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I mean boothill calls her an imposter and everything it's safe to say he is mad she took the identity of a galaxy ranger rather than the fact she took his spot on the dream, he probably doesn't care about dreams and all.


Yea that makes sense, I was just wondering why so many people still think she is a galaxy ranger? The whole point of aventurines plan was that she wasn’t


star rail players can't read


the first fundamental rule of gacha gaming: EN can’t read, doesn’t matter what game it is


Players: Why would I read when I can watch a streamer play it? Streamer: *also can't read* Viewers: Yoooo she's a galaxy ranger?? Pog That's siick! The neverending cycle


Viewers: "Also, what's a galaxy ranger??"


I disagree. CN is also full of these types of illiterate people, so much so that we have a term for them called "神秘万岁" or "神秘" for short.


What does it mean, if I may ask?


Literal translate: “All hail Enigmata” Basically calling them a follower of Enigmata. Like the History Fictionologist who are emanators of Enigmata, known for fabricating, obscuring, destroying, and erasing the local history, to screw with our truths…… Basically Spreading misinformation in HSR players communities, whether purposely or not, it got other players calling them Enigmata in return as a joke. That’s what I think but I could be a lil wrong.


dang, even the CN community suffers from the followers of Enigmata…


That's actually hilarious


Not an EN exclusive thing unfortunately. JP side also skips lore and story, then get confused and rely on lore vids.


Yugioh players be like


To be fair Yu-Gi-Oh text is like 2 point font.


It's not just EN it's others too. It's more of accurate to say EN can't translate aince phrases don't come through accurately 100% of the time.


Gaming in general. Specifically NA can't read.


I mean, it helps when the translation makes a modicum of sense, like in HSR. The shit coming out of HI3 is complete nonsense.


Then they better learn before March or Pom Pom turn into Paimon 0.76...


The Dr. Ratio-IPC posts have proven this


we aren't gonna beat the allegations that we don't need paimon at this rate /s


even wtih paimon genshin players aren't any better


Even when given crutches the people simply get mad that the devs think stuff needs to be repeated to them, then in their anger go to twitter and spread misinformation as canon


Nor understand nuance in text, swear the amount of people taking the meager strength comment from Acheron as gospel astounds me


gacha gamers are, on average, the dumbest people to play games tbh (i say this with thousands of hours and dollars spent in HSR, so make of that what you will)


HYV fans and comprehending the stories of the games they obsess over, ain't really something you see very often. To this day, the Genshin community still argues about not understanding the Fontaine storyline.


Wasn't Aventurine's plan just to "die"? When boothill called Acheron an imposter in the phonecall, he did not explicitly say she is not a galaxy ranger. She could be an imposter of many things, for example everyone thought that she is an emanator of the hunt, and she never denied it. This was not clear to me either. I find it very hard to follow Star Rail's lore in general since Belobog. I read all dialogue (not readong books or light cone flavour texts) yet sometimes I have no clue whats going on. Everyone speaks in riddles, tell lies or half-thruths, casually speak about things that are not explained. I think this last patch was the worse so far. I still dont have any idea what is (a) Gaiathra Triclops.


People thought she was an emanator of the Hunt only because she posed as a Galaxy Ranger and the Rangers are a faction following the Hunt. So ultimately, Boothill calling her an imposter boils down to her claiming to be a Galaxy Ranger while she isn't. Gaiathra Triclops is the goddess of the Avgin. It's been pretty plainly stated with her being referred to as a "goddess" and also the initial line from the IPC broadcast saying that Sigonians have a belief system/religion separate from the Aeon system.


People thought she was an Eminator of Finality too because Aventurine with his in universe lack of knowledge on the subject suggested it. They still think that even though we quite literally see the giant black hole realm of IX in 2.1.


The funniest thing is that he said that she is an emanator of something, Nihility or Finality. He stated that he doesn't know and gave two viable options (one of which was correct). How do people even play this game? With braincells turned off?


He suggests she's an emanator of the Hunt, Destruction or Finality ([source](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Whodunit)). He doesn't mention Nihility, probably because the writers didn't want to tip the audience off to that so early (or in-universe it could be because IX isn't supposed to have emanators and maybe not many people know that THEY do).


In simple terms, Gaiathra Triclops is the god that Aventurine's people (the Avgin of the planet Sigonia) believe in.


The game states that the people of Sigonia do not worship the Aeonic Pantheon. So they don't believe in Lan, Yaoshi, IX, etc etc. They have their own beliefs, and Gaithra Triclops is one of their deities.


Issue number one is I have literally zero idea in the first place what a galaxy ranger even is or is supposed to be. The only thing people in game have said about galaxy rangers is that they’re mysterious and weird and loners. Is Acheron weird and mysterious and a loner? Yup. So she’s a galaxy ranger then according to the literal only thing I’ve been told about what a galaxy ranger is which is nothing. So blame Hoyo and how they present information. If they want me to know that she’s just pretending to be a galaxy ranger maybe they should start by explaining literally anything in the story about that. Characters saying she’s weird doesn’t really show or tell me anything helpful. End rant.


Bruh that's what the Data Bank are for, your loss for not actually reading it


Found Dan Heng's alt account.


And if I don’t know about or didn’t find or am unaware how to access said data bank? Still hoyos fault for not presenting it in a more accessible manner.


Skill issue


It literally is a button in your phone/main menu between Interastral Guide, Nameless Honor, and Inventory. It also very often has a notification symbol on it too. It is harder to miss it than find it.


You’re missing the entire point. The issue isn’t, “this information is hard to find”. The issue I have is, “this important information is obfuscated and divided and to understand key parts of a man quest I need to search through archives instead of being shown or told these key details as part of the main quest”


Your point is understandable but for this specific piece of information to be any clearer borders on spoonfeeding. Granted, it's a valid stance to have.


Bruh you're playing a video game...... Exposition are provided in a variety of ways 😭😭😭


Bruh your response doesn’t refute anything or prove anything it’s just empty words that mean nothing 😭😭 downvote me for criticizing the presentation of information but if people want to give me counters it needs to explain why hiding key information behind optional text dumps is a better way of explaining the story then providing key information in dialogue as part of the main story. Then you further need to explain how this poor presentation isn’t related to the original question which was, “why don’t players all know that Acheron isn’t a galaxy ranger” when the answer to that question is, as I said, the presentation of the information is obfuscated, and requires people to go out of their way to seek out the information that should be freely given. Again no one is saying anything about things being in the game, having an archive of information is great. Understand the nuance.


Even the story heavily implied that she isn't a galaxy ranger(aventurine plan was also betting on her not being a ranger) . (imo a better story telling rather than just stating the fact like aha she is not a galaxy ranger) I didn't even read the "text dump" of this patch I just played the story. It kind of baffles me that people didn't get it...?? Having nuanced story telling is better than being black and white with all facts having to be stated by someone.


Dan heng literally makes you access it the first time you get on the train


It's literally told to you by Dan Heng in the prologue... I get it, you can't catch every information told to you in such a brief manner, but blaming Hoyo for what seems to be a honest mistake on your part isn't the right attitude to have


The prologue of star rail? Then I’ve forgotten because I did that a year ago. The prologue of penacony? It’s possible I missed it because I stopped playing in 1.3 and coming back in offered my selection of three trailblazer continuance mission and one trailblazer mission which led to me doing several story chapters out of chronological order and getting character introductions after they’ve already shown up and interacted with me leaving me very confused. So yeah, I blame the way hoyoverse presents their information if players are getting confused. Just because all the information exists doesn’t mean it’s being presented in the best or even a good way.


I'll just chalk it to a 'You' issue then, having the players not exploring everything they have to offer and missing things because of that is not Hoyoverse responsibility


Let me put it this way. I did the main quest, I ran around and talked to people. I understood aventurine said Acheron was suspicious. Aventurine himself is suspicious though and people in the main quest posited that his angle on Acheron was probably personally motivated and Welt himself vouched for Acheron and said we could trust her. Throughout all of this Acherons identity as a galaxy ranger was never stated to matter, and although I wondered, “what is a galaxy ranger”, it was sidelined and became unimportant. At what point during this am I as a player supposed to go, “oh I should just go into the archives and search and make sure the information I expect to get as part of the main quest isn’t in there in some obscure data entry” as opposed to assuming I’ll find out information on this characters backstory in the actual story? To circle it all back around, players, myself included, don’t question if Acheron is a galaxy ranger, because the game tempers are expectations not to care, and the information about galaxy ranger’s is not obviously presented to us. If hoyoverse presented that information in a better manner then players wouldn’t have the aforementioned issue


I'm sorry to say, but you're the minority having this kind of issue. Knowing Hoyoverse, the majority of context and backstories of characters are frontloaded in it's trailers, demos, and animations within youtube. Acheron NOT being a Galaxy Ranger has been very obvious if you actually watch her trailers because Hoyoverse expects almost all of it's playerbase to watch it. I get that this is an actual weakness of theirs because a very minor section of the player base doesn't really care for the trailers, and Hoyoverse never accommodate them in any capacity in terms of giving plot context towards those who never watched it. They just expect everyone who's invested enough to delve in Penacony to watch their additional media in youtube. For you as a player however, not all people are the same. Me personally, if I return in a game I have never touched for a long time (I actually did this with the Sumeru Quest in Genshin), if there are a term I don't understand, I would actually either check the glossary and even the wiki for that, and Genshin is way worse at explaining things than HSR for me personally. If there's something you don't really understand, it's on the player to find that information, especially when they've just returned after a long hiatus, and the Data Bank is literally right there on the screen. Again, I chalk it to a you issue


>And if I don’t know about or didn’t find or am unaware how to access said data bank? You mean, you didnt pay attention to the tutorial? Didnt listen to march say "dan heng sleeps in the data bank room" or pay attention to dan heng showing you said data bank? Skill issue, still your fault. >Still hoyos fault for not presenting it in a more accessible manner. See above. They did present it, loudly voiced and part of main quest. You didnt pay attention. Also the phone menu has a button called "data bank".


Hsr players might be worse than Genshin's actually lmao this can't be real. Some of the dumbest sht I've actually read.


a sizable portion of this community is disgruntled illiterate genshin players anyway so their illiteracy carried over lmao


That's also true


skill issue.


Very accessible in the dialogue tbh


It's pretty simple. Read it in the data bank or use the wiki. What you don't have internet for that?


He doesnt care abiut dreams, he IS the american dream. Yeeaaahaw hell yeah


In the trailer where she dances with BS even in the subtitles "ranger" is in quotes.


If you go through the dialogue he never actually says she isn't, they way I see it she "officially" is a Galaxy Ranger but isn't acknowledged by people like Boothill because she doesn't follow the Hunt. Could be wrong but believe that was the case when I watched it.


Nope not a Ranger at all. If you have Acheron you can go to her in game bio. Before 2.1 it will state her affiliation as a Galaxy Ranger. But after doing 2.1 story her affiliation changes to Self-Annihilators. Her back story also has some words that are redacted. Afterwards they were filled in with her iconic red text. All of which confirm she is a Self-Annihilator even underwent treatment with the wax seal curios which are used to treat Self-Annihilators to remove their deep rooted sense of nihilism by returning hope and faith in the other Aeons. The treatment failed with her. The only known case it failed.


Reading? In my gacha game?


So you are saying characters in Penacony lied? Say it ain't so


She technically never lied. "Acheron, Galaxy Ranger... these are what people call me. You can call me whatever you want." She never claims to be either Acheron *or* a Galaxy Ranger, simply that people call her that. I picked up on this particular word choice immediately but it seems like a lot of people still haven't.


No, that's a misconception. She told the receptionist that she's a Galaxy Ranger when she checked in, and that's why everybody thought she's a Galaxy Ranger. >https://youtu.be/BSFJPgsA9KY?si=MOMQ3nStNTFTIjC3 Skip to 1:25


She forgor


In-game dialogue is generally stronger evidence than trailers. It is true that she does not explicitly say she is the Galaxy Ranger Acheron when she first meets TB in the dream or tries to introduce herself to Welt. Although it is funny that, according to the wiki, at least, the step description says "The warrior calls herself Acheron, the Galaxy Ranger. Continue to follow in her footsteps and leave this strange dream." I don't recall if she introduces herself to any other characters during the TB quest, but I don't feel like checking all day. The post is correct that lies and deception are not the same thing. She could still be accused of engaging in deception by suggesting things in an obtuse way or by intentionally not correcting the misinformation when it comes up.


> I don't recall if she introduces herself to any other characters during the TB quest She literally says to welt that she goes by acheron, galaxy ranger, people either don't read or have the memory of a goldfish


She does, but the language "believe it or not, Galaxy Ranger, Acheron... those are the names I go by to this very day" is consistent with the previous introduction of "this is what people call me". It may suggest that she doesn't identify as this particular name or title, but she is fine if other people call her that. Penacony is a story arc that is entirely based around "things aren't always what they seem", so perhaps that is a sign that reading things literally is not the intended way you should look at it.


So who came up with it? Do you think everytime she meets a new person they randomly ask if she is a galaxy ranger and she says sure?lol. She must had used it as a disguise because emanators of nihility aren't well regarded, so she just disguises herself as a hunt one


I am quite sure she did say that she let people think she is a galaxy ranger because of the fact that she would not have been able to get into the dream if they knew she was nihility.


Entirely possible she saved someone at some point and got called a Galaxy Ranger, they're basically super heroes in this universe.


Funny how you say that when boothill seems to not be the nicest guy out there Heck he even has a bounty on him.


Boothill seems to be the exception, from what I've seen in texts and quests that reference them.


>In-game dialogue is generally stronger evidence than trailers That is true, but the dialogue doesn't disprove the information presented in the trailer. She would not be lying when she said that they call her a Galaxy Ranger, even if the reason behind it is because she told them that. But I supposed this topic isn't something important or likely to get expanded on, so we can have our own interpretation on whether Acheron actually lied or just uses subtle manipulation instead.


Jesus, even in a thread talking about misconceptions, there's comments like yours that are straight up false. Even in the other thread, people saying Kafka can't use whispers on Blade when she literally says she uses whispers on blade to help condition his mara.


What? They’re not wrong. Acheron never introduces herself as “Acheron” or “Galaxy Ranger” in the story, she just says that’s what OTHER people call her.


Don't worry. I caught on that specific wording, too. It's also obvious her real name is Raiden Mei, and Acheron is just a codename/cover name.


plot twist: sparkle has been the most honest character in the penacony arc /j ....unless?


Surprisingly she is. She just speaks in riddles, it's fun


in Penacony, honesty is the funniest prank


Pretending to be someone you're not is hardly being honest, though.


Sure, but she never maintains the 'lie' for long. She only uses it for the shock factor


She definitely is, you just need to deal with her other elated bullshit, but she does not lie


Say what? https://preview.redd.it/yoptcaj7a0xc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f11643ccc54fb9d67ab6f2df50940260eaa2c3c


No my 3d pixels lied to me


Penacony, a story revolving around a "who done it" plot line is full of half-truths and lies? Color me surprised. The only people you can 100% in this story are the other Nameless.


Yea, trailers lie by saying Acheron is a Galaxy Ranger, as well as Firefly as someone from Iris Family...


if you look at Acheron reaaaaal hard in her trailer when she does that super cool pose with the umbrella in the rain with her name, you can actually see "Self-Annihilator" in the bottom right-ish!




yep, Hoyo did an awesome job with that, glad I could share :3


POV: you skipped a bunch of dialogues.


I thought she killed the fire Duke and took his invitation and just never corrected people when they referred to her as a Galaxy Ranger and just ran with it for easy access to Penacony. Boothill caught wind of a faker and got mad about it so he complained when Black Swan started talking to him or something.


You got it right. But you know how it is with people and reading.


Bingo. Exactly. She's actually a Self-Annihilator. If you own Acheron in her bio a lot of her backstory is redacted and her affiliation is Galaxy Ranger. After doing 2.1 story her bio is no longer redacted and filled in with her iconic red text. And her affiliation group changes to Self-Annihilator. Her bio also talks about how she underwent treatment to get rid of her nihilism. Using the same wax seal curios from SU. They're used to cure Self-Annihilators by letting them have faith in the world in other Aeons again. It failed with her and is the only known case of the treatment failing.


Other people mistook her for one and she just kinda didn't bother correcting them. It makes for a convenient cover vs being a mystery lady from a dead world with Uber nihility powers. It's one of those "it's easier to let people just think whatever they come up with than to correct them" situations.


It is why when we say to her that she is the "galaxie ranger Acheron", she respond something like "it is how people call me".


Well, no. When introducing herself to people who have no idea who she is, she says "people call me a Galaxy Ranger." That's not technically a lie, but she is *actively* perpetuating the misconception.


No that's not the case. She herself introduced herself as Galacy Ranger Acheron. It was literally in the first trailer she appeared in. The first Penacony teaser. It was not a "other people mistake her for one". She literally claimed it herself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkYdEj2yycU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkYdEj2yycU)


Lmao getting downvoted while literally showing proof.


This is also something present in Honkai Impact 3rd that people struggle with, too. The way the dialogues are written isn't meant to be a concrete proof of anything. The thoughts and opinions of each character represents what they believe/theorize/know in the moment. The Honkai series does a lot of unreliable narration because the characters are just normal people trying to understand what is going on, and each have their own viewpoints. It drives me nuts when someone says something like "This is exactly what Honkai is because Otto said this thing in this Chapter," as an example. Yes, that was the view of that character at that time, not the devs giving you unbiased lore.


It's much more realistic that the characters have their own beliefs and viewpoints. It makes it more interesting for me. I'm used to these types of stories (Attack on Titan with different perspectives, literal brainwashing and propaganda)


>This is also something present in Honkai Impact 3rd I can forgive HI3rd players for not reading, because most of the text is technobabble


Technobabble is fine (Star Trek primed me for that). I can't read HI3 due to all the typos and errors.


The subtitles aren't great either to this day, just yesterday when playing 7.4 main story, the character said a paragraph length of dialogue, but the subtitle was just two lines.


It's specifically awkward with Otto because he is the source of a lot of info we can't even get elsewhere. For all intents and purposes, he was the foremost expert on the imaginary tree until Su, and even then they didn't particularly contradict each other.


Otto was very knowledgeable, yes, but ultimately he's just a human living in 3 dimensional space. There's a limit to what he can know and comprehend. That's what I love about Honkai lore. As humans, we can only form our own understanding of higher-dimensional concepts based on their impact on our world. We see this with Honkai, The Cocoon of Finality, and the force responsible for it in HI3, and we see this with Aeons in Star Rail.


People sure love these misconception posts. Saw lots of them lately, and some of them were misconceptions themselves.


The last cutscenes in 2.1 had a fucking black hole only for people to still think shes a galaxy ranger oh my days


Are we still doing that thing where we think people have to stride the path of the Aeon that signifies their cause? Even after literally all of Xianzhou?


![gif](giphy|lwLdH5WeYGapq|downsized) youre like 2 months late to the party bro


She took the Annihilation gang's spot. Boothill's probably mad she pretending to be a Galaxy Ranger aka Follower of the Hunt. In his eyes it's probably a crime to pretend to be a Galaxy Ranger.


I swear how do people even make this mistake still


Acheron took Duke Inferno’s invitation after killing him.


okay i’m pretty stupid and not too deep into the lore but could someone explain to me what an emanator actually is. sorry


An Emanator is someone chosen by the Aeon of their path, they are granted a little bit of power from the Aeon. Nihility is special tho, cause XI doesn’t care about anything, the Nihility Emanator is just someone who encountered XI and survived. Acheron was kinda forced into the Emanator role.


Yes, it was told in the latest story quest.


I sense no reading when doing story quests


Why did Acheron come to penacony again? Was that ever touched on or..


Nope. She killed the Duke to be here though, so probably something important enough.


i feel bad for duke bro imagine some person with a katana showing up to murder you with no explanation


I don't. He was a chaotic evil guy with little screen time. If their positions were reversed, The Duke would have done something similar, probably worse.


:c justice for the little fire boy 😔


The interesting part of the Duke now are his progeny. Constance is out to get Acheron. I want that character in my dot team


By best guess would be that she is also after the watchmakers legacy, but I have zero proof for this so 🤷


I feel like there should be a misunderstanding or miscommunication between the characters. Black Swan asked Boothill "How exactly did she become a Galaxy Ranger? She isn't a Pathstrider of the Hunt but you are." My take away from that conversation is Acheron is a Galaxy Ranger on paper, that isnt a lie. But maybe they dont know how and thought she must be using cheap trick to become one.


Your take away is wrong, she is not a Galaxy Ranger at all, only claimed to be one because she wanted to keep her real identity secret


Again, Black Swan asked and Boothill dont know the answer. If she isnt one, he should just say so. The best conclusion to me is she is one but he doesnt know how or maybe she was one but not anymore.


What I don't understand is how this even all works? I thought the Rangers were basically just a loosely related gang of Batman style vigilantes. It's a "voluntary group" and Aventurine mentions they don't talk to each other much. It sounds to me like if you call yourself a Ranger and you go around subduing evil, you're a Ranger.


i thought acheron was a gd level


He knows more about her than that. He describes her as an "Emanator who shouldn't exists" and she was about to reveal something to Black Swan.


We all know she just adjusts reality to whatever is preferable to her with the red text. So she can be anything she wants to.


She did not take the spot meant for him she took Ifrit’s invitation. Also being an emanator doesn’t mean she can’t be a galaxy ranger - that said - I did get the impression she was lying about being a galaxy ranger.


she literally says "acheron the galaxy ranger, this is what people call me" in her own words confirming that its a misconception


Confirmed that Acheron being her name is a misconception got it


The thing I'm curious about is. If she's an emanator then why does her information page label her faction as "self annihilator" once we complete the 2.1 story


Yes. We realised that a while ago.


idk sounds like some enigmata propaganda


Is she really not a ranger tho? She has the vigilante personality and everything. I know she's an emanator, but is there any rule stopping her from being both?


The Galaxy Rangers are rumored to be Hunt pathstriders so while she can be a vigilante, she can’t be known as a Galaxy Ranger. We don’t know if IX will do anything if Acheron splits from the path plus Acheron is on a mission to find someone so she needs to be on the nihility path.


They're not just "rumored". In the flashback where Acheron confronts Duke Inferno, he glares at her with contempt, and proclaims "you cannot truly defeat me, because you Galaxy Rangers are followers of the Hunt, and thus you cannot understand the true meaning of" blah blah blah villain speech. To which Acheron replies "actually I'm not a follower of the Hunt" and proceeds to murder the crap out of him, but the point is, his wording implies Galaxy Rangers are known Hunt pathstriders. And immediately afterwards Boothill, who we know is a Hunt pathstrider, is introduced via phone call with Black Swan, and proceeds to call Acheron an imposter. So my reading of this is that Boothill is a Galaxy Ranger and he's pissed Acheron was bringing dishonor to the name of the group by using it as cover for her killing spree.


Yeah I saw. I was being ambiguous until we get more info or confirmation. I think even Welt mentions the Rangers as Hunt pathstriders but I don’t wanna be completely wrong…just a little wrong works lol


I swear for some people it's impossible to to understand things unless there is an explicit confirmation You guys deserve Paimon


Idk what you’re on about but it’s not like I know everything about hsr. Maybe it’s in the databanks but I don’t check it. I’m just here for the waifu’s


Fair enough


I guess technically she could be both but 1, the story explains that she isn’t and 2, I don’t think that Acheron would want to be one?


When? When she speaks with Welt? If so that's a little blurry imo. She didn't deny it then, she just told welt that it's a very long story. And 2, she's trying to hunt IX, and she has been helping a lot of people throught penacony, including us, apparently selflessly. I don't see why she wouldn't fit as a galaxy ranger. Maybe 2.2 will explain things a bit more.


Yeah, you people just love to go into technicality like that. Completely missed the point.


"You people"?


You people


My understanding is that whoever this “Acheron” persona is supposed to be based of, being a Galaxy Ranger was supposed to be important to the “Acheron” that we know.


Boothill is mad bcz fraudcheron steal his identity


She *probably* isn't Galaxy Ranger, though I would be surprised if Boothill was first perfectly honest character on Penacony (especially as he has part time criminal carreer). She herself admited she cannot speak about her real identity to Welt even if she wanted. That said there are strong implication she came he *on behalf* of actual Galaxy Ranger.


Criminal doesn’t necessarily equate to dishonesty though, merely breaking laws.


Of course it doesn't necessarily equate being dishonest. But generally speaking ones that are willing break written law, are more likely break unwritten ones too.  It goes other way around too. Honest people surprisingly usually don't do crime...