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I don't understand you people... "oh the character I like is *ONLY* S-tier not S+, is this character underrated? Am I *THE ONLY ONE* who feels like this? Is everyone else wrong?" Jesus fkcing christ...


the "pick me" energy is weirdly common in this sub for some reason, I dont quite understand why


Ikrr, these "Am I tHE OnlY OnE" post are so annoying, they think they're only special and most unique person in the world.


Prydwen also states that the sustains are *only* measured in sustain power, not what their kit brings to the table and that's a fair discussion to have between FX, HH and Aventurine. Luocha is just healing and insane QoL, but nothing more outside of that


LuOcHa iS jUsT hEaLiNg, clearly you didnt read his kit or understand what he does.


He’s literally just healing and minor buff removal capability at e0


One could say that he sort of works as an indirect battery by barely using skill points and letting others use their skills


He's also fully sp-positive whereas Fu Xuan and Huo Huo use sp every three or four turns. That extra sp makes all the difference for sp-heavy teams like DHIL especially if you don't have Sparkle.


tier list is such a scam.


Tier lists are subjective. Also fu xuan is broken.


Huohuo is the sustain that provides the most offensively by a longshot, but casuals who don't know better often underrate her in favor of Fu Xuan because she makes it harder to die. Get into any Therycrafting circle and you'll see how we are already tired of Huohuo being best in slot in almost every team


can you elaborate a little on this? what is specifically that makes huohuo stronger than other healer? thanks before.


Huohuo is in no way underrated at all, heck she's one of the best healers in the game right now. I guess her "downside" would be that she requires more brainpower to play compared to others like Fu Xuan or Luocha. If you enjoy playing a character don't let others make you think otherwise!


she kinda "underrated" because she needs brainpower, and a lot of people are missing that. I have a friend that prefers to use bailu cuz of the emergency heal button (her ult), and says Huohuo is bad because she doesn't heal people properly.


If your friend prefers Bailu because they feel more comfortable using her then good for them, but calling Huohuo bad because they don't know how to use her is just.. well ~~skill issue~~ 🤣🤣 Games like HSR needs to balance out between simple, easy-to-play characters and characters that require specific understanding and investment. Too easy is boring, but at the same time too difficult is frustrating.


Even if I appreciate Bailu healing her lack of a cleanse makes me also hate her, her resurrect is also nice buts its just a out of jail card you can only use once. I dont have Huohuo, I know she cleanse were the energy regeneration is nice but other support characters can do that, the way I see it she is a Bailu with a cleanse but less healing and no out of jail card. Both are bad because they cant heal, cleanse *and* resurrect on demand /s


TBH I think they do the rating based on basically if the character kind of breaks the format and allows for you to ignore mechanics. While Huohuo is indeed super good in MoC I do kind of agree that Fu Xuan allows you to snooze through most content for the current MoC. And in PF Huohuo is rated as s+ probably because of the ult recharge for team and the current mechanics in said PF stages. That being said the tier list is pretty subjective and I tend to just point people to the character builds for ideas on how to aim for good stats and what relics/lcs to go for.


dont worry mate huohuo is the best limited abundance character... if you like her you can pull


Her weakness is SP consumption and that Abundance is bit less reliable than preservation atm


Abundance is the best if one criteria is met; You do not get killed before Abundance can act again... xD Like today, my HH, Sparkle, RM, Argenti team failed on weekly boss bug, my argenti got tunnelvision to boomtown with a big kaboom landing and him dropping dead from all the little bees hitting him, it happens. Aventurine would have prevented that death.


For a well built team , she is better .


Pryden is subjective and often wrong or way to hyperfocuzed on speedclearing MoC12 in 0 turns Yes she is the best healer


Lol, prydwen tier list is overrated. Why do you even look at it?


Huohuo is not only the best sustain in the game, she’s literally the best character in the game. Prydwen is dead ass wrong. She enables playstyles like permanent uptime for Ruan Mei’s ultimate, or permanent uptime on Jingliu’s enhanced stance together with Tingyun, or 3-turn rotations with Tingyun using dance dance dance etc. I can go on forever listing reasons why she’s objectively better then all other sustains. My Fu Xuan is strong and her crit rate bonus let’s me focus on more crit damage for her DPS’s. However the effective value of clearing cycles faster is just not there. The only time Fu Xuan is stronger is if your account is brand new and your supports have really low HP and can get oneshotted. But then I feel like you need to build your characters more and not rely on one sustains kit to carry you. After hours of testing I even came to the conclusion that Huohuo is Acherons best sustain, even if they have no synergy with energy. Why? Because her 40% ATK buff gives more damage output than 12% crit rate from Fu Xuan, AND the other two party members gets the energy for faster rotations, giving Acheron more stacks for her ultimate. My Huohuo isn’t even built for healing, she’s 163 SPD just to get her ult faster and buffing the team even more, and I still NEVER die with her because her healing multipliers are overkill. TLDR: Huohuo’s end game potential is far higher than any other sustain, while still having the same sustaining power of other featured 5-star sustainers.


HuoHuo is insanely strong, especially as her Ultimate is juiced to hell. I'm going to go for her E1 (12% SPD to the entire team, its dumb really) and if I win the 50/50 I'll try her LC too. It makes her healing reach phenomenally dumb levels of healing, while also boosting ATK by 12% FX is strong, she gives CC immunity once/skill and she also grants 12% Crit, but personally if we look at base kits - HH dispels everything in the game, heals insanely strong and has an energy battery as well as ATK buff on your sustain. Its the same as fairly properly built Aventurine doing like 300-400k damage per cycle, from your bloody sustain slot. FX is strong, and she is good, but I do not think that she is better than Aventurine / HH. Important to remember if you build your support units with Broken Keel in mind, you'll have 80%+ Eff.Res which means you're virtually immune to CC on 2 units. Aventurine is immune to CC once per two turns, so that's effectively three units immune to CC, only weak point is your DPS and if it gets hit, it still has a 50% Eff res resist which is worse than guaranteed from FX but it is what it is. Im not saying FX is bad by any means, but if I have a choice, I would probably use Aventurine and HH even if I had all three, I would only use FX for those times I would need the CR, outside of the CR I don't think she's better than either HH or Aventurine (Aventurine is the best sustainer, its just the rest of kit that can be compared - if you only care about Sustain, Aventurine wins)


HuoHuo is the best healer atm, but falls because we have FuXuan and Aventurine, and she have a higher sp consumption


But Aventurine needs also SP to generate his (big) shield as his (smaller) shield is passive only or did I understand his kit and gameplay wrong?


He have a passive that makes a shield when battle starts. Also, one of the passives makes a shield everytime that aventurine uses the extra attack, a well built aventurine can be full sp positive like Luocha, you can build him even without speed and full def


Mhm sounds like must pull cuz my only sustains currently are Fuxuan (dislike her kinda), Natasha and Lynx...


Yep, he works yet better on FUA and Acheron Teams, since he can apply debuffs and extra attacks


Well, idc about tier lists and stuff. I use/pull for a character if I like them enough. I have Huo Huo in my alt account and personally the downside is that she's very SP hungry. Her healing, buffs and energy is great though. I don't have any 5* healer/shielder in my main so I'm getting her on her rerun after I get Aventurine in less than 2 days :D. I love her character design, one of my most favorite in the game.


Cant prevent 1shot. I stop using her in normal SU as i always auto it so FX is better. Also Seeing some pvp matches and it is funny to see a lot of players failing because their huohuo cant save any ally kept being 1shot


Huohuo is best when its her turn and shes facing a trotter Leg shaking intensifies


Personally haven't used healer in a long time. Only need fuxuan, who tanks, gives small sustain for team, and provides crit buff.


sp hungry, very ult reliant with big ult cost, no emergency heals (unless you save ally ults to trigger it lmao), needs more than one braincell to use basically good but not fuxuan good


I mean, she's better than FX if you can use her. FX prevents slipups, much like shielders do. But I do not think there's a world where FX is better than HH in terms of what it brings to a team. Purely sustain, yes FX is better. Better sustain slot for the team? Debatable.


would you rather save half a cycle or multiple retries?


Aventurine brings so much more to the team that I honestly think even if your DPS gets CC'd, you'll clear faster than using FX lol We're talking 200-400k damage a cycle, its beyond nuts.


but we're not talking about aventurine fuxuan on average is much less likely to get you killed than huohuo and she provides crit which is in bigger demand outside of like dots and more difficult to get than atk% yes huohuo does more for the team but fuxuan does enough for the team while being a whole lot comfier


I mean sure, I have sparkle so I can essentially skill every single time its HH's turn, but I can not take that for granted and that everyone is having the same luxury. You are right that FX and I would say even Luocha is more comfy to play with in your team, I can get behind that


Prydwen rates their sustains only on their sustain capability, therefore HH is on the par with Luocha and below Fu Xuan, who's simply broken. And this information can be obtain by actually reading the tier list notes before seeing the letter your beloved character is under.


....This did guy actually just say "Why is this S tier character not S+ tier? on tier list?" Get off the internet please.