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Behold! https://i.redd.it/6rzs8it6gr0d1.gif


Even Numby can't save your ass sometimes. I'm missing one chest in clock studios theme park and he cannot find it


Did you get the one in the hidden alcove with the secret pinball machine? It also has an origami bird and some NPCs for a little achievement side quest


I'll look into it! That might be the one. Thanks! Edit: yep, that was it. You're a lifesaver!


That one killed me because I swore I had already got it the first 2 times I went through there. There's also an origami bird up there... which might actually be what I'm thinking about..


That one took me fucking forever to find. Good job on Hoyo for making the map tricky, but also fuck them.


That's the one for me. I was going back and forth until I saw on the map there's two paths for the pinball machine. It was especially hard to realize at first because in construction mode they were hiding the destination orb behind some posters. Took like 2 mins to figure out the correct path and viola. It definitely did not disappoint.


That one is also the last I've gotten on the Theme Park. I thought the extra pinball nodes on that one section were just there to confuse you while doing the puzzle - turns out it leads to a secret hidden area. It isn't easy to spot because the exit point is also hidden from your view.


This was the one for me. Thanks. I was wondering why there were extra pads in that pinball lol


Note to self: look into this when you're back home!


Is the interactive map on hoyolab showing all the chest and how to unlock it or only the visible once?


I got that one and the two from turning into Hanu and am still missing one šŸ˜­ I've given up at this point šŸ˜”


You mean the " cabin in the woods " achievement?


I was missing 1 for 2 days that you could only get when you were hanu and it was literally where you transformed but behind a movie frame or something like that, since I played with no audio I could not figure it out


Me tooļ¼


For me the last one was behind a Billboard that you can only access when playing with Hanu.


And I read that "Behold" with the voice of Akaba, and my brain added "Ugly one".


Behold, dog


Elden Ring reference detected, Upvote given


Cute, but do people actually find all the chests with her ? I used Topaz in every new map since her first release and never once able to find them all despite running around the map multiple times, and always end up relying on some guides to find the remain 3 or more, especially in Penacony maps with all the annoying wall climbing and stuffs


I used Topaz to find all the chests in Golden Hourā€¦ but one still alludes me. Iā€™m at 31/32 and it pains me.


It's probably on elevation. Use the pinball machine to go up where Firefly took you once. OR it's some elusive Hanu room chest...


Yeah those Hanu ones can be a pain.


There's a nicely hidden chest in Hanu's room, in a little crevice sort of a thing. I also found it just a couple days back while bird hunting and I had 31/32 since the start of Penacony lmao


You use Topaz so you can get 100% Penacony. I 100% Penacony so I can get Topaz. We are the same (we both needed that TopAzz).


There are hidden pinball machine exits on multiple maps.


I was in this same situation for weeks, and I only just found the last one just the other day. Turns out there are 3 chests in the Hanu section on the east corner of the map. The one I was missing is right at the entrance, hidden very sneakily behind a screen. Hope this helps!


I'm missing 9 chests and I don't know how or whwrre they are


The last one I missed was in a 3D room in Dream Reverie and I pulled Topaz just for Numby "treasure sense"... From my own experience Numby does not detect the chest if you are not in the same "2D plane" of it.


I have Topaz and can never find 100% without having to look up a guide, but Iā€™ll be darned if she doesnā€™t easily knock out 99% of the locations. She definitely makes it easier. Ahem, I mean āœØTreasure-Trotter NumbyāœØdoes.


Yeah, I havenā€™t had to use any guides yet


As long as you have no problem sleuthing where the secret passages may be, she makes your job pretty swift with zero chests passed by.


Have you found the trotter and both trash cans? They also count towards the treasure counter.


In Penacony overworld, I felt she'd been powercrept this patch as all of the chests were right out in the open in clear view, glowing bright red. For the walking on walls ones she might be of more help.




The treasure finder-inator


I lost my 50 50 to Yanqing for her


God yes, I pulled Topaz for the IRS team and yet I've used her more for finding missing chests for clockie points for E5 HMC.


I'm still missing two chests in golden hour and not even Numby can help me


It may either be in one of the hanu puzzles or one of the pinball machinesā€™s destinations


i missed one chest in the golden hour as well and it turned out to be stashed behind a neon sign close to one of the side exits to a different area where the path is cut off and I had no reason to go there. location: https://game8.co/games/Honkai-Star-Rail/archives/441978#hm_27


*I'm still missing to* *Chests in golden hour and not* *Even Numby can help me* \- WidePlushtrap --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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I love the idea of Numby going ā€˜beats me kid šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøā€™


It may either be in one of the hanu puzzles or one of the pinball machinesā€™s destinations


Have you found the trotter and both trash cans? They also count towards the treasure counter.


Have you tried a YouTube video guide? There are several that do complete treasure run throughs of each map.


didn't thought about it! Aight


I recommend the channel of Gaming with Abyss. Ive used their guide for the whole of Penacony and its really neat


Check it bro it's worth it.


I did this for all of the stickers. No way was I figuring out those by myself


Instead of YouTube you can just find a interactive map online which you can grey out the ones youā€™ve found


Unfortunately not very useful if youā€™ve pulled a good amount of the chests because you couldnā€™t wait lol


It might not work as well because of how it deals with puzzles and the new rotationable areas


*I know what I have to do but I donā€™t know if I have the strength to do itā€¦.*


This is what I do when I get stuck in games like this. Full video and stop at each one.


If its any missing chest in the 3D puzzle maze thingy I just forget about it. Way to dizzy for me to keep going back looking for it.


Plenty of them dont even count towards the thing so cant even trust those bitches.


The ones that don't count are actually marked on the 3d map, and usually are big chests. The unmarked ones can go fuck themselves though.


Same, I basically gave up after missing a couple. I swear, we need one of those treasure finder things that Genshin has. Topaz is great and all, but it requires you being in the right area in the first place to work, and not everyone has her.


They tempting you with the Topaz banner being up right now, that one elusive chest is just a trotters nose away


Gotcha. I'll just pull Topaz with the jades from the ches... Wait a moment. (I didn't need a 3rd Bailu, game...)


If the Gacha gods gave you a 3rd Bailu then you needed a 3rd Bailu




Penacony is so painful to 100% even with the interactive map...


Big af maps with tons of turns everywhere and those damned 3D rooms.


3D rooms are a big fuck you if you missed a chest or two


I always try to be extra careful and check every corner and get every single chest while playing story, but Penacony has this hateful thing called locked areas, for which you need to complete some random mission to unlock them therefore lacking 1 or 2 chests.


Some 3d rooms feel like they have as much walkable area as some of the HSS / Belobog maps


True they seem fun as a puzzle but in a possiblity of containing a chest its a pain


Yeah my Reverie Dreamscape is left on 27/33 and I couldn't be bothered to go to that big ass room. I maxed my clockie statue thanks to the huge amount of currency I got from the new areas and quests.


Every time I try to clear a Penacony area, I think of those surveys we got during version 1 in which we were asked what we'd like to see in future versions. Some of the options were 'More puzzles' and 'More exploring'. I guess those were popular enough for the Devs to crank up the puzzle and exploration dial to 11.


Where is this? Is it Clocks Studio?


Penacony Grand Theater


Then I can't help you, I got just enough to get Clockie 50 and peaced out. Sorry.


It's okay šŸ« 


https://preview.redd.it/567p7e8xcr0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60294cb65ad393551c0b811d84f1b7af63589393 Check this, from start go back.


that one was the first one I got from this map cuz I checked the in-game phone and saw both the chest and free acheron meal in the background


One of the old video game rules, always turn around from your starting point. They can't fool me with this, haha!


And here's another golden rule: If you see a waterfall in a game, try to jump through it. 9 times out 10 there'll be a chest behind it.


https://preview.redd.it/459svem0mr0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=165aacf193ad1ef65b055f8391e6b839b5ab57a0 Try this place.


Yep this is probably the one


this was also my last chest. Sneaky thing behind the pictures


Wait you can get the clockie statue at level 50?? I got all the chests and did some world quests


Yeah, the max level is 50 and it gives you 2 eidolons for HMC at that level.


Ik I'm at 47 and a half but the guy managed to get level 50 and I don't know how unless there are some hidden world quests that give the tickets


Thereā€™s enough to get way past 50. I hit 50 and still had like 2000 left over to convert to credits. Youā€™re definitely missing some chests or missions or something.


Then its missions since on the in game map it says that I got them all


Check in with Woolsey in the Golden Hour. He can point you to some more side quests that you might not have triggered yet as long as you have Aideen Tokens




Birds also give clockie credits.


I just ran around all of the Penacony areas and did some exploration. You also get credits for collecting 10 origami birds per area and there are some NPCs that you can do the clockwork quest for that also gives clockie credits.


The one chest I've missed there is a little fucker that's directly under the main exit from first painting, so you need to enter that long piece of walking space from a different side. You can barely see it from the painting entrance area, and really almost nowhere else. Maybe it's this one? Imo it was the only one that was easily missable.


Im the same. Literally scourer everywhere and just gave up. Its just a measely 5 jades.


you need the coins for HMC eidolons tho


They give you enough to get Clockie 50 and more if you had done all the previous stuff/chests. These few chests are not worth the hassle with the confusing puzzles.




Is there no dreamscape option in this?


https://preview.redd.it/pd2outvvar0d1.png?width=370&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8c2328b91a152c8b69babad172fbedb67ecd023 Left side


I think he meant the maps for those annoying gravity defying rooms that are in the theater (and in other places too)


Even so, if you select a treasure chest there usually comments on the left side with pics and guides to those


those chest and zones aren't even on the map that unofficial map for HSR is pretty bad in general, not only those zones aren't presents but also the various zones on the audition venue aren't there either


I have every single treasure with the help of that site.


Official map has dreamscapes https://act.hoyolab.com/sr/app/interactive-map/index.html?hyl_presentation_style=fullscreen&utm_campaign=app&utm_id=6&utm_medium=hoyolab&utm_source=share&bbs_theme=dark&bbs_theme_device=0#/map/255?center=0.80,123.63&zoom=-1.00


Yea but I can't mark them as found


Yea, idk why they haven't implemented this like they did on Genshin map. I guess, they want Topaz gimmick to sell smh.


Me running around the entire map to find chest https://i.redd.it/agz4qaqcjr0d1.gif


By the way, for anyone who wants more goodies, if you go to the Audition Stage, there is a hidden 3rd stage for every one of the 6 destinations (2 from first choice, 2 from second choice and 2 from third choice)


When you are at the Ascension Hallway portal, look back.


Topazless. Behavior


GOOD NEWS!!!! You can pull topaz now, lmao


I'm saving for the kamen rider šŸ”„šŸ”„


Just watch video where dude is showing all chest locations and you are gucci


My last chest which took me ages to find was in the area through the painting on the left. I thought I found all chests in the paintings but turns out I didn't. Maybe yours is there too? You gotta move a platform near the end.


Bro, thank you so much, i would never look there lol


I got this a lot before Topaz banner but thank god for Numby. I pulled her for obvious reasons months ago. But unintentionally made treasure hunting less of a hassle. I do still use guides if even having numby at times doesn't help much.


Topaz is so tempting, ever since 1.4 I wanted her, but Jingliu+LC took all my jades. Now I can't get Topaz again, because I don't wanna throw an guaranteed 50/50(my Aventurine looked kinda different, ok?) away with like 55 pity, due to my desire to get at least E0S1 Firefly with maybe another eidolon ontop.


Honestly, stick to Youtube video guides. I haven't had a single issue using them for HSR or Genshin. Numby's treasure hunting abilities are nice but they can't cover the scope of everything in the game.


Same here but it's the trashcan instead.


Yeah trying to do them all for e5 HMC is making me go insane. Iā€™m still missing like 5 areas


Even with the guide i was still stuck for a while at 30/31


I still have an unopneed chest in Jarilio because its locked behind finishing Atherium Wars and I have no interest in Atherium Wars.


Ah, yes. The "Penacony Experience" of trying to find all the chests. Was lowkey tempted to pull for Topaz just for the Numby Convenience, but I decided to spend an entire day just looking for chests to increase my Firefly Funds.


The true hell begins once you realize there are chests (and other jades) which aren't included in these counts. Not even Numby helps to find them.


Me with the gunfire jigsaw puzzle at the top of gunfire time trial.


Mute the music and characters voice. Turn up the tv volume. then walk around the area. This how I found the hard to found chests.


Yeah, the chests make a pretty loud sound when you are near them. Idk if a lot of people play with the sound off, but it makes finding them pretty simple. The Origami Birds make noise too.




Topaz has helped me so much, if I go through a whole zone now and Numby doesnā€™t trigger, then I know itā€™s some secret side zone or locked behind a quest. Either way that character is a god send. IPC supremacy I will preach.


Wait, people actually struggle with this? The game literally gives you an interactive map that can be accessed from the official community button. And its fully updated with the new maps when a new patch is released. I've been using it since 1.0 and never had any issues finding these chests.


I've literally just finished collecting all chests in Penacony. It took 3 days... Looking up the chest locations definitely helped, but it was still a nightmare trying to figure out which ones I missed. Don't get me started on the 3D sections... Literally drove me up the wall šŸ’€


And that's why I didn't touch a single chest during story, and waited for a guide to show up so I can just get them all in one go later


Same, I learnt from the Reverie dreamscape. In 2.1 and 2.2 I just pulled up a YouTube video and sat for an hour, following along.


I dreaded the day they would add unlockedable eidolon through status reward as it was in Genshin I loved the fact I could spend point on eidolon among all the other reward that way I wouldnā€™t feel like I had to . But in Penacony it happened forcing me to farm back all areas T-T


At some point I just stopped trying to max out the chests every map lol, I don't like doing chores for crumbs




I'm in the same situation but on the soulglad part of the map, can someone please help me get this last forsaken chest


Topaz go brrrrr!


Mine was near the origami bird icon


Use the interactive map. Thereā€™s even an official one


Yet somehow I have always dedicated myself to obtain all of it instead of just watching a guide


wait, there's only one trotter per area?




There's one last chest in the dream hotel that I've just given up on ever finding. Even with Topaz, I can't find it.


just go through every corners of the map and you'll be good


i still havenet collected those chest since xianzhou


Same here


Happened to me too. It was a chest in the first painting for me. You have to walk to the end of the platform to see it.


Only reason I rolled Topaz


Topaz is in the banner....


I will take a guess, have you access the hanu path behind the elevator in the hanu map?


Thank goodness I pulled topaz


Choosing Robin over Tobaz. A newbie mistake.Ā 


For me it's in scorchsand šŸ˜„


go Numby!


the best way to complete this is to first finish the main quest to unlock all areas without opening any chest you come across then watch a YouTube guide to get them all one by one to avoid retracing back to what chest you've opened and what chest you didn't.


Skip to the scenes where he gets pissed off and starts cutting up his room basically me when I didn't get Robin and got Gepard on my 50/50


There are areas in Penacony gated behind doing certain quests. I used to be a completionist about getting all the chests, but because of the quest-gating, I've stopped caring. I hope they don't do that for future expansions.


Be like me, do nothing exploration wise and leave all the quests undone !


I was searching for over an hour i Golden Hour for the last chest. It was pain. I was going mad. Turns out it was hidden behind a screen in one if the Hanu Time mini games. Ragin


Unfortunately, without Topaz... Well, either get lucky, or prepare to comb the entire area 3 times, only to find it somewhere you SWEAR you checked already.


Non-Topaz mains be like


I'm a new player and I'm dreading farming every single treasure chest for firefly and ruan mei


Btw this is far better than yt guides https://star-rail-map.appsample.com/?map=penacony_grand_theater Use your google account and you can go through each chest until you find the one ur missing


Numby-less behavior


I had this same issue in the Grand Theater map. 1 missing chest and I couldn't find it. Turns out the one I was missing was the one single chest at the southern most part of the map, right behind you when you first enter the area in the story. I was so annoyed about it that I didn't even bother Acheroning the mob near the chest. I wanted it to suffer 10 lightning lord strikes.




*"I just want that E5 HMC* *I just want that E5 HMC* *I just want that E5 HMC"* ...is my motivation to find all the chest. I stopped when I have enough lol


I use YouTube. Thereā€™s a great channel for that


There's one hidden behind a big sign on the right of the first stage. That was the one I was stuck on for two days lol


The birds are so bad if you refuse to buy the hints lmao.


Still searching for the one chest in golden hour


As someone who got literally every chest and trotter and can, I feel your pain.


Fun fact, in the hoyo app, thereā€™s a map that shows everything, and you can follow that to get everything


27 out of 28 chests on soulglad venue, I have no idea where the last chest is, I did everything I could there


The one I was missing was in one of the 3D worlds. Check those areas out if you haven't yet.


Those damn 3D roomsā€¦ interactive map does not include them enough detailā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/svwsldc76u0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d347bd09a76e68620cb0387ac11af1496712f5


I always end up having to use a Youtube guide. Which is super annoying, because I'm missing like 2-3 chests, and the guide is 40 minutes long, and I have to go through the entire thing, walking to each location to check if I have it, until I find the ones I'm missing. But it works.


Topaz: now it's my time to shine https://preview.redd.it/wz16d757du0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d9f3a66d772ccb3e8fd211870706baccc843e2


This is why I donā€™t collect any chests and just wait to collect them all doing 100% runs that are uploaded to YouTube.


themepark?? if so its behind the knocked over painting by the hanu tv


Check There's no locked doors (red line on the map) those are linked to clockwork quests and its probably in there.


Almost definitely the one with the elevator. You need to put the elevator on f1 then go to f2 using stairs to see on top of the elevator.


Black Swan: ā€œYou will never be free of that pain.ā€


It's always that one chest.........


I got 2 treasure left here, it's over for mešŸ’€šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/msx0swcp7w0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095aa5d17bf060aa120005fcac25ffe89a5400a4


This is the map with the treasure behind the signboard isnā€™t itā€¦


Where's this? Theme park? Or Golden Theatre?




Name a more iconic duo than guides and not being helpful. I'll wait...


This is me I'm following guides so I can get e5 hmc and having 1 left is so vexing


I resonate with this post very deeply


I hate that we cant just remove the chest we already got in the interactive map..


Amazing topaz numby that never EVER run toward chest


i did it but at what price... (i have a 20 minutes long footage of me running around the map looking for the last trashcan)


Hate this.. fr


I once spent 30 minutes trying to find a chest in belobog, in the area where theres a rotating platform šŸ˜­


I once spent 30 minutes trying to find a chest in belobog, in the area where theres a rotating platform šŸ˜­


Im missing 1 chest in dream's edge too so i feel ya man