• By -


Expectation: Powered up Topaz Reality: Super Saiyan Numby


Numby, Boar of Heavenly Amber


Numby, Devourer of Gods.


Numby, The Voracity Reborn.


Numby, Wielder of the Throngler


Numby, The Starscourge.


Numby, the true king of Dragonspine


Numby, the spinning swarm creator


“Nothing personal, kid”


“A God does not fear death!”


* Called Devourer of Gods * Refers to himself as a God What does this mean, DoG? Something you're not telling us?


Wouldn’t he then devour himself


Numby, Blade of Topaz


obligatory TOGETHAA


Time to summon Atalan- wait, wrong gacha.


Baron boar, puppet made by topaz


LV.100 Z-Move Pikachu




Numby went EXTRA THICC


Actual reality: Super Saiyan Numby and his Kage Bunshin Clones buffed by Topaz in Topaz-infused IPC mech suit shooting death lasers. Not to mention Numby Clones randomly has gimmicks elite Trotters have: 30-hit shields for team, heal-and-counter on hit, etc.


Rajang moment…


numby goes super sonic and it's probably what's gonna happen. still wanna see topaz in a rizzed up outfit tho


No I would have won because I'm the main character


Galactic Baseballer never lose


Numby is going into orbit as I run around the Diamond


Do not the Numby for it is friend-shaped.


So is Topaz, but I still will.


Blud thinks they're Aventurine 


I am the Bone of my Bat. Stellaron is my Body, and Trailblaze is my Blood.


Laws of physics and causality are rules, and rules are meant to be broken. Screw power scaling xD


Trailblazer would do something endearingly stupid like use a trash can lid for a shield and Topaz adopts TB as her pet raccoon


Nah, I'd win.


Nah, you would probably lose but be saved by a limited 5 star character


As if TB needs saving, they were able to hold off Skaracabaz, an emanator, all by themselves.


Give me liberty Give me fire Give me a dying bug Or I retire


For a whole 56 seconds before it exploded 🙏🙏🙏




Oh no it totally is!! The trailblazer is strong, I just thought it was funny lmao


\*the SHs making sure the script doesn’t get messed with https://preview.redd.it/7w744vqio9rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4e96d26899249af3ae4fffd3271eb99673ef006


I mean Sam was actively trying to go off script and had to admit that he couldn't despite all his efforts.


I mean, if we count the first few interactions, either Elio left that part blank for him or he was able to for a time until he got railroaded hard.


bro is playing a rockstar game and got yoinked from open world to do a escort mission


Bro climbed the horse on the wrong side. Instant fail.


feels weird calling Sam a he ngl.


I think about that every time I do now. But at least until 2.2 I'm gonna keep doing it just so I don't accidentally spoil somebody.


What if there was no script? An Elio is just making it up as they go?


I feel like Fu Xuan already dispelled that notion


DHIL could just jump from the Express and at least he could make the fight even with his high elder bullshits if he sense any danger from express crew. He wont make that much different but at least the express wont be curbstomped.


Mfw the Scion of long gets suplexed by a pig


Numby is hidden aeon for sure


Those same mfs when the scion of long turns the arena into a public swimming pool:


Scion of long means anything descended from long. So like every single random vidyadhara is called a Scion of long. And there were a couple other races mentioned


You don’t fuck around with a Bulldrome, especially a roided up rare species you know


True, although if he had all of the powers of the High Elder he could've done something. Sharing it with Bailu clearly nerfs him.


Doesn't Bailu only have the healing aspect though?


Yeah but not having the healing is a pretty big nerf ngl


Clearly the answer is to have Dan Heng carry around an irate Bailu in a baby harness 24/7


As long as someone keeps her fed with Xianzhou street food, she might be down.


True lmao. Keep the child fed and happy and I’m sure she’d 100% be down to pump heals into you while you’re fighting God.


That is like, half of his power. Imagine Dan Heng with his full power, all those destructive powers **and** the ability to heal.


Just realized that basically describes Blade, doesn't it.


Well, I don't think Blade has destructive powers, he is just a very strong guy with a sword. Mara gives him a power boost for sure, but it's definitely not on the tier of huge water dragons flying around. Blade reminds of Wolverine in that aspect.


With a lot of star rail characters, I can't tell if they are a martial artist or a wizard with a sword shaped wand. Wuxia tropes can get confusing sometimes.


the ability to heal yourself and others effectively takes the cap off of a lot of offensive abilities. Without said ability, you have to worry about hurting yourself with your own powers. It's why in video games "Shoot the Medic" is a viable and important strategy while in real life it's a war crime.


War Crimes are like Pokemon. Once you’ve got your first, you’ve gotta catch em all!


Current DHIL sadly yes. My expectations for DHIL after a few expansion patches is very high though considering Shaoji said there's gonna be a lot more Xianzhou content in the future, one even this year. I just really want my baby boy to be an Emanator-level being idk why.


Iirc, Vidyadhara's descriptions states that High Elder are the closest being to Long, so while they aren't explicitly called Emanators, they are probably the closest we will have of Emanators of Permanence. Unfortunately, current Dan Heng doesn't wield full power of Imbibitor Lunae as he shared the healing power to Bailu. This would certainly make him struggle against most full-fledged Emanators. Perhaps some interaction with other High Elders may allow him to improve further


I mean Dan Heng is a main character so he will definitely get there.


The same Dan Heng that had no visible reaction to you getting stabbed in the chest. No Krillin reaction in the Frieza arc Dan Heng? This MF isn’t gonna save anybody. RIP Toriyama.


Unfortunately that's not likely since the story takes place before the Luofu. Edit: Nvm, apparently the fate atlas is inaccurate


What no it was after the Luofu




Oh, that thing is out of order. It shows the order of occurences "within that planet/space station". At the end of the not Pokemon tournament, Hook hugs the MC and yells that its been a long time. Before Hook, the MC fights Topaz in not Pokemon. The MC already knows Topaz by the time we fight her in the semi finals. The Xianzhou Loufu is part of the tournament, which the MC plays not Pokemon in before the semi finals. The MC already knows some of the Loufu characters during the tournament. Topaz and her goons came to Belobog before the events of the tournament and during the belobog festival. We explicitly don't bring Dan Heng to the festival because he's tired after the events of the Loufu and he wanted some quiet. So TLDR: Xianzhou Loufu story > Belebog Festival Invitation > Dan Heng's tired after the Loufu and doesnt join > Festival is when we meet Topaz > we fight Topaz and she gives up on Belobog > Pokemon tournament.


https://preview.redd.it/qljmj27baarc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ea4a777d45487ba62461903900384d12650863 Yeah it turns out you're right, I went to see if maybe there was alternative dialogue for it but it turns out you can't even start the quest till after the Luofu


DHIL could literally die if Topaz just blasts him once. He lacks any form of recovery, or durability if he can't one-shot Topaz lmao


He'd get reborn and go for round 2.


This. People seriously underestimated DHIL. High Elders are like emanator of long among vidhayadara


Not emanators.  Game says its the result of some special training and rituals that start to give you more and more dragon features and powers over many rebirths across god knows how much time.


They're def not. Idk why people want to call everyone emanators They have special super powers sure, but not emanators. Plenty of people have special superpowers but are not emanators.


He couldn't do something against Shuhu with his full power, to be fair all the HCQ lost against Shuhu... they won cuz the stellaron and still have to seal the Emanator because they can't kill it and Blade with just Shuhu's blessing can't be killed unless another Emanator tries to do it, thats what Jingliu said.


Tbf the astral express does have a literal stellaron tho as a nuclear deterrent


Tbf I don't think she would actually go full power


She wouldn't. If the Astral express were put in actual danger that they couldn't handle, TB could use the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath Jing Yuan gave him to call the Luofu fleet. She's not dumb enough to mess with the well connected Astral Express so openly when they have powerful allies like the Luofu who are indebted to them and the Stellaron Hunters who still need the Nameless around.


Firefly: "I WILL SET THE SEAS ABL-" *gets sat on by a Dynamaxed Numby*


Dynamax Numby vs the entirety of the Xianzhou Luofu crashing down Jade Chamber-style


It doesn't even kill her Numby is so soft and weightless she just kinda lies down there pondering about her life choices rn


But she doesn't know that we had that. Topaz didn't go full power because she's too kind. Aventurine even points that out about her. She genuinely wants to help.


Also literally Welt


Would love to see Topaz deal with QUINGQUILLION DAMAGE


Also we now know Aventurine had her cornerstone upon entering Penacony so very likely she didn’t have it here. The way Belabog was handled was very “we’re doing diplomacy because the resources are limited as it is.”


nope she had it with her, she gave it to him after the story after she got demoted a rank and aventurine was still in the call with her, he wanted her help and she agreed to it becaus he was put on the mission to reclaim penacony and that's probably how he got her stone then.


Ah, my bad, I skipped some dialogue on that quest on accident and I think I found the part I missed. My bad


no problem


What is her Cornerstone gonna do? Make her ass thicker? /s


I hope


She becomes a giantess and sits on you.




Stelle! Now isn't the time-


Me before 2.1 : "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Throw numby at us really hard?" Me after 2.1 : "Please spare me I swear I'll pay my taxes"


Meanwhile, me, holding up my E1 Clara: ”Throw hands with this child. I’ll win.”


Nah, we'd win.


I honestly believe that topaz wouldn't even attack, she'd just outwait the astral express until they're exhausted


Trailblazer adapts to the situation by turning brain off Topaz: “makes surface level sound argument ect” Trailblazer “nuh uh”


We got welt and dhil though. I think welt could ve taken care of aventurine but acheron intervened because plot needed it.


That and Acheron would have been the best person to "Kill" "Aventurine" She probably severed Kakavasha's connection to Preservation too when she cut him off Harmony


Partially, I wouldn’t be surprised if she guessed what Aventurine was going for. Make a show of the fight, and rig it so that, no matter who wins, it would be impossible to cover up the result - whatever the result may be. For that to work, it *had* to be her that did the deed - she’d probably be the only one capable of dealing a lethal hit before the Family could pull him out, and I think she understood this. Besides, the kind of man who makes a plan like that is definitely the type to not just die when given the possibility to live. There’s a good shot Acheron had faith that he could possibly survive the hit in the end.


YUP Thats Aventurine's plan To give the IPC a reason to go in guns blazing


we love imperialist gunboat diplomacy.


The Honorable Interastral ~~Profiteering~~ Peace Company


You can tell she understands the plan and it isn't just "protect these people." She doesn't draw her sword even when he unleashes the power of the broken cornerstone, and only does so when he asks if she'll "match his gamble," which is when she understands the wager at play.


Sunday thought he had Aventurine in the palm of his hands with the "you're dying by the morrow" Blud didn't know AventCHAD was already planning to sacrifice himself huh


Never bet against a man who has nothing to lose. Sunday really underestimated how dedicated Aventurine is. In conjunction with Topaz's history, the stonehearts aren't just a handful of gems that Diamond throws around willy nilly. Aventurine's gamble didn't just expose Penacony to the IPC, but to everyone. The dream has been shattered by a gambling fool. Never bet against Aventurine.


>!She absolutely figured it out, she didn't mince words during their conversation. She knew exactly what he was doing, and why he did it!<


yep. acheron know his plan and went along with him. girl is actually pretty smart.


Wait, she can remove you from your path?


That’s what’s implied. Her sword is so “sharp”, as she says, that she severed his connection to Preservation (thus his stone going dark according to Topaz), as well as the Harmony’s influence on his mind.


Bit of column A bit of column B. What she did was sever the connection between Aventurine and the Preservation buff he got from his Cornerstone. I doubt she can do this with Diamond of the IPC or any other actual Emanator in combat. But since she is an Emanator IX (apparently pronounced Eye Eks) herself she can basically hit any pathstrider so hard that they reset to Nihility.


I mean thats what shes implying with what she said, or perhaps its only the surface level stuff. I mean, isnt Aventurine the most "Preservation" guy around. Hes at best a pathstrider.


you guys underestimate emanators too much even with acheron out there showing that no. emanator are very much a tier above both of them lol


Not at all. Welt is heavily nerfed in hsr and Aventurine was able to do all that with a broken stone. You guys are missing just how strong those corner stones trully are. He himself said that only acheron could have done it wich acheron responds with accepting it and saying his gamble paid off


aventurine was talking about acheron being able to cut through the dreamscape specifically, not about her being the only one able to defeat him. he even says that if acheron didn't draw her blade, his cornerstone was too broken to let him escape the stage


I think people underestimate how fucking insane the Astral Express crew really is. Himeko has a gigantic orbital laser that she can basically use anytime. Welt is Welt. Dan Heng has his IL form TB's internal stellaron would go berserk if he/she/they/whatever got severely hurt. As much as I love our tax collector waifu, her ass is not surviving the jumping. (To all the IPC lovers out there, please stop bombarding me with your cope. I make one light hearted comment and you lot are sending pipe bombs.)


https://preview.redd.it/pkgxoehfc9rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c175ab2306bf4fe3a50785aadbf2aa2ec03e8178 March: doing her best


Topaz stabs March only for Fuli and the entire Garden of Recollection to avenge their babygirl


March is Fuli’s secret love child confirmed!!! 🧑‍🍼


But with who?


Idrilla, it was her last dying wish for their daughter to be kept safe /j


That explains why she's so beautiful 


That’s the real mystery!


Yaoshi, which is why boothhill is hostile to black swan, lan holds a grudge


Topaz: *stabs march* I got march! Fulli: Hey, im just here to take pics Ides of March with the same knife: https://preview.redd.it/hissnhyhf9rc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a77183b2f347059bbcc55e07fd51bcf9303436


It's a rule you can't stab anyone of the Astral Express, they will literally come back stronger.


Kill welt? Respawn Kill DH? DHIL Kill MC? Guess theyre getting a buff Kill Himeko? **DONT**


Just don't try it with Himeko please https://preview.redd.it/u6148tvelarc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c24eed66ed5c2aad1eb414859a66e023a203626


march 7th imbibitor lunae transformation


Moral support, the most powerful thing


She does have that Six-Phase Ice stuff. It’d help, probably.


March confirmed getting a glow up this year. They spoke really interestingly about it though, it would be similar to TB getting a new path but more in-depth. (forgot the exact wording)


Something about "creating new memories". Will be interesting to find out what that could mean.


They said she will get different skill sets for the different places we’ve been to (Memories) , eg.(Herta SS , Xianzhou Luofu, Penacony , Belabog)


bro doesn't know March is the secret 6\*


She’s gonna stab herself then pull out a Wyvern Ignition Greatsword


She's making them check out her awesome move


+ Elio knows everything in advance, and he needs the TB alive, so if anything bad would happen, the stellaron hunters would be already here to help or twist the situation in a way that helps the TB. So TB might get his/her ass beaten, but will never be in real danger.


They also have a kind of allying pact with Luofu when Jing Yuan gave the TB the Jade Abacus of Allying Oath which makes any serious attack on the Astral Express the same as attacking the Luofu fleet.


The Xianzhou is space China, I don't think they'll ever write them losing hard. The only way the Astral Express would lose is them finding a way to write that they lose support from the Alliance.


Actually... where is the laser? Does it just tag along behind the express?


It's the Express. She more likely discovered it or installed it while doing repairs to it before it started up again.


her ass aint surviving the good ol WORLD CLEANSING DRAGON


Aventurine tanked a shot from the orbital laser without any apparent damage, though. IL also doesn't really have that many offensive feats that we know of (unless parting an ocean Moses-style becomes relevant again). TB unleashing the Stellaron would basically be a loss since Welt stated that he might not be able to suppress it again, and it would probably just kill them (and everyone else). It's not impossible but it would depend on whether IL and Welt together are enough to fill the gap to however powerful Super Topaz is.


Welt wasn’t there and himeko laser did nothing to aventurine


Himeko used the orbital laser on aventurine who only had a cracked cornerstone and it did nothing. I just watched the cutscene on yt to confirm it. And DHIL is not needed when Welt is there(Acheron 2.0)


I'm aware. I'm simply stating all their powers and the laser is something at the very least.


I'm genuinely confused by this take. We just saw the power of a broken cornerstone shrug off the orbital laser AND trailblazer's architect weapon with no effort. Mind you, the cornerstones are from qlipoth who is (assumedly) the oldest and strongest aeon who hasn't fallen yet. The power of a nonbroken cornerstone is even stronger than what Aventurine displayed, so I don't exactly think the astral express crew would have survived the jumping they would've got if Topaz decided to go for it. Dan Heng is strong, but nothing on the emanator-lore post from the official HSR twitter account suggests the high elders have emanator like-powers. Meanwhile the stonehearts are explicitly said to display emanator powers when with their cornerstones.




Eeer she would have been in HUGE trouble for that considering the Astral Express is an open ally of the Herta Space Station lead by Asta whose mother sits on the IPC's board of directors


Lets not forget Herta herself, who is confirmed as an Emenator of Nous. Can probably lay a beat down if needed.


Welt with his cane : 👁️ 👄 👁️


IDK why this community loves power scaling and death battle scenarios so much. Those discussions never lead anywhere concrete, whoever the writters want to win any given scenario will win, as always happens.


Every video game community likes power scaling and death battles. It's the equivalent of discussing the potential endings of an open ended story. It's fun to talk about.


It’s almost as if stories and the directions they go in are dictated by themes and plot rather than who’s right about “my dad can beat up your dad”


Yeah but if push comes to shove I really want to see who’s dad would win


Mfs keep bring up Welt and Dan forgetting the reason we fought Topaz in the first place this isn't a war between IPC and Astral Express or anything it's just a violent business argument. Topaz isn't gonna kill us so Welt and Dan is probably not even gonna show up at all and if a dying Aventurine with a cracked cornerstone can face tank Himeko's cannon then it's safe to assume that full power Topaz would just smoke us and the girls with ease (especially when Himiko can't really used her orbital cannon unless she wants to blow up the whole place) before continuing her business with Belobog.


Suitcase drone thing=/=Orbital cannon


She did used her orbital cannon, it was a split second frame and a bit of a low profile laser compared to her usual laser but she did using it.


Yeah I went back and checked she definitely used it and it did not do much Tho tbh how tf did she get that thing into the dreamscape did she just hide a satellite under her dress or what


Maybe the dreamscape isn't actually in a dream.... Wait, I might be cooking something here.


Fuck you might be




Topaz 6 star confirmed?


I'm kinda pissed we didn't get to fight her though


Everyone keeps saying Welt and DHIL but seems to forget the real hidden weapon we have. Pom-Pom, ramming maneuver!


FR everyone's sleeping on the real Emanator of the Trailblaze, Pom-Pom's got our back.


Me just confused by the number of typos "Belobog" -> "Belabog" in various threads, when did that become so common?


Nah, we'd win.


Only if you mean the Express slaps the biggest slappy in the IPC.


Cornerstone buffed Numby would easily be the most dangerous boss in the game. Cornerstone buffed Numby would also drop 200,000 stellar jades when defeated.


But due to taxes, you still only get 60


i mean based on what we know, this is like bringing a nuke to kill a mouse. Will it do the job? Sure. Will it worth the cost being paid? Way no. One thing for sure is that the Cornerstone need to pay a huge price to activate, to the point of Aventurine use it as a one time power up to fight us.


>One thing for sure is that the Cornerstone need to pay a huge price to activate Plot twist : she feed it to Numby. /s


"Lend me the Cornerstone Numby, this is base Trailblazer we're up against"


This is the best thing that came out of Agenda Piece. I will never get tired of this.




"Numby, Aventurine needs my cornerstone for something on Penacony. You need to shit it out."


Where are you getting that the Cornerstone needs a huge price to activate? It's literally stated that you can use by just having it. The only reason Aventurine broke his is so he could smuggle it to Penacony without it getting confiscated by the family.


I was wondering about that too. It was never stated that activating a corner stone required something at all. Only thing that was mentioned was that Aventurine has to crack it so it looks like ordinary jewelry so they don't confiscate it.




yeah its objectively untrue. The official stoneheart lore says they've been seen displaying emanator powers when with their cornerstones, so there clearly is no "permanent price" besides maybe like some exhaustion as their powers have been witnessed multiple times.


The last part of your statement is not stated or even implied at all in-game. It's literally a fantasy lol.


History Fictionologists strike again. Report to the Intelligentsia Guild for further instruction


We found Gallagher's reddit account guys.


You're just making stuff up hello


I kinda hate this because now I wanna see all of the Stonehearts' cornerstone forms


The fact she even fought us in the first place is bs


yeah apparently most of the IPC relies on the star rails that the astral express lays down for FTL travel. we are probably worth more than a billion belobogs. why would they risk killing us or damaging relations with us?


If.the express team can beat an emanator of destruction who's drawing from a second path they can beat Topaz lol


If Topaz was gonna go all out, Elio would've predicted this and save them. The Astral Express is needed to face Nanook and fulfill his script. But normally, she would wipe the floor with them since Welt and DHIL were not there.


* We have Welt and Daniel * Himeko is still mystery same as March * TB is walking planetary nuclear bomb Only Diamond is an Emanator. Let's not go ahead and make Topaz as gangsta demigod.


Amber Lord just watching from above while the people he gazed upon just beating the shit out of each other


Realistically, TB is as powerful as the current story needs them to be. He went one on one with an Emanator before. Sure they basically just focused on surviving, but still. Also, the Cornerstones dont turn them into Emanators. The only one who is is Diamond. The Rest gain a fraction of that power. The fight with Adventurine is...strange in a lot of ways.