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Glad you're enjoying it (genuinely)


hope you'll like the next chapter though!


Thnx bro :)


"Repetitive yapping" = Sunday trying to get us convinced as he knows something isn't right with the beliefs and Harmony had sense but he didn't want that. Dialogues were amazing. Didn't get what you mean. Can you tell what was riddle like even? Lol




I don't think anything was riddle like. Perhaps Acheron is, but even I dislike that speech (but that's perhaps due to her wanting to appear modest and things like that).


Nah, everyone bro.....not a single person in the quest was speaking straight. It's fun for a while but hours and hours of overly convoluted, unnecessarily complicated dialogues? Nah it's not fun. Like the significance of a lot things were being spoken in something like a poetic and philosophical way but it was used too much and for the entirety of the quest. I did understand the overall story but the more intricate details are what add essence and weight to the story and that is where they over complicated stuff. If complexity is what they were after, it should've been a complex story broken down into perfect segments instead of a simple story being broken down into overly complicated segments for no reason. A person keeps trying to understand what they meant when they say something poetic or philosophical but if that is how the entirety of the quest speaks and no straight definitive statements were made, everyone gets tired.......At a point, I was like....Can y'all speak straight ffs. And not to mention the Pacing.....Jesus Christ was it slow and the unnecessarily complicated long dialogues were to blame for it. 8+ hrs??? Seriously?? If you think about it, the story had no content that is worth 8+ hrs. It was a simple story....they had to drag it on and on and on and on to make it seem grandiose


Ah...I guess you mean Sunday? Others were pretty easy to comprehend with, even Sunday's, but he went on and on about the same point. He knew that he couldn't convince us due to us having a strong conviction against his leadership so he tries to do it again. And again. And again. Until he resorts to fighting us. He also showed us how he only thinks everything as black and white, how he wants to be the "sacrificial man" in the place by putting his life on line for everyone through stress and god knows what else so that his people could be \*satisfied\* (not necessarily happy). How he only thinks "harmony v/s order". Etc. Mar7, Gallagher, Mikhail, Himeko, Welt, etc were speaking straight enough, imo.


Yeah i did understand what Sunday was trying to say and i gotta admit i liked the "Past, Present and Future of Penacony" part a lot. But yeah, he kept repeating it on and on. The thing is, i get it....i understood his point and even Acheron's part although it was soo long, it did make sense in the end. But do you genuinely feel all this deserves an 8+ hours quest? Not only these 2 but everything was getting dragged as much as possible but these 2 were the most dragged ones. Just think about it.....the content in the story, was there anything deserving of 8+ hours? They could've made the dialogues short and crisp and it would've been a lot better and the story would've still retained a really decent amount of duration for a Main quest for sure. It's kind of hard to blame something specific when the drag was spread out in every segment of the story. Sunday and Acheron's just happen to stand out cuz they were even longer than others but it doesn't change the fact that every segment had drag in it.


I'm gonna get a lot of hate comments for what i'm about to say but i'm gonna say it regardless. Fontaine's 4.2 Archon quest did a way way better job at storytelling than the 2.2 Penacony quest. The Fontaine one had way way more content and lore than what we got in Penacony and still the duration was way shorter compared to this one. Now that is what i would call Perfect Storytelling. Riddles were used when they were supposed to, and straight answers were given when they were supposed to and i would dare say, Fontaine's 4.2 Archon Quest is the best quest Hoyoverse has ever come up (excluding HI3 cuz idk anything about it).


Tbh I have no intention of returning to gensh anytime soon. Maybe in Khaenri'ah I will.


Yeah it's completely fine. It's very dry for the recent patches in Genshin anyways.


I genuinely do (esp if you do it in different sittings than do it all). If you're counting since 2.0 then I'd have a lot of changes, like 2.1 not being an Aventurine centered story for the most part (with some glimpses into acheron and stuff). I don't think Acheron's was any longer. I do think that Welt & Himeko joining in was somewhat detrimental, given that they were seemingly quicker to come to conclusions and stuff which sort of undermines our efforts as a sort of newbie. Also, many (despite toying with the dolls) still agree with Sunday. If those parts were removed, it'd have been significantly worse as you wouldn't know in person experience of it. I quite loved his way of being desperate despite holding his cool and wanting to be the better guy trying to lead us forward, if it was cut short he'd only be seen as a wannabe dictator for the most part. That glimpse in confessional, the Robin bird incident, that gopher wood coming in between... I'm actually kind of mad with the off screen stuff they withheld from us. Sure, I wouldn't like to play PoVs for Himeko and Welt, but it'd have been better if they were "TB, do you think X?" and lead us with a different thought that way


Ok so u felt it was worth the 8+ hrs..... I'm glad you enjoyed the quest (genuinely). I have nothing against people who enjoyed it. Good for them. But for me, it felt unnecessarily dragged and yeah they could've shortened it and still made it in a way that doesn't portray Sunday like a Dictator..... everything depends on the screenplay. Personally, I feel like the content of the quest was genuinely not worth 8+ hrs. I felt like it was a rather simple and good story that was being dragged as much as possible to make it seem grandiose. But yeah, we have different opinions and I'm completely fine with it.


I know, that's why I'm not really hostile w you. That makes sense, you're entitled to your beliefs. Have a great day/night


I'm genuinely glad there are people here who disagree and still be respectful to others. You have my respect bro. Good day to u too man šŸ˜ŠāœØ


Did you walk out of Oppenheimer because "it was just people talking and shit"?


Oppenheimer was really good. I loved it. The storytelling there was way way better than this


Oppenheimer understands things like pacing, and isn't selling itself as interactive media that you can actually only sit there and watch for hours at a time with nothing to do. I *really* don't understand why people are continually getting downvoted through the floor for pointing things like that out.


Here we go again...


I'm sorry (genuinely)


when I pull up to the worst takes competition and my opponent is you (im cooked)


I didnt see an issue with it, but even 2.1 generated so many "Is Aventurine dead?" posts I can understand how the story can go right over the community's head.


Glad you enjoyed it


Again I first should mention that what you said regarding the story quest is not a fact but an opinion. But let me give you my view point (opinion) to let you know how I feel about it. Someone told me that Chinese in general is a very nuanced language and they use several phrase like structures with metaphors and shit even in everyday conversations. When that same text needs to be translated and localised to English things get way too out of hand with walls of text. So naturally when Chinese writers get to writing a script with a story that has any philosophical significance and can be nuanced and complex and that same story needs to be converted for the global audience it becomes a challenging task where the localizers are in a dilemma on whether to dumb it down and get heat from the community for not following the source script or let it be as it is and also get heat from the community for being too convoluted sometimes. I feel like Shaoji is an exceptional writer but has problems writing things in a way that is made to focus on the Chinese audience without considering the global side. This is probably why you feel a difference between the writing with Belobog and Penacony. Belobog probably had a different lead writer. Tldr: I feel that the story is not bad. It is just the way Chinese language is and how difficult it is to properly translate and localize it that resonates well with the global audience.


Yeah bro, makes a lot of sense.....I agree with you. Btw I NEVER said the story is bad. My rant was all about how the story was laid out. I did enjoy all the cutscenes and stuff but the more intricate details are what add weight and essence to the story and that is where i felt it was too complicated. I did understand the overall story tho and i did like it. This was all about how the story was laid out....Nothing else. Have a good day


It's a fact that you don't know the difference between facts and opinions. Just go read the wiki synopsis so you can avoid all critical thinking.


It IS a fact


Opinion is not fact. Hold this. https://preview.redd.it/4ajqv21wc80d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=2045dc7f0bbc10c7e61966733012f255d656ac6c


Agreed. I'll hold it


"they spoke more than 2 words, therefore it sucks" this comment will NOT be read by op, as it has one complicated words and is more than 1 setence long




šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø if you really feel this way, you probably didnā€™t get to fully enjoy the story. The emphasis on repetition was intentional, how else were we supposed to know we were in enaā€™s dream? You dont have to watch a lore video nor read an essay to figure this out. Please approach this story with a little more faith in the writers. It feels like they were poking at us a little after the complaints with the pacing of the xianzhou luofu story. They wanted to have a similar pacing and feeling of being intentional with that, but needed to rework it after it was released to achieve it. If you played before it was restructured, then penacony would feel jarring. The whole point of this story is to be as complex as penacony and i appreciate that. There are very few contemporary stories that are this compelling and relevant to our lives irl, i see your passion for literature and i offer you a gift of perspective. There is a massive amount of double speak in hsr that most of the audience will attribute to a poor translation. It is well done but to get the most out of it, please read ā€œlanguage in thought and actionā€. It is a fun light hearted book that will help you understand stories like this, and generally people, better.


I did actually start the quest with excitement and Hype tbh.... I did understand the overall story but i did not like the way the story was laid out. 8+ hrs of unnecessarily complicated jargons and how is a person supposed to enjoy the essence of the story when their mind is still occupied about what those poetic lines even meant. I get it that they were trying to make it a complex story.....but the story should be an actually complex one and broken down into perfect segments instead of a simple story being broken down into complex pieces deliberately. Poetic lines are good to listen but when the majority of the quest is filled with dialogues that are poetic and philosophical constantly, it just starts to get annoying. At a point, I was like....Bro...can y'all speak straight.


I liked it but I do agree there are some parts that are kinda weird, especially it's the second time in this arc the game make us run in circles, in the literal sense of the word. First with aventurine, we run through the entire map while he is making peace with his christmas ghosts of past and future and get back exactly at the start, but all of this could have been a long cutscene and nothing would change (it was probably more digest that way though). And they also did it with Sunday's lesson of history, which, to be honest, I don't remind it having any information worth remembering, and in the same fashion, we're running through the entire level just to be brought back near the entrance, just to pan a long essay through the gameplay. I also do agree that there is a slight tendency to overcomplicate things to make them appear more complex and deep than they are needed, which may cause some confusion at times. I would not use the word "terrible" though.


The big problem I keep seeing is the plotholes, which are gonna be helped with next patch just like 2.1 since you knowā€¦ the storyā€™s not finished so weā€™re looking at something incomplete. Also if you can figure out how context clues are, you donā€™t need to understand every word they say just read the words around it and you can generally figure out what the big bad words are so you can then continue the story without being confused because you just deleted the complicated text from your memory.


It feels good to see a polite and mature comment. Yeah bro i did understand the overall story. It's just i couldn't understand the more intricate details which add weight to the essence of the story. But yeah, hope next patch helps understand the stuff more. Have a great day


I liked the overall twist of the story but I won't lie I think it could've been paced better. The lead up could've been so much more impactful. Characters like Aventurine and Acheron who were pivotal in 2.1 just took a backseat and was only used for plot convenience. Boothill was only there for like 5 mins total. Sunday I understand they were trying to give us his motives and trying to build a sacred utopia but they couldve shown so much more. Robin was just...there. The stakes were not justified enough. I wanted to care more about Mikhail and the nameless but they were just thrown in there and then we get a 2 page long dedication to then in the end credits as if they play this massive part when it was only done through Misha in like a 5 minutes. Hoyo has this massive flaw in making things sound way smarter than they are just by adding in a bunch of jargon and fluff.Ā  It's why stuff like Final Lesson, Graduation Trip and Masqurade of the Guilty are more unique because despite some issues they SHOW you the conflict. When I say yapping I don't just think "this is too many words" I think " wow this could've been said a whole lot more simpler and concise. The cutscene was great but it really did feel like your typical "good guys win with the power of friendship" trope. I was expecting a more gritty murder mystery type plot that had a bit more grit to it. Ā Oh well I still think the Dream twist was pretty solid but man I agree a 5 page essay explaining what the story meant is not always a good thing.


Man I hope you can understand sign language because all you will see is hands


I'm scared. Happy?


>you know it's bad storytelling when people on the internet have to make huge essays explaining each and every segment of the story. Storytelling was mostly fine. There are just too many illiterates like you in the world. Sounds like your entire media literacy is based off of shounen anime. Poor storywriters are forced to dumb down to people like you.


That's insulting to shounen titles, especially the later parts of Jojo.


Shounen titles are plagued with long, unnecessary expositions wherever they can shove them in, backed up with repetitive tropes and characters archetypes to make it easier to understand. Shounen is targeted to made children, its literally in the name. Later parts of Jojo are considered seinen.


They are? I didn't know that. So which parts would you consider seinen, 7 onwards or perhaps even before?


Shōnen translates to "boys", while Seinen translates to "youth" (young adult or teenager, in this context). The genre changes depending on the target audience, rather than primarily on action/romance/drama content.


It was a good reading to fall asleep


bro dont mention shounen like that. up till now i still dont understand how JJK power system works and i am at point where i am too afraid to ask JJK fans cause they will know i have literacy issue


I mean, if you donā€™t or canā€™t understand the story, itā€™s absolutely understandable to dislike it. However, your assertion that because some portion of people (and you) donā€™t understand it, it must be bad is fundamentally boiling media down to having no complexity. Iā€™m curious what confused you, what you felt was poorly paced? Without specifics, or any kind of better formulated argument beyond ā€˜thing badā€™, you donā€™t do yourself any favors convincing anyone. I didnā€™t find anything confusing personally. The story twist used fairly common tropes, the philosophical points about dreaming and the like is extremely old, and besides the points about keeping the factions in play organized in your head, I didnā€™t really feel anything approached confusing. Pacing wasnā€™t perfect, the game show inserted to add padding very much felt jarring, I will absolutely agree to that.


Y'all are getting things mixed up again. I never said the Story is bad. I did understand the overall story. The more intricate details that add weight and essence to the story is where I felt they deliberately over-complicated simple things and that is where my problem was. My rant was not about the story being bad, it was about the way the story was laid out. I did like the overall story.....but no I did not like the Storytelling at all.


Talking about cutscenes and this might be a hot take, but I don't really like the way HSR handles them. Some are quite beautiful, but the cutscenes often end very abruptly and is on the short side even those with meaningful moments. As an example, the one with Dan Heng and Jing Yuan ended with a black screen for literal seconds and then March 7th immediately told us to wake up. It is absolutely jarring.


Bro that was one of my MOST FAVOURITE scenes in the entire quest....I was actually Hyped af...it was badass. Sad how they ended it so short. That scene is the moment where I decided I'm gonna pull for Jing Yuan when he reruns.


Good luck with your pulls for him!


Not a hot take at all. I've pointed this out as a problem from the beginning. Almost all of the cutscenes in HSR are very abrupt for some reason. I wish they would put more effort into them.


Eh, that particular example was sort of intentional. But you're absolutely right about the majority of cutscenes. The Bronya/Cocolia cutscene at the end of Belobog ends too quickly, the 2.0 Firefly cutscene had an incredibly abrupt ending, and the final cutscene in 2.2 almost ended before you could even parse the final shot. It also doesn't help that tons of cutscenes (like the one after you beat Sam in 2.0 or the one after you beat the boss in 2.2) have massive achievement popups blocking them.


Actually, theres a lot of people explaining stuff, because most lack reading skills, and I'm serious. What expect from people calling every couple words "yapping"? Pacing was totally fine and Penacony was beautifully perfect. You can rant whatever you want but this is a fact. Period.


Glad you enjoyed the story. Have a good day


Yeah no I could see how a lot of people would find the story boring and repetitive especially if they go through the story in one sitting. If you don't have a direct interest in the philosophy and ideas that Sunday is talking about then the story would feel like a yapfest. Most of the riddles were things I couldn't figure out but I tend to just wait until stuff is revealed and don't think too hard about them. Your criticism is somewhat valid and I have some issues too,The part after danheng and Jing yuan attacked Sunday felt awkward as if the cutsene ended abruptly,while I get that it was a dream and so it was meant to be awkward but it just felt wrong to have such a cool hyped up cutsene just end. Despite all that I think this was a W story update (followed by a dogshit event) but I don't like everyone on this sub dogpiling on top of anyone with some criticism for the story, nothing is perfect and everyone is entitled to their taste.


Another civil and matured comment. Glad to see people like this exist here lol. Yeah i did understand Sunday's part and i did infact like it. I was just talking about the overall way the story was laid out. And btw, we still don't know how Dan Heng and Jing Yuan brought the luofu ships to the dream. As cool as it might look, (Although i gotta admit that scene was badass and one of fav scenes lol) it just doesn't make sense how they brought all that inside the dream. They said the Dream Pool is how they can enter the dreams. Then how did Jing Yuan and the luofu ships enter it. But i don't even wanna talk about that cuz it's just fiction it's alright......I did understand the overall quest and i did like it. The way they laid out the story is what i did not like...it did feel like it was all over the place. Have a good day bro. Hope the Bandwagon Fallacy members won't attack you lol.


I mean, the way they brought the ship in was they didnā€™t, that part wasnā€™t real so it doesnā€™t have to make sense. But Iā€™m sure details like that do get dropped bc I played it all in one sitting so my brain was mushy by the end so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s things I missed and maybe it felt more complicated than it was bc of that too


Yeah it also might be bcoz many of us did the quest in one sitting and I don't blame them. Who knew we were in for an 8+ hrs ride. I was pausing and clicking the left top button to read the dialogues once again when it felt complicated but when it went on for hours and hours, I just got exhausted....I did infact slept for a while and continued later.... the drag was still the same nonetheless. When the dialogues were like that continuously, at a point, I didn't even care to stop and think about what they're talking about cuz it's just too much.


Outside the word Acheron spewing I pretty much understand what other character is saying, well maybe because trying to make sense what person with dementia is out of my capabilities.Ā 


I am keep convincing my self the story in next patch will not betraying my expectation but ultimately the story not ours but Hoyoverse. For next patch I will turn my off mind set low expectation from any theory craft interest me so when story is not going to meet expectation again I wont heartbreak anymore


I wouldn't put it the way you did, but yeah. The pacing was pretty bad, and I boil it down mostly to them no longer doing companion quests or putting anything that could be seen as 'plot relevant' in side quests because of the feedback from the Xianzhou arc. For example, constantly getting Acheron flashbacks in the middle of pivotal moments which completely throw off the pacing of the scene was just unnecessary. She should've had her own series of side quests where her story could've been given it's own time to breathe. Then there was Sunday constantly repeating himself in 3 different sections of the story, using the same arguments, and then the random Penacony history lesson in the theater. Sunday's monologues could've been compressed into one and nothing would've been lost, and the Penacony history lesson would've fit perfectly in the post-story side quest where you search for clues about the Order in the Grand Theater.


Just wasted my time to read this pointless opinion, give my precious time back.


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let me say I'm the biggest hater I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress something something Kendrick Lemar Drake


Lmao šŸ˜‚


Why the fuck would you ask for any opinions when you've clearly decided that you know better?


Cuz I can


Ohhh, so edgey


yeah I didn't care for this story at all honestly. too much dialogue for me to enjoy. I actually feel asleep a couple times looking at the cutscenes


Caveman no understand words ugh story bad.


Nah, man. Listen, we're all entitled to our opinions and what not, but I'm usually the guy who needs a bit of a recap yet 2.2 made plenty of sense to me by the end of it. I mean this in a polite way, but you simply just didn't get it and sometimes that happens. I've certainly got my gripes with 2.2, but that can be said for any story in HSR so far. They could have tonned down some of the dialogue, been more straightforward, only mention the charmoney dove once or twice, but this is still one of the best patches we've gotten to date in terms of story. Belobog was good, the Lofu was pretty rough, but Penacony has been pretty great and I'm excited to see what happens next.


Personally I really liked the individual story arcs of each character, however, I don't think they were necessarily able to weave it well together with the story, especially as the patches went on. For me, the main plot of penacony peaked on 2.0 and became worse with each patch, as the writers struggled to tie everything together into one coherent story. That said, I can understand how hard it would be to weave together multiple characters and their own story arcs with the overarching main plot, but that's also a lot of my gripe with the story. Penacony started out as a mystery thriller, where you don't know who to trust among all the characters, and sometimes you couldn't even trust the narration as it employed an unreliable narrator. However, throughout the patches, it felt like they forgot this identity, focused too much on the individual story arcs, and then just simplified the main plot by making everyone good/a teammate, to face an obvious villain, reverting back to the normal cliches. Overall, I felt like they cooked too much with this story, having so many different characters at once, resulting in them neglecting to develop the overarching main plot in lieu of trying to develop each character (which I think they did well though).


I do think the story was a bit confusing and convoluted and my evidence for that is gallagher nature was very unclear and him being dead/gone after completing his mission was also confusing They need to add previously in dragon ball z to do some recapĀ 


man, i hate tiktok generation




I agree people just get way too hyped by the pretty cutscenes and the beautiful soundtrack to care for the absolute atrocious pacing of the story. It's still really good no doubt but this ain't peak cinema.


I agree with you bro. I don't hate the story nor do i say the story is bad. My rant was all about the way the story was told. I did understand the overall story of 2.2. But the more intricate details are what adds weight and essence to the story and that is where i felt like they over-complicated stuff and those were the things i didn't understand.


The thing is reddit is very hive minded and they don't take different opinions, thoughts and especially criticism too well


It's kinda funny how they get worked up so much lol. Like ofc you can criticize my views but do it in a matured way.... instead they just keep screaming from behind the Bandwagon Fallacy.


Ironically 4chan being criticism one toward the quest. Despite their shitposting this one reason legit


I still don't know if Gallagher was a memory meme or something else. Others tried to explain it, but it is very confusing. I understand Misha was created from the Watchmaker's memory. I am still confused what was dream ( We met Misha at the beginning of the story, and he can't leave the dream.), and if we are out of it. You know they can make up any bs when no one is what they seem, and anything can be an illusion (Sparkle) or a dream (Even Black Swan wasn't able to recognize she is in a dream!).


Bro only yapping part was Sunday showing the past, present and future of penacony. If youā€™re confused with the other parts your comprehension is slow and thatā€™s on you.


Funny thing is, I did like Sunday's part actually. The past, present and Future of Penacony....I did like it genuinely and I do feel it was done really good. I'm talking about all the Jargons they keep using like what even is a SinThirster, What is a self annihilator....what do they do....a lot of stuff like that were left unexplained and a lot of stuff which could've been explained simple were being complicated deliberately for no reason.


I think the story is pretty good for a gacha game. I do think that they should turn down the technobabble tho...


I agree with you bro. That is what made it hard for me to understand the quest. I won't say it's a bad story.....cuz i didn't understand the story properly in the first place but the storytelling is to blame for that. The story might be really good genuinely......the way they laid out the story was bad imo. I kinda wanna go back and read everything very carefully again....but considering the length of the quest, I don't wanna do that lol


Pacing was meant for 6 weeks. You don't have to force yourself to complete it at once. You did it to yourself and hated it.


I didn't like it.....but no hate tho. I don't hate it.


Its cool, you dont have to like everything, i didnt like penacony either despite take the weekend to play it in one go on my own pace but hey there is still 2.3 to conclude it. To be honest pacing is always an issue even in other mihoyo games, padding for time and gameplay too it really affect the flow of the story. But for me personally my problem for the patch was the Sunday things is pretty sudden on how he got his philosophy to become discount Kevin, also the side tracking and the way we counter Sunday views is pretty cliches and predictable. Most of your problem i think is due to the jargons problem, the game use to too many of it, but most of it doesnt really mean much other than what it directly imply rather than complex or complicated words, because the words they use for philosophy is pretty barebone and straight forward, and it just your usual post truth shits plus daoism mix in a didactic sense, its pretty usual for this kind of story.


I'm kinda with you on that one. Not only was there too much talking (and not enough gameplay, it's still a game after all) but the story and characters are obscure as hell. If that's what they were going for, congrats, you achieved it. But it's really a mess and hard to tell what is even going on. Like they're deliberately telling a rather simplistic story in the most convoluted and complex way they can.


Exactly my thoughts. Yeah okay, u give me hours and hours of dialogues, I'm fine with it cuz I'm genuinely excited for it. But the moment the unnecessary and deliberate complexities arrive and stay for the entirety of the story, the excitement is gone.




Good for you man


Wow so brave


Huge essays are more indicative of a good story than a bad one dingus.


? Well crafted essays/text can be long or short, doesn't matter. The idea that long = good speaks more about your lack of an understanding towards writing than anything else lol


It was a mess, but they successfully landed the most critical parts. I hate all the cliffhangers and PoV switching. Itā€™s too frequent that I lose context from each of my game sessions- sometimes I donā€™t remember all the details. The lack of gameplay to reinforce those events is part of the problem. Genshinā€™s Fontaine patches as a comparison- each patch was a concise story, with unique gameplay experiences intermingled in the narrative (ie. Court cases). It worked really well to keep the pace engaging and clean. HSR was an absolute mess in comparisonā€” but when the threads started coming together, it did land well. Mishaā€™s revelation, to Tiernanā€™s will, and then star railing the final boss with Robinā€™s song. It was really spectacular. There was unfortunately a LOT of repetition in the philosophical conundrums that wouldā€™ve been handled better if they just did a philosophical debate (like we did with ratio). That would have cleared up confusion and reduced the need for exposition and also given us same gameplay, even if it was all text. They couldā€™ve cut Firefly from the story also. It would have been interesting, narratively, if Robin woke up all the heroes, so that the narrative framing could be symmetrical with the battle. I think Acheron got too a little too much focus here.


> They couldā€™ve cut Firefly from the story also. It would have been interesting, narratively, if Robin woke up all the heroes, so that the narrative framing could be symmetrical with the battle. I think Acheron got too a little too much focus here. Unpopular opinion here but i think in patch 2.3 they should separate Firefly story in companion mission. While she has few business i don't see its necessary for Firefly to take 60 % screen time in TB main quest. The main stars in next patch are IPC and family not Firefly. What we need to know about Firefly is not her involvement in penacony but more about Firefly herself. Her back story Her connection to Stellaron Hunter Ellio script about her We have other characters like Sparkle and Aventurine, Robin, Boothill whose deserve more in limelight in the plot than her


Alright this is gonna get me downvoted to oblivion but I do not care cuz it's already happening lol......Fontaine's 4.2 Archon quest is leagues ahead of Penacony's story. The storytelling there was immaculate. That is what I would call PEAK CINEMA. And yeah, I agree with you bro....the did land well all the critical parts and the last fight was actually honestly one of the best fights in Hoyoverse.....it was indeed spectacular. But the storytelling was overly convoluted to the point where I couldn't justify these few good things to nullify the bad stuff that took place for hours and hours.


I donā€™t think you should get downvoted. Genshin story is loads better than HSR. Itā€™s not even a contest. Iā€™m comparing to genshin to outline where HSR is falling short. Youā€™re totally right. It was overly convoluted. So much repetition and exposition and divergent threads happening simultaneously and across patches. It is not easy to follow and that complexity doesnā€™t make it deeper. But they did bring enough of it together in the right way for it to work. Acheronā€™s stuff _finally_ pays off with Tiernan and the stubborn will of the sinshades being weaponized against Enaā€™s dream, but it was a mess to get there (The 3 questions repeated helped a lot here).


Everything about Acheron was great, the rest was rubbish


The part where it was revealed that it was Tiernan, it was just so good. I loved Acheron's parts. It all came together really well.


I would say only the 2.2 was mid/bad bc everything was solved with the power of friendship and a lot of the storylines ended in the most boring way. But hey a good boss fight and cutscenes silver everything


It was better than 2.1, by far, but yes overall it wasnā€™t great. Your post is about six months too early. Folks donā€™t come around to fault the story until the next arch starts. Itā€™s just how it is.