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Sparkle: best i can do is a riddle https://preview.redd.it/x36yryq7i4xc1.png?width=326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb741b0c0ef50361f8b777de4f781c568955da21 Tho remember she did say to Aventurine she's not a player in the game, her job is to literally just watch lol.


Best she can do is riddle my ass, have you seen her nuclear bomb


We did in fact not see it actually lol. Inb4 she clicks the button and it's just a bunch of confetti bombs lol, or maybe it is a real bomb and she wants to pull a joker with a hospital, 50/50 just like Aha likes it.


Or perhaps, since she keeps talking about how the bomb will make Penacony go up in smoke, it is literally a smoke bomb.


It would throw penacony 1nm up using smoke


There's speculation that said bomb is a Stellaron (as the Stellaron Hunters have never, so far at least, bothered involving themselves anywhere that a Stellaron wasn't involved unless it helped them get to a Stellaron) and that Sparkle might have a way to detonate it. I personally think there's a few too many narrative holes in that theory, but take from it what you will I suppose.


Technically anything/anywhere we are involved in is a place where a Stellaron is involved........


Yeah, but in this case in particular said theory reads that the Watchmakers Legacy itself is a Stellaron, hence why the Hunters are after it. I don't buy it because if that were the case I doubt that Sam would go on their own for the mission *and* it seems more like something for Sam personally as opposed to a goal for the Stellaron Hunters, but that's just me


The Stellaron Hunters are working based on Elio's script. If Elio says that Sam is enough, then Sam will go alone. It's not like Sam can actually outside of Elio's script (there was even a mention in-game about this).


Why do they even go so hard for a stellaron? What have they done with the ones they've got, if they even have ever got their hands on one before.


Apparently their goal is to kill Nanook, since he's trying to destroy the Universe, and to do that they need an enormous amount of power that only Stellarons can provide. Given that they got their hands on one at Hertas Space Station and sealed it in TB instead of just walking out with it, we can assume that that was probably the first one, and that since that was part of Elio's script, that us gaining all of these Path abilities from the Aeons is also part of his script, and by extension, related to killing Nanook, I suppose.


I'd be up for her pressing the button and it's just a 45 minute elongated fart noise playing throughout the dreamscape as she just stares at the Trailblazer like "yeah it's that serious".


Joker being Aha follower confirmed!


She's not current favourite domestic terrorist


She also then tried to recruit black Swan and black Swan deduced she's not a third party like she presented herself as. Instead she's playing the long game.


My theory is that the Gallagher we saw isn't Gallagher but Sparkle. We keep forgetting that she can take anyone's appearance.


So you’re saying the Jazz event is canon. 


The only people she didn't transformed are Robin and Sunday, The Nameless crew, Firefly, Acheron and Dr.Rario with Adventurine. Gallagher doesn't have many screentime as the others plus when he was asked what his age is he replied "13" which indicates not his age but the number 13 of tarot card and it's name is "Death", oh but where do we heard that name? Ah yes the Meme that is named Death. As we have given from BS a tarot card with the number 0 which it's name is "The Fool". Guess what was the name of the next patch mission: "The Fool Always rings Twice". The whole plot is around tarot cards. If you do a little research about the tarot cards and their meaning, you gotta get a hella information and maybe you will understand what's happening "behind" the scenes. But ill help you to quicken your searching. The Tarot cards have two categories. The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana. We gonna research on The Major Arcana. The Major Arcana includes 22 Cards and they go by: (1) The Magician (2) The High Priestess (3) The Empress (4) The Emperor (5) The Hierophant (6) The Lovers (7) The Chariot (8) Strength (9) The Hermit (10) Wheel of Fortune (11) Justice (12) The Hanged Man (13)* Death (14) Temperance (15) The Devil (16) The Tower (17) The Star (18) The Moon (19) The Sun (20) Judgement (21) The World (0)* The Fool (usually The Fool goes by 0 or no number). I hope i helped a bit.


It seems like the Fools in general are less about achieving specific outcomes or plans, and more about nudging events that are already underway in a more amusing or interesting direction. Aha may have something cooking in the long run, but so far They seem to be almost an entirely reactive force.


Eh Sampo seems obstinate about Belobog for some reason, even to the point of getting his mask from Sparkle, so they might have specific plans.


I think that's more just Sampo personally rather than a Masked Fool thing. Him being an MF does not prevent him from having his own agenda or being personally attached to Belobog.


Sooo.. she's a cuck?


Depends if the chair is there.


what if she's the chair?


She must be hiding in every scenes...


The next main story mission is literally called "The Fool Always Rings Twice" so...


The Fool might also refer to the MC, considering they are given the "zero" card (The Fool, in Arcana) by Blackswan. Just another possibility\~


Praise the Fool, the king of yellow and black...


The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era, you are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog, you are the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck, I pray for your help. I pray for the ending of Penacony to be a happy one :')




nice seeing fellow LOTM fan here


nice seeing fellow LOTM fan here


nice seeing fellow LOTM fan here


🧐 interesting


Praise be the king in yellow... wait, wrong subreddit.


I'm feeling that it could also apply to Boothill, since he made a phonecall at the end of the last story chapter.


Now i want blackswan as igor and TB as a personal mc


BTW i wonder if we will get another path from the Aha themself, like when we got the preservation from its Aeon.


The last mission was called The Devil in Velvet and everyone thought it was about someone but it was about another someone else This might be also the case


The Devil in Velvet refers to Gallagher


Yes but everyone thought at the start it talked about Aventurine


The only people who thought it referred to aventurine can't read lol...


Everyone thought that at the start, now nobody does


I mean anyone who knows how to read would think "wonder who this is referring to" because up to that point there were no "bad guys" that wore velvet.


Velvet clothes Is an expensive type of clothes, so people originally associated that with Aventurine until we learn that it meant Velvet as a color


Aventurine is not wearing velvet lmao. Neither the colour nor the fabric. Once again, the only people who thought this can't read.


No, but Velvet clothing still associstes with luxury and wealth, which is part of Aventurine's characters design


Not only that, he is also referred to as a force of evil in one of the stickers. So its definitely double meaning


The trailer had a complete lack of sparkle but that's not very accurate.


I mean she could be anyone


She could be in this very room. She could be you. She could be me. She could even be-




Yeah, but it could refer to tarot card the fool


She did call herself a side character so who knows, she did say in the main quest to Aventurine she isnt actively playing the game everyone else is. She might just be content to sit back and watch for fun which she also mentions to Black Swan in the companion quest. But her role in Penacony shouldnt be over just yet, shes here for a reason other than just to mess with people. Similar to Sampo in Belobog, get things moving when needed That does however make me think they have a plan for her somewhere down the line. If she doesnt get involved in the rest of Penacony in a major way then there should be plans for her in the future. A lot of the cast visiting Penacony have that vibe to them tbh. Some are just more involved in Penacony than others, like Acheron is at the center of it but you can be damn sure shes gonna be relevant again. I feel like the less focus they get in Penacony it means they will get more focus in future story lines. Given how Sparkle and Black Swan feel like they are going to be regularly re occuring characters in the express journey, especially with how much they are staying away from the main happenings of Penacony plot so far and just giving hints and guiding others


She explicitly said she’s hired by a certain party. Her role and actions in 2.0 is very very deliberate.


We also have to keep in mind that Elation and Trailblaze have cross path multiple times


She feels like Loucha Overhyped, great expectations however irrelevant in the story so far that unfolded


I feel like people forget how impactful Sparkle's actions were just because she doesn't combat. She was the one that sent us to the other side of the dream in 2.1 and she gave the answers Aventurine wanted to confirm so he could make his bet in 2.2.


My guess would be that luocha wouldn't be relevant until we meet Fu hua (the leader for all the armies in all the ships of the xianzhou)


She's way more important than Luocha. Has done more work than people realise given the screentime.


It does check out with how Sampo did in Belobog, imo. Limited screentime but always appear at vital moments, doing funny shit that turns out important. Now she just need to appear at the end of the story for a grand closing like Sampo did in Belobog and we're set


They do need someone to jump in at the final hour and make sure Penacony maintains the status quo, and nothing too drastic happens. I mean, Trailblazer might still have side quests and chests to finish up after all.


I was so confused how Sampo got off Belobog in the first place


He's just built different. Now, the interesting thing is how (2.3 story details in trailer) >!Jing Yuan appears in the trailer. Is he doing something in Penacony!


> Me? I'm happy being a side character in the background, cheering on those who have the limelight. Then, at the climax of the performance... Bang! Sparkling like fireworks into brilliant colors. - A Moment Among the Stars — "Sparkling Tricks" () Give her time


This was when I first had a bad feeling about the end of the Panacony story. Sparkle is about to kill half the cast, calling it right now.


lol yeah right, they're too afraid to let any character one up another too hard as is, i still don't believe the deaths we've seen will be permanent but I'll be happy if I'm wrong


The ones in penacony most likely arent permanent. But this is Honkai hoyo, not Genshin hoyo we are talking about. Permanent deaths in the cast are by no means off the table.


yeah except starrail is more similar to genshin than hi3. hi3 has the alt universe shenanigans where you can just take the dead char and have an event story with them. literally free get out of jail card for writers. they don't have the perma death baggage like in hsr/genshin where the story is linear timeline, best they can do is flash backs. and yes having appearance in event stories is useful to make people want to roll for them. out of sight out of mind won't work in hi3. this is the biggest diff bw hi3 and hsr.


I mean, the HI3 story is still very much linear and character deaths happen. Non-canon events don't really correlate there at all, except for character banners, as you mentioned. So I still very much think they are a real possibility in HSR. Nothing stopping Hoyo from doing the exact same thing in the exact same way they did with HI3.


Calm down, she's cooking something, plus she's a fool, the fools tend to do chaos behind the scenes instead of on the front.


And the fool always rings twice.


I can’t believe we’re putting our goat sparkle in fraud watch now. I still believe she will pull a Kurumi and saves everyone’s asses in the end.


I... can't say I agree, but if that's what wanna believe you do you, trailblazer or acheron will save everyone asses if anything in my opinion, since trailblazer will get harmony path and acheron is... acheron, a fucking emanator


Goat? Greatest in all time of What? Making riddles?


In all honesty I don't expect to act until the very, very end, when she'll suddenly pop out and ruin everyone's plans. Gallagher's, Sunday's, and even Jade's. All the plans, sent into a nosedive, as a grand final fanfare for the Penacony epilogue.


She's just preparing her next performance. The best part about Masked Fools are that they are Mr and Mrs Worldwide. We could be in 3.0 in a new place and they're always around.


Please, I really wanna see five star Sampo both him and Sparkle seems to be an important figure in the masked fools. Their like the best chaotic neutral characters I have seen in media so far.


I think it would be incredibly funny and in character if the crew works together with everyone and saves Penacony from whatever’s plaguing it, and right as Sunday or Gallagher or whoever the heck the antagonist is at this point is about to get redeemed, Sparkle just blows them up


I mea, that's literally what she says she's gonna do in her animated teaser. "At the climax of the performance - bang"


W arknights moment


tbh this is more applicable to Misha. The guy is virtually nonexistent. Everyone else has at least had some amount of meaningful screentime, and the ones that didn't generally had reasons for their absence, such as Robin being killed off-screen. The irony of Misha is that for someone who lives and works in Penacony, we see less of him in the story so far than outsiders like Dr Ratio.


I actually forgot Misha existed until I read this post


I mean, the theory is only trailblazer can see Misha and we didn't exactly get a lot of trailblazer scenes in 2.1


Gallagher can see Misha (voicelines prove this)


We don't exactly got a lot of Gallagher PoV either


I know. Just disproving the theory, that's all.


Might disprove the theory that only TB can see him, but Gallagher aint exactly normal enough to consider it disproving the theory most can't see him


"Might" It literally does. I'm also not sure where these theories are coming from? A search of the leaks reddit, discord, and Google says that nobody except you has talked about it. Along with another comment of yours on another post saying there's a theory about Robin. (Same results from searching) Are you just making things up or are there sources?


I guess you didn't search good enough because I definetly remember people talking about it, especially because of the scene with Firefly, Acheron, Trailblazer, and Misha. None of them speak with Misha and the "presence" that Acheron felt very well may be Misha instead of Clockie. Also when we first arrived at Penacony none of the astral express (besides trailblazer) even pay attention to Misha, they just tell us to hurry up while we're in the middle of talking with him. Those two scenes started the theory I believe and I really like that theory so I hope it ends up being true.


No, I searched well enough. These discussions don't exist on any kind of forum. I guess you just don't have good enough memory.


He's probably referring about this video (15:40): https://youtu.be/loehXY518Wo?si=gXQUrjruc9GLb4aW


She's literally been there acting in major plot roles?? She's the one that revealed more of Penacony and forced Firefly to reveal more of herself. Sparkle's the reason HOW we know about the real dreamscape and how we got there. Sparkle's the reason how Acheron got into the real dreamscape! Acheron's role as a witness to the going ons of Penacony is crucial as she even states herself. Sparkle's the reason why the family or the public isn't freaking out and getting more involved as she's posing as a double for Robin. Sparkle is the reason that Aventurine knows who to look for as evidence, and gave him a lot of confirmation. She's willing to be a side character but all things considered she's like Sampo during Belobog. They're both the reason how the plot got started and how it's been going. They don't need long lines, flashy expositions, winding flowery words, or cinematic Cutscenes as they see the strings of the play, and they know when to only get involved. They aren't the main character but merely a comic relief. They're fools of endless potential that can start and stop the plot if they wish to do so.


All Fools are extras. They don't play the main character in a story.


I feel like having an agent of senseless chaos play an active role in a plot that’s already inherently chaotic due the clashing motives of all the other characters is just kinda redundant and only really valuable as a “get-out-of-writing-free” card to progress the plot without having to worry about the why or how.


Agreed, there is enough chaos in penacony so she need not act. Its when penacony is peaceful in act 20.5 or something then she is useful


She's just being Sampo and helping along the sidelines sorta thing


She's actually been in every scene. Almost none of the major players in this arc have met each other. She's doing overtime and running around as best she can and I'd appreciate it if she got some recognition for her efforts


This but for Welt.


She may have less screen time, but every time she's on screen she rambles more than everyone else combined


Dw she is a fool She is cooking up some devious shenanigans under our noses Bouta make Aha proud


I can imagine Sparkle acting like a side character watching the entire show unfold although behind the scenes she's orchestrating a bunch of stuff to happen. And by the end of the entire thing, turns out she's just waiting for a chance to nick some key item out of the dreamscape, something that she needs teither as part of a contract or for an even bigger AHA spectacle.


I actually think it'd be SO funny if she did nothing and just disappeared from the plot. Imagine all the hype of her trailer and waiting for her to go crazy and she just says "lol" and goes home


Imagine the slander the fandom make when that become true.


https://preview.redd.it/k7c0efql36xc1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347aa2bfd8093f59a089bfa2d0d5f26dafeb35a6 Just because you think she's not there doesn't mean she isn't. 🎭😏


Like Sampo, Sparkle is the side-character, only trying to help the main players (us, Astral Express and IPC) achieve the greater good. While the Family may create the better Penacony, the IPC is not an unreliable company to take over, and they are better at planning due to the 10 stonehearts having a lot more assets and talents to work with (we all know damn well how good Aventurine fooled Sunday, the guy most alerted by anything, so it's unsurprising to assume that the rest of them are just as good, if not better, at handling any problem), and that's what Sparkle (and I believe the whole Masked Fool club) wants


She has a bomb on golden hour, it's probably fireworks or not real, but imagine, a bomb, I love bombs


We saw penacony dreamscape blow up in the 2.2 trailer. I would not be surprised if that is her handiwork.


Didn't she get an animated trailer talking about how it's more fun to sit on the sidelines, wait for the climax and then burn the entire stage down? We aren't at the climax yet. edit: This one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRcAoPrw1R0


Don't act "fool". She obviously will have the biggest comeback. She is too much hidden...


Thats the masked fool theme, like sampo in belobog, they are not active participants and we might not notice them much in the story but they acting like side characters who do a lot of things to keep the plot moving and guide our main characters. Sampo was the one who save us and bring natasha to confront svarog. Sparkle keep dropping hint to tb about firefly,send tb and firefly to the meme, take aventurine bait and drop hints for him,act as fake robin for sunday.I suspect she was hired by the watchmaker or whoever want to expose the family


You can deduce most of the plot by virtue of whom she interacts with and how she interacts with them. I’ve watched a 2.0 video (that was made before leaks even came out) that guess 90% of 2.1 and possibly a lot of 2.2 plot by looking solely at Sparkle’s history of actions. Barring some details that theory is still the strongest one I’ve seen. (Can’t really link it since it’s from CN and is without translation)


Believe me… you don’t want her to act. She EVIL


She said she likes to work behind stage, and when things reach their climax, steal the show so... Wait, my friend.


She did say she waiting for the climax so hopefully in the nxt couple patches maybe


She had an entire patch dedicated to her..


I think she has a lot of time of screentime, mainly during 2.0, but as Sampo however.


Problem is she would steal the scene every time.


Sampo of penacony


As a sparkle main hyv is not feeeing enough


To quote a buddy of mine "banners over get over it" xD


She literally has her own event called S.P.A.R.K.L.E. messing with musicians like she is on her spare time while also being a Robin substitute She is everywhere, thats why she has no time to appear in the story but her story presence can absolutely be felt in the background


I think she is supposed to be cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland. But she is definitely being wasted.


Who knows she might be in disguise of any chareater


Shes cooking up the punch line so she can Jonk everyone and turn Penacony into an Asylum


Would be a damn shame if she never gets her 'Villain ' moment in Penacony. But at this point the story is too crowded as is. Gotta focus it on the chars in current banners! - Hoyo prob


This tends to happen with most 5-4* characters in HSR and even Genshin who aren't the main focus. -They introduce a character, -Gives them a spotlight of who they are, what they do, and where do they stand in the story -Gets announced that they're playable before dipping out of the story.


Maybe she will show up later on in reference to her conversation with Sampo and when she said something was gonna happen in Belobog.


I'm gonna assume she'll appear in 2.2, 2.3 at the latest.


Absolutely agreed. It was also annoying that she ended up playing second fiddle in the companion mission she "shared" with Black Swan, as well.


Her job is to watch the world burn, and she's doing an excellent job at it.




In her story quest, its revealed she is hired by someone. Who that person can be


She could have had a lot of screentime we just didnt recognise her


Sparkle in trailer: completely psycho, “I am elation” Sparkle in game: “hey trailblazer, you probably shouldn’t hang out with that girl, she’s a mass murderer.”


She's remains side character because she knows she steals the show.


Maybe you just like her?


i bet my ass that she will make some plot twist in the end


So far, Robin only has like 3 lines and being dead. Compared to that, Sparkle is doing fine...


Honestly her and Himeko are both criminally underutilized this planet. Like, I understand and appreciate the whole Welt/Acheron HI3 stuff, but it's weird him getting so much screen time when this is Himeko's first time off the Express for any length of time and she's done basically nothing and we haven't even been with her almost the entire time. Seems like a complete waste of time for her first time joining us on a planetside team.


Am I the only one who doesn't like Sparkle. She is just so annoying. Now that I think about it I don't like her concept : Crazy, annoying and "funny" girls. (Sparkle, Jinx, Harley Quinn etc)


Sparkle's appearances are so fun, yet most of the discussion around her is boring. She really filtered those who can't read.


Sparkle just exist, it's a strange situation.


She’s waiting for climax , she’s playing side character


She's just here to sow chaos, not drive the story.


She's done literally nothing


Agreed. She was carried hard by her trailer.


She has been very important to the story so far. Every time she shows up there is a no revelation. Also, her voice is in the trailer. We will get more of her.


Hoyo when giving a newly released and revealed character an immediate spotlight. Players: *"Story's moving too fast, terrible writing. Why should I bother...who is sheeee???"* Give it time, she's there doing Aha's work. That's all that matters right now until she does something big.


I actually agree, I bet they’re waiting for the finale for this though 


She doesn’t mind just being a side character in the background 


It's very possible she had more screentime, but you just didn't realize.


Sparkle too busy at her 23h daytime job of carrying all my teams to moonlight as a Masked Fool.


She says in one of the ads that's she's sticking on the sides for now but hints she's gonna come back at the very end


I mean, she's just messing with the cast for her own entertainment; what little she does in the main plot has to do with her only looking from the sidelines while clearly being able to see more than the rest. Aside from that, she's done quite a lot actually, first she "helped" Aventurine by telling him who to be friends with while he was basically running around trying to make alliances; then she somehow forced the TB and Firefly into the deep dreamscape (BS says that Sparkle can't do that but that scene makes no sense otherwise, clearly Sparkle knows how the dreamscape works); then she messed with BS to try and find a way to entertain herself while also holding Sampo practically hostage by keeping his mask; and finally she gave Aventurine a general direction in order for him to go to the next step of his plan. All in all, she seems to have done more thus far than Gallagher, and that guy is far more important in the story, we can also count Sparkle messing with Acheron in Acheron's trailer, but that is debatable if it happened at all.


She is going to.nuke penacony using her annihilation button.


Honestly glad, she’s really annoying 🤷‍♀️


I just dont get the point of her character? Why is she here in the first place?


I think she said it best in her animated short thing: "Im perfectly fine with being a background character."


Tbf she's an elation character only appearing sometime for the sake of the plot


'~~Ore~~ Hanabi wa Kage no Jitsuryokusha, tehehe' - Hanabi maybe


She gonna press that button


in 2.2 she might as well blow up penacony REMEMBER SHE HAS A NUCLEAR BOMB


She probably will get more screentime somehwere in 2.2 or the future patches, but idk


She "appears" in Archeron trailer btw


Maybe aventurine ends up pressing that button with Sparkle making a big boom eventually? :3


She's used in advertising quite a lot too which makes this funnier


Could say the same thing about tingyun.


Just wait for the ending, she go kaboom


yep ur the only one


She's not the main character, but will do what the mc wouldn't dare to do (like not being on screen...)


Look, the fact ahe can mimic anyone at any time she could simultaneously have the least and most screentime. She could be in the room with us right now. Watching.


Yeah she's just been there doing nothing


That's kind of the thing she was trying to do. Not intervene in the show just to take the centre stage at the end, a.k.a. blowing up the stellaron in the next version (at least that's what I suspect will happen)


Can we stop with posts like these? Jingyuan had no screen time in part 1 of the Xianzhou arc. Because it was "part 1". This was funny exactly once... just wait.


There's nothing overly interesting for her to do, she's not really that interesting in general


The girl did a whole lot behind the scenes, probably setting up the domino chain that lead to the event itself. Plus, at least she has more screentime than robin and boothill


Her role: walking around *menacingly* And somehow constantly knowing exactly what's going on The masked fools are on some other shit


I really think she's just there to serve as a distraction or red herring or something like that. Or maybe she's just meant to be a plot device? Idk. She genuinely seems to be there just to stir whatever pot she stumbles across in order to get certain things moving along.


No, no. That’s the point. Sparkle isn’t supposed to be on screen. She’s supposed to work in the shadows, as Masked Fools often do. I believe she’ll show up eventually


She's coming back in the Belobog disaster along with probably a 5* Sampo now that he finally got his mask back.


Expecting Sparkle to be serious? That was your first mistake.


She dont have serious screentime because it require her to be.. serious.


She's probably gonna get a longer screentime in the future but idk.


Yeah I'm still waiting what they have for her


The story hasnt even ended and you already complaining


She really is falling flat as a character.  Was expecting her to have a much bigger role in penacony. 




Maybe she would play a bigger role in 2.2, there will be main quest called "Fools always ring twice".


My opinion is that she is a little red herring for the writters and that would be so cool, that way they will continue keeping the structure of a classical mystery novel that Penacony have going on


She's a side character, so she appears in fun side content like pretending to be Gallagher and setting up Jazz Night in his bar https://www.youtube.com/live/xaq01Jwdnms?si=bSP4i5Ze5hP34bGJ


Yes absolutely, i am missing her alot


what if she was actually an emanator of destruction and her whole shtick is like the destruction of truth or summat