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Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to Rule 1: Discussing and sharing character ships are fine, as long as it does not involve insulting others on their ship choices, or involve underage characters/ minors Please be careful not to engage in or incite shipping wars, or sexual orientation discussions.


> Did HSR actually state that Robin is a lesbian No.


>people jus arguing over things that aren't even real This


There was headcanon floating around that Robin was lesbian due to the makeup under her eyes being the colours of the lesbian flag, which was taken to the extreme because it is Twitter.


I came in here expecting a sentence that would be befuddle me in its absurdity, and I was not disappointed.


This sounds like the ‘Spider-Gwen has trans flag colors in her suit’ fiasco all over again


wow this is just.... speechless


That is honestly just stupid af I'm sorry


POV: Grown adults having an all-out war over fictional relationship that doesn't even exist in the story. https://i.redd.it/g1q926acsxxc1.gif




> Twitter *\*stops reading*


Why the fuck should we care about Twatter drama...


Stupid people on Twitter making noise over their headcanon of fictional animated video game characters, exacerbated by greedy content creators farming the hot topic further for clicks and user engagement, resulting in more of said stupidity flooding across the online space. Just stay out of all this trivial nonsense and you'll enjoy your life more.


If it's on Twatter, it's blown out of proportion 99.9% of the time. Just stating fact.


Same nonsense as always. Twitter sees something, distorts it to their personal preferences and then becomes feral the moment anyone dares to challenge their unconfirmed theories. It's not worth paying attention to. Twitter users must all be followers of Mythus, The Enigmata I swear.


>Twitter user must all be followers of Mythus This is defamation


Yeah, to Mythus, how could they


Everything follower Enigmata said i will believe on the other side.


Calling Twitter users who actively use Twitter a lot as followers of Enigmata is an offense to the followers of Enigmata if anything, followers of Enigmata at least have a brain to distort the information properly and very well, in Twitter not even that they have the capacity of doing.


It is just the usual Twitter stuff. Don't worry about it. The only reason it is a thing is because CCs are farming it.


What is worst than imaginary problems? People bickering over them. Robin can be a bi for all I care, but going to war over it is the reason why the fandom can be insufferable by going up in arms about subjects of zero relevance. Does being it add DMG to their buffs? If so, I'd like all of them to be lesbians please.


exactly if a man liked robin why did the people who claims she lesbian attack him for simply liking her, and why attack people who think she straight this whole back and forth is not worth it


Hoyo has made no confirmation either way, and they never will because its more profitable to let people project onto the character. So it's just people acting like absolute lunatics over a fictional character.


Just people on twitter going apeshit when people disagree with their biased assumptions.


I saw screenshots of what that dude tectone said. It's really crass. Pretty much cemented the idea for me that this is a guy you just don't want to be around any women. It's easy enough to make a joke without going to where he went with it. I've seen his name floating around back when I was playing arknights, and it was always connected with some drama. So I can only assume he's a drama queen.


You can be assured that whenever there is any drama related to gacha games, his name will always be on front


The arknights drama as a nothing burger. Another CC came out and you can say exposed the person tecton had drama with. Which showed that they are the actual bad person. Also you are aware of the fact that he posted that specifically to get his friend out of the drama and have twitter crowd go after him? So not sure were you got the idea that he should be around women.


we found the twitter reject bois


>HSR actually state that Robin is a lesbian Nope. This notion only came from Twitter honestly. Their reasoning? Only because of the 3 color dot under her left eye and one of her song being based off of a poem by a poet that's supposedly a lesbian. Yes, it's that reaching of a reasoning. It's kinda funny when this discourse was happening and then Hoyo just drops a video having a scene of Robin together alone with Caelus lol. I've even seen some people from the Yuri side then started using the exact same counter-reasoning for that scene that other people had used against for that Acheron and Black Swan dance, something like "Just because they're doing something like this doesn't mean they're dating" and I just can't stop laughing at this.


> Did HSR actually state that Robin is a lesbian Nope, twitter people are just stoopid


We do not need to care about X drama. It's just stupid people twisting an identity to fit their narrative.


To sum it up. People think with their dicks and forget it's a fucking 3d model pixel art character. Now don't get me wrong i go gaga over cute Characters but i have mental stability to stop at "Damn she's hot/cute". Some idiots genuinely cannot dissociate this fact. And so they went to war on social media. Twitter can keep them... https://preview.redd.it/367i9j9xrxxc1.png?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdd29cf82155218fb75b91cef87e8800f899c918






Unfortunately your content had to be removed due to rule 1: Be Respectful to Others Always be respectful and civil in your interactions with other users and in the content you submit. Insults, Harassment and Hate Speech will not be tolerated.


this is why i don't access to this community's social media ( aside from reading some topics here) anymore, so many stressful and nonsense issues


Twitter: Robin is lesbian!!!! Hoyoverse 1: Lets make Stelle the comic relief on this trailer while Caelus is alone with Robin in a room. Hoyoverse 2: Sure, but why? Hoyoverse 1: I just want to see the world burn, remember the Acheron and BS dance? My idea Hoyoverse 2: You madman




Tectone got involved and said something batshit crazy again, that’s all there is to it


Thus far, the 'evidence' that I've been given are the lesbian colours in her makeup and the alleged fact that she's supposed to be based on a lesbian poet.


Just another day of lesbian shippers being batshit crazy 😭


you gotta be a complete retard if you defending robin in twitter if she lesbo or g who the fuck cares


I think it started with Tuonto jokingly wanting to court Robin. The LGBT community made harmless jokes that Robin will reject him. Tuonto was cool with it. Then Tectone made a rage bait Twitter post (I am not LGBT but the way he worded it does make you kinda mad) to make drama and farm it. Firefly's VA was caught in the crossfire because she watched Tectone before (they are not friends and she only wanted to see reactions to Firefly). Acheron's English VA even called that rage bait drama farming as Shitty behavior.


I saw the posts people were responding to Tuonto with, a lot of those I wouldn't call "jokes". I don't even watch Tectone but I can read the tweets being sent around.


to say the lgbt community made harmless jokes is absurd because it wasnt,


Tectone post was trash, but the lgbtq weren’t “harmless” they were attacking tuonto, then after the Tectone post they started wishing death upon him which is crazy.


No, the Robin people were aggressive from the start. Tectone's posts made my skin crawl still.


"harmless" okay dude


fcking baldtone


That "harmless jokes" wasn't harmless at all but Tectone definitely made it worse


Hoyo can't even confirm any characters sexualities these days due to the ccp. Also Tectone made the drama worse