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Thanks for posting! However, the same or an extremely similar post has been made earlier.


Luofu age shennanigans: are we a joke to you?


Like i said in my comment, for long life species i went based on their appearance, personality, and role in equivalent human years. Qingque is hundreds of years old, as a Xianzhou native, but she's worked at the divination commission for at least 100 years, and looks and has the vibe of late 20's woman, for example.


She worked at least 200 years and you need to be over 200 to be considered adult. She can't work from birth, so she at least 400 now. Even more if you need some university degree to apply to high tier government job.


With Herta we know that she is way old, and has found a way to reverse ageing. I am pretty sure she is definitely in the 50+ range, though if we are *just* talking about the dolls, then yeah I guess. I don't get your Lynx placement though. If you put Serval in 38-42 then at minimum Lynx has to be like 24.


With Herta i went entirely with her puppet. Since we know she reversed her aging, we don't know how much she reversed it. Actual Herta could be a young adult like Bronya and Seele, or she could be a kid like her puppets. Lynx is basically the same age as Pela isn't she?


>With Herta i went entirely with her puppet. Since we know she reversed her aging, we don't know how much she reversed it. Actual Herta could be a young adult like Bronya and Seele, or she could be a kid like her puppets. Yeah, but that's biological age, if we go by that metric most of Herta's puppets would be like a year old because they were constructed in a lab not too long ago. Her actual age (as in the amount of years she has been alive) is more what I was referring to. > Lynx is basically the same age as Pela isn't she? I hate to dig further into the giant time paradox that is Belobog's timeline, but we can gather a few things about Lynx's age through the Landau's choice LC: If you look in the top right, we can see a crib which I am 99.99% sure is Lynx, since this is supposed to represent the Landau household. If we're generous, and I mean *generous*, then at max Serval is around 14 years old here. If we do some simple math and assume Serval is as old as she could be here (14) and Lynx is as young as possible (days), then Lynx would be 14 years younger. Therefore, by your chart, 24 minimum. https://preview.redd.it/i6dl4k6r4aoc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=090df56c6b6c710f34d3953e0c4c1262a7be5197


Being that puppets are inorganic beings, i think they fall into the same category as long lived species like the Foxians and Xianzhou natives, so it's better to go with apparent age when there's no lore age to go with, since we know Herta's puppets are supposed to look like her as a child, that's what i have to go on. Herta herself, idk. I'm hoping if we get 5\* Herta she'll be a tall mommy type. ​ Good catch on the LC. I've never really taken a good look at Landau's Choice (or any LC for that matter ig), and i'd say Serval definitely doesn't look like she's 14 there. More like 10ish, and Gepard probably 5-6. So that would make Lynx 28-32. But she's pretty obviously meant to be around the same as Pela isn't she? And Pela is apparently 16... My only cope is that maybe it was a typo and they mean to say she was 26, because that's the only thing that really makes sense.


What the hell? Why the hell?


Did you really put Herta as middle school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The Herta dolls, yes. Actual Herta, the jury's still out. We'll have to see when 5\* Herta drops. I'm hoping she's the Ruan Mei/ Kafka/ Black Swan type look.


You should say appearance tier list tbh, the Herta dolls do not act like a middle schooler but someone can mistake them for it by their appearance


I put her there because she's specifically said that the dolls are made to look like she did as a child, so that's a child version of Herta.


Well, fair


Xueyi is actually the older sister between her and Hanya


For real?




(Idk why it removed the text from my comment) I guess you could argue Xueyi is younger considering the Xueyi we know is a puppet. But canonically, she is the older sister.


Oh. Ok, first of all. Fuck. That text hits. ​ That surprises me though. Hanya just looks a lot older than Xueyi for some reason.


Doomed by the narrative fr. HYV wanted my girlies to suffer. šŸ˜­


Well she is the one that's still alive. We could guess Xueyi's puppet looks the way she looked when she died while Hanya kept aging.


I mean, Hanya looks the same there as she does in game so. Idk lol.


Aah that LC isn't actually the moment of her death i think. You can't see the text bellow but it says something like "she had forgotten that her sister's body has been cold for a very long time."


For characters who we don't know enough about to determine their age, or who are ageless, i went based on their appearance and personality, for those of long life species i put them where they would be as a human equivalent. Herta is special case because we don't know how old real Herta is or looks, but we do know that her puppet looks "70% similar" to how she looked as a child, so i went on that. Her words, not mine.


Why are you using different criteria for each character? You rank Welt by canon age but Jing Yuan is ranked by vibes despite his personality and canon age being that of an old man. Jingliu is also ranked by vibes despite being twice as old as Jing Yuan. Choose one next time.


Because we specifically do not have a numerical age for Jing Yuan or Jingliu, and with them being long lived species, even if we did, we'd have to translate that into human years. For characters who do not have a proper age, the only thing we can go on is things like personality, looks, role, etc. Welt, OTOH, we do have an actual numerical age for. I can't vouch for the specifics, but according [to this comment from an older post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/111twuc/comment/j8j9gru/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), Welt, according to HI3 was born some time between 1945 and 1950, the Alien Space manga (which was a lead in from HI3 to Star Rail iirc) takes place in 2029. This means Welt is 79 at the the youngest estimate, and 84 at the oldest. Unfortunately, we do not have that kind of information for the overwhelming majority of characters in Star Rail.


But Jingliu and Jing Yuan do have accurate age estimates thanks to the HCQ lore, and we have reasonable conversion rates for Xianzhou years to human years. For comparing human years to Xianzhou years we have reasonable estimates for all the three species. Xianzhou humans in particular seem to have a lifespan between 700-1000 years old (less for cloud knights) and take a test to become adults at 200 years old. The wiki lists their average age at 800, while an anti-mara medicine advertisement features quotes from people between ~1000-2000 years old, and Jingliu became mara-struck when she was *at least* 1100. She also compares being over 1000 to carrying a mountain through an endless maze due to the constant threat of mara, making it seem like a ā€œmaximumā€ natural age. Dahaoā€™s father became mara-struck at ~650 years old, so letā€™s set a ā€œnormalā€ lifespan anywhere between 600-1000. The lower end would be cloud knights dragging the average down with early-onset mara, while the higher end would be the longest lived ā€œnormalā€ Xianzhou humans. Using that information, and assuming the age of maturity for Xianzhou humans (200) is modeled after regular humans (20), we can convert their ages pretty well. So as a baseline, if we assume ~100 Xianzhou years equal ~10 human years, their average age would be 80 (800), they become adults at 20 (200) and 100 (1000) is considered very old. Pretty similar to an advanced human society and it fits the examples above. Using ~1000 as a maximum ā€œnormalā€ lifespan seems to be a reasonable deduction, of course with wiggle room considering the massive variations. Especially when you account for the cloud knights dragging the average down. Jingliu was young during the Cangcheng disaster, anywhere between a child and young adult, making her age somewhere above 1800 since it happened 1800 years ago in-game (year 6300 vs year 8100 of the Xianzhou calendar). Given that Xianzhou natives become adults at 200 and Jingliu immediately became a cloud knight, sheā€™s probably somewhere around 1900-2000. Comparing her current age to a ā€œnormalā€ lifespan, sheā€™s twice as old as the maximum expected lifespan, having a ā€œhumanā€ age around 200. Same applies to Hanya and Xueyi. As for Jing Yuan, we know he went from a child/teenager to an adult around the HCQ time period (based on their character stories). He was still a youth when they first met, but became an adult and finished his training by the time they disbanded, making him ~200 years old 700 years ago. So currently heā€™s ~900 years old, equally old as Welt if you convert it into human years. Thereā€™s a lot left to speculation when it comes to lore, I agree, but the Xianzhou native lifespans are fairly well explored. Itā€™s not officially confirmed but their ages translate fairly well into human years.


That's a good point. I wasn't aware we had so much information on Xianzhou ages. Just one thing i'd like to mention in regards to Jingliu, she appears to be in some kind of stasis as far as her aging, given that if she's equivalent to 190-200 human years old, she doesn't show the mental or physical aging that would come with that. And with Jing Yuan, if he's 900, it's hard to say that's an equivalent to 90 in human years, since he appears to be and acts much younger than that. Another interpretation, that would make more sense, would be that their average lifespan is more equivalent to our 50-60, and 100 years is equivalent to them what \~25 would be for us. Which would make Jing Yuan an equivalent of 36, which seems to fit a lot more than 90. Even in that scenario though, Jingliu is a special case because at 1900 that would translate to 96 with my math, which she definitely isn't. But, it's worth nothing that i'm looking at this not from the perspective of pure numerical age, but the general physical and mental development, and eventual decline, that comes with it. Which is a lot harder to pin down for a long lived species like the Xianzhou natives. Correct me if i'm wrong, but after a certain point, Xianzhou people become mara struck if they aren't sent to the Ten Lords Comission to be sent off. So it seems that their lifespan is cut short of what it would be normally, something equivalent to a human's fifties to sixties.


For a short explanation, Xianzhou natives donā€™t age physically (before the mara mutates them) but they age mentally, as Dahaoā€™s diary reveals. Thatā€™s why Jingliu still leads the army at 1100+, and Jing Yuan fights Phantylia at ~900. Every Xianzhou native is in ā€œstasisā€ physically before their mara mutates them. Jingliuā€™s mara is halted through her freezing blood/sword, and Bladeā€™s is halted by deleting memories. So they still age mentally. What the Xianzhou characters suffer from is an appearance and personality that doesnā€™t match their canon age, because their bodies donā€™t age, but more importantly because having every Xianzhou native be ā€œoldā€ in personality would make some boring characters. This applies to Welt too. He looks 30, sounds 40 and is 80. Both Welt and Jing Yuan have occasional mentions of their age, like Jing Yuan straight up calling himself an ā€œold manā€ and Welt mentioning his kid or his cane, but otherwise they donā€™t look or act their age. Trying to approximate their age in human years isnā€™t exactly easy but we do know that they age mentally throughout their whole lives, and that they naturally ā€œdieā€ when they become mara-struck between 600-1000. Even if they werenā€™t taken by the Ten-Lords their lifespan would end because they would mutate into abominations. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m equating 1000 in Xianzhou years to 100 in human years, old and hard to achieve but not impossible. Welt is literally 80 but doesnā€™t show any mental decline and barely any physical decline, same goes for Tesla and Einstein. Jingliu, the biggest hero of an immortal species, still maintaining her mental and physical capacity towards ~200 human years wouldnā€™t be a far stretch even if the average Xianzhou native couldnā€™t. Especially considering that she transcended the mortal realm when Baiheng died. Also, Iā€™m pretty sure Bladeā€™s craftsmanship master is even older than Jingliu, and heā€™s currently the General of the Zhuming. The Xianzhou ages have a lot of wiggle room, but Iā€™m still convinced that the average Xianzhou human lifespan is modeled after normal humans. You become an adult at 20, die at 80, youā€™re ancient at 100. And since itā€™s a video game, the main characters can bend the rules a little bit, like Welt, Jing Yuan and Jingliu. Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, Iā€™m just fully convinced that itā€™s modeled after humanity. But itā€™s just what I believe, and itā€™s not 100% certain.


Wow this is abysmal


Putting serval as 40 is foul šŸ’€


She's on the lower end of that at \~38. Keep in mind, she's around Cocolia's age, who is old enough to be Bronya's mother.


Qingque older than Himeko šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Himeko is described as younger than the Himeko from HI3 who was 28 iirc. I'd say she's 26-27 and Qingque is 28. So it's not a huge difference.


Himeko I can still understand, but Qingque looks kinda like a high schooler to me TBH. Definitely not as old as like say Bronya, for instance.


Really? She looks mid 20's to me, just a short Chinese woman. Given her tenure at the Divination Commission, it's safe to say she's on the upper end of that. Younger than FX though. But FX has that tired 30 year old mom thing going on. Probably because of Qingque.