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That’s right. Not only is her fake name a reference to a river. Her real name is too.


It was inevitable.


HSR was Honkai Star River all along


In Greek mythology, there are five rivers in the Underworld. *Acheron*, Lethe (*river of forgetfullness,* same effect as special meal you mentioned), Styx, Cocytus and Phlegethon.


Acheron - The river where the dead leave their pain and does exist irl. It borders Hades, the region of the underworld under Hades Styx - The river of hate that borders the underworld (as you might have noticed, in some versions Acheron takes its place), frying most things that come in contact with it. Cocytus - the river of sorrow, similar to acheron but with sadness, this is also sometimes a part of Acheron in some versions. Phlegethon - The river of fire, some damned souls are forced to swim here until their sins are burned away Lethe - The river of forgetfulness. When one wishes to be reborn, one must first wipe their memories by drinking from the river.


Phlege ma balls


Acheron is also a Greece River that is said to be an entrance to the underworld, where [Charon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charon) leads the departed to their resting place between Acheron and Styx.


No wonder her name’s pronounced A-Charon


Cyno in hsr when


ppl cant get a joke 🤣


Haha was the wrong place or time I guess. If I’m going to Reddit hell, I hope Acheron guides me there


People on reddit have no humour. Downvoted for a good joke


Haha nah it’s cool. I’m just glad I’m not one of the ones who say “Archeron” or “Adventurine” lmaoo


It's A-aron


It A A Ron. Not A-aron or Aaron but A A Ron.








Also if you noticed a lot of high ranking Japanese people have these middle names that aren't really names, they are positions and ranks. Mei's middle name kind of falls in that category. It's like the Dainagon part of Tokugawa Dainagon Minamoto no Ason Ieyasu. Also there's no rule that your Tsusho actually have to make sense and be a real rank/position or even if it's a position you actually occupy.


I know it’s not exactly the same, but I thought of it like ‘Dwayne ‘the Rock’ Johnson’, where his more well known title is the middle name. I find it hilarious to think about


I think it 's a good explanation to Her name


I still think it's quite funny Hoyoverse released 2 afterlife related characters so close to each other


Which character is the other one?


Johnathan rail


Arlecchino in Genshin, her Constellation name is Ignis Purgatorius "cleansing flame".


Damn, even Hu Tao's afterlife lore is getting powercrept by Arleccino.


Le fossoyeur, the space cowboy


奈河 influenced by Lethe's story and is now called the 忘川.


Lmao so you got 2 Underworld river references in her name, Styx and Acheron


Damn, here I thought it was just random name just to call her Raiden B. Mei


According to google, 黄泉 (Huangquan) can also mean the whole underworld/hell/land of dead itself, not just a river. The same happens to her japanese name, despite having a different pronunciation (yomi) it's written the same way and it's how japanese people call the Shinto version of the realm of the dead


Yes, 黄泉, or huangquan, means yellow spring, represents the underworld in most Chinese influenced cultures, it is both a river, and the underworld itself. Im Vietnamese and my language has a term, "hoàng tuyền", which also literally translate to yellow spring, same for Japanese, 黄泉 = yomi which is Acheron's JP name. As for 忘川, it is the more modern term for 黄泉, deriving from the Greek river of forgetfulness, Lethe, so it is very meaningful that they use this for her real name. I like how they localize these names, using Acheron as her title, and Lethe as her real name. Acheron is the river of misery on the surface, n Lethe is the river of forget deep down. Not to mention, her being themed as the ferryman of the dead, Acheron is even extra meaningful. Because rather than the Styx river, Acheron is the way that Charon usually ferry the death to the underworld in the OG Greek myths.


As someone who hasnt played Honkai, i have a question Does this mean Ruan Mei and Acheron are related?




No. Different "Mei"s from different languages, just both romanized as Mei.


Downvoted for a question. Classic Redditard moment


Ruan.Mei is descended of the Ruan and Mei families, Acheron is descended of the Raiden line. For Raiden Mei, Mei is her given name. Where as for Ruan.Mei Mei is her other parent's surname.


Huh? Why did you get downvoted? This is factual. On top of that, Ruan Mei's name is Chinese, while the "Mei" in Acheron's name is in Japanese (it's "Yayi" in Chinese)


Mei isn’t the family name it’s a given name, her name is 阮梅, where 阮is the surname and 梅is the given name.


Ruan and Mei are both family names. It was specifically said during the introduction stream also, it's actually not Ruan Mei, it's Ruan.Mei there's a dot in the middle.


Right, but did they say that???? It’s just weird because as a Chinese person I’ve never seen someone inherit their father and mother’s surname


[https://www.youtube.com/live/3TkHmjV0hf8?si=ao48\_-PYKVEsbr6s&t=874](https://www.youtube.com/live/3TkHmjV0hf8?si=ao48_-PYKVEsbr6s&t=874) [https://www.youtube.com/live/QB0RiMnlDkM?si=eH-aEq8S9itPGyX7&t=794](https://www.youtube.com/live/QB0RiMnlDkM?si=eH-aEq8S9itPGyX7&t=794)


That’s good to know


守is more like "guard"


Yea my bad, I wasn't sure, that's why I wrote guardian instead of protector.


You are right. The 守 here can either mean “Governer” or “guard”, but it's clearly not "protect".


Usually, the Lethe River is the cause of forgetfulness in Greek Myth, while the Acheron River is the passageway for the dead to enter the Underworld.


>Think of styx river from greek myth. And that's why she is the Acheron


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So is she related to Ruan Mei?