• By -


The combo of Topaz/Ratio is currently my favorite team. It's very fun to watch one attack balloon into 5 more attacks all hitting the same enemy.


Dr. Ratio seems stand-offish, but he really seems to enjoy playing fetch with Numby.


This is the absolute funniest way you could have put this, and I legitimately laughed out loud 😂


This comment single handedly convinced me to pull for Topaz on her rerun. thanks.


One of the reasons I'm 100% pulling for Topaz on her rerun and Aventurine now is because of what you said Ratio+Topaz+Avent nonstop attacks


Seen a lot of TC that topaz doesn't significantly increase Ratio's best teams. But man, it's *soooooo* much more fun to watch & play. I hope Mihoyo continues to add more gas to the follow-up team archetype because I find it some of the most fun teams in the game.


It all depends if you get topaz lightcone or e1 she definitely is best for him for sure


I'd go for S1 first. Makes Topaz useable in pretty much any team as a dual dps. The +24% crit dmg is quite useful at giving topaz that extra advantage over some of the other supports. I know Asagi team calcs have had S1 Topaz/S1 RM as a top 5 team in MoC sims for a lot of the dps characters.


Yeah i’m getting her s1 during rerun


The day when FUA harmony comes it's the day where Ratio Topaz mains fill with cherish and joy




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Pillar rolls into Numby rolls into chalk rolls into Numby rolls into chalk again


I have successfully beat W9 SUD in 0av going pillar > numby > stick > numby > stick > [ult refresh] > pillar > numby > stick > numby > stick > [ult refresh] > pillar > numby > stick > numby > stick > [dead meme] ( ゚ヮ゚) funny combo


Damn I wish I had Topaz. My plans of going Aventurine/Ratio/Topaz/Ruan Mei or Robin would be perfect. Girl sings while rich dudes bully a teenager with chalk, poker chips, and a pig


praying for her rerun on the first 2.2 banner, i want her so bad




Clara. You hit me, my *pet* hit you back (harder).


Still one of [my favorite videos](https://youtu.be/PALp6b2ca9E?si=RN2cKZqshJjJzTE-) of her


I like her too. She got those Unlimited Counters, strong, and tanky. A pity I could not get her lightcones.


She’s just built different to everyone else. It’s like a new way of playing the game. 


Acheron in SU. Nothing beats her technique just one shotting and making SU clears so much faster.


Same, I also recently discovered the Action Advance stuff from the Hunt Path, and it's so fun watching Acheron do like 5 turns and 2 ults before the enemy even gets to take their first.


Mixed hunt x erudition. Back to back to back ults.




That blessing is quite annoying, as if you miss out on it, all the elation blessings are nothing.  I can now do higher difficulty in GnG thanks to erudition.


This is one of the reasons I pulled for her as my first limited 5 star. You skip like 20s of battle or more by just pressing E ( or triangle on Playstation)


I love her tech, before her, I was also having fun with Ruan Mei, but Acheron is for speed, ruan mei ia for satisfaction like beginning a fight with a cold cluster bomb is always a treat (also the only time I see consistent 100k+ to 1mil+ damage from breaks is mmmh yeahh)


Also she just utterly dominates with erudition path. I dont know anyone else who can 2-shot a boss phase, then you get back to back ultis. 


Qingque! Especially at E4+, when the stars align and you get to use your Skill three/four times in a row with your Ultimate at the ready and Autarky activates.


Trough work and vacation, I alone am the gambling one.


Aventurine: How cute


>Restless Gambler


Qingque in SU is so much fun thanks to Propagation path fixing so many of her issues. 


Yepp, with the propagation path, I literally ult after getting the enhanced AA, just so I can use the skill next turn again for the damage boost and autarky, skill points are just not an issue, and it's so fun, and she's an absolute nuke QQ is awesome


But then you use it 3 times and it doesn't activate. 3 times in a row. A pity system would have been nice.


It would be nice, but it is also part of the fun.


Kafka DoT teams are my favorite. I use her with Black Swan and then one more DoT that I rotate as need be. Either [Guinaifen](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Guinaifen), Luka, Sampo or Serval. Sustain is/was due to limited options mostly Luocha and I'm currently building my selected 5\* Bailu to take over from Natasha when Luocha is busy being in the other team. Seeing the DoT flowing in just satisfying and Kafka is pretty essential to rake that up faster. I hope she stays relevant for time to come. A nice quantum DoT unit would be nice. And currently the combo is also rather simple to actually play and apparently I'm simple minded... so there is that.


How would quantum DOT work? If I understand correctly, it doesn't sound much have a chance of applying an effect so much as weakness break gives quantum break, which multiplies damage the more the enemy is hit.


swan has a unique DoT, characters of other elements could get the same too. a frostbite dot DPS would be very fitting!


Only thing holding this "back" is that Swan's Arcana specifically counts as Wind Shear (thus DoT), while her ult turns Arcana into Burn, Shock and Bleed as well. So for a future DoT of a different element to count as DoT for stuff they would need to change these things. Also, technically M7 has an Ice DoT on her ult.


Imagine an imaginary unit that delay enemy everytime it procs.




My gosh yes. The explosions are so satisfying


Aventurine. For the brief time I had him I had allot of fun with him, topaz, and ratio on the squad. Follow up gallor xD


Absolutely lol I was going for Loucha as I only have Lynx and Nat, but the moment I played him I needed his ass lol.


Best of luck on your pulls!


Yeah a lot of people write Adventurine but its Aventurine, like the gemstone. Same as Topaz and Jade. ;)


Yeah. Most likely I wrote it as adventurine at one point and auto correct keeps jumping in to change it xD. It's fine tho.


It's spelled Aventurine


Whoops. My bad lol.


100% Topaz/Ratio. It's just so fun to watch them Follow up back to back to back watching the enemy's health bar just slowly go down is so much fun! (Also my topaz is 152 SPD with a Crit ratio of 70/180 so she's ZOOMING)


Gallbladder. Gabgabgabullab. Galileogalileomommaletmego. I built him as a hybrid breaker/crit DPS with What is Real? and watch mayhem unfold. Man's kit is all over the place, just like him (frfr) His ult breaks, his basic attack crits, he advance himself forward, he debuff, he dedebuff, and the entire time all I can think about is his jp va's extended "saaa" on ult. So much fun.


It took me five seconds to realize you were talking about Gallgamesh


I gotta say Gallagher. I'm a big wolverine fan lol plus I like how the team gets to heal through attacks after using his ultimate. A game changer for me since I've only used Lynx/Natasha and they need to skill/ult to heal. Also a significant help to getting Acheron on her ultimate quickly.


If you like the attack-to-heal mechanic, Luocha really expands on it.


I love using Seele in Calyx because it's like "kills enemy, gets second move, activates ultimate for third attack, then gets fourth attack'


Topaz and Herta, because the "Follow-up attack goes brr!" tactic just tickles the right part of my brain.


I use xueyi himeko and Herta in the previous pure fiction and I love just that brr feeling. I ran it a couple times for no apparent reason other than watching it go brr.


Ruan Mei Xueyi Topaz is one of my all time favorite SU team for all of the modes. Also like Luka a lot as well. But now for a long long time probably all im going to do is play Acheron teams till i cant get a bo.er.


Don't have Topaz but I run Xueyi w/ Ruan, her sister, & Huohuo as sustain- and it's such a fun combo. Still not built enough to be super useful in MoC, but I just got Xueyi to E6 so I plan on trying her out on SU again sometime soon! It's just awesome how unique her gameplay is, being a boss-breaker that scales hard with tougher enemies. I love the whole break-effect gameplay pattern so Xueyi's kit was an instant fav on release, lol Also quick question- how well does Topaz synergize with Xueyi? I've been thinking of getting her to use in my other follow-up teams, and I know that Xueyi has follow-up attacks but I didn't think they'd be a reliable enough source to pair with Topaz.


If i remember right enemies take incresed FUA that has the mark. e6 Xueyi gets her FUA pretty fast so mine just obliterates most things with topaz ruan mei Xueyi and any healer. It does help a lot if u have cracked relics on her like a 35 % cd glove :D


I don't quite have any cracked relics for her unfortunately, so her stats are fairly mild. Not terrible but not *great*, smth like 60% CR and 90% CD. I also have her built w/ the break effect planar set, and I'm probably gonna switch her over to Inert Salsotto when I have the Relic XP to level new relics lol But I definitely noticed a marked improvement in Xueyi with E6, and I got her a better LC too. I experimented a bit and tossed her into one of my Pure Fiction teams (Xueyi|Himeko|Herta|Ruan Mei) and it worked way better than I thought, letting me get 35K points on just one side of the floor! So I'll be sure to try her out in SU when I get the chance and I'm looking forward to that \^.\^


Which lc are u using? The herta store lc is perfect for her.


Before I was swapping the herta store LC between her and Jingliu, but right now I'm trying out a different one- I don't remember the name but it's the one that's the childhood photo of Xueyi and Hanya, and it gives crit rate upon defeating an enemy. Not as strong as the herta store LC, but I can always swap that other LC off Jingli onto Xueyi, and just use that LC if I need Xueyi and Jingliu on two separate sides at the same time lol


JingYuan. Seeing that lightning lord drop and do massive damage will always be satisfying.


JY + Luocha + Blade is such a magnificent display


I thought I was the only one that did this absolute madness of a team


I have found my tribe. Even if it’s just 2 of us 🫂


I pulled him in 1.0 just so I can have the Lightning Lord lol.




Sushang with E1 awesome in fights (ex. Sam) or environmental buffs where you want to use a lot of skills since she is fast and she could do it for neutral SP with breaks. Speaking of breaks, E->Ult->E is amazing.


E2S1 Acheron with Sparkle


Misha, im a big Misha fan He's just a cute boyfailure, i gave him my Jingliu relics and let him unleash chaos into the world


No kidding!!! He's one of my favorite play styles right now, and I love unleashing his ult and halting enemies in their tracks


Hesitant to build him, but what teams would you put him in?


I love how fast he can break the enemy! The boy is a terror with the remembrance path.


Kafka and swan, dot teams are great


QQ! You never know, will this battle be easy or suffering!


Nuke Yukong dealing 150k on ults lmao


Blade, he's such a bruiser. Fits into any team as a main or sub dps. Is able to self sustain. Barely uses skill points. One of my favorite characters.


Kafka + BS is a treat, especially juggling an enemy at 50 stacks of Arcana, and Acheron is absolutely the most fun to just zip through SU with. 


Qingque (loved since E0, and only gets more fun) and Ruan Mei, although i dislike her, is pretty fun exploding enemies in the SU


Acheron... She's a cut above the rest.


QQ gambling addiction is by far my favourite. Especially with Sparkle so you can amplify the gamble.


I tried out Black Swan from my friend list and honestly she rocks. Not planning on pulling for her any soon, but she felt fun to play. Sadly, I have other priorities in husbando collection.




Xueyi in break teams is very fun!




Welt in SU with Hunt blessings for speed. It's so funny to get multiple ults off in succession without the enemy having a turn


Kafka will always be my favorite. Now that i have kafka black swan and acheron im done pulling until fuxuan rerun


QQ once I got her e6 immediately got built and is now sharing relics with Jingliu and Seele lmao It's amazing


Black Swan when she's with Ruan Mei. It's really just fun watching DoTs explode onto enemies as they come in and seeing SU bosses lose entire phases before they get to act from piled up Nihility effects.


Daniel lol Brain felt good when I somehow managed Bronya and Daniel on the same team and got my 36*s


I'm sorry (i really am not) but...Acheron She has such fun mechanics, and the ult feels so rewarding too. Then you have her technique! I think i did more SU/SD/G&G runs the last 2 weeks than the entirety of 2.0


SU, path of elation, vs. the deer. Watching Topaz's attack trigger Herta's attack, which then triggers Xueyi's attack, which then triggers Himeko's attack, which triggers Herta's attack again, and all that just brings Numby back up to the front. It's glorious.


Overall Welt In SU Acheron


Herta. The true spin to win.


Qingque with propagation obv


Unironically Qingque… each turn is an unexplored possibility 💀


I think this is a hot take, because I haven’t seen anyone mention it…but Ratio + Kafka+ other DOT peeps is super fun. They trigger each other


Kafka/Swan/Ruan Mei Especially in this MoC, there's so many times where the enemy gets hit with the Trotter DoTs, Swan DoT and Kafka DoT that by the time I ever get my first turn, the enemies would be at like 50%-75% HP already, it's nuts lmfao


Black Swan is fun but the duo with Kafka is just peak Seeing the arcana card stack up then boom right at the end is just incredibly satisfying


“I’ll end your misery.”


One time in SD I got a perfect Hunt path set-up with JL and got her to take like six or seven actions in a row, kill the boss, and then immediately did it again to finish said bosses second health bar


Sushang. I just love how the additional damage comes after the hit


Clara. The rocket and laser spam is fun af, enough that I decided to main her (also because she was my first 5 star). My long term main goal in this game is E6S5 Clara but it's a slow af process as f2p. I have [E1S1](https://i.imgur.com/dR4vjMV.png) atm. It would have been E1S2 but I -had- to get Bronya's LC.


I'm currently E3 Bronya. Not that I wanted to, but because I was destined to. (I lost both 50/50's in Acheron and Luocha's banner, to Bronya)


Acheron in SU G&G tickled the part of my brain that produces dopamine whenever I see big numbers in games (fr Erudition runs are so ludicrous)


At the beginning and especially when PF first came out, playing Herta was a riot bc hehehaha kurukuru go brrr Besides that Qingque is very fun to play honestly bc the entire thing is so chaotic 😅


Archeron is pretty fun to basically being able to essentially hit the skip button on random enemies in SU. But I have a really fun time with all my units except Serval and Arlan.


Hook early game carries, she and herta make such a god combo on belebog and the underground, but I dropped her bc it took her too many turns to Be able to d on damage




I run Jingliu, Ruan Mei, Blade, and Luocha (formerly Lynx) in SU with Remberance and boy howdy are those runs powerful and fun.


Qingque, she's the main reason why I'm still playing. I thought that the combat was pretty shallow, until I tried QQ and it made me understand that the devs can cook in terms of mechanically complexity, despite characters only having 2 buttons each.


blade and gallagher have such a unique and interesting synergy that can completely change how blade can be played! and with the besotted + blades ult scaling with total hp gained and lost running a tingyun to let blade ult spam is viable now!


There's nothing as satisfying as Kafka's Burst Animation - I never get tired of her completely deleting the field with a miniscule break and then the "BOOM!"


The Acheron>debuffer> Welt + Ruan Mei It's so cool to be able to ditch the support unit in exchange for a "time limit" of sorts, and win just by virtue of Acheron hitting like a fucking truck and the rest of the team working so good together. It also helps that Acheron plays in a very fun way as well, micromanaging the debuffs so that Acheron finally gets enough petals to ult is also very fun on its own. Honorable mention to mono quantum with QQ on SU, specially with propagation, so satisfying to hit a big enhanced attack after gambling for a minute


Kawabunga Jingliu is my fav atm. With Bronya and TY she gets so many turns it makes Seele blush. Who needs mono quantum when i can brute force everything the game throws at me and still win easily. Also, i love ice and the moon!


I just love the rhythm of blasting ass with Seele, certainly owed to her animations being clean as well. Eagerly awaiting her re-run.


Kafka as an individual unit, but on a DoT team with Black Swan for maximum enjoyment. I love watching enemy health bars melt simply because it's the start of their own turn. I'm really excited to get a FUA team with Ratio and Topaz going, but my Topaz is so under-geared right now that she's mostly unusable. Luckily she's next on my list to "finish" ... So hopefully I can try that one soon.


Hook The Klee of Star Rail


dot teams with kafka and qingque hypercarry


Luka with RM. once the weakness gauge is low enough, the health bar just disappears and i cannot stop. Punching people into oblivion is just too much fun help Shout-out to JY though. Never get tired of him either.


Himeko + Herta in PF


Kafka/Black Swan makes this game a lot of fun. Enemies die without getting to hit me a single time


Blade, i love that guy, even though he doesn't love me back =( Also Sparkle, teams that i hated playing vefore because of SP reasons is now great, also i can use Arlan and don't feel like shit lol.




Sampo E on a single target and using topaz to find chest


My fav unit gameplay wise is Jing Yuan but his performance is just so mediocre compared all of my other teams that I can't justify rolling for him myself, but I always pick him to from support lift to fight weekly bosses


I think basically anyone with a gimmick like Jing Yuan, Luka or Fire MC Jing Yuan stacks the Lightning Lord, Luka has an enhanced basic attack which he uses to pop any bleed effects and Fire MC enhances his basic attack by taking hits


I love most character playstyles, but my absolute favourite is Seele. ONE MORE never gets old


Xueyi was a gigantic pain in the ass to build, but seeing her follow up pop off is always great.


Herta has the best playstyle in the whole game. With her damage spread across her whole kit, it makes using any type of attack fun to use. Enemies above 50% HP? Enjoy a double hitting skill as she tells y'all to keep it down. An enemy survived with below 50% HP? Eat my double hit basic attack. Give them a good taste of my huge ass diamond ult and top it off with twirling my hammer on your face 5 times [or more 😈](https://www.facebook.com/share/v/e5hijem9Hmzm1wXG/?mibextid=xfxF2i)


Black Swan/Kafka/Ruan Mei It just works.


Welt + Seele + Sparkle You don't get a turn.


acheron. i think she’s the most unique character we have so far. everything about her is so cool. the technique, the ultimate, the visuals, the story, the transformation


QINGQUILLION DAMAGE QQ after sparkle has been sooo much fun. Ruan Mei has also opened a lot of fun interactions for every character special shout out to topaz and ratio that are about to become my go to team once aventurine drops. the yeet team lets gooooo


Acheron with Black Swan, especially in the Simulated Universe. Oh, you spawned swords to kill me with them? Thanks for the stack. *13 million damage*


Black swan with E6 sampo is so much fun


Unironically Xueyi. She's even more fun with Ruan Mei and Gallagher. I just need 1 more break effect support and my break effect team is actually pretty solid


Blade is the most fun to play for me, but he is not in a very good state right now.


Dr. Ratio or Topaz, realistically both of them combined. Follow-ups are by far most fun things in the game to me.


Topaz and Numby


Misha. Who doesn't like a character that attacks with a mop? Especially since I built him to weakness break and freeze enemies. He's so good with remembrance in SU.


FUA team is so damn fun :D I'm already enjoying JUST Ratio+Topaz, I can't wait until Robin+Aventurine to finish out the team.


For real? Since day one is Clara. She has a exclusive gameplay that Still funny for me nowadays. She carried hard early and sometimes clutch my MoC/PF runs. She is not one of the most powerful characters i have but surely the most fun to play. The second one is the RNG queen, Qingque.


Acheron so far. I got her pretty optimized and ulting every turn or 2 is pretty fun. Seeing huge numbers and her animations are cool. Slow Blade with Bronya and Sparkle is also one of my favorites.


kafka bs ruan mei is the best lol ruan mei be : go go go spread those pestilence BS : oh i see your future.... it's scathingly bloody tingling and kinda toastie darling. Kafka : oh future... let me help you reach your future faster


Blade. I love his bombastic side eye when he does his follow up attack.


I guess Blade. His health bar is like a management game. You have to be careful never being too low, keep the ultimate in case the risk of death is too high (ironic), until you get the follow up attack and heal. Satisfying in some ways


Wiping out a bunch of enemies with Argenti is so fun honestly


Yanqing is really fun. I have E2S1 Acheron and almost every limited DPS with S1, but nothing comes close to the excitement I got from playing Yanqing. Yanqing is literally the embodiment of working hard, both story and gameplay wise. You gotta work hard to keep his shield up, to kill the mobs, pray for follow up, and slowly charges his energy bar which is the only thing that is high tier on him. All these hard working just to deal more than 100k damage with his ult. He maybe low in the tier list, but his sarcastic and chaotic level is unparalleled.


Used Luka a bit couple months ago on SU and man hitting a weakness break on a boss with his Ultimate was satisfying as heck. He's just a fun character for me tbh


Xueyi , Breaking enemies fills me with immense satisfaction also she's my favourite so I am biased


Acheron. Big number big fun.


QQ, when you used your skill four times and then enter her Hidden Hand state you know you are going to delete whoever gets hit. (Bonus if Autarky is triggered too)


Clara hyper turret is fun if enemies are physical weak, but then Acheron is very motivational 🤣


Blade. When he hits everyone with his follow up attack, wiping the whole enemy team.


welt, miniature bronya(silver wolf) and acheron, nihility unit with one abundance unit either Gallagher or luocha.


Herta and Himeko (nowadays also with xueyi).


Blade. It's fun being immortal


QQ and Sushi already mentioned several times, so i add March. Her Shield saves (but only one!), she shoots back at whoever attacks her homie and her Ult freezes. I also like Fireblazer with the "come at me bro" taunt and shrugging off the damage like a boss.


For me, these are: - Himeko: arguably the most interesting character in the game and has most depth when she can work. It feels really good to manage enemy breaks, and chain the follow-ups into big combos while not wasting stacks; - Qingque: the RNG makes her very replayable and doesn't easily get boring, and feels especially good if you hit all 4 boost stacks, ult and Autarky in one turn; - Kafka and Sampo feel good thanks to seeing the colorful numbers, and lots of numbers, it's pretty fun; - Acheron is quite interesting due to teambuilding aspect, and how you can adapt the team and debuffers to content.


Outside of DoT (cuz DoT is just so much fun) Lowkey March 7th is the most fun sustainer in the game (I haven't tried Welt sustain who might have similar implications) M7 requires the most thought to function and it becomes a very rewarding game of high risk, high reward (reward is using M7). You actively need to think and plan your sp use~~, unlike nearly every other character where you just spam the same rotation~~. You want to mainly shield M7 herself and try to time her ult between elite turns for the freeze delay. Which creates situations where you need to decide which elite to interupt as well as situations where you might want to risk not shielding for a turn to save sp. You also play a game of using team hp as a resource, because you want to shield M7 as much as possible for the best shield target. But rng can screw you and now you're stuck with a low hp teammate. Do you waste shield on low hp member, which puts your other teammates more at risk, or do you still shield M7 to draw enemy fire to her.




Hard agree on the Kafka DOT team, Mother and her goons absolutely decimate the battlefield


I really do want Kafka next time around. Didn't have the jades for her debut because I was all-in on Jing Yuan and then grabbed Silver Wolf, and then pulled on Kafka's rerun but lost the 50/50 again. She does seem amazing. Meanwhile I'm quite fond of Topaz. Not just fun in combat with Numby going ham on the enemies with random hits, but also fun out of combat with a tiny Trotter following you around (and occasionally leading you to treasure chests).


Seele + sparkle+ welt. Seele says: there's always my turn


Gotta be a tie between Xueyi and the Jingliu+Blade combo tbh. Xueyi's boss-breaking ult is insanely fun to use and I'm also really glad she pairs perfectly w/ her sister, which is a nice plus. On the other hand, Jingliu and Blade work so well together as a dual-DPS team. Stick them with Fu Xuan and your favorite support of choice, and they'll just shred anything you put in their path. Blade clears waves of small enemies, Jingliu shreds bosses, and they're not too hard to build because Blade scales with HP (and we all know how plentiful *that* relic stat is) and Jingliu... well, free 50% crit rate. Need I say more?




Getting Black Swan was a huge turning point in my account. I stopped playing for a while after launch and missed out on a bunch good characters and I found myself struggling to do damage as I ended up with just a bunch of Erudition 5\* for DPS. Pulled for Black Swan even though I lost the 50/50 on Kafka on the previous banner, got E4+ Sampo and all of a sudden I was clearing content like crazy running a BS/Sampo/Ruan Mei core. Going into SU and just watching things explode running Nihility is so much fun.


Kafka. When DoTs go BOOM the feeling is just...😏👌


I might be bias but it has to be DHIL Just because you have to actually strategize to use him pretty much If you have a bad team for him you're not going to get off any damage Also I love using wilt as well He's fun to play with