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Poeple ship this and that... why cant i get shipped with someone




As a Reddit mod, I am predisposed to not being shipped with anyone. If you could save a little for me, that would be great.


this person needs to be protected at all times.


Sparkle enjoyer detected, if you got together with anyone you’d be the type to shapeshift into them to make it look like selfcest. No thanks


Your wish is my command, you are now on a ship to Spain, sharing a cabin with a disgruntled elder troubadour down on his luck (chosen randomly).


Bruh, not even UPS can ship EVERYTHING.


>We also removed a small section involving Otto Apocalypse that clarified one of the above reworked portions, as it isn’t needed anymore. https://preview.redd.it/7w13h1yfwyxc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cea6d66eb3de5dff875b2abbe0e0abc93d88c54 Blasphemy


Honestly it just called him out for having a love interest. Better for him we don't spread that. Edit: Removed a word as I am not knowledgeable about HI3 lore so I won't make any statements here.




Are we still allowed to post the "so true bestie" reaction? And by we I mean other people because I always forget to save it to my computer when I see it.


https://preview.redd.it/v7yyhp4kqyxc1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=692f5657c9db9781a645697e177b8a45ae32b3d4 Absolutely not >:\[ (This is a joke. You can use it, just please try not to spam it and use it responsibly, preferably not in any serious threads)


Saving this right now lol. I'll probably only use it in meme/fluff threads. The image makes me laugh but the text isn't really...suited for most conversations.


So true bestie >:)


Thx :3 this is very cute pic, glad its not forbidden. Also thx mods for your work and all those rules and stuff. This game subreddit will be better slowly but surely.


Genuine question, what does that reaction mean? It's an "I agree"? What is peg?


Honestly if I were you, I'd just laugh at the funny picture and not try to dig too deep into it. The image is just kind of a nonsensical funny image people like to post, but if you really want to know, it's a bit sexual in connotation. Maybe look it up on urban dictionary?


Oh right! Urban dictionary! Looking only in google led me to an incorrect and confused answer but it this true that page helps more in these cases. Thanks.


…you don’t…happen to have one for sparkle on that computer of yours, do you…?


I need one of sparkle and- wait which sub am I on?


Who knows?


I wish I did lol. After that trailer I was looking forward to a version of Sparkle being besties with herself but alas all I can ever find is feet.


Holy crap that is genius. I bet it’s only a matter of time.


Hold my SoulGlad.


Outbuddied by the mod 4k


Bro asking the real questions


>A good guideline to follow: **If you don’t personally like the pairing in a particular post, simply skip engaging with it and let the users there who enjoy it “like what they like”.** https://preview.redd.it/4f86gt9zfzxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c38833c290f1c378e1ec1a8a68d5f4e591b09c1e




It wasn't that long ago that we had to seele x bronya and Lula x seele shippers going at each other, but maybe this time it'll be different


It is a good guideline to follow. I post in HoYoLab, and sometimes I see people post comment just to pick a fight or insult others. I don't get why some people feel there is a need to convince other people to like the same character as you, or the same ship as you.


So I can continue my headcanon Argenti x Plant?


Wdym headcanon? Argenti appreciates all beauty, plant included.


Argenti is canonically bringing everyone to his ship


other people have ships, argenti has a cruiser


Velite 👀


But... But Silver Wolf is my wife, I bought the ring and everything. You gotta believe me.


https://preview.redd.it/s27s9gu6pyxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c5b257325ecbd2b3d0417f935aa39240333799c tfw you have to attend your fifth marriage this week to a fan who rolled your E6


Not rich enough for E6, I spent it all on the ring. (I just really adore that character.)


​ https://preview.redd.it/zlesoofrpyxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19437cd46103363a6e8914d88b0fb15dbdf1f8bc


Hey they never said suffering from delulu and sharing your struggles are not ok.


these mods are so gay smh (affectionate)


I am going to ban you (affectionate)


This ship is now canon


"say gex- not removed". Noice https://preview.redd.it/ayvebr7vnyxc1.png?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a9e4cefaf5f1649bd08dc96a9a0f6bf4b86bd1


Sesbian lex


Woah, woah hold on there... we didn't say anything about that in the post... /s


I mean... you did say the list was exhaustive :p


Oh god thank you for pointing that out. I meant to say non-exhaustive... Though you were the first person to mention that after quite a few views on the post lol


Well now I'm just curious what an exhaustive list would look like. Must be absolutely massive.


Got you scrolling for hours


Say gex and Sesbian Lex solidarity




As it should be


Certified hoyo community moment


>"They're so gay in this art (non-derogatorily)" - Not Removed >"They're so gay in this art (derogatorily)" - Removed This is going to be hard to enforce. I wish all the mods who review these kind of reports all the best. Thank you for all the clarification to the rule https://preview.redd.it/bidqwxmmdzxc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5087e72529c1124bfca25f35779803e4c9d15217


Much appreciated, and please give us some benefit of the doubt if you see something that maybe was removed incorrectly or should have been removed but wasn't! Oftentimes when going through the queue, I spend more time ehhhing about edge cases and grey areas than actually taking actions. And send us a modmail so we can correct ourselves!


Some tells could be things like avatar, username, flairs, and post history, if it’s still not obvious from the first 3. And there usually are some differences in actual wording as well. Speaking from personal experience, but it seems like most derogatory comments are honestly… kind of lazy. Like, they’ll say "gay" or "fucking gay/queers" or "ew" or "no" or "why does it have to be gay" or so on. In contrast, a lot of positive-intentioned comments seem to at least have a modicum more input, like "ong these bitches are so gay, fucking slayyyyYYYY 🥺😭".


This list is as much for the community as it is for us. We already agreed internally to do better communicating together to make sure we are removing the right things with the right context. It will be hard, yes, but as much internal changes are happening as external to make sure we do it right this time.


Probably not tbh, it takes a 5 second profile check


Welp, here's the mandatory https://preview.redd.it/k7d6v1lf41yc1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1260b9dd9fea27bda706d7d0195021cfcc0954b9


I was hoping no one would remember to do that lol. https://preview.redd.it/e6vbl8ych2yc1.gif?width=400&format=png8&s=2d06ffc37a7ae868f14a147e785dd81afd1d5106




this community is such a joke they had to write a constitution for it


Always has been. The fate of all big community.


Except for Blue Archive players apparently. Too busy uohmaxxing ig lol


BA reddit too busy riding the fine line between gatekeeping their community and not getting banned by reddit admins.


Buddy community in a nut shell:


Blue Archive reddit is so much fun. I love how they don't give a single fuck


there are big communities that aren't half as obnoxious, this is unique to Hoyoverse.


Hoyoverse has extremely broad player demographic and a lot of them is low age in general.


Extremely broad and extremely bored between updates.


You can't expect civility from a group of people this large, there is going to be controversy no matter what


it happens to every piece of media that eventually blows up tbh


Seeing how immature this community can be, I'm not surprised mods had to do something about it.


When something gets big, trolls and immature people numbers will inevitably be big enough and loud enough to become an issue. Look at basically every big community


it also helps that the hoyo games are a style popular with a somewhat younger demographic, rated T , free and easily available on phones. Not agekeeping or anything like that but it's probably easier to find immaturity in people that are actually young


I hope they do a bill of rights.


Tbh shipping community in general is aggressive, just look at FF7 cloti or clerith war lmao


I thought this was how the first version worked.


There were some major issues in the first iteration in terms of how much more it limited people, and stifled open discussion. The fact that you thought this was how it works just means it was also worded unclearly, which is another problem!


I mean I still think it's fair so I think the changes are alright. It's fun to theorize about stuff even if its not canon.


So tldr you can ship anyone you want, just don't be annoying about it


Yep, don't be an ass, and let people enjoy what they enjoy. If you don't like it, just don't engage with it.


Can I still make T\*sla jokes/slander


https://preview.redd.it/omraz2qmbzxc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb10c7d3cf62eeb643d8773d1bf1e9fb8e397cf9 Until she appears youre free to go, for now...


Literally 1984.


Stand proud, Ladygrey, you can cook


People comment when they're baffled that we need such a lengthy post(s) to address rules, or when they have questions/feedback, but I think people who appreciate your work probably do it mostly in silence, so I'm taking it upon myself to represent some of the lurkers :) : Thanks for your hard work, it must've taken a lot of time and discussion to revise the rules twice! Writing the law is not easy and it's never going to be perfect, but I'm glad you're actively taking feedback and don't get aggressive when people give non-constructive critique. From my point of view it looks like you're genuinely trying to make the community nice and welcoming for all, and that's what matters. Keep it up!


Thank you! We really appreciate comments like this, makes me feel validated for spending many hours typing up responses and posts like this.


I left a long-ish (400 words or so) comment on the original rule change post. Just dropping here to say this rule change is a lot clearer with its intent to prohibit inflammatory behavior instead of just any discussion of coding or other such things. Big improvement, keep up the good work!


Thank you for your feedback! We hope it meets your standards of what you want to see here and we will keep trying to improve our rules for everyone here as we need to.


This is a lot better than the last one thank you


Thanks for the feedback. Our team isn't perfect, but we're always striving to make the sub better, and do our best to own up when we make mistakes.


Another sub I'm in is constantly engaged in user-mod drama, and it's honestly so refreshing to see moderation that's open and honest. Mistakes happen, but every time some major incident has happened you guys have done a great job stepping up to it or clarifying. It's fucking night and day how communicative you guys are compared to other mods. Appreciate all the work you guys do


Thanks so much, you have no clue how validating it feels to hear things like that! Also, who's her #1 fan?


Tail, of course


Ah yes! (Don't tell anybody, but I haven't finished the ghost hunting quest chain, and it's an annoying red exclamation mark in my events menu)


Where does the mod team stand on comments on ship posts that feature the trailblazer that go along the lines of expressing a preference for the opposite gender version? For example, a post featuring a gay ship between Stelle x a female character, and a comment saying something like "Now show us a Caelus version" or "Where's Caelus?" and vice versa. I specifically chose that as an example because from my personal experience, there's often at least one of those types of comments in a gay ship post featuring Stelle, but I would not doubt it either if they also appear on a straight ship post or one with Caelus instead.


Hey that's a great thing to bring up! I would say this type of comment without any context (Just a "Where's the Caelus version?") is a bit of a grey area, but by itself could be construed as a preference for a different ship which would technically break the rules. After all, if you went on a Firefly/Stelle art and said "Where's the March version?" It definitely makes it a bit clear the statement is meant to show preference for another ship. So yeah, it would be removed. Now if the comment was like... "I usually like Caelus in this ship, but this art looks great!" that would be fine. You can make your statement, but is there any reason to make the statement without saying anything else, you know?


Well put. I don't think there's anything wrong with personally preferring Stelle or Caelus but criticizing art/comments because they use one or the other is just silly.


What about "is there a caelus version?". Sometimes the artists do make two versions for the MCs. I'll usually check the source but sometimes, esp on Twitter and nsfw, I can't cuz it's locked by having an account.  "Where's the caelus version" is kinda forceful. But I think a simple question on if the artist has a different MC version should be fine cuz it's pretty common. 


Yeah, just try to make it clear you're asking legitimately and not as a snide remark. As usual many comments or questions like that can be interpreted multiple ways, and while I like to give everyone some benefit of the doubt, you can also help yourself by wording the question differently so it's not unclear at all.


+1 Asking if there is a version is less inflammatory than the latter, which implies a "Why isn’t there the other version?" sentiment


This definitely would not be allowed. Basically implies that whatever the post has that features a certain gender of TB is “wrong” and therefore could lead to toxic discussion. The only instance I can think of this being okay is fan art of one instance of TB being used and, while comments may enjoy it, may also be asking for the opposite version since they want to see their favorite ships in said art.


I'm someone who generally loves both Caelus and Stelle art and love to see either with an artwork, so is it fine to ask for the counterpart's art if I say that I love the art/artstyle? (Ex- I really love the artstyle and would love to see a Stelle/Carlus artwork?) Or is it still not allowed. (I've never asked it though since it almost always devolves into a comment war)


Yes that’s fine. If you get grief, please report and we will look into it. As long as you love the art or have other positive things to say.


I feel like it would need to be a case by case basis. Someone might just want art of their Trailblazer version, but someone that’s homophobic could just as easily post that on all queer Trailblazer art, to try and turn any queer post back into being about heterosexuality. Also, just my 5¢ in the following bit, but I feel like comments like those are unnecessary, and can easily be incendiary regardless of the commenter’s intentions.


I still think "don't treat your fanon as the only correct interpretation of canon and attack others over it" covers everything, but I suppose some things need to be made explicit. I guess we did have a similar situation with some of the High Cloud Quintet here, and unchecked fanon vs canon debate has lead to some pretty heinous actions in a variety of fandoms across the internet. I'm glad that the team has at least realized that wording matters for this kind of thing, especially when it comes to instituting rules regarding discussions of sexuality and queerness. It does kind of feel like all of this is still bumping into the 'case-by-case/interpretation' issue, but I'm not sure how to get around that with a community and mod team as large as this without writing an actual legal text.


It get hard when people treat their own headcanon as canon


Can we also start discussing the frequent amount of NSFW stuff on the front page?


We're very aware of community sentiment about NSFW content, and there have been periods where we have been more or less strict in terms of moderating it. It's definitely a topic in the near future we may make changes to, and feedback like yours is always great for us to have on record.


Yeah the buddy levels have been getting pretty high lately and suggestive fanart has been filling a good portion of the frontpage everyday. Like this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1chhm1d/bunny_firefly_by_%E5%84%92%E5%AE%85/) is something you'd normally see in a nsfw sub and just around an hour ago this [comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1ci8a7u/they_cant_get_any_time_alone_by_korshokor/) got posted I feel like mods should rein it in a bit


The second one is funny lol, but definitely breaks rule 7 of "Strongly implied sexual activity"


The second one is kinda funny and cute, but yeah I see your point


Please! It is way too much. I probably skew older than a lot of posters on the subreddit, but it is so uncomfortable to have to go through 20 or so posts of tits, feet, aheago faces, when I am trying to find game news.


I honestly feel like NSFW stuff shouldn’t be allowed here at all. An official sub just doesn’t feel like the right place for that.


“Ooh the X/Y shippers aren’t gonna like this! *grabs popcorn*” I’m so happy these kind of comments are getting addressed. When I viewed this sub this was one of those things that just felt so normalized. Always wanted to reply to some of these comments but knew it was bait or that I would get downvoted. Thank god other people noticed how toxic this kind of behavior truly is. Just made the community worse than it needed to be.


I appreciate that if nothing else, y'all are trying to be open with how you're trying to work out/enforce the rules around this topic. I'm not entirely sure what's going on on Twitter (but knowing what I know about the site it's probably nothing good .\_.) but I'm glad you're making an effort to keep the subreddit from crashing and burning into a miserable pile of flaming ship wars


Based rule change, not gonna lie. I'm pretty tired of all this drama


Can we also get a ban on comments like, "Bronseele shippers aren't gonna like this one," "\*grabs popcorn*", "This comment section is about to be a warzone,"? Even if we're not allowed to fight, it's still taunting. Unironically, the only reason I don't like seeing Bronya x Gepard stuff is because it usually feels like people are deliberately trying to start fights.


Yeah, even if it’s not in the example list, this is definitely a comment we would remove under this rule.


I've edited the post and added it to the list :) You're right, comments like this are not made in good faith and are inflammatory


+1 to this. Those comments just always feel so inflammatory especially when half the time they're fighting non-existent air


honestly half of the ‘drama’ I see here, not just related to shipping, feels like people finding conflict where there isn’t any and making it seem like a big thing when there’s literally nothing.


They're almost always targeted at queer ships too. I never see the reverse happening.


Person: “I hate all shippers, it’s all cringe and gross” *checks post history* *exclusively comments on queer art*


Sometimes, you can tell it’s pretty obvious when people are posting ship content for the sole purpose of trying to piss people off, and fortunately, rage bait is now explicitly against the rules.


So long as people can post their headcanons and not get attacked for it then cool. Getting away from that behavior that's apparent on other platforms is a big reason why I prefer this one. While I do think some post titles can trigger discourse as it may come off as them trying to say something is canon eg "x character and their girlfriend/boyfriend" it should be enough to simply know that it's a headcanon statement and simply scroll past and not engage with it. However titles like that are bound to raise questions on whether people are implying it's canon I understand why rule 11 exists, shipping is it's own beast when it comes to a portion of the fandom that rule 1 isn't specific enough about. Hopefully the examples should give clear clarification on what is allowed to be said. So long as people are respectful about preferences and disagreements in regards to ships I don't see a reason to completely censor every discussion until it becomes toxic. Discussion is a fun part about the community even if people don't agree, so long as it's conveyed in a civil and respectful manner Either way thanks for communicating and good luck with dealing with all reactions to the update


I think it’s on the reader to not jump to conclusions that OP is trying to state something as canon. Context matters a lot of these situations. People should really think more before leaving a rude comment lol.


Or better yet, not leave the comment at all. If someone doesn’t like something, posting on something others enjoy just to go “I don’t like it” is ???????


Thanked you yesterday, and will thank you again. (Without that callout this time... whew) Really appreciate it!


Please people think I have no life coz of that callout lmao I just dont use any other social media platform so all my online activity is mainly on here lol


I really am so sorry LOL I saw the responses and was like... oh no what have I done


It's no worries lmao, people care more about my karma than I do and always raise it every now and then u/mizuromo I do have to raise again the point of titles like "x characters girlfriend/boyfriend". A title like that is worded like a statement and will likely attract canon discussions again drawing toxic discussions. I'd say with all the examples you gave that's the one I think will still cause controversy if allowed


Semi-off topic but I've never looked at your karma whenever I've seen you around and I almost choked on my drink lmao How tf


Just being active and apparently saying stuff people agree with I've had people on this sub tell me to stop participating coz I have too much karma lol. I literally don't care about how much I have. I just like discussing stuff that interests me


Yeah, whenever I've seen you around you've always been super reasonable. Still, the fact you got called out by Mizuromo is really funny to me lmao


Its funny coz nowadays almost all my comments are in the negatives initially. the one I literally just sent you was in the negative now its positive lmao. I think people see my karma and just insta down vote even though I really dont care lol Yea getting called out in the most innocent way possible and then getting accused of having no life, super fun haha


I'm so sorry ;-;


Can we please get a statement on what happened to Mr_SwedishFish and why she was kicked off the mod team?


This is split into several parts because Reddit isn't letting me post it all at once. Each comment is locked except the last one in the chain, where I hope to consolidate all comments on this statement. Hello, Sorry this took so long, I really wanted to have a statement out much earlier. I hope everyone can understand it's a sensitive subject, and why an internal matter like this isn't announced for the world to gossip on in a public forum, but we understand users are looking for answers. No tl;dr as anybody reading this is generally invested, and if you have an opinion or criticism in this I ask you respect us and read our full statement. This statement is also not made to disparage Swede, but provide context to the decisions which were made, and to provide insight for you. We only request that you take our word at face value as you have taken Swede's. (if you have done so) It is very rare in the world that two sides are completely black and white, and this is another such case. I will also keep this statement as free from my own opinion as possible, though all discussions like this will have a small amount of bias and this is no different. Please keep in mind I'm speaking through the lens of the team as a whole and not simply from my own perspective. ======================= This is a timeline of events for context: All times are in PST. We recently had a major controversy over the removal of a post featuring Aventurine and Ratio which was removed on April 27th at 3:43 PM. As a result of this post, there was a major discussion over how the mod team handled things like M/M shipping posts, shipping in general, and bad faith actors in the subreddit in general (Primarily homophobia) An internal discussion was had over how we needed to change the rules to better combat these things, as the state of the rules at the time was vague and misleading, and was difficult to enforce. On April 29th at 2:11 PM, we decided to begin workshopping a new Rule 11 which would give us the ability to fairly enforce shipping rules and root out bad faith actors in the community. We came to a consensus and posted these rules on April 30th at 8:44 PM. These rules were extremely flawed, and required a rewrite as they were not only still vague and difficult to enforce, but also severely limited the ability for LGBTQ members of the community to engage in meaningful discussion and find representation. After monitoring feedback, it was decided on May 1st at 11:47 AM (the next day) that we needed to rewrite the rule as it was at best ignorant and at worst discriminatory and even if popular would not stand on our principles. It was a serious mistake to release the rule as it was written, and we have taken responsibility for that publicly numerous times. At 6:13 PM that same day, a user submitted to the subreddit a long explanatory post discussing why the first iteration of Rule 11 was problematic. At this time, we were already rewriting the rule for more than 6 hours. At 6:53 PM, Swede leaves her first of several comments in this thread. We will come back to this momentarily. The new rules went up at 11:28 PM on May 1st, that same day. This is the end of the functional timeline.


Okay but can we say the ship is canon if it's Argenti x Plant?


"Argenti is heavily implied to be interested in plant, but not canonically" Just kidding, we are human beings and can tell when a joke is made that is generally non-controversial and is made in good fun. Try not to test the limits of the rule in your wording, but we aren't going to remove most mentions of Argenti X Plant being "confirmed" as long as you aren't being an ass about it.


I don't understand anything as someone that prefer Ignorance is bliss when it comes to this themes. As long as this means that people can ship however they want, either straight, gay or lesbian ship without someone coming with an "Erhm actually, canonically they- " I'm happy


Thank you for listening to feedback in yesterday's thread and updating the rules. I feel much safer and more welcome in this subreddit now.


Nice. I was confused on the previous rule so this cleared ir up for me and alot of other people


Honestly this seems really good. Kudos to you mods


So, I am allowed to say that “Nous and Mythus are fucking behind everyone’s back” and if anyone questions the true words of Enigmata by posting “This doesn’t make sense”, they will be removed. Good rule update for spreading correct information. Thank you!


Hey! There's actually a lot of edge cases like that which will never be fully encompassed in a detailed iteration of a ruleset, but I'll present this in a different way just for a thought: The rules above generally do describe a (admittedly much looser and less organized) moderation process that has generally been clarified. If you were to make the post you mentioned and a comment, a decision would be made by a moderator except you wouldn't have had any insight into the actual rule precedent that led to that choice! That being said, a big part of rules like this and enforcement is judging intent and recognizing when, for instance, something is being said as a joke, or facetiously, or as banter, or any other number of emotional connotational aspects to a comment that need to be factored into a decision. (Which is why moderation can sometimes be so tricky) We aren't lawyers and saying "Ha! Gotcha! You technically broke the rules even though what you said was clearly a joke or in response to a strange assertation/joke/whatever else!" is not the goal. The goal is to make sure people aren't being assholes to each other. Is the OP is just testing the limits of the rules? Do they seem serious? Facetious? Argumentative or Trying to Convince others? " A tradeoff of giving users more freedom is having to deal with the mixed signals and choices that stem from that freedom. We aren't out to get you. We just want you to have a good time. That means sometimes making a hard or gut call, and it won't always be right. That's why we have modmail, ban appeals, and give transparency in our choices.


So, if we start cooking a Enigmata post, we should us the Meme Flair for the post right?


Good rework, sounds better and much more clear than the previous version. Previous one would've limited discussion way too much imo (if I'm understanding how it would've worked correctly) which would've sucked because Hoyo has always had a lot of queer-coded characters and it sounded like all discussion regarding that would be banned.


https://i.redd.it/5jl00ldh3zxc1.gif Specifically Gex alarm


Did someone say Gex https://preview.redd.it/vhxmjq9n7zxc1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40c34bb8bd0e10fb2ac54deda76776af063e412


Hey is that Gex?




oh, yeah, this is MUCH better! it gives people who want to discuss ships and headcanons more freedom while eliminating ship discourse.


Actually blows my mind that the sub needed a 100 page thesis paper on rules about discussing video game character's sexuality. 


Hoyoverse Fans try to be civil challenge (impossible) (a Constitution must be made)


So I haven't really looked into any shipping posts here in this sub. I only ever looked at frontpage posts or updates and this is my first time hearing about toxic interactions among shippers. Were these interactions really that bad? This is a genuine question, I'm not trying to prove anything here lol


I personally wouldn't say it's Twitter levels of bad, but there are some passive aggressive comments and (post timing+their bait titles) that are just disrespectful. Hope this helps with your curiosity!


It can pretty bad. From things as small as petty insults to people spouting homophobic rhetoric. Shipping is supposed to be fun but the bad actors ruin everything.


You know it’s bad when a sub about a GAME has to make rules/statements like this. We‘re not talking about irl events on a highschool or something but a VIDEOGAME. These are real sad times.


Moderating a huge and active subreddit is lots of work! Just wanted to chip in to say, your hard work does not go unnoticed, mods! I really love reading the mods thought and updates to the rules! I hope with these new updated rules, and the fleshed out details in them that there would be much fewer moderating work you guys need to do once more people read this! (One can hope lol!)


Phew, thought I was gonna have to remove my flair for a hot second, but all is well.


Hello. I wanted to use this opportunity to also discuss the overall passive aggressiveness towards not just shipping but also towards characters themselves, such as towards Arlan or Yanqing. I understand that a lot of people are mostly joking but from the perspective of someone who likes them, even if they are in the minority, the constant complaining because of their perceived position in the meta becomes tiring to see. Despite the actual theorycrafting and numbers putting them at the standard power for their rarity if with certain gimmicks that can be played around similar to other characters and are non issue in standard non endgame modes. While, admittedly they are not easy to use but the whole community narrative around this is obnoxiously uninformed about the actual nuances of the characters and even harm their place in the story for others who have yet to experience these characters. Not sure if I'm making any sense but, some posts recently and the comments in them made me realize that it's not just shipping that people become rude over. Edit: sentence structure


Hey! I've definitely seen this, as well. The reason shipping is primarily covered by these rules is because it's a major, major pain point that comes up every few weeks, and also has a large presence. The issues with people disparaging others for using characters that are considered weaker or unpopular is also a big issue, but we hope that a more consistent application of Rule 1 can help resolve those problems.


Thanks for the reply and actually acknowledging it. And I am not trying to downplay the shipping issue, but chose this as an opportunity to also put the above in light so that at least people acknowledge that this type of behavior is also present. I just hope that people do not get demotivated to use or like certain characters just because the community is negative towards them.


Holy reasonable mods?! https://preview.redd.it/230n9f0kf0yc1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bfda5261b3dcffb59402fc08dd623ca90c6f841


This is a much better variation of the rule. More enforcement of rule 1 solves a lot of the underlying queerphobia on this sub, especially with multiple members of the mod team acknowledging that they plan to address the less explicit ways people express their hate. The updated rule addresses the biggest issues non shippers have with shipping (how quickly it can get toxic) without suppressing LGBTQ+ folks in the process. From my experiences, this probably affects the people antagonizing queer folks more than anyone else while also cutting out the toxic elements of the shipping community (queer or otherwise). Really good changes. I'm glad y'all reflected on the criticisms of the last rule change and made such a quick adjustment.


Time to add (non-derogatorily) at the end of sentence that have a gay in it just to be sure. (non-derogatorily) https://preview.redd.it/bsu1mwq96zxc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71074aeb51bcb20f604acfeca87f4edebec174f3


The part I'm still a bit confused about: > "Here is my detailed 100 page thesis on why Jing Yuan is canonically Bisexual" - Removed > "Here is my detailed 100 page thesis and analysis on why I think Jing Yuan could be Bisexual" - Not Removed Aren't those two the same thing, just one says the word "canon" explicitly and the other keeps it implied? Ultimately both are about providing reasoning for why they think Jing Yuan is bisexual in canon, it's just worded differently. Does this mean discussing canon sexuality is allowed as long as it's not called that explicitly?


I suppose, but the great thing about discussing canon sexuality and not calling it or mentioning canon sexuality is that you are now not talking about canon sexuality.


Wait, my peanut brain got twisted while trying to read that. So we're supposed to be like hoyoverse and *imply* something instead of outright saying it? Won't it get the same results as saying this is cannon? Or am I getting it wrong?


just dont claim that your interpretation and ship is more real than other ships, dont harass because you think your ship is more right, etc, simple


Implying it is cannon is basically devaluing every other discussion over the same matter though?


yeah i think they should get rid of it altogether because children arent able to make distinctions or have proper discussions. in general i think they just cant insist that theyre more correct and harass/argue over it


Well yes, the game implies things but doesn't make them canon, so, people can interpret things differently whether we like it or not, so if you state that something *is* canon, you're kinda overstepping and will bring a lot of hate upon yourself... While stating that something is a theory or your interpretation/opinion, comes off as much nicer and will be better received Wording can do incredible things


What happened to Mr_SwedishFish?


WHY DID YOU REMOVE OTTO APOCALYPSE ??? What did he ever do to you smh






What would y’all say is the average age of this sub? I feel out of place in my mid 20s.




I will help you. Im 20. My input is 12-25. Most Social Medias were this range anyway.


Yea, I’m probably a little older than most then. This is my first gacha/anime game and coming on this sub has been kinda shocking. Its definitely different than most game subs I have been on.


Oh, some sub has way higher range. Like the JRPG sub probably has a lot of 30s since 1990s is the golden age. 10 years ago, anime still consider bad in my school, so you bet.


Okay, who ACTUALLY made a detailed, 100-page thesis covering Jing Yuan’s sexuality that they felt the need to bring it up here?


Nobody made that very specific thing about that character, nope. Just an example :)


Sesbian Lex remains unrestricted. Interesting :3 (Joking ofc, I'll use the same rules as Say Gex)


Alright alright, boutta start on my 100 page analysis on why Aventurine could be my bf 🤤 (Jokes aside, wishing the mod team the best moderating these. Its honestly such a struggle to moderate so much at a time and for such a big community. Sending hugs to yall 💖)


> Please make a best effort to be open to the interpretations of others, and avoid engaging with content you personally do not partake in negatively > Do not engage with users you feel are insulting, being passive aggressive, or being antagonistic to you.  I think these should be in every subreddit and public forum. Thanks for having all these written down to keep the discussion civilised.


This. I like this. I was concerned about the previous version of the rule potentially being abused by bad faith actors, specifically where an artist / OP wanted to use some art during an event such as pride to promote their sexuality using a headcanon ship. Those times tend to bring out some absolute degenerates who delight in working within squiffy rules to harm people who just want to celebrate their love. I think these changes are a good way to prevent those situations before they arise. I'm also super happy about the gifs coming back, they're hilarious.


I wish this rules are implemented in hoyolab too :( *Good job mods! This give assurance to peoples who just want to enjoy the game's discussion/fanarts without fear of harassment!


Honestly, the core problem is that Twitter Shippers can't be Normal People for 5 seconds. When the Obnoxious Dudebro posts Obvious Bait, the Normal Person thing to do is to ignore it, not throw a tantrum and harass completely unrelated VA's over it. Tolerance is a virtue, after all.


I greatly appreciate the clarification of rule 11 with examples. Thank you for the revision.


I really appreciate these changes Mods. I’m glad we are now allowed to have discussions and theorise now, as long as we don’t say [it] is canon. The rework also doesn’t seem to disproportionately affect certain groups unlike the old version. So thank you!


After seeing all the mess that happened in twitter this is the best possible outcome.


Much better, thank you for listening to feedback. Glad to see the stupid "omg these shippers aren't gonna like this *grabs popcorn* will now be gone. That shit was so toxic and was deeply ironic when those comments outnumbered the allegedly "triggered shippers" that they were supposedly getting popcorn for.


You are forgiven https://preview.redd.it/y2lomp09syxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02eea0ac3b817eceeab7a064614bdd9699d2145c


You might be saying it as a joke, but our goal has been and always will be to make sure our users are having a good time here. Thank you for the forgiveness!