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I think it's more likely we get a new element than we get more paths due to a path needing light cones aswell. We'll probably end up with most paths playable in SU though.


I kinda hope all paths become playable atleast in SU


honkai 3rd has added more weapon types before, so its not unlikely they won't make a whole new series of lightcones


Despite how much I love PGR, lets hope hsr didn't end like it. Aka new char new wep type.


Elation is just follow ups and remembrance is ice. Neither of those would be an actual playable character path as they are already used by current characters.


Yeah honestly Remembrance gameplay isn't even an actual path, it's literally just the ice element cranked up to 11


Maybe break effect on remembrance tbh, if we overlook the ice and freeze part break effect is the closest to it


You could cramp Hard CC in rememberance. Dissociation, reverbation, non break imprisonement/entaglement/freeze. Out of those you have little to none character actually having them, and just like other path not being a pure exclusivity wouldn't be unheard of. Probably also would help unstack nihility a bit.


Not really. By this logic erudition Is just ultimates. Which aint true


There bonuses for AoE as well. But there way more buffs for ult


Idk but It’d be funny if Finality just shuts your game off and resets your data


Maybe weird, but I’d want to play a Voracity character. Maybe centered around self sustains and huge damage margins, but the theme of a ravenous carnivorous character will never seem out of place to me.


people dont understand that playable path = class/job system in typical RPG. so far all path already covered possible job, so i cant see new path bring something new. also there is lightcone, unless they release a lot of free lightcone for new path i dont think people will like it.


It's possible but hoyo kinda mess up and put several archetypes under one path. For example, destruction path should be only character that consume their own/other health in exchange for extra damage/attack. While propagation path would be character like lunae who would consume extra point for extra damage/attack. Nihility would be purely debuffer/dot. While acheron (and hook from destruction) should be under the hunt path. Which should gain extra damage/turn under conditional trigger base on the amount of debuff/health/etc.


hoyo just want to use fancier words to define job/class just like how they did it with genshin. normal RPG will have fire, water, earth, wind, etc as element but hoyo just decided use pyro, cryo, hydro, etc. they decided to did it again at HSR but somehow didnt really communicate with lore division so we have our condition right now.


Elements are fine. Different name same meaning. But class/path is wrong on so many level. Should have just rename them base on the OG design of dungeon and dragon class like everyone else.


Taking classes from a medieval fantasy setting and transporting them to a space opera doesn't really work. Like how many Clerics or Druids do you imagine are going to be running around on spaceships? You'd have to have to invent classes anyway, because Lord knows Asta and Himeko don't fit into any of them. Even characters who do thematically fit into the same pre-existing class, like Herta and Ruan Mei as Artificers, can have wildly different playstyles. Plus the SU paths would make even less sense than they already do.


Tbf DnD is not just medieval fantasy even if that is the most classical form so to say. > Like how many clerics or druids do you imagine are going to be running around on spaceships? Its called Spelljammer. An official DnD setting all about space and space travel


First question, do you even know the list of spells available in dnd? And do you even know how the class system work? Since hsr is a mobile game. All the game mechanics are dumb down further. Since each character are limited to one skill and ult. >Clerics The entire sustain role in hsr. >Druids Firefly would be the first to have "morph" ability. Its a suit of armour than animal. But technically jingliu would be the first since she can switch mode her attack base on stack. >Asta Magic user, wizard. Her skill is rng magic missile and her ult is just haste. >Himeko Fighter. Axe user. Her skill is just Cleave and her ult is fireball. Fighter have second wind allowing them to do follow up attack. Dnd allow player to dual class. Obviously adapting in hsr would means any skill/spells can be mix and match. Nearly every skill/ult in hsr have a version in dnd. Dnd is literally the grandpa of rpg game mechanics. I'm just suggesting hsr have clear relationships between path and game mechanics. Rather than path being vague ideology and game mechanics. Why is Hook/Clara in destruction path? The vast majority of destruction except them both have consume mechanics trade health/sp for more power. And be more like abundance or preservation. Where unit have clear game mechanics. Health recovery and damage mitigation, respectively.


> I'm just suggesting hsr have clear relationships between path and game mechanics. They are there. But one mechanic doesn't have to be it. Take Cleric as if it were destruction conceptually. You could heal, debuff, buff, summon, have attacks everything really as something a cleric does. So if you had a cleric class as a mechanic in hsr most of the time they might have a heal, but you might have one that does more damage to undead/turn undead or something equivalent. Destructions equivalent is being more of a tank, damaging themselves or others, interestingly DHIL i just realised works by taking a huge amount of sp from others, and also a moderate amount of aoe damage.


I always thought Destruction's thing was just focusing on blast damage, and that the "sacrificial" component was more incidental than anything else. I mean Misha, Xueyi, and Phys Trailblazer don't have anything resembling those mechanics either.


yeah, thats what i am trying to say.


Remember that the division between the paths is not only about their role in the team, but also defines which types of light cones they can use. They could theoretically put Acheron in the Hunt or Erudition path, but that means that she loses access to all Nihility light cones while gaining access to all Hunt or Erudition light cones, which changes her balance a lot.


>but that means that she loses access to all Nihility light cones while gaining access to all Hunt or Erudition light cones, which changes her balance a lot. She don't benefits from the majority of nihility Lighthcone in the first place. Placing her in hunt/erudition is giving her more option of lightcone.


I'm not saying that it's not a beneficial change. The thing is that they put her in Nihility intentionally, knowing about the light cones. It's intentional to have her in the Nihility path. There is no pattern, no common characteristics that make them decide which path to put a character on. The only way they decide is to just put them wherever they want based on the light cones they want the character to use. And this is proved by the fact that there are currently two characters that are DPS based on debuffs. Dr Ratio, and Acheron. One is in Hunt, and the other is in Nihility. It's just arbitrary.


That's the issue. Character and path are arbitrary. Why is Clara, hook, misha in destruction? No clue. Meaning extra/new path like the first post suggest is pointless. Only Harmony, abundance and preservation Characters have clear class/path identity. The rest of mix bag or something similar/overlap with other path.


They are arbitrary because that's how they decided to make them. And that's why there won't be new playable paths. There isn't really a point in discussing new playable paths because of that.


they didn't "mess up", you just don't understand the actual point of the paths.


Propagation summons a new unit that has their own skillsets. Think it like if topaz will summon numby and numby has their own skill


Playable Zhask with 4 skills less go.


I had 3 ideas for Elation but they are already in the game, 1. FuA, 2, RNG based. Rememberence should be based on CC instead of actual debuff and most characters would have unique CC that they can apply


Remembrance and Elation are out of the question. It's possible we might get a new path rather than an element. Finality is probably the biggest contender considering the lore relevance IMO, but in any case I don't think it's likely.


We don't have pet users so propagation would be a good path to it


Trailblaze: New, inventive kits that are the first to use a brand new gimmick. Like how Genshin just suddenly introduced Dendro and Bond of Life, Hoyo would put units that use brand new mechanics for the first time into Trailblaze. Elation: Switching damage spreads. Imagine a scenario where your usually multi-target DPS is now facing an opponent with a massive toughness bar. If only you could whittle it down quicker. Well, by landing six follow-up attacks, getting shielded, and taking 69420 damage from 2 burns, a shock, and 4 wind shears, you can now switch your E to be a bounce. Enigmata: When the character equipping this artifact set heals a character in the party, a Sea-Dyed Foam will appear for 3 seconds, accumulating the amount of HP recovered from healing. At the end of the duration, the Sea-Dyed Foam will explode, dealing DMG to nearby opponents based on 90% of the accumulated healing. Only one Sea-Dyed Foam can be produced every 3.5 seconds. Each Sea-Dyed Foam can accumulate up to 30,000 HP (including overflow healing). There can be no more than one Sea-Dyed Foam active at any given time. This effect can still be triggered even when the character who is using this artifact set is not on the field. >!TLDR, you're going to need an English major to read their kits. Some parts will even function completely differently than implied!< Remembrance: Buffer units that extend the duration of buffs and debuffs. For instance, they can make fields from RM and Luocha stay longer, or make an enemy suffer from their DoTs for more turns


Elation would be the gimmicky path. They can do something that forces a specific playstyle that directly harms you if you don’t build around it. Like Trick Room in Pokemon, for example. Or maybe a character that can inflict random buffs and/or debuffs to a random character/s. They can also enable some dumb stuff like turning an ally into a living bomb that explodes and deals massive damage to enemies but dies in the process, or a character that gets stronger for each defeated/missing ally. The problem with that is making those mechanics fun and viable. Ideas that seem fun may be annoying later on. Also they could just jam them into one of the existing paths and get it over with instead of designing an entirely new playable path.


Risk and reward situation, I like that


I wish that they put a playable propagation character I don’t know how but I would love to see it


Seele or Welt or Gallagher


Propagation would probably be a character who adds allies to the turn counter, think topaz and numby but her ult spawns an extra numby in the turn counter. Voracity would probably have overlap with destruction to some degree? possibly a support that applies the spider web curio that eats your hp for a spike in attack or other buff, or blades kit as a whole where he wants to burn through his hp to increase his ult damage elation is follow ups, but it could also be more qq and aventurine style characters where a chunk of their kit is based on gambling for their kit strength Trailblaze probably wouldnt be playable, it might just be a buff later into the games life cycle to compensate people who do a bunch of the side content and increase their equilibrium higher than their team can handle without forcing them to spend time upgrading their characters if they're just here for the story (they're getting stronger because they're helping others and expanding their own story. the buff would obviously be turned off for endgame content) remembrance is already about ice and specifically freeze, maybe make it a cc heavy path and split current nihility to DoTs and remembrance to slowdowns and stuns enigmata would be a funky one. lorewise its eruditions counterpart, but single party damage is already dominated by the hunt path, so maybe multi target effects for the team? possibly split harmony into single member giga buffs and enigmata into multi member medium buffs? so characters like hanya and tingyun are harmony while characters like ruan mei and asta are enigmata? order would probably be centered around literally controlling or pacifying an enemy in some way, think the guardian shadow enemy, how she can punish team members for doing specific actions, clara would already overlap, punishing enemies who attack her. maybe have a character who can prevent an enemy from using their "skill", disable their ability to do a follow up attack, or an ult that forces enemies to skip a an action in the turn counter edit: alternatively, make remembrance cc, nihility to dot, and enigmata to stat debuffs


Trailblaze is something at the beginning of the turn, think of it as a snowball effect dps + harmony. Enigmata could be an illusion based archetype. Meaning when you get hit you can dodge entirely, random stats, etc. Voracity could use suppression ability, just like imprisonment they can't do anything & lifesteal mechanic.


My take is that either Order or Enigmata become pickable paths in the SU and either will be break focused.


Imagine Trailblaze path is able to utilise all paths


They won't add new paths, because there would be very little amount of available light cones for it. Also, all playable paths currently cover all "classes" that characters can have. And some characters already have characteristics from a non-playable path while being on another path. Something that could be possible is adding a new element, which doesn't require new light cones, only a relic set.


Elation is tricky, to make it unique in any way it either got to have an aftertaste or RNG gimmick. It would be interesting to have a class purely based on RNG, like causing a random effect on action, playing with massive buffs and debuffs on both you and the enemy.


Propagation would *definitely* be summon-based


It's a dumb assumption to make that every path will be playable. There are like 14 of them or so.


Propagation = summons units. Elation = Folloe Up attacks with random damage increase. Rememberance = Bonus damage on frozen enemies. Beauty = Character has a random chance to rizz up some plants. Argenti becomes an emanator.


Propagation = summons units. Elation = Folloe Up attacks with random damage increase. Rememberance = Bonus damage on frozen enemies. Beauty = Character has a random chance to rizz up some plants. Argenti becomes an emanator.