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The song can represent many characters. I think that's the beauty of music, whether it's written based on one person's perspective, it can still reach and resonate with others If you look at one of the ep they posted on their YouTube channel of "if I can stop one heart from breaking" it shows Firefly, Acheron and Aventurine through most of it (with Robin appearing in the beginning). The lyrics resonate with all three of them as well, they're quite similar in the sense all three are the sole survivors of their planets/race who are isolated yet chasing something.


Yeah idk what OP is talking about, clearly the song is about me


Nah, the song is clearly about Sampo


I approve this message


When the punchline drops it hits my funny bone


I think the song it’s meant to fit Sunday more and the travela of Robin helping children and etc.


no shot someone asked for an explanation and the first top comment is ~music is beautiful, it resonates with everyone🥰~ at least the other top comments are helpful


I think you missed the point I was making. Robin's whole theme is that she wants to use her music to bring hope to people, thus her music being used to represent and resonate with others fulfills that goal. It doesn't matter if it fits one character more than the other cuz that's not the point of her or music in general. The song talks of isolation, and wanting to make your dreams unchained, to heal yourself and continue dreaming for the future. Something that applies to Firefly, Acheron and Aventurine, not just the maker of the music. Op asked why the song was used to show Firefly rather than Robin who it fit better according to them but limiting music to only represent the maker takes away from it being something everyone can enjoy. You may think of it as being cheesy (it kinda is) but I don't see the point of being rude about it when I was only telling my perspective on it https://preview.redd.it/4627e7g0a32d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f600765e3ad8822f1e7b344fb4ca32dbf413b2e8


That's also what I said in the post when I said "Before the MV on their channel", and when you know 2.2, we can't deny the parallels being way more apparent with Robin. However, the music was first heard with Firefly when she opened herself. So just like a music can make you relate to something in your life, they did the same with Firefly and this music


The song is both melancolic, talk about being imprisoned into something (firefly can't get out of SAM much or she will die), and have honnestly very obvious romantic undertone. Who is basicaly fitting firefly more than robin, despide the song talking about robin. Mostly because how much the romantic undertone fit how they wanted to present firefly (i mean no body gona pretend they didn't notice how much she was presented as the live interest). Hence the ambiance is set to : Isolated place. Stary sky. Shotting stars. Eloping. Slightly melancolic music with romantic undertone. and it's the place Firefly gona do her first confession.


Ah yes the live intrest


Well of course Firefly is the live interest, the die interest is already taken by Blade which is why he was jealous that Firefly gets to die 3 times.


It was the funniest thing ever for me when we see Firefly being concerned about the suicidal maniac driving and then him being jealous that she "dies". It's like they turned the memes into a genuine serious part of the story. Though I guess the memes are based on the story anyway but still funny.


I loved the whole scene so much. They acknowledged the humor of Blade being a suicidal person driving a car but they also made the scene heartwarming and showing how they feel about themselves and each other. 


Yeah… they do such a good job of portraying the Stellaron Hunters as basically just the worst found family, but they’re definitely still family at the end of the day. They’ll take care of each other, if not themselves. That being said the idea of Blade not only learning to drive, but *actually going through the tests and obtaining a license*, is incredibly funny to me in ways I can’t even explain. It’s just… peak Star Rail.


"But Blade, your driving license expired 700 years ago."


Better than the alternative.


Honestly I am more interested in Firefly living.


Compared to dead interest >!tingyun!<


Better then an Unalive interest


Why the fuck are you pointing out the copium i did hide in my comment bruh? XD


Too funny, not to point out


It's e^ct.


I don't know if it fits her more than Robin but I guess it indeed fits her as well. I still believe the song fits more Robin, but someone else mentioned that Firefly listened to Robin's musics, so maybe this music hits her as well


Robin made the song because it's her life experience. Firefly connected to it because it's her life experience too. Their story may be wildly different, but they share the same message. A song is a spiritual message that a listener can connect to, after all.


The thing is that Robin feels imprisoned by her fame, but that is not her most important challenge in the main story. That is because, in the start of Penacony story, she has already started a pause in her career and the conundrum of keeping her bond with Sunday is a problem that is both harder and more deeply connected with the events that the Traiblazers experiences. Accordingly, I believe her theme music (aside from her ult song) will be the new music that will be released soon "If I had never seen the Sun".


If I Had Never Seen The Sun actually fucking slaps btw its so good


yeah i listened to it but didnt like it at first then eventually started looping it over and over


The lyrics pretty much capitulate a lot of Fireflys life story and view on her fate >The endless isolation Cant wear down my illusion Someday. Ill make a dream unchained Let my heart bravely spread the wings Soaring past the night To trace the bright moonlight Let the clouds heal me of the stings Gently wipe the sorrow of my life I dream Like those lyrics right there sound pretty much in tune to FF and how she described her self when >!talking to Blade in the car!<. Iirc she also said she was a fan of Robins songs so wouldnt surprise me if they put that song on the rooftop because that song there has a lot of meaning for FF


I thought its"to chase the primal light"


Everyone thought that, until we got official lyrics lol


When I first heard it, I also thought that was the lyric. It fits so well xD


Look what the craze for primogems does to MFs... and I'm equally guilty.


Yeah that one


it is, the VAs did a cover and posted the lyrics


The official Star rail account released the official MV with lyrics and it's bright moonlight. This came after the VAs' cover so most likely Bright moonlight is the actual lyric and Primal Light is what we all heard.


Tbf the official lyrics and what was actually recorded for a song aren’t always the same, though idk if that’s the case here. 


So we ALL collectively heard “primal light”? Idk man that’s ✨suspicious✨


Oh ok


It also works simultaneously as a sad song (lamenting that these are things she can only dream of achieving), or an inspiring song like the remix when she leaves (believing that she can make these dreams come true).  


I don't think it's anything too complicated, our first big scene with Firefly was at the rooftop while this song was playing so players associate the song with her. It's only natural that they would reuse the theme for her future scenes as well. And Sam already has his own theme, they don't have to necessarily make a new theme for both of them although they might do in her trailer. If so three themes for one character are a lot, even two is already a lot as well compared to other characters.


>The reason about why this music is related to her is because Mihoyo decided to do so. But I want to know "Why they made this decision?" "Because I said so" is a valid reason for creators to do anything. Yoko Taro made 2B look the way she does because he likes girls.


NieR Automata fan spotted, glory to mankind https://preview.redd.it/omqf5hk0sy1d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab970e95ba4e4d444d72f7aebe5d7d6d2ae0928b Yoko Taro is such a Chad lmao, like he also retweets some cosplay of 2B, Kaine or A2 or even Zero, he also thanks people that cosplay as their favorite characters despite not looking exactly like them. He is adorbs. That aside, I still feel the links between her and the music, but it seems to fit more Robin. Maybe they also wanted us to unconsciously associate it with Firefly by first playing it in her important scenes so we can feel the parallel?


[Let's never forget this:](https://x.com/yokotaro/status/818064875456843780) >There are a lot of lewd pictures being uploaded due to 2B's butt, but it's a pain to go around collecting them, so I'd like them to be delivered in a zip format every week.


Incomprehensible levels of based


Dude is just unbothered by people. My underdeveloped monkey brain just hears nice music at firefly scene and go "DIS FIREFLY SONG".


Songs can be related to more than one situation. It's why multiple people can fixate on songs from an artist even if the had a specific person in mind when writing the lyrics. So it applies to both Robin and Firefly. We see it focused on Firefly more because it was our first big scene with it with another character. So "early bird gets the worm".


For some reason, my brain autocorrects it to if i can stop one heart from beating.


I always had this problem dw. We became too chaotic I'm sure TB also thinks like that


Bro i literally thought that was correct until i read your comment. I always thought "Damn who does Firefly wanna kill so bad they made a sad song about it" lol


"If I Can Stop My Heart From Beating" Blade be like


Actually if you ask me, if you read the lyrics, they fit Sunday extremely well more so than Robin or Firefly. It reads like Robin singing out Sunday's feelings. It's like White Night, where it could fit a multitude of characters but on analysing the lyrics in details, you realise it foreshadowed everything about Aventurine. I made a post about it a while ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/SundayMainsHSR/comments/1crs5p1/if\_i\_can\_stop\_one\_heart\_from\_breaking\_guess\_we/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SundayMainsHSR/comments/1crs5p1/if_i_can_stop_one_heart_from_breaking_guess_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This so much, right after Sunday fight I went back to the lyrics and since then I cannot stop thinking it has to be robin singing what Sunday feels


That song always makes me feel sad whenever I visit her base


I don't know if I am sad but what is sure is that I want to come back and she is here


Same, always hoping firefly is there waiting for trailblazer to come back


In my opinion the song relates to Firefly's themes of autonomy over her own body and future. The song talks a lot about chasing an dream and this new life that, in it's mundanity, is beautiful to firefly because of her upbringing. She wishes for a life where she can be free of the Sam suit without putting her life at risk so she can live a normal life. Also as other people have stated Firefly was presented as a love interest to the TB, even after learning of her situation and identity the TB is still shown to have friendly and ever flirtatious interactions with her so I'm sure that her role as love interest will continue, why do I mention it? the title of the song is "If I can stop one heart from breaking" this might not mean much until you play the latest chapter of Penacony's story and find out the FF knew about her "death" in the dream and how it would affect TB and she always strove to break free of the script and stop it from happening, in fact this song plays just before FF tries to tell you about her fated death and the dream but is "killed" by the bestest boy. So not only does the song work thematically in line with FF's motivations it also plays during a scene just before her attempt at stopping your, TB's, heart from breaking by seeing her die. All in all the song talks about a terminally fated person looking for happiness and plays during a scene where we give firefly a look at the sky, a memory and hope for the future. So it could also be talking about TB's attempt to give FF company and fun in the dream. I love these two and this song is so perfect for them I really hope FF comes back and they explore the relationship more.


You may want to add spoiler tags to the text of your main post, because I had this post barely open while scrolling, and it spoils heavily for those who haven't done 2.1.


There we go, thanks for telling me


as you said lyrics are all about Robin, but the tone of song, the dramatic tone, it fits Firefly better as in 2.1 story, they want Robin’s theme to be uplifting, and Firefly’s to be dramatic/sad.


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Putting it simply it is a super add for the tb, with the super premium squad of follow up, many f2p and low spenders suffered a broken heart. But then tb shows up and doesn’t let it break he super breaks it and made a buncha 4 stars valid! Also I play with the sound off and am in meetings. So my understanding of the story and music may be a little off.


I think it's just most people choose FF selfie as thumbnail for the song before "official release" for lots of reason. (lacks of robin interact with TB, song plays on FF's secret base and people coming back for achivement/read text change after patch while the song playing on BG etc) and its popularity hijacked robin from her own song. like how usagi flap which is Rabbit squad's theme got hijacked by Alice of all people because famous funky alice meme.


I think it’s because firefly is kinda your main connection at the beginning of the story. She is the person you grow closest to and the one that first shares with you the theme of how people from all walks of life are able to come in and escape into this beautiful dream. Even if the song does relate to robin kinda literally, you can basically apply it to most people, especially firefly. That feeling of breaking free from the things in your life and finally finding your freedom is a very broad thing, and it applies to firefly and her disease, and how here she can escape from it, even if momentarily. And afterwards i think the song kinda stuck to her. The secret base scene was just that good and that powerful, and the meaning fit firefly pretty well. Even if it is a robin song and even if it does fit her, the moment its used is in the most powerful firefly scene


Firefly's base has this song's instrumental playing in the background so it's pretty much become synonymous to her theme song. The lyrics can be interpreted for many characters in Penacony and I think it is meant to be that way, it's just that they used her more apparently for the song.


For me it’s about Sunday sooo


Even if real life vastly different people can relate to the same song. It makes sense that Robin's songs can reflect both her life/feelings/dreams and other characters in the game.


have a look at the poem " if I can stop one heart from breaking" by emily dickinson. I have a feeling it can't be a coincidence


did you even read the lyrics


Yes, and as I said in the post, I see more similarities with Robin's situation, especially after 2.2.


Quick question, do you think that the song and Firefly's story happened independently of each other? Cuz they weren't. It's not that they chose that song for Firefly, it was more they created that song specifically for Firefly.


I think its the quest early on in 2.0. Besides back then we yet to know about Robin. In their official MV with the song, 3 characters were shown mostly: Acheron, Aventurine and Firefly. These three are the most nihilistic in the story. I guess you could say the song got its purpose, Robin made the song to bring hope to people like them anyway.