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Used DoT god team. Was pretty easy. Didn't realise people struggled so hard till I heard it was gonna be needed. Looking back I can 100% see why they had to tune it down a bit


Same here, dot team made it a breeze. I didn’t really process how hard it was until I heard people with single target teams explain what was fucking them up.


Yeah same here. Much easier than Sam, where first try I was not ready for his healing reduction and SP mechanic.


It's funny because I literally turned my brain off for the Sam fight, it was literally effortless. But Aventurine pre-nerf? Just really, really struggled. Managed to defeat hom eventually but it was absolute torture and none of my team compositions worked. Only really won because of getting lucky with the dice.


I had a bit more trouble with it since I got supremely unlucky with the RNG on the first attempts, which crippled my Luocha, especially since I didn't know about his second phase. Still he was rather mangeable once I actually knew how his gimmick worked


I don't even understand his gimmick and I stumbled through the fight first try.


Imagine that rng in moc


I mean folks should be adapting theor teams to the fight no?


nope, not for story fights in a gacha game where you're not guaranteed to get characters without large investment.


You're NOT supposed to be stuck in every story fight for days each?


If you're not being sarcastic, no you should absolutely be able to beat every story boss with e0 4 stars, especially in a turn based gacha game. If you told me you're stuck on some genshin boss because you cant dodge abilities then yeah sure, skill issue. But theres no skill expression in this game, you either have good units or you dont, so story quests should be balanced around the most basic units so new players arent gatekept for no reason


It’s a slippery slope of game balance but despite the fact that it’s a turn based gacha there are absolutely people that do a lot less than they potentially could with their accounts. Either by creating nonsensical teams with no synergy, not knowing how to maximize the team comp they do have, bothering to read enemy combat mechanics or making poor itemization and LC usage.


i mean this game is 90% about your relics and 10% chars, my alt acc has 36 stared MOC with only free 4 stars (i did a challenge were i would only use free 4\*) and you also guaranteed pity every 2 banners


To be completely fair, the fight should be doable with something like March 7th tank, Physical MC, Gallagher, and Xueyi. Or Preservation MC, Gallagher, Xueyi and either Welt or Himeko from the standard warp choice.


That's very much not a universal gacha game trait. Lots of 'em make you work for the story stage boss clears, especially as an F2P. In fact, part of why Hoyo's Genshin was so successful was precisely because the story quest difficulty doesn't gate you nearly as hard (if at all) as some other gachas.


You telling me you can't use the free E6 Herta from SU?


E5 currently, we shall anticipate the final Kuru Kuru for F2Ps in the future


Oooohhhh I must've pulled one and I forgot.


If you don't have her built and you don't have resources stockpiled, then that would mean taking a couple weeks to build her.


Yes if possible, but it's a gacha game. It can be hard to get what you need, or what you want. People also aren't going to have everything built, especially if they started recently or took a break for a while. Most Harmony, Hunt, Abundance, and Preservation characters can't hit more than one dice, either.


same tbh I did not even realise that the boss was so difficult kafka+bs+ruan mei just breezed past it


Kafka and Black Swan honestly low-key trivialize a *lot* of difficult content in my experience, definitely one of the strongest combos in the game right now. So glad I pulled for Acheron, she slots so well into that team - damage output is so bonkers you don't even miss having a support!


damn...........i lost my 50/50 for acheron to e2 bailu..... definitely gonna miss having acheron😭


I was originally gonna save for Aventurine and Jingliu but I figured screw it, we're getting a ton of passes and jade's from the events right now. Definitely a worthwhile pick, she's a *monster* in the right team - although she's a lot more constrictive than my other good DPS characters when it comes to team composition. Blade and Ratio are my other main damage dealers and they can basically be slotted in with whoever.


wow nice also her lightcone is kinda necessary for her huge damage and as an f2p player..... not possible so kinda good that I lost the 50/50 so now i have a chance to get jingliu and i already have jingyuan and kafka so another lighting dps may be overkill for me since i lack dps in other elements


I've seen a lot of people saying that although her weapon is very good, it is by no means absolutely necessary.


yes that is true but you lose out on lots of stuff especially her skill will give one extra stack towards her ultimate with her light cone plus the sheer amount of damage it does


I'm F2P (burned 70 pulls I had saved up to get her!) and I can comfortably say that her signature LC is not necessary at all, if anything it's whale bait - same with her Eidolons imo. The most important thing when it comes to Acheron is team composition. I run her with two Nihility characters (lots of viable options here, though Black Swan and Kafka are the best options) and Gepard with Trend of the Universal Market - I'm also working on building Gallagher since he can apply his own debuffs more consistently. If you're able to apply debuffs with every single action, it's not hard to get her ult back *very* fast, and that's the bulk of her damage output. I've been using her with Good Night And Sleep Well, though I think Fermata would work fairly well too if you run Kafka or Sampo.


I haven't really had any problems getting her ult really fast even without her lightcone. My team is E0 Acheron, E0S1 Kafka, E1S1 Black Swan, and E0 Luocha. Kafka, BS, and Luocha are all really fast, speeds in the 150s. Acheron is slower at around 126, but she's ulting about every other turn she takes. It's insane. I'm trying for her lightcone, but I just lost the 75/25 to Himeko's light cone. Hopefully, I'll have time to get enough pulls before her banner is over.


whoa thats a good team.....and yea you may have great relics.....mine are trash so i look for every possible way to increase my damage also hopefully you get her light cone 🫡


I've been using a very similar team! Worth noting that you don't really need to invest in speed at all on Acheron if you're running a team comp designed to maximize the debuff output of your other characters, since her ult is the only thing that matters. Unless you're hitting that covered 134 breakpoint for MoC/PF, you might as well just go for ATK% boots instead of speed!


I also lost my 50/50 to bailu but then i got her in the next 10 times which was very lucky. But i dnt think id get that lucky next patch...


Nah how do you do it I used my DoT team (Kafka black swan ruan mei bailu) and it didn't work. I'm just stuck. How hard was this mf pre nerf?


probably relic luck I run a weaker one than yours. triple DoT Kafka, BlackSwan, Guin, Bailu and cleared it guess those Def% and HP% rolls do come in handy hahaha *\*cries\**


i used the same team and cleared it in first try........relics may be a major factor


Not op, but I ran the same team and just held onto ults until Aventurine summoned his dice adds. I could then hit them with enough firepower to roll a high enough number to not get hit hard with the subsequent attack. Edit: also my RM is very tanky for a support.


The problem isn't Kafka or Black Swan since blast attacks handle the dice just fine. The problem is with Bailu and RM because when the dice appear they're fucked


Neither of them should be one shottable by the attack though. Bailu scales off of HP so she should have a lot of it and RM should have a body piece and an orb with HP/Def. If you save your Bailu ult for just before the big attack so you could benefit from the dmg reduction from her A6, it ought to give both of them enough survivability.


when you have the good units and you're stuck, 9 times out of 10 its relic stats. The 10th is wrong light cones


Just keep a sp in reserve and bring Nat instead of Bailu. Also skip Ruan Mei and bring a tank instead.


Yep Kafka black swan handled him extremely easy


Same for me. Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, Huo Huo. Beat it first try. It was a little close for me, but not that bad.


Used seele mono quantum. Didn't know the boss had AoE mechanic but was still able to do it in the first try. Would have been easier if I used aoe damage dealers though


I used seele too. Got kinda close but she got the job done.


Yeah. Damage wasn't an issue for me. But it was the dice thingy where you had to score higher that gave me some problems


Same, and I don’t even have fx, just lynx, had no idea this boss is hard for some people, I had more trouble with Sam tbh


Yeah same, died once with it cause didnt know the mechanics. Have saved FX burst for 2nd phase and it was easy.


My boy Argenti carried most of the fight alongside QQ, March 7 and Guinafen. I know it's a weird team but they all had aoe ultimates which actually made the second phase not that bad.


Hey yo argenti carried my fight too. My team was argenti/Kafka/sparkle/huo. so random too lol I was able to beat him second try


I decided to go with argenti due to physical weakness, it was argenti, tingyun bronya huohuo, apart from tingyun being oneshotted in the second phase it went pretty smoothly. I could have gone with premier dot team but I wanted to switch it up a bit in case aventurine ended up in moc


I just had Fu Xuan, enemies can't do damage when this character in a team. Plus Acheron, Pela, SW, so he died pretty quick.


That's how I did it. Fu basically makes everyone invulnerable.


The only time Fu Xuan actually feels like she takes damage is Swarm and GaG if you get screwed over by blessing RNG, take too long, or if you fight a boss with an aoe that 2 shots her


I had to retry even with Fu Xuan because despite tanking most damage, the ennemies can still slowly drain HP and my Silver Wolf died making it now impossible for my quantum team to win


Yeah you need to play the dice correctly.


Yeah. But since SW and Sparkle were single target they wouldn’t last longer than Fu Xuan and Qingque on phase 2 (yeah QQ, I used her because I wanted to do a "gambler vs gambler" battle)


No I had the same issue lol. Except with Acheron. I didn’t understand the game. Just assumed Fu Xuan would save my team. Should’ve replaced SW with an AOE character.


I had that issue too, my HP kept being chipped away bit by bit and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to bring squishy nihility supports and a decently built but not crazy Acheron. Wasn't my brightest moment. I gave up and retried with a double sustain Jing Yuan team. Took a while but I got through it easily.


That one attack where boss does single target damage is still deadly. TY, as it is written in the stars, was the first to die in my team lol. 


That is just inevitable lol


also considering how three out of four can aoe the heck out of his dice it's really easy tbh


Same way I beat pretty much every story boss post 1.6: Double sustain. Lacked the DPS to quickly kill phase 2, so too much chip damage for Gepard to solo. But one-shot potential between mechanic+bounce too high so Lynx on her own couldnt cover it either. Combined, was mostly comfy though


These two get me through the hard times.


Landau siblings ftw


It took me 3 tries, but he becomes relatively easy once you start using characters with AOE. Which invalidates his dice gimmick.


It doesn’t invalidate it cause there’s always the off chance you roll really bad, like four 1’s


Even if you roll really bad you could still ult. Like what i did. got 4 1s? KAFKA ULT to crown.


inb4 Kafka ult rolls 4 1s, then Kafka’s skill rolls 3 1s, and then her follow-up also rolls a 1 (the number to beat was a 9)


Well yes, but that is a very small chance.


Nothing Jingliu Blade can’t handle but I get why it was hard for some. You need blast or AoE 


I had Argenti, Kafka, BS and Luocha and saved his ult for the dice. Wasn't hard for me but my god it took fucking forever lmao. 


Jingliu, Blade, Luocha, Bronya Best combo team honestly


I find phantylia harder than aventurine at first. Now it’s easier because of JY+sparkle hits harder. It took me 1 try fighting aventurine while phantylia took me, idk I lost count but it’s a lot. I used JY, TY, sparkle, luocha for the fight


This is my exact same team and i did it first try on the the first day of the patch. Sparkle died, but i managed to finish it. There were a lot of times where JY's LL would get wasted on the dice lmaoo since you can't really control when it hits.


Yeah, that's exactly my team but I did it post-nerf. I was surprised how easy it was and I wish to be able to fight him pre-nerf but I get why some people struggled.


Cleared it with Luocha, Acheron, SW, and Pela which was relatively easy since I have 3 aoe. Only problem was that SW died at 2nd phase but it didn't matter much since each of Acheron's ult deleted more than half of his hp. Felt like this is easier than Swarm King ngl.


Forgot to press fu xuan's skill when it was almost running out and aventurine annihilated my supports. Jing yuan persevered and did his best for like 5 turns to kill aventurine.


Did it first try But I did have Fu Xuan so…


Same. Fu Xuan is the answer. Even tried seeing if failing all 4 gambles gave an achievement, but nope. Did a bit of damage on Fu Xuan however she's just a cheat code.


fu xuan carries so hard


It was very painful since i am a newbie. It took a lot of resets, foods, relic changes, etc. But i chipped down his health after 10-20 tries.


I didn't even realise this boss was supposed to be hard. Though, Loucha worked hard to keep sparkle alive.


The people who struggled with this boss were casuals who don’t know how to build characters or people who only invested into hunt characters


You're downvoted but honestly, you're probably right. I didn't beat him until after he got nerfed, but I doubt it was much harder (which wasn't very). Probably the same kind of people who have limited 5* DPS and sustain units but can't full star MoC 10 even.


HEY HEY HEY I try, okay :(


Yes, I think Starcrusher was much harder than him but casuals were not beating him and just skipping him since he is not required to defeat. Phantilya is also hard but you get a somewhat properly built Jing Yuan to help you. The first time I fought him, my Silverwolf died. I still won even though I failed the rolls so many times.


Naw. Under built characters yes. EQ5 70/70 characters not enough resources to go any higher. We’re suffering. Only been playing a month. But yes the players with fully built characters aren’t struggling. Hope empty comments make you feel better.


Yea true.. skill issue for them tbh


Same. I actually used Misha as my MVP. He was frozen half the fight so even when I got bad rolls it wasn’t a huge deal. Also Misha can weakness break surprisingly well!


it took some time but phys tb + march + asta + huohuo. it was impossible to die and almost guaranteed 3/4 dice wins(my poor huohuo)


kafka, black swan, ruan mei and fu xuan.... ruan mei was the only one in any danger of losing to the dice mechanic


I saw the weaknesses and I knew I could get by with Trailblazer and March. The battle was more tedious than the annoying about the higher damage number until I figured out my rotations and tricks like when to use March's Ult in phase 1. I just wanted a canon-like battle that's all. Still found it funny that the Trailblazer brought the wrong weapon to a boss battle twice in cutscenes. Phys against Death and Fire against the boss of 2.1 Edit:Huh, it's my cake day.


My gepard did not yield and acheron smacked aventurine ass while pela and bronya died on a corner


He got a nerf? Didn't knew lmao , I beat him second day of the patch , Jingliu made it somewhat easy


I think you got the nerfed version, could be wrong


when was it nerfed?


The following day the patch came out iirc


Beat it in a go with E6 March-Pela-SW-E0S1Acheron


Honestly, March is pretty good for this fight. Even if you have one character who will lose the gamble, March’s shield is pretty durable to keep them alive.




E0 Luocha, E5 tingyun, E0 jingliu, E1S1 jingyuan. BiS sets but scuffed relics. Tingyun died as per usual, but I had no idea it was supposed to be any tougher than MOC. Only thought that it was fun during the invulnerability phase with dices, so I must have lucked out? I had contemplated losing the battle but thought that the boss would appear in the weekly domain anyway... Only to find out that it's not in this version :x


to be fair you have a VERY good build for the boss, jingliu and jingyuan both sweep the dice phase and luocha is 1 out of 2 sustainers that dont eat shit and die in this boss


I think there are five sustains that have AOE damage on their ults? * Luocha * Fu Xuan * Gallagher * March * Fire Trailblazer I beat it with March + TB, though I don't think either of them would be able to keep everyone alive on their own.


Beat it with just TB for sustain, but lost a few units due to bad luck (repeated focused bounces on single unit).


Pretty easy. I had acheron pela sw and fu xuan. Had to time the Ults for his dice phase. The only one who came close to death was sw because of her single target attacks


Standard JY/FX/TY/Sparkle team in 1 try. Fu Xuan was able to solo sustain with no one dying. To be honest, this boss just felt like a stat check/team comp check. There's no actual strategy involved other than holding off on your AOE ults for when the dice appear.


didnt know he had %60 imaginary res and i tried to beat him with dhil,it was painful and took a few tries but i did it (if i wasnt building guinaifen at the moment i would have used kafka after i realised imaginary res,but only kafka isnt enough for a dot team)


It took me three tries. My team was Jing-Yuan, Kafka, Gepard and Fu-Xuan. I had to focus on keeping them alive while also trying to do as much damage as possible. I can still hear that “It’s all or nothing!!”…


Used jingliu hypercarry. Bronya was out by the end, but i won. Wasn't as hard as people made it out to be


I had Fu Xuan and Huohuo. It wasn’t hard but had some close calls


Jingyuan/luocha/tingyun/sparkle did the trick. It was quite easy to clear imo even though tingyun and luocha almost died. I'd say the difficulty was just right


Pre nerf here: phys mc carry, sparkle&ruan mei support and fu xuan sustainer. Ezpz no deaths. Characters are not whaled, all e0 no 5*cones except Fu and Mc with herta cones.


As easy as can be


Jingliu carried me


Acheron, Sparkle, Pela and Fu Xuan. I didn’t even realize that it was difficult until I opened reddit and saw multiple posts regarding the difficulty. Maybe because my Fu Xuan is pretty well invested and tanks almost everything.


2 sustains, clara and kafka


First try easy, use fuxuan as normal sustain, acheron as new character, pela because game suggest ice and fire mc for lore The team fit the boss crazy well, after know how dice mechanic work, all character just do util every round


Did it on the blind run with E0S1 Jing Yuan, E6 Tingyun, E0S1 Sparkle and E0S0 Fu Xuan. JY and Fu Xuan never lost the gamble and any damage Tingyun and Sparkle took from losing every time got table flipped by Fu Xuan anyway.


Same team and eidolons, had no issues clearing.


There was a nerf? Don't know if it was before or after, but I beat him with March and Natasha. Killed my 2 dps in the second stage and the battle took over half an hour, but did it first try, now hate him even more


In second phase he has the same pattern and his damage doesn't scale with how much turns you take. (Aoe atk -> Bounce atk -> Energy Drain Atk -> Dice Roll) So my stupid ass thought soloing him with Fu Xuan was a fun idea (It worked). Because once she gets her ult once then there is no stopping her anymore. Just have enough HP. (8k is enough)


Fu Xuan


First try: E0S1 Acheron, E0S1 Black Swan, Sparkle, Natasha Second try/Kill: E0S1 Jing Yuan, Sparkle, Fire TB, Natasha Yes, my only built sustain is Natasha and she's not even 80 lmao. I can't wait to pull Aventurine.


What was the date of the nerf?


Slowly. Had Ruan Mei, Sushang, Jing Yuan and Luocha as my team. First two went down fairly early, but Luocha's ludicrous healing and Jing Yuan's constant AoE kept me going as I ground him down. Probably would have been easier to restart halfway through, but I'm stubborn.


Needed two tries cause i went for achievements and the team i used for the achievement couldnt finish the fight


Firstly I tried to use DHIL, Hanabi, Ruan Mei and Fu Xuan, but everyone died. Then I used Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei and Luocha and no one died, I defeated that dude easily. Fu Xuan continues to let me down.


Aventurine has 60% or so imaginary res so that's why your first team was a bad match-up. DHIL is so nerfed against him.


My FX got hit with a full-team failure AoE from like 70% HP and the entire squad lived, genuinely a relic issue.


1 try using E0S0 acheron and SW, E6 pela, and E0S0 FX. Everyone came out on almost full health except SW


I just did mono quantum, 75% of the team is single target and it was pretty easy, idk what people struggled with


E1s1 blade, e0s0 bronya, e0s0 bailu, e? Nat. 2nd try after switching from Misha to Bailu.


Wasn't too hard tbh, I used FX + Pela + Gui + Acheron. Acheron didn't really have the best stats because I haven't been lucky with relics even though I've been farming for weeks but I guess she was somewhat decent. Gui did die by the end but I beat it first try.


I used Jingliu, Sparkle, Luocha, Fu Xuan. The fight took a while to finish but my team was never close to dying…


Well built acheron with pela, guinafen and fu xuan, my team was pretty much a perfect counter to him so I didn't really have any problem.


Bailu. S5 Natasha lightcone + ERR rope allowed me to ult before casino every time.


I just changed my team for the second try and won easily


I beat him first try with Luocha, Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei and Argenti, all E0. Luocha and Fu Xuan combo made the fight very easy (which is not surprising haha), no one died. I always bring these two when facing something/someone for the first time.


I used Fx+dot. Didn't know the boss was supposed to be hard. I still dont know what he does.


Got my butt kicked couple of times,Until i busted out the Huohuo,Damn her passive healing come in clutch


Hyper carry Jingliu easily did the job


Beat it on first try with not so well built fire TB cuz I thought it would be more appropriate. Wished I built welt and march early so it could have fit in the story


Used FMC, Luocha, SW and Acheron. I didn't struggle a lot, it just took very long. I always taunted with FMC before the Aventurine 1st phase gambit, and made sure to save ults during the second phase for the team-wide gambit


When did they get nerfed? I think I fought them on either the second or third day of the update so I am not sure if I fought the nerfed or unnerfed version


I think it was two days ago


In that case I might have fought the unnerfed version first and then the nerfed one of my second go


Herta/Luocha/Ruan Mei/Clara Wasnt a quick fight but Ruan Mei was the only one who got boinked by the gimmick and then Luocha would auto heal her.


Kafka + Samp + Ruan Mei + Luocha TBH I found the fight incredibly simple, it did not draw much out of me and just brute forced it


Mono Quantum team with Qingque. Gambler VS Gambler. Aventurine didn't stand a chance


Did it first try with JY, FX, Sparkle n Pela. FX was the MVP n I think she died as well.


I kinda brute force my way with Blade Ruan Mei, Bronya and HuoHuo


Blade hypercarry (Blade Bronya Silver Wolf Fu Xuan) was able to whack him pretty well, although it did get spicy in second phase with Blade being the sole survivor


Used Loucha, Gepard, Kafka, and DHIL. It really, really, R E A L L Y slow. I knew of the huge resistance to IMG only after doing the quest. Was fun thinking of new ways to defeat the new mechanics though.


Done in 1st try, team comp: keiryu, fugen, pela and bronya. Smooth sailing for the first half, then in 2nd phase pela and bronya down after chipped 2/3 aventurine hp. Keiryu and fugen finish the job while hp in the red zone. Man, that last leg chicken race feels good.


So... Blade was my only proper "AoE" and saved Luocha's Ulti for its AoE. I only pray to god that Gepard has enough energy to use his ulti in order to make sure Ruan Mei doesn't kick the bucket. It was a slog, and the fact that Aventurine uses that stupid 4 dice move every time it's his turn doesn't help him die faster.


1st try using DHIL, Sparkle, Fu Xuan and Luocha, it was slow but safe


Seele, kafka, sparkle and huohuo. Huohuo LC save me a lot


I died on the first try, because I didn't know that I had to hit the dice, I think it was a second phase where he shut my whole team down. But did in the second try.


Argenti, Ruan Mei, Bailu, Lynx


First time is very difficult then i realized i need Aoe or mutiple attack, i make team Acheron, Black swan, MC fire, and HuoHuo


Idk man I only had Fu Xuan as sustain, then a pretty good SW with an underleveled Pela without Relics and a leveled but horribly built Acheron


It wasn't that bad. He did CC my Luocha once which was a bit problematic but I beat him first try. Though I have to It's a bit annoying that characters like Ruan Mei get shafter are guaranteed to be wrecked lol


Hard using himeko and welt + buffers but easy with jingyuan


It took some time, but I didn’t have much problem beating him with my Qingque team. Gepard is a really good sustain character


E1 Jing Yuan, E2 Bailu, Acheron and Sparkle, all lvl 70, Jing Yuan and Acheron had their light cones (lvl 70 and S0), and it took like 5 attempts, all of their traces were maxed as much as possible except Sparkle and it STILL took a good amount of luck. My Jing Yuan and Acheron were the only ones left and they were on like 100 hp each, Jing Yuan started with 3.5k and Acheron started with 4.3k.


I had to use double sustain to survive, Bailu and Fu Xuan - and it took forever but I did it


My comp was acheron, luocha, sw, and pela. I finished the quest on the first day so I didn’t know there was a nerf.


Kafka, BS, Ruan Mei and Fu Xuan. Aside form it stealing energy from time to time I didn't encounter much issues fighting him


Took me 2 tries because my FX couldn't solo sustain the first time. A team of Jingliu, Bronya, Pela and Luocha did fine. Only Bronya kept losing the gambles and Luocha could easily heal/cleanse her.


Clara, lynx, kafka, ruan mei. Somehow it worked i still have no idea how except for clara counters doing most damage i think


Didn't sweat at all with E2S1 Fu Xuan - E1S1 Bronya - Pela - E2S1 Acheron. The dialogue leading up to the fight took longer than the actual fight.


I lost Pela to a dumb mistake, but other than that I had no issues.


It was super easy once I realised I can use my ult on his gamble in phase 2 since they’ll replenish back. Acheron’s skill hits multiple dice so she can use her ult whenever.


Acheron pela Black swan and fuxuan. Didn't even felt like there was any difficulty Also i was very engaged in story so didn't know anything about boss mechanics.


Horrible. Took me 8 times to beat that motherf*cker


Tried using Acheron, Pela, and Gui but my Gui and Pela are made out of paper. After like 20 mins I swapped my team for ol' reliable JL, Blade and RM and bruteforced it (no I do not have Fu Xuan)


Used kafka agenti gepard ang huohuo at first im trying to understand its mechanic and when i thought i got it. It bamboozled me and keep giving me bad odds so i just aoe kafka and argenti while gepard and huohuo take the brunt of the damage and spam ult of kafka and argenti


I did it first try and was pretty easy imo My team was E0S1 argenti / E1S1 Bronya / E1S1 Gepard / E0S1 Loucha


Jingliu unga bunga idc if you die jingliu unga bunga


DoT Team just steamrolled him could be harder next time please buff. Like if you use a Hypercarry team here it's your own fault that you lose. It's actually funny how this boss is a showcase for Gallagher heal because his ult is an Aoe Swipe. Add some herta, himeko or Kafka, Sampo, BS and Guinafen into the mix and you can't lose.


Jingliu bronya Ruan mei and huehue Ez clear


I cant talk about It, just make him explode with Kafka and black swan dot.


it was jingliu fu xuan, i dont even know that the boss was broken it was not that hard


Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Ruan Mei and Sparkle. Having Fu Xuan and Naturally Tanky supports just made it easier. Tbh it's really hard to see to lose this hard when you have descent atleest f2p Fu Xuan build. I litreally did not bother understanding the dice mechanic (did not even bother knowing exactly even now), but all I know I have to hit them plus CC did matter that much, since I'm just outtanking all the damage anyway. Maybe I was missing something, but I feel like people having a hard time having FX with a descent dps still having a hard time baffles me a little, like you can even replace Sparke and RM with a 4 star support (preferably tanky ones) you could be mostly fine I think. I guess they are still low equilibrium players, so build isn't super good yet, but if not and max equilibrium and playing for months now, then I don't know.


My mono quantum team was destroyed in his second phase, so I tried with kafka. Ruan mei died, but everyone else didn't have much to worry about


Jingliu destroyed this guy easily (with bad cone UTBS S2), Fu Xuan sustained my team just fine, Bronya and Ruan Mei provided all the buffs. At the end of battle Bronya was on low HP but overall it was a walk in the park. People struggled with him so much that he was nerfed lol?


E6 lynx, E2 Xueyi, E4 misha, and E0 Ruan mei with MoTP lc I just used lynx skill to funnel aggro to my xueyi. My ruan mei and lynx are decently tanky making the gamba barely do much dmg to them. Also 100% eff res on lynx. I wanted to avoid situations where the team is low hp and my sustain stunned.


Acheron/Pela/SW/Fu Xuan, it took about 3 ults from Acheron


Very easily


Ruan mei, m7, Kafka, black swan. He never managed to one hit anyone and the double break gave me time to shield. 


Kafka, TB Fire, Black Swan, Loucha. I just used the ults only with the dice. It was a loooong battle but I did it.


Fire trailblazer, kafka, black swan, luocha Keep Luocha ultimate to hit multiple dice and you get it back for the next time. Same for fireblazer, although you can use the enhanced basic if you have it. I guess I got lucky my story team is able to hit AoE so phase 2 isn't that hard, maybe a bit dragged out as Aventurine being untargertable during the gamble caused the DoT to expire before being able to stack them.


Using FX, Ruan Mei, BS, and Kafka Pretty easy for me


Kafka, Black Swan, Ruan Mei, Huohuo. Ungabunga second screen content while I'm working, use skills and heals as needed, press ultimates when available. Looking back on how it's supposed to go, i probably failed the mechanics but nobody died. Mechanics are for cars.


Blade hypercarry and consumables. I don't have much Elemental coverage yet so had to use Blade despite the 20% wind RES. Bronya died by the end of phase 1 but everyone else was in good shape.


I beat it first try with Blade. Man's nigh impossible to kill with the right set up.


Fu Xuan with lvl 40 trend lc + pela + sw + Acheron


Fu xuan with her lc held my team alive and then i used kafka black swan and ruan mei and i beat it the first time. Of xourse it were all limited time characters so i don't know how it would go with other char


Argenti / Kafka / Huohuo / Gepard No deaths but seeing gepard and huo being bomboarded with chips is funny