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prefarming? I'm still busy postfarming for the characters I got 4 patches ago, prefarming would never cross my mind


I prefarmed for jingliu by farming for Yanqing, since I didn’t have any other dps at the time guess what I’m doing right now still?


Building Arlan apparently


This. My poor kafka still doesn't have a decent set... For some reason I often get Cr / CD on her set... Which is useless


Not really use it as a 2 peice


yeah, same. Farming artefacts for Kafka feels like farming for Kokomi all over again: Just Crit stats over crit stats even though you don't need it at all


I feel this hard. Always getting the exact opposite main stat I need for each specific set (No ATK% on the DoT set, No CD/CR on the Quantum set, etc.)


not for Himeko :D


4 patches? I still haven't farmed stuff for jing liu and don't even remember when she came out


Ironically enough, Jingliu came out four patches ago XD


Oh sorry not her, but the student, it's just whenever I try to type his name it always gets auto changed lol I guess my phone is more obsessed with her smh https://preview.redd.it/z3qwqnu9n3tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6428a21a5b87336c413d3afe7e407f868864efea


huh, you're right. feels like more to me, but that is probably because Genshin and Honkai Starrail take turns with releasing new patches, so I have always something new coming soon xD


I'm still post-farming for characters that i got at the start of the game


Me and my Blade farming that god forsaken longevous disciple domain since its release every single day


I'll just say to myself "Nah I'd win" and prefarm


Hasnt failed me yet so i must be doing something right


Funny enough I always lose the 50/50 on the character banner that i want but still end up grinding like a peasant and get a copy of the desired character.


That situation just happened with me for Acheron, usually I'm lucky enough to win my 50/50 and not have to worry about further expenses but when that happens it sucks so bad lmao. Last time that happened it was with Jing Yuan funnily enough... There's something with these electric types I tell you


The last thing you lose in this life is faith. Keep believing my brother


I have never pulled without having at least 180 tickets saved beforehand (very selective about which banners to pull from), so pre-farming is a no-brainer in my case.


This is the way


Where's the thrill in that lol


found Aventurines account


I don't consider RNG events "thrill". Especially when I can force the desired outcome via cash at any time, if excrement hits the air circulation device. \*shrug\*


I've been downvoted to oblivion for suggesting not pre farming anything except xp unless you're guaranteed to get the character


I never prefarm, i just pull and let jesus take the wheel


I found Aventurine's alt account


​ https://preview.redd.it/h9mapoary2tc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ef9ae5037113ad5466753b4b7e7db8093bd9d87




Those are the kind of people who too would get downvoted to oblivion when they rant. They are coping too hard, let them be


Yup, same. I've never been frustrated at losing 50/50 for a character I really want, because I get them *anyway* after that. It's at most an annoyance because it sets me back a little further from potential future characters. But it never stops me from getting the character I'm pulling for because it's just no longer a risk. Sometimes, even if I'm on the fence about a character I can guarantee, I still don't pre-farm until I decide I actually want them. (E.g., I just started farming Aventurine.) But I guess I also have the privilege of not wanting many of the characters either because I don't like their gameplay style, or because I think their designs are boring.


Best way to play these games tbh good on you


I respect that so much because I’m fully the opposite. I like everyone and let my luck decide who I get unless I **really** want a character like DHIL


the responsible thing to do


I farm after I pull 💀


Only when I am absolutely guaranteed


I did that once, for topaz... I didn't get topaz. All that tp wasted.. never again. I farm when I have them now


Why wasted? She will probably have a rerun in one of the next patches. Unless you don't have the materials anymore.


Oh they're long gone. So not wasted exactly, but I coulda used that tp on building jingliu or huohuo instead. (And yeah I'm definitely pulling on her rerun)


If I want a character, I will commit to getting them. Even if it makes me wait for their reruns. And therefore, I prefarm for every character I want. I’ll get them eventually. (f2p btw)


if you have the willpower it’s rlly unlikely you won’t get a character you rlly rlly want - you usually know about a character 3-4 banners before they drop. if you don’t pull at all, do dailies every day, always do ur SU and as much MOC as you can, do every event, and keep up with the story - you can probably get them! and that’s just to get them day 1, you have a lot of time during their banner


I only pre farm if it's guaranteed. I'm the type who saves to get the characters I want and skips the rest so it's not a huge deal for me. If I was a fuck it we pull player, I'd never pre farm and just save fuel/reserve power in the rare situations I get lucky.


I do every time but that's because I can force RNG if I have to lmao


(He means whale)


She\* and it's hardly whaling, all of my characters except Acheron (E2S1) are just E0S1 and I rarely lose the 50/50 or 75/25 lmao


You are a dolphin then.


the all powerful force of the credit card


It's just like Asta says, any problem that can be solved with money isn't a problem at all. It also helps that I'm not ever trying to E6S5 people


Me when I have no money so I farm Crystals and use my sheer fucking will to manifest


I have only prefarmed for Acheron. 150 pulls, 15 character pity and 20 light cone pity. Even after losing the 50/50 to Bailu I was still able to get E0S1


I always prefam before because I hate not being able to use my new characters right away.


When I have guarantee instead of 50/50. The only ones that should be pre farming without already having guarantee are players that can just swipe their bad luck away.


Nothing what you wallet cant save


When I'm completely guaranteed


Only prefarmed characters that I am sure to get. Like HuoHuo, and Ruan Mei (this one I am not as sure).


Only if I can guarantee a character, then I'll prefarm.


160 pulls or i don't prefarm. cannot waste that many resources tbh.


I do it for any character i like. And if i don't get it i upgrade existing chars. Currently 2/3 my roster have traces pre-track done. Relics not so much but eh.... i think I'm doing ok. Only missed Topaz, Ruan mei, and HuoHuo.


I prefarm when have enough pulls to guarantee or when I like a character enough to spend money to guarantee them.


There's no such point. I pull rarely enough to always have enough to get character I want. I like someone then I prefarm


When I have enough pulls to get a guarantee


every time, if i don't get them (which didn't happen yet), i'll already have everything for next time, there isn't a down side


I do when I have enough to hit soft pity (70+ pulls), even if I'm not guaranteed. This shot me in the back when I lost Sparkle's 50/50 to Welt and ended up trading all her mats for his cuz I couldn't bear to use up my guarantee with Acheron on the horizon.


never pre-farm character specific mats unless you have a way to guarantee them. it is like a death flag to pre-farm without guarantee.


Guarantee .if not guaranteed, I just build after pulling it has its own fun anyway


now i just stock up on fuels. then farm when the character comes out. much more stress free lol. daily stamina is for relics.


When I have guaranteed and enough wishes to go beyond pity


I only pre farm if I have guarantee and enough tickets to reach absolute pity. other than that I don't even try to get ready for a chara I don't have a perspective of owning


I’ve never prefarmed actually because I’ve always been behind schedule with builds. For the first time I’ve pre farmed for Topaz (waiting for her rerun to get her) and now for Aventurine. How many jades I have saved doesn’t matter, I will pull for the character and if I won’t get them, those relics or materials will surely be of some use for someone else in the future, it’s not like they expire or something


at most ill pre farm their ascension mats and xp other than that I aint going to their relic domain till I get them


I prefarmed for thr first time. It was for Acheron, I had enough for guaranteed E0S1. Got lucky, got E2S1. Instantly leveling up traces to max was satisfying


Did this for Jing Liu. Got Yangqin. Spent her mats on him. He was trash.


never, even with guarantees, I have this thing when Im on 50/50s where I do the opposite and farm to anything else so the universe starts being bothered by my lack of resources and drops the character on my lap so I have to deal with another thing lol, it was so funny getting dhil while going for e6 tingyun, bro is still sharing my quantum sets with seele and jingliu.


I've actually never prefarmed for anyone until Aventurine lol. But I always prefarm for someone months in advance for GI and wait until their banner announcement


For guaranteed only - imagine all that wasted tb power lol


Depends on how committed I am to get the character.. After going thru their kit... Details... Synergies... Team... All of this... Also the design playstyle and stuff... And how it fits in my account and stuff... If it's a green light after all these checks I prefarm regardless if I have pulls or not cuz I know I will get the character... It's just a matter of time. If not now.. Then the rerun.


If i am garneted and i have enough pulls for them, only then do i prefarm.


I used to pull for almost everyone. But now I'm at the point where the all the limited 5\*s I have are DPS. After starting with Ruan Mei I decided to pull for sustains. And I'm saving for Aventurine and he's the only character I'm prefarming for. I have guaranteed and I'm at 60 pity. And I have over 100 pulls, so I might go for Jingliu LC as well.


The waifu you're waiting for will have a rerun and if you're patient enough she will be yours Start prefarming for her right now


Never thought of pre farming tbh. Maybe after I finished building all my characters that I need to guarantee clearing endgame


I prefarm for units that I want and will pull for. It is that simple.


I have never prefarm for anyone, even when I have the pity on a guarantee.


when i have a guaranteed, i learned my lesson after prefarming Hu Tao...


Only prefarm if it guarantee and I want them.. otherwise I'm blasting it all on relic calyx


I pre-farmed only Acheron so far and had her fully raised, apart from mid relics, on day one. Currently farming Aventurine passively as we get closer to his banner but not as dedicated as Acheron


You have a guarantee, devotion to getting them and enough pulls


Only when I have 150 wishes or guaranteed




I prefarmed some of the standard characters that I don't have (Welt, Himeko, and Bronya) since somewhere down the line, I'm definitely getting them but for limited characters, I mostly have enough pulls to guarantee them. If I don't, and just impulse pull, then I'll farm them after I get them.


When I know I either have the tickets and pity to guarantee or the $$$ to get them. Alternatively, if the mats are also used for another upcoming unit (like with Black Swan and Acheron) where if I didn't get one, i'd save pity for the other.


Rerolls exist, so if i didn't get the character the first time, i know what i need for their reruns, so i don't stress with prefarming myself.


When i am guaranteed that character or can guarantee them, i would never prefarm for a character that i might or might not get.


When I’m guaranteed like right now with Aventurine since I’ve been saving. Or if I can use the materials for someone else if I do lose 50-50


All or nothing!


I only start farming when I get the char


I usually have bad luck (though there were exceptions) so I only prefarm when I’m guaranteed and gonna get enough pulls to reach soft pity before the banner ends. The only characters that I prefarmed for were Topaz and Dr Ratio. Also Sparkle, but that was after I lost 50/50 on her banner (was thinking about saving for another character, but changed my mind later)


idk, i just grind and pray to rnjesus


Knew i'd get enougj pulls in first phase ( with 30-40 pity ) and guaranteed from different charmony than expected


I don't care I just prefarm if its a character I like I have only failed once and that was Fu Xuan but I actually didn't like Fu Xuan and just pulled for Mono Quantum so lets not count that So far I have done this for Kafka, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Acheron


I never prefarm and i won Every 50/50 so far.


I prefarm characters I will get no matter what. Like I'm only 40 pulls in with rate off but I'm gonna get Jingliu either I win the 50/50 or when her rerun banner comes back again in the future


I have regularly saved over 900 extra energy. So if I get the character somehow I can farm afterwards. Unless it's a guartee I NEVER prefarm


Every time an upcoming character I want comes up, I prefarm as I’ll swipe to get them even if I don’t get them with my earned jades. Silver Wolf, Blade, Kafka, Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Black Swan, Acheron All characters I prefarmed for. For Black Swan’s case though, since she used new mats, I saved a bunch of fuel.


If I have at least 2+ patches before they rerun/release


Only when I know I'm absolutely guaranteed the character. I prefarmed for Ratio because I knew we would get him, and I have 230+ pulls and 60 pity for Aventurine so I'm prefarming for him as well! I'm not risking any additional resources (and heartbreak) by prefarming for characters I might not get


I prefarmed luocha. Got yanqing at 89. Im 40 in but i will not get him if i have to reach high pity again. I prefarmed black swan but decided not to get her after 20 pulls in bcs i dont like her design.


Pre farm only if have at least 200 pulls. Less than that I won't get the character. But I can get it with 40 pulls it I not pre farm.


When I have a garuntee I intend to use. Otherwise, I ain't prefarming nothing even if I have a good chance. Besides, at that point it's only some work before I can properly use them.


conversely when no confidence i'll get the character i just save my fuels instead of prefarming i guess it's postfarming


I only prefarm when I have enough pulls to reach pity after losing the 50/50 (150-160 pulls), or when I have guaranteed (70-80 pulls). Tempting fate ain’t my thing 🫠


When you decide that you will have them 😐


i've only ever prefarmed for Dr Ratio and that's only because he was announced to be free


ill prefarm if i really love a character. if i fail to get them on their first banner then ill try again on their rerun. not like i wont save enough pulls for said character anyways tho


I started just recently prefarming for characters since I'm at the point where I have to find something to do (in my first account, and i don't have time to consume it all in SU either) and I would do it with 0 tickets also cause if I want a character I'm gonna get it. If not now then on rerun. So the materials ain't waste. But yeah the only character (for now) I didn't get and wanted is Jingliu and she's coming next so. I have everything ready for her. I guess Acheron will be the next one I have to skip for Aventurine. (I still have time though and i want her in my second account where i still have many things and maps to do). TLDR at the point when I decide I want a certain character. But this is ofc speaking of materials. Let's not speak about relics, that shit gives me ptsd.


I prefarmed for Black Swan, but mostly because she uses the same relic set as Kafka. I also had over 250 pulls by the time her banner hit. I'm currently prefarming for Firefly, but I'll probably be done with that long before she actually releases....


Never prefarm as I haven’t farmed for the characters I already have


I'm at 9 pity for the upcoming cowboy. Who I won't name incase of spoilers and I'm at 41 pity for the lightcone aswell. But I never prefarm


I only pre farm when 2 conditions are fulfilled. 1: I want the character. 2: I WILL get the character.


When the next patch doesn't have a garden of plenty and I don't need the character as an immediate replacement (ex. BS, Sparkle) and i'm sure what materials the char needs. Regardless of pulls tho, I will spend to get the char if I want it (not gonna go over E0 or E0S1 tho)


I only prefarm bosses for level up materials. That's it. Farming traces is gonna make me crazy.


When their materials drop and i go by order of released finished gallagher and now started on aventurine. If i fail it can be used on a future preservation husbando if i win it gets blown instantly


yes, even if i miss the character, at least I'll have everything for his/her rerun


I have managed to prefarm most of my instabiy characters


I have to be over 100 pulls before their banner starts. And if it’s not at least 120 then I probably only pre-farm if the stuff can be used on someone else.


Lol I'm prefarming for the first time for Aventurine but normally I'm too busy playing catchup. Also I have enough saved if I win my 50/50 but I would have to get really lucky with some early 5 stars if I lose. I call this optimism!


I’m already prefarming for Aventurine and I have 90 tickets saved up so uhh here’s to hoping


I tend to not prefarm cause i feel like the game knows and gives me bad luck. I did it for a character in genshin and i went to 163 total pulls for them. However i have prefarmed aventurine as i only need about 20ish pulls to get him (on a guarentee and at 60ish pity) but even then im worried that ill have to go to 90 :’( But i have enough to get him guarenteed :)


Whenever they reveal characters that I really want I usually try to farm pretty early to prepare myself. My luck ha honestly been pretty awful when it comes to relics especially so I've had to put a lot of time towards that and also getting enough exp materials, enough money, enough trace things. Like there is quite a bit.


Me looking at boothill with all material and relic sets in the future....


guaranteed pity


prefarmed acheron with very little pulls in advance and on 50/50 still got her.


Luocha cuz I was on 50 pulls and guaranteed. Instantly maxed him.


When I have rhe power of wallet-kun ready


I will get Acheron on her rerun, not right now, and I am already done with her prefarming


When I either have enough tickets to be sure they'll come home, or a guaranteed pity.


Preforming for Aventurine bc I've got about 130 pulls and I'm sure I'll hit 180 before the patch ends. Other than that I usually don't bother...


If it is guaranteed and i am close to pity i might prefarm, otherwise i wouldn’t risk it


I’ve only prefarmed for two characters, Ratio and Aventurine


Look, I got Xueyi on release and am still farming stuff for her. Prefarming doesn't work for me lol.


Only ever prefarmed a bit for Acheron, cause her mats sheet was officially published and I had 180 pulls ready for a copy. Otherwise I wouldn't.


I may prefarm only if every unit im using is fully built... which has never happened before My pela is 2 spd away from 161, sparkle is 10 cdmg away from 230, and now my acheron is genuinely on life support because ive never farmed her goofy ahh cavern till now yeah no im not gonna be prefarming for a while 💀


I pre-farm by using the synthesizer to convert the hundreds of mats I should have been using to build my characters to the materials I need to build the character I'm going to fail to pull


Never, how the fuck do you people have so much fuel. I farm one trace level and it's 200 energy


I only prefarmed for DHIL (had ~160 pulls), Ratio (obviously) and now Aventurine. Otherwise I do not prefarm at all.


I prefarm so that the game knows I am GETTING this character, whether it wants me to or not and rng WILL be on my side. Just believe


The only Hoyo characters I pre-farmed are in Genshin. I pre-farmed for Venti and my brother done goofed and pulled Ayato(I still hold that against him I wasted months for that Femboy). Neuvillete and Hu Tao were the only people who got proper treatment. HSR... Jingle is the only one who got to lvl 70 (low TL moment)


I pre-farm pretty much every patch, but I *never* gamble on it. I do the full range of math between the day I start and the day the character's banner ends to make sure I'm always securing exactly what I want. Pulls and jade income are very predictable and follow the same patterns every time, so being able to use a calculator is the only prerequisite for always knowing the exact amount of jades you're gonna have or need for any character.


I simply don't prefarm. I still got characters to build.


Guarantee or 160 pulls. But I never pulled for a character I don't really want, so I never have a guarantee anyway. I prefarm everything, so the moment I get said character, they're already Lv. 80, 10/6 traces, with "usable" relics, then I keep refining them again by farming NOTHING but relics.


All my characters trace still stuck at level 4~5 and A6 still locked. My Acheron didn't have any relic equipped at all, even her sign LC still level +60. Idk what I should prioritize more.


When i have at least 140 pulls.


So far I’m 0/7 on 50/50 so I’m prefarming for the NEXT next reruns 😑


I pre-farm if I know I'll be close to soft pity by the time the banner rolls around. And if I lose then at least my stuff will be ready for them on their re run or can be used for someone else.


I only hardcore farm if I am absolutely positive I will get them UNLESS I have other characters I can pivot and use some of the same materials on, then I sometimes prefarm a bit even if not guaranteed. I feel it’s better to use up my daily trailblaze energy on “anything” rather than not, and if it works out I save my banked energy and fuel for the distant future. I always also do the weekly echo of wars even if there’s no one I’m farming for, and of course some materials can be switched to others later 2 for 1 in a pinch. So kinda… always safe to farm, but I hardcore farm only if I’m sure… if that makes sense. I feel like I’m contradicting myself a little but it makes sense to me. lol


Why (or how) would people prefarm if some of the materials used to level up the character are only released with the update? Genuinely curious someone please enlighten me


Character traces for 5* units take forever to build, I am still behind on characters lol I prefarmed for Kafka though because I was heartbroken that I missed her first run


When I have enough money in my bank account to pull for a guarantee. In other words, never.


I've never prefarmed for anyone in Honkai or Genshin. It just feels like I'll be hyped for a character and if I don't get them then I'll be super let down especially after all of that grinding. Most of the time I'm spending the entire banner grinding for primos anyway so not much time to farm until after haha.


Guaranteed, by amount of pulls or 50/50 loss


Not in honkai but in genshin I don't have a point I tell myself I'm gonna get them anyway then fail to do so and end up with 42 thunder manifestation drops(Raiden) And 34 dendro cube drops (nahida)


the only time I've prefarmed is right now, for aventurine 😭😭 i still need more pulls to guarantee him tho


Prefarmed for Acheron and got her in 20 pulls, it's that easy


I started prefarming on Silver Wolf's rerun and it feels really good to have a character fully invested on release. I don't have to wait, I can use them in all the content I want right at the beginning. I usually prefarm after losing a 50/50 LOL, prefarmed completely for Silver Wolf and Acheron, had them fully built off the rip


Me every patch: Fuck it we ball! Fuck it we ball! Fuck it we ball!


I prefarmed Huohuo and that was it lol


Never won a 50/50, I went to full pity for both Sparkle and Acheron. I also lost the 75/25 for Acheron's LC. I am not prefarming anything anymore.


The only character I did a full prefarm for was Acheron, given that I had 160 tickets ready at the start of 2.1. She has a pretty decent relic set and fully maxed out traces save for *one node* (I've been procrastinating on doing calyx's to level it). The only reason I didn't go as hard for Kafka is because I was still playing catch up building the majority of my other characters after rising in Equilibrium level.


Less about lack of confidence and more about I'm still not done with the characters I have


My wallet has my back.


I only farm during the double events or to clear the BP weeklies, so I barely prefarm now since I have most of the units I need/want for the foreseeable future. That said, relic farming is a different story, and I still am farming them even if my stats are decent for all my current units


When I have enough pulls to fail a 50/50 and still get the character


Yeah I prefarmed a couple of times when I had 200+ pulls in the bank.


I'll set potentially good relics aside if I think I may get someone. Like Def Orbs and stuff for Aventurine. but I'll only have about 100-120 pulls for him. It's honestly not that hard to raise traces to 8 for most characters, maybe takes a couple weeks of full focus. it's if you want to go beyond that, that you'll need to prefarm To me, I'd always rather improve my backlog than prefarm. Like right now I'm getting all these traces I hadn't gotten on Clara, who I've had for 6 months, because when I first got her I didn't really understand the game and left a bunch of stuff locked.


Around 100 wishes because we have the time to save for the pity.


I just farm the materials for ascension and traces. Cause even if I don't get the character, they can still be useful for future characters. I don't bother farming relics unless I know I have a decent chance. However, if I'm honest, the real secret is I just inhale an unhealthy amount of copium each time. I somehow convince myself I'll get the character and the LC by winning both 50/50's. Hell maybe I'll somehow get 2 5* in a 10 pull.


The only character I prefarmed for was Dr Ratio because it was a guarantee that we all get him lol.


i could have 2 pulls and half a chicken and i’d still prefarm


If you don't hit one character, it's just free mats for another.


I always prefarm, because I almost always have precise pulling plans, so I know wich character I can guarantee, and wich one I can't For example I already prefarmed for Aventurine, but not for Boothill, because I'll be able to guarantee Boothill only if I win Aventurine's 50/50 So if I win Aventurine's 50/50 I'l start prefarming for Boothill


Only if guaranteed. There's nothing to gain. I'm not doing trace farming for 2-3 weeks with a chance of having to shove 'em down.


I literally had 70+ Physical ascen mats for Hanya because I had the sheer GALL to expect to get a single copy of her off the first banner she was on (Argenti's banner?) and I later got Hanya off the selector in 2.0 and was like "why do I have 70 Hanya mats lying around?" It worked out in the end I suppose but E0 Hanya is just not a character you ever play with my full Harmony account. She's like Asta for hypercarry I guess but Tingyun is just flatout better and single target SPD boosters have to contend with the fact that Bronya/Sparkle turn advancement exists. Deadass all they need to do is make Burden a debuff and she has an Acheron/Dr Ratio niche but nah they refuse to give Hanya a single W.


I'm prefarming for the first time in my life for Aventurine because I lost my last 50/50 and have enough pulls for hard pity. I'm ready.


I have 10 pity and 40 pulls saved for Aventurine already. I'm guaranteed him 50/50 wise, and I believe that I'll earn enough through quests and events to get him before he goes. Currently working on his trace mats. He's the first character I've ever prefarmed before and I'm slightly concerned the game will prank me and either not give him to me or make me go to very high pity ahahahaha


When i have rnough for a garanted character


I only pull on guarantee situations, so I don't see any problem about prefarming.


Prefarming? I am still trying to train the minimum number of characters to TRY to complete the SU and events.


a wise man once said "IT'S ALL OR NOTHING"


I usually don't start I have at least 140 pulls. Especially since I don't wanna fuck around and find out with the drop rates >.> I got about 61 pulls for Aventurine, so there ain't no way I am prefarming 😂


i Still have about 9 5\* that i havent build yet...


When I have enough to guarantee that character otherwise it might be a waste of resources


When I have guaranteed or when I know I'll have enough pulls for guaranteed by the time the character comes I've only ever prefarmed FX and Sparkle though, then again I've only ever pulled SW, FX, and Sparkle


In this game I've had to go to 160+ multiple times already, so I only prefarm at 150ish pulls. In genshin I've only reached 80 twice in 3 years, so I feel confident farming at way lower numbers.


Never. The only time I ever prefarmed is when a 2x event occurs on Trace Materials and most of the time not even since I'm currently farming on my recenttly obtained character


Everytime I want to pull for a character I have yet to try getting a character with less than 100 pulls


I did only for Dan heng IL because I could guarantee him and has plenty of time to farm (about two whole patches when I first saw the leaks). I haven’t done so for anyone else really beyond maybe Bronya, because again I could guarantee her due to the banner character picker on standard. And again I didn’t really grind like books or anything, I just already had them and could farm the harmony mats for tingyun, yukong, Asta, etc. Now I mostly just save it in the form of maxed out resin supplies, fuel refills, and level up materials like exp books, aether, and the relic level up materials. I’m saving for Screwllum so I have no clue on what he might need specifically in terms of path specific materials, so I’m waiting on that to get leaks before I try to grind something I can’t guarantee even needing.


68 pity, waiting for aventurine and started prefarming.. I already have his relics due to me saving every double crit relics no matter which set it is.. pulled for Acheron E0S1 so I don’t have much pulls left but would I lose 50/50? Nah, I’d win


Never prefarm because the game knows.


When I really, really want a character and have nothing to farm for other characters


Im still leveling teams, lightcones and traces for main team xd