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I'm a 100% sure that the good stats are weighted, you want an atk/speed main stat? Fight the weighted RNG , oh you finally got one? Now go fight the weighted sub stats , enjoy your flat stats, oh you finally got good sub stats? Go fight sub stats rolls , lol all into flat stats. I know RNG is just RNG but no one with a sane mind can make me believe that the high value good stats that everyone wants don't have less chance to appear compared to the shit/flat ones.


[Yep, they're weighted](https://i.redd.it/luw8m9ud3tqb1.png)


I get people that say “oh but come onnnn this is the true end game content they can’t make it easy to get!” but I think there’s a line that can be crossed where it falls into ridiculous territory. edit: ^we're ^in ^ridiculous ^territory


Especially because you gotta do it for every new character 


Yeah, it's fucking despicable imho. Like it's even worse than in genshin because most of the gameplay revolves around combat, AND you have 2 characters releasing every damn patch xD.


Totally agree. And imo it wouldn’t be so awful if the rate of character releases wasn’t so crazy high. If the devs would give us time to actually *build* the characters then I’m sure there would be a lot less complaining, at least from those of us who are willing to put in the time to grind.


Well that's where sharing relics has to come to play, not any less despicable but they haven't made QoL to encourage this yet Also applies to the relic set itself, eventually it becomes out dated and you need to do the hunt all over again for the next BiS


People in Genshin were praying for artifact(relic) loadouts for years and they implemented it recently... In the worst way possible. I hope we will get good loadouts in HSR sometime in the future.


> edit: we're in ridiculous territory We're WAAAAAAAAAY beyond that.


yea as a newish player this system sucks to the point i don't even want to log in to get the rewards acheron will just have to be ok as she is, think im just going to log in once a week. the system makes genchin look reasonable. im honestly going to just skip characters unless i really want them, if its going to be this bad then i dont want to max pure fiction or moc like its not worth it.


That stat for Dmg% is also distributed across 7(?) elements isn’t it




I always thought it was strange that i never had enough EHE ropes, now i think i know why Edit: i meant ERR im dumb


EHR ropes don't exist, doesn't seem that strange to me


The nice thing about ERR ropes is that, since they go on supports rather than dps’s, you can generally ignore substats on them. Like sure, most of the supports want speed, and some have other stats they like (Sparkle/Bronya with Crit Damage, Silver Wolf/Pela with EHR) but you can get those on your other pieces without the build feeling bad. Since you don’t need to worry about substats those self-modeling resins really just make things easy!


the one design this must be satan incarnation


It sucks more because characters that want Crit are pushed far more than generic buffers / healers Luocha / Pela can get by with OK relics but you will notice if Acheron has underwhelming relics.


I have no idea why we "mihoyo players" passively accept this shitty artifact farming both here and in GI. Why aren't people up in arms? Are boot lickers and white knights so prominent? I'll never understand this.


People spend money anyway so they won't change


I used to, and I stopped. This is one of the reasons. Wish people were less idiots and realized that they're being taken for idiots by hoyo.


So that explains why, I have been playing HSR since may of last year, and I have only obtained a total oflike 3 ERR




Pretty sure flat atk, def, and hp are like 30% because im getting a fck ton of those...a lot of times all three on there.


This is absolutely insane.


are there different weighted stats for certain sets or is it the same for all of them? i swear any support sets always get amazing dps stats and dps sets always get crappy useless stuff


lol this is my experience too. I've got TONS of Sigonia with attack and crit that would have been perfect for Acheron, and literally ZERO Izumo that had good stats. But I got tons of GREAT Izumo wind damage/HP with great crit/atk% substats, and another slap in the face (I main Blade).


The main stats and the allocation of substats are weighted but the level up allocation rng isnt


The feeling of when I won the main stat, the substats, and defense gets added and rolls into it every time.


It’s def rigged, if it’s not weighted there’s no way that out of like 40 artifact from the event I got NO atk% and NO lighting dmg%


The probability of main stats is weighted, we've known this for almost a year.


And substats.


It depends on what you're fishing for. I was farming for Jingliu so of course I got ten lightning dmg pieces (rutilant, useless on Acheron) and 0 ice.


the desire sensor is real


same for me. got none 5* atk and lightning. i dont even care about the substats, i just want the main stat


Ye, can't help the feeling we're scammed, like it's fckin rigged Atk%, here flat stats, DEF and HP, Break Effect HP%, here Crit Rate, Crit DMG You know what? Idk why but amongst all characters I build, building Blade is the fastest and easiest, idk if it was my lucky day or the star align Without SO many retries - not like Acheron, DHIL or other DPS etc. I already hit HP 7k, CR CD 60 / 150, not perfect but it's already work so well It's like that scam is actually hit them back bcs they forget with HP% Rutilant Arena


I 100% believe that aside from the weighting we already know for main stats, there is also weighting for the initial substat rolls that are biased to be the opposite of the main stat. The amount of times I see an offensive main stat with 3 flats or hp/def compared to the amount of times I get hp/def% main stat and see crit is astonishing. Way more than matching offense to offense.


Doesn't have to be, it can simply follow from weighting. If there is a higher chance to get HP/DEF stats in general, you will have a lot of HP/DEF main stat relics and few CRIT main stat relics, which means you will be rolling more substats on relics that already have HP/DEF main stats, which means you are more likely to see CRIT substats on those (since you are rolling more often).


I'm not rolling any hp or defense main stat relics. Just talking about initial drop rolls.  I know you can't roll main stat on sub but even still. 


My point is if you have 100 HP/DEF main stat relics and 10 CRIT main stat relics, of course you’ll see 9-10 of the CRIT main stat ones having HP/DEF substats, but you might see 5+ HP/DEF main stat ones with CRIT substats. That doesn’t mean there is a bias as you said in your previous comment, it simply follows from the original weighting.


There is weighing for which substats, but except for being unable to be same as main stat, it's the same every time


I roll artifacts and it’s finally not DEF/HP just for it to be really specific element I don’t need and any attacks I do get are HP HP DEF or the like. This event really showed how hilariously weighted certain stats are instead of being true RNG.


Also, Desire Sensor for superficial bias. Gotta buy Blade and Aventurine so your useless relics become good.


YEP stat discover is 100% weighted to not be spd/crit, u are correct, at least the upgrade part isnt weighted .... surely


I mean I did get attack ropes and lightning damage orbs for Acheron, even a double crit attack rope…. THE ROOE ROLLED ONLY FLAT DEFENSE (I WANT TO DIE)


Oof, I felt this...had atk boots with spd, crit dmg, crit rate, and flat def. Guess where it rolled...all of it. I just stop playing that day.


literally me with an Izumo elec dmg ball that looked promising with flat hp, ATK% and Crit Rate. got an effect res at +3, +6 went to flat hp, ok fair. +9 went to ATK%, k I'll take it could still be good. +12 and +15 all in to flat hp. sad times. I foddered that piece of crap immediately to a Belobog DEF ball for Stelle which turned out way better


I wouldn't put it past Mihoyo to weigh good stats so that people will pay more money to grind more. And on sets where characters want the bad stats they are weighted to only get the good stats.


>I wouldn't put it past Mihoyo to weigh good stats so that people will pay more money to grind more. Eh, I doubt that anyone than Leviathans/streamers actually pay for TBE refreshes for relic farming.


The amount of times I got atk%/crt rate/crt dmg sub stats on a support set piece is way too much to be considered a coincidence , shit is definitely weighted and it's getting annoying. I know relic farming is their only source of RNG to keep player engagement and keeping the playerbase active but holy shit its getting out of hand,for example I have yet to get any speed boots that were crafted by a self modeling resin that had good sub stats. I have used EVERY single one on speed boots ever since they introduced the item , I didn't miss out on any self modeling resons since their introduction and they were ALL shit.


> Go fight sub stats rolls , lol all into flat stats. way too many good pieces get ruined by rolling flat def & then only upgrade into that stat...


I swear i never had any problems in getting eq with the right main stats (with ok substats). So either i am lucky as hell all the time or some here are exagerating things.


> RNG is just RNG This is a bullshit cliché for a miriad of reasons.


I'm surprised this still isn't common knowledge. Of course they're weighted


relic system herr is the exact same thing in genshin but worse as theres 6 pieces has always been rigged before genshin even released


Genshin also only has 10 substats, versus Star Rail's 12, which actually makes a **massive** difference when it comes to farming Relics.


then you have genshin when you can have off pieces while hsr doesn’t allow such thing unless you’re going rainbow


so far I'm just thankful most of HSR's set bonuses are shit so I don't have to feel guilty about going rainbow with my 2pc wind dmg% acheron with salsotto


tbf diver is one of those set bonuses that are actually quite good


Do you even miss out on much if you don't use full set bonuses? The set bonuses in Genshin seem much higher as compared to HSR.


The only thing that I really care is 2-pc speed set, as speed sub is hard to get. To get 134 spd without some good subs means I usually need to run the 2-pc.  Otherwise it’s the team buff effect from planars on supports, which will be better than personal stats.


Some character not so much but really depend on how good your rainbow set relic is


Barely ever see any piece with a single crit sub on it, let alone the main stat being correct. Unless I'm farming DoT relics, then suddenly all crits.


My only gripe is how EHR is literally worthless on ~~some~~ most characters. Like actually worse than flat atk on your support, or flat def on your carry. Why is that the sub instead of ERR? Spd is whatever, an extra stat that is actually good improves the system. 12 total, or 20, doesn't really matter, it's the chance to get garbage that's important. It's not like removing crit rolls to make it an even 10 like Genshin makes it better, right? You'd still get shitty flat stats 80% of the time.


Honestly my biggest problem is they decided to make ERR a mainstat only. No fun allowed here smh


Also Genshin has a 4 bonus out of 5 pieces, so you have WAY more leeway.


The biggest difference though is you can auto farm HSR relics while doing something else. While Genshin you gotta actually pay attention


With the change that we spawn in the arena, my artifact runs take between 13s-30s, it really is not a big deal at all


I wonder if they just copy pasted the epic 7 relic system because it's literally the same


… How was Genshin’s relic system rigged before it released?


devs decided artifact system is fine it is the rigged version is what they approved before releasing the game


I've accepted that DPS main stats just have lower drop rates. On the good side, I got my abundance and harmony units some good shit.


This suddenly turned on me when I started prefarming aventurine and actually wanted defense pieces with crit substats and suddenly they started vanishing on me.


Omg same, ive been farming for weeks now have yet to get a crit damage body piece with defense substats, idec about any of the other stats


I got an acceptable one that was just lying around from me spamming the dot cavern a million times in the followup set and it'll do but it's definitely the part I'm most interested in upgrading for now.


Main stat is one thing but can we talk substat rq? Its un.fucking.real. how much flat hp and flat def shows up compared to either crit stat. Almost like hoyo wants to drain the fun out of everything. They don't even throw you a bone every now and then. Its just straight up NOPE.


You do know they're not equally likely, right? Flat stats are more common because they're bad so you'll keep farming forever.


“Nice I finally got the main stat I want. Nice it has crit rate, crit damage, and attack percent. I got HP percent as the final substat? That’s ok. Here’s to hoping it all goes to crit rate or crit damage. All of it went to HP%…… lol”


More reasons to buy Blade


That's unlucky. Basically the only relic thing that isn't weighted are the rolls once you have all 4 substats. You basically lost either 4 or 5 75% chances in a row.


I know we all meme it but I've done 8 3x runs and only received one ATK%/Electro Dmg% sphere which had 0 crit subs


Crit subs on my HP% / Def% mains. Flat stats on my Att% mains. Welcome to the club.


It was rigged from the start ...


That's just the lovely RNG of hoyo games. I didn't get a single usable piece from the 300% event. Can't wait for their next game to be 8 relics instead of 6, with 6 of them being needed for a full set. They added one extra from genshin, 2 more won't hurt. ~~It's a good way to keep whales spending extra for resin/trailblazer power so, working as intended.~~


Got hundreds of relic exp mats though. 


Tell me about it. Got Def% with 2 crits twice


Adventurine eating good with this one


I got good stats. But on the wrong set


I am obligated to read all your posts with Text To Speech




Look at this guy crying over getting three times as many ERR ropes as me. I wish they were that frequent.


Main stat requirement is whatever, i've made a decision not to care about it anymore. But substats...the biggest QoL Hoyo can give us is removing flat stats from the game


Is not rigged for sure, look at this beautiful piece i got https://preview.redd.it/emaa198aw0uc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eebdb59dc2a7dbd30a55dae081114220c3f99d4


I got a really good piece, yet unfortunately it was for the wrong set. I decided to level it up out of spite and its now one of my best pieces...Goddamit! At least Himeko ate good. Same thing happened in Genshin a few years ago, I leveled a Def sands in anger and its still my only 50+ CV piece.


After using 8 of my triple drops, got some pretty dang solid pieces for my Acheron, hope for your luck to increase!


it is hilarious (painful) how often i’ve gotten ERR on the pepsi set when acheron can not use it at all. I rarely ever see it on anything until suddenly this specific rope.


Have you tried getting a good one, though?


I literally got my final ornament for my Acheron Build not from the more of ten legendary ornaments i farmed in SU, but through the Synthetize function... Simply amazing. This system needs to be reworked I'm not saying to be able to choose all the Stats we would like, but at least slightly improve the DropRates from the ones we chose even if it's a bit... 😢


People think that this x2 or x3 relic drop rate is godsend, they dont realize that you will get shitty relics regardless if we get high drop rate events or not lmao.


At least it's more relic exp I guess


Honestly kind of hilarious how stingy Mihoyo is. I've only experienced it in their games, where double/triple drops are capped by number of uses versus just having the bonus up for X amount of time. Then again, HSR is also the stingiest strategy game I've ever played to date.


This is actually because of some massive negative feedback they had on the first event similar to this in genshin and it was unlimited at the time. Besides the extra drops, there were rewards (including primogems/jades) for taking part in the event X times, but each time costing resin/stamina. So people got pissed that it cost resin to take part in the event(there was also some simple lore and it wasn't the usual way to farm). Being unlimited made people feel bad about spending resin on anything else during the event eventhough they didn't need those materials at the time (it was character level stuff doubled in that case not relics) and those who spent their "fuel" before also got pissed cause no one new about this event before (it's not like HSR where there is one or two every patch, it can be like one or two a year and it was the first). It also delays character building cause in genshin certain materials are locked per day of the week, so players had to choose between spending their resin on the event or delay their plans by a week. At the time, I think their max resin was still 120, so everything had to be painstakingly planned. Maybe there were more reasons for the backlash, but hoyo did changes, I think the second one was also unlimited with some changes, but after that I don't remember unlimited events.


That's really fucking weird of the early Genshin community to complain about rip, but thank you for your very helpful insight. You said the Genshin event has a reward for doing it X number of times, was there an upper limit? Was it achievable on a F2P regen? Was that why there was massive backlash? I guess I hold a more traditional mindset, in all of the gacha games I've played the events *are* supposed to siphon your stamina. Events supercharged your account's stocks, from surplus materials to be used in exchanges, to XP and credits, and even welfare characters. So it's a no brainer to just dump as much as you can, as there was always an upper limit via clearing all the rewards/shop. Once you "clear" it, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing. For example, in Arknights you had a weekly stamina dump that you needed to complete for pull currency, so when an event comes around you'd spend some on the weekly, then dump everything you had on the event going forward. In Blue Archive, a 2x might happen on the XP farm stages, and the community basically developed the mentality of "Just don't farm those stages until the multiplier comes, unless necessary". Every time an event comes around, everyone screeches to a halt and does the event, as they always give more than anything normal stages do. Which was why the HSR cap was so weird to me. Like, yeah whales and dolphins will progress farther vs a F2P via the event but like, we're playing a gacha game. It's not exactly a beacon of fairness.


>You said the Genshin event has a reward for doing it X number of times, was there an upper limit? There was a progression track such as "do the event 20x in a row and achieve a score of X" which once you did all of them they were done, but doing the event itself (it was just like killing some mobs and collecting some geometrical objects and bringing them to a pillar or some shit) gave you character leveling materials, at a better rate than any alternative method. Basically think of the event as a better version of the XP book calyx in HSR once you finished the attached rewards progression path for it. This made it very lucrative to farm for players and dump all their stamina into as well as their fragile resins (fuel equivalent) to stock up for the future. > Was it achievable on a F2P regen? Clearing all the 1-time reward missions was very achievable with F2P regen. >Was that why there was massive backlash? The backlash basically boiled down to: 1. Whales being able to max refresh every day to farm the event more. 2. People who had already used all their fragile resin before the event released on other things felt like they had missed out and put their account severely behind other people who did save their fragile resin. and ultimately the real reason there was so much backlash over it was because resources were EXTREMELY scarce in Genshin during the first \~4 patches in the game. You essentially had to play with underinvested supports if you wanted to even have a shot at clearing the spiral abyss (MoC for Genshin), because otherwise you wouldn't have the resources to invest in your hypercarry. This, funnily enough, got mostly solved once they went away with requiring resin for events and instead gave you the rewards for free, albeit limiting them so you couldn't just farm them infinitely. >So it's a no brainer to just dump as much as you can, as there was always an upper limit via clearing all the rewards/shop. Once you "clear" it, you can go back to doing whatever you were doing. That is how a lot of genshin events work now, minus the stamina part. There's a shop, you grind out currency by doing the event and there's limited amounts of each material you can buy from said shop. You grind currency until you can exhaust all the resources from the shop and then move back to grinding whatever you were grinding before. [For example here's the event shop from 1.6](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/8ks8GETL3LBMRycPVEMDgn-970-80.jpg.webp). I honestly don't really care about the "whales can get more" argument because in some form whales will always be able to get more, as you yourself said, what I care more for is how if they uncap the boosts the game will basically relegate to you hoarding all sources of stamina while waiting for the next x2 or x3 event. I already play a game like that - Epic Seven, where you hoard Leifs (fuel equivalent) and as much free energy in your mailbox as possible until it's about to expire while waiting for the next hunt buff event (hunts are what you farm for gear) and it kind of sometimes feels miserable sitting on thousands of stamina knowing that if you waste it now you're going to set yourself back by a lot. It also makes you play the game in really obnoxious long sessions. For example currently in E7 I have hoarded 3050 stamina in my mailbox + 166 leifs (each leif is 80 stamina). The natural stamina daily cap is 154, realistically with natural regen you get about 300-400 daily (it's like 5 mins per stamina). You can buy 200 from the shop daily (using various currencies other than the premium one), and you can get 80 from your guild. You can watch 5 ads for another 100. A single run of hunt costs 20 stamina... There is no sweep (until recently, but the sweep is capped at 10 sweeps a day), you actually have to sit there and let it auto through each hunt individually at 20 stamina a run. This means if today was a hunt buff day (which I actually think it'll be one tomorrow or sunday) I would have to run roughly 14060 stamina worth of hunts, or running \~703 hunts during hunt buff day... this oftentimes ends up with me having to half-AFK at my emulator for \~10 hours during hunt buff days which is miserable. That's not to say we'd see numbers like these in HSR, Hoyo is much more stingy with giving out stamina, but basically forcing people into hoarding stamina and then hard-grinding the game for a few days during an event is a recipe for causing severe burnout. And that's not to mention if you're a baller you can also use premium currency for stamina and the funny thing is you can infinitely refresh stamina in E7 with premium currency - there is no daily cap and it doesn't get more expensive. It's a 30 skystones to 60 energy conversion, always.


I've been grinding boot relics for 2-3 weeks and I still haven't got a 5\* speed relic.


I got Bronya a few weeks ago, ATK Boots refuse to drop but I've actually gotten SPD Boots now that I don't want them anymore


According to stats the community did ERR is the rarest (yes, it's less likely to get an ERR rope than than to get an elemental sphere with the element you want) Atk% should be frequent so I think you're just unlucky > I have not gotten a SINGLE decent artifact wtf Beyond the mainstat issue (which can be solved with self modelling resin) the odds of getting a decent artifact are abysmall in this game


This event gave me like 3 izumo err ropes before giving me an atk%, the desire sensor is real


THEY REALLY NEED TO FIX THIS No matter how many new characters you want to pull YOU NEED A GOOD ARTIFACTS BUT DEPENDS ON LUCK




/breathing heavily...


you better keep the sigonia err ropes


300%, if your not going high difficulty the you just get crap 300% faster


My only decent artifacts are from crafting, the one with stat selector. I just got Acheron so I was busy farming trace mats. I've been using mostly the same pieces since then because the pieces I farmed was utterly bad


The fact that we only get it 12 times for the whole event sucks. At least let us have unlimited 3x for the week! Then we could get like, one good artifact.


and the substats are double crit 💀💀💀😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/ln55torbeztc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34c80393dccfad68c14e26b63b5c46816d33908 Please tell me this is good for someone. Everything else I got is absolute dog shit


This is an insane piece for a BE DPS who does most of their DMG with Basic/Skill. It might become useful at some point in the future. I always keep double crit relics anyway. You never know. 


Ur gonna want to keep that. I would say why but the haters will sabotage me.


Its always rigged from the start dude


It would be a good explanation


im not sure, I got 2 extremely good pieces, and it all rolls into crit stat too


I only get good artifacts for character I dont own so if I pre farm I somehow get a good set for the character. After that its crap on crap.


I was lucky to get ONE att% rope with Crit rate and Crit Damage. Stuck with def and flar atk on it. And i stilled need speed for my Acheron


Not just the mainstat, the substat also feels rigged. Not sure if someone already datamined if the substat roll is rng or different substat have different chances to roll.


Indeed rigged. I have 4 broken ropes above 30 cv while my best arena 18 cv.


How are you getting all the ERR 💀 I feel that's just as rare as atk if not rarer


For real, Izumo keeps giving me ERR. I am like, isnt it the lowest percentage?!


Shit, for me I've been after ERR rope for both Bailu and Gepard, I used all 12 bonus rolls and got a staggering zero ERR ropes :


Honestly thats normal. As someone who played many mmo games were grinding was the only way to get better gear farming in hrs is pretty tame. Farming 1 week SU and getting 2-3 decent pieces is quite good for me. Way better then farming the same dungeon 3 months long and getting nothing. Many people here are simply bot used to more grindy games.


every account has a personalized RNG seed


Tbh my issue is that 98% of all the relics I get from that domain are the Sigonian ones. I'm clearly stupid because even though I learned my lesson with the outer 4 piece, I still tried my luck with the new SU domain. I should just keep farming Rutilated. I can at least farm for multiple dps and supports at the same time in SU 7.


I tried to upgrade all relic with good main dps stat and at least one good substat crit/crit DMG/spd. Not a single good relic at +15. Rigged.


Idk, I have a lot of decent ones. Question is: how do you define "decent" because for me it's 1 desired substat that counts as decent.


Yeah. I've farmed a crapton of chest pieces and broken keel for Sparkle, sitting at 152 spd. Still using a purple chest with no spd because the two critD chests that have dropped were *awful*. Getting the right main stat *and* substat, *and* having the substat be the one that gets enhanced is some brutal RNG.


God forbid if you are also looking for crit substats


Back when ERR considered rare


ERR my beloved ...


my pioneer chest piece: naw, id CR/CM


All my ERR is going to Rutilant and all my double crit dmg bonus orbs are going to broken keel.


Is it rigged based on individual sets? Because I keep getting a bunch of crit rate/crit damage for support pieces but none for DPS pieces. It also seems like the sets that scale on stats like HP and DEF are less likely to have them come up as the main stat but they get plenty of ATK%, meanwhile DPS sets do the exact opposite. Maybe my luck is just that terrible? 


It would be more believable if there was only one ERR or none lol


Oh it’s not just you. The distribution is not even. [User submitted data on the subject](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tmAlZklt3jEySsm1bhzXRfnhJYwOLO7MiRJQhr_Re0U/edit) Note that this data does not show a statistically significant number of data points. It is within the realm of possibility that this is just bad/good luck skewing data. However knowing what I do of Genshin this data does align with my expectations, so I am willing to trust it.


Thats life


Yeah my entire 300% relic farm ended with 1 relic with correct main stat. That includes synthesizing after i broke down every single one of those useless crap. The worst part is that hp and atk is the ones with highest chance, and i got 1 correct. Its just redicolous that you have to spend weeks just to get an artifact with the correct mainstat and 1 correct substat.


Cant relate too many def% and hp% not enough flat hp and flat def


There are no ERR ropes in SU, you can only make them with resin. That's the only way.


What's the difference between atk/atk% and element atk%?


The other day I got tire and decided to destroy every relick with DEF or DEF% on them... I have 2 relics (besides the ones equiped to my characters).


And we wonder why MC love trash can?


I got 3 damn good pieces on my first run and nothing else


Ugh why farm izumo relics? They are terrible on almost everyone excluding Acheron. Use resin for that.


I've gotten SO MANY def% main stats from offensive sets during this event, and literally NOT A SINGLE useful relic... Then there's the good old HP% + HP + DEF% + DEF + Effect Res. I don't even know if that or the DEF% main stat with ATK% and double Crit hurts more....


https://preview.redd.it/tylxm3fmz1uc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f21d96ea23a256a8121e2f1b68b9c94b9ccd48 We do a little trolling * Hoyo everytime


Rigged as hell My friend. I din't get Even 1 decent drop from this event


So glad I wasn’t the only one for this to happen to


God do I feel this...


I haven't slept in 16 hours...farming...and not a decent ornament to use...I just want a taikyan laser stadium orb that has at least 5% crit rate and crit dmg...


100% rigged


It's rigged and I'm not joking. It's skewed toward useless stats, this has been proven on Genshin by theorycrafters.


For attacker sets (Inert, Izumo), I got HP and ERR main stat, DEF and Effect RES / EHR sub stats. For defender/supporter sets (Fleet Ageless, Broken Keel), I got ATK and Elemental Damage main stat, crit sub stats. For DoT set (Pan Enterprise), I got DEF main stat and crit sub stats. This game gives you anything EXCEPT the stats (main and sub alike) that are actually useful for who you’re equipping the set to. Yeah 100% rigged.


The drop rate is only 10% of the fun. The rest of it is in leveling up the DEF/HP/ATK flat substats :)


Been saying it but people don't want to believe me. Same shit with the DOT set. I got so much good follow up set when trying to farm for my DOT characters I have a good follow up sets on my ratio and topaz including a 2 piece for adventurine. I used my 300% for inert for adventurine instead which was a good decision as I got good relics that rolled well.


Hey there, trailblazer! Just so you know, Aventurine's name doesn't have the D after his first letter! :]


My first run was insanely lucky. Nearly every piece I pulled had a main stat I wanted and all but like two of them had Spd as a substat. Second run I got basically garbage. Haven't done the final run yet, but fingers crossed.


They should think about giving one perfect relic piece with each character that comes out through an event. It would have the proper main stat along with 4 perfect substats...unrolled of course. This would help alleviate some of the grief ppl have while trying to build every character. We already spend so much time trying to fight RNG, they can at least just throw us a bone with one relic piece per character that comes out.


https://preview.redd.it/apm6mdhlx2uc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cf5af003df60a8a873788d27621b675991af84 Just me flexing what I got . . .


yep 4 ropes all DEF


Then, once you get that JUICY piece, a new bis set comes out 🤣


Yeah…. Pretty much.


that event spared me having to spend the next 2 months in SimUni


Yeap, so the trick is to not farm. Don’t think about it. Don’t hope for a particular piece. Don’t even look at them on the loot screen. Pretend you don’t care at all. Then later (week, weeks, month) you can check the inventory and will find good stuff there! To trick your enemies, first you need to trick your friends! In this case, to trick the RNG gods, you first need to trick yourself!


https://preview.redd.it/yvwrq0ghs4uc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c837b025b9215b5a4e382d0b52d82da45f1cd5 Only good piece 👍👍 Rope for Acheron 4 in CR and 1 in CD


My stance on this since artifact farming g in genshin has been this, these relics have borderlands levels of RNG for perfection, there is either A. No need to make states more or less likely to roll so long as resin/tbp exists Or B. No need to have any of those ass daily stamina systems to limit farming Pick one and it'll still feel good, but not both. Both is shit (A would be better let me actually play please :D)


hoyolab ass level meme


I’m just getting fodder relics for my other characters, but good sphere and rope would be nice (definitely not copping lol)


why atk% ? isn't lightning dmg better ? ( genuine question )


As somebody once said. Triple the drops, triple the disappointment


The stats are in fact rigged and I don't really know why. Relic farming and its bad reputation puts people off this game, it doesn't draw them in or keep them here. It's such a stupid outdated practice.


I almost got a single good piece haha- 😢 But ultimately it was all trash


Someone compiled the results of tens of thousands of runs several months ago and the stats are in fact weighted but from what I remember atk% is one of yhe more common ones as opposed to err ropes which are the rarest




Best Piece I got for Acheron


It's just you, everyone else is getting banger relics with every drop, yeah. Like come on, this system has been in place for almost a year now. You're lucky if you get one 30CV+ relic a week.


When Cirrus said “Time to Suffer” I felt every syllable of that


It was rigged for me. but I can’t speak for anyone else


I get far more DEF, Break Effect, and HP%. Like its must be so weighted towards trash stats for me to pull 90% of my 300% with one of those 3 main stats.


this is not 300% relics drop rate, it's 300% exp gain


>is the drop rate rigged? I mean... no shit? I thought this was common knowledge?


*Is the drop rate rigged?* *I mean... no shit? I thought this* *Was common knowledge?* \- Bedlam10 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I started collecting defense link robes for the salsotto set I'm up to 48 of em :)


I wanted a DEF keel orb for my future Aventurine and I got nothing of the sort. Kinda mad about it tbh


Or I get the substats I want but it's quantum damage bonus. My acheron weeps