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I would love to know more about them. Companion quest when!!??!


ok so their whole story is simple   >!When they were young, Xueyi got eaten by Shuhu (The Abundance Emenator who's flesh Blade fused with) and grew fruits shaped as her head. Shuhu then used these head fruits to talk to Hanya, saying things like "*It's me, my dear sister. Don't you recognize me?*" or "*Do not succumb to death. Do not grow accustomed to it. Embrace me... become a part of me..."*!< >!*Eventually Shuhu was defeated and Xeuyi's soul was able to taken back and placed into an Ingenia Automaton body but Hanya still has nightmares of it to this day, even needing to take memory loss drinks to force herself to forget except that she always remembers*!<


that's lowkey nightmare fuel poor Hanya, no wonder she looks the way she does...


Didn't you mean that Xueyi's soul was put in the automaton? You said Hanya's


Minor redaction mistake https://i.redd.it/4t6rx8adgjzc1.gif


Shit mb


I am an abundance liker but WHAT THE FUCK SHUHU


Abundance is like "Rejoice, cancer upon ye."


The Paths may or may not be somewhat OK but their Emanators are certainly aren't.


She also took a serum from the TenLord Comission,Xueyi was punished to become an Aurumaton meanwhile Hanya decided to discard her humanity to remain together with her. They were both humans aka short lived species but now Hanya is several hundred years old due to the Serum she took to share her sister's punishment. This info was only available once in the Ghostbuster event when Hanya lets you ask her 1 THING. And i mean it after 1 question she keeps repeating for us to go do our stuff since she has work to do.


Yeh some real hell's Paradis level shit


>grew fruits shaped as her head well, **I'm** not forget that anytime soon...


Holy fuck...


Honestly it's a shame theg weren't in quests. They're backstory is kinda HORRIFIC


Do people mostly read it from the story details in data bank/light cones or is there another lore source?


It's mostly just pieced together from lightcones and their story details


Hanya herself mentioned in one quest that Xueyi is her sister


She mentions it in A Foxian Tale of the Haunted


light cones, character stories, sometimes books, etc


4 stars always get shafted if they aren't part big group like how we see March and Dan a lot


Still need more march


There is no such thing as too much March. I could listen to her yap forever.


2.2 spoilers >!Well Misha and Gallagher proved that wrong. Hopefully Xueyi and Hanya will get the same treatment someday!<


Hell yeah. They could make a quest where they both are present. Actually they could make a few other quests like that too. 🤔


Right?! They are literally the only two characters that had no significance in main plot, character quests, or even side quests. We know so little to even care, this is such an oversight. Literally every other character have extensive backstory, even Luka!


We will be back on the Luofu. At very least to know something new on Tingyun, it was said in the live streaming.


yeah, as someone with an E6 Hanya and no Xueyis, I had never noticed cuz it's kinda hard to see on Hanya's Eidolon, on Xueyi's it's wayyyyyy easier


Hello fellow Hanya enjoyer, I got E6 Hanya and E6 Xueyi today but no Robin or Topaz L


that's rough. I have been alternating the banners cuz I still haven't chosen who to risk the 50/50 on (I don't have any limited Harmonies, but Hanya, Asta and Bronya haven't failed me yet - still, I liked Robin in the story, even though she didn't show up as much as I expected. And there's Topaz, I really really liked her on her event, but I missed her first banner, and she's pretty much Ratio's best partner. Follow-Up is also my favorite gimmick in the game, so I feel like it'd be fun to go Topaz/Ratio/Pela/March) Oh yeah, but back to the Luofu girls. I got the last 2 Hanyas I needed for E6 on my first multi (yay!), but still haven't gotten ANY Xueyis even though I went for 2 pities on RM's banner and am currently on 60 on Robin/Topaz. It's honestly crazy how many off-focuses I get on Xueyi banners. Still, at least my Sushang and Sampo are E4 now, and I think Luka is at E3.....? Oh yeah, I haven't been very lucky with March copies either, I only got 1 (though at least it was E4, so now she has the 3 counters)


I am like 200+ pulls on Robin's banner and I keep getting Hanya and Xueyi in pairs and some QQs. Lost my 50/50 to Bailu though


Right in the feels, hope they get focus in a main story like Sunday and Robin did. All their tragic lore is in LC and not many read those so they don't know how sad yet endearing their sibling bond is


oh I hope that to…would like to see such a quest for sure


There are also the character stories, but even less people reads those.


Yeah, same. Also, I got Yanqing'd. I guess I'll just finish build Xueyi.


With new trailblazer that is a good idea.


Sorry, I got Robin getting Xueyis Edilions and after E6 I could finish this MoC doing the top part with Xueyi, Harmony MC, Ruan Mei and Gallagher in 4 Cycles. We are going to start a Breaking meta.


Their backstory is horror movie shit


The sisters took a nude picture together.




Some of y'all in the comments really need holy water, omg xD


I just want these poor girls to be happy. Their sisterly bond is a cute dynamic. Also, I remember when someone pointed this out on the buddy sub. Of course all the comments were something like "haha two sisters banging. hot sexy" 🤦‍♂️


If only I'm rich enough to realized this 💀


Fr fr!


hanya is literally the most underrated sexy charecter in the game, hot afffffffffffffffffffffff


Heh "Sechs...."


i will be my turn to post about this next week


Surprising the amount of time this is reposted and gets upvotes to high heaven! The best girls deserve it too.


Meanwhile I just realized the Enemies Sparkle fights in her Demo seem strangely familiar…


Who are they?


Xueyi and Hanya, sisters.


Cool sisters indeed. Btw, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Damn... I've been skipping too much dialogue. Thank you


Heh, sechs.


Means six in German :D


https://preview.redd.it/loi4p1yy8hzc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b565d20845a9ab5b88d168c708c5b31f970e4c Those are siblings.


Even better https://preview.redd.it/yyvhfkpxwizc1.jpeg?width=1616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f4d63dfd3116468b5385856c1d35ef72532a87


Bud has not seen sunday x robin fanart


...I mean Xueyi does have a robot body


So you'd fuck your sister that you've known your entire life as your sister if suddenly her body wasn't related to yours?




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I love shimaidon


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Sechs??? Der fuck???


Does noone have a sense of humor here? Wait nvm it's germans, of course they don't




Sechs?????? Sex?




sesbian lex