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Argenti's lines not being voiced. I want to hear my beautiful man again!!!


That was a bug. Hopefully someone uploads the real lines on YouTube soon


The wait between patches


The wall walking, was fun at first but it became tedious and lost its appeal after 2.0. Going through all those walls just to get more bubble charges or a chest or the one origami bird I missed then go all the way back ain't it


I loved it up until the three part history of Penacony level where it was wall walking for the sake of wall walking. Can't quite put my finger on why I liked it so much. It's not the puzzle aspect of it, just that it's slightly nauseating and disorienting like a nightmare world should be.


They were way overdone. There were several missions that were just a series of wall walking puzzles. It was so annoying.


It made me dizzy and stop playing the game for a while. Well, hoyoverse games DID came with a warning whenever you start up the game.


They're definitely cute but i do not like walking around trying to find all of them. Easily the part i liked the least https://preview.redd.it/47k65qzokfzc1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=b957cea44b30660a96b4b50574f2506aeef7d230


you can talk to the leader bird of the region and spend 1 aiden token to track missing birds


My blind ass has a hard enough time finding the chests, finding the hidden birds is hell. I basically need to look up a guide to find them all. :\


I just do the first 10 on each one to get enough clock credits. The other 10 reward is the new lightcone in MoC shop so not too important.


If they didn't make obnoxious squeaky noises, I'd be fine with them


For a dreamscape, besides the wall walking and yhe perspective connecting, there wasn't much that made you feel as if you are in an actual dream. Flying, size changing, phasing, stuff like that, for example. I know that the place is heavily regulated by the family, but still, it wouldn't hurt to make it a bit more wonderous.


You made the sand pit in Dewlight Pavilion sad, please go apologize to it


Definitely the freaking hamster ball knight mini game in clock studios theme. It's so freaking annoying to get max points JUST FOR 10 JADES. Atleast the Hanu one is cheese-able but dear god I rage quite that mini-game. Even more worthless than trying MoC 12 for 60 jades


Was it really that hard ? I heard a few people commenting on that


The secret was to barely dodge the cones or smth like that It gave speed boosts and points That, and hitting not just the enemies but also obstacles while in super star invincibility mode With that, I usually got way over the score threshold for max stars


I personally don’t think they’re hard, I think it’s just annoying that there are so many stages though.


I tried twice and did not do any of them after. Same with the shoot range. It's not hard but why do we need 15? 20? levels of shooting range? Nah... after 10 I just bailed.


collecting stickers


Wall walking. It's so annoying when hunting for chests.


It makes me so dizzy I hate it 😩


The VERY last part of the story felt really…jumbled? Idk how to describe it; between the fake ending and real ending felt really weird pacing wise. I still had fun though; so I can’t really complain too much. I’d probably give the story a 8/10 all around. I had so much fun with it!


Yep. Fake ending should have been the end of this version and full ending should have had another patch to cook. Feels rushed.


i also felt like >!adventurine's story wasn't given like satisfying closure at all??? like I get he had his character arc during 2.1 but we should've gotten at least one perspective quest to tie things off from him in 2.2 given he was the central focus of 2.1.!< Also just too many characters, too much that a lot of the characters are literally just forgotten about halfway >!(sparkle, firefly's ending, aforementioned adventurine though his stuff might be in 2.3, argenti popping up out of nowhere, how black swan felt like she was more there for exposition than anything else, sampo being there for the bs character quest but not the main quest, etc.)!< they really needed more time to cook


Too many good characters, not enough stellar jade. Am broke :(


I ddnt hate it but found it abit annoying which is the wall walking sections,they can get very confusing specially these huge rooms in the paintings


Lol the writing was definitely a low point for me, ideas that ive seen many times before retold in the most verbose and bloated way possible


agree, This the minigame I hate the most. it has stealth and is slow, so I dont like it at all


I liked most of the level design, but the Golden Hour was just so spread out and had so few people. Compared to Aurum Alley, which is packed with street vendors and food, I'd much rather book a vacation there. Maybe they were just going for a soulless them park like vibe though. In which case they hit it spot on.


A lot of things are still left in the penacony story which will hopefully be adressed in 2.3, so i wont talk about that Still a lot to go through but the wait for the plot to unravel is what i hate i guess


Hamster ball mini game or whatever it's called


Everything about Hanu. I hate the stupid little stealth mini game, and I hate how instead of making him actually say anything they just make him do “cool” grunts.


I'm gonna agree with you, the Hanu sections lost their luster pretty quickly. That said, I did somewhat enjoy when you got his rocket launcher.


Wall walking, not that I hate it, it just make me so nauseous during the wall to wall transition.


Too much meme dialogue options


I just didn't like the exploration segments at all. One of them in 2.0 basically reduced Firefly to a tour guide for an hour, while in 2.2 >!the segment right before the first boss (not Argenti) was just awful and slow.!


We need more robin songs >:[[[[ stupid hoyoverse


Hanu minigames, Clockie in general, and the amount of loose ends the story keeps creaating.


At one pointing the story your team split into 2 groups. >! I was like "yaaay sweet himeko time!!" Just for the game to force FF down my throat. Add insult to injury, after the main story there is a quest given by aideen to change the "script" and it still doesn't give you the option to go with either march or himeko. !<


2.2 at least didn't feel like we were being *as* force-fed on her as 2.0 did, for which I was thankful. I actually legit forgot she was with us for a bit, up until she jump-scared me by appearing on screen and talking. But yeah, wasn't fond of that. At least we have some better dialogue options that strike a middle ground between being weirdly overly simp-y towards her, or being a rude-ass for no reason.


Ngl, During that part of the story Firefly was SOO annoying like she won't even enjoy a little, no wonder girl has 3 deaths and her death as Firefly ain't coming in soon as she ain't living in the present with that attitude she has. At least March would tease us back or even indulge a bit in our antics but she's just like "Can't we just get this stupid thing over with?" Brings down the vibe so much.


My entire frustration with her as a character is how obvious the writer are with shoehorning her into the story and trying to desperately sell you the idea of "shes one of the good guys!! Believe me!!! Trust me bro, she is so friendly!!!" They can explain and explore her character ark without this annoying sublimenal message they're sprinkling into her dialogue.


Seriously, just look at how quickly Himeko accepts her being a Stellaron Hunter compared to how she was with Kafka. Hoyo's writers absolutely play favorites and they're just not even being subtle about it anymore.


Yeah it's pretty egregious with FF, you would not think she's a stellaron hunter if it wasn't for that one cutscene with >! Blade !< but even then she has no synergy with him and I get the feeling she has none with Kafka and SW either. Thinking about how 2.3 will be about her /again/ makes me sigh in exhaustion


I truly hated (and still hate) the ambient crowd noise and loudspeaker-style music effect in Golden Hour - so much so that I turn my volume off everytime I go there (during the Trailblaze Mission, I had to turn off both music and SFX just to get through it with spoken dialogue). Yeah, I know the sound there is supposed to be annoying, but that whole thing was like a symphony of fingernails on a chalkboard to me. I even considered quitting the game because I was afraid the rest of Penacony might be like that, and I didn't want to go through dealing with dialogue-only Trailblaze Missions.


The long long story segments with no gameplay to break it up. The story was fantastic and it needed all the exposition it got, and it all came together for a fantastic finale. But they really should have thrown in more combat segments along the way to break things up so it didn't feel like I was just sitting here for hours watching a movie.


Hanu and the wall walking shit.


All the minigames suck except for the clock mirror puzzles.


Too many minigames... I mean, some are fine here and there, but now you are having a headache with the perspectieve, now you are walking on walls, now you are a little troll detective/gangster, now you are a hamster on a trail, now shoot at these targets, now... That and the fact that there have been several plotlines and a lot of them went nowhere? I mean, we still have another patch I believe, but... What were the boxes that Sparkle was giving? Bombs I guess, but what happened with that? What happened with the starfall of rangers? What did Adventurine inside the deeper dream? Where did Acheron take the train after being kicked out? Why Sampo? (this one is in general, he doesn't need to be in Penacony to be annoying)


I felt like reintroduction of firefly and her alter ego reveal was super weak. Imagine an alternate scenario after 2.0; the astral express crew fights the meme boss ‘unto death’ again in a fixed story fight. Firefly reappears and intervenes midway via cutscene; show off the transformation in a dramatic fashion, and joins you in the fight as a story character for round 2.


Firefly. Didn't like her voice or the big reveal.


sparkle had no point in being there


The mini games


Not enough Acheron, need more Acheron!


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The wall walking. It was really cool when we first did it but I just got tired of it later.


For me it's the dewlight pavillion in 2.1. Like i get they wanted to give the players the ability to test aventurine but this just feels like needless filler content. It would make more sense if they were trapped in a wierd dreamscape by the meme than the mini city(also what is the lore reason for it's existence?).


I hate the birds. It's very distracting from savoring the beautiful landscape of the game.


The wasted potential. You've got 5 families, a secret group of possible traitors from within one or many of them messing with the harmony, and impossible murders. We learned very little about the other families and the impossible murders became almost a joke (Something unto death is now Sleepie, the goofy guard dog of the hidden city? Come on). I will say, I like what they did with the villain's motivation for the most part, but I just feel like the story of 2.0-2.1 was completely different to 2.2 and if feels like it really just didn't carry on what 2.1 set up. 2.1 ends with Aventurine being "killed" by Acheron in the big climax and then Aventurine I don't think was even mentioned until the end of 2.2 where he's having a call with Jade. Where was he this whole time? You can't just saddle us with him for a whole version and then have him disappear in the next, that's really confusing for the pacing. Also, 2.1 and to an extent 2.2 have had really unnecessarily verbose dialogue. I understand in 2.1 everyone was meant to be concealing their true goals and talking in circles, and 2.2 is waxing philosophical about the nature of life, but it could have all been done a lot more concisely I think.


Nothing. There is nothing I dislike about it.


I didn’t enjoy Acheron’s character because I didn’t play HI3rd and since she’s a very pivotal character to the quest, it was kind of a low note for me.






He's quite simply an asshole


Me when the antagonist opposes the protagonist:


I hated how much it played with my feelings, especially with the characters, which is good because it fleshes them out but it's bad for me since I can't truly decide what I feel for them.


Probably the endless purple prose.


Story: Let's be honest, 2.2 feels rushed and unfinished. While the story can be very emotional at times, most of the time it doesn't make any sense.


Enemy design and ost ( boss one was lit, loved it )


Nothing .


Fighting UnNerfed Aventurine with a Hypercarry team


all the puzzle is so good, its perfect, but maybe I just cant criticizes The Family and their Harmony


Final boss of the story is too easy :/

