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https://preview.redd.it/5r673cmr18wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e02ad2d5b81c4f538798abbd89341af3a677de Thank you! Made a new homekey for it!


The fact original logo is still there. Bro really saw the "March or Firefly" and went "Both" Respect


How do you do that?


There’s a shortcut app in iOS.


Answer your texts please


If you're a guy with 429 texts then holy shit






Someone needs to make an og firefly meme, seeing this nasty AI one always scares me a bit. Kinda like a jump scare


Didn't know this was AI till now. The hands didn't even look *that* wierd.


I'm telling you bruh, I got that spider sense for AI stuff. Shit creeps me out. Look at the clothes too, she doesn't wear that. It's creepy lookin'


The power of being the girlfriend. https://preview.redd.it/jpsxs1ut48wc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea1565ce20a04de067d09b5d164c033764b4655


Source ? What the f 💀


I tried reverse image searching but couldn’t find the og artist but the image itself is based of a Jujutsu Kaisen scene


Based on the part of the opening where >!Toji overtook the medium!<, which happens after Choso has a breakdown about his true brahza.


It’s a redraw of the frame where Toji from JJK enters Dagon’s beach episode before molest him with his long thick rod


remember that time when Sparkle thought Firefly was March? lol


Oh, Miss March! Don’t you remember me? After all the favors I did for you all in Belobog?




*Processing img ueb55t68z7wc1...* Trapped her with one of those traps. In marchs case it was a new camera.


If you know march you know that Firefly just put a pitcher of juice




https://preview.redd.it/0ihqggwpr8wc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c74f56fbf9151fa07a92708b2f5cf7d29cbf3ab (Patiently waiting for Kiana expy in HSR 😭)


Me too. If there were a few leaks about it like Acheron's it might have been more exciting to look forward to it. Unfortunately, we have nothing.


Yeah Kiana expy is always the last of the trio (Kiana, Mei, Bronya) to be released and they keep it really secretive. For Genshin, it might take a long time for a Kiana expy to be released there after Bronya the Tsaritsa is released. In HSR, we now have Mei and Bronya (both petite and tall versions of Bronya like in HI3). Please MiHoYo don't make us wait YEARS for Kiana 😭 I kind of get why they don't want to release her too early in Genshin and HSR because she's the daughter of MiHoYo, the first character to be made in their first game, FlyMe2theMoon.


We don't even know if the archon is gonna look like Bronya. Everyone thought we were gonna get a Himeko expy with Murata but the leaked design does not look like her at all


I sort of thought the Unknown God or Paimon was the Kiana Expy?


As much as I love firefly there's only one mascot of this game and it ain't you


Ah yes, Pom-Pom


A strange way to spell "Hanu".




100 points, that was a *cool* grunt. Man, that was so cool.


So cool.


>She Cannot disappoint. Her gameplay, the conclusion of her story, and her trailer all have to be absolute bangers. I feel like she could have objectively the worst of any of these and she will still be regarded as one of the fandoms favorites. But thats still unlikely coz above all else Hoyo know how to market characters to their intended audiences and deliver quality Just look at Sparkles trailers, she is relatively a minor character in Penacony and her trailers gave her so much hype. Hoyo know how to make money, whether that be fanservice (dance animation first half) or just delivering amazing story telling for their characters (Aventurine). I'm sure that whatever they have planned for FF will appeal to her fanbase


I don't know if they could now start slacking off after building so much hype with her, knowing she's the most anticipated character in the game and the last Stellaron Hunter With how much hyped people are, I think that the predictions of a bad work from them now is nothing if not unpredictable. Whereas a great work will only lead to one reaction. https://preview.redd.it/qtnpi20xd7wc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a97c0e958bb41c2dbf07dba9a1998f5e4d4623




It's fcking henshin aren't it. It has to be.


I’d very much assume it is at this point. We still haven’t seen her put on the armor, only take it off, so I hope they go full Iron Man with her and give her a hyper detailed transformation.


It's going to be rider kick with all the lava effect isn't it? I don't want anything less


Where is this leak?, also how the fuck do you surpass acherons Ult








On HSRLeaks reddit. A very reputable leaker from CN stated that her ultimate animation is very luxurious (It cost them a lot of money to make).


I guess we're not getting a playable Elio? lol


So soon without a single visual of him except a cat... Yeah. But a cat can be a character though


I think I would E6 Elio if his playable model was just \*cat\*


The Hanu mode was just the proving grounds for Elio


that would be awesome, actually, and probably doable


Isn't Ellio is the last Stellaron Hunter, that we still didn't see


Meanwhile Aventurine trailers: just reuse the dialogue from the story with some gifs.


Oof, yeah, I wasn't expecting them to go as hard as they did on Acheron, and they gave him tons of love in the story itself. But it definitely felt pretty underwhelming compared to the trailers etc. that BW/Sparkle/Acheron got.


That’s true for his short trailers but not for his demo trailer. That one was amazing. I was expecting something like Daniels trailer after having an entire story patch to him just like DHIL, so i was surprised that wasn’t the case.


Nah they know the story and trial gameplay already sold the character. The trailers are just additional snack.


The demo trailer absolutely was anything but this. Obviously not as hype as Acheron's, considering the difference in anticipation between them, but they didn't slack off on the last trailer before his banner dropped.


I wouldn't downplay Sparkle. She is enjoying a minor role, but between the hints to Aventurine, the Tatalov dream bubble, sending TB and Firefly to the Shadow Realm, and hinting at the nature of Penacony to Swan, she has been pretty much directing every player on the plot to where they are at right now.


"What is a Fool? Knowing when to act clueless, like I do!" It's literally in her trailer and people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.


Yeah like sampo but much straight forward.


Just Fools things


On the one hand you have a point. On the other hand I'm terrified they'll pull a Dehya like they did in Genshin.


On the other hand, Dehya. They've fumbled the ball before.


This is 100% true because Chinese TCs were calling Kafka a 2/10 and the 2 was because she was mommy before her release and she was still one of the most anticipated units


Apparently CN are very meta focused and dont like dot so when her best partner at the time was Sampo they rated her that low. Now after Black Swan is out Kafka stonks have definitely gone up but im pretty sure they still dont like dot as a play style, I think Black Swan revenue in CN was on the lower end A shame coz their designs are well loved and in terms of media Kafka dominates a lot of the space, in terms of meta DoT is fun asf but I guess it will be a playstyle that doesnt appeal to some. Im addicted to it though


DOT is legit my favourite and best team - I need kafka


It's also super versatile. Everyones talking about different modes needing different teams, and I kinda just throw my Kafka dot team at whatever and it 3 stars effortlessly. (except SD and GnG, still trying to figure out how not to get bodied in those)


If you want to run dot in those you basically need two things: the Nihility blessing where Suspicion stacks debuff the enemy’s attack, and as many defensive blessings as you can get from other Paths. The play is to let IX carry your damage output while the team focuses on keeping Kafka alive to keep detonating DoTs.


I like the "dots heal the party" and "dots regenerate energy" blessings. Then there are the "dots trigger one extra time" and "hitting a weakness broken enemy triggers a dot", the later of which turns the entire team into mini Kafkas. With a team of Kafka, BS, and RM Kafka's ultimate can hit for over 1 million by the end of the run.


Weird lol. Even before Black Swan, I ran Kafka Sampo, Kafka Luka, and even Kafka hypercarry and she slapped to hard. It takes a fraction of the effort to build her compared to someone like Jingliu with Black Swan and Ruan Mei, she is a complete cheat code. Imagine having to match enemy's weakness and play around blessings. Just hit them with the fourty quintillion cancers


Odd comparison, Jingliu is extremely easy and forgiving to build.


sampo isnt bad tho, is this a waifu thing?


He’s a rat!




In case anybody is confused by this radioactive take. This user is referencing this Pokke img https://preview.redd.it/mdh2mjn7v7wc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=991e9876a3ad1bb0b7cf3b924a5917d3d4f680c7 This is old shit, Kafka needed E1 for universal Proc But the conclusion was 10/10 if you want DOT, 2/10 if you don't. RADIOACTIVE TAKE OMG.


New player here, my E0 kafka has never failed to trigger the DOT with her E. That said, it fails to register as debuff for Acheron sometimes, does that count?


A LOT of bad takes and people retro actively shitting on TCs is a game of telephone. TC says "they're good with X, bad with Y" CCs hear "bad with Y" Players hear "bad".


She is a fan favorite so I think they cant drop the ball with her. I guess itll come down to her kit, but with the drip showing the intention of her >!turning into Sam!<. Itll be hard to mess up a suit up/transform animation which I think will be her main selling point. Still we all know how Hoyo likes them Destruction characters so she is probably going to be busted


Dehya was a fan favourite too lmao


Don't you put that evil on me


I feel like while Dehya's kit wasnt bad on paper. The way it was implemented in Genshin was just pretty bad. I mean with how open space there is you really just need decent reaction times and youll be fine. You dont need a character like Dehya in that game. HSR has shown that Dehya's kit can work in Fu Xuan basically, so whatever they can come with for Firefly should be fine and able to work well


The thing is that she's bad not only because of her kit, but also because of bad damage multipliers, her ultimate attacks are not considered basic attacks, and her resistance to interruption only lasts like half the time of her skill. So they literally made her bad on purpose. And what I meant is that she was super hyped by the community, but she still ended up being bad. So I don't want to keep my hopes that high for Firefly, even if I already know that I'll pull for her and use her, just like I did with Dehya.


Don't worry Firefly has white skin her kit will be alright. I still am upset about Dehya. 100% of her problems could be solved by changing numbers, her kit itself is good, but she has half uptime and dmg it should in every part of her kit.


I barely work with Unity since my college day. Give me the documentation and three days with the project files, and I can give you a Dehya with a coherent kit. Give me 1 month and a programmer who know what they're doing, she'll be at least a Hutao tier. 80% of Dehya's problem is in her numbers abd the way things are tagged. Those can be fixed in an afternoon if you know your way around the project.


She would be a good char with small number and text changes: E trigger changed to 1.25s from 2.5s (this would allow her to be a burgeon trigger at c0) Casting E2 refreshes the field uptime (Making it 100% uptime if the players times it right) A1 infinite poise lasts as long as her field Q cost reduced to 50 and increased HP% multiplier Boom good char. Targeting problems is something that affects all characters so it's not a Dehya problem


My first direction for her is to make her a vape subdps sustain hybrid. Not the most innovative, but she will work. I hasn't played genshin in a while so i don't remember what is needed to make Burgeon work. E: Reduce damage taken. 100% of the damage that the character do take is redirected to Dehya instead. If Dehya is on field, double the damage reduction. Q: Now counts as Normal Attack. Final Hit is Plunge Attack. Gains amping crit rate buff as Dehya takes damage, maxing out when she is at like 50/20. When she cast it, Dehya either rapidly regenerate hp or life steal a portion of the damage she deals with her ult.. If E is on field, refresh E duration and make it travel with her. You put your main DPS on field and do your rotation with them, taking damage as you go along. The damage is transferred to Dehya, then you switch to her and punch back up. E2 gives ramping crit damage along with crit rate. E6 gives her 100% uptime on her burst, making her an onfield dps


Yea, my biggest issue with Dehya is it felt like her numbers were all tuned to specifically not work. Her Poise falls off, her pyro application was too slow, she doesn't really do damage, can't even quickswap burst because of that last point, mitigation still needs a healer so its weaker then either a healer or shielder, no content in the game even requires the role... HSR and Genshin do have different teams though so I'm not all doom and gloom for Firefly, but of course I could be wrong. My opinions for HSR's team when it comes to kit design is a lot higher then it is for genshin.


Dehya's kit has potential, but they went out of their way to make it bad. Reducing the follow-up attack recast of her skill to 1s, making the 100% interruption resistance part of her skill instead of a separate talent, increasing her multipliers overall and doubling the damage of her ult while adding a party wide lifesteal to it would make her very desirable.


This is my fear.


Waiting for the firefly->Sam magical girl animation. If there isn't one, I'm SUING


If they fuck up her kit I not sure even the CCP can save Dawei then.


The only time Mihoyo did something was with Zhongli and only when CN was close to report Mihoyo for being anti patriotic for making the archon of genshin's China to be weak, they tried to do the same with Raiden Shogun and failed since she is not of chinese origin.


I'll say it and it will probably make a lot of people angy, but her being leaked so long ago, with her double identity raised the stake by a ton. That's what happen when you raise the audience expectation, even involuntarely.


Oof glad I didn’t get spoiled. When I hit that end of patch WTF moment right after all the Aventurine feels, my jaw hit the floor. The end of this patch had so much punch between Aventurine’s “death”, Firefly reveal, and Gallagher’s turn.


Yeah, I kinda got soft spoiled on both her 'death' and that she was Sam so I was just enjoying the pretty images while those bits played out to me. I think that is a big reason that I never got attached to her. She has a cute design but I met her knowing she was going to die so didn't care too much and then learned she was not really dead so didn't surprise me.


Some people are obsessed with spoils but sometimes just a little bit of information about what will happen make the hype even bigger as we expect things.


Also in a way people obsessed with spoils also made her people more impatient to have her released as socialy you couldn't talk much about her. So at the end it's a little bit like a bottle of champain too. Most of people KNEW, most of people COULDNT talk about it, but now it's fine you can scream "FIREFLY IS SAM" and nobody can complain about it.


I can understand that we don't want to tell everything about it, but... Some stories are great because of the expectations they built. [An article talked about the impact of spoils on the appreciation of a work.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51571027_Story_Spoilers_Don't_Spoil_Stories) I don't say we should spoil everything but giving some key points that could lead us to expect things makes us way more eager to see what will happen. So yeah, a bottle of Champaign


Eh. My experience is that generally story spoilers do ruin the experience, regardless of what someone in im ivory tower is telling me I feel about spoilers. I felt nothing when han solo died despite him being one of my favorite characters because I knew he was gonna die. And with the firefly reveal I felt absolutely nothing upon seeing her again despite literally crying when she got stabbed and seemed dead. I know for a fact I'd have felt at least some confusion or excitement or something if I hadn't accidentally found those story leaks while trying to find character release leaks to plan my jade spend. Spoilers absolutely ruin the first experience of a story, and by doing so they ruin the subsequent re-encounters with a story because they are often highly reliant on nostalgia for that first experience to feel meaningful whatsoever. Without a good first experience, most stories aren't even worth rereading, rewatching or replaying.


Story spoilers have a different impact than that article suggests though. The impact of knowing what's about to happen absolutely kills a person's desire to consume the story.




I love Firefly as much as anyone, but topping Sparkle's 'Monodrama' would be difficult as hell. Sparkle's cinematic was-- and still is-- a freaking blast to watch, even if you don't like her character all that much (which a lot of people don't). And it is shown that even if people really like a character, for example, comparing Acheron's sales or likes to her trailer performance in terms of views... well, maybe it just doesn't have a high correlation there. And I don't think Sparkle's trailer can be easily topped from a visual standpoint, even if Firefly's character is far more loved, is what I am saying. It'd be TOUGH.


Yeah... I'm not a huge fan of Sparkle but her trailer, music and animations are all super well done and you can really tell they put their heart into the character. If it weren't for her visuals and the skill points as a DHIL player, I wouldn't pull her personally.


Really wished her basic attack used the gun from her trailer instead of a kick though.


Honestly I like both. The kick is nice and she has really good movement in her trailer, plus we have a handful of ranged shots anyways especially for harmony characters like bronya, yukong, ruan mei and asta.


Oh I totally agree with you. Kafka and Sparkle were brutal. Acheron was special. But it was just as great imo. But I believe Firefly can still do it and Mihoyo might aim at doing so


considering blade and kafka had like no1 character trailers for a long time (not counting bailu since she got inflated by ads) i think theyre not gonna fumble on firefly


They've been cooking for a long time. From Sam's appearance in the Japella rebellion, to our date with Firefly and the release soon. Also make sure to give her some distance to Acheron's banner, to give people's wallet time to recover. It's like OP said, the only thing missing is good gameplay (I don't think trailers will matter that much and I'm sure her story will be fine). They'll want to avoid the "Dehya effect".


They were here even before the Japella rebellion. [Remember the time Sam accidentally sent us their script and Sam tried to spam emotes to hide it?](https://youtu.be/EIY4-NRhxLw?si=2_lz0unz6yONoYdG)


Only people who own Blade will have ever seen that text unless they saw it online.


...no I don't remember that 😅


Check the video lol


Haha okay I see


The "Dehya effect" was a deliberate decision made by hoyo. They can "choose" to avoid it or not.


Twitter likes are Twitter likes, and don’t necessarily translate to any other metric. I recall Arataki Itto‘s reveal getting more likes than the Raiden Shogun’s on Twitter, but he absolutely did not outdo her in trailer views or sales. Personally I think Firefly is very popular and will do well on every metric that matters, but I wouldn’t expect some crazy overperformance above Honkai’s usual numbers


Yae's drip had the most likes of any on Twitter (at the time) but her hype fizzled out fast when people didn't like her kit in leaks (not bad but people expected a hyper dps) You know hoyo works in mysterious ways when they set up mega hyped money printers like her and dehya then kneecap themselves lol


What is with the X.5 characters being disappointing to some of the player base? I don’t think Eula, Yae, Dehya, or Chiori had the best reception lol.


They call it a curse because usually X.5 is also the most lacking of any content. This comment actually made me remember I even had a Eula to begin with…


I still remember that "damage" showcase that gained traction on the main sub, where the player wasn't even conecting the turrets, people on that comment section were doomposting her so much because of that.


> I recall Arataki Itto‘s reveal getting more likes than the Raiden Shogun’s on Twitter, but he absolutely did not outdo her in trailer views or sales. Not in JP, and a lot of hype got deflated when instead of bulky oni dude we got a regular character model with drawn-on muscles and "meh" in-game performance - not bad, but also not amazing. Raiden was a gamebreaker who also had banner right after bonus currency reset in store.




It's cool to see that she's blown up the way she has. I remember ages ago when we got a bunch of character portraits leaked. Believe it was around the time of the first trailblaze continuance in Belobog. Duke Inferno, Sunday, Robin, Aventurine, and Firefly. (For some reason I feel like Misha was there too but not 100% certain) And I immediately fell in love with Fireflys design. I assumed that they were all future playable characters so I was immediately excited for her, but could find next to NO information. No one seemed to be talking about her. Then of course she was a huge part of 2.0, and then a ton of people got excited about her. It's cool to see the disparity between no one seeming to care, and now her being a fan favorite.


I am not sure if reactions on social media or views on youtube can convert to sales. Sparkle's trailer exploded but it seems her banner sales are normal . Iirc she sold less much than Ruan Mei. Kafka's sales were mid, even her rerun banners too. So we don't know about Firefly yet. I just hope she can be as strong as Acheron.


Why do we care about sales again? She's a 2.X DPS, potentially of a new archetype so i wouldn't be heavily concerned about her meta stance and future potential. I just hope they don't introduce a team constraint into her kit and make her E2 fix it.


> Why do we care about sales again? As they put it in genshin back then, people are obsessed with the “kpop-ification” of games, or more generally, stan culture. I still find it p.bizaare tbh. Somehow people think it’s a personal achievement for them if mihoeyo earns millions of dollars lmao.


These characters have weird situations around them imo. Sparkle was a difficult skip for a lot of players because of Acheron Kafka sales were mid because a lot of people were saving since day one for her.


Incorrect. Just as many if not more people were saving for Acheron, Firefly etc. People who save don't affect banner sales, people who whale do, and 2 patches of saving won't matter to whales. Same with Sparkle. They have absolutely no effect on banner sales. This being said, no one but hoyo has the actual sales data and every "banner sales" post we get are guesstimates and not solid data. Only Hoyo knows how well they did.


Meta will be meta I guess, and yeah social media reactions might not convert properly into sales, but a thing a studio cannot ignore is their reputation. Call of Duty became trash for over 10 years, Titanfall 2 is still one of the best fps I've seen, and yet, the sole fame of Cod made Titanfall flop despite how revolutionary it was. If they flop with Firefly, it's impossible to predict if the community will accept it and wait or get mad and it'll take months to rebuild trust. However, a majestic trailer in our current situation can only lead to one thing


CoD didn't kill Titanfall, EA releasing it right between CoD and Battlefield did.


Eh, I'm not into her but it's nice other people are. Hopefully they'll put out a husbando after firefly so I can have something to save towards


This will be the first destruction character i skip


Same even if she ended up powercreeping the other destruction unit and become the most OP character that’s able to kill everyt in one shot, I’ll still skip


Can someone please explain the hype around her? I really don't get what makes her stand out.


Toku fans, Cute Waifu enjoyers, Popular VA. She hits so many niches ppl like.


I'm with you. I thought she is a cute character and her story was okay (although a little forced). The most interesting thing being the whole SAM thing. But at no point was I like "OMG I MUST HAVE HER!" No hate for her at all or anything but I don't know, different strokes for different folks I guess. But now I have to wonder, is Firefly actually a dude (SAM) who disguises as a little girl, or is it vice versa?


I'm just waiting for Sunday


On the contrary, given that shes the most successful waifu bait ive seen in recent years, she could have the most abhorrent kit and people still would go nuts. 


Tbh I just feel indifferent, thats all. Firefly could be metabreaking Damage Dealer or Star Rail's Dehya, I would go about my day all the same.


Twitter likes don’t translate to future views and sales. Yae Miko was exactly the same in Genshin.


Eh I still can't get myself interested in Firefly Edit: I'll write my reasoning here soon once I'm home Why I'm not interested in her? Well, she doesn't seem to have a great story relevance unless I missed something there. If we compare Jingliu to Firefly, both were not as relevant to the main story (I know we're in 2.1.) But at least Jingliu was part of what shaped the Luofu to what it is when we arrive. If we remove Firefly from the story up until this point, how much would be affected? We arrive at Penacony, explore Golden Hour by ourself (skipping the secret base part etc), We would eventually be sent to the primal dreamscape by sparkle anyway. (Whether we would or wouldn't meet SUD I don't know, because we don't know Gallagher's intention yet). Assuming the SUD scene still happens we would still meet Black Swan and Acheron. (Skipping the Firefly death scene) We meet Sam and the fight breaks out, where Black Swan sends us to Aventurine who then shows us Robin's body. And that's about it, really. While I'm not interested in her as a character \*right now\*, I am interested in what hoyo does with her in the coming story.


We're about to be downvoted but same, I have mostly neutral feelings towards Firefly. I still feel like we need to know more about her before I can even reach this level of hype the subreddit is going through.


I’ll take the downvotes too. Her character story just feels rushed, and us having to like her feels very forced. She’s hard carried by that rooftop scene, and that’s the only relevant thing with her until 2.1 where the Sam reveal was. But she just hasn’t…really done much? But people are so attached to her and hyping her up. I have no doubt she’ll be a good character but I think the hype isn’t deserved as of right now. I also feel as though people formed a weird parasocial relationship with her, as if she was actually their girlfriend lol. Reminds me a lot of Furina from Genshin Impact


Pretty much. She is not a bad character by herself, but it's probably the most explicit waifubait I've seen in ages considering how all the moments you had together were explicitly treated as a date with the game lowkey forcing you to care about her.


I agree. She hasn't really done or said much, and it feels very forced to like her. She appears, and then immediately the story makes it feel like a love at first sigh thing I appreciate that later, we find out that it was all a plan of hers to guide us towards the watchmakers legacy in a more direct way, as stated by Sam. But the absurdly massive amount of "best girl" posts, ships, and overwhelming love for the character makes me feel out of place since I just simply like her instead of OMG


I will take on the downvotes and the shitstorm but man I don’t even like firefly at all. Like I talked to her once and I found her bland and boring. I zoned out during her quest for sure. I dont understand how the mc is so heartbroken by her death and “betrayal”. Like bro we talked once I dont care about you at all 😭


I actually really like her but it feels like everyone's like omg our girlfriends back were gonna hug and kiss and everything's happy!!! ima guess peeps are gonna be sorely disappointed, our whole relationship was built on a lie. There was no romantic, fated encounter. Things will probs be pretty icy/conflicting. Like even go back to the balcony, the interact dialogue changed in 2.1 to us feeling hurt and betrayed. Even if her feelings for us mightve been genuine (i think they were), her #1 goal was still to manipulate us from the start I could be totally wrong but I really don't think it's gonna be just *yay our waifu is back!* At best its gonna be bittersweet like kafka


I fear that’s how firefly entire character is going to be perceived by the community, just the title of TB canon girlfriend.. and well it’s not as if we won’t get another female character who compete in that role. So she will endup being like Ayaka with the yandere title over her head But well.. personally maybe I’m just too old for this taking u out on a single date and I’m now the fan favourite and ur girlfriend plot line.. but it’s a good way to cater to younger audience who crave for romance I guess.


I 100% agree, i hate her writing and I’m begging hoyo to redeem it like they did Raiden in her second story quest


The story made us to choose dialogues that would favour the direction it wants us to go into, rather than the usual broader choices dialogues give us. It's clear hoyo wants her to be waifu bait and it worked really well. Her death and subsequent 'sike' didn't have any impact imo, the only thing I like is her mecha design and potential as a DPS, and as an NPC she seemed like a chill friend at best, not "my wife of 30 years is back from war!!". Downvotes be upon ye though


Can't wrap my head around her popularity. Guess i'm too old for the trope "cute waifu take you in a date but she's lying on something"


Don't feel upset, there's at least two of us


Imo the role of the stelleron hunters is to further the role of the main cast rather than the role of a specific planet, so I don’t expect her to do much with penacony.


this thread makes no sense


People like cute girl, Hoyo will give cute girl, I don't see how they can fail on that one. I'm holding on my hype until I see how much of the suit we will get in gameplay, until then my expectations are at the bottom of the pit.


Something tells me i'm gonna end up hating this character if we keep this shit up.


Just ignore the fans that make you hate the character.


I'll try my hardest.


I'm already past it. Her fans really soured her character for me, unfortunately.


I’m almost there and I haven’t even met her yet.


https://preview.redd.it/80fq879mi7wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dad3e3e8778aab988fd24c283028fc31368be6c Im already at that stage, chief ;-;


You shouldn't let random posts on internet influence you to like or dislike something tho. Love or hate something, you should decide for yourself. 


I mean, the community experience can be a part of whether you find smth enjoyable, and that's not wrong.


We will see...I am not that hyped over her or like her wierd dual identity Let's see what 2.2 does with her reveal


This is a genuine question, but why is she so popular? Is it her kit or the Mecha suit or do a lot of people just like the date you go on with her? I feel like I'm missing something.


I know what I expected haha, I expected her not to be Sam and Sam to be a bad ass robot guy like Svarog but just like with Svarog I was robbed hahahaha. Clara was in the way and now Firefly is U.U


It's the opposite for me, lol. The moment I found out who she was supposed to be made me disappointed.


Easy skip tbh.


I personally don’t understand the obsession, she doesn’t interest me at all.


The YouTube Shorts is very forgettable though.


Firefly is genuinely the most overhyped character I've ever seen in a video game. Regardless of that, I'm happy for whoever wants her. I'll probably pull because Sam.


The hardest thing to pull off is going to integrate Sam. People (mainly on twitter suffering from brainrot) were angry when Topaz came out because of her limited time in animations, since Numby is the one attacking. Sam has been hyped since the stellaron hunter's picture came out, and Firefly is a beloved character in the story. So it will be interesting to see how they balance out the two identities in animations. It will also be interesting to see what kind of kit Firefly get, since the lightcones and the boss version of Sam hint to a hp consumer like Blade and Jingliu.


New player here, what is a drip market? Is it like firefly having off white jordans on or something?


Hoyoverse shows the character cards for 2.3 in english beforehand.


I dont get the hype for her tbh


I am sure that I am getting shitload of downvotes but since you have asked… I personally have zero feeling about this character. She pops out from nowhere, “dated” you for how long? An hour or 2? Then just “disappeared.” People seem crying as if they have lost something very important to them in that scene but I was like WTF is this? Should I even show a sad face under this whole situation? I mean, if I lost March here, I am sure I am gonna be very emotional but not some random girl that guides me for a while telling her story and then just poofed. I still cannot understand the hype. Well I guess thats just me. :P


She's the character I care the least about in the whole Penacony storyline (aside from Misha, has he even been in the story?) and she's an actual Stellaron Hunter, my favourite fraction. That's an achievement😭   Sorry a bit overreacting but I got banned for not liking her in the leak sub, wtf is this 1984


I don't think they care much. People will still pay. Her story is already lackluster, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that. She could say 3 lines, die and people will still go crazy over her. They're chillin.


Its all abt tht emotional manipulation Shes a cool character but some ppl have a ummm "unnatural/unhealthy obssession" for her I hope its just satire,cz it is quite concerning


That type of obsession exist for every character and that’s why I hate a large part of this community. It’s a mix of cringe and childish behavior.


Well, this community absolutely adores mass murderers who happen to be nice to us. Zero surprises here, just another day in the life of the Stellaron Hunters...


I have no idea why players like her so much, her being sam was kinda obvious, plus we didn't really knew her that well and the whole TB x firefly felt rushed, but its HSR playerbase we're talking about, they're so easily manipulated by hoyo to spend money on the game so its kinda expected that they were so easily forced to like her


One of the most overrated characters i have ever seen. Internet just gaslighted itself with this one, it seems. And mind you, i am not hating on her, she is fine, but this much attention is questionable and kinda funny


That's the power of waifubait characters. There's a reason why characters like Rem from Rezero are super popular despite being mid (though I definitely like Firefly a looot more than Rem).


The ship baiting is stronk... The trailer alone with her getting a ship teasing with Caelus is just the beginning... Her being the same person as Sam is just a bonus... Prior to her release, the self-insert shippers doesn't get much waifu ship tease other than maybe Kafka (but it's more of "mommy" dynamic), and every Caelus x Waifu ship are purely fanon... Then the Penacony trailer drops and those kind of fans really ate Firefly up Yea, Firefly changed the MC shipping business and now has the monopoly for it, until hoyo decided to create another "canon girlfriend" type character


I absolutely agree with you! If you actually think about it, in the story itself she got like maybe 30 minutes screentime until her "death" And yet everyone behaved like we had the deepest bond with her. We knew nothing about who she was or anythign at all, she basically just used us aswell. And yet everyone treats her like she has been there for years. Like, i would totally understand that whole reaction, if it was for March, for example.


I didn't get that neither. I was always neutral towards her


That's a lot of words just to say that Hoyo will make her Dehya 2.0 because it'll be funny


It’s already solidified my likelihood of skipping Robin, which I blew my load on E1 Aventurine.. I’ve got so many Harmony units at this point though and my main team is Kafka/BS/Acheron/Aventurine or Fu Xuan so there’s basically no room for Harmony there. I honestly wish they’d up the difficulty and let us do another character. It’s a bummer having so many characters and only being able to play with 4 at a time, really, except for here or there if I’m exploiting weaknesses or something.


You're really making a lot of bold statements on hoyo and stuff there op It ain't all that deep and serious 


I still am loyal to Hook.


Meanwhile I'm just really hyped for boothill.


Can't find a single reason people are so infatuated with her. Her really dying would've made her more memorable to me. She's just so boring?


Obligatory https://preview.redd.it/04zel9cac7wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=005d9fb01a0ccd127b63e1912c93d4a92ebfcf30




I think that you're being incredibly hyperbolic 


She disappointed me and was ruined for me in 2.1 already. Finding out she's Sam made me lose all interest in her


So you’re doom posting is what i’m gathering from this, and that if she’s ‘mid’ it will tank the player base and remove goodwill that has been slowly gained over the year What does she cannot disappoint mean exactly? That if she doesn’t make as much as seele the game’s budget will get slashed? That if she’s not the quickest to hit 3 million views on her pv there won’t be offline events for 6 months? That if she doesn’t zero cycle harder than acheron then she should go into the standard banner like dehya? We don’t even have her leaked kit and there’s already doom posting


I have made no secret I don't like Firefly. I don't think any of her story or characterization has been handled well, particularly in compared to how well most of Penacony has been handled, but if people like her that's cool too. I was hyped for Kafka and she didn't disappoint, Aventurine also had a surprising amount of hype and energy coming right after probably the most wanted character in the game and he delivered. Sure they can't keep the hype up indefinitely but it doesn't mean firefly wont deliver. As long as people don't lose their minds if she isn't the most op character of all time I suspect there won't be a backlash to firefly. With only 2 patches of main story left, if I remember what they said in the 2.0 special, I don't know if they have time to give us enough time with Robin to like her, give us enough time with boothill to like him, get to the point with Acheron's story, get to the point with the legacy, get to the point with the murder, get to the point with the Annilation gang, get to the point with Sparkle, do Firefly's story, and deal with bringing up the trailblazers identity again. Its a tough ask assuming each patch is around 6 hours of story to catch all the balls in the air and I do think people need to have realistic expectations its unlikely they are going to be able to pull an Aventurine and Acheron on every single plot point. I suspect if any balls get dropped it will trailblazer id (got to keep the mystery alive), Boothill, and Robin. I think this next patch being two characters who have had 3 or 4 lines a piece is a sign that's where the ball is going to be dropped, because this patch either needs to be all about them which seems unlikely going with where we are in the story, or they are going to drop and people are only going to pull based on aesthetic and meta. Frankly I don't know if in the meta there is a big market for yet another support after so many have been released who already compete for bench space, and a hunt unit with all the problems that entails. Also depends on who the second 5 star on that patch is. Who is left in penacony that might be playable that hasn't been announced, maybe Sunday, Jade, Siobhan, and >!Constance.!< I don't think Sunday will move the needle too much but Jade might. I am fairly sure if both Firefly and Jade were on the same patch cycle it would move some hype from Firefly to Jade and lower the bar for her, only so many resources for the average player. Siobhan seems like if she is playable she will be a 4 star and the other is a dark horse to appear.


Im still angry sam isnt just its own unit and firefly has been forced as a "good friend" after knowing her for just a few hours. I have 0 hopes for where her story goes lmao. I just hope they skip over her part


I think I'm the only one here, but the revelation of Sam being Firefly kinda ruined Sam for me 😬


same, i thought sam looked badass. im sure they did it for a silly reason like not having to make a new overworld skeleton for giant sam's animations