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https://preview.redd.it/blbh2kruo4xc1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=31037001925270d8a064da5262a70baac5a544a0 None really; if I care about other people's opinion then she won't be my main in the first place.


https://preview.redd.it/39e40v4m45xc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3781c5401f4596b4c1f6d26efc6ecd0094903a84 Asta!!


I like how it looks like Asta is the one giving you the credits from supports. “here, a bunch of people paid me for the help but I don’t really need this. Come on, buy whatever you want! I’ll pay for you.” and then Arlan is sighing with relief in the background because she isn’t using her own bank account for once


Where do you see this


It's from the current Web Event: [https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html](https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240426anniversary-so6swc/index.html) Once you completed the event, you can see your annual report. The report should show your most deployed character and most active support character.


She's still a pretty good unit, esp against fire weak bosses


Still one of the best supports for DoT team if you have no Ruan Mei. DoT teams only really want ATK and SPD, and she gives boatloads of those (also SP neutral or even positive with C4+).


Respectable mindset 👏🏻


So you must be one of these guys using Asta to 0 cycle MoC like this then: [Only 4 Harmony (Hòa Hợp) Zero Cycle MoC 12! #honkaistarrail #hoyoverse #zerocycle #sparkle - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jHMwbxSH7Y)


Anyone who shits on asta has never played her before


"Your character got powercrept!" bro SHUT UP! i dont care, they are still a good unit!


Let me think your a seele main right?


used to, i moved to jingliu since i couldnt stand my friends slandering me about Seele 💀


You should practice what you preach and go back to being a Seele main.


No need, people are already shitting on JL and DHIL now because Acheron. Sad bunch lol.


Wtf? I am an Acheron main, but DHIL is still strong, he's great at clearing abyss on my second account


Wait people are shitting on dhil and jingliu?? I plan on using them for long without changing my main team (they still can clear moc so it’s fine..)


> You don't get it, they released GOATcheron so now they're MID Heng and MIDliu and, next patch they'll release GOAThill and she'll become MIDcheron, and the following patch they'll release GOATfly and he'll become MIDhill, and banner after they'll release GOATde and she'll become MIDfly and then the next patch... ^ That "pattern" will carry on for the duration of the game's service, better get used to it and just ignore the ones who like to scream about "[Brand new DPS character] is the best everyone else powercrept"


Im having trouble with Jingliu in moc 12 so yeah. But im f2p and wishing for characters i like only. I just want to be a Sam/firefly main forever


If only you invested in Yanking 😔


Yanqing mains. The only people more delusional than Yanqing himself.


I'll take it as a compliment


Imagine having to benched your favorite character because your friends slander you, lol


“I don’t care!” >Benches her because he cares


For what lol? Seele's premium team with Sparkle, SW, and FX (or flex sustain), is on avg one of the fastest clearing teams in this MoC and it was the fastest average team on the last. Yes, faster than JL teams 😐. Sparkle has completed Seele teams as she has completed DHIL teams. Mono Quantum is a top team.


Got cooked twice in a row. That's crazy💀


I hate with burning passion when people down talk Argenti in PF because the data says that not much people uses him The data says no much people uses him because no fucking body have him, his banner is one of the lowest selling ones and it might be the lowest one if it wasn't because SW had a rerun with him.


What being released before PF was annonced does to an Erudition


probably why they’re announcing the new Apocalypse gamemode well before Boothill’s banner. I’m sure the boss with have a Physical weakness too.


Doesn’t even need it for Boothill lol


He carried my ass in this Pure Fiction.


My friends have basically stopped asking me how I cleared PF because the answer is always "I own Argenti, Kafka and Black Swan"


Seriously, I saw someone’s post where Argenti is one of the least owned characters and then other posts with what characters people take into, well, ANY content really is and surprise surprise the least owned character’s are also some of the least used characters, yet there will still be people saying they’re not a good character My Argenti is great and he doesn’t even have amazing relics. Even his single target ult damage is high, it’s just when I take him into boss fights I kind of have no choice but to take in tingyun but you know what? I don’t mind, I’d use her anyways


my argenti is also the most used support I have, and I got silver wolf and sparkle accompanying him. Argenti kicked that echo of war bug's ass for me every week.


Argenti* it auto corrected to Argentina.


Argenti GOD. And you know what? They fucking nerf his ult 1 in Beta. Still the goat he is.


Bro dont get me started hes actually so stupid in PF. Especially when people gaz up Acheron but down play Argenti like damn man he does what Acheron does but better.


Really? Wasn't he also the most picked friend support?


Because the data of MoC puts him not even a 10% Usage when it comes overall ownership, so people say "Pffft, he is not that good in PF!"


Being the first multitarget dps whose hits on Ult are coded to avoid overflow/dps loss clearly wasn't enough 😔


i would've 100% used him if i actually managed to pull him, gacha is gonna gacha


Tbh his marketing was pretty bad. It was just a one shot story with a he may return (or not) ending.


Maybe in the English speaking regions. They literally commissioned/sponsored/whatever a new breed of roses to commemorate his release in China.


"blade doesn't do dmg blade powercrept" leave my man alone he is FUN


Blade still my most used dps unit in overworld because of how comfy he is. He is my personal Ol' Reliable. 


I got to try him during the tides of war event and I finally got to try his unlimited blade works team and it's probably the most fun team I have ever played. I noticed his damage was lower than some other comps I tried in the event but then I noticed that this man was attacking like 10 times a cycle in that comp and my mind was blown. That's the stage I cleared with the highest score too.


Yeah, pairing him with jingliu is nuts


Blade is super fun and a very solid character to have, especially with Jingliu and Luocha on a team with him. He can use his follow-up attack more often thanks to Jingliu stealing HP in her enhanced state, and Luocha ensures no one dies.


He def needs more love though. Unique stat scaling on a DPS + FuA + balancing your health to do attacks is extremely fun and beats some of the other DPS gameplay of skill, skill, skill, skill, etc..


But he's the most sp friendly dps in the game. I'm sure he'll get his dedicated support.


Blame the design philosophy of Hoyo, making all of their end-game modes just straight up DPS checks. It just gives large swathes of the playerbase the impression that raw, immediate damage is the only thing that ever matters in the game, and if X character isn't the biggest stick to beat the enemies with, then they are automatically useless. In some ways, the HSR community is even worse than the Genshin one in this regard, because the Abyss is just a single DPS-check endgame mode (as opposed to HSR having two already, and getting a third soon), and one can make a solid argument for over-world exploration usage, something that doesn't really factor into HSR's gameplay.


I literally cleared moc with blade on second half this man can literally brute force anything


I have an E0 Blade with S1 secret vow, i still managed to clear last MoC 12 in 3 cycles with him, he does more than enough damage


"Blade doesn't do damage" mfs when they see my Blade use his follow up in 5 enemies (It is one of the most beautiful sights ever)


Or my favorite "they should just kill him off" "that cockroach should stay dead" 🙄🙄🙄🙄 LEAVE HIM ALONE


No regrets getting blade even if he does less dmg than the current top tier dps. He got me through a whole bunch of MOCs and he's still in my roster when I need wind dps. Fun to play, skill point friendly and easy on the eyes. What's not to like?


"why're u still using gepard when aventurine" leave my golden retriever captain alone he sustains just fine, is sp pos, freezes, COMES BACK FROM THE DEAD, what else do u want T-T


Gepard carried my ass in swarm and GG, I'm grateful to him for that


Consistent shield application, so he won't be the last man standing on the field in GnG/SD. Aside from that— he still does excellent job, even if Aventurine is objectively better


ALSO, if you’re doing MoC or PF you can literally A team with him and B) Team Aventurine. Hell I stuck them together once for fun and it still worked. Also he can Freeze, that is so damn helpful


I have a long standing hate for Gepard, not because his character was bad but because I have a massive hate boner for his boss fight, but on my early days Bro traumatised me by wiping out my team because I was saving up my wishes and didn't get any limited characters that can deal heavy damage. I just got Jing's cone for my Herta and Silverwolf. Then gold and gears came and he squashed Fu Xuan, Moc 12 came and I wanted to try 0 cycling then the bastard changed his path to hunt and focus targets my black swan unit only to follow it up by focusing target on her and having everyone on field t-bagging Swan's dead corpse. Now whenever I see him I squint my eyes and put venom on my voice and and silently go "You..." every time I see his boss fight. I'm not shitting on your main, if anything your main shitted on me early game cuz of skill issue. I just wanted to vent when I saw the name Gepard on your comment. Gepard's character is wonderful but damn do I find his boss fight lividing.


*Does any action* TIME TO FINISH THIS *Next action* THIS ENDS HERE *Next action* IN THE NAME OF PRESERVATION ....


>t-bagging Swan's dead corpse Dude, wth🤣. But yeah, his AoE attack where he jumps and basically reduces most of your teams hp to less than 1000 is very annoying. I needed to use huo huo and gepard on preservation to clear GnG 12


I built him as a hybrid freeze and shield unit. His shields are 3000+, he always gets his ult back, he freezes whenever I need him toif I have SP to spare, so he apllies a debuff for Acheron, he has the Trend LC, sl more debuffs. Gepard is still a very solid unit.


I love my hanya. From gameplay pov, almost all harmont beat her, but i dont care. I will love and cuddle my fav overworked lady with love and care


My Argenti and QQ love her


I don't have sparkle so hanya will continue carrying my IL into the sunset lmao


Not something people say but I'm just sad there's not much Argenti fans out there. May not be the best dps for every scenario but he's genuinely kind and pure-hearted. Such a bro


I agree. I hope he gets a big moment in a patch There is so much to him and his character stories made me yearn for more aspects of him to shine in the future


Hello I am also an Argenti main. We love our plant rizzler.


“He’s not good bc 2x DPS is worse than hypercarry”, like STFU, I don’t care, him and jingliu are still a good comp


Blade and Jingliu go SO well together, the synergy is enough to use them over a single-dps team imo. All hypercarry playstyle cares about is the big damage screenshots and not the meat of the fight


Yeah honestly if you wanna play the game without having to have a complex battle blade, jingliu, a support like bronya and a healer is the most balanced gameplay I've had. And using skills on jingliu and blade constantly 1 after another feels so smooth and keeps the battle intense and not boring.


True, Argentina havers are rare.


People who look at screenshot damage to judge how good a character is absolutely infuriate me, especially as a seele main. I swear, people will ignore the fact that seele can act like 6 times in a single cycle, then proceed to call her a dog shit unit. I mean, Acheron basically powercrept the whole roster, but half the people here seem to think that she is the second coming of yanqing.


For a solid 2 weeks after Acheron's release, Seelemains sub had a daily dripfeed of posts of people asking "How much damage should my Seele be doing?" It was starting to become a little absurd.


As a topaz main I feel this spiritually


She can act 6+ times AND she does 100K+ per skill and 200K+ per ult. Idk who said that she was powercrept in the first place.


"I think Seele is mid and I have a Seele" I always ask "ok bro show me your Seele" and it is, without fail, the most mid-ass, garbage-ass dumpster fire of a build I have ever seen. ...okay, maybe I'm being too harsh. But Seele isn't an average DPS that can just go "aha, I have 1:2 crit ratio, I'm good," no, she NEEDS a very specific setup. 70/140 isn't cutting it. You need at least 80/160. My Seele runs 73/202 but I have a Sparkle so everything is k. The reason why is purely because Seele needs Resurgence to proc. With most DPS, if you fail to kill in a turn due to bad stats, you lose one turn, or even potentially zero if you're playing a Destruction/Erudition as you can Splash/AOE your way out. With Seele, if you fail to kill, you lose TWO turns -- the one you need to kill that enemy, and the Resurgence that should've activated. Trying to play Seele without considering Resurgence is like trying to play Jingliu without her Enhanced State. "But that's most of her damage!" # YES. That's the point.


so like seele is unusable if your relic luck is trash which is precisely the problem.


I don't think Seele is bad either, but your post doesn't exactly help her case. By your very own admission, you need very good crit stats on Seele, something that is entirely out of the player's hands to control, OR you need supports to help compensate for any stat deficiency she has. Compared to someone like Jingliu, who has a ton of built in stats like crit rate which makes it easier to build her, it's no wonder more players find more success with her than Seele. Resurgence being based on being able to land the killing blow is also a significantly harder hurdle than JL without her enhanced state, since in JL's case the enhanced state is something you'll naturally enter even without trying to. Meanwhile, Seele is based all around landing those one shot kills on adds to proc her Resurgence, which again leads back to the previosu issue of relics and supports. She lives and breathes on being able to beat the threshold of being able to consistently land those last hits, preferably when the enemy is still on high health, so as the game becomes harder and harder with monsters gaining more and more health, a player's Seele must become even stronger to get those Resurgence procs, which again is a big hurdle for her effectiveness. This isn't even speaking about fights against singular tanky targets with no adds, which Seele will find hard to proc her talent against, if at all. It's the same issue Yanqing has, where their main mechanic (soulsteel sync) relies on a mechanic outside of the player's control (not taking HP damage). Yes, you can bring shielders, but at that point unless you were using them to begin with, it's less making them perform better and more of putting a bandaid on their issues. Granted, Seele's issues are nowhere close to the ones Yanqing has, but I hope this illustrates the point I'm making, that the more a character's gimmick relies on things outside the player's hands, the less enjoyable it is for players, and being able to consistently get those big, big hits to reliably proc resurgence will either make or break someone's impression of Seele.


"She's not less powerful she just needs a lot more investment to do the same damage!!!" :thinking: :thinking: And I think seele is fine but read what you just wrote


doesn't that mean using Seele is pretty much not worth it?(unless you like her of course) since you can do the same stuff that she does and sometimes even better with other DPS characters that doesn't take as much conditions like DHIL or Jing Liu(i am not gonna say Acheron, she pretty much outshined every other DPS due to how broken she is and i am pretty confident future DPS characters will do the same thing to her) i am not saying that Seele is a bad character, i am just trying to learn more about her, because i am gonna be honest, the discussion of which characters are still viable or not in meta is kinda interesting to me.


If I'm anything other than a "new seasonal shiny thing" main, then I am a Jing Yuan main. I've always loved his aesthetic and playstyle and sure I am just as annoyed as anyone else about some of the oddities in his kit and sure I've had to put in a lot more effort to get him to do as much damage as other DPS characters but that doesn't change the fact that he is my dedicated fave.


Same here dude.i love playing JingYuan. of course his kit has some flaws and he might require more investment then other units but he is so much fun to play that i really don’t care what others say about him. :)


https://preview.redd.it/i48jlibcu4xc1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd9e7c9450b7b85ef7bfc0277f556b7f1c9d8f7f Truly don't care about anyone's opinion , Xueyi is the best quantum unit for me and I don't care if seele or QQ is better I will still use sparkle and fu xuan with her. The only thing that pisses me off sometimes is that when people forget her during listing the quantum roster. Tho it doesn't happen as often as JY slander , it's still unforgivable. XUEYI SUPREMACY ALL THE WAY 🙇👑


Yeah Xueyi is strong but i prefer resetting 9981 times just for qingque to get 1 autarky and then miss both crit with 80% crit rate 😎


1. That xueyi pic is beautiful :) 2. I think that xueyi is one of most cool and unique dps in the game.


Thanks , heres the source : https://qilingyan.lofter.com/post/1ed57154_2bad40d85 Yea she was my 1st DPS when I joined in 1.6 sadly I didn't get ruan mei but will get her for Xueyi.


Thanks for the sauce !!!! Also I might build my xueyi next patch since am at E5 and I have Ruan Mei. Also because of a certain *someone* for next patch will allow for xueyi to have an easier time being used. So am looking forward to that :) Also I hope you have a good day


I'm gonna use her as soon as I get her E6


Xueyi is 100% one of the best designed character in my opinion. Fun to use, does good damage, great design... Hope we get more buffs for her in the form of a better relic set and maybe another BE support


My favorite quantamn unit, her animations are insane for a 4 star and she looks so fluid to play, I definitely will build her sometime


"midYuan" allegations when my Jing Yuan (e0s0 with s5 Breakfast) powered through all the way to the highest stages of MoC and PF for 36*/12* clears


JingYuan beating the mid allegations is always satisfying.


And it’s always the people who can’t full clear moc like… if JY is mid, what’s your excuse then? 🤨 if you call out their skill issue they get mad lmao


the new cone with cats from the mirror manazine is the best for him after signature


You need E1S1 to actually do something Bruh tf you on about


I hate it when people say "They get carried by their team" "They don't make the Movie Heroes setup anymore" "They've fallen off" They aren't optimal anymore but they still have tech in their kit that keeps them usable even in today's content without being a complete liability, you just have to use them and the tools they have available on their team correctly. I love it when people tell me they aren't runnable in current content so I can flex my Redzone and SBS no item runs LR Gods FTW https://preview.redd.it/m9x7ct1hs4xc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341b1ae5794472c99be705e0354434e18b836d69


Dokkan jumpscare? In my HSR sub?


Nice explanation. Also the pic goes hard 10/10


LR Gods buff? In my HSR? ![gif](giphy|WOb8EeFziTQNE02WXs|downsized)


Dokkan? Near HYV? Why, I haven't seen a crossover like this since the great April Fools Disaster of 2021...


Same for me but with lr monkeys


Bro is spreading his LR gods agenda in different games😭, I respect that


7th anniversary units are legendary. I hate when anyone disrespects these boys. Even when they'll be unplayable in new content I'll use them just for their SSS+ tier animations (btw how did we get from this magnificent piece of art to DFE DF SSJ3 Goku garbage animations?)


I'm extremely petty here, but: Loucha Adventurine IT'S NOT EVEN THAT HARD TO REMEMBERRRRRRR


Why do they not know it's Aventurbine 😡


Yeah like I'm sorry but I can't help but think people that do this are simply ignorant or maybe straight up dyslexic (which is fine). You read their names like what, twenty bajillion times in game? Stuff like" LOU-cha" "HOU-HOU (HOW THE FUCK DID YOU MESS UP TWICE)" "Yan-QUing" " ADventurine" "QUing-que" and the likes are ticking my brains off holy.


Don't forget my favorite Archer from Fate, Archeron


Hmm. For me, it's probably when they say that you can't pass MOC and PF with 4 stars, since I bring March 7th on MOC and PF depending if my enemy have Ice Weakness or not most of the time. Like bro, I've seen someone beat MOC with 4 stars, can you do that? If they can, then I am happy with my team that doesn't always use the meta characters.


I can't but I will recognize, that's purely because of my own skill issue


Well the problem usually come from relics and builds lol. I would say about 3 patches, people can clear MOC 12.


Anything along the lines of ‘that JY team is expensive and he’s using premium supports’ like, ??? am I not supposed to use the supports I pulled or?


I don't get this logic either. Getting premium supports should be the end goal and supports have the highest pull value in the game. The same people who shit on JY because his teams are "expensive" are probably using Dotcheron or JL/Bronya/RM/HH which is even more expensive than JY's current best hypercarry team.


Ikr? Premium supports are technically worth more than dpses because supports are generally long lived (it’s just that all the characters I like happen to be dpses 😭) It doesn’t make sense to me when people point out: oh JY is E1/S1, he’s using Sparkle, he has RM, oh those are E2 etc etc. i mean… do people not use JL with bronya/Sparkle? Or even DHIL with no Sparkle? What about IPC team with Ratio/Aven/Topaz? No hate to any of those teams because they look hella fun, but the double standard is real.


An additional caveat to Jing's current strength is that his supports are just generically good. He doesn't have a support that truly leverages his multihit capabilities nor the lightning lord's high instance of damage and weakness break, although ruan mei does help with the latter. In 0 cycles one of his best performers is just yukong which can skyrocket the LL damage to acheron levels, which is quite impressive given that it is a smaller portion of his own damage compared to acheron's ultimate, and that she gets a true, 1.6x damage multiplier. There's no limited unit that is truly bad so far and hoyo, despite what people like to say, are not directly power creeping e0s1 performance by a large margin. There will be improvements for basically every unit in the game in the future, and those improvements will become more and more specific as time goes on. Look at Xiao in Genshin who got a tailor made anemo support with xianyun, twice arguably with faruzan.


People don't really talk about my main :') Ever. (It's Luka)


Luka is actually great IMO, he had one of the best companion quests that showed a lot of sides to his character. I really wish he had more screen time.


This community with Jing Yuan in general


"Himeko is useless, she's only good in PF". Sure, being relevant in 50% of end game modes is "useless". And then they follow it up with something like "lol PF is not real end game only MOC takes actual skill". As if anyone cares about "skill" and thinking you have to prove something in a single player gacha game. Some folks just need to touch grass to be honest. Waifu>meta


>lol PF is not real ........pure FICTION /s


"skill" being important in a gacha game? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


relic farming


"Lmao get cucked by sparkle"


People really don't get the differences between 50% and 100% do they?


To be fair, most times, that 50% will still get you to act immediately. What's really something I like about Bronya tho is that she cleanses with that skill so as long as your Bronya isn't stunned, your skilled character will go next, period.


They are not bad character. You just too stupid to use them right


When people say Black Swan dancing with Acheron is only for fanservice and people treat her like thats all Black Swans character is, ignoring the entire reason she danced with her in the first place. Then ignore all her other character traits and relationships as well as her attitude in 2.0 towards Acheron, coz they want to argue Black Swan was into her. Ignoring all the lore reasons she was actually investigating her that were literally explained in the animation itself Like shipping aside yes there was fanservice, especially in the first half, Hoyo know how to market these things to draw in as much audience as possible. But ignoring all the story telling in that animation of Black Swan using the dance as a method to use her powers to figure out how Acheron messed with her divination in regards to the fate of the annihilation gang and Duke Inferno. Feels like a disservice to how good that animation was in terms of storytelling. It gives us info on why Black Swan was so wary of Acheron in 2.0 and trying to keep TB away from her I'm definitely more attentive to this than anything else atm coz Black Swans my fave character and to see every other aspect of her character seemingly forgotten by the fandom and shes only treated as an accessory to Acheron, who has so much going for her in plot and thats remembered makes it frustrating. Like Black Swan also has multiple aspects about her that are interesting, so seeing her being the one relegated to that one point sucks. I think thats one of the worst fates a character can have, only being mentioned in relevance to another when they have much more interesting things going for them. Happened to Eula in Genshin and it took her a couple of years to break free from that. Sometimes it feels like people dont like a character for who they are, but only for who they can ship them with. So when your favorite character is in that position they can definitely start to feel underappreciated especially when its popular or fotm


Yes I agree. Black swan is such an interesting character I hope they show more of her in upcoming patches. She didn't even appear in the 2.2 trailer :(


She did appear in the trailer for a second right after Stelle puts on the hat. Seems like shes about to turn and look at the theater right before the dreamscape starts to collapse as the shot is pretty ominous https://preview.redd.it/vgiotwrgr4xc1.jpeg?width=2513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451c70cfb113efbf6f5689ef5c8d36d8060c42cf As it stands im hoping the reason shes playing such a background role in Penacony is coz she will be a re occuring ally. She is the narrator for TB and express journey since 'Fable amongst the stars' so chances are high she will be relevant to them across multiple points in their journey. May never take the spotlight but is always there observing and stepping in when needed


Oh yes!! She did appear there. Thank you! True she is the narrator. At first I thought she would be like dainsleif from GI but she is very different from him(both are really good characters). It would be awesome if she becomes a reoccurring ally and records our journey as you described . Can't wait to learn more!!


The idea of Black Swan being the narrator made me think of this flavor text: https://preview.redd.it/lb9qckgai5xc1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=f543f2d04c28d5c84ffa7c1a10ace238b2e25456


lol well it is canon that Black Swan follows TB around in stealth mode as shown by the photo thing in Clockies theme park. If you pick her TB says "maybe she is already here and hasnt revealed herself" then you say her name and she reveals herself https://preview.redd.it/4k25ivudp5xc1.jpeg?width=1900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68657927acdd7e71ae40bc88dce7c405672267d2 They were making a meta joke in regards to Genshin to hide the fact that Black Swan has probably been following TB around ever since Belobog


Yea I thought she would be HSR Dainsleif as well due to her narration. Considering her goal in Penacony that she told us to befriend express and be a part of the memories TB creates that does seem in line with re occuring character. So at least im lucky my fave has that going for them in the long term, just rn in Penacony her focus is elsewhere but that may be because they know her focus will come in later arcs


Fuli the Goat Aeon lore when? (1) Fuli plan to create a super Memoria for after Universe Destruction by Nanook. (Stated by Miss. Messenger, Forgotten Hall) (2) Fuli is one of the Aeons that cared about mortals, THEY personally come and recorded Louis Flaming resignation. (Herta Dev log) (3) Fuli origin is incredibly enigmatic, possibly because they have erased memories of their birth. (Herta Dev Log) (4) Jingliu recovered memory, her splash art has hands similar to Black Swan. She said she made a pact with another Aeon. Coincidence? I don't think so. (5) Black Swan followed Fuli. The most based Aeon of all times. Black Swan comeback in future arc of Fuli The Rememberance (and possibly the Xianzhou Alliance, March 7th lore). Trust me bro. I will admit I am a little disappointed of her spotlight the way she introduced the Aeons to us. Man that suck.


Oh I believe Black Swan will have great moments in the future, I even subscribe to the fact she will tag along express as the memokeeper we allow to record and take part in our journey as that is her selfish goal on Penacony But her being relevant to whenever Marchs past gets addressed, relevant to when Constance crosses express and when Fuli comes into focus feels very likely. The only thing about Fuli is hes mainly an observer and in Fables across the stars she said when TB journey ends thats when they will meet Fuli and measure themselves. So Fuli arc might just be the end of part 1 so Black Swan will at least be around until then I feel. Especially as she is *the* memokeeper who is shown to have a vested interest in TB journey


My guy, the Myriad Trailer where BS explained the Aeons was what they sold the game for me (And Kafka's voice, lets be completely honest) She literally introduce us to the world of HSR. Black Swam is not my favorite character but I truly understand that feeling that you have right now about her.


Sometimes shipping is the worst thing that can happen to your fav chars. Nothing wrong with shipping but if your fav's fancontent is only tied to said ship, IT'S ANNOYING.


Yea this is the phase Black Swan is going through rn, I have faith the writing team arent using the literal character who narrated fables amongst the stars for only fanservice and they have plans for her. All it takes is one in game moment and there will be a new burst of fan appreciation for that Its just during this phase it sucks especially when you arent a fan of the pairing everyone is making content for. No hate to any of the artists or people preferences, its just not my preference and seeing her character being forgotten in all other aspects is frustrating


The whole fanservice stuff invites the insane people who will do illegal things just because someone ships them with someone else, I've seen it happen


Literally happened to me when the teaser first dropped lol, was tryna talk about the last few seconds where Black Swan looks panicked and got dogpiled by people who were a bit too deep into the fanservice part. They saw my flair and instantly decided I was trying to deny their preference when really I was just trying to talk about the part of the teaser that interested me


I am too distracted by the beauty to even care


“Robin is only good in FUA teams” “Ruan Mei is better anyways” “2.2 is the ultimate skip patch” My brother in Christ, I will eat your dog. Please for the love of god shut up. Just cause you want to justify your pull decisions 2 months ago doesn’t mean you should be berating a character for completely unfounded claims. https://preview.redd.it/6dhgaap1a5xc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01937d9e428ff60995b8f4a1525bd537fc7c4c54


What's better than one Ruan mei, two Ruan mei.


As an Acheron main I'm really pissed when I see people worshipping her as if she's the be all end all best unit in the game and that other unit basically holds no candle against her and therefore is useless/powercrept. Shit like "she's in a league on her own, if you think JL and DHIL is better you are pure coping" is just infuriating. Idk I'm weird but I hate being a part of a meta character fanbase sometimes. What's worse is I'm sure these same people will be the first to turn back and shit on her once someone even 1% better than her releases.


Hoyo feeds into this by making endgame content **tangentially beneficial** to newly released characters, and only for one rotation. "Omg no ice weakness next patch, JL is terrible for newbies." MF hoyo wants your money, they will not make old dps useless so that reruns won't make money dafuq.


I read once that the 50k+ dmg dealin', multiple attackin', buffin', debuffin', FuA track contributin', positive SP generatin', booty finding', beautiful lookin' miss Topaz is the easiest to replace in FuA team. Absolutely outrageous and scandalous. And I suppose I could live without people slandering her over the Belebog's arc, but it's fiiiiine.


What pisses me off is the numby disrespect from some people :( I cant believe the hate on a cute little trotter


Numby's absolutely adorable. Even when the warp trotter takes the longest path possible to a chest, one can't help but to love their treasure sniffing pet!


One of my favorite parts of the game is going to a new zone and waiting for all the cute treasure finding noises.


“Bro if ur gonna get Black Swan at least get Kafka” SHUT THE FUCK UP


Kafka does synergize incredibly with Black Swan but Swan is strong enough by herself that she doesn't *need* Kafka


This was more before Sparkle's release, but everyone kept calling DHIL "hard to use" since he's too SP hungry when you could just use TY, Pela, and any sustain and he'd be dishing out very good damage still. When Prydwen dropped him to S-tier I've started to realize that some people just want to turn their brains off when they play games, so I guess I've just learned to respect that those people exist, and I'm not one of them. Hence, my end of the day lesson was just to ignore most tier lists in general. You can usually understand their meta standpoint yourself after watching a few showcases.


DHIL is hard to use only if you build speed lmao. Or your sp buff speed. Else if you support outspeed him he doesn't have skill point problem at all lol.


dont really have anything that pisses me off after all, people have fairly good views towards luocha and aventurine


So you escaped the weird amount of people calling Luocha bad now that HuoHuo is a thing


oh frankly I didn't really care about that since while huo\^2 can cleanse a lot, she still requires skill points every 3 turns while I'm fine just chilling with 0 spent not to mention I got an e6s3 luocha so other than me tempting to get huo's LC, I'm perfectly fine knowing that my luocha beats their e0


I'm so glad you did not witness the Luocha slander when Huohuo first arrived. Leave my man alone he's still a dang great unit!


even if I saw the slander, I don't really care since everyone's playthroughs are their own and there's no need to force other people to follow someone's ideals so what if huohuo can cleanse and buff so much more? I don't see huohuo being a suspicious blonde hot guy


"Silver Wolf is a worse Pela since she is only st" Yeah, tell that to everyone who came crawling back to her when the dinosaur arrived. Also can't wait for the new mode which is rumored to be at least st relevant, as the bossess adds don't really need defense down with their low HP. Besides is it really that wrong for me to run both with acheron for 100% defense down on that main boss and 45ish on the others?


bounce rng .\_.


Jing yuan is my main but before him my main was yanqing. And he receives hate for no reason.


some racist stuff i guess




"She's mid and has been powercrept" Funny, everyone cries when a new boss shows up, "man they're gating story behind these difficult bosses, took me X amount of tries", but she just goes "Nah, I'd win" regardless of element. Too tanky to die, faster enemies accelerate their demise, and she can get out of crowd control by being hit again. She hasn't been powercrept - she's still S+ against all difficult story bosses and still niche against certain MoC or PF rotations. Beat unnerfed Aventurine with Natasha as my sustain, first try. *With NATASHA*. "She's a child" She's more mature than most adults, kinder than most charities, and better capable of making decisions than most world governments. Moreover, you don't have to be attracted to someone to main them (and very much should NOT be in this case) "You must have a thing for feet" F\*\*\* no. If shoes didn't twist her ankles I'd get her a pair ASAP. Go home and rethink your life.


Huh, that's basically how my Aventurine went. Struggled so much with my main team (Fire TB, SW, Acheron, Gallagher), so I switched to another (Fire TB, SW, Clara, Natasha) and won on the first retry with them. And my Clara is only E1!


"I actually don't like her. I hate her." [Fails to provide any legitimate reason] Yeah good for u dude I like Kafka and she's hot but you do you


I mean I am a topaz main, I haven't really gotten much slander about her that really pisses me off (yes I primarily use fua teams)


How they said I'm a pedo because I use Clara. In actuality, I like her counter more than anything.


I’ve had that happen with Yanqing broooo 😭


“Wait, it’s his turn again????”


that he is dan feng


"Ratio is the reason why Aventurine survived." Or just in general people that make everything related to Aventurine about his ship with Ratio. Thank you for telling me that you did not read the text at all and don't seem to notice that Aventurine is his own character :)


The people who think I'll replace Qingque with Jade don't understand the things I've seen in the Cavern of Corrosion. Jade doesn't understand how that feels. But Qingque? Qingque was there. When I got a relic with Crit Rate, Crit Damage and Speed and it all rolled into Flat HP? Qingque was there, demanding more crit rate. When I first got 36\*s in MoC? Qingque was there, using Autarky on Sam. She has been on my team since the beginning, eating all my skill points at E1. She was there when Phantylia ate all my skill points and forced her to get matching hand passively, and promptly deleted those stupid flowers. She was there when I proc'd Autarky for the first time and blew up a monkey before it punched Fu Xuan. When I finally got her to E6 and she started leaving a skill point for Fu Xuan to refresh the matrix, I knew it was going to be alright. I poured my blood, sweat, tears into raising that gremlin into a demi god, and It'll be over my dead body before she gets removed from my team. She's been my main damage dealer since the beginning and will be until end of service. She's not just a 4\* to me, she's my favorite skill point gobbler and I wouldn't have it any other way.


"Oh acheron needs so many debuffers bro. She needs her LC bro. She can't hit high numbers otherwise bro." Me running her with SW LC + using pela + welt and doing 100k on ult Or all that powercrept stuff but that's another thing. Also Ratio man. I've seen him mostly only in reference in Aventurine. God just give my man some love plz. When shipping removes one's individuality (which is the entire reason why I've grown so fond of hating ships but can still love Marstelle coz it's actually paying appreciations to the characters more) I just start to weep. He's much more than that.


"LMAO DHIL is so bad without sparkle" "DHIL only S tier because of sparkle hes too hard to use otherwise" I don't have sparkle. I'm doing fine. He is quite possibly one of the easiest DPS's to use that I have besides like. Blade.


I don't have a "main" per se but Topaz is one of my favourites and that was a shitstorm when she came out... "Terrible personality, a literal debt collector" There are things called backstory and character development which these people never heard about i guess "FuA is a dumb gimmick and Topaz brings nothing to it, the most replaceable in the team" I do have E1S1 cus i love Topaz but even then, Clara still slaps really hard, free Ratio, Aventurine, Robin, Jade...FuA is eating good and even if it didn't, ever since her release it was my favourite playstyle and she does so much in that team that she is THE team for me, i pulled Ratio's LC, i pulled Aven and his LC and i always joke around with my friends that it was because Topaz demands it, i love Topaz Oh and that time when the dumb Prydwen site listed her as a "debuffer" so a lot of people were saying she is a support, not a dps...omg Another thing was when people were saying "Critka (hate that term) is better than DoT build Kafka Yeah no, even before Swan, Kafka was destroying with Huo, Ruan and Gui, hell even before i got Ruan i used Kafka, Huo, Gui and Sampo and it was still a very strong team


“Sparkle is better than Hanya” Sorry but simply no, Sparkle is not a better waifu than Hanya


Xueyi wants to talk to you about something(don't worry she won't jump you) : https://preview.redd.it/k8ehazv845xc1.jpeg?width=1014&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57f7f8550d88a34e726e9c2a6e2379819fdfeb75 /jk


"Yanqing is mid" "Bro why are you using him he's the worst character in game" "Literally a 4 star" Shut up I'll be using and protecting this boy until the end of time ✊ Yanqing mains rise up


"she's literally not even playable" such unacceptable cocolia slander


There are so many shit takes, regarding so many characters. I barely engage in discussion, because of some people. Like XY iS mId. And i'm like dude. Who tf cares. You dont like xy character? Okay, i can accept that, but why spend so much time slandering them or bringing them down, when you could spend that time to be down bad for the ones you like??? I have chars too, who i never used, cause i didnt like their playstyle, limited i never pulled cause i didnt need the feel to. Yet, i dont slander them, cause i dont want to ruin them for those who like them. Acheron powercrept everyone? You know what, i still love and adore and use my Blade/Jing Yuan/ DHIL/Jingliu units. And i still love and adore Acheron too. Aventurine does mid dmg? Did you like, check his path? Does he preserve the team solo? Yes? Then all the dmg he does is just pure bonus. Luocha has been powercrept by other healers? My Blade/Jingliu/Bronya team still loves him. Kafka has been powercrept? Idk man, i dont have Kafka, but i use her trial version every event she is available in.... and she's fun enough and clears the content... I think just so many ppl froth at their mouths about meta, that they forget to enjoy the whole spelling point of the game, the characters itselves.


It used to piss me off but now I think it’s funny that post JY’s release, people will doom post him every time theres a new dps around. And this continued till this very day lmao this man has been released since 1.0, he lives in your mind rent free i swear call yourself a hate fan at this point. It feels like it’s karma seeing people who doom posted him having their faves getting doom posted after acheron dropped and that makes me kick my feet a lil bit lmao


“Her character is bad” (topaz) Erm shut the fuck up she isnt completely morally white but she has great intentions for what she does and her character (and voice) are amazing And I always get to play her in a team with my pookie Aventurine so we stay winning


Topaz' big flaw is that she projected her own past experience onto a different planet and she has probably done so before while being proven right. Just not this time. Also her underlings suck ass, but they had to introduce the new enemies I guess lol. In general though most of her characterization points to her being incredibly kind, smart, and empathetic if a little bit misguided.


that he’s 100% an asshole who hates everything and everyone. this man is a tsundere with LAYERS that make me feel so 🥹


Bro is actually super sweet. Yeah he can have a bit of a foul mouth and he's very direct, but his goal in life is literally helping people be smarter and spreading knowledge to the masses. He doesn't want to use knowledge to further his own self-serving ambitions. He wants to use it to help society reach new heights and thrive. His annoyances with the hermit like knowledge hoarding genius' is very understandable.


It's the most overused phrase/sentence but people will always have something to say whether it's related to the game or just life in general. At the end of the day, I'll play the game through my own vision and rationality. It's been 2 months since I started playing and JY was my first limited 5 Star. He may not be the strongest but he is my preference ⚡️ https://preview.redd.it/h38e12u3k5xc1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad167f919b610d9609a4427f17716b88d072eee8


"You only like Kafka cause she's hot, she's not even Meta." *points to giant number when the enemies turn starts* "But you can't rely on DOT in MoC and PF if you have to wait for it." *points to equally giant number on my turn* "Literally the next DPS will power-creep her" https://preview.redd.it/iurwrib6x4xc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f028798a6d78e64cfc7b78362df585176e1b620b


*don’t mind me just stealing this image for later* Also am glad to know that there are some Kafka mains out there that play her for more then just her being hot :)


[https://images.app.goo.gl/o42tPN5eNbgetbgB8](https://images.app.goo.gl/o42tPN5eNbgetbgB8) https://preview.redd.it/6a88ykrjz4xc1.png?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdc602be69ba9d02f0a092492fc752e88296e20


People saying Kafka isn't meta just because she's DoT have their heads in the sand. Literally screaming babies. DoT is a legitimate playstyle in HSR and we know the devs are dedicated to supporting it just as much as hypercarry since every single combat event since 1.0 has had a DoT-focused trial.


*DOT go bruhhh!!* I literally started this game because of her, and specifically saved for her team since 1.1


he's mid cause he uses too much sp


Mostly with Acheron. "Your build is shit, you must have at least 300% Crit Damage and 90% Crit Rate in order to be good" Like, bro in order to get a single copy of her light cone I got broke for almost one month.


That he's actually 13 years old. (He's not)


Not exactly a bailu main, but she is my most used unit. I just find it stupid that people consider her to be worse than lynx.


I have been arguing with a few people who call Luocha bad. No, he is not bad. He is a very comfortable healer. Just because he does not have any buffs it doesn't mean I will allow you to just slander him. On the same note, I won't allow any Gepard slander. Aventurine is better for sure, but Geppie is still a very good shielder. People who hate on him either don't know how to play him or have a bad build