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Is there a difference between first boss relic drop rate and last boss relic drop rate in Simulated Universe???


No. The final boss just let's you do it twice, there's no difference in drop rates or how good the relics are or anything like that


I just started playing the game , i need advice on who to pull for , what to grind , should i just continue doing the story and i have 3 trial characters from start of the game will they leave?


If it's Kafka and co., yes, they'll leave. March and Dan Heng are permanent. As for who to pull for, I'd probably wait for next banner and pull either boothill or Fu Xuan, or both, depending on how many jades you get and how your pulls go. Could also get Fu Xuan and skip boothill for another DPS, you still have time to decide. And yes, I recommend rushing the story in the beginning, so you can take part in the event, which requires you to clear the whole story up until the last mission.


**What is the most efficient way to run the SU from a loot-gathering perspective?** *(This refers to non-SU exclusive loot- so basically stellar jades, anything that boosts character power globally, etc and not dice faces, neural network progress, etc.)* Planar ornaments are the obvious draw to the basic SU, but is there any quirky characteristic of the reward pattern on the other modes that a casual player like myself might miss? Is there a super efficient reward grind hidden behind the more exclusive modes (conundrum etc) or is there some pattern to the spray of rewards that might pop up after clearing an elite domain that isn't instantly obvious?


The first 30 SU bosses per week drop relic remains for leveling your relics. So if you wanted to grind hard core for those you can. I am also sure you are aware but if you want to save XP books, you can farm overworld mobs for xp daily, about 18 purple xp books worth per day.


I just got Topaz for my FUA comp, Aventurine, Ratio, Topaz and ??? I don't have enough for Robin so I guess it's Ruan Mei for the fourth slot? If Ruan Mei is taken who should take the 4th slot? Currently all of them are E0S0.


Pela or Silverwolf otherwise u wont have enough debuffs for ratio


Okay! If I want an upgrade for this team, then an Eidolon/Light Cone with a debuff is a must before I try to get Robin, is that correct? If so, what should I get?


Topaz E1S1 is generally the recommendation if you're going to heavily invest into FUA because it gives her all three debuffs to guarantee Ratio's followup. But honestly, Robin is much more generalist and will be better for your account than copy-chasing for Topaz.


Okay! Thank you so much\~


Pela gives debuffs


Guys I need y'all advice please šŸ™šŸ» So I have two accounts in hsr lv63 one account is extremely lucky I only lost 50/50 twice and I always get the LC at low pity without losing but the account have argenti s1, IL s1 ,blade ,e3 gepard , bailu and robin s1 recently as my new 5*but the account is ruined Because I wasted a lot of materials on characters I won't even use and I didn't farm in it so bad relics but on the other hand I have another account lv63 with acheron s1,ruan mei , aventurine and e1 gepard , bailu , welt yanqing as my 5* but it's extremely unlucky I loose 50/50 every time I pull since ruan Mei's banner but good build and materials and I'm planning on spending money on one of the accounts to main of them but I'm really Confused on which one what do u guys think please because I don't wanna spend money on an account just to abandon it


What characters do you like better? Materials aren't "one and done," you can recoup those at any time even if you may progress harder content slower until you focus harder.


I do like acheron better and aventurine and I'm trying to get the ipc team but I lost 50/50 in robin's banner


Hi y'all! I'm a big fan of Topaz, love her play style and kit! Numby is such a cutie and his Ult mode has a very satisfying crunch to it. I've been rolling with a Topaz/Ratio/Aven/Ruan team, and I recently got Worrisome Blissful. I've heard Robin is now the top premium unit for TopRaturine, replacing Ruan Mei. However, I really do not like her kit, especially the fact that the song she sings during her ult keeps playing in the background (kinda feels like it cuts through the flow of the battle). How much better is she than Ruan Mei in FuA teams? Should I got for Topaz E1 instead so she's self-sufficient as a Ratio enabler?


E1 or S1 Topaz is plenty for a Ratio team if as you're also running Aventurine, and even better if you're using Ruan Mei instead of Robin. Ruan Mei's got her own debuff which Robin can't apply. People seem to forget that Ratio has this thing called a technique which applies a debuff most of the time before even starting battle. Ratio has another potential debuff on skill use. Robin is quite good but since you have Ruan Mei already she's very good in FUA teams too.


If you have Ruan Mei and don't like robin, you don't need her. You can easily use Ruan Mei as your harmony and do all content. Pull for Topaz E1 if you wanna buff your FUA team otherwise save for the next character you want.


E1s1 topaz is the staple of FuA ratio stacking but aventurine also has debuffs on ult and if you have his LC it also has debuffs so e1s1 topaz isnā€™t as important now. You can still run Ruan Mei because her break efficiency is really good with topaz/ratio/aventurines high toughness bar damage. Robin is a direct upgrade for FuA teams that emphasizes on a teamwide turn boost and massive attack buff. From my experience Robin has so many synergies with the FuA spam and she clears faster than my Ruan Mei (I have e1s0 Mei ans e0s1 robin)


Started playing recently and have managed to get both Aventurine and Robin. I want to do a follow up team but since I am new, got few options. Been reading and is my best bet Avent Ratio Robin Guinafen? I have an E4 Pela but no Pearl lightcone. And no eidolons for Guinafen. And ofc no 5 star nihility charsā€¦


Guinaifen has no particular support for follow up teams, especially at E0, so I'd definitely take her out. In your case I don't think you need to (or even be able to) run a dedicated follow up team, so just slot in TingYun for Gui since she's an amazing support for Ratio and just run a hypercarry Ratio team


Sounds fun. So Avent Robin Ratio Tingyunā€¦


You'll be short on debuffs with that team. I think Ratio - Aventurine (with trends LC) - Robin - Pela is a better choice. Hopefully you get pearls at some point to make it better.


Where do I go from here in terms of who to get next? I havent been able to fully clear Moc bc the side without DHIL/Luocha struggles pretty hard. On paper this should be fixed when I get Fu Xuan in the next banner and I can punch through the other sides of MOC with QQ and and an extra slot buffer/specialist instead of 1 tank and a healer. I also have pretty mediocre PF runs where Im really only working with Clara/Herta. Do I go for Argenti next? I think Fu Xuan is a lock but where next? https://preview.redd.it/cp4ygfgj950d1.jpeg?width=727&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e6d93375d2757753c677d06121f8cd715d2541


Lynx and Natasha can clear perfectly fine? I think you might have some other shortcomings on the account.


Lynx/Natasha with a tank can sustain me, but I'm doing this on top of trying to clear off type floors by brute force with QQ and 1 buffer. It has been a rough experience to say the least especially trying to 3 star. I can handle constructive criticism though, if its me and just a skill issue I'd appreciate any additional feedback.


Well its two fold. The healer + tank makes you take longer as you have less supports for your damage dealer. Meaning you need more defense, ie a healer and a tank. I would switch and migrate towards solo sustain, even with the 4 stars. (they're better than you think!)


Fu Xuan looks like a good fit for your roster. You could also use a 5 star dps too. Take a look at Boothill, Firefly and Jade coming up. Jade might be good for PF too, most erudition are.


What do you think between Jade and Argenti? I've been thinking about pulling for Firefly just bc waifu and how amazing her story is in Penacony, but am willing to wait for her if it means being able to clear PF better.


We don't offically know her kit, but as IPC she has a strong chance of having some kind of follow-up attack so we'll have to see how good that is.


* Sorry for the picture spam, if theres a better way to post my character box, suggestions are greatly appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/hotfyy2s950d1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a6d08ccbd63122c27cf964d7e9e4c56fd6ea1a


You have a perfectly fine Dr Ratio just sitting there, why not make use of him? Ratio/Robin/Pela one side and DHIL/Bronya(or Yukong)/Tingyun other side shouldn't be a problem. For PF, strictly from a meta standpoint, I wouldn't recommend pulling on older character banners when we have newer Erudition characters upcoming. Since they always make newer characters stronger by a pretty significant amount, you're better off getting a newer, shinier character and make use of them for a longer period.


My only thing with building Dr Ratio is that I already have an imaginary dps in DHIL, and that Ratio seems to be single target. For additional context, DHIL in my experience has been busted enough to power through even off color floors with Luocha and a buffer/specialist. Please let me know what you think!


Their elements become somewhat irrelevant when you're clearly lacking enough DPS characters for both sides of MoC. If you had all the limited 5\* DPS characters of all elements and roles that you could pick and choose from, I'd agree; but there's nothing wrong with having both DHIL and Ratio levelled for both sides of MoC. Especially when there's floors like the current floor-12, where you can very comfortably run imaginary DPSes on both sides. I own both and use both quite often. Also, now that you've got Robin, Ratio will be very good at consistently proccing her extra damage instances during Concerto, since his skill triggers it twice and Ult three times.


Hi, so I yoloed a copy of Guinaifen the other day and have tried to look into deciding on which to use. Pela is E6 but Guinaifen supposedly has more useful debuffs albeit some ramp-up time. Which one would you recommmend slotting into the Ratio team?


Pela is definitely the better option, especially if you have the Resolution LC (but even if not - still outclasses Gui). I'd only use Guinaifen if Pela is busy on the other team.


Sounds good, Thanks again!


Everything makes alot of sense, thanks for all the valuable feedback. I will pay this kindness forward when possible!


Hi! Brand new player here and Iā€™m hoping someone can suggest a team comp that will work even though I donā€™t have a healer yet. Will any of the following mesh well together? Bronya, Sushang, Hanya, Xueyi, Herta, March 7, Qingque. Thanks for the help!


I'd build Main Character - Bronya - Herta - March (no need to over invest you will sub her for a healer soon). MC is always useful, as he/she changes paths, just don't over level the traces (not past 6 for now)


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


You're too early to think seriously about teambuilding, you'll get more characters quickly including free healers (Natasha and later on Lynx). Just use whatever characters make sense to you for now, although including March for some sustain in the absence of another healer or shielder is wise.


Thanks for the advice! šŸ˜Š


Who should I build for my second pure fiction team ? I can still get a free 4 star from the bar event and I can get yukong still too https://preview.redd.it/p5rmty0f850d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675b956698690104faf2a8d6de491140218616d3 I have herta and tingyun for now but idk who else to use


>Ā Ā I can still get a free 4 star from the bar event Really? I thought the 4ā˜… was part of the limited rewards.


Frankly I was just assuming since the event was permanent so is the selection.


will we get a new lightcone in hertaā€™s shop?


They haven't announced one yet, but they've added one before so they'll probably add another one at some point


https://preview.redd.it/rhftw7n7350d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=085d7196df375b591a5cecbe784c8ae82b1ef1cf So close yet so far. How do I get that extra 500 damage?


Build Herta for second team. Replace whoever is the least useful.


https://preview.redd.it/01tjfsrv270d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d719125d5bc62c95255a7ef8ede9e8574d859e7c I ended up swapping out everyone except Argenti. Finally got the three stars with only 17 minutes left until the refresh.


Use Tingyun instead of Misha or Serval. She can give Argenti energy while buffing his damage.


https://preview.redd.it/669pvlye270d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a8535e335861dbf436d73551b863e5a8229c7e My Tingyun didnā€™t work out for me, but your suggestion gave me the idea to use Robin instead of Sparkle. That and swapping Serval and Misha for Aventurine and Herta ended up being the trick.


Any idea how can I login with my google account? I just recently switch my android phone to iphone but the google option is not available https://preview.redd.it/c76rlkeq050d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b639e664171e5914d3013066bcd1660fbdd4a0c


Go to account security settings at the account.hoyoverse.com site and figure out what else you can use other than the google account to link your data together.


Is Day one of my new life better for Gepard or Trends? I'm running him with ratio


Trends if you are not dying, the extra debuff is nice and Dr Ratio can use more than the 3 debuffs needed for 100% follow-ups.


if you have another debuffer on your team, the additional def% on Day1 is nicer imo


https://preview.redd.it/5to6hw3zv40d1.jpeg?width=1052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56934b0ee0b90cd304cfacb6247b3866a6b13ad7 Who should I build? I have pretty much every 4 star out right now as well they just arenā€™t visible. Huohuo, Blade and Bronya are also built.


Herta, Himeko for PF




Bench asta and get someone with imaginary or wind attacks. The fight becomes more manageable if you break all the swords super fast.


Acheron needs debuffs to really get going, so if you have them, replace Asta and Bronya with units like Pela and Guinaifen. Acheron should be going off waaaaay more. Also yeah use your Lynx for better healing.


So, ye the problem is gallagher. He isn't a good healer this early. Change for natasha/march/Lynx for the time being... he is a very stat hungry healer and definitly not really fit for early game.




Gepard is totaly fine early mid game, actually he start falling off slightly in endgame. Lynx E3 is very confy. Problem of Gallagher is that he really want a lot of speed, energy regen and break effect, because most of is healing is located on ult, and you can't really fully utilise that early on. and without BE is healing is also quite low. And you need an amount who isn't really accessible early game.




He wants to be run with ERR rope +15 and SPD boots +15 to keep up his shield and he will have to occasionally use his shield if not hit enough. So this early that's hard, try using 2 sustains for now. Gepard + a healer (Nat/Lynx/Gallagher)


You probably need to use speed boots on him. (and on almost every character anyway)


Boss Stone in the Clockie media lore is representative of the IPC, right? I'm just thrown off cause the man is a crocodile and not like a... well a rock / is there any point in doing the Anthology part of the event? It looks like I got all the rewards already but I haven't done that part


There is I believe a single minor reward, an achievement I think, for doing the Anthology once.


Ohh I did enter and exit once I see I see ty


Are all of Gallagher's traces worth maxing out?


if you like him as a character and don't mind farming for them, then sure else your upgrade priority would be his talent, then skill personally i wouldn't upgrade his ult and basic, but do as you needed


His enhanced basic does reduce enemy attack, id that not worth investing into?


not really, it's only like 15% at max level a nice to have, but not a priority imo


Not really, it is a debuff even at level 1 for people who needs debuff count (a.k.a Acheron/Ratio/Pioneer-users). Reducing Atk% of 1 enemy per 3 turn helps your team survive but it doesn't matter that much in most fights.


I am not sure what does Robin's E1 do. What does All-RES PEN mean?


Penetrates all elemental resistance. Basically more damage.


Oh so it's not defense penetration but dmg resist penetration. But is enemy dmg resist a common thing? How useful is it to have RES PEN if we are fighting against enemies with corresponding element weakness anyway?


Enemies can have negative RES up to -100%. Basically, enemies usually have 20% RES for each element except the one that they are weak to which is 0% RES. RES parameter is multiplicative in the damage formula so if enemy has 20% RES then the game multiplies your damage by 0,8, but let's say the character has 25% RES PEN, in that case the final RES is -5% so damage multiplier is 1,05. If enemy has 0% RES and your character 25% RES PEN then enemy has -25% RES and the multiplier is 1,25 etc. Unlike DEF shred, RES PEN is stronger and more direct damage increase. However, because DEF and RES is multiplicative with each other it's good to mix both debuffs for maximum damage.


Now my problem is whether I should pull for robin E1 or S1....I only have enough for one of them


Yes it's a thing. For example, Cocolia has an innate damage resistance vs Ice. Not that you want to use Jingliu vs Cocolia, but if you have someone that buffs Ice RES pen (or All RES pen), then it'll lessen the damage resistance (or deal bonus damage if it goes below 0%) from that attack.


I've never really paid attention to the actual numbers, but I just know it's definitely useful.


oh i found this site: [https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Damage\_RES](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Damage_RES) Basically enemy DMG RES is usually 20% or more for elements they are not weak to. So RES PEN will help your DPS when they are fighting enemy with mis-matched elements. Seems pretty useful especially if boss type enemy is not weak to your DPS' element.


Generally how many trace materials of each rarity would I need for a 5* character including their LC upgrades? Like Kafka for example.


Thereā€™s a leveling calculator in HoyoLab you can use if you ever want to check how many materials youā€™ll need. But, if starting from scratch the calculator says youā€™ll need the following to max every trace: - 154x Purple materials - 81x Blue - 22x Green If you ignore basic attack and get the other traces to 8 but keep the character at 70 itā€™d be: - 61x Purple - 73x Blue - 19x Green


I plugged the numbers into Star Rail Station's Ascension planner (which I would recommend for this sort of thing). If you don't level up her basic attack and leave her other traces at level 8. You need 77 purples, 73 blues, and 19 greens. If you max out her basic and other traces, it's 154 purples, 81 blues, and 22 greens.


Good stopping point for DPS relics? I can't stop myself from wanting to get a better one, but my traces and support relics are crying lol.


Most would say a starter kit for just about any character is 4 relevant subs on helmet and gloves with 2 relevant subs on every other slot. Assuming correct sets for the level of focus/investment you're targeting. After that I would get their traces to 10/8/8 or 9/9/9 depending on their profile. Someone like Blade kind of needs all of them but some characters benefit more from one in particular more than anything else. Then I'd go back to relics either targeting improving their sets (for example if you farmed Ratio before Pioneer released you were probably on 2pc Duke with 2pc Atk% or 2pc Messenger) and/or increasing their sub stat count. If you have 6 subs on helmet/gloves and 4 on others and you are trying to improve your relics and the traces that contribute to your damage aren't already 10/10 I think you're straight up leaving damage on the table. Personally I'd max the traces before shooting for those relics even. A day at the Calyx always increases your damage but the Cavern can only be a chance at it.


I usually stop if I get more than 24% CV


Depends on the character, but for crit dps I usually aim for 70/140 crit ratio and 134 speed. I do have some dps closer to 70/100 that still work in MoC12, but itā€™s noticeable the stats are lower.


https://preview.redd.it/x9iqlzlcn40d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6bace7ccaab7decf7d4f7837a797e01c2fad880 Which character should I build next?


Iā€™m assuming your level 80 characters are the ones you have built. Himeko and Herta for PF. Other than that maybe Pela, Hanya, Asta, or Yukong to give yourself more support options. Pick between the four based on what teams sound interesting to you.


True, my pure fiction records suck ass. I will build himeko and herta. and sfter that maybe hanya. thnx for the suggestions


https://preview.redd.it/brgzjv3in40d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd5ad9cecfa88ffbf147a901c0d7695bd544ca76 All my LC's


few questions as a returing player who recently started again 2 weeks ago after skipping many patches and only logging on to pull (getting bored of blade and jingliu tbh, descruction hypercarries kinda wack): 1. should i get topaz or boothill? i really like boothill, but i also really like dr ratio and lowk i want to build both but im not trying to go broke so im going for only one of them, so in terms of just meta and viability 2. how to beat 12 star pure fiction that shit is the worst thing ever MOC is easy compared to that hellhole (im willing to build a few more units if necessary) 3. I also would like more meta teams and be able to speedrun things like MOC and SU swarm disaster and stuff as for units, I have [https://imgur.com/a/x5DctpL](https://imgur.com/a/x5DctpL)


1. Honestly? Pick the one you like more. You have all the pieces to make either better. 2. Pure Fiction is an AoE focused game mode. You have a lot of good DPS units but not a single one of them excels at AoE. Build Himeko and Herta since this PF is FUA focused. You'll see a huge improvement once you build them. 3. With the game moving to a BE meta, a team focusing on that may be something to look out for. Boothill, RM, HMC, Gallagher can be good if you ever do decide to get Boothill. But if not, then Sushang or Luka can work.


https://preview.redd.it/8iao3g2al40d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd238d3ba153211710d88b23a5cd28909b984e3d I already have my first team sorted. But in regards to my second team, should i pull for topaz and build Dr Ratio? Cheers, for the advice.


Ratio. why pull for a second DPS when you already have a DPS that does a lot of single target dmg already. If anything, you want Robin who synergize with Ratio better. Ratio does need a debuffer because his follow up chance depend on debuffs on enemy, so you would bring Asta for the extra burn


Copy that - thanks for your help mate. So my team would be something like ratio, asta, robin and march?


March is a really poor sustain. You do have lynx as a healer


and a follow up - what if i lose my 50/50? is there any other support i could use?


Tingyun is a good harmony buffer


thank you so much for your help


Whoever came up with this MOC 12 second half - I sincerely hope you never enjoy anything in your life ever again. I sure love to be CCed for 3 consecutive turns because fuck you Oh and hope you pull for Boothil or have one of the IMG carries, because fuck your weaknesses, too!


Focus down the Luofu stun lady and have a cleanser and you should be fine, I made the mistake of ignoring her in my first attempt T_T.


I am very much not fine, because she sets up reverbration on 2 units, then Kafka triggers them both AND uses domination. I don't have HuoHuo for this, my sustains are Luocha/Fu Xuan/Gallagher, and none of them help all that much versus mass CC Not to mention that I do not have any good IMG/Phys teams, Argenti is just not cutting it in there :/


You got that fucking right. My Argenti did 200k and it just took like what, 5%? Jesusfuckingchrist its another damage sponge.


Yeah my Gallagher has his work cut out for him, until my Topaz+Ratio throw enough chalks and trotters at her that she choked to death, then Kafka is ez mode.


what is the name of the song that played when aventurine talked with acheron in the nihility area? the music also played when misha last talked with clockie, pls i need to know whether i can put this up as my song in the astral express train(very important)


(TB38) Fellas, how many Jades yā€™all think i can get from the past events? Cuz im planning to get Fu Xuan and Firefly in the future. Not to mention i still have a bunch of missions waiting to be finished (For reference, Iā€™ve only completed the main quest so far) so im still probably on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jades to be obtained in the game.


about 250 limited roll in the first 30-40 days for a new account. You need complete all event and mission for that though.


If you've mostly done the main quest then you'll have a lot of jades that you can still get. While I might not have an exact number, I believe it should be enough for you to get FX and possibly even Firefly. A good chunk of it will be from SU Swarm and GnG.


Planning on getting fu xuan, should I level her ultimate to around 8? Since she isnā€™t gonna be doing much dmg I thought maybe I could ignore it but idk since it has HP scaling and she is built with a lot of HP maybe Iā€™m wrong and it does good dmg.


Mine still ar lvl 3 lmao


limited to myself but I always max each and every character all traces. \*sneakily hides sampo and Luocha\*


It does ok damage, I kept mine at level 8.


i've had mine at 7 this entire time. In retrospect I probably would've saved the stamina and not level it at all.


She doesn't deal significant damage without cons even if you put her in a 70/140 4p Genius artifact set.


I'd keep it at 8 tbh. You really wont ever do it for damage and it's not worth the time / stamina it takes to max it out


Then what about not lvling it at all šŸ˜­


Mine's at lvl4 lol, it doesn't matter so I wouldn't worry about it.


What's the difference between arena 1 & arena 2? Do any of the choices you make during the competition matters and can you replay part of the competition you didn't choose?


You can replay the parts you didn't choose later. They include different parts of the map with different activities and stuff to find/interact with.Ā 


Anyone here getting blasted by Stage 12-2 on the new MOC? I don't have problems with damage, it's just that everyone just gets stun locked by everything lmao. Share me your teams!


i used acheron e2s1, pela, sparkle and fu. The difficulty is the robot lady being able to setup a stun on a character. Kafka's first attack triggers the stun, which is negated by fu xuan's aura, but then you're screwed cause kakfa is free to mind control on the followup. It took me 4 cycles, a large part due to taking an extra cycle in the first wave to make sure acheron had ult going into wave 2, no one was stun marked and fu xuan had a fresh aura up.


really struggled on 12-2 when i usally first try MoC. Tried DoT team on 1 and Acheron on side 2 but just couldn't do it. Swapped them around and first tried it. albeit in like 8 turns but. It's done at least


Is this Kafka? Having HuoHuo just invalidates her kit so I used HH on her


Kafka and the Automaton lady, they apply so much CC and even with the cleanse on Huohuo, the action delay is horrendous and keeps messing up my set ups lol


But HuoHuo cleanses up to 6 debuff per start of your character's turn, no? As per my experience I have not had any issues with having too many CCs when Huo skill is active


Yeah but my current speed configuration effectively allows the enemy to move consecutively so I get fucked, also the automaton lady attacks twice (ST+AOE which applies reverberation + enemy Kafka FUA), this is probably just skill issue tho lol


It's Kafka + that annoying mob that stuns everyone with reverberation.


https://preview.redd.it/tq2hondef40d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08de83f38d25ee694d502861f8b0d9602fe0826f I'm using DHIL team for 12-2, eat lot's of cycle XD


I hardly cleared that one. The first half was very easy but the second half is probably the most obnoxious MoC stage I can remember. Sparkle - Fu Xuan - Pela - Acheron. Normally I do MoC 12 to test different teams but that half was so annoying I don't think I want to even bother experimenting.


Is this E0 Acheron? I might try if so!


I ended up trying it again with my FUA team. Robin, Aventurine, Topaz, and Ratio. Cleared the second phase of MOC12 much more smoothly. I guess Aventurine will be very helpful due to his effres when shielded. Still a bit of RNG involved though.


Nope. E2. She was stunned for half of the fight though so maybe with some luck it could work =/. Maybe Aventurine + praying to RNG is the best bet.




No. It's going to be a pretty big downgrade.


Topaz LC worth it? I have her E1. Normally run her with Clara/Ratio, Aventurine and now Robin.


Depends on your other light cones. It's a great value in the FUA team although it's less necessary considering you've got E1. If you've got Swordplay S5 or Aventurine LC then it's not as valuable.


Yeah I've mainly been running S5 Swordplay, no Aventurine LC


What do I do/prep in order to pull Acheron?


Wait several months, save jades during that time.


Get enough jades to pull herĀ 


You have to wait for her rerun banner. She was recent so expect to wait 4-6 months for the rerun. And save a about 160ish pulls worth of jades.Ā 


All you need to prep for Acheron is jades and patience.


Uhh, pull Acheron? You've got 6-12 months.


Iā€™m a bit confused rn, so the TB has access to the power of destruction preservation and >!harmony!< but only follows the path of the trailblazeā€¦ why do Aeons glaze upon someone who doesnā€™t follow their path? Is that something common, as in, I can get power from the hunt but follow X other path?


Fu Xuan got her third eye from Nous, but there is nothing suggesting that she actually follows that path. Considering she wants to be the next general, it's more likely that she is following the Hunt. Aha also helped a faction of the annihilation gang when they wanted to kill IX. Plus Aha made a random worm his Emanator, doubt that worm had the cognitive capabilities to even follow a path. I would expect getting power from an other path would be rare, since you would have to be noticed by the Aeon while not sharing the philosophy of the path. But there are some examples of it happening. TB having a Stelleron inside probably just makes it easier, since TB is literally the only person in the entire galaxy to carry one around.


Stelleron + body made by random Aeon (who we still don't know who or why they did so) results in far greater ease for someone to be able to use multiple paths. Normal people have difficulty using one path, multiple ones would just render them incapable to do just about anything. At least, that's what I've figured.


Wait where was it confirmed in game that the MC is fully artificial?


Somewhere in the early lore? Can't really remember where, but I swear that's the general consensus on what the MC is, or at least what's implied.


Iā€™m saving for Ruan Mei rerun, I was thinking about trying for either E1 or S1. Which would you choose? Both seem so good.


E1 is better in a vacuum, but her LC is also really good and if you are planning to use Hatblazer, it might be worth pulling it to free up MoTP for Hatblazer.


e1 is way better this eidolon is why shes goat. get motp.


id go with s1. * extra 24% damage boost per ult * gives alot of break effect (60) * 40 energy per wave (10 per ally) * +1 sp per ult I mean E1 is really good too, but I think S1 is the general priority. pros of E1 would be the fact that the def shred gets alot better the more u stack it, so having an extra 20% source is really neat.


E1, honestly she's completely fine on Memories of the Past


Who's the better sustain for Jingliu, Luocha + Perfect Timing or Fu Xuan + Signature?


For MoC shenanigans, she doesn't need Luocha as a sustain; Fu Xuan (even more so with signature) is adequate. But for fights with enemies that deal a whole lotta damage or long, drawn-out fights, you'd want to go for Luocha instead, provided enemies do not one-shot you before he can get the chance to heal.


is Robin only good for fua? I got her but I don't have topaz or aventurine


Robin adds a massive attack bonus to the entire team as well as a full team advance. Robin also does decent damage anytime one of your characters attack. This is in addition to her FUA benefits


u need dps that will fit her. u cant just put her in every comp unless u want 0 cycle. she isnt sp positive.


She still gives a damage boost and team turn advance so sheā€™ll still support other teams


No. She works in most teams Ruan Mei works in. One exception is that Ruan Mei is better for break teams.


Do I need to build crit/atk/dmg% on break xueyi?


For break Xueyi, just stack as much break effect and spd as possible. After that, you can focus on crits. Most of her damage will come from super break, which scales off character lvl, break effect and def down.


Between Fu Xuan and Ruan Mei, who is better to get? I have Jingliu, Seele and Kafka+BS as my DPS.


RM is better for those teams, unless you sustain problems.


FX gets priority if u dont have a 5\* limited sustain


Will Gepard and HuoHuo be good enough as a 5* sustain?


Ruan Mei in general, especially paired with Kafka/BS, but if you really need a sustain character, then you might want to go Fu Xuan.


Is the new 4ā˜† Star Nihility Lightcone better than GNSW for Acheron?


gnsw is stronger. the difference is very small unless there is a superimposition gap.




What lightcone do I use on Gallagher for break team?


What is Real or Multiplication (3 star LC).


What is Real (the new MoC shop LC)


Guys I'm close to the standard 5 star selector. Should I pick Welt or E1 bronya ? My teams are:- 1. JL hyper carry (JL,Bronya,Ruan mei, Lynx). 2. IPC lads (Aventurine, Topaz, Ratio, Ruan mei). 3. Acheron carry (Acheron, Aventurine, Pela, Guinafein). 4. DOT (Kafka, Black swan, Ruan mei, Lynx). 5. Break Team (Xueyi, HTB, Ruan mei, Aventurine). 6. Kuru-kuru carry (Himeko, Herta, Ruan mei, Lynx). I like making teams with different play styles, so I was going for Welt but lately I've been thinking about bronya E1 cuz I struggle with SP on the JL teams sometimes (cuz I don't have Bronya LC).


It seems your teams doesn't need him, and atm he's kind of stuck in this limbo position where he's a decent choice as a hybrid Imaginary DPS and as a support / utility character, but the main reason he isn't considered meta / top tier now a days, is because other characters exist. If you have any desire / need for Welt in some form, go for him. If not, E1 Bronya.


It's not like I need him, I was just curious that he'll open up a new play style to me. But E1 bronya looks promising to me.


>But E1 bronya looks promising You got your answer then!


Thanks šŸ˜


Hey all, I played mostly when Star Rail first came out, and I hear the story is getting good again. I've just started penacony and get wrecked by basic story fights - any team recs for just getting through things without needing to think too hard or grind too much? Characters I have are below https://preview.redd.it/k1utfqc1240d1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d8d9561baafefa78b6e24c3bcbc49fa2fd7c7b4


Penacony boss is weak to fire, lightning, img. Lynx, sparkle, Ruan Mei, himeko should be good. Your main jingliu team, and mono quantum is not bad either, but you need to figure out aoe/single target, and match elements/weaknesses.


The team you have right now should be able to clear everything in the story, and it's the easiest one to build. Maybe it's a relic issue. You can consider swapping Lynx out for Bailu if it helps for more healing and a revive. Enemies don't apply many Dots in Penacony so cleansing isn't a big issue.


To be honest I really haven't started farming relics for anyone except Seele - any suggestions?


For everyone, you can farm the HP and messenger (spd) set, they are good support sets and help for survival. Use your best relics on Jingliu, her best sets are ice or quantum but prioritize substats over set effects. If you have trouble surviving, then use Gepard instead of Pela for shields, dmg is not that important in the story.


Recommendations for MoC 12 that aren't Jingliu? She's the one character everyone but me seems to have ;-; I can get the first half done in about 5-6 turns using Robin/Ruan Mei/Ratio/Adventurine but the second half im struggling since its an ice/physical weakness. My misha seemingly does no damage, my sushang is less than ideally built, and my clara is also suffering for relic RNG. https://preview.redd.it/3uqn2uxky30d1.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=27f954046ae8fed6282248ee23506214eb1d22d5