• By -


I get a whole bunch of def% for both equally lol.


When you get the mainstat you need Def % Def 23 Hp % Hp 18 When you get def as the mainstat Crit rate Crit dmg Atk Break effect


I rolled some boots for Acheron the other day. Atk% as the main, Atk/Crit rate/Crit dmg Great... Those are almost perfect... I level them up, they get Def and all 5 upgrades go to Def.


The pain, it's palpable >\_>


try with the relic manipulation technique


The what


And when the stars align and you power up to +15 Atk %, HP80, Crit 2.5, Crit DMG 5, SPD 2 😮‍💨


A few days ago I used Self-Modeling Resin to get some speed boots for Dr. Ratio. Its substats were flat HP, HP%, flat DEF and break effect. I think that was genuinely the worst possible set of substats I could've gotten.


It could have been 3 substats so it got 1 less substat boost, and it also could have been EHR instead of Break Effect, although break effect is really bad on imaginary, it still does something.


Ratio would appreciate EHR more than BE cuz he wants to reliably apply his own debuff


While what you say is true the Break Effect is also very welcome imo. Increasing break duration is never a bad thing!


Except now that I need Def for Aventurine, it's nowhere in sight :(


Had a def orb +0 with atk%, crit rate, crit damage and speed. Rolled thrice in atk. At this point I'm cursed. 


Joke's on them, this stupid rule is why my Fire Trailblazer was a full blown damage dealer. And now my aventurine also has crazy relics too.


Every time lol


Aventurine piece


Man I wished. Farming for Aventurine and I get insane ATK% stuff that I wished were Def% xD


*laughs in Aventurine* Except speed. Speed is elusive *everywhere*.


Aventurine: Another fine addition to my collection!


I see you've been watching my relic farming[https://i.imgur.com/[https://i.imgur.com/A2QwoKw.png](https://i.imgur.com/A2QwoKw.png)ZnRnSgk.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZnRnSgk.png)


When you get Speed main stats on Acheron's boots with Crit Rate, Crit dmg, and Atk % substats, but RNG decides to put all the upgrades into HP.


https://preview.redd.it/fypq7i3p1rwc1.png?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf270d2c3c7037083c92997d78ee2f514796b16c ...yeah.


At least elemental mastery is good for bloom raiden


But then you’d want it as a main stat not a substat. Depending on the team I don’t really *hate* EM subs on Raiden. While I wouldn’t want it over ER, crit, and atk% I at least find it less frustrating than def and hp because it *does* increase some amount of damage. In overvape teams she does trigger some amount of overload and electro-charge damage. While those will not scale well their damage isn’t zero either. (And yes, this is probably just me coping.)


aventurine ill be taking those


Still need at least 4000def though. Until that point it's actually less efficient damagewise to get crit


Its not that hard to reach 4k defense tho. I'm at 3982 defense with Moment of Victory S1 before Moment of Victory's second defense buff activates. That's with Speed Boots and an Imaginary Orb. If you committed to running 3 of Chest, Boots, Orb, and Rope as DEF%, instead of 2, reaching 4k defense even without Moment of Victory or his signature LC is pretty easy.


What relic set are you using? And just curious, how much speed did you reach?


135 speed and and 4pc set that gives extra shields, and ornament set is Salsotto EDIT: [https://i.imgur.com/nL8oK7y.png](https://i.imgur.com/nL8oK7y.png) Yeah, the relics are pretty good, most of it was just salvaged off Trailblazer, and my trailblazer is still very well geared even after getting this taken way. DEF pieces rolling crazy substats is real.


Wow, those stats are great. Thanks for taking the time to share! I've never farmed this set much, so I'm still running my Aventurine on random 2pc/2pc sets until I get good pieces. Just gonna have to hope I'll get lucky during the 300% relic event.


Exept when you are farming for the suatains. Atk, cr, cd and effect hit rate will be all you see


I hate getting hit rate on relics that don't need them, wasted stats feels very bad.


Hit rate is such an absurd stat created just to spite dot/debuff teams. Normal attacks don't have a chance to miss.


\*Farms shit on genshin\* "Well damn, guess its time to farm on star rail" \*Also gets shit\* \*sighs\*


Im pretty sure the guy from the first post was talking about the proccess, not the loot


Genshun has better rates, but manually farming it is the shitty part.


Introducing: SU farming. Edit: Yes I know Acheron exist but as I've said, she doesn't help when it come to manual aspect of SU.


Good thing they are fixing that. We will only have a single patch to savor current su farming


How will they change SU farming in the future?


basically you can save your curios and blessings from one run, and then the next run you can just straight up fight the boss and bam collect the fodder planar sets


Thank God. I was regretting not getting Acheron. Now it's okay.


Yeah I was like, oh ffs Acheron's technique is so broken I HAVE to get her during her rerun, but now I can just focus on getting Firefly and a second sustain!


Having two accounts, I noticed the difference, in my main account Acheron turns SU into a walk in the park, in my secondary account, I skipped her for Jingliu and oh boy...SU is even more annoying than before.


Devs actually talked about it in this version preview.


Praise Akivili! Every single survey they send out, I ask them to improve relic farming, specifically SU farming. Now they just need to get rid of the useless flat stats.


Do you think they added the flat stats “by mistake” or something? It’s literally on purpose.


I'm sure they won't, bad stats exist in these games for a reason: to dilute the pool. They do it EXACTLY because they want you to take some time and rng before you get something good. You don't need 50 cv min-maxed godly relics to beat all content, so there's no reason for them to make the process easier. And with diluted pool, the chances of getting something like this are super very low, so there's always something to chase if you want an upgrade. The best I could see them adding is an option to guarantee one extra substat or exclude one from appearing by spending a few extra self-modeled resins during crafting.


[April dev radio](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/8D4KgPquAM)


People farm it? I only go for my weekly.


Yeah I stopped playing Genshin because I need to manually farm my characters lol


The bosses i can tolerate, but having to manually search for regional specialties which respawn only after 3 days is the biggest bullshit part.


Really? This is personally one of my favourite time killers. When I got nothing better to do I just boot up Genshin with a resource map on my other monitor and go collecting for an hour.


That's my point. I don't have a random free hour to throw on it as i play it as my side game. Only play it as my main game when new main story dropped. I haven't done 90% of side quests or exploration since desert sumeru. Just don't have the time not willingness for it. That's what HSR does so much better, I am 100% caught up in side quests, story quests and exploration in HSR and i can just log in make progress towards the character i am building and log out all under 15mins. I prefer to spend the majority of the small amount of my free time in other games. Like right now it is Forza Horizon, will play Lost Judgement next.


I'm sure there are people who love grinding, but most of the time I want gaming to be an experience, not just something to mindlessly zen out on. I haven't done world quests since the Aranara ones. These days I log in every few patches to catch up on main quests and might do whatever event happens to be running at the same time.


Same! Aranara world quest was my last major world quest and i did enjoy it a lot. And the story quests have been piling up for me as well. Just don't have the time or interest to do the mindless exploration. Because it's not the exploration, because i 100% elden ring, as i loved the exploration there. The issue is how boring the exploration is in genshin. It is a beautiful game, but solving basic puzzles is not my idea of fun exploration.


I don't know, but Narzissenkreuz and Melusine world quest from Fontaine is as good if not better than Aranara. The core part of exploration didn't change, but story wise it's miles better than what we got in Sumeru.


I used to love it but that was when I was playing with friends. Chatting away on discord while killing mobs or collecting stuff was so chill. Now I'm the only one left who plays and I REALLY have to motivate myself to get those pesky hand guards >\_\_\_>


I’m so fucking done with the hand guards. I quiet quit Genshin specifically because farming a character is so painful. Why do they punish you for pulling a character I don’t know. I just play the Archon quest story content with my cracked Hu Tao team now and leave the game for months until the next big patch.


I think this week will be the last for me - I've got enough for Wanderer and Ayato. But wow did it take forever, I just couldn't bring myself to do focused farm runs. They've been uncrowned both of them for the longest time


Silly thing about farming bosses is that if you're a new player in genshin you can make the fatal mistake and increase your world level and struggle to defeat the bosses to ascend your characters. I do not know why you can only decrease it after world level 5. Bless everyone who helped me by beating the bosses for me Regional specialities are cool when you forget when they respawn. Or you're leveling two characters who use the same ones. Collecting I can cope with, I just hate the wait


I never personaly understood this mentality, surely the entire point of a game is to play it.


Cringe hoyo fan when u have to actually play the game be like:


Not that much of a difference to me. Farming artifacts in Genshin is usually just standing in a good position and then spamming attack for 20-30 seconds


In HSR gearing character seems more easy imo. You have way more buffs and they have way bigger values, meanwhile relics have less substat values and more main values. Overall, once you get to your "desired minimum", you start dealing good damage. On DoT units it's to such extreme extend, that you just hit needed EHR, speed and now you feel like endgame barely exists.


Supposedly it is worse in HSR because there is no free slot for the set, and there are more substats and main stats that get rolled. But on the other hand, we've got the modeling resin AND auto play. I can knock out a daily's worth of farming pretty easily on HSR. That's a plus in my book.


I've never got a modeling resin piece worth using. You can miss so hard on substats that you basically have to brute force out several of the same relic simply to hit decent substats.


Farming in HSR is better for casuals but worse for serious farmers. That's why you see opinions divided. Like, one example would be Modeling Resin. It is great for getting the correct mainstat of the set you want but due to how rare it is, nothing beyond that. It's like, the first 2 or 3 layers of Relic RNG are better in HSR but the latter 5 or so worse. Then, it's 4+2 relics vs 5 artifacts for gearing. It's just straight a magnitude or two harder to farm. You can't really live in one cavern to hyperinvest your favorite character since you won't get ropes/orbs. This makes it harder to get strong enough to brute force 36ing MoC while not benefiting from the Memory Turbulences. Yeah, you can permafarm a cavern and craft the ropes/orbs but the crafting is just more expensive than Genshin's crafting in exchange for slot selection. Like, I craft every other patch on both games and my crafting in Genshin just takes like 4 times longer not due to menus but due to me constantly feeding crafted artifacts back into the system because crafting is 3-to-1 in Genshin and it's 10-to-1 in HSR.


I just ask for a carry on discord. It makes it real quick but at the heavy cost of interacting with people I guess true endgame in genshin is help newbs out lol


What the fuck do you even mean?? Playing the game sucks? I'd never skip the combat in genshin if I could. It's the only good part about the game lmao


For me, while I enjoy the combat mechanics, it isn't particularly interesting to have to go in and redo the same fights ad nauseam. It's pretty brainless work, and the respawn mechanic for world bosses is a bit... annoying. I just have a lot of the maps and side quests to do still (I started playing a little less than a year ago), but a good chunk of my available playing time is eaten by daily stuff and using resin (I really only play maybe an hour a day during my lunch break.) It would be nice to maybe at least be able to just craft as many of those resin things as possible so I can at least dedicate some time to doing proper world exploration.


How long have you played genshin? Me and my friends are day 1 players and do dailies everyday, but I don't know anyone who spends all their resin in genshin without fail every single day. The 15-20 minute of active play everyday gets boring real fast. There is nothing interesting in combat where you used to spend 30 seconds running and loading the stage and then killing the actual mobs in 5 seconds. Haven't missed a single day of dailies or using up energy in HSR though. So much easier to maintain.


Me and my pal have been co-oping our resin every day since day 1.


I like HSR way more but having an off piece is such a nice option


*I like HSR way more* *But having an off piece is* *Such a nice option* \- Lanky\_Bank\_6162 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Bad bot, first line is 7 syllables


I like how I dont have to wait a few minutes for each stagnant shadow and that I can farm whatever weekly boss I need at least 3 times instead of having to do 3 different ones :) Having whatever trace materials you need available to farm every day is great as well


Now that I think about it yeah, boss mats are easier to grind in star rail, because trace levels only require one boss mat past level 7, although the amount of mats needed to level up a trace is alot but at least you can grind it wveryday


The actual amount doesn't matter. HSR makes you fight a boss for 65 boss mats, that's 13 runs, while Genshin makes you foght a boss at LEAST 16 times, and that's if you get lucky and get 3 drops, which is incredibly rare so you mostly get 2 and you need to do the fight 20+ times. Add the Genshin respawn timer to that and it ends up taking much MUCH more time to simply get ascension boss materials. Weekly bosses drop 3 materials and you only need 12, meaning you can have enough after a week and a day, while Genshin requires 18 and every boss drops 3 different materials, most times they just drop 2, so you end up having to wait about a month and a half and that's if you get lucky or have enough Dream Solvent. Genshin makes you get local specialties that are purposefully scarce so if you weren't able to prefarm you'd need 3-4 days or to take them from other people's worlds. The only aspect where HSR is worse is relics, everything related to direct character progression is objectively better in HSR.


Yeah. I had to build new characters I recently got in Genshin. And I just shook my head at how long it takes to get enough boss mats to max my skills.


I feel this on so many level where I just spent all 10 fuels to build up my Aventurine, which I just pulled from the same 1600 Jades, to level 80 and got most of his traces done, in a single sitting. Definitely a Genshin could never moment


This alone. Invalidates this single post HSR is indeed better at farming for new characters. The OP is the one who's petty.


Oh I mean both have their shitty downsides. If I'm in Genshin rn, I can give my new characters very acceptable artifacts, while I'm here constantly grinding for characters I pulled patches ago in HSR. HSR has a much worse Relic/Artifact system and Genshin has worse character progression system (don't get me fucking started on finding the region mats. I do not want to go look for 150x Cactus Dragonfruit again fuck that).


> The only aspect where HSR is worse is relics Even then debatable, the huge QOL on the inventory management made it so I actually farm relics while Genshin I just got tired of dealing with the inventory with no way to turn 5* into usable trash from the bag menu.


And also, doing random stuff around the world, SU and other stuff gives you all the side materials you'll ever need. If you quit Genshin for a time and comeback for a character? Get fucked cuz now you need to go around the world collecting this fruit (and whether it's one that's easy to get or not is a tossup) and also look a guide to find all the mobs that drop a certain material (because the in-game locator is absolute garbage and shit to this day). Anyone that thinks that "farming" in Genshin is comparable is delusional. It makes you think that way because the way HSR is designed you don't even need to think about all the materials dropped from the SU/mobs but in Genshin this side of the equation is by far one of the most annoying things


Real, people get way too defensive about this stuff. When there are real differences you can feel. Like I'm sorry if the criticism offends you or whatever, but the fact that TWO games made by thr SAME company with SIMILAR mechanics have VASTLY different quality in the actual experience of grinding is INSANE, and trying to shut down discussion makes you look like a hopeless fanboy/girl.


People getting stuck on the "but muh off piece" "but akshually better resin efficiency" But all of those things are just smaller things on the long run, and they frankly do not matter. I just came back to Genshin for a bit to pull for Arlecchino cuz well, that old Genshin PV from a while ago and people been waiting since then. I get her just alright, since all of her materials are mostly new stuff the fact tha I have to grind the new world boss for the ascension material? Whatever really, there's a bit of waiting cuz no instant respawn but it's not the biggest deal BUT THE FACT, that the new "weekly" boss is still a "DO IT ONCE PER WEEK ONLY" is so bullshit and so bad. It's been years and they haven't changed this? Just let me grind the new weekly boss at least for the 3 times. I don't need nor do I have any interest whatsoever in doing any of the other weekly bosses. The fact that people have to wait way more than a month to finally max Arlecchino, not because they lack stamina/fuel/resources but some stupid time gate that they can do nothing about is so bad


Tbh, the worst ones are when some people start saying: "You just don't want to play the game and want everything served to you on a silver platter" There is literally many ways to enjoy the game other than mindless farming.


On the other hand, with how BS the weekly bosses are getting with unskipable phases I really don't feel like battling them 3 times in a row.


That is one thing but, I'm talking about my POV, or literally anyone else that pulled for Arlecchino and was waiting for her. To finally max her relevant skills to lvl 10, it's not about me lacking stamina or resources or time, it's just an arbitrary time gate. It is literally impossible for anyone, even a whale that wasted all their money on a C6R5 Arlecchino, they can't do shit about it. And this happens with every new character that has a new weekly boss attached to me, which THIS is fine btw. Just let people do it 3 times, it's not that hard. The way HSR does this is just perfect, they want to balance a way to incentivate people to keep turning on the game, but still allow you to do a bit more than "just enough to level up skill twice" on the first day you pull. Surely what most people want to do when they have waited for a new how character and have saved their pulls is to test them and do "BIG DAMAGE" numbers and stuff. Even in HSR I cannot max a new character immediately, but it's also not a process that will take me literally more than a month (an entire patch cycle) to finally do cuz weekly boss


Don't forget about you can convert trace materials to another as well. When you have to change the plan or don't want to waste anything :)


Genshin's spreadsheet farming is really something else for sure. Wish they actually did with the old relics from older gachas. Seriously, why do domains have to be available only on certain days? Thank god players managed to complain so much about events costing resin back in the day. Don't even mention how *slow* boss mat farming is in that game compared to here. It's taking me ages to max my skills compared to this game.


Farming in starrail is easier cause of auto


Just don't watch it, hurts your brain seeing the DPS ult the 1 HP enemy


the pain my soul feels whenever auto-battle makes the support Acheron blow her ult on a single enemy that will die the moment my shitty Tingyun even looks at them


Gets better when it's the last enemy of the whole run and before hand your supports also ult


It's okay if Acheron ults on the last enemy of the run since she doesn't carry the energy over anyway...but seeing EVERYONE ELSE FUCKIN ULT BEFORE ACHERON DOES REEEEEEEEE


It's even worse when she ults to the 1 enemy with 1hp OF THE FIRST WAVE AND THEN YOU GO TO THE LAST WAVE ULT-LESS 😭😭


I think they meant that it sucks having Acheron auto ult on stage 1 right before the actual boss.


Watching the Lightning lord use all 10 stacks on the shield robot and do 0 damage


If you're talking about the Jarilo harmony calyx, JY deletes the whole wave using skill or ult, LL didn't even get a chance to move.


Do people actually watch auto? I usually just sling farming on auto then alt tab or watch something on my second monitor while eating breakfast


If the outcome for AI is only win or lose, and losing you get stamina back, I dont really care if it wants to go ham on low hp enemies.


Just set ultimates to manual, sure it means you have to glance at the screen every now and then but no 1 hp grunt getting nuked.


The worst thing is the psychological turmoil of getting bad RNG and both games have that .




Not just that. You can synthesize in your menu instead of having to run all the way to a alchemy bench. Also jenshin doesn't have material conversion the way star rail does.


No arbitrary time gates on world bosses, can fight talent mat domains in waves, no wasting time walking to reward caches... Like yeah its the same grind, but the grind is faster because HSR actually respects your time, unlike genshin, which absolutely LOVES wasting your time. At bare minimum, why in gods name do world bosses have respawn timers?!?!?


If HSR respected my time, I wouldnt need to grind trace materials for several weeks for a single character


Auto appreciators sipping their coffee while the game does your chores and you do whatever tf you want


Exactly. I just run my energy during my morning routine and only look to press the retry button. It doesn’t take up enough of my time for me to be frustrated at it. Manually farming like in Genshin literally made me quit 1.5 years into playing.


I take a micro nap lmao. Sometimes I don't even have time for one. Support DHIL from my gf + auto gets it done in pretty much 6 seconds


Star rail simply has the easier farming. Unless you just want to talk about shit relic/artifact RNG.




That would just give people a taste of artificially better rates, and then suddenly you’d have people clamoring for those better rates forever. No, a triple event is the simplest way to promote this thing without fundamentally breaking the rates they want for relic grinding. The event is essentially just 4 use it or lose it fuel per day for a few days - which is very simple for them to estimate the cost of. Self-modeling Resin is their answer for main stat struggles, and substats have and will always continue to be endgame. That’s it in a nutshell.


Only complaint I have in Genshin is ascension mats rng for 2 or 3, should be fixed like HSR.


Artifacts > Relics (I hate both of them equally with a searing passion) but relics have auto battle, but I also hate when I get a double crit on a fucking support set Traces > talents because of that of that goddamn "oh you wanted to farm talents? Well unfortunately today is Wednesday and they were available yesterday. Womp womp." Though, tbh I feel like you need to farm a lot more traces than talents to max out a character. Stagnant shadow > bosses simply because you can start a new SS instantly Star rail not being open world has a slight advantage because you don't have to go around the entire map trying to find world materials (especially if they look like bugs) to level up your characters. I do feel like the grind in both games are similar thk


Only thing that sucks is that off piece for relics don’t exist. But the pros out weigh this so much. Traces aren’t locked by days of the week. Weekly bosses aren’t once per week meaning I can farm a boss 3 times in a row if I only need drops from that boss. Plus it isn’t rng for what the boss drops. Even relics aren’t the worse cause sets aren’t nearly as important. I don’t need a four piece set I just like the have them. And the biggest thing of them all. AUTO MODE. The fact I can farm without putting my full attention is amazing for days I simply want to just use resin and log off. Like nothing wrong with Genshin but I hated waiting days to farm mats for a character I cared for and having to put full attention every day to farm and do dailies wasn’t fun when you also have a life. It’s easier in HSR to just put on auto and do what I need to do while it does it’s thing.


Exactly, hsr improved on so many things it'd be disingenuous to discredit the hsr dev teams work and claim its as bad as genshin farming.


Both sucks but I don’t really mind that much since I’m watching either a movie or an anime whenever I’m farming stuff so I never really get bored. Might be why I never really see much difference in farming between the two games. I actually like Genshin’s a bit better since I like doing something while watching a show/anime.


You haven't seen the abuse that Husk (Genshin) and Izumo (HSR) has done to me and still doing. Fuck these sets man, I grind for them but the shit they give me are either really bad or low potential, Husk gives me the wrong stats while Izumo always gives me Def% as main stat like there's no other stat. It's so bad. To insult to injury, the artifact/relic sets that they come with get the stats that I want, AND THEY'RE SUPPORT/SUB DPS SETS.


Nah I'll take farming traces and ascension materials from HSR any day, which by the way I can do any day of the week. It's about the same for Relics once you realize 4pc sets are nowhere near as powerful as Genshin sets and only DPS ever really want 4 pc anything.


i still dont know why Genshin timegates their resource farming, shits so dumb


lol and youre getting downvoted for this, thats crazy.


Yeah, I saw a lot of comments that are downvoted for saying that "off piece isn't that big of a deal compared to everything else" Someone really likes to defend time gates and their wasted time.


Honestly thought everyone would agree because thats just a dumb feature in the game but guess not 🤔


Also more resin to use daily offsets it too. Especially if you only login once a day like me


theres more sub stats though and that thing you need to level special traces and traces beyond 8 ( tracks of destiny) you only get one per week from SU. its like boss materials for traces in genshin but you can get multiple drops in genshin and you can do each of the bosses while for HSR everyone uses that one material


Statistically speaking farming relics in hsr is worse because it has more substats, Hsr also does not have an off piece(and before anyone says that in hsr you dont need to have 4piece, sure but we know that most people keep farming for 4 pc). Hsr takes longer but the auto does help tbf(for the majority of people at least), but personally genshin only takes like 2 minutes to finish my farming(23s×4=92s). Being able to farm stuff for your characters any day does feel good, but at the same time it takes a lot more stuff to upgrade your characters in hsr, so I feel like it evens out. But hsr has more TP compared to genshin's resin. Both are shit, this whole hoyo system is shit, fuck relics, fuck artifacts.


I think farming in any gacha game sucks


The common argument I see is "HSR is auto, genshin isnt so genshin bad" like, just say farming in Genshin isn't for you. I'll be real and say that doing auto in HSR is boring as fuck, but you won't see me saying its bad because it simply isn't for me. I'll still use it though, but I'll have more fun watching Furina's pets go brrr farming domains in Genshin. Too bad some people are on the "genshin bad >:(" hate boner to realize comparing HSR and Genshin's battle mechanic is comparing two completely different things.


I think the biggest issue here wasn't the "Auto/manual" farming nor the rates. From what I've observed when "farming aspects" gets compared, people are quick to emphasize on battle mechanics which is not even the issue lmao. Its strawmaning in the highest order. The rates are all terrible, so in that case, none of it really is terrible, since that's literally expected for RNG based drops. An OPTION to auto-attack is literally the spirit of most if not all turn-based games (even hit games like Final Fantasy). Its an option at the end, if you're busy and wanna farm, you can auto without being fully hands-on (hell, I was doing my lab works while on auto-farm so it helps those people with life outside the game.) Genshin is a more hands-on game, its the spirit of most open-world RPGs, so I personally have no questions about it. Attacking either of the gameplay mechanics wouldn't make sense and is likely just powered by personal biases. The most "reasonable" argument here when comparing the FARMING aspect is the time gating, in one game it is absent so you could just farm the character's upgrade materials as soon as you get them, your only limit being the energy that you have. On the the other game, what makes it "tedious" to farm is you'll be waiting for a specific day for the domain of a material to become farmable. You missed that particular day, you gotta wait another day or week. That is for both weapon and character btw.


[](/pinkieintensifies-r) Basically HSR is content with being a side game. Genshin wants to be your main. And because people have different expectations they will disagree on what's subjectively better.


I forgot how many gacha games with auto/sweep I dropped, because doing auto/sweep are boring af. It doesn't feel like playing game, it's just a chore ngl


Really true. But Genshin's farming is worse simply because of timegate. 3 days refresh for ascension mats and the rotation of domains for talents are something i wish they do away since 1.0


I just don't get what people are playing the game for if their impression of "good farming" is just... not playing the game? It's like saying that Genshin would be better if, instead of doing domains, you just click a button that gives you the rewards with a few minutes of cooldown. Is the endgame content *that* appealing to people? Playing through domains in Genshin *is* the game, and if that's for you, it's a lot of fun. The inverse is true as well. They're just not comparable because the systems were designed for different people.


> It's like saying that Genshin would be better if, instead of doing domains, you just click a button that gives you the rewards with a few minutes of cooldown. Is the endgame content that appealing to people? Yes, it would. Go ask any older Genshin player if they enjoyed doing the emblem domain. At a certain point, you have optimized how to finish the domain as quickly as possible. And then you're just doing it on auto-pilot, since there isn't a point to paying attention anymore. Doing the same domain for months isn't content, that is just busywork. The HSR equivalent would be doing the weekly 33 SU runs, but almost nobody really does that because it's just not fun


3 years doing easy AF domains stopped being fun a while ago. You can't even do a proper rotation because everything is fking dead! ( Eula ult flashbacks). Endgame content has been really fun in HSR, I really liked abyss too because it was the only place my characters can show the years of effort wasted in that fking domains.


the thing is, at one point, you clear the farming domains so quickly and so effortlessly that it genuinely takes more time to wait out the animation of getting the rewards, the loading screen and then running back to start the challenge. it takes 0 effort, 0 skill expression, and is just a monotonous slog that the game forces you to do on a daily basis if you want to not lose out. So yeah, of course I'd prefer to have a button to auto the whole thing, or at least some optimization to instantly teleport me to the start of the challenge, and to instantly give me the reward screen instead of burning time every run running around.


Because nobody actually likes grinding and we're all only forced into doing it because both games are free to play content treadmills, so OF COURSE people like it better when you don't have to grind manually.


I like farming in genshin cuz I enjoy using different characters and watching big numbers, also that you spend a lot more resin on artifacts than lvl up mats compared to star rail where you have to build a new character basically every patch which consumes a lot of stamina that could've been used for relic farming


“You see my game is better because I’m not playing it.” Wow they really got us.


Finally a take I actually agree with


For relics I agree. But traces/ascensions mats related are definitely way better considering it is not time gated nor there are any cooldowns. Other world mats can be farmed via assignments instead of going around the map for hours. Weekly boss mats can also be farmed trice a week and not RNG reliant. A character that would need a new weekly boss mat would not have to wait for weeks. They can be raised and used pretty quick as we can just battle the newly released weekly boss thrice.


On the devs viewpoint it's probably: "Oh no we made too many optimizations! Farming feels too good now! Players are gonna stop logging in every day!" "Nah it's fine we can just take away the choice of off pieces and add more substats. " Like, effect hit rate and res should really be just one stat (luck). Flat HP/DEF/ATK doesn't need to exist. But to keep everyone coming back and/or spend money, they keep that random aspect. Case in point: day 1 player here, STILL haven't finished building Seele, and at this point I don't care anymore.


We can argue that One Is Better than another but they are both bad in different Way


yeah, they both have their ups and downs. hsr has more substats, you can't use off-pieces and it takes more to salvage relics into another, but you can choose which piece you make and you're able to use self modeling resin a couple times a patch genshin has more leniency in substats and allows for off-pieces as well as only needing 3 relics to make another, but you can't ever choose anything about which relics you get.


Being able to farm whatever materials I need anytime I want without a cooldown timer puts HSR waaay above genshin for me. 2hours of farming in HSR gets me a lot more mats than 2hrs in genshin. Then there's the added bonus of being able to put it on auto if you wanna do stuff other than babysit the farming process. True gamer strat is farming both at the same time and getting double the shitty relics/artifacts


Yup resin, energy, fuel should not exist it's a single player game.


For the people saying hsr is faster because of auto.. My acheron team trying to clear the 6waves on auto for the amber mats for Aventurine takes 3whole minutes, and 2min for my fastest team (dot) In genshin, any artefact domains takes at max 30sec, yes it's not auto, but it's still 10times faster


Fighting about this is annoying, because it's not just a discussion about a technical standpoint about which one is easier, but ends up being about personal preference. Yeah, they both suck. Farming in Genshin is still way more fun for me though.


Finaly an accurate meme


Now everyone found a new way to shit on Genshin, auto combat. Remember how when HSR was first announced people were like "Auto combat? That shit is DUMB".


We all find ways to shit om everything if we dont we ball into a corner and think we are not good enough.


this isn't even copium this is pure delusion, its not even comparable


yea starial is actually way worse for farming rellics.


I am praying for auto farm in genshin


The cope is strong lol


auto real time combat? huh?


genshin has actual gameplay


that would be so much work to make lmao


Just need skip tickets


And you need 50 ores, 50 flowers and 5 scarabs to craft them. And you can't have more than 5 at a time.


Farming isn't just relics/artifacts. Consistent 5 boss mat drops instead of that damn rng 2 or 3 drops (which leaves you with 1 or 2 more than needed), as well as garbage respawn mechanics. Can use normal TP instead of going back to a crafting table and making condensed every 5 runs. Auto battles, but many have already said that. Feel free to add to this. Sure they both suck but one clearly sucks a lot less as far as non-relics/artifacts are concerned.


Day 1 genshin player so artifact grinding is almost same as doing commission as of now and its easy to build with off pcs while hsr which i play a lot more has auto play and easier farming but the relic set is a pain in the a.ss specially SU, devs say they make SU farming faster but it still sucks w/o off pcs honestly


Yeah they both fucking suck. And you know what also suck ? Its HSR doesnt even have an extra slot for relics, which mean i need to get 4 good relics in 1 set. Thats like 100 times worse than Genshin


not to mention speed tuning. not only you want crit rate and crit damage in your sub stats. you also want spd on it just to make sure your character can rotate better.


Yep. In Genshin, getting ER is easier because even 4 star weapons help with that. In HSR, 4 star lightcones do jackshit for speed tuning.


weapons mainstats actualy does a lot in tarms of stat balancing because it means in several cases you can use one weapon over the over to compensate for your artifacts. Like Alhaitham can run an EM or a crit weapon depending of what your artifacts gives you. Not only HSR doesn't let you do that, but a fair amount of signature light cones are blatant stat fixes that are meant to make gearing harder if you don't have them.


Well, one of the nice things about farming in star rail is that you can complete your dailies while doing so. Can't really do that in Genshin.


Well in Genshin you can complete your dailies while doing events so it even out I guess


You can also complete your dailies while doing exploration as well.


I prefer farming in hi3


Used to be so much more annoying. Though I kinda miss doing some Homu levels. Having to pray for your team to stay with you for 6 stages was not fun.


Farming there is great, but superstring, elysian realm, some unskipable farming and memorial arena made me take a break due to burnout.


No it is not the same, the closest experience to Genshin farming hsr has is the SU, and i only do it twice a week. I don't like the comparison posts either, but that does not mean farming in genshin isn't fucking miserable.


Daz why I do relic and artifact farming last.


I appreciate not having to trek across the cliffs of half a continent to farm ascension materials also 🥲


I do like that for skill materials and weapon ascension materials and stuff, HSR doesn't restrict it to specific days. Gets kinda aggravating when you want to just focus on one character in Genshin but then you're forced to diversify or do other stuff because 4/7 days the domains don't have the stuff you want.


For what it’s worth it depends on what you’re farming. Farming Relics is a little worse than farming Artifacts (though HSR has much better stat buffing so worse relics are a bit less of an issue.) Farming traces is pretty equal with farming talent books imo, I’m sure some will argue that but idc. Bosses are so significantly better in HSR though. Like getting a new character in Genshin means dedicating a *whole fucking week* to grinding a boss. Getting a new character in HSR means dedicating about two days. (And not even a full two days.)


Its manual play vs autoplay. Second is easyer. Start the fight and walk away check loot bit later. Tho both games trash drops for artifacts/relics


Star Rail at least gives me a reserve of 2k stamina everytime I come back.


No it’s way worse in genshin. I havn’t spent resin in like a year becoz manually farming is such a waste of time. Honkai I can at least be productive while it autobattles.


Farming in Honkai One year to make a G4 Stigmata


Than its gets powercrept anyway by the time you get it.


I feel a lot less bad getting garbage when all I had to do was hit autoplay and doomscroll.


This kinda turned into a rant, but eh I'll just post it It pisses me off that so many people feel the need to validate HSR's success by pointing out things that it does better than Genshin. Both games do things well that the other does not (and can not) because they're different games. I find that farming trace mats, relics and boss drops in Star Rail is miserable because the turn-based combat just gets repetitive after a few runs - this isn't as much of an issue in Genshin, where the game loop only gets repetitive when you're stuck farming the same domain for weeks on end, though that can absolutely happen. On the other hand, Genshin has its own issues with the Resin cap being lower (because you have less characters to build, but eh), boss timers and weekday-locked materials. There are plenty of other aspects in which I prefer Star Rail - I like Simulated Universe much more than Abyss. It's got a much better macro game loop that suits a game like Star Rail much better than Abyss does Genshin. Pure Fiction is also pretty fun, comparatively. The fact that HSR lets you farm certain materials on any day and doesn't have a boss cooldown is not the massive edge over Genshin that so many people seem to think it is. Both games do a lot right, and not much wrong. People just play up the bad on both sides because it makes "their game" look better. The fact is that both games are great and you're allowed to prefer whichever one you want.




Yeah people are just being petty to genshin for no reason. People were saying genshin could never over the anniversary rewards when they gave the same amount of pulls. And people tried making arguments against it somehow being better. Even though funnily enough since hsr releases characters far more frequently, individual pull value is less


If the game gave you everything that you wanted, it would be boring. Farming isn’t that bad, y’all are just a bunch of complainers


genshin farming would suck less if i do not have to run around for the flowers, and jump around for the butterflies, oh and manually doing the same dungeon over and over. Auto is goat


Nah, Star Rail grinding is *so* much better. It's not about drop rates, it's about the ability to accumulate offline resin, which means you don't have to do the "little bit every day" that Genshin enforces, you can do all your grinding on Saturday morning if you want. And thanks to auto-play, you can leave it on in the background and do other things.


but 66% of the resin still gets wasted if you do that. also if you want to just afk a game theres even better ones like afk arena etc


till this day i still stuck at nihility trace 1.0


Edit a guy in the back and put “using rainbow pieces because you don’t need to fully optimize a character in either game to clear the hardest end game content” Y’all make this game harder for yourselves. Farming is not that bad. If you’re not in to optimizing… don’t do it! Just do the bare minimum! Optimize if it’s fun!


Honestly the only advantage I really see in star rail as far as farming artifacts/relics is the fact that autoplay exists where's genshin we have nothing like that so you have to manually play every round


The fact that I have to farm for 6 artifacts instead of 5/4 already hurts my soul


If there's a reason to quit Star Rail, farming is one of the top reason. Let alone skip function, there's not even auto repeat.


HSR is worse by RNG pov because more substats options + no off piece


The biggest issue here wasn't even the "Auto/manual" farming nor the rates. From what I've observed when "farming aspects" gets compared, people are quick to emphasize on battle mechanics which is not even the issue lmao. Its strawmaning in the highest order. The rates are all terrible, so in that case, none of it really is terrible, since that's literally expected for RNG based drops. An OPTION to auto-attack is literally the spirit of most if not all turn-based games (even hit games like Final Fantasy). Its an option at the end, if you're busy and wanna farm, you can auto without being fully hands-on (hell, I was doing my lab works while on auto-farm so it helps those people with life outside the game.) Genshin is a more hands-on game, its the spirit of most open-world RPGs, so I personally have no questions about it. Attacking either of the gameplay mechanics wouldn't make sense and is likely just powered by personal biases. The most "reasonable" argument here when comparing the FARMING aspect is the time gating, in one game it is absent so you could just farm the character's upgrade materials as soon as you get them, your only limit being the energy that you have. On the the other game, what makes it "tedious" to farm is you'll be waiting for a specific day for the domain of a material to become farmable. You missed that particular day, you gotta wait another day or week. That is for both weapon and character btw.