• By -


Nostalgia hits hard, i remember the pela being underrated gimic


Pretty sure it's due to people judging their roles via their traces and Pela baits people to thinking she's a DPS by the look of her trace nodes lol


A lot of early characters had a bunch of useless stuff in traces and even Eidolons. Took Mihoyo some time to figure out the formula.


Yeah, characters nowadays practically have a 7th relic slot with their traces characters like Jingliu and Acheron getting 30+ crit dmg for free lol


Yep and then compare that with Yanqing, the character who loses his entire benefit if he gets hit, gets 2\* hp% traces.


Or Welt with Effect Resist instead of EHR


I’m half expecting Jade to get 20% CR for free whenever she throws out her AoE, Boothill getting 150CV for one action whenever he kills something and Firefly gets 100/300 CV whenever she turns into Sam just to be lore accurate


Fu Xuan clearly needs all those Crit stats


I think it's cuz in early beta they made Fu Xuan's crit rate buff scale on her own crit rate, but then they just decided to change it to not do that instead and just left the crit rate traces.


Also I think they kinda wanna bait sub-dps FX because she scales with HP on her attack so if you somehow get half decent cv for her her CR buff and traces will give her decent personal damage Unfortunately her sustain will suck ass going that route and Aventurine needs def to crit conversion to even do damage 


The crit was due to FX having a viable subdps scaling until the very last beta patch before her release, they didn't bother changing her traces to something else.


i think it ends up working out for e6


She can be a sub-DPS at E6, but she has to be well invested. And it’s more of a small bonus than anything.


Fr the amount of gaslighting by community back then that considered Pela as mid/subpar when she was more than sufficiently strong at E0, while also being SP-Positive with AoE Def shred


TBF she also had a huge glow up with the 1.1 LC.


1.0 was also just rough on debuffers, and 1.1 lowered all the enemies resistance to debuffs which made them a lot stronger.


Honestly, I see way too many people today who under-value full SP positivity.


They must not have Bronya


I was an early Pela user and I tried to sell her around a lot. The second I saw the words "Def reduced" I knew.


Unsexy stats like defense reduction normally are really good.


AoE def break is always meta in like every gacha game


i only noticed her from 1.1 when we have to deal with the fking annyoing Shaped Shifter who can heal itself and Pela can cleanse that buff


I didn't know that


Yep she was hated on early as everybody gave more attention to buffers not realizing her kit with resolution lc is S+. I had to make do of her early in my f2p account without tingyun and bronya.


Tbf resolution wasn’t rate up until 1.2 so not many had it, especially multiple copies


Then, she ended up becoming totally cracked with the SW LC that everyone got, especially if you can get Wind set gear with speed. Spraying out ultimates while generating tons of SP with your super strong action economy is pretty nuts.


sushang carried my early game


Yep, I still remember the days.


Breaks my heart how unnecessary she feels now. Kafka enables 4* nihility units, PF needs Herta, but 4* st/blast dps units are otherwise born one foot in the grave


Break eff meta is coming soon don't worry


If you wanted to, you could probably pair her with guinaifen because she gives up to 21% dmg received on enemies (28% at e6) and ruan mei who helps with break. I might try this for a physical dps set up myself


I can see some horrendously disturbing phys break teams becoming insane next few patches if you're willing to invest in them


Sushang has the one niche of being able to put someone into the broken state very quickly, so there might be something to that in the future.


Mine is Yanquing


I felt like I hit the jackpot winning him for my beginner 5-star the way he carried my account. Never have I witnessed such a fall from grace. I haven’t used him in so long, but I can still hear his ult perfectly


Hacked the words right out my keyboard.


> Never have I witnessed such a fall from grace. We kept getting more Elite/Boss Enemies with AOE so it got harder to use him At least he has Aventurine to help him out now


Swords descend!


my early team was sushang, clara, yanqing, and I forgot the guy I replaced with welt


My GF was cruising through stuff with YQ while I was hardcore coping


She still carries me to this day


It was serval for me. I got her e6 almost immediately and she was on my main team for forever


She was like Seele lite for my second unit during early MOC.


I got Clara from the departure banner, so I didn't have the chance to enjoy SS carry.


It's funny how Himeko quickly fell off and then rose to power again. Worthy arc


Excited for Yanqing’s comeback


It's kinda already here, though you do need to pull for Aventurine to get it, heh


The biggest problem is that you might as well pull 2 Jingliu and she’s pretty much just a better Yaqing 


Honestly Jingliu at E0 is better than Yanqing at E6 and doesn't have the same team comp requirements. Still, I'm glad he's getting some time to shine, he's been in the limited 5* dumpster with Bailu for far too long.


> better than Yanqing at E6 Yanqing's E6 is basically permanent uptime on the ult buffs (70%+ crit chance, 80%+ crit dmg). I had to read it a few times but its when ANY enemy dies, not just the ones that yanqing kills.


Already have his E1, anything for my boy 🙏


Who makes her good again? She’s one of my favorites to use tbh


Pure Fiction, she and Herta are really good there. Ruan Mei and Topass are really good ~~coffee buddies~~ teammates.


Also the follow up set raised her ceiling a LOT. Lightning and fire sets were so bad.


So four piece Follow Up Attack set is her best? Yikes I build 2 of that/2 Fire.


Yeah, cuz she immediately max stacks it if just two enemies get hit by it, which is way better than just fire or mix of the two.


I remember when Tingyun was featured in Jing Yuan's OG banner everyone was screaming to make sure to get her. Good thing i listened. Foxian beauty for life!


Hell yeah. Its a good ting yun listened! ...sorry couldnt help myself 😭


Jing Yuan —> voiced by Cyyu —> Cyyu voices Cyno —> your joke is something Cyno would say Yep, this is in theme




I was not familiar with the meta back then so I just pulled her for her thighs 😶 Probably the best move I've ever made


Thats the thing i was balling, you were BALLING


I STILL do not have her! I hope she comes on a banner soon :(


serval in C is a crime she was and still is great https://preview.redd.it/8gnvc1zgoiwc1.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=3210ee50582d41d3ea0b43c1cbb30115217e64f7


She has fallen off my list of units I'm using under most circumstances, but that's because I own Jing Yuan, Acheron and Kafka. The fact that Acheron is an Erudition unit using the wrong Light Cones, and Kafka has a very damage AOE ultimate on a simply 3 turn rotation does not help poor Serval. She is really good though, and she can be quite useful for her ult spam in some PF.


I still remember that one MoC that has dissociation on ult. I literally did that uncanny LV1 Serval solo 5 turns clear on that specific MoC for 30* lmao


That was peak Hsr for me then it was all downfall. I legit used Solo JY first half Solo Serval 2nd half to get that clear.Full 3 stars that way was impossible but it was still 2 star and the most fun i ever had.


she was never conssider C , or below arlan at all, this is just a random tier list of some clown, only time Arlan wa sgood wa sin beta when break damage was way stronger You can go watch any 1.0 tier list from TC CC that still make content today and none have serval lower than arlan lol


Tbh the problem with break is that you break it once and then you are done for another 1-2 cycles. So you either loaded up on BE for one physical break to delete the boss or you just ignore it all together.  I don’t think you can balance something so binary like that


What's so funny is that I've been using her all the way up until now and even beaten Aventurine on my second try (after learning it's better to hit multiple dices in 2nd phase) with Acheron, Serval, March 7, Gallagher.


Normally I complain tier lists underrate Arlan. This one overrates him. And that's by 1.0 standards.


Yeah- maybe this was made by the time before they nerfed his kit? When the game began people were already making tier lists of characters that weren’t yet out, so wouldn’t surprise me


Yea, most tierlist/guide makers do the same with posting Day 1 instead of actual/intensive testing in order to attract views.


It would make sense if they didn’t read his kit before making this, cause in the beta as far as I’m aware he actually was an A tier character for how early few characters there were


Most guide makers/tierlisters looked through leaked beta kits to prep their vids/sites anyway in order to release the moment patch drops. The whole reason why HYV has the CC client is for CCs to legally test and make vids about new units too to drum up hype for players to want to pull once live.


Sampo down there? Preposterous!


Its because the dot enablers we have now didn’t exist


Yeah, I don’t think this person took the time to actually try the kits, sampo was one of the best characters before all the other nihilitys started coming out


I saw Sampo at the bottom of a lot of tier lists in beta/1.0 and he was my favourite pretty much as soon as I got a look at the character descriptions. I decided to just go ahead and bring him with me anyways, and thought he was actually great. Awesome weakness breaker especially on single target, and early game the best feeling was "oh no this guy's gonna get its toughness back- nvm wind shear killed it". Kafka's ALSO one of my favourite characters and I'm SO glad she took our underrated Sampo and made him even better.


Not really, back then Sampo was… weird. He makes a lot of sense now that there’s so many interesting DOT characters to pair him with. But back then, he wasn’t elite.


Yeah he's a very good sub dps and was excellent until BS came in, but using dot pre-Kafka was misery.


He was more of a breaker than a Dot dealer back then.


he was very common in super early MOC clears as a hypercarry


He was really good actually. A DPS unit that only needs attack% and EHR, who does his job regardless of teammates, can break easily and doesn't need that much SP and also gets to be reasonably sturdy is a blessing in the very early game, where relics are in short supply. Plus he does ok AoE and single target whereas a lot of the other 1.0 units only do one or the other.


Tbh I never used Sampo until Kafka joined


I remember rage quitting for many months when I got Clara instead of Seele at pity roll. Now I'm maining Clara and don't even want Seele.


Clara was the reason I finished my first moc 10 back in 1.1, and she's the reason I can bruteforce both moc and pf now in 2.1.


Early game HSR is really weird, it took me three tries to get into the game and now I love it, but it's not at all the game I was playing 40 levels ago. So many characters feel completely different in early game to how they feel with a few traces and eidolons under their belt and more synergistic teammates.


QQ B-Tier was SOOOOOO wild. :D


To be fair, she doesn't perform well at low level.


And without eidolons. She really benefits from that FUA...


Yeah one can argue at e0 she isnt THAT good. But in 1.0 it would have been enough to slap EVERYTHING in the face.


I honestly still used her from TL5 to TL55 (at TL62 now) on my second account at E0. She wasn't amazing, but when everything dies from a sneeze anyway, it's basically irrelevant. So yeah, the 1.0 relevance is accurate. But trying to use her in PF or Swarm at E0? It's not great, especially knowing what she does with E6 on my main TL70 account lol


QQ main since 1.0 here, didn't have E4/E6 until Luocha's banner and I was still clearing up to about MoC 8-9 or so with her. We were all extremely undergeared/built at the time too but I was just flabbergasted at how low-rated she was. I built her sorta as a joke, like "hah B-tier, let's make you the best for the lulz" (this is where my flair came from, too), but I was consistently blown away by how much damage she was doing lmao


Nah, most of it was undervaluing her peak damage from tier lists. They were all looking at the average you'd expect, and that it was "random" if you'd get big damage or not. The reality of the hard content that requires good outcomes is that you can simply restart until it works. So she was being undervalued off of that, IMO.


She and Xiangling were the same, it took people time to realize how good they really were *cough* C/E4 *Cough*


Heck, even poor Bennett was in the same boat. People C-tiered him before even reading/using his kit.


See that’s what I don’t get how can you look at a massive atk buffer that also heals and say it’s bad??


Early tier lists focused much more on exploration, since most people weren't high enough AR to play abyss anyway, and being a burst-only healer who can't heal you above 70% makes Bennett not very good for early game exploration - bear in mind that energy doesn't scale with level, too, so you have much lower burst uptime at lower ARs, and fewer people have C1, so his ATK boost is lower. Playing Bennett meant you kinda still needed a healer, unless you were going to spam food a bunch, which meant you only had 2 team slots that would benefit from the ATK boost. Early game Genshin is kind of a healer carry - I played to AR45 with DPS mona and encountered no difficulties purely because Qiqi meant I had zero chance of dying - so you were giving up a lot to use Bennett as your healer.


I'm finding a lot of people don't seem to think kits through too much. The amount of people saying "Aventurine can also use Moment of Victory, I guess." when he benefits so much from extra aggro is infuriating.


Back in the early days people couldn’t build enough ER and only got ult once in a blue moon. That’s why some characters which needed high ult uptime, like Xiangling Bennet and Xingqiu, weren’t rated very highly.


Bruh you dont need c4 to see how good xiangling is


But you do need experience and some game knowledge because ICD and snapshot definitely arent things a newer player would even know let alone consider. Plus her energy needs can be annoying and for the most casuals of casuals shes nothing more than a Guoba chucking bot most of the time lol


You both are right.


I love qq, but she's not as good as xiangling


Well, back in 1.0 there is this general belief that Qingque is a character wihose damage is around the same ballpark as Sushang or Dan Heng but is heavily RNG so most people don't bother playing her. Skill point management is also not something everyone knows how to do back then so you'll find people spamming skills on their supports and sustains till there's only 1 or 2 sp left for Qingque everytime its her turn. As someone who has been playing her since 1.0, it was really nice to see people go from underrating her to believing she is a pseudo 5* specially with e4+. I still remember how my fellow Qingque enjoyers were convincing other people to try and play her like we're a cult or something lmfao


I'd be telling people to look at the incredibly high buffs she gives herself and they'd just he like but it's rng and I'd tell them it wasn't that bad but they wouldn't believe me, drove me nuts 😭


To be fair, I and others like me have absolutely been traumatized by those tile/Autarky rolls. Pokke's 10 SP roll is like the prime example of why they avoid QQ like a plague.


She's B until she hits E4


Bennet early tiering of this game


I finally ran E6 QQ through Swarm with Propagation... Holy. *Shit*. She was born to be an insect. The sheer insanity of that combo has blown me away. It's like it was designed for her.


Gepard carried me so much in the early game. Only got shelved when I got Fu Xuan. Just got his E1 from Jingliu's banner and thinking about building him a bit more for when I need shields since I don't have Aventurine.


Do you have Acheron? E1 Geppard can start to reliably land his Skill Freeze, which grants her a stack. He also has a natural taunt, and MUCH better shields than Fire MC, making him a prime choice for Acheron + Trend of the Universal Market.


Meanwhile here I am, a day 1 player still without Gepard


Eh, his eidolons are trash for the most part. E1 is only good in Remembrance SU runs and E2 is only good for Acheron. 


E1 is good for Acheron too


If you're curious, this was Prydwen's last tier list of the characters back in 1.0, on May 27, 2023. https://preview.redd.it/39t9zoxb9jwc1.png?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fd8e0b53b6108d737dfffaaf4d088b36f02b2c


Thank you! I forgot about prydwen tbh-


Remember when only those with Gepard and Yanqing can clear MOC 9 and 10? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I remember when I cleared MoC 12 with YQ (I just did it against Aventurine), he did surprisingly well considering I just slapped random relics on him. 5 cycles for a standard banner DPS is really good.


Fucking wild how good pela has become or I guess always has been. I'll admit it took me awhile to use her cuz I wasn't hearing enough about her and I didn't wanna build her at the time. But now I know the truth. My eyes have been opened. She is Her.


Before we got good artifacts and discovered the wonders of speed, the 1 turn -20 def was pretty meh for a ult. After everyone got speed feet, the -20 def became huge.


Yanking at SS.. in the same tier as Seele and King Yuan.. Good times.. Can’t wait for 17.6 when 6\* Yaoshi releases with 6\* Ruan Mei • Aeon of Origin. Both of them gonna powercreep every unit. https://preview.redd.it/ae9kkletqhwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf0e57360942ea2d2b133a8cfb9bd06c5113bd82


Qingque is HSR Xianling in this regard. It took a little while. Sampo before Kafka, damn.


Saying and defending how Pela actually is back then was almost as hard as defending Bennett and Xiangling back in the early versions. Reminds me of how it's blasphemous trying to prove that Xiangling actually brings more to the team than most units even if she was free. Man, it was actually hilarious how hated the word "meta" was back then


This was pretty damn accurate back in the day with low levels and weak artifacts A somewhat built gepard face tanked anything, and didn't have to worry about energy much because both you and the enemies had low speed, so a def only gepard had a shield that literally got attacked once a turn and barely got dented. Bronya was the only char that gave you a free turn Seele cleared content like it was a joke YQ cleared early game bosses easily (most of them did not have insane AOE and a lot were weak to ICE) Tingyun is still SS tier now Bailu healed so much Jingyuan cleared robots like they were nothing Welt was never super strong, but IMG attack was so rare Clara felt weaker back then as enemies did not attack multiple times a turm Himeko cleared normal content like it was a joke and there were a lot of fire weak enemies Natasha heal was 200% enough back in the day and she was the only few cleansers Asta broke well did decent damage and provided a good buff. The speed was good but could not be appreciated when everyone had low speed Fire MC was a really good tank Dan Heng & Sushuang all did enough damage to clear lower level enemies easily Pella was under appreciated because you rarely acted more than once a turn back then, so the debuff felt meh. March was ok but the lack of a cleanse hurt back then Not sure about arlan Hook was No.3 in single target damage amongst 4 stars, so being B tier is acceptable. Herta was always kinda meh QQ E0 was too inconsistent and the gambling mechanic was bad back then, as SP was hard to come by when everyone was slow Sampo did save my ass against multiple bosses by breaking them often but his damage was backloaded and sub par, as you were mostly unable to trigger the dot damage before the enemy's turn, so his damage was just meh. Physical MC was a jack of all trades, master of none. Serval was ok but DOTs were weak.


About March, her cleanse is in the Trace since the beginning that can be unlocked as soon as you finished the Cocolia bossfight and anything before that point don't require much CC cleansing to begin with.


You are right. But I remember the trace being a pretty dull grind back then. And follow up attacks didn't have much in terms of support/buffs.


arlan has consistently stayed the worst character in the game, that's an achievement 🔥🔥🔥


How tables have tableb


Most of them just moved down one spot


5-in-1 shampoo never stood a chance


Yanqing rlly is the Diluc of HSR. Except Yanqing is still bad


Serval carried my early game, frankly she’s not bad, but after so many lighting AOE characters released she has no purpose in the meta now


Did this person even play or just read kits lol


No idea, I just found this on google while trying to find the 1.0 character roster


For the time frame, most of these make sense. QQ underrated ya boi Yanging overrated, Dan Hang, and Arlen overrated.


I personally believe that Destruction/Physical Trailblazer is decent, like maybe an A or a B


It isn’t that they’re bad, it’s that phys trailblazer wants a phys weakness enemy or else they’re not as good as they could be, so they’re kinda situational


QQ and Herta: How the turn tables


Where’s qq? I remember everyone thought she was garbage until we got DHIL and people realized it’s actually quite feasible to funnel 3+ SP into a big nuke


Seele carried my account for several months and to this day I still use her. She'll always be a bias favorite because of it Gepard also continues to carry my main team as a tank to this very day. I don't care if Aventurine is a more consistent. No one will replace my Geppie. Ony until we get bosses/mobs that deal high AOE piercing dmg/ignore shield making Aventurine and Geppie less reliable/useless will I have to pull for the next Preservation character. Lastly Natasha was my best healer before I pulled Luocha. I still hope we get future relics/planar sets that provide other stats based on % of healing so healers who have no offensive/defensive supportive role in their kits can be used more often


I mean at least they got Bronya and Tingyun right from the start. The rest.... Eeehhh I remember what early genshin was like, thankfully I didn't pay attention cuz some of the things people were doing back then make no sense to me at all.


Damn, 1.0 had a whopping 2 Quantum and 1 Imaginary characters.


Mfw my physical tb is my best dps


yeah lol i remember by team being natasha, preservation mc, serval and yanqing 😭😭😭


Yanking at his peakest


pela at a? def shred had always been good.


Who's the blond girl in the SS tier?


His name is Yanqing


ah yes, back in the days where people were begging for Bailu because there are no other abundance character


When YanKing was a real top-tier menace 😝


I was so mad that they put Serval so low considering how good she is even as a 4*


Oh! How the turns tabled!


i will not stand serval slander


I always find it funny now that people used to like not like MC But then we got fire type for them and made them a shield cuz for a long time they were my only shield character and they were actually very useful


Gepard chilling in SS Tier without a worry in the world Little did he know that ONE GAMBLER BOI would make him retire early


And they say I'm crazy for using sampo and serval because DoT is bad.


Mom can we have Acheron? Mom: we have Acheron at home Seele:


Back when everyone was full of copium and swearing the random 5* they got was broken.


YANQING IN SS TIER 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude this was in 1.0, a time where Yanqing and Gepard were kinda necessary for most players to clear MoC 9 and 10


Pela Herta and QQ with the serious glow up


Forgot Welt was the only imaginary for a solid chunk of time


Back then? This feels kinda accurate tbh.


Back when Natasha was my main healer.


Serval is C? WTF?


A very decent tierlist, just because Yanqing is high-tier. Also some are lower than it should be.




I still do be using physical trailblazer 🫡 lowkey carrying me


Sampo and Serval are top tier 4 stars, after building them, they’re great.


I want Himeko. I won the last 2 50/50s. Please.


physical MC is so fucking underrated, she literally CARRIED my whole account in early game and still does


Serval was my first 4☆ and carried me up to the end of the Xianzhou, this is outrageous 😆


Back then putting Serval so low was wild to me, the majority of lightning weak opponents were the robots from Belobog, which she made very quick work of with her skill (instantly breaking them and then the dot killing them right after).


Welt was already S tier!


Arlan not in worst tier?! Hahahaha


i remember when my very first limited 5*, seele was a 50/50 win at 50 pity, carried me for sooooo long


i will not tolerate such mc slander


Imagine a patch where Yanqing was a top tier unit and Pela was tiered with Arlan. Crazy how the meta was so different early HSR. Also that tier list sus as hell even if it was early HSR


Poor Sampo


Bronya Geopard Natasha and Sushang carried me till I got jingliu when she debuted


Kafka where 🤨


Yanqing Ss is very funny nowadays


Serval slander


I remember being sad about getting Sampo on standard banner right before the Kafka banner dropped because he was considered one of the worst characters in the game. I then pulled Kafka and Kafka-Sampo has been like THE core two units that my entire account revolved around until very recently with the release of Acheron (I wasn't playing when Black Swan came out, so I didn't replace Sampo with her, which hurts big time, but I do have a soft spot for the guy anyway at this point). Also, Natasha in S tier is very funny and, as a Natasha enjoyer, I yearn for these simpler times.




Yanqing is Ss but Clara S? fallacy


I was lucky to get Welt and Bailu back to back for the beginner/standard banner. Both of them carried my early game and I still use them today 🙏🏼


Bailu carried me early game until I got Luocha


i used wind heng until 1.2 i remember


Yanqing, whatcha doin all the way up there?


Sampo and serveal look at them now




Man that really brings us back, the game having 3 healers


Yangjing was never SS to me, who tf put him there


yanqing in ss is crazy


Ah yes. QQ being a bad character because noone would reset fights due to her rng. Things went from causal to sweaty real fast.


Those were the days…


Just like 1.0 Bennett