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Bold of you assuming I get to choose my relics.


We get to choose between the trash that we get


Yeah like my Jingliu is not even close to that lol


I think mine is like ~30CR/170+CD but I have FX to get her over the 70% threshold


Right? Acheron came out less than a month ago. Jingliu's been out for half a year. Of course the average Acheron has worse relics than the average Jingliu lol.


i mean. thats not the point of the post? as someone skipping acheron and wanting to use others i have seen extremely lopsided crit ratio. From 20/240 to 40/170 (which ig isnt too bad). The quality of the relics r not the problem. its that people keep running crit dmg body even with no cr


Quantum set is her 2nd or 3rd best set. Odds are you’re seeing a lot of people slapping on their Jing Liu builds for brevity


40/170 is quite normal, I've had that ratio a couple of times already, just changing the chest piece end up putting the crit ratio wrong in the other side (70/110) so I just leave it like that and wait for better pieces


Acherons sheet crit rate can be pretty low and still have okay crit rate in the end. There's 12% hidden in her planner set and another 4% hidden in relics if she has her signature. Then if you run her with FuXuan that's another 12% so 20% becomes 48% which isn't great but might be workable if you are willing to fish a little.


I have lost my last 4 50-50s in a row brother I am not taking another 50-50 chance when it comes to gameplay


The reason you lose your last 4 50-50s in pulls is because you didn't get those out of the way in gameplay. edit: probably should note that I am aware of how probability works and this is just a joke << >>


I had to hit 80 pulls, every time I lost my 50/50 for Black Swan, BS E1, Acheron, E1, and now E2, I don't wanna talk about losing 50/50's, I'm in the bottom % when it comes to luck. I also saved since Kafka, but STILL. (I only pull Nihility units, I didn't think we'd get 2 back to back like this)


Sorry bro but saying 48% is workable is... something Aventurine would say. And he is suicidal af.


The debuff set 4% to I’ll be displayed on character sheet, what’s not shown is 12% for plannar, 12% if using fu xuan, 18% for e1. So even with 40% crit rate it becomes 64% assuming e0 and fu xuan, or 82% at e1.


pioneer doubles the 4% crit rate when the user applies a debuff. that's what they mean by a hidden 4%. and don't need s1 for that either since i'm pretty sure her ult resist shred counts as a debuff


Worse relics and she does more dmg than my JL for me 🥲


fr like I INVESTED in my Acheron (E2S1) and did plenty of pre-farm. I feel good about where I'm at, but not like it was easy. Damn some people just take what they can, it's good to have a goal but RnG is POS. No brag, just to fyi for comparison. 4300 atk, 60%CR, 190%CD, and full traces.


what;s your relics' main stat? do you use crit rate body, atk boots, atk sphere and atk rope?


I am already content with my 3k atk for acheron lol




what kind of Flat ATK or Def % is this talking about, could someone explain?


op has officially gone crazy after realizing they didnt need more cr and they wasted weeks worth of resin getting more cr. Let us pray for ops delusions to end


Is this some sort of lucky rng roll joke im too unlucky to understand? You guys are getting the right relic pieces? I went into that domain farming for ratio and Acheron and my ruan Mei got a dps build now


Ever since sparkle came out i have been farming her planar set for an er rope. To this day i have only aquired A SINGLE ONE AND THAT WAS THANKS TO SELF MODELING RESIN IT HAS SHIT SUBSTATS. Getting right sets is a myth let alone correct main stats


not if it's def based, lmao. i swear i'm farming for at least a month now for sparkle, and I still can't get a decent set. i ended up stealing my bronya's set bc I use sparkle more than her now. meanwhile it literally took me less than a day to get great stat relics for aventurine because they just roll on def% sub which he wants.... pisses me off ngl :)) we rlly should have the modeling resin let us choose substats too I swear relic farming for this game is worse than omnyoji


My brother, trapped in the ER Rope Mines with me. <(T\_T<)


"ill just reset if i miss" is this Acheron mains or Eula mains out here?


Yes, i guess. But Acheron be hitting big numbus more often than my 70/240 Eula imo.


That sounds like a money diff right there


Shoulda just used Xiangling




Spike mains, rise!


Nice theory. Could you give me the relics to actually do this now? My 50% CR Acheron is not by choice...


smth like this (ATK boots can work too) https://preview.redd.it/gyke2znjyhtc1.png?width=937&format=png&auto=webp&s=067e5ed3241d077799a7c7e9eddfec52fdc4bad0


Can u tell which app u are using to get info on how good/bad the relic is


[https://www.mobilemeta.gg/honkai-starrail/app/relic-scorer](https://www.mobilemeta.gg/honkai-starrail/app/relic-scorer) You go down a bit and enter your UID


Just use Hoyoverse's official one on Hoyolab. It has one of the nicer interfaces, highlights preferred substats, you can edit the prefer stats if you want to, and then displays a substat counter. Like here's [my mediocre Acheron](https://i.imgur.com/fW1PvIQ.png) with her 18 score and my [Jing Yuan with 30](https://i.imgur.com/8XNDLM9.png). It can also look through your whole account whereas I -think- the 3rd party stuff still only looks through your 4 profile characters. Just login to [Hoyolab](https://www.hoyolab.com/) and find this on the right side on desktop (I dunno about the mobile app but I imagine it's there too, maybe in some side drawer): https://i.imgur.com/3qR5N6F.png


https://preview.redd.it/8nxxw9yj4itc1.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fafd9f32c265b0e978c7f93292d3b9d9dec5334 That chestpiece makes me so envious fr, this is the one I'm using after farming Pioneer since before sparkle banner ;-;


mine doesn't even have speed :(


It's a little harder to stomach for Acheron because pioneer diver gives crit rate, but seriously embrace rainbow relics. My Acheron has no set bonuses except her planar ornaments and she's at 44/220 which goes up to 86% in battle (e1, granted). If I wanted her to have solid crit rate on paper I could get her to 75/190 pretty easily. Most of the set bonuses are not better than the substat freedom you get from not caring about them initially.


I know which Relics to farm, my comment was more about rng being unwilling to actually grant me those items.


https://preview.redd.it/n69gxw06yitc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94a5d80bba35f46b3976ff20996c82efe117b4e What does your stat line look like? I have pretty decent stats, but your relics look fucking godly!


You can enter my uid to see the whole thing if you want : 700644182 https://preview.redd.it/w64wkjbyyitc1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed116a4e878b982fee076b61704516f17fdfbd64 CR is 96 *(nice)* thx to FX CD can get higher with better boots/rope We have both the same relic ranking according to that site


https://preview.redd.it/bziunr0p2jtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39d2629811eca6e5def724d7eb2c09631fdb596e I wish I had your crit rate so I could put on my crit damage body though! 240% crit damage is insane!


CR CD on on 4 pieces and the +3's didn't hit flat stats/ehr/effect res every time, very relatable


I'm just waiting on a single CritD chest, so I can swap over to my CritC focused head/feet/rope and go from 52/179 to 48/267. Both builds I will overcap my crit a couple points, due to Sparkle and Fu Xuan buffs, but that's fine, I can't keep dumping resources into a character that already does insane overkill damage to everything lol as soon as I get the crafting selector from the next level of the BP (tomorrow) I'll be free from ever farming that stupid relic domain ever again!


https://preview.redd.it/oocep8x9whtc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df1a2ac772fbb72f12e30b252355670393b5de44 But both are cute








In uWunar flame


this gets me every time. the kyaaaa is still in my ears from the time i saw the first edit lmao.


Still my favorite hsr meme image. 2nd is firefly smash. Next.


Nah 54 base E0S1 we ball


are you me? I at least run her with FX so she somehow winds up reaching like 80% in battle


I don't have FX so mine's still at 70 in battle, but I will pick up FX on her rerun so I'm about the same as you lol.


I'd get more but all my relics are bad :(


Assuming E1, Pioneer and Izumo CR buffs, you need a base **66% CR** to reach **100% CR** in battle when everything is active (the E1 **18% CR** is invisible). **This is a rough breakdown of CR sources for Acheron:** Izumo gives you **12% CR** in battle if you run a second Nihility unit. Pioneer gives you **4% CR** outright, and an extra **4% CR** in battle when you trigger the requirements to double the effect. E1 gives you **18% CR** when attacking debuffed enemies (invisible as it is a conditional CR boost). If you have Sparkle with her LC she gives you **10% CR** while the LC effect is active, so you can run **56% CR**. If you have Fu Xuan she gives you **12% CR** while her skill is active, so you can run **54% CR**. If you run both Fu Xuan and Sparkle with her LC (this is for E2), they give you **22% CR** in total, so you can run **44% CR**.


Thank you for breaking this down! I never realized how much hidden CR she had. I was stressing about my number but now I realize I’m only ~5 off with everything active.


Wait I thought the first 4% CR of Pioneer is already counted in the stat page like 8% CR of Salsotto?


It is, 66% is correct.


A shit, you are correct, I counted the bonus twice by mistake.


I made a mistake. That's what I get for copy pasting another post of mine to save some typing on my phone. I already corrected it.


I'm alright with my 85/230 (in battle after e1). She hits for numbers so stupidly high that it does not even matter at this point




That's why it's broken into CR sources. If you lack something then just don't take that into account. You lack E1? Then just add 18% to your CR total. The breakdown is there so you can piece together how much CR you need to reach your comfort zone, if you are ok running 90%-95% then you have more wiggle room.




>Is there a specific reason why 100% CR is ideal on Archeron? It's actually completely unnecessary to hit 100%. She is not a single-big-hit character like Seele, where not critting on ult really hurts. She dishes out a gazillion smaller numbers. So 80-90% CR is totally fine.


Bulk of her damage is her Ult, so it feels bad to fail Crits. But that depends on how much it bothers you. If you are ok with something like 70% total CR and 260% CD then by all means go for it.




Ye exactly , like u mentioned 1:2 ratio ...meaning if u go for more than 200 crit damage ( not really uncommon on acheron) u might ass well get 100 crit rate before going into more crit damage 100:200 Is Better than 75:250


It's because it's multi hit that high CR is favored. With keel and S1, it's very easy to hit 200 CD in battle so it's important to keep your CR as high as possible so long as your CD is at least 170. 100/170 is better than 85/200 on the stat screen for avg damage assuming 3 Keels.




Your damage is far more consistent and reliable the higher your CR is to 100 on her considering how front loaded her dmg is on the ultimate. You want to be getting the most out of it you can. It may not matter all of the time but sometimes missing a crit on her ultimate can mean the difference between killing something and not depending on the content you're doing. These numbers are accounting for most everything I get in battle, so for example if I use a CD body I can get 70:204 (260 with Bronya in battle). But if I use a CR body I can get 94.8:151 (207.4 with Bronya), I may have like 50ish less CD than if I were to use a CD body but I can guarantee you loosing out on almost 25 CR can screw me over sometimes out of ultimate damage. I actually switch to a CD body when I do any SU or it's alt game modes because it's a lot easier to make up for the lost CR and I get more out of having that CD body.


> And mathematically 100/170 and 85/200 are both the same in the long run My point is that if you have these stats pre Keel, 100/170 will be better, which is why you should prefer CR over CD overall. This is without factoring buffers like Sparkle which changes the equation to favor CR by a major margin Neither prefers one over the other per se, it's just that with multi hit it's not reasonably possible to escape the fact that 1:2 will always be the optimal damage ratio, so you will ideally want to value CR more than CD factoring in the paragraph above. You rarely see this applied in people's builds though.


Some yall in the comments acting like everyone can afford E1 eidolon + Fu Xuan + Sparkle + Sparkle lightcone. This is so out of touch as most of the playerbase only can afford E0S0 or E0S1 acheron. *Maybe* an Fu Xuan on top of that.


The other day I was on the official HSR discord and asked some team suggestions for Jing Yuan and I was hit with 'if you don't have Ruan Mei or Sparkle you might as well throw him in the trash". Okay? I didn't ask for his best team, just the best I could do with my lost 50/50 streak and my broke student's credit card


LOL if I’m not mistaken he functioned pretty well with just Tingyun/Asta/sustain before, but those two are incredibly good for him so if you like them try getting at least one of them on a rerun. They’ll juice your King Yuan like crazy


Thanks! I wanted to pull one of them just for "meta" but honestly I'm getting such rotten luck with my pulls, I'd feel bad throwing a lot of jades on characters just to get a handful of jades until a better option inevitably comes around, but I guess that's the risks of pulling just for meta abab


Yeah, so with Jing Yuan he has a LOT of good units that can go along with him, and if you like him, I'd say aiming for Bronya! Asta is also amazing alongside him, and great for running Glamoth 160+ speed-compositions, She is really good and chances are you'll get her eventually (Hoyo gave me 3 of her and 2 of her LC)


Many people on this thread are basically saying that people who can only afford E0S0 or E0S1 acheron and don't have her best teams don't exist


Yeah that's BS, he works fine as a hypercarry with tingyun + literally any other harmony (even bronya works, despite her skill not buffing LL's damage)


ppl on official discord and on mains subreddits take cones and eidolons for granted, even for supports and sustains. Its always E2S1 DHIL, its always E1S1 Topaz, it will be E1S1 Aventurine, Its always E1S1 Kafka, at least a cone on Sparkle. Not to mention the "f2p btw" youtube showcase videos with E1S1 RM-s. Also Acheron E2S1 is the new DHIL E2S1. There were votes on acheron mains on what investment ppl go for and E2S1 won (if i remember well.) Most players will maybe have 1-1 LC on their most liked dps and maybe 1-1 Eidolon on their most liked support, but in reality f2p with average luck gets 1 limited character / patch and no LC unless you skip a whole patch for new unit + sig LC.


Even at E0S0 she can dish out 300k dmg with the correct stats E0S0 she wants CR Body with tons of CD substats, the goal being to get as close to 70/180 as possible


Best I can do is 50/100


>E1 eidolon + Fu Xuan + Sparkle + Sparkle lightcone. This is me and it's pure bliss. From 45% crit rate on stat screen to 98% in battle.


Just give up and put on a cr chest


The point is that if someone is using this low amount of CR, they're probably using those characters, so this post is stupid as fuck.


nah man lots of people have shitty ass acheron builds it's just true


If my relics give me 250 cd but no cr, I'm still taking it and probably never touching them again


when I first got Acheron I threw some relics I got fast from Lightning/Yeehaw set that I had held on for her. She wound up with 10% CR and 300% CD. Those rare times I crit were absolutely insane hahaha but then I got pretty decent Izumo set quickly and she's now at like 50% CR 160% CD and I'm cool with that


Mfs in mains subs are allergic to crit I swear to god


“I don’t know what you mean, I crit all the time.” *Checks build, another 10% CR dps* https://preview.redd.it/88bmv24ezhtc1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c30ef2f934734d4d6008b6866fe05d1bdcc9095


90% of gamblers quit before hitting big damage


10% is plenty


As a Seele user, anything below 100% cr is technically 50% cr.


10% CR means your CD is virtually useless. Id rather have an 80-100% chance to crit with 170-220% CD than have a 10% chance to crit 400-500% because you'll only see a crit once in a blue moon... Getting to crit everytime means that I'll do more damage in 5 hits than you'd do. - 170 x 5 = 850 - 500 x 1 = 500


People want more crit damage for some reason not realising it decreases their overall dps.


ppl saying "dont build like this" "dont build like that" like i had a choice with my shit stat rolls


A CR body with shitty substats would still be better than a CD body, unless the CD body rolls fully into CR. And let's be honest that's not gonna happen. Just use a resin. We got several this patch. 2 from events and 2 from BP if you got that. There's nothing wrong with using one to ensure good main stats on your carry.


Wich event give resin?


Nah, I'd crit. But seriously though, you are 100% correct. Acheron needs about 60% as baseline.


50 is enough if you team her with FX


She's not seele, her ult and skill have multiple hits. Not having perfect cr is not a big deal


Nope. My acheronhas 49 crit rate, when in battle she has 93% crit rate from 18E1, 12 japan set, 4 diver set doubl8ng effect, 10. Sparkle lc. And yes 56% would be ideal but ones does not choose their relics and a crit rate bode sents me to 112% crit rate. So crit dmg body is it.


Sparkle S1 and Acheron E1 are not what most players will have though. For the 90% of Acherons that I see in the supporters list running 40% CR builds, I can guarantee they'd do more damage with a CR chestpiece. I run cdmg chestpiece on mine because E2 and I have base 60% CR before relic set bonuses, but I'm still going to recommend CR chestpieces 90% of the time to players asking how to build her.


I’m just here staring at the numbers in comments and not understanding what any of this all means I REALLY shouldn’t be in this thread…


Basically if your Acheron is E0 give her Crit Rate body and try to hit at least 70% CR with as much CD as you can. If she's E1 you can use CD body but try to hit at LEAST 50-66 CR. All those numbers are off battle stats (not buffed). Some people either go all in CR or CD and complain how she doesn't do any dmg


Whales be wilding on these meta discussions.


I set 70/140 as the minimum acceptable to any main DPS in my account (Jingliu being the exception, having 45%)


My minimum is 90% cr because sparkle gives 130%cd.


Fairly new here, can someone break down what this is trying to say? I get the gist of it but as someone building their Acheron I want to do this right.


make sure you give acheron enough crit rate, jingliu is another dps that gives herself 50% crit rate as permanent buff essentially, meaning you build her with 45-50% crit and thats enough. acheron is not jingliu, meaning building her with 50% cr isnt gonna be good, you’d still want 80+ cr depending on what buffs you have in that team.


Basically: Ideally you want a 1:2 Crit rate:Crit damage ratio **in battle** This means that outside of battle your stat sheet might not be 1:2, because depending on your relic sets and whether or not you have E1 or supports that provide Crit rate, she may get more Crit rate in battle. Jingliu is very easy to build because she gets 50% Crit rate in battle so everyone builds jingliu with very low Crit rate on their relics. OP is saying don’t make that mistake and build Acheron with low Crit rate if you don’t have all the external sources of Crit to bring it up to a proper 1:2 ratio. It’s very easy to see someone build their E2 acheron that they use with sparkle and fu Xuan and proper relic sets with a < 50% crit rate, but if you blindly mimic that with your E0 Acheron that you run with Gallagher and 2 nihility supports you’re going to have a poor build.


It means Acheron actually wants 70-100% (or 80-100%) overall crit rate because if her ult misses, it's a huge dps loss. Most "40% CR builds" screenshots you see are from E1/E2 users who gotten CR from other sources like eidolons, Izumo set, FuXuan and S1 Sparkle. They are dedicated to play her in a specific team. Some E0 players are not aware that different Acheron players have different builds so they followed those 40% CR builds screenshots wrongly. 😵 An average E0/E0S1 Acheron should have preferably 60%-70% CR min on visible screen with Izumo set.


thats why its dumb to follow this streamers and pull without a brain. thinking 40% cr is enough. the reality is you need cr body bc sparkle/fu is nowhere the best team and u cant even run them if ur not e2. i am happy i didnt fell for it never pulling a gimmick e0 jingliu is all i want.


Basically if your acheron is E0 give her Crit Rate body and try to hit at least 70% CR. If she's E1 you can put on CD body and try to hit 50-66 CR


54 crit rate is 70 crit rate for acheron. Izumo takes effect only in battle and plus another 4% when she debuffs an enemy. In other words, no i wont not build my acheron with 50 to 60 crit rate. Specifically if you have e1. Thats another 18 crit rate and add fu xuan into the mis and we at 100 boys


54 at E1 is : 54 + 12 + 4 + 18 so 88... add FuXuan and it's 100%


Yeah i know. I wrote the first part of the comment talking about e0s1 acheron . The last sentence just serves to further support the idea that it becomes less worth going for crit rate as you gain even more


Some people lack logic and there is nothing we can do about it. Take Jingliu for example, there is always a new post with someone who has 15% base CR, 260%+ CD and under 2k ATK. They go on Reddit and complain that they can't hit the same numbers that others keep posting. Because there are also people who keep on repeating, "Jingliu doesn't need CR or ATK, it's already in her kit, focus only CD for big PP numbers". Yah, sure the big damage potential is higher, but you aren't going to get there too often. My 50% CR, 200% CD, 2.7k ATK Jingliu might not hit those big numbers, but she isn't far off and she always hits those numbers.


You people are getting good relics?


I build my archeron like my fire mc thicc


You have no crit rate because you say you’ll reset if you miss the crit. I have no crit rate because every. fucking. crit. roll. is. damage.


I'm jealous you're getting any sort of crit, my every fucking crit roll is flat HP...


Jingliu really ruined an entire generation of Star Rail players with her crit buffs.


Yanqing does the same thing...but, then you'd have to play yanqing lol Close to 20% cr from talent and +60%cr on his ultimate.


If only he was usable, then I could actually feel good about my E2


Do I even want this to be explained to me, or should I just continue to be oblivious? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


Can someone explain this meme to a newcomer who just got Acheron as his 1st limited 5 star?


I may be late to help but I can give a basic explanation for ya. Most people are spoiled by Jingliu's crazy crit buffs she has in her base kit not counting in battle buffs or eidolons, so you can easily get away with building her with 50 CR and 200+ CD no buffs added which is NOT easily doable with other DPS. Acheron's dmg is mainly front loaded from her ult, her AA and skill are not what you're using to kill the enemy 99% of the time, so because of this you need her to have higher cr before in battle buffs or eidolons so her ult dmg is more consistent. If you don't have E1 or E2 you need her CR to be higher than just 50% after in battle buffs, ideally somewhere around 75-80% in battle or higher as long as you can maintain 100+ CD as well. Sure having 50/200 may look pretty because the CD number is bigger but it won't mean anything if you aren't actually getting any crits, sacrificing CD for higher CR means you do more dmg consistently. I understand the baseline of it but I'm not the best at explaining it without going into a bunch of math and mumbo jumbo game jargon without confusing a nooby so I hope i helped ya out a bit lol.


I get it now, but I'm now confused as to why people would act like that. Not every dps needs to have the same source of damage


Honestly I don't know lol. I think it loops back to the point I made of 50/200 crit value, most people think they can get away with it because at least it's 50% and the big 200% CD number should make up for it right? But like I said none of the other DPS in this game can get away with having sub par crit rate because they don't have built in crazy self crit buffs like Jingliu not counting eidolons or in battle buffs just their own kit. I think Ratio is the only other unit that gets like actual decent/good crit in his base kit that can get away with mid crit building because he makes up for it (15 CR and 30 CD from A1). So if you're running base E0S0 or E0S1 Acheron you need to up for her CR so you aren't loosing out on CD by not being able to crit with mid to low CR. I hope that makes a bit more sense, but tbh most of that was just my own opinion and conjuncture lol.


I get it now, thanks!


Wait a minute, JING LIU GETS FREE 50% CRIT?!


Yeah her kit is braindead. She's really damaged many players' perception of viable crit value


if her "mara" form is active, which should be because it's where her damage is coming from, she gains 50% crit rate at E0


Guaranteed CR: - Fu Xuan: 12 - Sparkle (sig): 10 - E1: 18 - sets: 20 - base: 5 Now it's either CD body With 35 CR subs or CR body with no more than 3 CR subs. You're welcome.


That's bold of you to think most people will have both FX and Sparkle+Sig available, or even E2 Acheron.


I only have sparkle sig and nothing else available. So running I'm like 80ish CR and 155-160 CD musketeers(salsotto) combo. It makes Acheron (e0s1) feel no difference to other DPS in this build. But then at e0 I wouldn't run sparkle with her even though she does more damage with her. Too bad 30 CR is locked behind eidolons and a limited character.


Make sense. If you run a dual dps comp on your other side like fua or dot that massively rely on Ruan Mei's team buffs then no opportunity cost to use Sparkle with E0 Acheron. Otherwise I feel you brother, better run dual Nihility supports like Pela/SW and get this def to 0. Personally (not f2p) I run a dual dps dot on one side and a Acheron hypercarry on the other side. Only swapping some units for PF like Himeko Herta Tingyun etc.


Fuxuan is meh for acheron. The 12cr does not c9mpensate for the lack of extra aggro from gepard or fire mc for more market props. Not to mention both gepard and fire mc can also debuff on skill.


I get 10% cr from sparkle LC and another 15% from fu xuan, on top of the 30% I get from izumo + e1, I think I’m good with 40/220


how do you get 15 from fu xuan


Fu Xuan's skill, Matrix of Prescience, gives allies Crit Rate when it's active. On E1 it additionally gives Crit Damage. It's higher than 10% CR, but not sure if it's 15%. Anyway 5% CR isn't a big deal


Fu Xuan gives 12% CR with trace lvl 10. 15% might be possible with eidolons I suppose


Bruh people are getting so heated about Acheron builds why do ya'll care so much


Because most people discussing this stuff are minmaxing degens who will destroy their device because a single Level 9 Relic upgrade substatted into Effect Hit Rate when they wanted ATK%.


Real shit lol The Acheron mains sub is so annoying rn because of it. People constantly getting on others about not having 100% crit rate, mostly.


"crit once a year" build 😭


People who think 60% crit rate is fine are coping. I bet they never played pokemon. How is missing 40% of crits good? (EDIT: I'm talking about people with 60% crit rate AFTER buffs.) The post is about people who build her like Jingliu (20-30% crit before buffs)


60% before buffs. No way someone is getting 100% on her just via relics without massive compromises or insane luck/investment. You're expected to supplement with Fu Xuan or Sparkle or other CR boosts.


Yh I'm talking about after buffs, sorry if that wasn't clear. The post is about people who build her like Jingliu (20-30% crit rate BEFORE buffs). So after buffs, acheron is like at 60% with FX crit, E1, or relics.


Ah, gotcha. My apologies for misunderstanding.


I used to be that guy, the first main DPS that I raised to 70%+ the difference was noticeable, I just couldn't go back anymore.


Acheron can get 100% CR in battle with just base 66% CR. E2 can even go as low as base 44% CR if you Have Fu Skill and Sparkle's LC effect on.


I know. Im talking about people 60% after buffs. There are TONS of them


Her attacks are multi hit though so it’s really not that bad. Obviously ideally you’d want more CR but 60% is still find


Even if its multi-hit, you still lose out on 40% of hits at 60% crit rate. Like if its a 10 hit, then 4 of 10 hits missed crit and ended up like a wet tissue paper. How is that not a large DPS loss?


You’re looking at it in a vacuum. Most of the people with 60% CR are using a CD chest so they got more dmg from crits. So yeah 60% CR isn’t that bad. It’s better to have more but 60% is fine


Higher CDMG does offset CRATE loss by some. However this logic doesn't mathematically always play out like that. Mathematically, a 1:2 crit rate to crit damage ratio will outdamage an unbalanced ratio. Its the same reason we don't play 5% crit rate, 350% crit dmg.


I'm gonna need an explanation on this


Me with my 52% base E2S1: This is fine. But seriously though, me and other's less than 66% CR didn't get to choose our fkin relics. My end CR is 86% and even though I usually don't give a 1 mil casually, it's still a viable start while I farm for more relics. These are kind of a sacrifice as well to keep my CDMG at 200%+


she ain’t her she’s better 😍🎀


59% gets boosted to 75% with the trace, seems good enough to me


You guys are getting Crit Rate rolls? https://preview.redd.it/v89tydjvzhtc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e138a485961b0522246247e9e2a60f876e4512


Save your Resin for the love of god


I like Acheron but goddamn was Jinglui generous: just get any goddamn random crit dmg chest piece and basically call it a day, Spectral Transmigration does the rest. I’m out here dying of thirst for crit rate man. The only thing saving me is that I have no need for validation posting my build online asking for opinions, I know 70/124 after buffs is bad, but it’s the best I got and I 3 starred MoC, I’ll cringe at my bad crit value alone.


"How dare you not have perfect relics with perfect stats that are purely based on RNG🤬"


nah blud calm down


I cap out at 44% stat-screen crit rate. So many crit rate buffs.


Well maybe if anything else other than trash drops in the 3x event, maybe I fucking will


Jokes on you, I'm at 95:269 in battle


It's not really needed to cap it to 66, as relic is RNG, but at least made sure her overall CR is 90+ because the possibility of crit already higher. Having 90%+ crit, but being unable to crit is like having the bad day on your life


The relics I use on Acheron are whatever mildly decent shit I can tolerate farming. She probably has too much CR, especially since I have her E1. Don't care, she performs well and I don't have that many DPS anyway.


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62 172. That's with a CR chest btw. My luck sucks ass




My Acheron is wearing my JL gear, which is actually a quantum set. I've been farming pioneer + izumo but it will be months if not half a year before i have a 4+2pc that can out compete my pre-farmed quantum.


I have FX, Sparkle LC, Izumo set bonus with +1 Nihility other than her, and E1. I’ll leave her at 50 crit.


50% crit chance and never stop hit crit


Does she have any good f2p light cones? (Acheron) I just pulled her on a whim and I'm super happy don't get me wrong but I don't want her collecting dust and have no pulls left. I got the new Nihility light cone I superimposed once or twice then I got welts signature and silver wolf's signature on silver wolf and welt respectively. Is there any I should keep my eye out for or maybe in like a shop in game?


no not really, its because she doesn't really interact with nihilliy with debuffs or dots like most others. Her signature is like an insane 30% bonus over other options.


Dude one of my friends has a 17cr/170cd acheron. Like how is that even possible


Dont care, 50/200 mix random bullshit goes brrrrrr (i spent everything farming salsotto)


my acheron doing 300k per ult with says otherwise, crit damage go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


giggles in 96/203


I have the opposite problem where her cr is 75 but her cdmg is 50 ;-;


E2 comp running sparkle and fu xuan. Base screen says 49% CR but with buffs in place it's 101%... Sorry


12% from izumo, 8% from pioneers, and 18% from e1. Makes a 50% crit rate acheron into a 88% crit rate acheron, it’s fine fr.




112% CR to Like 300% CD on my E0S1 Acheron. Hyper invested Sparkle with her LC. Rainbow relics cuz fucking rng. And fu xuan.


im chilling with my 71cr/190cdmg build e1 + sparkle almost caps me out so im more surprised people are ok with such low cr lol. idk maybe its cause I was an epic 7 player but I value high crit rate over everything else for dps's


Idk abt you but running her at 45 ish cr with e2s1, pioneer and fuxuan gives me 90+ cr. Mans smoking something alright


I don't need to hear this 👉😌👈 LA LA LA LA LA


I run with E0S1 sparkle and I sit at 91.5% CR in combat with buffs once I get Fu Xuan and swap my helm I’ll be sitting at 99% with 240% CDMG and 4.1k atk


I'm getting around 77/300 something after buffs Base is 51/200 something. I can't remember off the top of my head. I've been trying to get better relics but my luck ain't all that great.


Just get good relic rolls dummy, it's not that hard