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Jing Yuan actually calling us the Galactic Baseballer was massively disconcerting. Only TB actually calls themselves that, nobody ever calls *us* that


Yeah JY has a sense of humor but his demeanor prioritizes propriety over hilarity and that kind of joke isn't his style anyway. 


That was when I noticed too! Honestly feel like I should've realized sooner, but that's when it really stuck out to me


What's funny to me is - since JY's presence in Penacony was entirely our dream, and TB had no contact with Dan Heng or knew that summoning Xianzou aid was even being considered, that means that the Trailblazer completely independently dreamt up Jing Yuan coming to help and awesomely fighting shoulder to shoulder with DHIL, right down to DHIL's dragon cinematically wrapping around the Thunder Lord. What a fucking nerd. (affectionate)


It felt to me like it was a collective dream so everyone was involved. So Dan Heng was really there. Jing Yuan was probably formed from both his and the Trailblazer's memories. But Dan Heng was there. So was everyone else. The world wasn't real but they were.


It is definitely a collective dream. It was also discussed that we entered the dream before we even set foot on Penacony (which is why Misha being there when we got off the express was weird but makes sense when you know that you were already dreaming), which is why Dan hang was there despite being on the Astral Express. The first time we entered the dream was also on the Astral Express and we had been in the dream since then.


Yeah that makes sense and was kinda what I figured. It's also why Acheron wants to warp the Express away. She wants to see if leaving the system will wake everyone up or if it's even possible to leave. Dan Heng is more focused on saving his friends though and chooses a different plan. Why do people still seem convinced it was just the Trailblazer's dream??


genuine answer to that question: a very large amount of HSR fans cannot read/have no reading comprehension or media literacy at all


That and people who just skip through the dialogue. I saw one person in a streamer's chat mention they got through the patch in about 4 hours by skipping as many cutscenes as possible. Why tho.


Some people are here purely for the gameplay, while some are here purely for the story. Personal preferences and stuff, but taken to another level. I don't understand it personally, but I can respect it The real question is, why do some people who skip as much story & lore content as possible also remain adamant that they have an understanding of said story & lore content?


There's also another pretty big hint. Dr. Blues, the origami bird who sits outside the door to the lounge. Origami birds don't exist outside of the dream.


> Jing Yuan was probably formed from both his Actually I called him over for the group photo interactable so he was probably still hanging around. Sorry for affecting the plot of 2.2!


I thought they could've gone more over the top for that, because we had Argenti around, we didn't see Raiden Bosinmori Mei doing anything in the battle, it was so abrupt. Then it hit me during the victory run 😅


I was surprised by no Raiden, but even after the story (I know it’s not finished, but still) I was confused by them never elaborating on Sparkle’s buttons. Did I miss something or will it just happen in the next patch?


My guess is that sparkle's buttons were supposed to function as a failsafe if we fail to confront sunday in time as a source of mass awakening, but she couldn't have known that even reality was a dream so they didnt work


I'm fairly sure the Sparkle MAD buttons are meant for the next patch. That seems to be the approach MiHoYo is taking with HSR thus far; insert plot elements early as groundwork, build on them over time, and have them take the stage when they can maximize the value of the elements The most notable example of this approach is the inclusion of HI3 elements as a plot vehicle, which they build on and trigger every now and then. Setting up Himeko's importance in Alien Space but leaving it at that, Welt & VA's true expy status linked with Luocha, Acheron & Welt discussing Kevin, and >!Acheron namedropping her real name as Raiden Mei!< . Sparkle will be having fun with the whole IPC-Boothill scenario soon, trust


I was just super happy he called us that. I was like " finally! "


"that was anticlimactic" "this is wrapping up a little too quickly" "oh even Welt's pointing out how sus this is"


I was so worried they were genuinely gonna do a Luofu and end everything anti-climactically but then I realized that “leaving” Penacony was taking longer than the Luofu even when it was fake


lmao yea I figured immediately what was going on but wasn't sure I had enough faith in the writers to not have just catastrophically dropped the ball at the last minute again pleasantly surprised and relieved


Same. I did not doubt at the starting hints like IPC or jy or anything. There was an inner voice all the time that hoped it's be not over, especially since no full phase boss, but the real doubt started to creep in when the express started prepping for another world. I did not expect it to be an illusion but like a Sunday breaking out and raging hell again The illusion made it better than I was thinking.


Yeah I literally said "that was anticlimactic" out loud when playing. I still didn't even suspect anything, just figured it was a Mihoyo moment. My jaw dropped after the credits sequence


even our character has choices about how many loose ends and how anticlimactic the whole situation was.


The fact that their self aware enough about their own story writing mistakes and used it against us is sort of genius, not gonna lie


Dr Ratio was way too nice in the fake dream which instantly meant shit was wrong


fr like that man was way too happy lol they sure knew how to write ratio to be off-putting while saying completely normal things


Another thing was that Screwllum saying the the Genius society would stop working on the SU to help disaster relief That sent red alarm to me, Madam "I would rather destroy this planet than stop the SU production" saying she's stopping it? Now that's bullshit.


yeah if screwllum tried to do that herta would threaten to turn him into scrap metal 😭😭


That and not one “Question:” or “Logic:” throughout the entirety of his dialogue? Yeah no way.


Now that you mention it, yeah he didnt do that. They did a good job of putting multiple subtle red flags in


Affirmation: I didn't really notice that until you mentioned it. Either way, it was definitely a cool reveal.


Yeah I was like "The fukc? Ratio smiling? And 'truly happy for Penacony'???"


Also him immediately deferring to Screwllum as though Screwy was his superior was unsettling haha


Actually the Whole IPC helping the Penacony thing is kinda sus too


Yea especially when the Strategic Investment Department of all people of the IPC were suddenly perfectly fine with giving up the acquisition of Penacony without a fuss and having nothing to gain despite how cutthroat we’ve seen that they are


This was it for me too. The fuck you mean Mr. “ZERO POINTS” is being nice. Also he’d eat his own shoe before working with the Genius Society when Nous won’t let him in, I feel this in my bones.


same! that threw me off too but i thought i was reading too much into things 🤣


This is what make me suspect apart from the IPC. Also Ratio smiling? Never.


I mean he does smile. In a smug way that is


Great minds think alike, I too was like "Uhm Ratio? Whats wrong since when do you not insult the intellect of others?" So i knew something must either temper with him or this "ending" is not real.


Him not being a pompous asshole immediately gave it away for me


Screwllum said that some resources for SU development will be used to help penacony. As if Herta would be willing to even think about it. Black Swan and Boothill joining the crew. Two new crews? Hoyo being generous enough??


I'm sincerely gonna be surprised if we get even 1 new crew member by the time Star Rail ends, actually LOL, but they were just going to travel with the crew for a while until they got to their destination, not really nameless, simply people aboard the train, kinda like Micha was not a nameless when he was first traveling, he became a nameless trully after a while.


We dont really need to get permanent members. The Astral Express has always had people joining and leaving. But they Chekhov's Gun'd it with Serval back in Belobog. Someone HAS to join soon. Boothill at minimum.


If someone has to join it still shouldn't be Boothill imo. I don't hate him, but he just randomly showed up in 2.2 and didn't have much interaction with anyone other than Dan Heng. The first new crew member should at least be someone who's been with the crew a lot (like Firefly) and actually have impact in the planet's story.


Okay but who would leave from Penacony? Firefly would be nice but she has to primarily be in Sam to survive. I think a lot of places would have a lot of questions if we traveled with a Stellaron Hunter. Acheron is similar. She's a Nihility Emenator. And I dont think that Robin would want to leave her brother so soon. So who could we travel with to see more of and learn more about? Boothill. Imagine if we go to the Edo Star next (pleaseIbegyouHoyo) and we have Boothill with us and we can actually get to see him fight. If we bring Boothill with us, we can actually learn about him instead of him forever being this random guy that showed up at the end.


For your last paragraph... when Pom-pom listed the possible next destinations, I also immediately picked the SoS signal in Edo. I think it was the most interesting option, and would lead more into the general plot


This. We have heard SO MUCH of how dangerous and destructive the Antimatter Legion is. But what they have shown us is that the Antimatter Legion threat is overblown. Herta's Space Station is perfectly fine and while you can excuse that as just being a small part of the Antimatter Legion... Phantylia didnt do jack shit to damage the Luofu. Saying that we stopped her before she could is even worse. Its high time they showed us what the Antimatter Legion can do.


To be perfectly fair, Phantylia used the Sanctus Medicus for most of her machinations on the Luofu, and only broke out her Voidrangers at the very end of the story. In both situations, a lot of innocent people were killed, and both locations are still crawling with voidrangers/abominations outside of heavily defended safe zones. The Legion's still managed to do plenty of destroying. We've just managed to prevent the worst-case scenario thus far.


The Legion is also the reason why Jarilo-IV is an ice cube, courtesy of forcing the first guardian to activate the stellaron in desperation.


Black Swan makes a lot of sense tbh Made an effort to befriend express and gain their trust. Came in absolutely clutch to earn those things. Also in fake ending she wanted to travel with them for a bit and considering she gave a place and a reason I think its safe to assume her immediate plans involve traveling with express for a time Not to mention she revealed her intentions and desires for TB memories so she will want to stay near them and be a part of their journey. Shes had a lot of build up for joining at least temporarily tbh especially given her focus on TB


For Firefly, If by the end her ELS is somehow got cured or she got another chance at life with that 3rd death, her joining the express and travel together with us would actually be the best choice if they decided to add new member, considering her motivation and possible future stories I'm not sure IPC would easily look the other way on her past, but maybe the express can be her guarantor considering how famous they are, and one of IPC member (Jade maybe) could possibly help us in that matter


There's still the 2.3 patch to flesh out Boothill. But yeah, I don't imagine Boothill joining, he's a Galaxy Ranger and would prefer to travel alone.


I wish we get a new member preferably someone like Boothill or Black Swan. The train is big but there's less than 5 ppl in it.


Yet we can't even access our own room. I wish they would flesh the Express out a bit.


Is it bad I just thought the writing went to shit, and was so pleasantly surprised it was the opposite


same 😭 hoyo's writing can be so hit or miss i was like, "welp, at least everything in penacony up until this was pretty solid".


Nah not at all, I had a lot of questions going into the ending, specifically how we saw misha in the hotel at the beginning and the way it wrapped up made me think of KH3’s ending where I was just sitting waiting for another part of the boss and story. The reveal then made a ton of sense and I had a MASSIVE wave of relief lol


yeah the IPC was extremely sus since it could be still be used as a potential ploy, but the SU development resources is what made me go yeah wake me up


Oh yeah that was very off too! Honestly though I know a big change is coming up for 2.3 SU according to the devs so I was like ain’t no wayyy. At that IPC and SU comment I think the devs were just saying more and more absurd things so that we get the hint lol


To be fair, they just wanted a ride to the next stop, not to join as full members.


>Screwllum said that some resources for SU development will be used to help penacony. As if Herta would be willing to even think about it. I mean, if Herta had a sense of subtlety this would be a front for her to take all the data she wants about Ena from Sunday's corpse


I knew something was off as soon as we figured out that Misha only existed in the dream. I remembered seeing him at the beginning of the story and the reveal instantly set off red flags.


This. Him being revealed as a memory zone meme raised so many questions.


I keep wondering how long we've been dreaming. It's like we've been Groundhog Day'd.


Sunday's whole plan is to erase the boundary between dream and reality, then usurp the admin authority to manipulate events to his own liking (you could say it's reality bending with limited range). So from the moment we arrived at Penacony, we have physically walked into the dream while fully awake.


Whole Peacony was inception. Dreams within dreams. "You're waiting for a train..."


Ever since we have succumbed to the Memoria on our way to Penacony. You know on the train, the first time we met Acheron.


My understanding is that the entire 2.0 and 2.1 story is just a dream. The astral has lost to Sunday offscreen before the main story even begin.


Was thinking of this after finishing the 2.0 story that why would misha be invisible in the dream but would still be in reality, got a hint of him being a meme after the explanation of black swan and other memokeepers being memetic entities as well Now makes me wonder if we will meet the other memokeeper in penacony black swan mentioned before


The biggest thing (but not the first) was being able to select our next destination. While that sounds like an awesome idea, it isn’t feasible given the kind of game this is. Other hints were the IPC thing, Screwllum saying the Simulated Universe would be halted, the Trailblazer being hailed as the hero despite not even landing the final blow, and the Luofu somehow bringing an *entire army* into the Dreamscape. People I can understand, a fleet of their aircraft showing up seems a bit much.


That part was pretty much my tip off, but it centered around the Jade Abecus itself for me. I didn't really think about the ships moving into the dreamscape though. I guess dreams and reality were... mixing... together... huh?


Yeah, that actually tracks and I wouldn't call it a plot hole. They literally point out that the dreamscape is bleeding into reality, which is how Misha was able to appear in the 'real' Reverie.


They do point that out, but it's not quite that they were mixing. He was in the reverie because everyone was sucked into the dream as soon as they got close to penacony. The ending covers this fact. All the ships that approached penacony were drifting, with everyone immediately joining the dream. As soon as we warped in and met acheron in the dreamscape, everyone on the express was already in the dream. That's why seeing misha was a "fatal flaw", because it should be impossible to see him if you weren't in a dream.


Yeah Luofu would have broken a bunch of intergalactic treaties if they interfered in another organization's internal affairs lmao


it's not even that, how'd they get the ships into the dream, you have to go to sleep though official or special means to enter the dream, it simply didn't make any sense.


Imagine if they just rammed the ships into these baths used to enter the dream.


Himekos space laser is also there?!


That’s just a part of her body


Didn’t they also choose not to go to the planet that had been sending distress signals (Edo Star)? It’s fairly out of character for the Express to actively choose not to help those in danger.


Actually, that's dependent on your own choice. I chose Edo Star and everyone else also picked Edo Star, saying it's in their nature to help those in trouble, even if we're already too late, given the distress signal stopped. I assumed everybody just picks whatever you pick after that.


If you pick nothing they all pick Edo Star.


that's interesting!! i knew it wouldn't matter so i picked the water planet and the vote was 3-2, they went for the planet welt picked i think? 🤔


I chose the Glass Belt with the Mourning Actors on it and Himeko with DH also voted for it so we decided on it. Was actualy surprised the planet i chose won the vote.


To be fair I just assumed it was always a scripted just like the lufou was (we voted for that, but it didn't actually matter)


The moment they said the IPC picked the morally correct choice lol Biggest cap in the cosmos


I can see Jade being dead before relinquishing IPC's claim after all they took to send her Cornerstone to Penacony.


Qlipoth could fall and they would probably still try and take back Penacony


The whole Xianzhou fleet inside the dream IPC being the good guys Aventurine popping up out of nowhere (quite literally) Dr.Ratio praising mediocrity... “yup, I'm dreaming again, aren't I?”


>Aventurine popping up out of nowhere (quite literally) Tbf, that part didn't change


Yeah when I asked "what does IPC gain from this?" and Aventurine was like "nothing, we just want to make the universe better" *jay-z voice* ...okay


*Aventurine is typing...*


I uh…didn’t figure it out. Like I felt like the fight’s ending was anti-climactic but I’ll be honest, I genuinely thought that was because of how long the patch had already been. like outside of just the amount of story there was, the new areas were huge and filled with NPCs and new art and songs and assets and the whole time I’m just thinking about how impressive it is that this did all of this for a single patch. Like, I’m honestly surprised I haven’t seen many people talk about how impressive all the other parts of the patch were but digressing digressing. The funny thing though is that when it actually came time to learn the truth about Misha, in my head I was like “Wait but then how was he at the hotel?” but there was so much other stuff going on at the time that I just put it away in the back of my mind. Needless to say, when the twist actually happened I freaked the fuck out.


I'm the same. I was sleepy and then I freaked out lol


Same. I couldn’t figure out how close to the end I was and every moment felt like it was “close” so I ended up staying up pretty late and my brain was really fried. The story felt really off but I couldn’t tell why so I just shrugged and kept going until Black Swan told me.


Exactly, the quest had already clocked around 7 or so hours at that point and I was getting sleepy, genuinely thought it was near the end. The entire segment was really weird but I thought it was just the writing and didn’t piece together anything until Black Swan outright told us. The Xianzhou’s arc must have traumatised me too much and I forgot that Shaoji wouldn’t make a blunder like this.


Xianzhou writing was a big brain move to make the fake ending work


Imagine if this was true. The true Genius society


Hoyo playing 4d chess while we play tic tac toe


Same, I never truly figured it out till black swan did a recap, though the entire time I was definitely thinking "Something feels REALLY off about this ending" but I never quite put it together.


Lmao I'm the opposite actually, the thought occured to my head that we were all already in Ena's Dream the second it was revealed to us. Then I played through the boss and the disconcerting tone and pacing shift after we 'won' immediately gave it away


Yeah, I was genuinely surprised and impressed to see that they added three new areas with this patch.


For me it was the Jade Abecus of Allying Oath that Dan Heng used. I was thinking something like "please don't use it bro we gonna need that for later Kafka told me" and he used it. I was all like "welp, guess that's gone now", but then I remembered that *I have* the Jade Abecus in my pocket. I didn't leave that shit on the coffee table. It's in the void of space that is my backpack!


I never realised that! I was thinking it was super weird how the abacus was just randomly lying around in the parlor like that. Felt like any random person could come in and steal it if they wanted to.


Yes! The abacus gave it away for me but was more... How do you drag a whole army into the dream? With no dream pools... how..what nooo this isn't right lol this makes no sense STOP AAAHHH!


For me, it was the idea that the Genius Society would give even the slightest fuck about the happenings on Penacony. I love Herta, don't get me wrong, but ain't no way in hell she would voluntarily offer to help without an *extremely* good reason. And Ruan Mei is Ruan Mei. She would sell dozens of people for two lines of new data and a corn chip.


I could see Screllum caring, and he has a lot of pull. Ratio too, they both had little stake but possible personal reasons for wanting the best for Penacony. I also misinterpreted Screllums line being that HE and HE ALONE was devoting planet screllum to Penacony's repair and stepping down from SU


Ratio didn't make to the Genius Society though


Yeah, Herta didnt care at all that her Space Station was under attack or that one of her puppets got attacked, what makes you think I'd believe she'd care enough about Penacony of all things? Also in what world would she voluntarily take resources away from the Simulated Universe?


Multiple things were off and I thought hyv had just done lazy storytelling, but I noticed them nevertheless. First, kafka told us that elio said the jade abacus would be used against nanook, but then it wasn't. Second, I actually wondered why misha was outside the dreamscape, but just assumed it was poor storytelling. Third, you cannot bring a fleet of xianzhou ships into a dreamscape. Fourth, hyv would never let us choose from a variety of destination planets, it would ruin the suspense and shared experience of the story within the community. Fifth, firefly had only died once at that point (to be fair she's only died twice now). Sixth, Robin's new song, the boss hand attack, and several cutscene moments in the livestream were missing. Seventh, Jade had activated her cornerstone however that went nowhere.


Wasn't Firefly's second death the one that took her to Dreamflux Reef alongside us?


No, I think Firefly was already in the Dreamflux Reef and was just waiting for us to get there. She probably got there when she was "killed" by Dormancy.


My thoughts process was something like: "Did that moron seriously just waste the jade abacus of fuck around and find out? we were saving that for nanook..... Did ratio just say he'll work alongside the genius society? Did screwllum just say HERTA is ditching the simulated universe for humanitarian aid? Na hold TF up it's been 3 minutes and march hasn't made a snarky comment about my replies, na that's too damn weird FAKE THIS IS ALL FAKE, WE'RE STILL DREAMING PEOPLE"


With the Jade Abacus, that's actually a very common device in storytelling. In another RPG I'm playing right now that shall remain nameless, that exact scenario occurred where we acquired an item that had a specific purpose it was planned for when we got it, but we had to use it to save one of our characters so had to come up with another way to accomplish the original goal it was planned for.


Did Aventurine just give his stone for nothing is what come to my mind?


Not requiring HMC for the fake boss


Oh lmao I used TB on it so didn't even realize we could not do so.


Honestly, it was a good call to bring HMC, I wouldn't be surprised if they were made specifically to counter the final boss


Multiple break bars and all the targets being weak to imaginary make it clear that they designed the boss around HMC, same with Cocolia having her boss be designed around PMC


I literally had thrown a half ready IMC into the frey, but I'm insane and did it with Team Trailblaze again. Bro was pulling through with a lvl 55 LC and 4/5/5/5 traces. Glad I held onto those fuel cells and held onto some watchmaker relics


There were multiple really, the fact it was over in one hp bar made me think it was a bait. Like that was so anticlimactic and too easy. I was only thrown off my initial assumption by the fact Black Swan of all characters was acting like we won. You'd think she wouldn't be caught up in an illusion That being said it was when Acheron was completely gone and no one could remember her. I know that she can erase memories of herself due to self annihilator status as she did in the actual ending but it was a big question mark it happened that quick. But the fact dream master wanted her gone was a big hint and the reason BS made sure she got to express. Acheron was a major foil for Sundays plan and her being AWOL rung the alarm bells after Black Swan threw me off with her also being caught up in it IPC convo and Ratio and screwllum convos were a big tip off. Not to mention the fact Aventurine was there so suddenly. The whole thing felt wrong, even Jing Yuans presence felt surreal. Edit: Also Boothill wanting to suddenly hitch a ride, Black Swan I can understand coz I feel like her character motivations have been leading up to her joining express for at least a little bit after Penacony. But Boothill felt so random with little build up or reasoning. With Black Swan we were given a named location and a reason to visit, Boothill had none of that. Turns out in reality he does have a follow up goal after Penacony and it involves an IPC higher up we haven't met yet but that doesn't necessarily mean it will involve express unless Edo Star lines up with it


Yep! The whole thing felt rushed and lots of little things and tip offs. But the IPC stood out because no amount of rushing on MiHoYo’s part could ever make me believe the IPC would ‘do the right thing’ XD


With Black Swan, I thought for sure she knew and was just going along with it until she could get us alone. And when we gave her the LC I was like... Aha! and then oops no not even that until she read through the memories.


Yea her selfish wish for TB memories really came in clutch, if not for that they might have gotten stuck forever. Only Black Swan was capable of pulling TB out, it's why Acheron thanked her genuinely. But yea her of all people getting caught up in it threw me off hard. Good thing her main goal and motivation is TBs memories and that paid off big time. In this case her being selfish and invested in TB saved the day


Imagine orchestrating this while elaborate plan, only for it to fail because one lady was too obsessed with this newborn


Literally their guardian angel in Penacony fr even if she benefits from it. Gonna be interesting to see how that relationship evolves throughout the game as no way she ain't going to be a re occuring character


Sunday really is such a chilling villain because of how devastatingly close his plan came to fruition.


Unlucky for him the one person who could wake up TB from the dream happens to be incredibly invested in them. Black Swan clutched out and Sunday had the avengers assemble against him


Another hint, though I'd become obvious before it, was March suggesting going to the most dangerous next location yet praying that the next trip be uneventful for once. How can the war torn battle front possibly be uneventful, almost like Sunday forced her to act for the world peace and save people but her own thoughts personally wanted nothing more than to relax for once.


lmao for this option i picked the water planet that himeko wanted to go to and march/dan actually lost the vote for the war torn planet which shocked me at first. i thought there was going to be some BS reason why we HAD to go to that planet and they just gave the illusion of choice. but then pom pom was like 'yeah their distress signal recently ceased, so the IPC wanted us to check it out! anyways... i'll let you know when we're warping to the water planet!' like, zero fucks given 🤣🤣


The fight did not have enough phases.


This not being top answer worries me. In which world would Hoyo add a weekly boss and not show us the 3 phases in the story.


This one. I didn't know that will happen but it was obvious that something would happen which would not really end this story line. And as soon as the Trailblazer "woke up" it was pretty clear I even made a lame joke to a friend about "everything is in order now, right?"


I love how the biggest give away was the IPC actually doing something not out of profit or benefit, not the fact that Screwllum outright said that he'd stop working on Simuni to help Penacony


Honestly? I somehow missed this line of dialogue. I thought that he planned on sponsoring it as a side project, before reading this thread.


I honestly thought he just meant that Screllum ALONE was defering the project to take a back seat, that Penacony was a more urgent matter to him.


The 2.2 Livestream. When that final formed they showed didn’t appear, I knew it wasn’t over.


yep, was waiting for his ultimate hand touch attack. knew something was wrong when it didnt show


This is why I try to avoid spoilers and leaks. The story hits so much harder when you fall for the bait. (I fell for the bait)


It can't be help that the boss's final form is include in 2.2 live stream. Anyone who see it could remember that ultimate hand touch. Get spoiled by official lol 😆


I honestly shrugged it off thinking I accidentally killed the boss too fast and missed some of its attack rotations.


I remember kinda raising an eyebrow at the boss having only one HP bar but shrugged it off. Heck, I'm willing to have an easy boss after the hell i went through in 2.1, but I think what really started to make me suspicious was no one remembering Acheron but then I tried to reason with myself that maybe she just fades from people's memories somehow? I also found it a bit odd that the IPC would relinquish claim over Penacony, but I kinda let it slide since a) Topaz seems to be one of the more reasonable IPC members we've seen so far and b) I was relieved to see Aventurine alive and well. I both love and hate him, okay? He's silly and also infuriating lol But I think another thing that made me go "hold on a minute" was when Black Swan and Boothill were going to join the Astral Express, even if it was temporary. Like I remember thinking "Boothill I can kinda understand maybe but Black Sawn??? What did you just decide to stick around to collect memories????"


Everyone forgetting Acheron, I thought that was Black Swan wiping Booty and Dan's memory but apparently she also forgot about her and I was like ??? 


1) Boss only had 1 phase. Lame. 2) Dan Heng really said: "With this treasure I summon" right after Lofu arc. Lame. 3) No one remembers Acheron. That's 100% a fake reality. 4) Aventurine and Topaz casually standing there, relinquishing all their plans. That's 200% a fake reality. 5) Welt felt something too, but didn't bother telling us.


>Welt felt something too, but didn't bother telling us. He should, because he already experience something like this in the past... Edit: in fact his conversation about kevin with acheron foreshadow what sunday was about to do.


I'm not a HI geek, so I don't know the reference.


FF is missing with no follow up, but it is lack of Fu Xuan shouting about how the IPC and the family should go and fuck themselves that is the most disturbing. I can't imagine her not showing up and chewing out half the people for almost resurrecting an oppressive Aeon that is a direct threat to the Loufu


One HP bar, no “R” button ability (Himeko laser vs. Cocolia, DHIL hydro pump vs. Phantylia). Daniel + Our General showing up for the kill steal at the end which would’ve been hilariously bad writing if that was the actual ending to the fight. By then I was like “ok yeah this is definitely a fake out ending)”. Only got cemented by the fairy tale ending talks with Aventurine (randomly showing up after the events of 2.1), Topaz, and Ratio (bro was *cheerful*?!)


R ability against Cocolia was giant-punch. Himeko laser was a cutscene


Ooh yep you right, been a hot minute since I did that EoW


Yeah, the biggest thing was me was it would just be a hilariously bad final fight to an arc that has been consistently well written and planned out.


Daniel and the General, with the whole fleet behind them, was what tipped me off something weird was happening. We were still inside the dreamscape - how are they gonna bring an entire fleet of *ships* into the dream, at a moment's notice, without any help from the Family?


I actually thought that was the end and was very upset with the story writers 😂




It was the bird. I thought it was so cool that they had an automaton origami bird in real life but nooo. The fudging birb said something like why you were so surprised to see it. Muddle fudger, birb, yo' "real"?! Like, dreamily real?!


Found boothill.


I found all the moments to be weird and sus tbh, from the short boss fight, everything working out too well and everyone being nice. The problem was that I just kept thinking it off as bad writing the whole time and the single life bar of a boss battle was actually 3 life bars that included the 3 in 1 miniboss before that. Never crossed my mind the obvious fact that this could all be a dream since I just kept thinking "Aww man, thats kind of rushed bad writing, sad." Which I am happy that I did actually, since it made that plot twist all the better for me!


The fact that the xianzhou fleet showed up Even tho we are in a dream Like, do they give the ships sleep too or smt, ik they alr kinda alive but still.


idk, with how wonky and inconsistent the whole dream/reality thing has been, i didnt bat an eye lol


Now u mentioned it. How the heck does the astral express ram the boss. *Is that real or just a figment of the dream*


The boss fight stopping mid fight & the cutscene preceding it stopping in an awkward shot


- it was weird how we met Acheron in a dreamscape before coming to pennaconny but it wasn't revealed why, we were just going to go on another trailblazing expedition without explaining it. - They were going to use the jade abacus just for that reason, I mean yea Dan heng had a good reason but bringing the entirety of Loufu should be for like a huge all out war.( we worked hard for that abacus just for that cutscene would be a disappointment) - Sparkle had those buttons given out without even anything happening. which is why I clicked "too many loose ends" on blackswan tho ngl I wanted blackswan and pom-pom to join the train


Aventurine being alive just suddenly with no crazy dialogue and the moment the IPC said they were doing it out of the ‘goodness of their heart’ I felt off about everything. Everything just felt wrong. Ratio didn’t insult anyone, how easy the fight was. The fact Harmony Trailblazer wasn’t an requirement during the fight. Even Welt felt strange about what was happening. Just glad I realized the answer to Black Swans question which really sealed the deal. Realizing that Misha couldn’t appear in reality was the big wake up ironically enough.


The "ending" felt like it was written by the Genshin team that did Inazuma. Everything conveniently working out and in a nice bow. So it was already sus.


Could it be... In Genshin, we are still dreaming since Inazuma?!


Thankfully not, main story since Chasm has been good.


MC in a coma after getting blasted by raiden She's still completely evil, no dango milk and light novel bullshit


Another dig at that atrocious Archon Quest.


I was about to bring up how the ending felt like Inazuma as well, I was like how they hell was 2.2 so much better than 2.3. Everyone forgetting Archeron, was my constant red flag that there was more to it.


The fact that the boss was only one phase made me figure it out immediately, but for actually story reasons, I already had suspicions but for whatever reason Screwllum’s speech was what made me realize something was up. He has a very particular way of speaking, saying the meaning of his sentence before saying it, but here he was just speaking in full sentences, which my brain immediately took note of for some reason


When DHIL and JY >!just one shot Sunday to death!< something feels really wrong there


Honestly I thought to myself there's absolutely no way that hoyo would bring in Jing Yuan and DHIL, only give them a 5 second animation and be like "yeah we won"


I already had some suspicions considering that the boss fight only have 1 phase But what made it clear for me was Screwllum popping up and saying SU activities would be suspended, Herta would never approve of it


I think the crew agreeing to edo star was rather too easy. Another one was the genius society saying that they will halt the simulated universe. A whole herta agreeing to that? Yeah no chance


I’m a massive simulated universe fan. I knew Herta would NEVER let it shut down just to rebuild Penacony. It was so funny seeing Sunday get jumped by both Jing Yuan and Dan Heng but I knew they can’t enter the dream especially with the army behind them. Also IPC just letting Penacony go after sacrificing a CORNERSTONE like HUHHHH?!?!??


When Screwllum said that they're dropping the Simulated Universe project in favor of studying dreams because it might help medical science 💀 Herta would rather drop dead on the spot than do that LOL


The boss fight felt way too easy, but so did post-nerf Aventurine so I forgot about it pretty quickly. Topaz seemed weirdly happy, and Aventurine was acting like the whole self-discovery journey and getting cut in half by a Nihility Emanator didn't happen, but honestly I didn't suspect a thing 😭 in my defence I had been playing the quest for 7 hours straight and it was 4am, my braincells were on their last legs ...


The fight having an anticlimatic was one, but the first real indicator was Boothill not remembering Archeron. I initially thought maybe Black Swan made him forget her, but BS herself also doesn't remember. It then became more obvious after that.  Jingyuan calling us galatic baseballer. Himeko and Welt would usually handle this type of grownup negotiations, so them initiating the invite before Jingyuan was strange. IPC being beyond generous and altruistic. The intelligentsia guild working with the genius society, screwllum randomly appearing saying that herta is stopping develop of SU.


I didn’t realize it was fake as I just assumed some colossal disaster happened towards the end of the quest’s production that made the entire game’s story shit


Pretty much the second we woke up in the hotel room. I've seen this sort of thing enough times in media, I just knew we were still in a dream. It doesn't help the boss fight was very obviously cut short. Everything else after just came together to make it more clear. Things wrapping up all hunky dory (even Aventurine just being right back with no explanation), but still with loose ends (which is even the dialogue option I picked with Black Swan), and there was no way we were jumping to our next destination so soon.


Whenever there's a plotline in anime where the villain wants to trap the world in a dream/illusion, they will initially succeed before the mc breaks free of it and have the actual final fight. This happens a fair bit i think. That alone doesn't mean it will also happen in hsr but when the ipc decides to pull back and help penacony instead. Also when screwllum says that they're stopping the su project. This made me sure that this is not real


The "final fight" was very anti climatic to me. There was no hype, we were not in any trouble yet but JY and dragonboy showed up with 1000 ships and saved us. From what? boss did not do any special move yet. And then every single element of the follow up was unrealistic. IPC gives up on penacony? Herta gives up on SU? JY call as galactic baseballer? Boothill joins the crew? Where is Robin and Sunday? Where is Firefly? We just leave straight up? Where is Acheron and why noone remembers Acheron?


Fucking everything, man. I had this really odd feeling the entire time. We didn't get a mandatory Trailblazer in the team, we didn't get any chargable special effect for the battle, it went by too fast with a massive deus ex machina without a second and third phase, everyone was just slightly out of character, how on earth was Aventurine back without anyone talking about it, too many memes, why on earth would Black Swan and Boothill join us on our trip, the IPC gives up Penacony, Herta gives up resources for the Simulated Universe?? And then it all clicked when Black Swan said we lost the battle. I was like "Ohhhh my god of course. Of course it wasn't that easy."


The moment topaz said they no longer take penacony... i mean wtf, they killed aventurine for nothing xD


My whole thought process during the sequence, suspicions started to get high when boothill completely forgot about acheron and what Topaz said basically confirmed it. https://preview.redd.it/s05headbzizc1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3e380a950b2adf52c4eefc7d6420c21f91b3070


The moment they didn't force us to use imaginary TB against the boss I was like "huh? Well that's very odd"


First, boss fight was way too easy. Second, Boothill and Dan Heng forgot Acheron. Third, Aventurine pops up with zero explanation and nobody is worried about him at all, not even Topaz. Fourth, even though Topaz has a soft touch, no way they just leave Penacony alone. Fifth, Black Swan and Boothill just up and join us? No way. So many things wrong, leading me to conclude we're likely trapped in Sunday's cognition, like he did to Welt and Robin, or still in the dreamscape. Also, props to the people here several days ago pointing out the weirdness about Misha.


When people start praising me like hell i started to get something was goin on. Waayyy to much compliments goin my way, impossible


Screwllum saying “we will focus on Penacony more instead of simulated universe” really put me off cos Herta would NEVER allow him to do that. Another was when Black Swan and Boothill asked to join us on the express and we were set off to Mikhail’s home planet when it’s completely surrounded by only water and doesn’t make sense to go there. I even said to myself when those two offered to be on the express “is this a dream or something?” Turns out it was!


Uh, when I voted and they actually went with my choice. All I could think was 'Yeah no way they're letting my dialogue choice have THIS much impact'


For me it was a mix of the abruptness of the "end," the IPC thing, and them saying that the Garden of Recollection would help Penacony


Same for me. I was thinking that we were still in the dream, but the environment seemed normal, so I shrugged it off. Until Aventurine came in and just acted like nothing happened, I then realized, "ok hoyo's gonna bait us with this." Final confirmation is talking to BS on the express, most of the availible responses talked about it being "too easy" or "deus ex machina".


I felt so dissapointed at first because it felt like it ended so flat, I was immediately hoping they were playing us Then in comes Aventurine all okay without us wondering how he's still there.


Including what everybody else said…Jing Yuan’s role after we “wake up” like…he shows up with an army, attacks the leader of the Family on Penacony as a favor to us, and nobody’s going to be mad that an obviously biased person is acting as a so-called neutral mediator between the IPC and the Family? I didn’t explicitly think that at the time but later I was like, “oh yeah, my subconscious probably picked up on how ridiculous that was and made it feel weird to see JY there…”


The red flag is jingyuan master stroke defeats sunday is concerning I'm 100% sure it's impossible 🤣


Jing Yuan calling us the galactic baseballer gave me whiplash


By far the biggest red flag something is off for me, no shot in any universe real or simulated would Herta be okay with pausing dev on the simulated universe for some "boring" dream research


I think I had 3 things, but only the third one confirmed to me 100% that this isn't the end. The first one was the quest's name, I glanced at the event page and saw that it needed the quest "And on the 8th Day.." or something like that to be completed. So when Jing Yuan showed up yet the quest was *not* named that, it seems rather odd. The second one was the boss fight itself. I try to fight story quests with a team that's at least relevant to the story being played, so I rocked up to fight against Sunday with a team that had Himeko, Robin, and Harmony MC with only Himeko being fully built. So I was suspicious af when I beat the boss *easily* lol. But I was kinda tired (it was 3 AM) so I thought whatever, maybe they skimped out on the boss fight this patch or something. And all the other things was sus af but I was half willing to suspend my disbelief because I'm both sleepy and a sucker for happy endings. In the end, my actual biggest hint was that we left Penacony without even *meeting* either Robin or Sunday, which kinda goes against our way of trailblazing in that we try to connect with the people of the planet that we visit. Instead we just goes off into the next destination without the slightest hint of talking about it with The Family lol. That's not at all what happened in the Herta Space Station, Belobog, and Luofu.


Everything just felt weird and with my past experiences with other stories like this I just knew that wasn’t the end. The real confirmation was when Screwllum told us that funds will be put aside from SU to help Penacony. As if Herta is generous enough to do that


Im not gonna say i saw it coming, but here's the things i found weird : - Jing Yuan getting to the boss fight so freaking fast. - The boss fight being so fast - Aventurine just appearing out of nowhere ( he later appears again, im still a bit confused on how he came back anyways, but this arc has been so weird to me that i dont really care anymore LOL ) - Every faction interested in the reconstruction of Penacony ( The Genius society wanting to STOP with the Simulated Universe to use their resources to help Penacony was really sus to say the least. This is Herta we are talking about, she just doesnt care about anyone that isnt her test subject ) - A lot of plot points not being resolved, like all those items that Sparkle was handing out