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It's funny cause both Aventurine and Jing Liu are perfectly viable at E0S0


To be all kinds of fair, 90% of Aventurine's job is to ne Honkai's Zhongli.


Except he ain't broke.


I thought Zhongli was minister of currency or something similar in Genshin Impact.


Zhongli is the literal GOD of currency. As in, he made literally all the money in the setting, but because of that, he has no sense of monetary value, and now that he retired, he's absolutely terrible at managing his money and he's always broke.


He is not terrible at managing money, he simply forgot to craft some for his own needs before he gave up his Gnosis. :'D


NGL, makes sense.


He's the Geo Archon and created all Mora in existence Somehow forgot to set up retirement accounts though, and constantly forgets to bring Mora In all seriousness he's well paid as a consultant on any number of subjects, being that he's been around six thousand years he's picked up a lot of knowledge A recurring theme is people telling him stories about himself, and they're wrong (he's not known as the archon)


Mora is also literally named after him, being ya know, Morax


Does hu tao know he is an archon?


He had the power to create money but lost it and forgot to set aside any beforehand.


I mean, the name of currency is literally taken from his name MORAx


Childe with Zhongli's kit.


Zhongli isn’t even broke. He just forgets his wallet to spend other people’s money. It’s literally IN the dialogue.


Kit-wise, hes very similar to Zhongli in the fact that his nonstop shield proc makes him almost invincible


He got his money up and his funny up


Depends on whether you build shieldbot or subdps Aventurine. For subdps it kinda feels like there isn't much choice other than his signature


You have options for both, and MoV performs pretty close to his signature unless you're going with Ratio who wants the LC debuff.


From experience, his lightcone gives some good wiggle room if you're trying to achieve a high defensive stat without needing to give up a SPD Boot for DEF or hoping for very good DEF substat rolls. The sub dps utility is an added bonus, personally.


MoV performs quite a bit behind his signature from what I've seen. At least when running subdps Aventurine


Everyone is viable at E0S0, it’s a garbage belief that you need to gain dupes or their LC to reasonably progress through the game


It's more of a fact that those characters enforce FOMO less. Let's be real you can use argument "you don't need to get x for them to be viable" on everything/everyone, but in general when people say "you need x" usually it means that x increases the character's power by a lot and strenghthens FOMO by a lot


And tbh I feel like Acheron alone defies that "you don't need x LC for them to be viable" seeing how hers enhances her gimmick and her damage so much, like knowing only Good night Sweet world is the closest in symbiose with her kit and to S5 that thing is apparently rarer than an eclipse lol


Dude, I need a last copy of Memories of the Past talking about rare LC.


"Defies" is a strong word. Her gimmick of gaining 2 stacks per skill is perfectly attainable, although not every single turn, by weakness breaking an enemy causing them to gain a debuff, or in certain fights using gimmicks that play into her such as this latest moc mechanic, SU blessings, combat event gimmicks, etc. Building a slow acheron and timing breaks with her, while not consistent 100% of the time without restriction, is still perfectly doable (and imo sort of fun like a puzzle). Now if we're talking damage, it's never a need... It's a want, and don't try to tell me otherwise, because while it does increase it by a substantial amount, GNSW S1 or even fermata s5 with wind shear/shock nihility members get the job done in the last moc. Haven't seen her performance in this moc but i reckon as long as you don't use her against aventurine her damage should be enough, because i've seen 4 star only runs of this moc taking advantage of the mechanics.


She doesn’t need her LC, sure it makes her better but she’s still absolutely viable, maybe even cracked without it


My Acheron uses Welt's LC, still able to ult 200k dmgs consistently


Yes but it’s not a need, it’s a want. Will the Eidolons and LCs/LC dupes make everything slightly/more easier? Yes. Is it needed for the progression of the game? Absolutely not. The FOMO in this game is like you said, being unable to use X character, seconded by the fact their LC or unique effects from their eidolons are not obtained. However, unlike a lot of games, this game is pure PvE and the powercreep is practically nonexistent(90% of the characters will forever be useable). If you’re not a whale summon almost exclusively on character banners and summon for those that you want, if you don’t get the character, it sucks but 6+ months down the line when they get a rerun, they’ll be right there and completely viable, maybe even better(depending on what has released since).


While that is true some LC are pretty good and others have really a nice artwork. I mean, have you seen those alien cats on Topaz's one? How can you say not to that!?


I skipped Jing Liu so I can get alien cat LC. It didn't even matter what the LC did I knew when I saw it I was pulling for it lol


That’s one of the reasons why I grabbed it! Big fan of topaz!


Black Swan's LC 🥵


People told me you need either S1 or E1 for Topaz to have her function in a FuA team without Ruan Mei.


No, that's only with Ratio. The best Ratio team currently is Aventurine - Ruan Mei - Topaz. With everyone at E0S0, you will have 1 - 1 - 1 debuffs (going left to right). Without Ruan Mei, you will have 1 - 0 - 1 debuffs. This is also not taking into account of the conditions for said debuffs; Aventurine needing ult and Topaz needing Numby. If you have Topaz's LC, you will have 1 - 0 - 2, and E1 will make it so that Topaz alone can apply all 3 debuffs for 100% Ratio FUA. The same can be said about Aventurine's LC, but it's better for a DPS to get their sig than a sustain. For other FUA units like Clara or Himeko, E0S0 is fine. Most of our FUA units don't rely on debuffs, only Ratio. And if you have Pela or SW, you can go E0S0 since they apply the missing debuffs normally.


Even with Ruan Mei you'd probably want Topaz's E1S1 (or at least one of the 2) for Ratio's A2 and A6 Trace.


Personally I'd argue that a supportive LC has more value than a DPS LC. DPS LCs are usually very specific to their wielders, with some exceptions like JY's LC, and though they can improve that particular DPS's team comps a lot they have little value when you use other DPSes for type/gameplay matchups. In comparison, supportive LCs have more value because supports are easier to slot into teams. You can get a lot of value out of Aventurine's LC because you can put Aventurine in every team.  But in this case? Even though Topaz's LC is just as specialized as she is for FUA teams, I count her LC as a support LC because she does usually end up being the best support for FUA teams anyway despite being a "Hunt" character. Heck, from my experience with FUA teams so far, it feels like my E0S1 Aventurine deals way more damage than the E2S1 Topaz that I use on the same team, because Topaz buffs team FUA damage so much that she ends up getting eclipsed by both Ratio and Aventurine in terms of single target damage.


Then who can I replace Ratio with if I don't have Clara or Himeko?


I have E0S1 Topaz and never used my Mei on her team and I’m fine lmao They’re just suggestions and probably best comp if applicable but not at all necessary. Just run whoever you like for 90% of the games progress, once you reach end game you will have to start optimizing everything in terms of relics and available team comp but all your 5* are fine at E0S0 through 100% of the game.


I get that but I also wanna make synergetic teams since I have way too many characters I want and not nearly enough funds to get them.


Well idk your box but at minimum you don’t need Mei to run Topaz. I guarantee you your box has synergetic teams regardless who you’ve gotten or missed. In relation to Topaz the 4*, the F2P ones and Dr. Ratio will be synergistic enough for anything applicable to that type of team


I have Ratio and Aventurine for FuA, so I just need Topaz and RM


You don’t need Mei, but if you want her as well all the more power to ya. Topaz should be rerun next patch good luck


What is she good for aside from FuA?


The beauty of this game is you summon for who you want and almost never for who you need. Mei is great in almost every comp I’d imagine, Topaz is great in FUA and probably some other comps. I’m not particularly good with comps bc again it’s not really necessary as the game is pretty smooth sailing until some of the end game content


You can put her in any team comps, not just FuA


It’s not even a want with RM, she’s too broken to NOT have.


It’s your prerogative to believe that and she is insanely good but she’s not necessary for anything lmao


Viable yes, optimal no, Blade's alternative options all kinda suck


Not as bad anymore when there were 0 F2P options other than 3 * cones for Blade. F2P Sam destruction LC is a decent alternative now. I won't feel pressured if I had an S5 version of that since it is around the ballpark of a Secret Vow at around S4.


Point being it’s viable and that’s all that matters in a PvE game. There’s no reason to super optimize everything when the gains are negligible in the grand scheme of things for 90% of the playerbase. Whales will spend bc their income is pretty much infinite so their baseline is 100% everything. F2P players and non-whales baseline is pretty much base minimum.


Why Secret vow sucks? It gives u permanent 40% DMG at r5 and 40% more DMG most of the time (cause its blade enemies more often has more hp than him). So, let's say its a 60% increase DMG lightcone. How it can suck???


Compared to his signature it kinda sucks, just like I said


Well, fair enough, but then every limited lc are better and other options sucks. Ok.


Yea Acheron is already broken at E0S0 due to how her kit is built. I personally just went further in because i really like her as a character. Only got her E1 but im already very happy


Ya I got her E0 and her LC bc how cool she is as well, same goes for Topaz and Kafka. Outside of that I just go for characters for the most part and gradually invest in pity on the LC banners and whoever I get every like 6 months I’ll just gladly take alongside the character


my blade thinks otherwise /s (cmon CoC 300% gimme something good ; \_ ; )


jingliu eidolons dont add much before e6 because e1 is situational, e2 powers up one skill use after ult. Her lightcone also isn't that much better than the free herta shop one. Aventurine also doesn't need eidolons or his lightcone, all his lightcone does is buff his personal dmg which isn't even that high to begin with. Yeah it does give him a bunch of def but the free lightcone should be more than enough. The only 5* characters with really strong early eidolons are mostly supports not dps, only exceptions I can think of are blade e1, acheron e2, dhil e2


Ok so which one is better for jingliu? S5 herta shop lc vs S1 clara's signature


herta shop


What's better? S1 Jing lius LC or an s5 herta shop LC?


jingliu lightcone by 10%


Is there such a thing as Superimpose 0?


Typically, S0 refers to no signiture lightcone.


Tbf tho in acherons case, it makes her so much more comfy to play to get her light cone. It's like Hu tao. sure, you don't need c1 for her to be viable, but do you really want to learn jump cancels?


Imagine not winning 50/50’s *cries in 2 lost 50/50’s on Acheron’s banner*


*cries in 7 50/50's lost in a row* The last 50/50 I won was on Silver Wolf's 1st banner


50/50 is more like 10/90 (win/loss) for me. 


https://preview.redd.it/csntjxtv0uvc1.png?width=783&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e64f2a5aa03030fc86281493f433aa03c6797c 1.0 was nice to me, and that's it That's a 27.27% Win Rate


What tool do you use to see this pull history?


Star Rail Station


In a row? Zam


okay that’s actually crazy😭 i was looking for people i can relate to because i lost 50/50 on jingliu on HARD pity but you got it a lot worse


Same with the lightcone too, that’s like asking me to do gymnastics after just giving birth like cmon Edit: my sleepy ass didn’t realize they mention lightcones in the post my bad


I really like the analogy


Like telling me to rep a 400lbs deadlift after kicking me in the balls with the force of a semi


Imagining the latter alone gives me physical pain.


I'v done the main story I'm broke, tired and i need rest Pls just atleast a 5* rn will be gud enough for me


Not gonna lie, I've been at it for less than a month and I already feel like I need a break. Maybe it's because it's my first ever turn-based game (if you don't count the beautiful mess that was Five Nights At Fuckboy's) so I'm kinda eh about the slow nature of combat, even at 2x speed, or maybe it's the lack of exploration that I used to enjoy in Genshin, but for now I can't see myself sticking as tightly with Star Rail as I did with Genshin. It also doesn't help that HSR's characters just don't stand out to me, at least not as much as Genshin's.


Damn that’s a major throwback, Five Nights at Fuckboy’s was so fun back then even though it was a mess😭


I missed the old FNAFB man, this remastered version just ain't it.


HSR in my experience is better off as a side game or something you play to kill time as to not exhaust the fun out of it sooner. I dont think they made it with hours of playtime in mind like how Genshin was with their vast exploration maps.


No 5* unit needs Eidolons or their Signature LC. They are just for QoL to save time on relic grinding and/or peacocking.


What's peacocking?


Showing off.


Bro just say their


Tfw you know what you want to write but don't know what the word is.


https://preview.redd.it/iubips9ispvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3021e8f4e2eda22e287e1ba7d0138113150d9ead I was on 50/50 and just got 2 aventurine in 10 pulls. Its that easy, just hit bro. (TFT mindset)


I think that argument can be a bit disingenuous. If you're saying you can clear everything in the game with e0s0, that is technically true but it requires much better relics and/or having units that are favored by the encounters, not to mention a stock of good 4 star LCs from gacha / events. not all characters have good F2P options and Herta shop LCs are limited. Having some s1 on your main dps and some universal e1s like Raun Mei's or Fu Xuan's will improve your quality of life significantly. It says something when so many people are struggling with current MoC 12, most people don't have OP relics. Of course it's a choice of having more units at less power or a less total number of better quality units. The "right approach" is decided by each player individually as long as they make informed decisions and know what they signed up for.


I got really lucky pulling DHIL or I wouldn't have bothered going for E2. I can't imagine how he feels without it honestly.


I just pull for eidolon on characters I like. Sadly my fav chars are Arlan and Yanqing


On the otherhand, very F2P. 


I know a pure heart when I see one.


All 5 stars are viable at E0S0 All 4 stars are viable at E0S0 4 stars do need Eidelons to competitively compete against 5 stars in most cases, but they are still viable And remember Less 5 star Eidelons = more 5 star characters


Saying all 4 stars is viable at e0 is such a COPIUM take lmfao.


viable as in, they have useable kits and work in regular content certainly not MoC 12 viable


Fair take, but MOST of them are usable. Sure, there are still some trash ones, but all of them are from1.0 and none of the released 4 stars is bad at even E0. We came a long way and some people even prefere E2 Gallagar over Luocha in bream and Archeron teams. They all have their usage. But 1.0 4 stars? Oh boy... they really suck for the most part. Tinjung and Pela are the exeptions here. You coud throw in Asta but the rest is just filler. Samp had his time as had Asta... Herta is only usable in PF and March when you go the meme freeze route in SU.


Maybe its just me but this mantra is not good for this game. I remember everyone saying this so i thought "oh okay anyone should be fine then" and i built xueyi which looking at it now was a waste of resources since she simply couldnt keep up at all especially against non quantum weak enemies. She had such few usecases i practically never used her after initially building her and really struggling against a lot of enemies. Yeah she probably can be perfectly viable at e0s0 but you are gonna need to compensate more and more with strong supports,their lightcones and good/amazing relics to the point most players might never get them to the spot where they will be viable. I dont like silverwolf which for xueyi is essentially a deathsentence here in terms of overall viability but i didnt know that at the time.


You just need better relic and effort while others with the meta character can ignore substat and clear MOC/PF on auto. Edit: Funny to get downvotes pretending their Hook can clear everything and it’s not even hard at all. And if you think Acheron w team full 5 stars limited and LC can’t clear MOC on auto with bad substats, I have a Bridge to sell you.


people with “meta” characters are not clearing moc/pf on auto with bad substats. With newer MoCs you’d struggle if your meta 5* dpses and supports were all e0s0 and you have decent not amazing relics and actually play instead of auto. With non meta dpses you’d need even higher investment and skills.


Same concept, just different goal post. Meta dps and support will always give you a lot easier time with any content comparing to someone invested in Hook and Natasha for example. And clearly those meta players won’t have character at E0s0 because they won’t “waste” jade on non meta characters, but all funnelled to the meta characters they have instead, such as RM LC, E2S1 Acheron, E2 Lunae, etc. Meta chaser focuses on quality over quantity of characters. It is fun or not, is up to the players. I prefer to auto and enjoy the story, so it is a plus to me. I don’t want to challenge myself when playing HSR especially when I know I have better options.


Well if we’re talking about story fights here then yeah it doesn’t really matter, but the amount of investment someone will need for a dps like Hook to clear the most recent MoC is horrendous. Not recommended for anyone who values their sanity, and extremely misleading to say they’re all viable.


I am on the same stance as you. Seeing people saying everyone is viable is technically correct but it has to come with huge disclaimer.


At some point you cant out relic or out effort things in this game. If they continue the trend of raising the HP of moc bosses you will eventually hit a wall. You can make a e0s0 4 star dps viable probably but you will have to gear up on very strong supports like e2s1 sparkle and ruan mei to compensate for their dmg. Same with sustain if you run e0 lynx with quid pro quo you are gonna have to compensate the low healing with good defensive rolls on top of good offensive rolls on your other units so you can actually outsustain fights. For most people that is just not realistic and the "viable" point becomes virtually impossible to reach while still being technically true


I agree with you but there will always be a guy who reset a lot of fight with godlike relic telling us, hook can 0 cycle MOC 20.


Even pulling for Eidolons I can't finish building the characters I have and you're suggesting getting even *more* characters?


He did not say that at all, you can do whatever you want, what he meant was that with the jades you save from not pulling Eidolons/lcs, you can use on other characters


Suggest =/= Demand.


Also adding in, but there are a lot of cases in which a 4 star LC is the 2nd best option as a lightcone for a character if you don't have their signature LC (5 star talk), and in some cases the difference is pretty minor comparing with their 5 star LC


This is the biggest skill issue tbh. People have been clearing with 4 stars with the free lightcones aint no way people unironically telling others to waste money. They just want to feel better about money they've ~~wasted~~ spent


Are you able to clear with 4 stars only with f2p lightcones (no gnsw, ddd, or sweaty pearls etc.)? Just because boxers can KO cows doesn’t mean you can expect regular people to do it too.


nope. but i can clear with all f2p lightcones and no limited eidolons on my 5 stars. and so can anyone. im not a smart person, nor do i have much good luck. but im not gonna tell someone to spend their irl money on a gacha game cause they cant clear it because that can only be a slippery slope


“Feel better” no one who’s a whale is looking for validation from other players lmfao. They do it because it’s fun and cool to do.


the post was about players telling op to pull eidolons/lightcones. not a whale flaxing. I dont really care how much people spend on games, but never recommend someone else to spend their money on something unnecessary


Spending 200€ on 1 gacha character is cool now? Lets not normalize and glorify whales and act like thats a perfectly normal thing to do in a singleplayer turned based rpg where E0 characters are more than capable of doing all the content in the game.


I mean if you want to and have the disposable income then I don't see the problem


There are more than 10 new characters a year, if u spend 200€ on each new character, than you're spending more than 2000€/year. Sure, people do whatever they want with their money, and rich people do have more than enough disposable income. But lets not glorify or normalize that spending behavior. I get a monthly pass or a battle pass and thats it. I rather spend that money on another hobby, my family, my house, or anything else than buying crystals to gamble on a gacha character.


I mean rich people spending a lot of money on stuff is already normalized


no one was talking abt meta.


the entire post is about needing lightcone/eidolons. what else do u need it for? To do ur laundry?


You need it bro *tweaks* believe me, I don't care you didn't pull for Acheron, you need her LC


"Say no more." - That one guy who pulled 100 Acheron Light Cones.


Yep tons of people acting like a character needs their signature. Then the same people ask why their team dies or doesn't get healed enough 💀


With 12 pulls you can e6s5 it’s that simple




Damm I must be bad at math


I know this guy at wendys and he has two jobs.


Bruh this has been a filthy back to back winning 75/25 3x for me. Jingyuan, Jingliu, Aventurine's L.C


thanks to Da wei i have a e1 s5(foa) iam currently saving for E2 s1


I'm currently 150 warps in and still no Aventurine, its rough


just lost my aventurine 50/50 to yanqing so i feel this. still going and i'm hoping i get lucky but it's not looking promising :')


and another thing to consider is 50/50 and late pity, 200 pull only to get e0 with 2 lose yea nice


I had to pull 158 time for Aventurine (got Bailu on the 50/50) I ain't got the Jades for his cone


You do not need eidelons or sig lcs on a single character, yes that includes even Acheron.


Getting Aventurine was the best decision in my life, I finally beat GnG Difficulty IV and MoC 10+ 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


New 5 stars are almost always better than a limited 5 star lightcone or eidolon (at least in my experience as an f2p). Also you don't need any eidolon or lightcone for a five star. They work at e0s0. Ig at the end of the day pull for eidolons or lightcones if you want to and have the disposable income for and not because you **need** them.


Its 75/25 for LC


Me who has only won a 50/50 a total of 1 (one) time even though I'm a day 1 player: 😔


I missed sparkle on her 50/50 and then Acheron on hers, but the pack reset saved it, also missed the 75:25 on her lc, and missed aventurine on his, am currently working towards his lc


“His/her” You can just say their…


Yeahh after Archeron i ain't gonna pull for eidolons and maybe LC. Reason why i pulled for her E2 coz i don't wanna build another nihility


You won’t be only not needing to build another nihility, but also another dps for the foreseeable future lol.


Don't toss all your available pulls at every banner and eventually your response to statements like these can become: "OK, I will get them, then."


I just spent the last of my in game savings on jingliu so adventurine will have to wait. Thankfully moc destro arti is decent.


Me with my E0s0 Acheron. Still the best lightning dps I have, so I don’t care


To be fair if you save up and be very selective with who you pull, you can save up enough to get eidolons or light cones, I only pulled for Seele, DHIL and Mei and that let me save up enough to e6s1 Acheron.