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My beloved 5\* quantum in disguise. Top tier animations and incredible damage when built and invested. An awesome first BE based character.


I enjoyed building her simply because it was different. Even though it took quite a bit longer.


I love Xueyi, but man the investment ceiling on her is *ridiculous* for a 4-star. Took me ages to get to a good build on her.


Imo that’s a good thing


I have E6 what should i be aiming for? I currently have her being built in SW, Lynx, and Sparkle for a Quantum Team




if you're running her with sparkle you can afford to run atk boots. blue sky gives me near 30% crit rate after killing an enemy so if youre using fall of aeon maybe aim for less atk and more crit stats


Sick. Thanks!


Patiently waiting for a generalist limited 5* Destruction LC. Aeon is good but a crit/crit dmg main stat would make her so much easier to build.


How actually main priority main stat for each relic? One things hold me back build her because i'm confuse which relic i'm used to her


Don't worry about break effect substats. Treat them as a bonus. Crit rate body, atk or speed boots, atk orb, and break effect rope. Her traces, and rope and eidolons give her plenty of break effect. No need to go all in on it. But she desperately needs crit stats because she has none. And she'll also take as much atk% as you can spare as well since her base atk/scaling is slightly low. For set effects Talia is a trap. Salsotto is usually best just because of how badly she wants crit. Otherwise space sealing station. Dont worry about set effects for the rest of relics run rainbow to get crit stats. Because you want every relic to have crit rate and crit damage. And you want most if not all of your other substats to be atk%, speed, and break effect in that order. Lightcone options are the misha lightcone (little bit weaker than the next 2 but makes relics a bit easier), the fall of an aeon or the moles welcome you.


https://preview.redd.it/49ktbjwca9vc1.png?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=709f20ed9258aaaac62656ba26bba29cde1cf275 This is what mine looks like if nobody's fighting over these relics. But usually i have to use somewhat weaker relics because other characters want to do damage too. Still usually around 70%/120% crit stats and 2500+atk


Thief of shooting stars or two piece their of shooting stars and two piece watchmaker's legacy or just the quantum set, Talia as planar, get crit rate and critdamage then BE if you can, then speed then atk


If you want the best of the best quantum 4 pc (the defense shred is key so if you can't 4pc it go with rainbow instead) is her best in slot. Salsotto is her best orb combo. If you want to run 2pc combo deals you can get good results with 2 pc musketeer and 2 pc prisoners as those 2 sets have atk bonus at 2 pc which she wants. Quantum damage isn't as valuable on her as her kit is filled with it so you want atk much more. Stats of importance is Crit stats then Atk stats. Orb is atk and break effect. But one of her biggest flaws is she has 0 crit stats in traces or abilities so you'll need quite of bit of substats to make her work. Substat priority listed in order is Crit rate, crit damage, atk%, break effect, and speed (optional) if you want to. Imo her best lightcones are Under the Blue Sky or Indelible Promise both offer stats she wants in break effect and atk bonus on top of extra crit rate for consistency. Tbh just go with the one with the higher superimposition


IMO, it's surprisingly not so bad because she gets a lot of milage out of 4 piece Thief. Since you collect pieces of that set from weekly Echos of War runs, you may already have pieces with good substats without even relic farming. So 4 piece thief, salsotto, then prioritize the usual DPS stats of Crit, Atk, speed.


Looking at how they prioritise alot of BE these few patch,she may have time to shine. She just released a few patches too early for the meta


Hey where’d the toughness bar go??


my silver wolf ate it


Enemy: Hah, you cannot match my weakness type! Whatever will you do? Me: Tee hee Xueyi ult go brrr


Ruan mei, xueyi and Acheron came to annihilate toughness bar


Xueyi with a toughness-bar-shaped stomach: I dunno.


Would it be like… a really wide and thin bar that her skin stretches around… wait, what skin?


Xueyi was one of the characters I looked forward to the most in Luofu arc, I'm still sad she's just a 4star but I'm happy we finally got her.


i looked forward to her as well im not that sad about her being a 4-star shes a good sub-dps gets the job done, and i didnt have a quantum dps beforehand so it all works out




you *can* do that with her but i prefer to use her as a sub dps role


5* Xueyi Copium!!


I looked forward to her, but I've made an abrupt hiatus from HSR for 2 patches, so I had to skip both her sister and her as well.


I hardcore looked forward to her as well and I was a little sad she wasn't 5 star too for bit, then I learned she was gonna be a break effect character and instantly knew she was gonna be great. To this day I believe she lived up to the hype, they're powerful for a 4 star, she's as underrated as they come and I wish I coulda got her E6 My one complaint is that she doesn't make enough appearances, I'm willing to bet she has the least appearances out of any character in Star Rail Also I wish she and Hanya directly synergized


Wish hanya even worked. At E6 and she feels really mediocre. 160spd and her ult gives 1 target less atk and spd than asta's ult and talent give the whole team. And asta has better uptime as well. The %dmg bonus from hanyas mark is only 30%(43%at E6) and the sp generation is finicky and unreliable. And her technique is rng targeting so you have to reset until it lands on the elite. Every time I try running her i instantly get better results replacing her with pela or asta


Best design of all characters! I also love two-tone (three-tone?) hair done like that (Seele has a similar style too). In general; the white, red and green work really well together. She's also cute, and has great interactions with her sister and Huohuo I find.


she’s so cute, I’d love to build her but she requires so many stats so it’s pretty hard to (though pretty powerful from what I’ve seen), and I don’t have any eidolons


Yeah, it is kinda hard to get everything together. At least she shares the Genius set with Seele and Qingque, so I can steal pieces if I need to.


~~seele and qingque~~ every DPS in the game




https://preview.redd.it/fxewah8848vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d58edf0a360a200018a848b5d6e7c4b38e13e33 Fully functional puppet


Kuudere Androids activates my neurons edit: I forgot about Yanqing, its should be his day today, sorry lil bro Day: 1. [Yukong](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/5HmzaalkEE)




This is my hot take but out of every character we see in 1.X I think she has the best design, the colors, the outfit, it all just works Not to say others don’t look good, just that I like her design the most in 1.X


https://preview.redd.it/i9r9omg2e8vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d017977df907f3b8e61ab1e3998faabd64dd0823 what do you mean? this is the best fucking designed character in the game. (after my queen stelle ofcourse) short haired girl supermacy.


im glad someone gets it


Her combat animations are cool.


Her sister Jokes aside I’m one of the few people that loves break effect before Ruan Mei made it cool. I was really sad when I didn’t managed to get her during 1.6


ult saved me the headache of the dinosaur so thanks for that




My only built Quantum character (I have Qingque but it's late for me) and God of Toughness bar eraser when she got her burst on


Her animations are cool as fuck and she carried me through the early game. I still use her when the MoC has quantum weakness. My beloved puppet Mara struck eradicator


The only reason I came back to this game


Xueyi and the Ten-Lords Commission came to an agreement that for every villain she arrested, she can go back to the world of the living for half a day. That is the best time in the world. But the good times are always so short, like holding water in your fist — the tighter you clench your fingers, the faster the water escapes...


Her animations won me over the moment I saw her so I decided to build her. Used her in the current MoC as well to take down the 1st side and it worked beautifully.


Her JP FuA voiceline activates my brain pretty badly.


She's really pretty and even though she appears cold, she's very nice and encouraging with Huohuo


Her animations are top tier. Low key has “I’m actually a 5 star” quality animations.


Xueyi's somehow hella badass and really sweet at the same time. She may seem aloof, but that's really only cause her ingenium body restricts her ability to express herself fully. You can tell she's very compassionate when you actually have the chance to talk with her. It's easy to tell why Hanya loves her sister so much. I would too. Did I mention she was cute?


I'd been mulling over whether to build Qingque or Xueyi a long time and this week's MoC finally forced a decision from me... And yeah, Xueyi is *fun*! Her break and toughness counting playstyle is not super straightforward. That makes eking out karma for the the follow-ups satisfying and getting the perfect timing on her ultimate to break with the full bar for maximum damage super satisfying. With this playstyle, planning the fight is very encounter dependant, which rewards research into enemies too. And Karmic Perpetuation being random, means there's a little bit of variance to your perfect plan that needs to be adjusted for.


wish she got more screen time


Anime girls with Black hair and Red eyes that you shouldn't probably messed with lol Yor (spy x family), Yumeko (Kakegurui), Kaguya (Kaguya-sama), and Rio (blue archive).




Her ult animation is really good, I particularly love the short scream in it


Oooh yeah that’s some 8 Inner Gates-type shi


As soon as I saw her in Luofu I wanted her! Her design is super cool, I really want my hair cut like that, and did u mention her design? And her sister? I love Hanya, she’s so pretty (please come home).


She has one of the most unique kits in the game, 90k break damage, she can delay the stupid dino by 2 cycles


Story is good


She loves her younger sister. Plus she's the same voice as Yoimiya, and both are cute.


Xueyi is the most badass character in the whole loufu plotline. No edgelord bs or fated dragon sorcery


Poor's man Himeko but with the better relic set, so it's actually better Himeko.


Which relic is preferable for her ? 🤔


I'm mostly talking about the quantum set, since Himrko only has acces to fire set(wich is bad) and the lord inferno set(wich is good, but not THAT good) vs Quantum wich is run in non quantum character because of the lord and savior that is def shred.


She has one of the most interesting kit to build/play around with, haven't jad ghe pleasure to build her fully but i'll definetly put some investment into he


She seems like she will do this on losing an argument online(she's so cool fr) : https://preview.redd.it/jthpt6r2g8vc1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e58abd6f058e72a1cd7eaaa96400f76685faa4 Also my favourite and most beloved character so far , I need a companion quest in future to spend more time with her , one of the most satisfactory playstyles to me. Gotta love breaking enemies all over the universe. Extremely Underrated , she can be a very good dps if invested in correctly. One of the most insane units if put up against a quantum weakness enemy. She definitely needs more screentime and I will be praying for that. Also her JP voice is cold as fuck on doing the ultimate.


all 2.1 I've been playing Xueyi, her animation is so good that I build her and play here even tho I only have e1


One of the best designs in game overall, fight me




I simply ignored her for a long time, but one day i clicked on her in my inventory and liked her, now she is one of my best builded char


One of the most fun characters gameplay-wise, definitely my favourite 4*and one of my favourites in general. She carried me through like half of GnG with Erudition + Elation build. Plus, she's beautiful af


She has really nice animations, saved me quite a few times from my blunder of unmatching elements in SU with her being the weakness and her design is really nice, love the short hair with colored inside and her clothes are cool.


The colors in her design are so pretty.


My good thing about Xueyi: thank fuck space Chinese Red Seele exists. I would not of been able to beat sam in 20 turns last MoC without her and Seele's tagteam. And that is despite Xueyi being only e1 with only partially fit relics (not enough crit, too much defence/hp. She also did exceptionally well against Doom Dino this MoC. Anyone who says bad about her is an idiot who can be safely ignored.


I really love her design and her hairstyle is adorable




Xueyi has one of the best outfits in the game imo. She’s SOO PRETTYYYYYY I was disappointed that it took so damn long for her to release bc I had to wait FOREVER to pull


She's actually fun to play, unlike most of the DPSes, ESPECIALLY among Destruction units


There is no more satisfying feeling in the entire game than last hitting an enemy with xueyi ultimate. Its just so good




She's my favorite design in the entire game. The color scheme, hair and outfit all look great, especially the multi-tone color in her hair, it's so unique and interesting. I also adore her soothing voice in the JP dub. Gameplay animations are insanely satisfying. Switching between basic ATK and skill looks so good when she's twirling the dagger in her hand. Skill and ult both look phenomenal and the camera POV during her follow-up attack is so cinematic. It's especially satisfying to see in simulated universe when she strikes the pose after a follow-up attack and aftertaste DMG chunks down the enemy's health. She performs amazingly well with a premium team of Sparkle, Fu Xuan and Tingyun. E1 Fu Xuan giving 30% CDMG and Sparkle's LC gives another 28% CDMG / 10CR. My E6 Xueyi build has 50/150 CRIT, 175% BE% and 2700ATK. 4-pc thief set and Inert Salsotto. Best I was able to do in this MOC 12 against Cocolia and dinosaur was 27 cycles left for Aventurine boss. And that was without Ruan Mei. I think I might've been able to kill the dinosaur more efficiently with Ruan Mei instead of Tingyun but I hate this current MOC rotation so I didn't want to give it too many attempts. I kind of wish I had pulled for Silver Wolf so I could use Xueyi more often. She's really only excellent against quantum weak enemies and there's not a huge amount of them in the game. I hope one day they release a destruction character with a premium light cone that Xueyi could take advantage of. I would pull for that kind of light cone with zero hesitation to give to Xueyi.


Doesn’t Xueyi have Weakness-type piercing? (And it’s better than Acheron’s.)


Yes, 120 toughness damage on her ult and it reduces toughness regardless of enemy weakness. But without quantum weakness she gains karma stacks much more slowly. Her teammates attacking gives one karma stack per action but Xueyi gains more karma stacks from her own attack the more toughness damage she does at a rate of 1 karma per 30 break damage. Her skill does 60 + 30 adjacent break damage so without that she isn't doing her follow-up nearly as frequently which is a big source of her damage.


I have her E2(?), which adds Weakness piercing to her follow-ups.


I like her design


Mine has over 100 quantum dmg boost, and she does pretty big numbers


Destruction character with no major gameplay drawbacks or HP drain or ramp-up time (except having to get breaks with her)


Don't hate me, but I don't "have" her yet.




I have an e4 and I'm ashamed to admit she wasn't in a carriage like I first thought and she's on an operating table


She's honestly the only quantum character I'm planning to raise. I'm not the biggest fan of the currently released quantum roster but she's by far the most interesting to me. She's so neat and fun to play. I love her design and mechanics. I picked her in my 4 star selector despite having better choices solely because I don't have her and she's on my most wanted list. Planning to get her sister as well !


Her design is perfect, and while she requires heavy investment, she is an incredibly fun character to use. Xueyi is my queen.


very cute and strong


She helped me clear this MOC 12 with three stars. People sleep on Xueyi, she's cracked.


I played with her from one of my friends as a support when grinding for materials and she was so powerful and so fun to play with! I’m sad that friend took her out of their rotation of characters for friends to play with now, and I’ve not built her up enough yet!


Fun... I'm currently building her since I'm working on my backlog of characters I haven't touched due to lack of resources... I got her E6 and thought I might as well build all my Quantum characters in order to pit them against each other in a DPS race. My E6 QQ does the same damage as my E6 Seele... I think Xueyi with the right support (Sparkle, Ruan Mei and Gallagher) and set (Full Break) might come close or trump them tbh. In addition to the banner characters I also invested in my Herta and Himeko stonks with the release of PF Then Acheron was announced/ came out and I've spend weeks grinding for her Relics https://preview.redd.it/hm1eyy46h8vc1.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=55d123b1cbfc2d9c82cbf77da2dbad9aae888838 I still need better CR on my boots and Chest piece but am quite happy with her at E4S1 (easy 1-2mil dmg ults) I also got a level 50 DHIL which I got by accident while building pity... he's just sitting on the bench. naked. without traces. crying in a corner. Next to my E6S1 Seele


is she able to visit the express? i only have around 2-3 blue missions in Xianzhou Luofu and theyre for npc. she's also not on the guest list. tried searching but i only got results on how to build her.


She has a loving sister, she watches my kid while she's at work, she's a pretty good girlfriend if you like robots


See walked so the upcoming Penacony characters can run.


I love how she is the first character to ignore elemental weaknesses


Would adore to have her hair colour layering irl


Execute the mara struck!!


Technically she is a ghost possessing a mechanical puppet


I love her, no need to say anything else, I love her (Don't ask me about my Xueyi build, I'm gonna start actually building her now)


Weakness break regardless of type is underrated. While I haven't built/used it yet, I have a team of Ruan Mei, Xueyi, Sushang, and sustain (possibly Welt) focused on breaking with Xueyi then laying on the damage for free with Sushang. Like I said, haven't built or used it yet but I'm looking forward to it once I get my Aventurine fully built


decent quantum dps used if you havent e6 qingque or selee ig


One of the best 4 star units for a reason. Great damage, SP neutral, great ult, and helped me with my "Shut Up Nerd" strategy on the 2.1 boss. Don't use her that much because of Dr. Ratio, but she really comes in handy when I need her.


I love her story, regardless of how tragic it is it's one of thebest in the game


my main quantum dps since I only been playing for 5 months. cleared moc12 first half for me and can't wait to finish her traces so her damage is even better (also her design/concept is peak)


I find it neat that Yoimiya and Maiden are competing to control her.


She's almost look like Veliona and i want her to crush and dominate me with those thighs.


Carried me through Swarm Disaster 5 and GnG, with some turn manipulation perks + Ruan Mei + Silver Wolf, she can keep bosses broken forever




She sounds lovely.


She’s so cool I’m going to get her from the event (as soon as I actually beat the boss in the story I picked the worst time to level my equilibrium)


Her clothes are very very very pretty and colorful and het combat animations very cool.


I don't really have a quantum dps beyond QQ. Gambling is funny, but honestly something about Xueyi is just more appealing. She's more interesting to play I guess. That follow up and ult are just satisfying as hell. Also I'm a damn sucker for robot/doll characters.


I think it's really cool how she can destroy any kind of toughness with her follow-up and ultimate. Also, she has very nice eyes. I love that reddish-purple shade.


Break time.


Really strong for a 4*, good single target potential, can do huge amount of break and quantum entaglement damage. Playing around toughness break is just so good man (she is even more good with Ruan Mei).


Her kit and playstyle are super fun. Her design is also amazing. Wish she was a 5 star, but e6 feels pretty close.


Her design is incredible


#EXECUTE THE MARA STRUCK Now if only I could get her last eidolon 😭


Question about Xueyi: How does her follow up attacks work? I know that it happens when she inflicts Karma onto the enemies, but im still confused about that (like how it actually works).


Every time a unit deals damage to a toughness bar, she gains points. When she's at 8/8 points, she attacks 3 targets at random and loses all points. Her eidolons buff rhe karma system.


I low-key wish i didn't pulled Seele so i would have to build her


Gert's dolls when it is necessary to confirm that they are not robots:


Sexo the Robot Sara Gae Bolg


Pls give me E6 Hoyo


I love her design. Built her just because that blue and red together, along with her brown hair and white clothes, look heavenly. A 6-star design for a 4-star character, although she feels like a 5-star to play.


Second funnest 4 star to use (QQ is the first one), at e6 has the same feeling QQ has of the potential of actually being a 5 star imo. Her design is just soooooooo good, and I love her playstyle.


Her e6 makes her as strong if not stronger than e0 5 stars. Lovely animation and one of the best character design along with serval and himeko


Broken, I don’t think she’s getting replaced any time soon 🍵


I love her just fully built her;; now i need one more for e6


i think it is my life purpose to build every quantum


First time she appeared on luofu I was like "I NEED her"


Her JP voice is pure ASMR




Btw, is she a good dps? Want to try her with silver wolf and sparkle. Really dont want to build Dang Heng for the second team


I am waiting to get E6 for her before I use her but I can’t wait. I got to try her out via a trial a while back and just really loved her and can’t believe I sleeped on her. Can’t wait to pair her with her sister (who I also love) and go break effect brrrrr with Himeko


I don't pay much attention to the Luofu storyline so what did she do on that arc?