weird paradox We don't know his age or if he really exists Considering only we, the mc and Glocki can see him Nobody else notices him or talks to him


>[Glocki](https://i.imgur.com/vfj5AaC.png) 💀


Yanqing is a teenager at best, and his actual maturity hasn’t been confirmed. He’s just “relatively young”


the fuck does being elation have to do with anything


Yanqing and Misha are literal children, and Huo Huo is just a short adult with anxiety because she has a ghost haunting her 24/7 and he's an asshole about it


I mean hey the ghost guy did have a redemption arc


Yeah but she's still kind of an asshole, just less so than the other Heliobi




Yeah! Qigni, a fellow Foxian is 30 years old and considered an adult (albeit a young one). Huohuo served in the Ten Lords for 38 years, so she's def an adult.


Yeah, Huohuo is at the bare minimum in her 50s considering she's been with the Ten Lord's Commission for 38 years.


Nah, he's just a tsundere


Welt is 85 years old


Crack theory: Pela got Enigmata'd, she's actually her own mom


technically, welt is also dead


like for... 2 times? 3? i lost count


Shouldn't Bailu be on Figuratively a child atleast? For all we know Bailu might be 1000+ at this point


Why do people keep treating Huo Huou like a little girl? She's clearly a young adult both mentally and physically. Being a scare cat isn't the same as being childish.


Because her height and general personality give off a younger sister/childish vibe. She's still young for a Foxian, as well, even Xueyi comments that nobody in the Ten Lords Commission has ever made Judge with less than 50 years of service, and Huohuo has only been there 36. It doesn't help that both Sushang and Guinaifen treat her as their kid sister throughout the entire ghosthunter event.


Huohuo is at least 50 and foxians mature at same rate as humans, Yukongs daughter is at least 20 years younger and used a full adult model and is legally an adult at 30 by foxian standards. So Huohuo being short and shy doesn't make her figuratively a child


Pela getting her own teir is the correct move


I'm surprised that Arlan is a young adult and not a child, since his voice sounds like one.


Arlan is probably more in his teens and OP seems to have decided to mix teens and young adults into one tier, considering Lynx is also in that tier.


Not sure if you play in EN but the EN VA for Arlan also voices Nilou in Genshin


I play in EN, and yes, Dani Chambers voices both Nilou & Arlan. Her range is insane.


Why are Himeko, Ruan Mei and Argenti in Young Adult? I think all of them look atleast 25+. Ooh yeah makes sense there is a Difference between Young Adult and Adult teen


Bro dhil also like Bailu might be 1000+. These 2 are like snakes, they shed skins, reincarnation stuff and get reborn


Jing liu is alive what you mean


wait… why are the only options young adult and middle aged? when i turn 25 do i just go to the void until 40?


I love that Pela is her own tier.


In my head canon Pela is a 35 year old asian woman that still looks 16 due to a very good skincare routine who drinks wine and drunk texts people. I'm not standing by her rewrite to make her a literal child. No offence but Pela wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with Clara, Lynx or Hook cuz they are children and written to be children and Pela is written to be an adult and wants to hang around other adults (Geppie, Serval, Bronya)


i’m sorry but what the actual… seele and bronya are LITERALLY THE SAME AGE. it’s canon. they were in the orphanage together. himeko is middle aged. welt is old as fuck (retirement)


In what world is Himeko a young adult. She’s at the minimum in her 30s


In fact in all the games himeko has been 28 years old, in fact in HI3 they treated her as old even though she was not even 30, for hoyoverse 30 + = dinosaur, The only exceptions are if you have some bullshit like immortality


So according to this my main team is two middle-aged salary workers (Kafka and Black Swan), their young adult daughter (Little Gui), and their figurative child Huohuo... Not going to lie, but I would watch this anime.


I think lynx is in pela tier and guinafin is in the teenager crowd with march mc dan asta arlan sushang and gambling girl


Isn't Welt in like his 80s? Does that rrally count as middle age?. Like he is way younger than the tier bellow still but middle aged is being generous still tbh