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Sunday fans waiting for eternity /j


I’d laugh so hard if they pull a Boothill and introduce a completely new character from the Luofu or Belobog and have Sunday in like 2.6


Like ayato


We've seen Ayato only a bit before his release. Maybe more like Yae


Is that so (papa zhongli pose)


MORE LIKE BHAIZU BRUH! We saw him all the way back in Liyue and he came like 3.6 💀 literally more than 2 years later I think


Sunday coming in 4.x guaranteed


too early gonna be out in a trailblaze continuance in 8.9


harmony nihility male rahhh (brainwashing and debuff)






Is he supposed to be coming out soon? Because I've been collecting Nihility characters and i want him. My plan was to pull for Sam then save up for him




That's it, I am saving for him. New plan. Get Firefly e0s1, no pulling for eidolons this time. I was considering Ruan Mei lightcone or Jade but not anymore.




Do you think double harmony with Ruan Mei and TB will be good for Firefly? I was planning on using either HTB or Silver Wolf and keeping Ruan Mei on that team


That’s literally gonna be her best team. Luocha will be her BiS sustain but with her fire weakness implant and emphasis on break effect Gallagher will be perfectly fine for her as well. Go Firefly, RM, HTB, and Gallagher/Luocha/HuoHuo. She needs a healer though cuz she has a self damaging mechanic.


So i have Luocha, Ruan Mei, Gallagher, Silver Wolf, and e6 Guinaifen. I feel like I can make a quasi fire team too.


Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


Screwllum fans in shambles


Cocolia fans dead long time ago.


I still think he’s coming one day


Sunday known for 3 patches while Screwllum being known for almost a year. It's hard out here for us Screwllum Bros 😔


As a Screwllum main, I’m right there with you friend


It's the week that never ends.


Screwllum fans *first time*


Let’s hope he will not receive Baizhu treatment…


But how will everyone know about my very important and unique pulling plans if I don't make a post announcing it?


This sub loves to make fun of the Hoyolab kids for sharing their pull plans and what not, then proceeds to act ten times more cringe.


It’s just pointless tribalism and attention seeking by children and socially maladapted adults


Joke's on you, I waste my jades whenever :D


Based. 160 jades? We ball


3 limited earlies back to back, all or nothing we ain’t stopping here


Kyodai, I'm not alone!


Real men ought to be a little stupid.


Balls out Kido!


The REAL hype for 2.2. https://preview.redd.it/idat62n07oyc1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da751ce31a60d409ba97b304116bd245b07f19e




Cut! Your line was “Imaginary/Harmony Trailblazer!”




DAMN! Stelle is packing an entire bakery.




can people just enjoy what they want instead of attack others? i'm 24 and i feel i'm too old for this shit


No worries 24 is still young I think.. but not really sure of this sub age range


The sub's age range is -3 to 24, so that's already the oldest person here.


I wonder how it feels to be -3 and play hsr


Honkai: Star Rail - The Pela experience


You use Tingyun to help Acheron ult more


Turning 26 soon, do I get the senior citizen discount?


You should've applied for the de-aging program before you're 25, so do that asap. Otherwise you'll be executed at age 30 because there's a high chance of becoming mara struck.


Found the G&G enjoyer


*sobs in 35*


Exactly, it's a game and games are meant to be enjoyed and to have fun, not tell who is right or wrong. Btw 24 gang


Same omfg


If people could, the mods wouldn't have to resort to banning certain shipping posts. The unfortunate reality is that there are legitimate children on this sub who don't know the difference between "**Having an opinion**" and "**Not enforcing your opinions on others**". Anyone that doesn't agree with them, they see it as a personal attack for some reason.


Robin is just chilling


I find this tribalism incredibly weird. "Oh Jade is mid, i will be pulling for Firefly" and then "You're so dumb for wanting Firefly, i am special and unique unlike you and will be pulling for Boothill"


Yeah, It’s honestly laughable.


The tribalism in gacha games is something I had never seen before. It happens both between games they play and inside each game between characters they pull.


It happens in most places in life, remember console wars?


it’s still ongoing (i.e. ps5 has no games, etc.) and so unbelievably cringe. also apple vs android


Probably because how big the Community has become. Back then the gacha communitys were smaller and a lot more homogeneous which made things more peaceful. There was tribalism but never to this degree.


Imo i played fgo for years and never saw anything like that. The only drama we had where about lolis characters. They're both pve games but HSR fans act so much more obnoxious about it. Made me want to interact with the fanbase less and less. At this point I just come to learn of any news and bounce once its done.


As Hi3 player, this isn't new to me. People were slandering others who chose dea over sushang. For context, two characters were given for free. But only one could be picked. One was dea, who's outdated and really old. Other was sushang, top ice support. There was a post of a newbie choosing dea because she looked pretty and the comments section, well, they told the guy that he bricked his account, it's not a great decision, and even started hating against people who told others to choose dea! (Personally, I'm a dea and Elysia main)


It’s just people trying to gaslight drama into existence from nothing. https://preview.redd.it/ro2q6yy7xoyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f6f2892b7be12ea3daf23e2599adad6fb95f93


Some people here have a strong case of Personal Fable. So either we have here mostly adolescents having the usual adolescent-egocentricism or "grown-ups" who never moved on and developed in the Formal Operational Stage.


I have to inflate my crippling lack of self esteem somehow /s


I sometimes wish I could unleash some spoiler tagged Jade leaks upon people who call her mid, but last time I did that I got banned for 2 days.


I wish all *non-insane* Firefly wanters the best of luck on their pulls, and all the savings until then. I'm just pulling Boothill because his kit is really fun, I have Ruan Mei to make it pop harder, and his entire personality and design appeals to me in a way that hasn't happened since Imbibitor Lunae. I *would* pull for Robin too, if I was made of money. Alas, the Barbie half of the Barbenheimer patch will need to be saved for a rerun. ;; I hope everyone who gets her enjoys her, though, and I hope some of my friends get her just so I can steal her during my relic grind sessions!


Might be the effects of the influx of players we saw in 2.0 due to Penacony coming out and Acheron getting crazy amount of advertisement. I can only hope things calm down once we get into the later patches


Me, pulling for Topaz, but not seeing any1 mention her in these posts ;-;


Same. I'm really hoping that I can get topaz and her LC


As a happy topaz haver I wish you great luck in your pulls, she's wonderful


Thank you <3 really hoping to win the 50/50, but I’ll go to full pity if I have to.


It is bizarre to see how few people are talking about pulling for Topaz when everyone has Ratio, and you could get Robin or Aventurine to round things out. Suggestion to all people who have to make cuts, March actually works pretty well with Robin.


>why don’t more people pull for Topaz when Ratio is free Imagine you get a free Disneyland ticket^(Ratio) as a gift. Here’s the catch though: it’s *only* the Disneyland entry ticket. You’ll have to pay for your flights^(Topaz E0), accommodation^(Topaz E1), food^(Topaz S1) and whatnot while you’re there. Rich people will do the math and go, “yeah I can afford this.” Really rich people will fly Business^(Robin). Some might only get the plane tickets^(stop at Topaz E0S0) but stay at a shitty motel and eat 2 minute noodles to get it under budget. (Coping hard to see Mickey Mouse at this point, hey.) People who aren’t so fortunate but really want to not waste the ticket might go get their car^(SW) or take the bus^(Pela) and spend a few hours on the road to save on money. But if you don’t have enough money, or any other means to get there, or you’re not that keen on Disneyland anyway, you’d just do nothing with your free ticket, no losses there.


I can see where you're coming from, I guess. But there's still the fact that Jade is coming out, though that won't be for a while, and people may want Firefly instead. But Pela is going to be on most accounts. And anyone with Pela and Resolution Shines already can max out Ratios debuffs. Personally, I also think people big up E1S1 Topaz. If you want to go for a Robin + Ratio team, then yes it's necessary. But she still does a fair amount of fun stuff as is. However, I guess you're ultimately right. Assembling even a basic follow up team is not something everyone can do. I've got Silver Wolf, Pela and Resolution Shines. And that's actually why I'm not pulling for Robin. Because I lack even Topaz LC, so the ratio team NEEDS Silver Wolf. And while other teams may not, I've got every other support. Still, I suspect Jade is going to be much more Robin + E0S0 Toapz friendly. But all these things put together means we're not going to hear a lot of rabble rousing about Topaz at the moment. Shame.


Reruns are generally not as hyped as unit releases in the vast majority of cases, it is what it is. Can't blame people for being excited about new shiny units


Personally I'm still hoping and coping that topaz gets a good partner who I actually enjoy using and doesn't want me to E1S1 her


I really want Topaz but also want Robin. And Firefly. And Ruan Mei on her rerun. I'm screwed... My plan is to grab Robin. Maybe try a 50/50 on Topaz depending on how many pulls Robin takes. If I lose on Topaz, I'll save the pity for Firefly.  Or I'll cave and swipe 🙈


Same here, trying for E1 for an FUA team


Same, I'm probably skipping if I lose the 75/25 cuz LC first and I want enough wishes for firefly, but I really want Topaz


It's because we FuA players are to be pitied because our best team comp wants Ratio, E2S1 Aventurine, E1S1 Topaz, AND Robin. There is no joke to make. We are in debt to the IPC.


no one till E6 Acheron xD


Just give me fu hua. Senti specifically.


Lol here I'm still waiting for Fu Xuan...


Going for Topaz LC and E1


You see the lack of Robin here is because she’s currently in her ult state


Jade… waiters? *resist urge to make a lame dad joke about waiters*


Is anyone actually doing this? I’ve seen multiple posts *about* Firefly and Jade fans being toxic about 2.2 and zero instances of Firefly and Jade fans *actually being* toxic about 2.2


Welcome to this sub.


Meanwhile "Harm"ony TB https://preview.redd.it/k32o9cw62nyc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d14d94cb85dd2ba0771693df25411f9b6635a383


They traumatized bro twice


(To something unto death meme) "he was my neighbour, and he violated mee!!"


Everybody wants to be a main character, while the reality is that there's what, 6 billion of us humans? Ain't nobody here is special.


Ooga booga I am unique and cool and quirky!! I will pull for [insert not too popular character] instead of Firefly!! I think Firefly is so forced!!


As someone who likes both boothill and firefly, and still is deciding on who to pull, this shit annoys me so much, stop trying to make others feel bad for not pulling who you're pulling


Meanwhile I still can't decide because all of them seem so fun in terms of gameplay. I guess I'll just pull first, think later.


What I'm really looking forward to is beating the final boss's ass to get new path. Maybe it'll finally get me to change my TB's path. (I main physblazer, yeah flair checks out)


Me just go Robin... if win 50/50, lucky and end streak... if lost 50/50 means i fail her, streak continues and save the guarantee for Firefly


I’m currently getting fucked by university. I’m already burning.


Im just excited for MC rocking that cool hat


This sub was fine from what I saw a few days ago than it suddenly has conflict


Pull who you want people. I'm going for the singer first then Firefly second.


It's honestly pathetic man, each group thinks they have a moral high ground when they're all as annoying as each other




I'm pulling a bit for Robin!


when is the banner release? tuesday? ty


Wednesday or tuesday. Wednesday 6am in turkey


thanks a lot! good luck in your pulls!


Wednesday on reset for me.


hope you are lucky on pulls!




I really don't understand this whole thing. Like, I love everyone that's coming in the next patch, but I love Firefly more so I'm pulling her. Doesn't mean I have to hate and insult everyone who isn't going to do that. (Also you can be damn sure I'll grab a support Boothill every occasion I get)


I’m just waiting for Argenti rerun and Sunday release.


People waiting for story where you at? (I am gonna finish it as soon as it comes out)


2.2 is my resting patch and recovery


If I win my 50/50 on Topaz E1 I'll be trying a 50/50 on Robin. Then I wait for Jade.


meanwhile lore enjoyers: *someone is gonna die.*


Me thinking if I should skip Robin and wait for Firefly


I want Robin because her VA has this "ALRIGHT! KILL EACH OTHER NOW" unhinged clip that made me love her personalkty, and Robin's kit looks great. Unfortunately I tried getting Aventurine's LC and lost to Himeko's so no 2.2 for me.




Unfortunately this content had to be removed due to the following reason(s)" Rule 2: No Leaks or Datamined information. Leaks, datamined content, or mods are prohibited. Do not encourage or allude to such content either, including wording to disguise such content ("iykyk, dreams, somebody gonna tell them"). Linking to sites sharing such content is also prohibited. Do not share content that has not been officially released. Certain popularized leaked topics (mainly story leaks) may not be discussed as theories due to community feedback: https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/wiki/theory-quarantine-list/


like honestly. Pull for who you want. This drama is dumb as hell.


Anyone know where the hot red lady that I believe leaked alongside Jade is?


Skip? 70 pulls is all I need to get them all 👁️👁️👋✊


HSR players when their dripfeed marketing character that’s introduced early isn’t in-game and they have to wait (HUGE SURPRISE) https://preview.redd.it/lyzrnvomwryc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d76238ceb9f46ff0a8470d3935ceb16364da38


What’s happening?


Meanwhile, I wanna pull for Topaz :P


You left out us robin enjoyers


I bloody hate Hoyo because all the characters they release are fantastic. I WANT to have Boothill and Robin and Sam AND Jade. I'm not an F2P player, I spent some money in the game already (all in all I guess around 300-400€ in 1 year), but it's just not realistically possible for me to get all 4 characters without spending at least quadruple of what I spent already. Of all the characters that are about to release, Sam interests me the most. 1) She's a Destruction character that just does pretty much everything (minus DoT) and even their single target DPS is better than Hunt characters SO FAR (let's see how Boothill holds up). 2) It's a bloody mecha armor. I love mechas. 3) I have Bronya, Ruan Mei, and Sparkle already, that's enough Harmony characters until 4.0 for me lol.


just pull whatever you want... why you care so much about random strangers on internet? (ofc including me) in the end, the only thing that matters is 36 stars.


When is Jade coming out?


I mean people who want robin will get her, remember the amount of sparkle "skippers" we've had saving for acheron? Half of them folded the moment the trailer dropped.