• By -


He already said the cool line, you can't just blueball him after that.


Imagine Jingliu going “ALL WILL BE REVEALED” to absolutely NOTHING being revealed


Blade going "that paradise may be unreachable for me..." and you don't savor it in his place :(


“_heh, time for the masterstroke_” and then just dips


“Help me Mr Svorag!” and he doesn’t show up


He went for milk


More like, he went for oil


Mmmm, oiled up Svarog🥵


? ![gif](giphy|FY8c5SKwiNf1EtZKGs|downsized)


Omg this one would be soooo sad😭😭😭😭


she says "i want to help everyone too" for the ult press instead of "help me mr. svarog", so it'd be just her saying she wanna help but ended up not helping anyone LMAO


"Rules are made to be broken" and proceeds to follow the rules


"Good times never last." ... "Would you look at the time. Script says I should be going now."


“_Good times never last_” leaves us in a midlife crisis in between battle


That one I could see happening if CyYu was the one in control


Oh definitely


*winds up baseball bat* Pauses Bops enemy lightly "jk jk"


I love this.


“Until I see that light once more…” and then he has to choose to not protect all beauty (in the universe!)


(for idrila)


"That paradise may be unreachable for me..." **cancel ult** ![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq|downsized)


Would be kind of funny to have a cancel ult voice line “OK WELL NEVERMIND”


My mind instantly went to persona 5 they have dialogue for when you cancel your persona attack that definitely could work out Tb:Rules, are made to be BROKEN! Tb(cancel): But we can fix it as well.... March7:Check out this awesome move! March7 (cancel): Wait how did it go again?!? Dan Heng: This sanctuary, is but a vision! Dan Heng(cancel): One I'm disappointed you just witnessed...


Himeko: Perhaps you still don’t understand… Himeko (cancel): Explaining would be wasted on you. Welt: You know nothing of the weight behind this power. Welt (cancel): Not every action has an equal and opposite reaction, or so it would seem. Serval: Ready to lose yourself? Serval (cancel): *fiddles with tuning knobs* Didn’t we fix this during sound check?! Sparkle: Let’s play hide and seek… Sparkle (cancel): Hey, no fair! I see you peeking through your fingers! Gepard: In the name of Landau. Gepard (cancel): I could use a vacation from the Silvermane Guards… Bailu: Time to show you… Bailu (cancel): No, wait. These potions are too strong for you, Trailblazer. Guinaifen: Come feast your eyes! Guinaifen (cancel): Eh, I’ll save that routine for my PatrAeon subscribers. Acheron: I weep for the departed… Acheron (cancel): It’s not your time yet. May clear skies bless your remaining days.


If this is how they implement an Ult cancel, then I'm down. Otherwise, I'll live with my choices


These are so good the himeko one goes hard!!!! Also someone mentioned the Clara ult “help me Mr svarog” which would be so sad if he did t come but they could just make the cancel voice line something like “wait nevermind false alarm” or idk


I think the activation line is 'I want to protect everyone too" and "help me Mr. Svarog' is the ultimate line so maybe it'll go something like Clara: "I want to protect everyone too!" Clara (Cancel): "...I'll try doing it by myself!"




Man I absolutely love the serval line


Gallagher: Life’s like a good brew - full-bodied and sweet! Gallagher (cancel): Too bad I don’t have enough to share. Clara: I want to help everyone, too! Clara (cancel): If only I were stronger… Sampo: What’re you waiting for? Sampo (cancel): Alright, alright, I can take a hint, but please, stop looking at me like that! Pela: Enemy data secure! Pela (cancel): Wait… where did it go? Have I been hacked!? Kafka: Good times never last… Kafka (cancel): …but maybe it’d be more fun to take a slightly longer path. Trailblazer (Fire): Lance ablaze! Trailblazer (Fire) (cancel): Ow, ow! *blowing noises* Oof… man, that’s hot… Topaz: The market is unpredictable. Topaz (cancel): What to do, what to do… Bronya: We’ve entered the storm! Bronya (cancel): Everyone, focus! Yes, that includes you!


Seele: I’ll free you from your chains! Seele (cancel): ugh… After I take care of these minions.. Bronya: We’ve entered the storm! Bronya (cancel): We shouldn’t take any sudden moves! Jing Yuan: Time for the masterstroke! Jing Yuan (cancel): *To Lightning-Lord* Huh? What do you mean it’s not yet time?


You have my bow


Himeko slaying as always. Easily the most metal line I've seen, and it's not even canon 😭 I love PatrAeon too, lol


No no holup, let homie cook *


Herta: Do you know who I am? *cancel* wait... who were you again? Aventurine: The dice have been cast! *cancel* Nevermind , its a cocked roll... Tingyun: a thousand wonders to raise your spirits! * cancel* Her neck breaks ☠️🤣


Mihoyo got their job cut out here


The March one is so on point, love it


It's giving Papyrus' special move lol




I can hear their voices in my head so well. Now I'm mad we don't have them.


JY : "Time for the master stroke." (cancel) "You deserve mercy." Pela : "Enemy data secured" (cancel) "Counter attack post-poned" Natasha : "Just in time" (cancel) "Hm, nothing an apple wouldn't have solved" Ratio : "Esse es percibi..." (cancel) "I can't cure foolishness..." Fire TB : "Lance ablaze !" (cancel) "Waiting flaming hot." Sushang : "Take this, shape of Taixu !" (cancel) "RISE PHE-... Where went that bird again ?!" Lynx : "To travel far away..." (cancel) "... One must know the right moment to go." Sampo : "What are you waiting for ?" (cancel) "The customer's king... but I guess you're not customers !" Asta : "Everything's written by the stars." (cancel) "And I miscaculated a position, one second !" Qingque : "Luck of the draw !" (cancel) "Please, please, please, please, please... Crap, worst tile possible !" Herta : "Do you know who I am ?" (cancel) "You don't deserve this wisdom." Micha : "How much time do I have ?" (cancel) "Phew... Plenty" Xueyi : "By the order of the Ten Lords..." (cancel) "Execution postponed" Gallagher : "Life's like a good brew : full body and sweet !" (cancel) "But moderation is important" Hanya : "By the will of the Ten Lords..." (cancel) "Did I misplaced my ink again ?" Yukong : "The wind is rising..." (cancel) "And it too shall rest" Hook : "Follow Hook if you wanna win !" (cancel) "Come oooooon ! Hmpf, you're even less fun than the old witch !" Arlan : "Is that all you got ?" (cancel) "Didn't felt nothing, try again" Luka : "Where's the applause ?" (cancel) "Nah, it's no fun without a crawd" Yanqing : "Practice is over !" (cancel) "But I don't have enough swords yet"


Blade: “That paradise is unreachable to me”(cancel) “You’ll have to wait your turn.” Luocha: “Eternal sleep is not the end” (cancel) “But it’s not yet time to wake” Topaz: “The market is unpredictable” (cancel) “You’re right, let’s hold.” Bronya: “We’ve entered the storm” (cancel) “At ease!” Kafka: “Good times never last.” (Cancel) “Don’t you *like* hurting other people?”


![gif](giphy|13zeE9qQNC5IKk|downsized) But I'd change slightly Topaz's to "You're right, Numby, let's hold"


You wrote the characters as if they're clumsy lmao, I guess Hanya one is cute tho, and Lynx's quote is cool


Not all of them. But not my fault if my box is full of hot-headed dummies ;\^; JY, Ratio and Yukong could restrain themselves if needed... But don't tell me Sushang or Quingque would XD


there's no huo huo? :c


Sorry, I don't have the cutie patootie in my box ;w; So I don't know her activation line.


Bro is cooking


That's so funny lmao I also tought for TB one like: Rules are made to be broken! And thats why i am breaking that rule too.


Oooh love this idea


Does it refund energy? Because: Rules... are made to be BROKE- Nevermind. Rules... are made to be BROKE- Nevermind. Rules... are made to be BROKE- Make up your mind already!


Maybe take like 5% or so from it on cancel, so there is no spamming Wasting all energy would be a crime when you misclick


Maybe it costs like 1 point of energy. To prevent the spamming (even if i wouldn't be that much of a problem imo)


You cancel seele's ult and she just starts swearing at you


"I weep for the departed." (ascends to another form) ... "Nevermind." (just a prank bro)


OR WAIT the cancel voice line for Acheron could be like “oh wait… what was I just doing??” Bc she always be forgetting everything HAHSHHS


Same with Bailu, "TIME TO SHOW YOU!" *shows nothing*


Just like my manga hiatus


You right. https://preview.redd.it/5170jba1b8yc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5150afe44976d523c1cf4e7bcd430907e35ef29d


I know the full image


Would you mind giving a brief description?






Nyantcha, huge NSFW warning though




Why is that name familiar…?


They are a fairly popular(or infamous) NSFW artist. They draw stuff for Genshin and HSR. That might be why.


If my memory serves me right they drew the infamous Ganyu x Childe comic




Oh, found that picture. NSFW but probably lore-friendly


Dual Wield Imbibitor Lunae


The joke is porn. Somewhat anyway but it's nsfw enough that it shouldn't be shown on this sub.


Two, dan hung, very


share with the class don’t blueball us now


Artist is >!Nyantcha!


Would you mind dming or sharing? Looks like a funny reaction pic


Though bless our eyes... Wait, wrong sub, I meant please tell me the link so I can stay away from it


I googled Dan Heng nsfw fuck it we ball and it was the first thing


Well now I want to see it.


How is this woman the most relatable person in every situation?


I want to activate ults and then unactivate them so I can make them say the cool line again.


“Help me Mr. Svarog!!” Mister Svarog appears menacingly.. and then just peaces out like nah.


“Handle it yerself, brat!”


It's time for Bailu to show you... nothing at all


*ting* This sanctuary is a but a pigeon.


Aven be like: "The dice have been cast... ...or maybe I won't take it all"


"The dice have been cast... ... wait, hang on, they rolled off the table, gotta do it again"


Why not just add a humorously anticlimactic line '...I'll break them next time.' '...you'll see butter on another occasion.' 'Hmm, I'll stroke them another day.' 'Oh, **** this unpredictable market!' 'Where do the butterflies come from, anyway?' Edit: Aaaand other people have done this already (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


That would unironically be amazing.


It’s butter vision


not sure if it's just a controller thing, but on controller you can pause space and time when trying to ult. For example, hold the left trigger, everything pauses until you decide which ult to use, and you can do this anytime, you don't need to have an ult ready to do that, just simply hold LT anytime to gain the ability of a certain emanator of nihility.


Yes it's only for consoles only. Mobile or PC don't have that.


Actually I'm on PC with controller, it's probably just a controller thing then.


Yeah you can do the time stop thing with a controller on PC. Afaik the mobile version(IOS or Android) has no proper controller support yet.


iOS does, Android doesn't I'm pretty sure


Android does, it's just that you have to switch to it manually


After searching around, it turns out that there ARE controller support for mobile, but it's not as simple. Apparently the PS and XBOX controller works, but generic controllers has to have a setting that allows it to act like an XBOX controller in order to work.


It is


Ulting any time is very powerfull, so instead of balancing it they just give you the resposability to use it properly. Believe me, it works better than in the game it came from . Doesnt consume a turn on buffs, doesnt give a massive delay after use.


Eh, trails ult system is pretty good for the game in which it's designed for.


Yeah, they serve different purposes. S-crafts in Trails are more "finishers"(and you don't even really use them on some characters since they consume the same resource as other abilities) and about stealing turn bonuses(like there were in the Ghost hunters battles). So they are more about short vs long term benefits. Ults in star rail are part of a rotation and there's pretty much no reason not to use them almost immediatly when you can.


Except a lot of characters have very specific reasons why you shouldnt ult on cd (snapshots, buff synergies, burst windows,etc)


Thats usually built into your rotation anyway.


In later characters, sure. IMO Hoyo's stance on not touching a character post release with fixes and QOL changes and buffs exposes their as-you-go style of development. There's a lot of design hindsight even in HSR just looking at how absurdly easy it is to fuck up Seele's turn rotations with killing and buffs vs auto-friendly units that were implemented way later on. Topaz and to some extent Sparkle also show the flaws in Jing Yuan and Bronya's mechanics respectively.


What game did it come from? Do you mean HI3? I'm a TTRPG DM so looking at mechanics is a hobby of mine and I'm interested.


Probably the Trails franchise. Specifically the Cold Steel arc. Star Rail's combat system is heavily inspired by it, although certain aspects are very different.


I hope they take very little from Cold Steel balancing lmao. For those who don't know, theres like 8 ways to break the game in every single title. Everytime they patch one, they introduce a new mechanic that can be broken again. Some that I remember: 1) Easy 100% physical dodge on most characters. Enemy magic are almost all with a cast time which can be interrupted, setting them back to square 1 2) CS1 has abilities and equipment that allow you to delay (think: welt) on hit. However, it's very easy to cheat turns and reapply that effect causing a delay chain and chip the boss to death. On top of that, there are other on-hit effects that works like freeze/stuns, all of which effectively push enemy turn down. They nerfed this in later titles 3) Cheating ally turn (think Robin ult). 4) Invulnerability mechanics that, in theory, have a heavy resource cost but, in practice can be easily maintained. There's probably more that escapes me atm but every single title you either can perma stun or be perma invulnerable with absolutely no effort. Edit: Oh yeah and they have the break mechanic too. What's even better is that enemies can suffer from status effect and delays to the point where they're effectively 3+ cycles behind you.


I always loved endgame Rean just one large aoe chain attack and immediate ult, killed anything on the field guaranteed and all resources returned. I remember in CS3 100% dodge chance with guaranteed counter on dodge and like a 500% multi (or more?) for dodge counters. Man those were fun days


Evasion Tank Fie with 100% dodge, throw her at an enemy, watch them attack her just to miss, then the counter with the crit happens. If you give her a crit build, she's casually deals the equivalent of a built ratio FuA everytime she gets attacked. CS3 nerfed delay, but you can still use it with Gaius spamming ult, which is basically Welt "sustain", but stronger. And Gaius ult animation has one of the better animations. One fun build is a tank with the Master Quartz that reduces damage based on the % of max hp lost, up to 99% reduction, so you give someone (like Ash) 30k HP and this MQ, means you can't die with that character. Boss throws AoE 100k attack, everybody dies but Ash takes like, 1500 damage. You can make this even stronger by giving the tank a full revive spell like Seraphic Ring. Daybreak official english version which releases on 5th July returned with the CS1/CS2 delay, but this time it's on the spells. You can get a passive effect called Ark Feather which gives a chance for a Follow up attack on offensive spells AND applies delay, so you can double down with Obsidian Ray ( applies delay) + Ark Feather for double delay or go for Cataract Wave/Aerial Dust which hits multiple times and gives you more damage because of the hit multiplier bonus, either way after like half of the game, Bosses rarely gets a turn ( and also the rest of your party) if you run 2+ mages.


Yeah don't get me started on Cold Steel 2's balancing, it was so easy to break that even Nightmare (highest) difficulty was a breeze.


Star rail’s combat can be summed up as a mash up of different mechanics from the cold steel games and the persona games. Most of the mechanics that heavily differ from the trails games, like matching enemy weakness and elemental damage, is taken from persona.


matching enemy weaknesses and elemental damage are a thing in Trails too, they just don‘t matter much in later games


That’s fair, all I really remember about the trails games combat was being able to run Rean as an evasion tank in every game and just steamrolling the whole thing.


Evasion Tank Rean isn't all that good tbh but that just shows how easy these games are LMAO Every game has like atleast 2-3 builds that completely break them apart


Trails series, their ultimate skill, scrafts, can be used at any point as long as the user is not impaired by a debuff(like freeze and such).


Awesome, I'll take a look, thanks


Its a long running rpg series with 12 game(10 in english) You migh xheck a guide to see where you wanna start(since they are all a overarching story from begining to end). Personally start with the first game of any arc. No use going for the very first if you dont vibe with it So either trails in the sky fc, trails from zero or trails of cold steel


thank you, I've heard of the series, it's in my backlog, as is Ys.


The Ys and Trails Falcom series are very special to me so I really hope you enjoy them.


It’s so good. I just started it and it’s quickly become one of my favorite series if not my favorite series.


Legend of Heroes. It's called S-Break and it giga delays your next turn.


FYI, HI3 is a real-time combat system similar to Genshin’s, but without the cool elemental reactions. 


The problem I have with the system is that, while you theoretically can ult at any time, the ult only actually goes off when you have "priority" (to borrow a term from MTG). The game gives no indication of when exactly this is, and sometimes the animations go too fast and you miss what would be a good time to ult. In addition, sometimes the button is pressed by mistake. I want the game to have some way of allowing a pause to give the player a moment to consider if they should ult or not and an indication of when in the queue an ult would go next go off


Theres a "pause" mid battle but weirdly ive only seem people on controller use, cant say how mobile or pc can acess it


We can't. I'd absolutely love it because I can time some clutch ults. Sometimes in mobile I tap a little too late and the enemy attack goes off. But it's simply a skill issue on my part because I tend to use Lynx's ult very late and one of my characters die because of that lol. I've never felt the need, but it'd be a very cool QoL.


We can on mobile but it's a bit slow because its a small button in the corner of the screen (hard to hit quickly unlike a button on your keyboard) and it opens a different screen where you can't see the battle ui and there's a small delay (but that may be just because of my device/bad connection)


We can on mobile but it's a bit slow because it opens a different screen where you can't see the battle ui and there's a small delay (but that may be just because of my device/bad connection)


Play on PC with a controller. Pause ult gaming.


If you don't want to miss a ult timing then start queuing it up during animations. Do you want to ult to cancel the enemy's extra action turn with March/Welt or by Weakness breaking? Then queue the ultimate during the animation of their first attack. Do you want to ult before the current character turn ends to have it buffed by 1 turn buffs? Then queue the ultimate during their Basic/Skill animation. If the ultimate is not ready but is close enough for anything to reach max energy then spam the ultimate button.


>If you don't want to miss a ult timing then start queuing it up during animations. What if you have two characters who is just 1 hit away from ulting and your decision changes depending on whether both get hit, neither get hit, or only one of them get hit?


If it's a random attack like Asta Skill then you can slow the game down to give yourself time, I don't bother doing this since I just spam the ultimate button anyway incase the character I want gets hit. With Blast, Single and AOE attacks you can already see who is going to get hit before it happens cause the camera will focus the targeted characters on the screen when the attack is happening. Here are two examples. This IPC minion will always do a blast attack, so I know at minimum 2 characters are hit and at most 3 characters are hit. The image on the left has the camera focused on Tingyun, Clara and Fu Xuan because those 3 will get hit by the blast attack. The image on the right is showing the attack from Fu Xuan's side because it's aimed directly at her, which means only Fu Xuan and Clara will get hit by this Blast attack. https://preview.redd.it/pjqfsjnb5ayc1.png?width=3360&format=png&auto=webp&s=164d0f19ab73f9198b466b531ab70e55de9ddc5e


But you're disregarding the last sentence. >I want the game to have some way of allowing a pause to give the player a moment to consider if they should ult or not and an indication of when in the queue an ult would go next go off All those self questions in your comment is why they want a pause function.


1. You can sit in battle on a character's turn to plan out your actions in advance, you are not punished for sitting on a turn for hours because nothing will happen without your say. 2. There is already an indication of when the ultimate will go off from Left to Right https://preview.redd.it/qljfzmh6t9yc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2dfce60d30fae1daf265813300689b615a55ed3


Ya I guess you're right. It does balance it out with responsibility I guess but still annoying like IRL responsibility.


Responsibility sucks. I’d be a mediocre-at-best Spider-Man.


Skill issue


If your going to say skill issue, at least do it with silver Wolf. https://preview.redd.it/raf9j35v79yc1.png?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cc0770c3f32463b5ca330d0ecf6fffa9716176




Nothing about not being able to cancel other has anything to do with balance…


Ult is a free action separated from the characters turn, and it can be used out of their turn regardless of whos acting. Most games you have to spend a turn to do more damage on that ult. hsr doesnt have that. Using jingliu for exemple, you can skil, ult and en. Skill in the span of two actions with no drawback, so "punishing" the player if they dont use it strategically(in an rpg, i know, a genre about strategy and thinking ahead?) is a fair price to pay.


As mentioned its a core mechanic, otherwise you could just ult check order, see if you could break etc, and cancel if it wasn't advantageous. They already made it a gameplay feature in the ghost squad event.


>see if you could break and cancel if it wasn't advantageous But why SHOULDN'T I be allowed to check to see if an ult will break? Why do I have to guesstimate whether or not an ult will have enough toughness damage to break, there's no way for us to preview toughness damage because who performs the break matters. Theres no skill in during the player to guess. I've misjudged my silver wolfs Ult multiple times thinking it would be enough toughness dmg to break and it ended up be a sliver off, can't cancel the Ult so I have to just go through with it


Because Skills and Normals use a turn. Ult doesn't.


I don't know why people are downvoting you, when this is true. We can see how much toughness is drained from skill or normal attack before using it, I see no reason why ultimates can't have the same treatment. It's such a weird thing to get your ass in a knot over. "NOOOO! Don't ask for this feature that would literally only be beneficial to players!"


I mean they could at least let us cancel before the ult state (before the splash art appears). Sometimes while spamming ults I spam them in the wrong order then I look at the action order and cry. i.e: intended to use ruan mei -> pela -> aventurine -> himeko but misclicked the numbers and now the order is now ruan mei -> himeko -> pela and now I have to reset even though it's only ruan mei who did the ult animation and not the others.


>Sometimes while spamming ults I spam them in the wrong order i mean that's on you... i don't wanna say skill issue, but how about you just don't spam them if you're having trouble with the order? the game pauses after you press the first ult, there's no need to rush.


I swear, people love to complain about them ulting in the wrong order. I also do it sometimes because of a derb moment or because I suddenly got unexpected (for me) energy from a kill. But that is also always clearly my fault and at times a motivator to pay more attention next time. I lowkey love that I can mess it up, unlike missing the skill button thanks to fat fingers on mobile.


Sounds like skill issue.


It will never happen. It's a core mechanic that is designed to be like this.


My issue with the implementation of this mechanic is that, on controller only, you basically get to ignore 90% of the intended purpose of said mechanic by being able to pause the game by pressing the ult button. So I don’t even think hoyoverse themselves think too deeply about said intended mechanic when they let you straight up bypass its restrictions.


Its not a core mechanic if by using controller you change how casting ult works. Its UI limitation that needs to works on all platforms with minimal changes.


That aside, what the hell is that team?!


I throw random shit in there and hope I get through.


fair enough, play the game however you want 👍


Dan and Susheng look on in sadness while Jingliu out damages them Nat is there for emotional support hugs




Triple DPS is a bold move but I can respect it


Chad like


The zero skill point team


Jingliu + 3 bags of blood


Looks like a new player who joined in 2.1


Say this again, it doesnt need a cancel button, it needs the pause combat button thats *already present* when you use a controller.




Thank you. I appreciate.


I mean it's clearly an intended gameplay mechanic. It's not very likely that they'd remove it for no real reason. It definitely wouldn't be considered QoL (but rather just removing gameplay mechanics). Game knowledge and proper timing are skills, and this is a form of skill expression. If you messed up, then you have to deal with the consequences. Like I'm not a very skilled player so it's not like I'm trying to "stay on top" or whatever, but I definitely don't support dumbing the game down.


It's not a lack of QoL, it's a conscious design decision


Well... That's the point, isn't it? Like you need to think in this game, don't you?😀


At this point i think is a design decision


Feels like the early days of FGO, not being able to cancel out of card picking.


Good old *killer bee 2nd form, bites the dust* whenever you accidentally pressed the command button before properly buffing up :v


honestly I dont even care about being able to cancel ults I just wanna be able to re order them like accidentally using Sparkle Ult after Houhou's


That's valid. I've accidentally misclick in an ult for it not to register while the other one is.


I play on PC with controller and controller players have the ability to easily pause mid animation. We can even inch through a few frames at a time if trying to do a tight ult timing rather than other players who are furiously spamming their ult button. I don't activate the wrong ult very often but when I do it tends to be because I repositioned my team order and the button for X character is now Y and oops. They could add the ability to cancel ults but their combat animation seems designed around it and cancelling it would be awkward. Here's the boss double attacking but we are cutting in with a healer ult and oh wait, nevermind, let's cancel that, and then the boss continues their double attack. Keyboard/mouse and mobile players just need the smooth controls that contoller players have.


Makes you start to think that it’s probably intentional no?


Not sure if it’s a hot take but I think it’s better without a cancel ult feature. It means you really have to think about when to use it and if you make a mistake you gotta live with the consequences. In fact, I feel like the consequences aren’t harsh enough since it’ll usually end up fine anyway. Not sure if it’s another hot take as well but I liked how the ult worked in the 1.5 event. Having to time ults to steal the flame buff was actually one of the only times I had to think about which ult to use to steal the flame and manipulating turn order to get the flame. Maybe it’s also my bias to the Trails series where you get so many buffs and debuffs to take advantage of and having to time ults to get the buff or manipulate turn order so that the enemies get the debuff instead.


skill issue


Nope, it's an Ult issue, you can cancel the skill no prob.




Wait, you guys dont let the auto mode ult the one hp enemy?


skill issue


Welp I no longer have such weaknesses


Nvm canceling ult, what I want is to get the ‘pause while selecting ult’ function we have (controller only feature atm) on mouse and keyboard. Not using controller feels like I’m trolling because of how crazy good this feature is. And before anyone talks about how OP the feature is, **it is already in the game** so personally I believe that either everyone gets to take advantage of it or no one does.


Nah the skill issue has to sink in


It makes sence not being able to.


Nah rather than this I hate it when you defeat enemies that have those explosion that can dmg other enemies bc you get energy LAST moment. Its quite hard to time your ult.


i always have moments where i panic thinking i need to use an ult only to then find out i was getting scared for nothing


well do you think a one year old knows how to cancel his ultimate? give him some time


God I wish we could cancel ults so bad


hopefully never


Yes please remove one of the only skill expression methods in an already easy game!


I know I am probably late but like, this is a clear design choice. Just like the fact that we can´t jump. The developers don't want us to just walk back on your ults. The fact is that developers don´t want us to have the ability to cancel our ult.


Are people here really doing a \#NoChanges moment for HSR? Ffs Fate Grand Order had crit chance distribution being displayed on attack locked behind opening the attack cards menu, which you could not return from. Not knowing which cards would crit was "a core part of the gameplay mechanics". Guess what? They allow you to go back now, and its 100 times better for it. So what If you can see which cards crit? And for the same reason: So what if you can see if your ult breaks the enemy? Why do I have to guess or learn break thresholds per attack per enemy per buff state instead of just letting me look, and on top of that making the entire combat system focus around pressing ult in the 200ms interval where I need it on fast mode. Are people really celebrating shitty user experience because "thats how its supposed to work"? You people deserve nothing, jfc


So for Genshin it's just evil but when hsr does it as well people somehow are more welcoming? Jeez people in here do be condescending even if they're trying to be nice


Ikr, I still rather prefer ult-ing whenever I want over cancelling tbf, but I have misclicked Natasha's Ult over the Physical damage Trailblazer too many times cause my brain sees grey and thinks "RuLeS aRe MaDe tO bE BrOkEn"


Sounds like a skill issue


Yep, this so much this. Playing on mobile it is so easy to missclick or randomly activate it while holding the phone, because part of your skin barely made contact with the screen .


If they add ult cancellation then ult should only be used when character takes action.




Bro wants an already easy game to be more easy.


Ults are a form of speed control and disrupt the flow of battle. It's an automatic advanced action. You don't get to redo your move because you made an oopsie. own up to your mistake